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8 w-y at Covcnty Bt SeOos Baaitoaa 7afers Jtevirs Vitality in Hen and Women TThen Life's Sun Begins to Bet : COoUOX FK2C , What you ARB, not what yoto VERS is what counts In the gam - of lif If a up to men and women 1 to be "lire onea" and not slow down too soon. Kellogg Sanitone Wafers keep your vital energy aglow drive - r rat the Eoaal ia Kmrfi AarattaaNMaa away all gloominess and peevishness, and strengthen . your petered-out nerves. .. When ambition deserts you and vi tality sags down, near zero: when you're .fagged 'out in brain and body and your nerves' lack vim the Kel .logg's Sanitone Wafers "ginger" you up to concert pitch, put "the punch" In your muscles, and make you tingle .411 over with health. . $1.00 a box at druggists. Send your name and address today with six cents in stamps to help pay postage and packing for a free 50c trial box of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, to B. J. Kellogg Co., 2725 Hoff master Block, Battle Creek, Michigan. - The regular $1.00 size of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers are for sale in To peka at Campbell Drug Qo., 821 North Kansas ave., Arnold Drug Co., 623 Kansas ave., A. W. Lacey, 831 North Kansas ave., Geo. W. Stansfield, 632 Kansas ave., Brunt Drug Co., 436 Kan sas ave.. Rex Pharmacy, 1001 Kansas ave. No free boxes from druggists. Adv. I Here is Good News For Stomach Victims Some very remarkable results are being obtained by treating stomach, liver and intestinal troubles with pure vegetable oils, which exert a cleansing, soothing and purifying action upon the lower bowels, removing the obstruc tions of poisonous' fecal matter and gases and preventing their absorption by the blood. This done, the food is allowed free passage from the stom ach, fermentation ceases and stomach troubles quickly disappear. George II. Mayr, for twenty years a leading Chicago druggist, cured -himself and many of his friends of stom ach, liver and intestinal ' troubles of years' standing by this treatment, and so successful was the remedy he de vised that it has since been placed in the hands of druggists all over the country, who have sold thousands of bottles. , Though absolutely harmless, the ef fect of the medicine is sufficient to convince any one of its remarkable ef fectiveness, and within 24 hours the sufferer feels like a new person. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach remedy is now sold here by Arnold .Drug Co., 523 Kansas avenue. Adv. c I Special for Friday J Boston Baked Beans 8c pt. 2 pts.l5c Our chef certainly knows how to bake beans that are V delicious. They are always in demand at the regular ' price of 10c a pint, but we , . offer them at a reduction Friday. Chef uses even siezd, selected, sound white beans, and after he is through with them they are . truly appetizing. , No Better Chill in Town ;', Than Ours Always Hot 10c the Pint Hot Ginger Bread Friday Afternoon at Four O'clock Ideal Bakery and Delicatessen 121 Wert 6th St 3 10c a Year-- ( but for a short time only buys the snappiest, meatiest, most useful monthly magazine that goes to Kansas auto own ers. Devoted to good roads, live information, real auto news. It's THE Rural Autoist ' ; Published in Topeka, always showing some maps useful to those who use the roads. Twelve numbers year for the Special Price of Ten Cents if you sub scribe AT ONCE. The Rural Autoist 822 Kansas Ave., Topeka. i ce sad Pvwer. fa lt I JJlUtd 04UiUUU Captain Evers of Brares Draws Snug- Salary This Tear. 2'- Stage Has No Attractions for New World's Champions. -. Boston, Oct. 15. The Braves, world's baseball champions, as a result of the sensational series with the Philadel phia Athletics which closed here Tues day, were given a banquet and recep tion Wednesday night by Mayor Curley. Praise for their achievement wu sounded by various speakers and mod , est acknowledgmet was made by Mana- ,ger George T. stallings and several or the players. I After the banquet many of the ! Braves left immediately for their home i cities. They were each given checks i for $2,708.86. by a representative of the ; national commission as their share in ' the World's series receipts. To most of them, this meant about $5,000 for their season's work. Captain Johnny Kvers found the sea son a big one financially, his income the past six months having been more than $40,000, including a bonus of $25,000 for his signature to a contract; $10,000 in salary; a $3,000 bonus for finishing in first place and his world's series re ceipts. The winter will be spent quietly by most of them. Several vaudeville agents were at Fenway park endeavoring to sign up some of the stars, but it is understood that none were successful. "Rabbit" Maranvllle, who was on the stage last winter, may return this year. Manager 8talltngs said that the state ment by Minister Pezet of Peru, made at a dinner here Tuesday that the Braves would tour South America, was a mistake. It was due, he thought, to the fact that some members of the Braves had been asked to play with the New York Giants on a proposed trip there. OIlMfiliALTRIP. Battleship Built for Argentine Nearly Ready for Service. Philaedlphia, Oct. 15. The Argen tine battleship Moreno, built by the New York Shipbuilding company, at Camden, N. J., left here today for her official trial off the New England coast. The great battleship will go direct to the Brooklyn navy yard to be placed in dry dock to have her bottom cleaned and painted. She will then proceed to Rockland, Me., for the trial. The Moreno is commanded by Captain Kemp of the Fore River Ship building company which constructed the Rivadavia, sister ship to the Moreno. In addition to the crew of five hundred, there are also aboard 130 Argentine naval officers and members of the Argentine commission which had charge of overseeing the construction of the Rivadavia and the Moreno. . EDITOR KILLS MAN. Political Row Knds Fatally When Paper Man Shoots Sportsman.' , San Bernardino, Cal., Oct. 15. Howard E. Davis, secretary of the Progressive county central committee and editor of the Evening Index, shot and killed Ben Emerson, a local sportsman, last night. Davis said Emerson attacked him. The shooting followed a fist fight on the street at the entrance to Pro gressive headquarters. Davis went to his office, after the shooting, and was arrested there. He exhibited marks on his face and said that he shot in self defense. Emerson's name had been used in the paper in connection with political attacks on Republican party leaders and he had demanded a retraction, it is said. j HOME WORK CREDIT. Students Given Credit for Reading War News and Washing Dishes. TatM PnnW TTn On 1 E 1.' Yates Center public schools have adopted the Lawrence plan of giving credit for home work such as washing the dishes. Annkinff. mrpiiinff maVlno- the bed and observing proper rules of sanitation, parents will De required to make regular reports of the con duct of the students at home. A rradn of ton nnint, la tn h. vtv.n , the child who manifests a cheerful spirit at nome each day. Reading daily accounts of the Euro pean war, as published in reliable newspapers, has also been made a part of the high school pupils' duties. HODGES III SAUNA. Governor In Midst of Campaign tn Central Kansas. Salina, Kan., Oct. 15. Governor Hodges reached here today and is touring the county, stopping at all towns for short addresses. He will return to Salina tonight for an ad dress in Convention hall. KEEP LIVER AND BOWELS REGULAR ' WITH CASCARETS ' No More Headache, Bad Colds, Sour Stomach and Constipation. Get a 10-cent box now. No odds how . bad your liver, stom acli or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort able you ' are from constipation, indi gestion, biliousness and sluggish bow els you always get the desired results with Cascarets. . I Don't let your stomach, liver and I bowels make you miserable. Take Cas- ' carets tonight; put an end to the head ache, biliousness, dizziness, nervous ness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,, back ache and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter -which is pro ducing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress if you will take a. Cascaret now and then. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children their little insides need a gentle cleansing, too. Adv. I EKES MAN WHO HUMBLED THE BELGIANS General Banrich. 'By conquering Liege and smashing the Belgian power. General von JEmmich won for nlmself a bright page in German military history. He was personally congratulated by Kaiser Wilhelm for crushing the Belgians. This is von Emmich'a latest photograph, and was made since the fall of liege. RED CROSS III TOPEKA Contributions Dally for relief in War Stricken Europe. ' Cash contributions are being re ceived daily for the Red Cross fund. October 25 and 26 will be the big days in the campaign but in the meantime the people of Topeka and Kansas are asked to send in money to Mrs. 'B. B. Smythe, secretary of the Red Cross, in 'the state house; John R. Mulvane, treasurer, the Bank of Topeka, or to Captain P. H. Coney, president of the Topeka chapter. Captain P. H. Coney has sent out a letter of appeal intended to bring in money and hospital equipment. He speaks of the thousands of soldiers in war-stricken Europe who are suf fering or dying on account of lack of attention. Two hundred dollars in money has been received. The following are recent contrib utors and the amounts given: E. . J. Palmer for the Christian church of Arcadia S 2.50 George Heap, Topeka 1.00 Literary and Music Circ'e club, Rossville. . . ............... 5.00 Collection at McPherson 16.00 C. E. Gault, Vopeka 60 H. E. Chandler, Madison, Kan.. 1.00 Dan H. Kerns, Topeka 5.00 ""Friends," Cottonwood Falls 1.00 Mrs. Jesse 'Shove, Havensville. . 2.00 James Murray, Kingman 2.50 Joseph Bromlch, Topeka 5.00 Oil EIGHT A WEEK. Man Supports His Wife and Affinity Judge Says He Deserves Freedom. Paterson, N. J., Oct 15. Judge Klinert listened with grave concern to the story of Mrs. Margaret Koma nek, who appeared to accuse her hus band of unfaithfulness. "Judge, he has an affinity," declared the plaintiff. "He is supporting an other woman." "How much does he make?" asked the court. "Eight dollars a week. "Discharged!" said the judge. "If he can support two women on $8 a week he deserves his freedom." The Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Notice :s hereby given that the Nineteenth Annual Meeting ' of the Stockholders of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company will be held at the general office of the Company in Topeka. Kansas, on Octo ber 22, 1914, at twelve o'clock noon. for the election-of four (4) Directors' to hold cflce for four (4) years, and ; for the election of Independent Audi- : tors to audit the books and accounts . of the . Company at the close of the fiscal year. , Said meeting has been called by the Board of Directors and , 1" to be held also for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, including the ap proving, ratifying and confirming of the following, The acquisition by this Company of the Capital Stock of the Minkler Southern Railway Company. All action of the Directors and the Executive Committee taken tlnce the last Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of this npany. , The stock transfer books will be clored at the close of business on September i; 1914. and will be re opened at the close of said meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. L. C DEMING, Assistant Secretary. . New Tork City, Aug. 4. 114. -(Advertisement.) Anti-Trust Bill Signed. Washington, Oct. 15. President Wilson today signed the Clayton anti trust bill, thus completing the admin istration's trust program. There was no ceremony connected with the sign ing of the bill - .,,-..',. - ""' ' ''" " HAS GRAND OPERA VOICE Kansas Girl Highly Praised as Singer by Mme. Johanna Gadskl, Atchison, Kan., Oct. IS. So en thusiastic was Mme. Johanna. Gadskl over the future' prospects of Miss Sal lie Ellis, an Effingham, Kan., girl, who sang before her here that she urged the, young singer to spend the winter in New Tprk with her. Mme. Gadsk! predicted a brilliant future as a grand opera singer for Miss Ellis, who until yesterday was prac tically in obscurity. Miss Ellis prob ably will accept' the offer of the grand opera singer. MILLION FOR ENGINES Santa Fe's Enormous Locomotive Bill for 1914 Was $999,603. ' The Santa Fe railway company last year purchased 25 new locomotives for $28,560 each, on the average, and sold 43 old one at $3,984 each. The Santa Fe uses locomotives about fifteen years, when they become obso lete and are sold to small lines which keep them in service for light traffic for ten or fifteen years longer. The Santa Fe's bill for new locomotives last year was $999,603. The Santa Fe purchased 122 passenger cars last year at $13,332 a car. and sold 21 old ones for $4,025 each; purchased 3.334 freight cars at $1,333 a car, and sold 1,310 at $406. BACK TO BELGRADE. Servia Resumes, Business at the Old Stand. Nish, Oct. 15. In an optimistic of ficial communication given out today, the Servian government announces that "Belgrade being no longer in danger, the pensions of retired offi cials, beginning yesterday, October 14, will be paid at the state treasury in Belgrade and no longer in Nish." The communication sets forth also that the supply of . cattle and food stuffs in Servia is so abundant that the export of such products is permitted. New Kansas Town. Pratt, Kan., Oct. 15. Byers, Kansas, was today officially put on the state map and officially opened by the An thony & Northern Railway company. The new town is located near the old site of Naron. A bank, two general stores, two large elevators, electric light and ice company and several other en terprises have purchased lots and will begin to build immediately. Makes Face Young " Tightens Love Ties A fretful expression, a wrinkled face and a faded complexion, do more to drive the male members from home than is com monly supposed.' It was one of my great est difficulties to appear smiling, fresh and elegant when my dear ones were with me. But I have overcome all that. I have changed my mental attitude and I now find it second nature to look cheerful. Due partly to this, partly to a remarkable treatment recommended by m friend, my appearance has so improved I look fif- j teen years younger than before. I A simple face lotion made by dissolving i an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint witch hazel, . proved a wonderful wrinkle-chaser. . S still use this occasion-. ally. To renovate my complexion I pur chased an ounce of ordinary mereolised wax at my druggist's and before usins this up; a marveious transformation had taken place. It was lke removing an un sightly mask, revealing- a new face, a youthful complexion of distinctive deli cacy, clear, white and velvety. I merely applied the wax like cold cream before retiring, washing it off mornings. Ten days' treatment sufficed. "Aurilla." In Clubwoman. Ad A Vitally Interesting SssSe Hessssbts&sg Grezt Practical Benefit cf tfcs Low Prices ali HMa isaMfe - m Omir Bargaik Basemsiaft Children's Union Suits Sizes 2 to 16 years. Fleece lined, well made garments, in pure white cotton of fine tex- SBas?n,Mrf:.. 49c Men's Union Suits Unbleached color, fleece lin ed, closed crotch style, sizes 34 to 44. Extra good make and quality. Base- 7Q ment, special f w Warm School Caps Automobile Hoods An odd lot of manufactur ers' samples bought at an ex tra good discount, worth much more than our retail price. A good assortment of styles.New tomorrow 0Ki Basement Zuu Suit Sale in the Basement One of the live events that our Basement store is noted for a sale of suits in qualities and styles so far above the price that the selling should be sensational. - Some of the best houses we buy from sent us these suits, and they are good examples of these makers' smartest styles. You probably never saw suits of fashionable cloths in such fine qualities selling for $9.95 at this season, and the tailoring is good as the cloths and styles. Colors include the fashionable wistaria, old blue, navy and brown shades also black. Think of Baying Long, Fall Redmgote Suits for $9.95 and There PEBBLE CliOTH. REDISGOTE with velvet collar, and belt at the back, fashionable yoke-skirt. Good warm suits for all winter. CHEVIOT SERGE pleated redingote with large silk plush buttons and collar, pleated skirt on yoke. Gauntlet Gloves f Women's sizes, genuine leather, in brown, gray and black. Excellent for driving and general wear where extra warmth and service are re quired. Basement. CO a Special 03 to Men's Work Gloves Good quality, heavy white canvas with knit wrist. We sell them at the lowest 71Z price. Basement special I ' Cotton Torchon Lace , A new shipment just receiv ed. A wide range of patterns in very closely woven laces that wear exceptionally well. Basement Special OC 12 yards for fcUto Ginghams Table of choice apron checks in black, blue, red, brown and greens, also dress gingham patterns, in plaids and stripes, 27 inches wide, mill lengths. Base- 71rtP ment, special, yard 1 iy Heavy Cotton Suiting Plain colors, stripes and fig ured goods, suitable for fall skirts, dresses or waists, 27 inches wide. Base- 10t. ment special, yard... 2-lb Cotton Batts Made of pure white cotton, open up to full comfort sise, 72x84 inches. The kind that wiU bring crowds of cus tomers, at. Table Damask A soft mercerised tablecloth material In many attractive patterns. Full 4 Inches wide. OC Mill lengths. Basement special, yard In The House Supplies Department INVERTED OAS MANTLES Btoch standard grade, will give good service. "Ours is the lowest price. Basement special, each "Vic, 4 for 25c. ',-'"'" ENGLISH ROCK TEA POTS. 3 attractive patterns, 5 sizes. WeU glased andfln Ished. Very specially priced in the Basement. Sc . ROUSE BROOMS. '-) Made of selected K"" broom corn, good 4 -sewn brooms, strong, pliant and durable. Basement spe cial. 2c. Dry - Women's Union Suits Pure white, fleece lined cot ton, taped neck, cut low, short sleeves, sizes 36 to 40c. Priced at a saving in the CQ( Basement . .UJw Women's Fleeced Hose Ribbed top, heavy fleece, sizes By2 to 10; good, warm hose for fall and winter. 17m Basement, special, pair. If w 3 pairs for 50c Rustproof Corsets These are guaranteed rust prooflong skirt, medium bust, embroidery trimmed top, 6 wide heavy hose supporters. All sizes up to 30. 70 n Important item at I U " Men's and Women's Gloves Yarn and cotton mixed gloves, better wearing than all wool yarns. All sizes, in gray ment, special ... ... .Jto Tango Hair Pins Large loop celluloid pin set with 8 sparkling brilliants, color, shell or amber. In the Basement, 1fl special . I lib Handkerchiefs Fine quality with cross bars, stripes and embroidered corners. Much daintier than the price suggests. Basement, special three 1fl for :. IOO Dress Ginghams 36 inches wide, mill lengths, in plain colors plaids, stripes and checks, lengths run from 6 to 12 yards. Base- 1 f1n ment, special, yard. . . . . lUb Wool Dress Goods . One lot in dark blue, black, red, gray and fancy mixtures, remnants of higher priced suitings. Pieces run from 2 to 8 yards. Basement, 1Q special, yard. .1 tf to 33c Red borders, towels. A very toweL Basement special, each........ for 46c V PURE - Babies' Warm Coats Sizes 2 to 6, good heavy coats, high button neck, neat styles, better materials than you would find at such a low ku m vr ww $1.69 price. In our Base ment, only Large Shopping Bags The old fashioned shoe string bag with cord handles. Large enough to carry home all your small packages. 1 fin Basement special ...... I Ub Coutil Corsets Made of heavy coutil, lace trimmed top, heavy web rub ber button supporters, me dium bust and long skirt. Cor sets so good seldom seen At at our Basement price. .HfC Are Several Styles in This line DRESSY WISTARIA model coat cut long at the back, short in front, trimmed with fancy silk and tassel on coUar. FIXE BASKET CLOTH smart conservative style, coat long back, graduated upward at the front, trimmed with large buttons Russian tunic skirt. Children's Yarn Mittens The re-inforced wrist pre vents slipping down. Good warm mittens in white, brown red, light blue and black. 4 fl Basement special I II to Black Darning Cotton Full 45 yard spools of good strong cotton. Special for this sale. Basement special. 1 Cn 12 spools for ......... I Ub Comforts Size 73x75 inches, good weiht, covered with fancy silkoline in light and dark pat terns. Basement,- QQn " special UUu Yard-wide Percales Exceptionally fine quality, remnant lengths that sold ; from bolt at very much higher prices, good assortment of patterns, both light and dark, pieces run from 1 to 6-yard lengths. Special, fl1i Basement, yard ...... U2 f Unbleached Muslin 36 inches wide, good quality free from knots, pieces run from 2V& to 11 yards. Base ment, special, (11 -yard .022 Bath Towels Our 19c Special Bath Towels have been the means of acquainting many people with our Base ment Towel Department. They are large, heavy and a quality seldom found at this price. Though very slightly defective seconds, we sell . . 1 Qp them in the Basement at Huck Towels. size 18x6 - Inches, good heavy special price for this grade 7c AIXMINUM ROASTERS. Full 11 inches square, inches deep, top and bot tom fit together perfectly, insuring a satisfactory roast. Good sizes for chicken or small meat QQA roast. ' Very special. Basement SOC TOILET PAPER. Good quality crepe paper, medium size rolk. "I r A special for today, a for.'.' . . J.rC ASBESTOS LINED IRONS. Case of solid steel.-top shell lined with asbestos keeping the heat down on Ironing surface while tha .hand stays cool; 2 irons, handle and stand. Sn.i,i 1