Newspaper Page Text
I. TUB TOPCSA DAILY STATE, JOTOITIIUIUH)AY EVEUinO CCT03FT 15, 1914. It JERRY ON THE JOB TIIEY HAD A FAT CHANCE UITH MYRTLE TALKING V -0Y nODAD i innr lAir mm rru i v . iwk salk real, estate. for sale miscellaneottt i legal, i legal.- i monbt WAV A Y AND MISCELLANEOUS ADS ADVERTISING RATES. The rate Tor Inserting Want Ads In The Topeka State Journal fa one cent a word each Insertion, minimum 10 cents; by the week i cents a word, minimum to cents. COUNT THE WORDS of your Ad. In cluding four words for State Journal ad dress when such address Is used; count each "Initial" letter and each number or combination of figures as one word. CLOSING HOUR: Want Ads to ba classified properly la The Topeka Stat Journal must be In The State Journal office before 12:46 o'clock Want Ada re ceived after that hour will be Inserted un der the heading: "Too Late to Classify, or next day as desired. OUT 'fi'rv advertisements must be accompanied with cash or check In full fsyment for the same. Note the forego ne; Instruction about counting the words and the rates per word for The Topeka State Journal. 830 R K AJj ES TA TKJT RASS KER M. L. Murdock to C. I Berner, pt. lots 45-47 Ella St., pleasant Vltw add $ W. Schick and wife to J. G. Stone back, lots 18 8to 36 S. Jackson St.; also lots 22-28 N. Jackson St., Mill lilk. and lot 31 pt. 29 Kansas ave.... 1 E. M. Bedwell and husband to E. Wall, lot 164 n. 166 Quincy st 1 M. W. Doran and husband to A. A. Armstrong, lots 97 pt. 99 Throop St.. Throop's add m 2.000 L. A. Nelswanger to W. A. Nels wanger, lots 418-420 n. 416 Cedar St., Barnes add 1 L. A. Neiswanger to W. A. Nels Wanger, lots 418-20 n. 16 Cedar St., Bates add 1 Elmhurst Investment Co. to C. K. Klllott and wife, lots 25-27-29 Wil mington Court, Plnehurst add Mt.S MAMfcb to learn tne oarber trade. No limit to terms, best and latest meth ods; position secured; commission paid while learning; tools given absolutely free with the lowest tuition ever offered. Call or write Topeka Barber College. S27 Kan sas ave.. Topeka. WANTED Railway mall clerks. Com mence $75.00 month. 3.0CO appointments coming. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute. Dep't 11-8.. Ro chester, N. Y. wanted. Good pay. Fine positions. Pay Plan. Apply Liberty institute. Rochester. WANTED By Lukens Bros., North To peka an expert furnace man. BOY with wheel at once, 87.60 per week. 112 West 8th. WANTED Rug weavers. O. McCormick Rug Factory, 522 Van Buren. 426 LOST AXI FOUND. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED HoteTlaundry women, out of town, $20 month, board and room; din ing room girls; women cooks; house girls; Kitchen help, maids:. men waiters: 2nd cook, boy with wheel; dairy hands. Fur- man, 811 Kansas ave. Phone 662. WANTED Stenographer for general office work. Address stating experience, references and salary wanted. M., care Journal. 11MAL0W! New, 5 rooms, 3 piece bath, large re ception hall, cemented basement, I bed rooms. West side. Price $2,000. $50 cash, balance easy monthly terms. New, 5 rooms. S piece bath, 1H lota, east front, full cemented basement, close In, cement walks, never occupied, price $2,250, $100 cash, balance easy monthly terms. New, 5 rooms, S piece bath, combination furnace, cemented cellar decorated, light fixtures, U4 east front lots, close to car and downtown. Price $2,000 $200 cash, balance easy terms. AGENCY 534 Kansas Ave Phone 505. HUNDREDS government Jobs open to women. Big pay List free. Franklin Institute. Dep't 62S 8, Rochester, N. T. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAT the highest casn price for cast off clothing, shoes, hats and overcoats. Drop us a card or call Gordon Bros.' loan office, 400 Kansas ave. Phone 1079. WANTED Everybody to look on the back of his telephone book, and read our advertisement. The Topeka Transfer Storage Co. WANT to buy house and lot north of 8th street and west of Kansas ave., $2,600. Exchanges made; farm loans. A. L. Fur- man, 811 Kanaaa ave.. Topeka. WANTED SITUATIONS. xtnalTTnv- WiKTirn hv A.I nttnrttr w employed. Can furnish : reference. Will leave city. Address Stenographer, care Journal. j WANTED Position as clerk in- drug j fnM. J. A. H care Chesterfield Hotel. SEWING by the day by experienced seamstress. Phone 163L 208 E. 6th. WE PAT highest cash price for 2nd hand clothing, shoes, hats and overcoats. Drop a card or call 1(46. E. Scrlnopski A eon, 40s Kansas ave. WANTED To buy from the owner house. close in, not over $2,000. S. At, care Journal. - ' LIBRARIANS TO TOPEKA Kansas Association Here for Annual Meeting October 28-20-30. The annual meeting of the Kansas Library association will be held in To peka Wednesay, Thursday and Friday, October 28-30. The meetings will prob ably be held In the offices of the state library in the state house. A number of members of the association will come to Topeka for the meeting and library work as viewed by librarians from many different angles, will be dis cussed. Miss Grace Leaf, reference librarian of the Emporia state normal, will dis cuss methods employed in organising a special library. The address will be il lustrated from recent experiences in or ganizing the library of the Wisconsin state board of control. At the request of Wisconsin authorities, she was given leave of absence from her duties in Em poria to systematize the collection of material in the Madison board's office. Questions of care and collection of pamphlets, clippings and miscellaneous materials will also be discussed. OAKUIirnOTES. (Items for this column may be tele phoned to 3916 or the State Journal office.) The Helping Hand society of the Oakland Christ. church gave the regular monthly ten cent tea Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Hester in Kellam avenue. Those present included: Mrs. Mayhew, Mrs. E. A. Carr. Mrs. Sam Jones, Mrs. Spickelmier, Mrs. Calk, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Sarah Lemley, Mrs. J. R. Wilson, Mrs. O. M. Keats. Mrs. John Harmon, Mrs. H. V. Scholes, Mrs. E. S. Wallace. Mrs. Bressler, Mrs. Hester. Mrs. Hester was assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. John Bressler. The Oakland Veteran club mem bers will celebrate the seventy-second birthday anniversary of Comrade Ben Williams and the sixty-ninth birth day anniversary of Comrade J. N. Graft next Friday evening at the Wil liams home, corner Thomas and For est avenues. All members of the club are cordially invited. The ladies of the Oakland Chris tian church will give a food sale next Saturday afternoon at the church. Mr. and Mrs. William Holoway and family have moved from Chester ave nue to 907 Jefferson street, Topeka. Mrs. Elizabeth Douglass of Deni son, Tex., who is visiting relatives and friends here, was the guest yesterday of Mrs. W. T. Douglass in Winfleld avenue. O. M. Gibbons has returned to his home in Chicago after a short visit with the A. Dout family in Winfleld avenue. Miss Edna Poort of Kansas City and Mr. Harold Poort of Manhattan nave returned after spending the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Poort, 380 Winfleld avenue. Mrs. W. T. Douglass entertained the following; - members of the Jackson County club ' last Friday evening: WANTED TO RENT small furnished house, or apartments, close in, 3 adults. Address Box 86, care Journal. WANTED Four second hand porch posts. Phone 1661 N-2. SACRIFICE, $2200 Almost new cottage. In fine condition. 5 rooms, hall, pantry and bath room, elec tric light, attic, cellar, cistern. IV cast front lots, paved, nice location, near Cen tral park, reduced from $2,600 to $2,200. $200 down. CLOSE IN. $2,600. A short walk. West side, almost new 6 room house, modern except furnace, good location, was $8,000. now $2,600. ' COTTKELL CO. 107 E. 7th. Tel. 556. 3403. 160 a., 1 mile from Vine, in Ottawa Co., Kansas, 40 a. in cult., some orchard, fine grove, balance pasture; 3-room stone house, stable and other outbuildings. Inc. $2,00. Price only $4,750. Would take good 5-passenger car as part pay. E. J. LAUDER Phone 48. 4ti Kansas Ave. WEST SIDE- North of Sixth. 2 lots, 7 rooms, hall, bath complete, sliding doors, grate, barn, cistern, well, fruit, fine lawn and shade; paving and sewer paid; car close. For quick sale and possession, $3,160. Mod erate cash payment and easy, terms.-. J. E. TORRINGTON, 109 W. 6th. Tel. 228. WANTED An Invalid to nurse at my home, 621 Scotland. WEAVING carpet, rugs, curtains, porch pillows, etc. 321 Lake. Phone 2644 White. WANTED Heavy second hand coal heat er. Call 2732 K-2. GOOD milk cows, fat cattle and veal calves. W. C. A. Leitzow. TeL 267. POKNT-ROOMS. FOR RENT To gentlemen, nicely fur nished modern, front upstairs room. Enquire 70S West 6th st. FOR RENT Large room with sleeping porch. 314 Huntoon. 3 blocks from State House, phone 1974. FOR RENT Furnished room In newly built modern house, one block Capitol grounds. Phone 1424 Black. TWO modern, connecting, light house keeping rooms, with bath, to one or two employed ladies. 1217 West 6th. THREE cozy, central rooms, half busi ness and half residence. Inquire 611 quincy. FOR RENT 6 unfurnished first floor rooms, modern except furnace. Inquire 716 West 6th st. iOR rtENT Unfurnished rooms at 935 and Kansas ave Phone 2280 Blue. FOR RENT Modern furnished room. SOS West 8th. SALE dandy I-room house, completely modem, corner Fillmore and King, phone 397. NEW 5-room cottage. 326 down, balance monthly. Phone 4390-N-2. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Equities in nearby farms and city residences.' Colorado farm clear for Topeka rentals clear. Want offers. Smith. 623 Kansas ave. Tel. 1619. NEAR WASHBURN, a 7 room bungalow to trade for farm or property in good small town. For any kind of trades see W. J. RICKENBACHER, 116 West Sixth. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Unclaimed rugs of all sizes. Several room size rag ruga O. McCor mlck Rug Factory and Carpet Cleaning Works, 622 Van Buren St. phone 421-W. FOR SALE 7 sows and pigs, 2 sows far row soon, 16 shoats, 40 to 100 lbs.; 1 thoroughbred Poland boar. H. M. Bush, 19th and Oakley. FOR SALE Almost new Bird's Eye rnap.e dresser and chiltoner. Call 130 or adoress "Furniture," care Journal. TWO nice nousekeping rooms, reasonable; Three if desired. 312 E. 10th. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms, furnace heat and board. 714 Taylor at. NEWLY furnished modern room, $2.50 per week, 217 W. 6th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern. 813 Quincy. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. 311 Madison. VERY nice furnished room with bay win dow. Phone 1424 Red. THRKE modern unfurnished rooms, 712 Topeka ave. FOUR extra pleasant rooms, en Birte, close In, modern. Low price. 2242 White. FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished room, 911 West 10th ave. Phone 2819 Red. MODERN furnished rooms, $1 to $3 per week. 217 E 8th; . FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeep'ng. 824 West. FOR RENT I-rge south unfurnished room, 502 W. 10th. FOR RENT room ground floor, 107 W.' 7th, or desk room. International Cor respondence School. FOR. RENT Wheat land 75c per acre, or will take part crop or sell cheaply. 834 Jefferson. 2642 White. FOR RENT Large van for moving. Atherton Transfer. Phone 106. Office 121 W. 7th. Mrs. Iva Campbell, Mrs. Philip Stack elbeck, Mrs. J. L Loper, Mrs. George Sills, Mrs. Edna Bronson. Mrs. C. R Hamilton. Fred Whaley and daughter. Nellie, have returned from Newton, where they spent the week-end with rela tives and friends. Mrs. William Ellis and children of Kmporla are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward of Oakland avenue. The Oakland delegation of Re bekahs and Odd .Fellows, who at tended the state convention at Man hattan win return home tonight. The Ladies' Aid society of the Christian church met at the church this afternoon. Work for the annual bazaar is being done at each meeting. Mrs. Vlrgi-.ia Bean of Knoxvllle, Tenn., Is here for an extended ' visit with her brother. B. P. Williams, and family of Forest avenue. FOR SALE By teacher leaving city, high grade upright piano. Box 36, care Journal. FOR SALE Cheap, roll top desk chairs. Room 304 Mulvane Blag. FOR FOR SALE Hot blast heating stove, No. IS. Call forenoons or after 6 p. m. 923 Brooks ave. FOR SALE 2 dandy heaters, cheap; De troit Jewell gas. No. 20; Victor Oak coal, No. 16. Phone 2074 Red. FOR SALE Mission dining table, chairs and other furniture. Call 683. CI.AYTON CUTS on all patent medicines. Try Clayton, 1019 East 6th. FOR SALE Combination heater No. 16. Inquire 1122 Madison. Phone 2878 Black. HARD COAL base burner used one win ter, cheap. 1262 Tyler. FOR SALE New linoleum, green window shades. 714 Taylor St. FOR KENT IIOUSES. FOUEEOT Nine room, modern apartment house on Wes Seenh beween Harirson and Topeka avenue Arranged so three rooms can be rented and still leave six rooms togther for home, 837.30 per month. Immediate possesion. smatoee Agency . 684 Kansas Ave Phone 60S. FOR RENT House number 1617 Harrison st. 7 rooms, modern, with barn. Call Guthrie, 4257 Red. .. rooma, gas city water. to. 2 West 6th ?!W Blue ; 1013 LIME. 4 room cottage, gas light and heat- 4843 Red. - SIX room strictly modern house. 601 Taylor, phone 5360 W. Inquire FOR RENT Modern bungalow and house. Inquire 112Z Mad: son. FOR RENT Modern 3 room residence, 200 Clay. Phone 617. FOR RENT 5 room house. Inquire Hot Jackson. 325 Hancock. SIX room modern house for rent. Phone 2020 Black or 436. SIX room houre, well and cistern, good - repair. 60$ Chester. Phone 8140 Black. FOR RENT 0 room house. Highland Park. Phone 322 White. FIVE and six room cottage. .Inquire 723 Tyler. 4937 Red, BOARu AND ROOMS. - TOPEK A HOTEL.' 123 W. CtK Modern roams with board, 8L26 per day. SALE Annies. W. Tecumseh. Phone 3871 N-L A. Kearney, FOR SALE: HORES AND COWS. FOR SALE One gray mare, $60; one 6-year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs.. $110: 1 sorrel mare. 1000 lbs., years old, $80; phaeton. $15; 3 new saddles. Hhnelberger. n uimore. FOR SALE OR TRADE for grain, good colt, 14 months old. Reeve, phone 1778 N-2. 6-YEAR-OLD horse; will ride or drive. Inquire 301 Jefferson. AUTOMOBILES. BATTERIES repaired and charged. Keele Electrio Co, 708 Jackson. Phone 3910-W. FOR SALE Auto, Ford runabout, good order, cheap. Phone 3265 or 8110 F-12.- LEGAL. First pubUshed in The Topeka State Journal October 16, 1914. In the District Court of Shawnee County, Kansas. W. A. Carter, E. T. Carter, John W. Car ter, Flossie Carter Harris, and F. H. Carter, Plaintiffs. vs. Manda J. Bell, also known as Amanda Bell, Ellen Overholser, Fleming Carter, Al Caney Carter, Elmer Carter, Louis Carter, Almeda Mormon, Charles Carter, Ada Cremer. Stella Nell, Belle Rodgers. John LaFayette Carter, Floyd L. Carter, William Green berry Carter, Ada Elisa beth Carter, Guy Bonnefield Carter, J. M. Miller, Administrator of the Estate of John F. Carter, deceased; The United States Savings Bank, a corporation. Its officers, successors, trustees or assigns, if any; Eva G. Bolles. Harry L. Bolles And the Wakeeney Land and Invest ment Company, a corporation. Defend ants. No. 28908. The State of Kansas to Manda J. Bell, otherwise known as Amanda Bell, Ellen Overholser, Fleming Carter. Elmer Carter, Louis Carter, Almeda Mormon, Charles Carter, Ada Cremer, Stella Nell, John LaFayette Carter, Eva G. Bolles, Harry L. Bolles, the unknown officers of the United States- Savings -3ank,-'Jts succes sors, trustees or assigns; if any: You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued in the Shawnee County, Kansas, District Court, by the above named plaintiffs; that unless you answer the petition and amendment to said petition of plaintiffs this day filed herein on or before December 1st, 1914, judgment will be rendered against you for possession of, quieting the title to, and partitioning the following described real estate, situated and located in Shaw nee County, Kansas, If the same can be done without manifest injury, if not, then to sell the same and forever excluding you and each of you from asserting any interest in or title thereto, to-wit: Lots numbered Three Hundred Fifty three (353) and Three Hundred Fifty-five 3S5 on Jackson Street in Curtis' Addition to the City of Topeka in said County and state; Lot number Six Hundred Ninety one (691) on Fillmore Street in Martin and Dennis Addition to the City of To peka in said County and State; Lots num bered Seven Hundred Eleven (711), Seven Hundred Thirteen (713). Seven Hundred Fifteen (715), Seven Hundred Seventeen (717). Seven Hundred Nineteen (719), Seven Hundred Twenty-one (721). Seven Hundred Twenty-three). (723), Seven Hundred Twenty-five (726), Seven Hundred Twenty-seven (727), Seven Hundred Twenty nine (729) and Seven Hundred Thirty-one frail on Western Avenue in Martin and Dennis' Addition to the City of Topeka in said County and State; Lots numbered Seven Hundred Four (704) and Seven Hundred Six (706) on Fillmore Street in Martin and Dennis' Addition to the City of Topeka in said County and State; Lots numbered Seven Hundred (700), Seven Hundred Two (702), Seven Hundred Eight (708), Seven Hundred Ten (710). Seven Hundred Twelve (712), Seven Hundred Fourteen (714), Seven Hundred Sixteen (716), Seven Hundred Twenty-eight (728), Seven Hundred Thirty (730) and Seven Hundred Thirty-two (732) in Block Fif teen and Seven Hundred Twenty-three (723), Seven Hundred Twenty-five (725), Seven Hundred Twenty-seven (727), Seven Hundred Twenty-nine (729), Seven Hun dred Thirty-one (731), all on Fillmore Street in Block Sixteen fn Martin and Dennis' Addition to the City of Topeka in said County and State.- - And for such other relief as the court may deem equitable and just. W. F. SCHOCH, D. F. SCHOCH, Seal. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: C. W. BOWER, Clerk of the District Court. LEGAL. Published in The Topeka State Journal Thursday, Oct. la, iai-J COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. Topeka, Kansas. Oct. 10th. 114. Statement of the condition of the var ious funds in the Treasury of Shawnee County, Kansas, at the close of business September 30th. 1314: School District No. fund School District No. 1, School District No. 3, fund School District No. 3, fund School District No. 4, fund General $ General General General General 7.4a 4DhrtrictNo. 6,' Geneaal DUtrVct No. V General "Dirtiict No." V." General District " No." K Generai District No. 9, General District' "No.""i, General " District " Ho. ' ii! ' Generai District No. 13, General " District ' No." ' ' Generai District No. 16, Bond fund District No. 15, General 'District No.' 16, General fund School fund School fund schol fund School fund School fund School fund School fund fund fund fund School Ditrlct No. 17, Bond fund.. School District Nov. 17, General fund School District No. 18, General fund School District No. 19, General fund School District No. 30, General 144.87 134.60 211.39 179.21 774.23 266.07 277.31 176.84 173.76 266.79 467.44 .03 244.81 433.54 13.60 532.33 127.42 137.44 118.87 fund School District No. 21. General fund 412.01 School District No. 32, Bond fund 167.14 School District No. 22, General fund 378.10 School District No. 33, General fund 36,627.71 School District No. 24, General fund 10I.43 School District No. 26, General fund 283J8 School District No. 26. General fund School . District No. 27, General fund-. .........- School District No. 28, General fund School District No. 23, General fund School District No. SO, General fund School District No. 31, General 346.61 165.62 489.20 164.39 103.16 63.41 283.06 fund School District No. 32, General fund School District No. 88, General fund Rossville County High School fund l.ieo.43 ' School District No. 34 Bond fund 376.66 , School District No. 34, General I fund 1,548 83 r School District No. 36, General fund 723.30 School District No. 36, Bond fund 296.76 : School District No. 36, General t fund 137.SS School District No. 37 General fund 184.03 School District No. 38, General fund 287.82 ' School District No. 39, Bond fund 407.54 j School District No. 39, General fund 243.33 School District No. 40, General i fund -418.40 I School District No. 41 General fund 409.36 1 School District No. 42, Bond fund 58.16 , School District No. 42, General I 1 fund School District No. 43, General fVd S1I.90 School District No. 44, General fund 144.40 School District No. 45, General j fund 269.49 School District No. 46, Bond fund 451.70 School District No. 46, General fund School District No. 47, General fund School District No. FT rst published in The Topeka State Journal octooer 10, nu.j ATCHISON, TOPEKA A SANTA FE RAILWAY CO. NOTICE OF SALK OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE. Notice is hereby given that unclaimed baggage -will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the unclaimed bag gage room, opposite the R. R. Y. M. C. A., on Fourth street, October 30, 1914 if not called for before that time and charges paid, the same' having been left in pos session of this company unclaimed for six months and over. Sale commences at 9:30 A. M. P. WALSH, General Baggage Agent First published In the Topeka State - Journal Thursday. Sept. 24, 1914. In the Probate Court of Shawnee County, Kansas. In the matter of the estate of Nets P. Nelson, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Creditors and all other persons Interest ed In the- aforesaid estate, are hereby notified that on the 27th day of October, 1914, I shall apply to the Probate Court sitting at the Court House In the City ' of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, for a full and final settlement of aa'd estate and for an order of the Cotnt finding and adjudging who are the heirs of Nels P Nelson, deceased. ELNA M. NELSON. Executor. First published In The Topeka State , Journal October 16, 1914. Topeka, Kan.. Oct. 16th. 1914. Notice is hereby gives that the books for the registration of voters for general election November 3, 1914, will close Oc tober 23, 1914, at 14) o'clock p. M. nr it vvrrtra oner ox s ismions I 48. General ; fund School District No. 49, General i fund : School District No. 60, General ' fund School District No. 51 General fund School District No. 62, General fund School District No. 63, General fund School District' No. fit. General fund School District No. 66, General fund School District No. 66. General fund School District No. 67, General fund School District No. 68, General fund School District No. 69, Bond fund School District No. 69, General fund School District No. 60, General fund School District No. 61, General fund School District No. 62, General fund School District No. 63, General fund School District No. 64, General fund School District No. 66, fund - - School District No. 66, General General 68, General fund School District No. 67 General fund School District No. fund , School District No. 69, General fund School District No. 70, General , fund School District No. 71, General fund School District No. 72, General fund - School District No. 73, General fund School .District No. 74, General fund - School District No. 75, General fund School District No. 76, General fund ................. School District No. 77, General fund ... 8chool District No. 78. Bond fund School District Kio. vs. fluid WMWMtWWWMI 467.14 298.15 106.33 312.14 173.69 137.22 235.14 467.42 306.66 204.34 280.16 101.15 82.37 668.31 252.44 152.05 C1U3 127.49 177.73 361.18 208.91 64.60 186.80 366.10 266.89 146.36 101.22 6C3J7 229.94 128.03 297.40 167.35 73.85 179.05 353-671 oo: fund School District No. 80, General fund School District No. 8L General fund School District No. 82, General fund School District No. 83, General fund School District No. 84, General fund ., , School District No. 86, Bond fund School District' No. 86, General fund School District No. 86, General fund School District No. 37, General fund School District No. 88, General fund School District No. 89, General fUDd --- School District No. 90, General fund School District No. 91, General fund School District No. 93, General fund School District No. 93, General fund School District No. 94, General fund School District No. 86, General fund School District No. 96, General fund School District No. 98, General fund School District No. 99, General fund , School District No. 109 General fund School District No. . 101, General fund School District No. 102, Bond fund School District No. 102, General fund School District No. 103, General fund School District Jt. 3, General fund School District old, 83, Bond fund School District old, 89, General fund '. Rossville Township, General fund Rossville Township, Road fund.. Silver Lake Township, General fund Silver Lake Township, Road fund Silver Lake Township, cutting hedge Menoken Township, Road fund... Soldier Township, General fund.. Soldier Township, Road f und. . Topeka Township, General fund.' Topeka Township, Road fund.... Tecumseh Township, Road fund.. Monmouth Township, General fund Monmouth Township, Road fund Monmouth Township, cutting hedge Willlamsport Township, General fund Willlamsport Township Road fund Auburn Township Road fund Dover Township, General fund.... Dover Township, Road fund Mission Township, General fund.. Mission Township, Road fund.... Rossville City, General fund Rossville Township, Rosd fund... Silver Lake City, General fund... Silver Lake City, Township Road xund Oakland City, General Fund Oakland Township, Road fund.... Willard City, General fund Willard City, Township Road fund Topeka City, General fund Topeka City, Sidewalk fund Topeka City, Paving fund Topeka; City, Paving alley fund.. Topeka City, Sewer fund Topeka City Drain fund Topeka City, Abating Nuisance fund Topeka City, Ord. No. 2709 Topeka City, Ord. No. 3096 Tcpeka City, Ord. No. 4164 Topeka City, Ord. No. 4261 Topeka City, Ord. No. 4265 Rossville .Township, Drainage Dist. Kaw Drainage Dist. Interest fund Kaw Drainage Dist., Sinking fund Kaw Drainage Dist. General fund Shunganunga Drainage Dist., Special fund Shunganunga Drainage Dist., General fund Levee No. 3 Jacobs Ditch North Topeka Special fund. North Topeka Drainage General fund East Side Shunganunga Drainage Dist., Special fund East Side Shunganunga Drainage Dist., General fund Levee No. 6, Bond fund Levee No. 6. General fund Shawnee County, General Bond, Interest & S'nklng fund Shawnee County, Road & Bridge fund State of Kansas fund State & County Dividend fund.... Normal Ins'tute fond... County Surveyor fees Leased Lands & Lots Individual Redemptions Legacy A Successions, County fund Legacy A Successions, State fund Shawnee County Agricultural Bond fund J. V. Abrahams, personal tax.... C. R. I. A P. R. R. Condemnation fund School District No. 7, Condemna tion fund Topeka A Northwestern R. R. Condemnation fund Pacific Mutual Tel. Co Toneka A Southwestern R. R. Co., Condemnation fund North Topeka Drainaee - Dist., Condemnation fund Support of Charitable Insti tutes fund Motor Vehicle License fund. State fund 327.43 227.SC 137.63 17.17 Drainage Dist., "Di'siu 26.67 13.22 215.80 260.31 22137 286.13 - 43.16 536.04 346.90 380.74 718.14 236.92 221.77 200.26 93.21 3ZL04 68.64 277.65 51.71 116.20 233.80 23.71 64.00 30.58 121.82 187.04 421.96 L299.54 60.25 786.85 66.99 3.682.37 3,674.65 6,176.69 722.68 442.73 1,298.69 66. GO 208.92 608.34 1,431.68 102.55 963.23 254.76 2,189.65 637.87 233.43 144.50 31.89 196.19 290.46 9519 84.69 16,115 91 481.77 26,347.34 1.181.67 5,069.09 4.88 115.08 10.57 10.93 63 806.22 282.71 210.62 426.43 206.91 79.88 168.23 367.81 44.86 152.23 7.864.69 4,622.60 66.64 443.38 49.62 28.43 28,640.58 4.368.63 20.654 89 158 72 21.34 , 10.64 631 05 L408.20 87.11 249.10 3SS 01 71.49 LOO 30.00 19.00 40.94 130.60 284.00 1,485.48 117.25 MONEY TO LOAN on city and farts) ptopei tj, any amount, low Interest rates, and most liberal tonna can write for our plan. W. M. Forbes A MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS Ol PERSONAL PROPERTY. Horses, cattle, pianos, diamonds, house hold goods, libraries, typewriters, autos, carriages, machinery, and to salaried peo ple. F. S. Thomas. 619 Kan. Ave. TeL 23, m6Hey to Loan' on farms AND ' TOPEKA REAL ESTATE. If yea wish a new loan or have a ma taring loan or wish to change your loas either farm er city, write or call at oof office, first floor. New England BuildlruC BETZER REALTY A LOAN COMPANY. Bsiaonsned lsss. MONEY to loan on live stock. guns, typewriters, household goods personal security. L. Biscoe. 623 Kan. va, BlAAOssW dsand JgrejJRANCE. CISU3E TOKl PKCPEHTT Before It burns, with T. X Nichols w nsnns ave. STOCKS AND BONDS. TEOS. J. U1XRQ, COLUMBIAN BLDGk Government nd railroad bonds, grant and copper stocks. First and SI nans? mortgages hought. sold and placed. COAL. Pennsiylvanla Anthracite $12.08 oernico no. 4 . laoa Canyon City lump Semi. Antlu, screened . a'as Semi. Anth. shoveled m Illinois aS Frontenac of Weir City, lump 4.7S Osage City, deep shaft 4.4a Burllngame, lump 4,1s W1UX1N CASH COAL CO. Phone 3643. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. TOPiEOA TRANSFER STORAGE CO. MOVING PACKING 8TORAOH FREPROOF UAREE0US2 Separate locked rooms for household goods. Phone 3653. 623 Adams St ATHERTON TRANSFER. Best plaoFior moving, storage, packing and shipping. .-, .. . 1 in t. rnom iuo. MERCHANTS Transfer and Storage CoJ furnish nMrt nabAM. tMi. - freight, phone 4186. C. fe. Skinner. FLORISTS. HAIES rUiWia. SlZOJP for fresh Cowers, wedding and funeral Dinv.iaiij. cTcrumiB grown in our own 1 greenhouses not shipped in. 319 Kansas ' ave. Phone 3TT-W. MRS. M. E. HOLCRAFT Cut IloweraT flotl designs. 307 Kan, ave. Phone 176-W. UDKRTAKIJfG. L. M, PENWtLL funeral director erabalmer. T. E. Jones. Ass't. First class servloe. 606-610 Quincy st. Telephone 193. Phone 287. Day and Night. HAWLEY A STEELE. Funeral directors and embalmers. 113 East 8th ave Mrs. Robt. Steele, assistant. I4 OR New ana second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys. We lead the world In cheap fig. lures; easy paynitm Sena or catalogue. rerunswica-oaiKe-ouenaer uo.. Main street. Kansas City. Mo. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES for sale or rent. Best me chanical department In the country. CRANE CO. -Tottelra Kan 45 Tears tn Business. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HIRAM r BflflT A T Abstract and Real Estate and Probate 1-aw T rvi-.m .nn Bide Topeka MOVING. HOUSEHOLD goods moved 32.00 per van load Rxpert packers furnished. Fenni more A MeNnught 4341. MACH1SE SHOPS. WANTED Your lawn" mower "to overhaul and grind, factory process, 31.00. Tel. Howard. 1377. Free delivery. Total Overdraft, School District No. 42. General fund... 3 699.33 Overdraft. School District No. 88 Bond fund 63.77 Overdraft, Shawnee Co. General Revenue fund.. 3,017.24 ..3216.833.04 Total .. .33.680.34-3 3.680.34 Total 3212,155 70 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and bel'ef. Seal. MATT WEIGHTMAN, JR., County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th dsy October. 1914. O. K. 8WAYZE, County Clerk. PATENTS. J. A. ROSEN, patent attorney. 413 Kan sas ave., Topeka. Kan. WANTED you to order from Washburn Cider Worka Phone 2336 Black. . rJLRFOTAPRANTS. LADIES EXCHANGE 114 E. 7th. New management. Meals 20c !lJBrjgSAMrNq FRAMING, reglldlng, mat making, mount ing dona by J. D. Sullivan, 122 W. Eighth. ptttsicxans anp surgeons DR. J. M. JAMISON. 327 Madison. Spe cial diseases, phone -353. ,3 JOHN PETRZILEK. the only practical furrier In Kansas. 127 W. 7th. Topeka. MISCEIJ,NEOTJS. CHIMNEYS, furnaces and gas li relet cleaned and repaired. Call phone A