Newspaper Page Text
tils jc: CIRCUS PARADE IN TOPEKA TODAY J0K1T USE OF FGLES. A National committee Has Devised a Feasible Flan. Atlantic City. N. J., Oct. 11. The nation al committee on the joint use of poles, representing the American Electric Rail way advocation, the National Electric as sociation, the American Telephone and Telegraph company and the American In stitute of Electrical Engineers, has pre sented to the conventon of the frst named organisation here its- report on the joint e of Doles. This committee has been at work for two years-devising specifica tions and a form 01 agreement governing the use of the same poles by public util ities, whose wires carry . varying voltages. While public utility men nave long seen the desirability both from the standpoint of economy and from public convenience of such joint use, the fact that the cur rent carried over the wires of the differ ent companies varied so greatly in volt age has caused the question of safety to interfere with joint use. The committee, on wmch are some of the leading electrical experts in the coun try, has devised specifications and as-1 signing to each voltage its proper place on the poles and believes it has obviated all points of danger. The general adoption ' of the agreement and specifications by j companies throughout the country will, 1 it is estimated, reaucea tne number of poles In cities and villages about two-1 thirds. The Parade of the liagenbeck-Wallace Show This Moraine;. The parade of the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus went up and down Kansas avenue shortly before IS o'clock today. The afternoon performance began at 2 o clock. The evening performance will begin at 8 o'clock. Tickets can be purchased at the Rowley drug store at the same prices as at the fair grounds. The Hagenbeck-Wallace shows are said to import more -expensive animals than any show in this country. Their collection of wild and tame animals is believed to be unequaled. $1 20 Pounds SUGAR for Best Granulated (when yon purchase $4.00 worth of other Groceries or Meats). Phone 660 Free Delivery PROGRAM IS FOPULAR Hann's Jubilee Singers at Auditorium Monday Night- ' Santa Fe Pay-Day Specials Pure Lard, 15c quality, Dried Sweet Corn, from Ohio, very fancy quality, lb 15ff Potatoes, choice Northern, 60 lb. to the bushel .744 Soap, White Rose, 10 bars 25 Soap, Pearl White, 7 bars. .25 Prime Chuck Roasts, lb.. .12 I Eggs, fresh country, dpz., .22. Cabbage, fancy solid North- ; ern grown, lb 1 V4 4 100-lb. lots $1.15 Breakfast Bacon, "Majestic," 35c values, lb. 30 fi By the strip, lb ; . .28 Dried Peaches, new pack, 3 lbs., for 25 Hams, fancy quality, sugar cured, half or whole ham, lb 17 Mr Honey, fine quality, rack..l7f5 Cookies, fine assortment, lb 121 Table Syrup, No. 10 can, "called gallon," fine quality, can 35c Flour, "The Regal, makes extra, fine bread, 48 lb. sack . $1.39 Navy Beans, fancy Michigan, hand picked, 4 lbs 25 Rice, fancy whole grain, 4 b.25f Smoked Ham, sliced lb 25 T Cheese, white Wisconsin, lb.. 18c Dill Pickles, 20c size, doz 12c Other Items The Hann's Jubilee Singers who will be heard in concert at the Auditorium next Monday evening will sing everything from simple melodies of the south to difficult grand opera selections. The organisation is being brought here by the Topeka local union and the proceeds will go towards hospital and flower work. Prof. N. E. Dennis, a member of the company, is a well known pipe organist. He Is said to handle the organ with the art and skill of a born musician. He is also an accomplished pianist. He will play on the big pipe organ at the Audi torium and will also show his ability as a pianist. Many line parties have been planned for the entertainment and a good house is assured. The seat sale will start at J. C. Wolcotfs at eight o'clock Thursday morning. . Coming; f or More Mooey. : London, ; Oct. . .l4.T K. B. Wyman, head of , the f information bureau of the American relief, committee in London, sailed today for New York accompanied . j his ; wife. Mr. Wy man will endeavor to raise money in America to continue the committee's work. Bombs rrnj nn Trslns Nancy, via Paris, Oct. 14. Three bombs from German aeroplanes fen in the railway station near the bridge of the Rue de Hon Desert in the southwestern part of the city. The bombs struck a. first class passenger coach,' cut the telegraph wires and Injured three persons. ; Riverside Aer Duct Stoves at Forbes Kansas Hardware Co. Adv. RIA For Infuts aad OUUrta In Um For Over ZO Yi Always tears the of All Women and Men Welcome MISS VASHTl CECELUA BITLER, grad uate of The Emerson School of Oratory, Boston, a young lady of ability, attractive ana charming. Musk direction of Mrs. Irma. Dorter Fanuworth A Short, Snappy, enjoyable Program Promised Shawnee County Democratic Club TONIGHT AT NEW ENGLAND BUILDING Over Kre- ft and 1 $17.50 Nsw SiS at 012.SO torical, and have been preserved be cause of the interesting story from which the photodrama closely follows. The management believes Iris patrons will find "William Tell" a particularly interesting pnotopiay. At the Novelty. There will be a complete change in the vaudeville program at the Novelty tomorrow, five new acts replacing those playing their closing perform ance tonight. According to advance notices received by the management tne new dui promises to equal tne one It will replace. Tonight's program is made up of The Musical Macks, in "A Night in California;" Martyn and Valerio, in a clever singing and danc ing turn; Mile. Savoy, the singing Venus, in a series of pretty poses; the Plympia Trio in a blend of harmony and humor, and the Three Martyna in an interesting exhibition of hand balancing. At the Orpheum. The program today contains two ex ceptional features. The seventeenth episode of the Million Dollar Mystery. "The Battle of Wits" will contain some important scenes leading to the final episodes soon to be seen. Some very interesting situation develop in this number. "The Will 'o the Wisp," the wonderful four-act Balba feature, will prove to be an eye opener even to those who have learned of the wonders of cinematography.- A peculiarly graceful romance in connection with a devastating' flood in California forms the plot of the story. The rescue of the heroine's blind father from the fury of the flood is almost superhuman. At the Cozy. In "Out of the Air." a two part Mu tual movie being shown at the Cozy ' theatre today, one of the thrilling scenes is that in which an aeroplane alights on train going at full speed. The aviator uses this method of captur ing a criminal who Is attempting to I make his escape by stealing a train. ! As is usual with the Mutual produc- I tions, the treatment is quite a bit out ' of the ordinary in this feature. Other good films are also on the program. At the Best. Today and tomorrow the Best theatre is featuring a three reel wild animal production planned along very dramatic lines. Mme. T)n cm r whn ; waII At Auditorium. i known for hf- Wnrlr Jl m line animals The United States Marine band, un- takes the leading role in the picture, der the personal leadership or J-.iuet, which is called: " 'Neath the Lon's i William H. Santelmann, will come to,paw." a large number of lions are Topeka for two concerts tne aiternoon . used, some of them apparently never We Sell the FREE Sewing Machine on EASY TERMS We SeU the FREE Sewing; Machine on BAST TE5H3 REVIVAL SUNDAY. Meetings at Lowman Hill Church by Reverand Batch. Through an error it was reported in the city today that revival meetings would negin this evening at the uram niu Methodist cnurcn. rue wlll begin Sunday evening. Rev Balch, pastor of the church, will be assisted by Dr. John Calfee, known in the west as "the men's evangelist. In addition to being a missionary Dr. Calfee won a wide reputation as pastor of sev eral churches in western cities. Miss Kthyl M. Bradley of New York will sing at all the services. Leaders of the var ious committees in charge of the meetings are: C. H. Jasperson, general arrange ments; C. G. Morrison, personal work; Dr. C. W. Schwart, music; Mrs. 8. D. Colvin, invitations: G. K. Larkins, prayer meetings, and J. E. Wilson in charge of the ushers. , Dr. Calfee will preach at the morning services at the church and every evening of the following week except Saturday. AT THE THEATERS. Cooking Apple, good, peck Mackerel, fine new, about 1 lb. weight , Coffee, Fresh Roasted, 30c val. lb. Pancake Flour, fresh goods. 3 pkg. Baked Beans. No. 3 can, each ... 20c ISc 23c 25c .9c Baking Powder, 25-oz. can 18c Baking Chocolate, lb. cake .... 15c Pulverized Sugar, lb ...10c Peas, Corn and Baked Beans. 3 cans . 25c Tvtry Soap, 10-cent bars.. ..2 for 15c Fresh Seeded Raisins, per pkg. . . . 10c Mixed Candy, good quality, lb.... 10c Cornflakes, Monarch, the- finest quality. 10c pkgs. 2 for 15c Olive, short quart Jars 21c Compound. bt quality, lb. ...... 10c Salmon, choice oily, red. fine fla vor: 6 tall cans. $1.00 Butterlne, pound 32 c, 20e. 17 c, 15c Butter, best Creamery, plain wrap per, lb .32c Wheat Germ, ood as Cream of Wheat, at about M the cost; 6-pound sack .....;.. 25c Ciftars, "Cubanos," made In To peka ...2 for So Box of 50 $1.20 Matches. 5c pkers S for 10c gnri niirht of Wednesday.. uctODer under the management of Horace Whitehouse. dean of the musical de partment of Washburn college. Since Mr. Whitehouse came to Washburn he has always been on the lookout for the best in music for the benefit of the people of Topeka. When he found that it was possible to secure two con certs by the United States Marine band he lost no time in engaging the organi zation. He knows what a wonderful band it is. The chart will open at Gullet's music store Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Mail orders will be filled in turn as they are received. The na.l.a -nrfll h 3ftrnnnii Zft. u ana to cents and night 25, 50 At the Hip. Vendetta, a five act photodrama of tremendous interest, adapted from Marie Corelli's story of that name, will be shown for two days at the Hip commencing today. Lest her readers should deem her story of the Vendetta one of improbability and evolved sole ly from imagination. Miss Corelli in her preface to the work asserts that Its chief incidents are founded on an actual occurrence which took place in Naples during the last scathing visita tion of the cholera in 1884. As the photodrama follows the story closely in the main incidents, some of them positively terrific in their visualization, it is well to remember that there are more things in real life than are dreamed of in our philosophy. Mme. Regina Badet will head the exception ally strong cast in this feature having been especially engaged by Mr. Klelne. See Hip advertisement for schedule of shows. At the tris. ." ; having been trained or, subdued in any way, and this adds much to the many thrilling situations depicted. SURE WAY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF End Itching Scavip and Stop Ilalr At Once. railing Best Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for Jpl with a Si order of other goods IrerBros taupnarTHs bast 6. : E. 'orner Sixth Jackson. Phone 660. Try State Journal Ad for Regatta, The bill at the Iris today and tomor row is "William Tell." the famous drama by Schiller. The production is in . six acts, replete with interest,, magnificent in photography, with Al pine scenery of magnificence and grandeur. The part of William Tell is taken by Karl Kienlechner, whose por trayal of the character is said to be most brilliant. The atoryof the legen dary hero of Switzerland is said to be taken from the "chronicle" of Peter man Utterin, clerk of the court in Lu cerne and captain in the wars against Duke Charles of Burgundy. . The Ten legend in Its Swiss form appeared for the first time in the latter part of the fifteenth century In a manuscript known as the "White Book of garment." which places the .events-after the ac cession of Rudolph to the Austrian throne in 1273. Schiller's drama, "William Tell," is, however,, founded upon other "chronicles," which say that the main incident ' occurred in 1307. They are not well enough authenticated to be regarded as hut- There is one sure way that never 75 cents and $1. 1 ,ai,s to remove dandruff completely anu uiai is 10 aissoive u. 'inis de stroys it entirely. To do this, Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it no matter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silkly and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. If you want to keep your hair look ing rich, do by all means get rid of dandruff for nothing destroys the hair so quickly. It not only starves the hair and . makes it fall out, but it makes it stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and lifeless, and everybody no tices it. Tou can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Adv. I T PHOTO'S , If ' m mwm a m ( tolviile s Mudio U 632 Kansas Avenue II j. P. C0LVILLE, Prop. JJ . MBS HAKKK. tnirtil . j0T bC e H W a 0 e o a .5 w CO H W K fa be E3 to H W D3 Evemi nkouflgh Youa Csum't Bale of Coitttoini a .Villi Iff.- can still help move Texas and Oklahoma cotton by buying American Made Cotton Bedding. We are going to make it well worth your while to lend a hand in the great movement which President Wilson started when he, himself, bought a 500-pound Bale of Cotton. We ex pect to be able to place 100 mattresses, each containing 50 pounds of cotton, in this three days of special prices thereby taking care of 10 bales of cot ton. That will help our neighbor states some, and it will help you even more, for the prices mean genuine money savings to you. $3.60 Cotton-topped Mattresses go in this sale at. .$2.19 4.50 Cotton-topped, Batting Mattresses, this. 3.15 '5.50 Reversible Cotton Mattress, this week only. 4.15 6.75 40-lb Felt Mattress, reduced for this week to. 4.95 y 7.50 50-tb Felt Mattress, our special at. . .V. ....... 5.65 Lt 8.50 Extra Fine, Long Felt Mattress, this Week. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 6.75 ,; 10.00 Mattress, similar Vto above, but of still better quality. ... .... 7.75 14.00 quality, with extra felt and fancy ticking. . . . . 10.00 20.00 quality; our very best Mattress, offered as a special induce ment this week at. . . 14.00 Bargains in Aurora airnd Brass BsnsssssCr 11 3db A regular $2.25, full size Iron Bed in green QQ . enamel finish, special for this week, only. 7oC Iron Bed, constructed with 2-inch continuous posts and tops, in oxidized copper, Vernis Martin or white enamel finish; regular $7.00 value, for this OC sale V W 2-inch post, Vernis Martin bed, with heavy rod filling in head and foot; regular price, $9.50. j For this week yDeDD Genuine Brass Bed with 2-inch posts and five filler-rods in head and foot. This is massive and very handsome in appearance, and is a regular $11.75 bed. For this week, only $U0) . 2-inch, continuous post Brass Bed, with five coats of lacquer in satin finish, selling regularly at $17.50. This artistic piece of furniture is one of our most Ail C attractive special offerings this week, at. . . . -Olloftd 2-inch square post bed in Vernis Martin or white enamel finish. Reduced from its regular, sale price of $14 and offered as a special attraction this 500 Pillows, selling regularly at $1.50 each Ot this week, only : . ... 100 Pillows of the regular $3.00 quality, JQ ; BEDDHNG SPEOALS In our Bedding Department we are showing some exceptional values in cotton-made Comforts and Blankets, as well as in the woolen. Below we quote a few prices on some close-out numbers: COMFORTS 25 home-made Comforts. 72x90 Inches, made from best grade SilkoUne, filled with one-piece quilted, pure white downy 0 QQ cotton, yarn tied. A-$4.00 value, each IS extra heavy satin covered Comforts, full size, quilted; $3.00 quality. Each 24 extra heavy Challie Covered Comforts, regular size. S2.00 erade. Each ..' 36 heavy Challie Covered Comforts, regular $1.50 value; special at each ROBES "15 heavy All Wool Auto Robes, full size, assorted colors in plaids and fringed $.50 values. Special at each LINOLEUM .$1.75 $1.35 ...98c $4.95 65c Printed Linoleum, square yard 75c Printed Linoleum, square yard $1.25 Inlaid Linoleum, square yard . ,.Mc ..55c ..69c BLANKETS 7 5c Cotton Blankets, pair-...;......'..."... 4c $1.25 Cotton Blankets, white, tan and grey, pair ...tSc $1.75 Cotton Blankets, white, tan and grey, pair HJ9 $2.60 heavy Cotton Blankets, tan and grey, pair ........... .91.1 $2.75 Heavy Wool Nap Blankets, white, tan and grey, pair $l.t $3 Heavy Cotton Blankets, plaids pink, inn. bine, grey, pr. $MI ROOM SIZE RUGS $25.00 Axmfnster Rugs, slightly mismatched, six good patterns. Sxl 2 feet. Each ....................... . $$0.00 Axminater Rugs. talZ ft. discontinued patterns, extra heavy; Just rugs left. Each........ carpets C9c Brussels Carpet, no border, yard................ $1.26 Wilton Velvet Carpet, no border, yard,. 910.75 .021.75 .4Bq .19o Smahtzer-Spiel We SeU the FREE Sewing Uachine on EASY TERMS We Sell the FREE Sewing Kaehiae BAST