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-CP CPZZA DAILY C7ATU JQTO Air-VIZIlCDAY ITTIl.a, CG7nT;i 14, ici. IN NORTH TOPEICA Candidates' Signs, Thrown In V - Streets, Scare Horses. K. L. of S. Lodges Entertain at Victor HalL ducks areflyi;;g south Diphtheria Cases Reported on This Side. Other News Notes of Interest in North Shawnee. Candidates' signs that were on the telephone poets in North Topeka have been torn off and thrown in the street, scare many horses. This Is the chief topic of interest given out by a number of North side residents this morning. The mayor gave orders to the police department to remove all signs from the telephone poles, but not to throw them in the streets. This morning all over North Topeka streets could be seen posters that had been torn off of the poles. Victor Council Entertains. Victor Council No. 4, of the Knights and Ladies of Security, In connection with the four other councils in the city will give an entertainment tomorrow night In their hall at 1000 North Kansas avenue. This entertainment will be the first step In the campaign for one thousand new members by the first of the year. Refreshments will be served and an interesting program will be given. Docks Are Flying. Ducks and geese are going south In large flocks. These cold damp days are fine for the duck hunters. Although the real sportsman says "duck hunting Is not in season until after the first of November," quite a few can be seen on the river and soldier creek now. Colored Republican Club Meets. The colored Republican club will hold a political rally this evening at the C. K. P. hall, 608 "B" street. Judge W. P. Schoch will be the principal speaker of the evening. Music will be furnished by the club quartet. A number of county UGH! NOT CALOMEL, OIL OR SALTS, TAKE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS." Delicious "fruit laxative" cleanses stomach, liver and bowels. A harmless cure for sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, constipation. Indigestion, coated tongue, sallowness take "California Syrup of Figs." For the cause of all such misery comes from a torpid liver and sluggish bowels. A tablespoonful tonight means all constipation poison, waste matter, fer menting food and sour bile gently moved out of your system by morning without griping. Please don't, think of BANNER THURSDAY SALE Broken $ 11 A .50 Lines IJIUWILS You will find the latest Redingote, Cossack, Military and Modified Basque styles represented in this lot of Suits to be closed out tomorrow at Tomorrow you can buy $12.50 College Coats at $30.00 Salts Plush Coats in C large sizes, Skinner satin P lined, at. . ........... . ... . Railroad Fares Refunded Walk-Overs 03.50 to $6.00 - Distinctly Different This Model (H No. 509 ipO )VER TRENT & SOWERS, Prop. 708 Kansas Ave. The TOOTOGRAPH" System Insures Perfect Fit ting; Shoes Exclusive With Us. nominees will be present. The commit tee in charge of the affair Is composed of M. W. Overton, Don Roach and Walter White. - Diphtheria Is Prevalent. -'Several cases of, diphtheria have been reported to the board of health on the North side.. Only one death mo far is due to the disease. Precaution should be taken by the parents of children, as should an epidemic take place it would result in a number of fatalities. Honeywell Tabernacle Notes. The rain and cold weather of the last few days have somewhat affected the crowds attending the tabernacle services. The North Side people have been doing their part, but fewer people from over the city in general have attended. Last night the audience . was re markably large, although the weather was far from being pleasant. Some were afraid the building would be cold, but the four large stoves made it comfortable. ' Rev. Honeywell spoke on the "Love of God," and the Santa Fe shop's dou ble quartet furnished the music for the evening. Tonight a special musical program has been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Close, which will be given at 7:30. The Knights of Pythias lodges of the city will attend the services In a body this evening. Also an Invita tion has been given to the Interme diate Young People's society of the Baptist church to attend tonight. Prayer meetings . for . Thursday morning will be held at the follow ing residences: ' District No. 1, Mrs. Booth, 92? North Harrison street. District No. 2, Mrs. Adams, 1030 North Jackson street. District No. 3, Mrs. Pollom. 1425 North Kansas avenue. District No. 3, Sec. No. 2, Mrs. Howard, North Holman. District No. 4, Mrs. Stacy, 1628 North Van Buren street. District No. 4, Sec. No. 2. Mrs. G. O. Palmer. 1320 North Topeka avenue. District No. 6. Mrs. T. M. Forbes, 1001 North Monroe street. District No. 7,' Mrs. Redmond, 1241 North Monroe street! District No. 8, Mrs. W. - Casebier, 1335 North Qulncy street.. District No. 9, Mrs. Murphy, Ly man. District No. 10, Mrs. Howard, Shorey. District No. 10, Sec. No. 2, Mrs. Fluke, Shorey. Social and Personal. Wm. Oliver of' Shorey left last night on a short business trip to Ok lahoma, where he has a cotton farm. "California Syrup of Figs" as a physic. Don't think you are drugging yourself or your children, because this delicious fruit laxative can not cause injury. Even the most delicate child can take it as safely as a robust man. It is the most harmless, effective stomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulator and tonic ever devised. Tour only difficulty may be In getting the genuine, so ask your druggist for a 60 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,' then see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup company." This city has many counterfeit "fig syrups," so watch out. Adv. 6:oa,t JL If 1 $10.00 and UIXJM 05 Kansas Ave. 22 Original, Distinctive A GAITER BOOT with decidedly smart lines. Be ing a Walk-Over it is moder ately priced for a really fine creation. Patent vamp with the new shade in Grey Cloth upper. Opp. Palace Clo. Co. A. W. Lacey has returned home after an extended trip in California Mrs. Bertha 7etherholdt is spend ing the day at Emmett on business.: . W. F. George of Kiro .was a North Side vistor today. Jack Reese' of Grantvflle was on the North' Side attending to business this morning. H. C. McKinley of the Citizen's State bank left Tuesday evening for Los Angeles, CaL, called there by the illness of his son Harry. Lee Cook of Elmont was a North Side visitor this morning. Mrs. A. Rickster of Silver Lake Was on the North aA thin 1 W. S. Willitts of 823 North Kansas avenue has recovered from a severe attack of la grippe. Elizabeth Johnston of 1114 North Jackson street is 111 with the diph theria. . , . Fred Morns and Milton Pond were duck hunting on the river Tuesday. An important party of the season, at which a number of the fashionable set were entertained, was given this afternn by Mrs. A. B. Deutsch at the Country club. The affair was a bridge party, and there were guests for ten tables. The. club rooms were unusually in viting, with Oriental rugs -on the floors and an attractive decoration-of flowers. The dining room was in red, and yellow chrysanthemums decorat ed the large reception room of .the club house. ; ' The hostess was gowned In black charmeuse with a trimming of thread lace, and her- hat was a black -velvet with a black bird of Paradise trim ming.. . ... , -., The color combination - is much, liked by the French and so-useful for those whose income is limited is pic tured here In this toque of Wack vel- our with its crown or -closely- massed white roses. This practical . hat fits the head closely, having a narrow rolling brim close to the crown. Mrs. Holmes Meade will entertain the members of her sewing club at their meeting Saturday, at her home, 930 Lincoln street. Mrs. Meade, be fore her marriage about two weeks ago, was Miss Dorothy Scott. She has lately returned from her wedding trip to Colorado. A committee that is to work In the interests of the Red Cross campaign now being conducted in Topeka will have a meeting at three o'clock Fri day afternoon at the home of the chairman, Mrs. F. W. Watson. 401 To peka avenue. The members of the committee are Mrs. Watson, Mrs. John Chaney, Mrs. Thomas Dewey, Mrs. Clement Smith and Mrs. A. S. Ambler. The Alpha Mu Musical society gave a spread Tuesday night at the home of Miss Grace Rickenbacher, for the new girls at Washburn. The guests of the club were: Miss Corinne McSpadden, Miss Vera Link, Miss Vir ginia Talliaferro, Miss Winona Mil lard, Miss Ruth Williams, Miss Kath erlne Harrison, Miss Nina Nicholas, Miss Gertrude Mahin, Miss Bernice Ghitman. After the spread Miss Hazel Wing, the new teacher of piano in Washburn, and Miss Helen Phipps, teacher of violin, played for the girls. The following Is from the Wichita Eagle: "Mrs. Charles H. Smyth gave an In formal tea on Sunday evening com plimentary to Governor and Mrs. George H. Hodges, who have been guests at the Smyth home for the past two days. Among the other guests were: Mrs. Belle VanDorn Harbert of Manzanola, Col., president of Con gress of Farm Women; Mrs. Mary Pierce Van Zile of Manhattan, secre tary of the Congress of Farm Women; Dr. Henry J. Waters, president of the congress. Governor and Mrs. Hodges will leave this evening for Topeka." Th tt unit T club held a meeting Tuesday afternoon in the parlors of the National hotel. It was decided to bring to Topeka, under the auspices of the U ana I ciuo. a lecturer, John Roff. of New York, who has a series of six lectures on art, literature, science and current vents. She will address a body of club women in Kan sas City in November. The date for her lectures in Topeka has not been settled. Miss Alice Meade will entertain her bridge club Friday afternoon of this week. The women of the Duplicate Whist club played Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Capper. Substitutes were Mrs. Schuyler Nichols, Mrs. Arthur Nichols and Mrs. George Parkhurst. The Alta Vista club are planning to spend Wednesday at Lakeview. A meeting of the' club was held Monday of this week with Mrs. Frank Willard, and . the members on- the program were Mrs. D. E. Esterly and Mrs. Julia Farnsworth So per. .-- The West Side Reading club had its annual dinner party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. A. Van Vecten. The hostesses were: Mrs. Van Vech ten, Mrs. L. R. Lane. Mrs. S. J. C rum bine. Mrs. H. C Ewers. Mrs. - J. T. Farnsworth, Mrs. S. J. Hodgins, Mrs. G. O. Wilmarth and Mrs. Emma Port. The members and their husbands at tend this yearly dinner. At a program QJQCIETY It's following the dinner Mrs. A. A. Rodg ers read a paper on "The Signs of the Times." . Meetings this year will be devoted to. the study of the war in Europe. - The members of the club are: Mrs. C. O. Knowles,-- Mrs. W. E. -Atchison, Mrs.. W, W, Cook, Mrs. Mary Andrews, Mrs. A. A. Rodgers Mrs. G. H. Sparks, Mrs.- Clement Smith, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Crumbine, Mrs; Ewers, Mrs. Frans worth, Mrs. Hodgins. Mrs. Wilmarth, Mrs.. Port and Mrs. Van Vechten. -.,.., ... The sewing circles that are making hospital gowns this week had meetings Tuesday all day, and 75 gowns, either finished' or taken home to be finished by the individual sewers, was the day's record. . The sewing bees were held in various homes in different parts of the city. Thursday there will be a sewing circle at the home of Mrs. R. L. Cof ran, 1263 Topeka avenue, and one at the home of Dr. Sarah Kline and her daughter. Miss Maude Mary Kline, 103 Western avenue. The women of the Good Government club, at the meeting last week, deter mined on the making of the hospital gowns to help in the Red Cross relief work, ' and the club decided at that time to buy the material and make the gowns. They Invited women who are not members of their -club to help. It was the club's purpose to make 100 of such-gowns, and they have yet some twenty-five or thirty.- garments to make. All the women, who can help in this' Work are urged to do so. People who wish to -contribute arti cles of clothing for women and chil dren made, destitute Jby the war, may telephone "-to Mrs. O. C. Neiswender, 110 Taylorvtreet- eia'.'- - Notes and Personal . Mention. Dr. and Mrs. W.V."JBowen have gone to.NeWjIork for a trip of six wclcs. Mrs. C. AV "Wilbur, of Boston, will arrive next week to visit friends. She formerly lived in Topeka, leaving for the east about eight years ago. She will visit Mrs. C. O. Knowles, who was her guest a part of last summer, and other Topeka friends. If out -of-town ladies will make their first stop at Courtney's in the morn ing, any re trimming can be finished by lunch time, and special orders for dress or suit hats can be delivered in time to catch evening trains. Hats from the most modest to most- elaborate can al ways be had at Courtney's. 603 Kan sas avenue, second and third floors. Adv. Mrs. J. J. Everhardt Is expected home this week from Duluth,-Minn., where she spent the summer, and wiU be with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Guild. Mr. and Mrs. David - W. . Mulvane went to Kansas City this afternoon to remain for a few days. ; - ' Miss Ruth Cox. of Wathan's Creek, North Carolina, Is visiting her brother, Mr. F. C. Cox, 1525 West street. . Miss Bernice Johnson, of Atchison, has gone to Washington,' D. C, to .en ter the National School: of Domestic art, where she will specialize in do mestic science. Miss Johnson' has been a frequent visitor to Topeka, as a guest of Mrs. Frank Griggs, and her friends here will be interested in the item con cerning her. Mrs. E. G. Williams,; "of Wichita, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.- Edwin Kistler. Mrs. H. C. Alexander , arrived today See what Courtney's have in millinery for this week. Visit the children's de partment. 603 Kansas avenue, second and third floors. Adv. ; to be the guest of Mrs. Kistler. Mrs. Fred Bonebrake, of Osage City., is visiting her relatives in Topeka. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eldridge are visit ing their daughter, Mrs. Everett Young, of Urbana. Illinois, and - relatives in Chicago. ; v : Mrs. I. D. Lewis and her father." the Rev. Mr. Bernard Kelley, of Emporia, are guests today of Mrs. George ' M. Crawford. ' r -' - Mr-. Charles Blood Smith Is In Chi cago on a business trip. ' Mr. R. F. Hayden, Mr, Jim McClure, and Mr. W. P. Montgomery- have -been in Leavenworth attending the federal court sessions this weesi . r ' . Professor Carl Preyer. who played, at RELIEVE YOUR ASTHT.IA IN FIFTEEN MINUTES If Asthmador does not Instantly re lieve the very worst attacks os Asthma, Bronchial Asthma and the Asthmatic symptoms accompanying Hay Fever your money will be re turned, is the terms upon which Geo. W. Stansfleld, 632 Kansas avenue, an nounces he Is selling Dr. Rudolph Schiffmann's Asthmador. No matter how Inveterate or obstinate your case, or how often or violent the attacks, Asthmador will Instantly relieve you, usually in ten seconds, ' but always within fifteen minutes. This Druggist has been authorised by the Doctor to sell every package of his Asthamador on a guarantee to return, the money in every single case where it does not give Instantaneous relief, or is not found the very best remedy ever used. Ton will be the sole Judge yourself and under this positive . guarantee by Geo. W. Stans field absolutely no risk Is run in buy ing this remedy. Persons living elsewi-are will be supplfed under the same" guarantee by their local druggist or direct by Dr. R. Schlffmann, St. PauL Minn. Adv. CLOTHES ON EASY PAM1ENTS Your Opportunity to STARTLING OFFER ' ' SBSSBSBBsVBSBHBSBSSBSSBSSBSSBSSSSSlBSBBasSaBl IBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbSBbBbBBbBbBbI You win at Harris-Goar's in a walkaway. We are exceedingly anxious get acquainted with us and our method of selling; on easy payments. Special A Beautiful Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool, hand tailored. one suit that you can wear the year around. ' SPECIAL And we ask yon to make your own terms. You don't need cash to take care of Harris-Goar Bargains. Make a small deposit if you like and the balance in small weekly or monthly payments to suit your own convenience. . " Latest Fall and Winter styles ready for your inspection. We have all shades and models to offer you at reasonable prices. Look These Over Today HARRIS-GOAR CO. 104 E. 6th St. the Ladies Music club concert this af ternoon, and Mrs. Preyer, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Glover while they are in Topeka. They will return to Lawrence Thursday. : Mr. Alex Smith, " of Birmingham, Washington, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mauney and their fam ily, 1110 West street. Mrs. C. E. Mau ney and "her daughter, Melba. arrived today to visit Mr. Mauneys father, Mr. H. W. Mauney. on their way from Missouri, where they have been visit ing Mrs. Mauneys mother. The Taka Art Embroidery club will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. 8. Alexander, 1105 College avenue. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the First Methodist church will meet Thursday afternoon at three o'clock with Mrs. C. G. Colburn, 1034 Topeka avenue. Special preparation has been made for the fifteenth at Courtney's. Every millinery need can be satisfied. Adv. Mrs. W. E. Main, who spent two months visiting her mother. Mrs. Ed win Aim, of Chicago, has returned home, accompanied by Mrs. Aim, .who will be her guest two or three months. Announcement has Just been made by Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Snyder of the mar riage of their daughter. Marguerite, to Mr. Emory H. Johnson, which took place July 17, 1914. Florida East Coast land owners and others Interested with meet at Art Loft Studio, 913 Kansas avenue, on Wed nesday evening, October 14, at 8 o'clock and hear Mr. H. S. Falrchild of West Palm Beach. Adv. Two New Tunnels. New York, Oct. 14. Ground was brpken- yesterday, for the two new tun nels under the East river which are to connect Manhattan and Brooklyn. The tunnels will connect White Hall street, Manhattan and Montague street, Brook lyn, as a part of the so-called new dual system of rapid transit and will cost $5,974,809. The total length of the tun nels will be 6,800 feet. The maximum depth from mean high water to the base of the rail will be 87 feet. IN FIVE r.ffiJUTES NO SICK STOMACH, INDIGESTION, GAS 'Tape's Diapepsln" is the Quickest and Sorest Stomach Relief. If what you Just ate Is souring on your stomach or . lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and -eructate . sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste In mouth, arid stomach headache, you can surely -get relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to. show .you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape's - Diapepsln, then you will understand why dyspep tic troubles of all kinds must go, and why it relieves, sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion in five min utes. "Pape's Diapepsln" is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest, and prepare for assimila tion into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go- to - the table with a healthy appetitite; but what will please you most, is that you will feel- that your stomach and Intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will not need-to, resort to .laxatives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. This city will have many "Pape's Diapepsln" cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthusiastic about: this splendid stomach preparation,- too. If you ever take It for in digestion, - gases, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any- stomach- misery. Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach misery -and Indi gestion in five minutes. Adv. jfc--- er '-f I - . 1:-,' w .: f Take Advantage of $H j.OO A Dollar and You Wear a Diamond EAam.4 ellh.V. Pi liri 1 1 lifUJS Just Man Orders Filled In Patents. Dull Calf, and Kid Heights of Heels from Low Flat THt BIG r SHOE STOKE Mi $75.00 yi ,1000 'h " Take Tw Ckin iW. k,d?y V ur 3r Pyment Pan enables mar jp' responsible person to enjoy a diamond, (f? tne attention and courtesy a diamond al- ways brings the distinction of being successful The Santa Fe Watch Co. MI Kansas Ave. Topeka, Kan. SPECIAL Exceptional Values. Three Large Tables of Trimmed Hats $3.00 to $5.00. Thursday and Friday . MRS. C. H. MORRISON " 603 Kansas Ave, , "i .'.:-:: To Our ' that you Just the 'L . .. New and Sllshtly Used - -XLL MAKES ' ' Sale of Rest Remington, visible, No. 10. ' L. C. Smith, Olivers,- Royals, No. 10 and No. 6's, slightly used, at bargains. Rebuilt Olivers. 115.00. Oliver No. 6, latest improved, prlnt type. Topeka Typewriter Exrfcary 429 Kansas Ave. r i I .CO lliat AH For This Prettiest of the New Fall Styles Made of Soft Patent Leath er Topped with fine Black Cravenette or Broetdo Vesting; has slender Taper in Toe; No Tip; High Con cave Heel; Light Weight . Walking Sole. 18 Other Styles at Tib Leathers Different Toes AU to High Kidney Heels. TfS KANSAS AVE