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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 8, 1916 WOMEN WERE ! RESPONSIBLE FOR VOTE HERE Female Ballots Gave Kansas Z to President "Wilson. Big a Surprise to Democrats as 2 Jolt to Republicans. THEY WERE GIVEN SUFFRAGE G.- O. P. Followers Presented Women With Their Rights. And Women Thereby Returned i. Vote to the Bourbons. It was a Republican legislature that gave Kansas women the suffrage amendment. This week It was the vote ofKansas women their first vote for president that gave Kansas to Wilson and the Lemocrats. It was the quiet, unannounced woman vote on the farms and in the big towns that cared nothing lor party lines and traditions regularity that gave Kansas to Wilson In . landslide that surprised the Dem ocrats almost as much as it shocked and Jolted the Republicans. 1 nthe 1915 session of the state leg islature, after many trials and failures, the women won the ballot thru the passage of the suffrage amendment. Of-course the mere men who voted in the- 1912 election had a chance at the matter. But the men were as kindly and gracious as the legislative mem bers and the suffrage amendment won inja walk. &U over the state Republican lead er rubbed their hands and chuckled. It3neant a redoubled Republican ma jority in the state. There simply was no doubt about it. The Republican worker in the ward and the man high er up in the big game, shook . hands anil patted each other on the back. It was a great victory for the great com mon people. Most of all it made Kan sas safely and soundly and solidly Re publican for all time to come. Noth ing; was easier than an application of th simple rules of arithmetic which Increased the normal Republican ma jority in the state lrom 40,000 to 80, 000. f Xo Doubt About It. l"here wasn't a question of a doubt thfct the women worked and voted as their husbands desired. They figured it all out for you. They explained that meek and timid and retiring woman wcruld consult her husband or brother orifather who knew all about such thfhgs and gather an idea as to just how to vote. Careful figuring by tha politicians showed that 95 per cent of the women would do that very tbtag. The remaining five per cent was a general estimate of old maids, decrepits and generally unreasonable people who probably wouldn't go to the polls anyway. All over the state there was a ten- f. For Skin Blotches Ihere is one remedy that seldom fails tccclear away all pimples, blotches and other skin eruptions and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you -with re mo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim ples, rashes, black heads in most cases give way to zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 25c; an extra large bottle; $1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. , ' The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. dency to forgive the Republican senate for passing the suffrage resolution when it came over from the house. For the house hai adopted the amend ment at a ladies' night festival and reported to the simple legislative process of passing the buck. The house and senate were not especially friendly that winter, at best. So it was great sport to check the wrath of the women to the senate and watch the solons of the upper house kill the measure while the ladies writhed in anger and shed tears. Senate Fooled Them. But the senate didn't do it. In stead a caucus agreement to vote against the resolution was defeated. On roll call the resolution needed one vote to insure its passage when the name of Senator Frank L.. Travis of lola last on the roll call was in vited to vote. Travis looked at the members in a dazed and bewildered manner, glanced sidelong at the gal lery of suffrage workers all of whom knew Travis would vote "no." Then Travis voted "yes." Later Travis and the senate were partially forgiven by assurances that the move meant more Republican votes. I In 1914 Kansas women cast their 1 first vote and helped elect six Demo crat congressmen from a possible eight. This year they registered their first vote for president.1 A special Pullman train carrying distinguished ! eastern women had visited the state i and urged Kansas women to come to their rescue for national suffrage and 1 vote for Hughes. The state commit : tee had sent the women voters tons i of literature postage and express i prepaid and had provided all manner j of reasons why they should offer daily ' thanksgiving for the privilege of living i in Kansas and voting the Republi ; can ticket. Maybe the women read i the literature. Maybe they didn't. ! One thing is sure. They upset even the extravagant claims of the Demo crats and put the state in the Bourbon column. N G. 0. P. SCORES IN ILL Entire State TTcket and 21 Out of 27 Representatives, Republican. Chicago, Nov. 7. With Hughes and Lowden, the entire state Republican ticket was carried into office, latest compilations of the vote indicated to day. Twenty-one Republicans were elect ed to the house of representatives and six Democrats. James R. Mann, minority leader in the last congress, and Joseph G. Can non were among the Republican rep resentatives who were returned. Hughes's triumph in Illinois was due to the failure of the Democrats to poll their expected big plurality .n Chicago and Cook county, Hughes rolling up pluralities there as well as in other sections of the state. A heavy women's vote was cast. The Republican candidates received approximately the same proportion of the women's vote as of the men's. MAINEG. 0. P. 4,821 Massachusetts Gives Hughes 21,000 Plurality Over Wilson. Portland. Me., Nov. 8. Maine's plurality for Hughes stood at 4,821 earlv today, when returns had been received from all except eighty-one small precincts, which have a total vote of only about 4,000. Hughes had 67,013 and Wilson 62,182 out of a total vote estimated at IS, 000. - Boston, Nov. 8. Massachusetts gave Charles E. Hughes a plurality of 21,000 over President Wilson. The Republicans also re-elected Governor McCall and Senator Lodge by larger plurality than that given Hughes. All four Democratic congressmen from this state were re-elected and the Re publicans held their twelve congres sional seats in the present congress. DEATHS AND FUNERALS I Advertisement. MRS. OLIVE D. MCLINTOCK, wife of E. S. McClintock, died today at her home, 1101 Central avenue. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thurs day afternoon at the Kansas Avenue M. E. church. Burial in Topeka cem etery. The Eastern Star will conduct the services at the grave. ; SPENCER LAWRENCE, age 72, I died Monday afternoon in a local hos- pital. The body was taken to Onaga for interment following short services ! in Brennan's chapel. Are You Prepared for This Rainy Weather? We have just received a large shipment of Ideal Raincoats, everv one is guaranteed water-proof. iney are aressy ana are designed to take the place of an overcoat on chilly days. And remember Galitzky's prices are right. $3.50 to $10.00 JtmlftCflAMWOttfS 0OKT. I. S. GALITZKY. V W I hi k If. v.. HE DESERTED SHIP Capper Betrayed Republican Party, Says Robert Stone. "Hats ! Hats ! Hats ! v We clean and block them to look like new. m Change the shape to any style g j 4 Call 2545 or drop in and see us at 1 917 Kansas Ave. Up Town Office -Mutual Laundry Co. First Shot In Fight on Gov ernor for U. S. Senator. POLITICAL TREACHERY HE SAYS Capper Refused to Aid Any Candidate in Race. Why Did Capper Get 100,000 and Hughes Lose Statel Governor Capper is the captain who deserted the ship. He is responsible for the loss of Kansas to Wilson. For his betrayal, he will suffer. This is the statement which Robert Stone, speaker of the house of representa tives, made today when returns gave Kansas o Wilson. Stone's statement is scarcely a veiled threat jof the fight which is to be made on Governor Cap per in event he is a senatorial candi date in 1918. Before all of the votes are can vassed. Stone has opened the way for the big row in Kansas politics two years hence. ' In a most cutting state ment the Topeka lawyer today charg ed the governor with party Ireachery in order to win votes for himself. He flatly charges the governor with re fusal to aid any candidate or to talk national issues in the campaign. Now Stcne points to the fact that the gov ernor is safe and Kansas is nationally in the Democrat column. The sensational Stone statement to day is almost a direct result of the To peka lawyer's recent fight for. re-election, which he won. Stone was the victim of a b'tter- fight in the cam paign because of his associations as an attorney for the Kansas Natural Gas company. Governor Capper's cam paign speeches regarding the gas re ceivership were used in the campaign against Stone. It is because of this fact and the returns indicating a Kan sas electoral vote for Wilson that Stone made his statement. At the Governor's Door. Following reports from over the state to the effect that Kansas has given Governor Capper more than 100,000 plurality and beaten Hughes for president by 20,000, Stone picks up the burden and deposits it at the gov ernor's door. The responsibility for a landslide to Wilson is placed on th. governor's shoulders in Stone's state ment. Selfish refusal to aid any one except himself is the charge which Stone makes in his statement. "The captain of a ship who, in the face of danger, deserts his vessel and leaves his crew and passengers in the lurch, may save his own skin, but he spends his remaining days in dis grace," is the sarcastic reference which Stone makes to the governor's attitude in the recent campaign. And that statement Stone permits to stand as affecting the presidential contest, the congressional contests and his own fight. "If Hughes has lost Kansas," con tinues Stone, "it is because our trusted leader here refused thruout this cam paign to discuss national issues or to render substantial assistance to any one upon the ticket. On the contrary he harped upon personal issues and betrayed his best friends in order to get votes for himself at their expense. "To carry this state by over a hun dred thousand and allow the national ticket to go to the bad is convicting evidence of the betrayal for which the party will hold him to account. The scripture law that he who saves his life shall lose it, is inexorable and whoever comes within its terms soon er or later will pay the penalty." STEAMER IN DISTRESS American Vessel Shelled by Subma rine Sends Out "S. O. 8." London, Nov. 8. The American Hawaiian steamer Coin tons gross, is sending out wireless tel egraph calls for help, stating that she is being shelled by a submarine. The RHtiKb orlml,,l. the Columbian's wireless call. No de tails were given as to the ship's posi- The Columbian was built at San Franrilrn in 1Qfl7 T t...J ... - - - ". w o icgiMci gives her owners as the American Hawaiian Steamship company and her port of registry as New. She is 472 S feet in length and 57 feet beam and has a gross tonnage of 8,580 tons. Half or Crew Americans. . New York, Nov. 8. The steamer Columbian, reported shelled ty a sub marine, is an American owned boat, bore the American flag at her mast head and carried a crew of about 120 men, half of whom were Americans, officials of the American-Hawaiian line here said this afternoon. It was stated the Columbian sailed from Boston for Genoa via Brest Sep tember 21, carrying general cargo. Officials of the line had not heard of the shelling reportd in the London dispatch telling of her wireless call. DAILY WEATHER KEFORT. Furnished by the weather bureau office t Topeka, Kan., for the twenty-four hours ending at 7 a. m. Wednesday : Stations. High. Low. Prec. W'ther. Koaton, Mass 50 42 0 Clear Buffalo, K. V HO 66 0 Clear Calgary, Alb 40 32 0 Clear Chii-ago, 111 74 of) 0 Fair Cincinnati. 0 74 S ft rla Concordia. Kan.... 74 42 .32 Cloudy Corpus Christi 78 74 0 Clear Denver. Colo 34 28 .14 Clear Des Mnlnes, la 60 40 .82 Rain Dodge City. Kan.. 74 38 0 Cloudy nuluth. Minn 52 34 0 Clondv El Paso. Tex 82 68 0 Cloudv Ft. Worth, Tex S2 iS 0 Cloudv iMlveston. Tex 78 70 .06 Cloudy Havre, Mont 30 0 Fair Ja. ksomtlle, Fla.. GO 02 0 Cloudy Kansas City, Mo.. 72 r0 .72 Itain Little Rock, Ark.. 70 04 0 Fair Los Angeles. Cal.. 78 04 0 Fair New York, X. Y... 56 42 0 Clear N. Platte, Neb 50 28 .14 Clear Oklahoma. Okla 78 52 T Cloudy Phoenix. Aril 68 40 0 Clear Pittsburg, Pa 70 54 0 Clear Portland. Ore 54 -40 0 Cloudy St. Joseph, Mo 72 --C, 1.16 Itain St. Louis. Mo 74 GO 0 Fair St. Panl. Minn 48 38 .82 Rain Salt Lake. Utah... 38 26 .02 Cloudy San Francisco .... G4 48 - 0 Clear Sault Ste. Marie... 52 42 .08 Cloodv Seattle. Wash 48 46 .01 Cloudv Sheridan, Wyo 38 16 0 Clear ' Spokane. Wash 44 SS 0 Fair Swift Current, San. 36 SO 0 Clondv rampa, Fla SO 64 T Clondv Toledo. 0 72 50 0 Clear ' TOPEKA. KAN... 74 44 1.40 Itain Washington. D. C. 00 42 0 Clear Wichita. Kan 74 42 2.06 Rain Winnipeg, Man 42 22 0 Clear GARDNER BOBS AHEAD Democrat Candidate for Governor In Missouri Takes Lead. St. Louis, Nov. 8. Returns from 2,514 out of 3.459 precincts in Mis souri give Gardner, Democrat, a lead of 103 over Lamm, Republican, for governor. The vote was- Gardner 289,030; Lamm 288,923. Wilson's plurality in Missouri was increased to nearly 20,000 by the returns from 2, 459 precincts which gave Wilson 305,398; Hughes 285,639. Returns from 2.405 precincts for United States senator gave Reed. Democrat, 300,666; Dickey, KepuDii can, 283,372. AT THE THEATERS Rose Sydell. Rose Sydell's famous London Belles, "The New Guard" of extravaganza shows is the attractition at the Grand today and tonight. From all reports the management William S. Campbell has been particularly fortunate in se curing the cream of talent and beauty for this popular organization. The performance is musical pot-pourri served up in the burlettas and gives mmmm WWmmmmm mmmmwmmm. if illl IBilllliiilCwB Johnnie Weber With London Belles. ample opportunity for the funny men to be funny, and the pretty girls to wear costly costumes. There has been special care in selecting the personnel of the cast. There is plenty of funny material and an abundance of pretty women, and the result is an entertain ment which brings the people nightly in crowds to see the show. Howe Shows Hawaii. Sitting comfortably in a theater chair the spectators of the new Lyman H. Howe Travel Festival will view most remarkable natural phenomenon at the Grand three days, commencing Thursday, November 9, matinee Satur day. At the Xovelty. The first episode of "The Shielding fenadow, the new serial picture now running at the Novelty, is proving to be a .very interesting subject and Uie scenes are very sensational and exclt ing. The vaudeville includes five ex cellent acts, among which are found "Nelusco & Hurley," who have an alto gether different act from the rest of its kind. These two especially good looking people do not need to exert themselves to make the audience sit up and take notice, as they have novelty of their own, which in itself makes a big hit at everv performance. It is an European offering dressed in Chinese costumes, and dainty dances adds considerable to the success of this ciever auo. At the Orphcum. A special arrangement has been made to have the Mary Pickford pro duction, "Less Than the Dust" re main in Topeka for the Teachers' as sociation. Consequently those of To- peKa wno were unable to see the bin- play will have the opportunity during the days of the association beginning lumorrow. ine music arranged specially for cms production is agreeable and the credit for the well-organized orchestra ana pleasing music is due Mr. I. Fel tenstem, director of the Orpheum muaicai organization. At the Iris. "The Soul of Kura-San" is an excel lent vehicle for Sessue Hayakawa. But mo real purpose cr this story by Charles Sarver does not stop at oppor tunities to the featured actor for it aiso presented the producer with oc casions to affect forceful drama and great pictorial beauty. "The Soul of K.ura-san is a drama turning about a Japanese artist's determination for re venge upon the American who b trayed and caused Kura-San to take her own life. There is continuous in terest here. Also there is real punch New York Mail. HOT WATER THE BEST LIVER AND BOWEL MEDICINE Says glass of hot water before break- rast washes poisons from system. Physicians the world over recom mend the inside bath, claiming this is of vastly more importance than out side cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, causing ill health, while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged to drink each morning, before breakfast a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the stom ach. Just as soap and hot water cleanse and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the elim inative organs. Those who wake un with bad breath. coated tongue, nasty taste or have .1 dun, acning nead, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who are subject to bilious attacks or constiDation. should obtain a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate at the drug store. t nis win cost very little but is suffi cient to demonstrate the value of in side bathing. Those who continue it each morning are assured of pro nounced results, both in regard to health and appearance. Adv. DEMOCRATS JEER OPPONENTS WITH N. Y.JERENADE Considering Victory Won,Head- quarters Starts Celebrating. Hire Band and Hold Im promptu Street Parade. NOMINEES TRY RECREATION Wilson Plays Golf; Hughes Goes Out Motoring. Minn., Cal., N. N. M. and Ore. Are Doubtful Still. BY PERRY ARNOLD. New "Sork, Nov. 8. President Wil son was making steady gains this aft ernoon in two states Minnesota and California carrying of either one of which will make his election certain. Regarding these two as doubtful with New Hampshire, New Mexico and Oregon, United Press returns showed Wilson to have already acquired 256 votes in the electoral college, Hughes 238. The president, therefore, re quires only ten votes for re-election. At Democratic headquarters the president's managers, , regarding the election as already won, turned atten tion to celebrating. A band was hired. Secretary McAdoo distributed brand new dimes as souvenirs and an im promptu parade past Republican headquarters to jeer at their oppo nents was carried out gleefully. Claim New Hampshire by 350. , At 2 o'clock Senator Hollis of New Hampshire informed Chairman Mc- Cormick from Burlington that unof ficial but complete returns from that state gave it to Wilson by 350 majority. The Republicans were conceding nothing and sticking fast to their claims of Hughes s election. In the meantime President Wilson and Governor Hughes were receiving returns from their political advisers constantly. Hughes remained closeted in his room at the Hotel Astor in New York and a continuous stream of Democrats and Republicans were run nipg to him. President Wilson at Shadow Lawn was in communication with Secretary Tumulty frequently during the morning but in the after noon upon reassuring reports from his secretary the president went out for a game of golf. Mrs. Wilson went with him. ' At 2 o'clock Governor Hughes and Mrs. Hughes went for an automobile Hde. The candidate was given a rous ing cheer as he walked smiling to his machine at the curb. Half Counted In North Dakota. Fargo. N. D..- Nov. 8. "North Da kota is undoubtedly in the Wilson column," the Forum, Republican newspaper,, stated at 1 o'clock. Half the state ballots counted showed Wil son 22,791, Hughes 21,732. Farmers' Non-Partisan League candidates won 50 to 40. Hughes Gaining; Wilson Leads. - St. Paul, Nov. 8. Returns from the rural districts shortly after noon to day, gradually cut down President Wilson s lead over Hughes in Minne sota, 1,029 of tlte 3,024 precincts in the state giving Wilson 92,066, Hughes 83,144. If Hughes can maintain his lead in the country districts the state will go to him by a safe margin, it is esti mated by Republican leaders. On the other hand, the Democratic leaders are claiming the state and feel con fident Wilson will hold his own in the rural districts and increase his lead in the smaller cities of the state. The result is in doubt as only a third of the 3.024 precincts in the state have been heard from. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 8. In Idaho 228 precincts out of 743 give Wilson 24,- 467, Hughes 19.486. Lamm Maintains Lead. St. Louis. Nov. 8. Returns from 2,442 precincts out of 3,459 in Missouri give Wilson 302.218: Hughes 285,589. Returns from 2.4S0 precincts give Gardner, Democrat, for governor 283,- 748: Lamm. Republican, 286,10 1. Returns from 2,365 precincts give Reed, Democrat, for senator 294,580; Dickey, Republican, 279,405. Hughes Also Claims Now Hampshire. Manchester, N. H., Nov. 8. Altho the Republican state committee had announced that with 21 precincts still to be heard from Hughes had an un official plurality of 1,867, revised newspaper figures this afternoon re duced the Hughes lead to 275 with 11 small precincts out. Republican leaders said the unreported vote was in Republican territory and that Hughes would carry the state by 400. Wilson 35,000 in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, Nov. 8. President Wilson's majority in Oklahoma was placed at 35,000 today by Democratic state leaders. While no late figures were available it was apparent Mr. Wilson's plurality would not be low ered by precincts still to be heard from. The socalled fair election law amendment carried by a majority estimated from one and one-half to two to one. HUGHES ISNT SAYING Xo Comments Until He Knows Out come for Certain. New York, Nov. 8. Charles E. Hughes awoke at 8 o'clock this morn inn: after sleeping nearly seven hours, and a minute later was reading the newspapers and latest election dis patches from doubtful states. Chair man Willcox communicated with the nominee and declared belated reports were reassuring. Mr. Hughes adhered to his deter mination of last night to make no comment and issue i o statement until the result was oeyond doubt. He breakfasted with Mra. Hughes and their tr.ree daughters. Newspapers were propped up in frcnt of them all and the meal was frequently inter rupted to read the latest reports from doubtful states. Mr. Hughes was especially interest ed in returns from California, Minne sota, Nebraska and Missouri. Early ad vices to the nominee from party leaders v?ere that the two List named states were in doubt with a steady Re publican trend as returns came slowly in. EDNESS For several months we have been prepar ing for the school teachers' convention, and have secured from the foremost ready-to-wear markets of this country the very newest models that can possibly be had in Coats, Suits, Skirts, Dresses and Millinery. We are prepared to show you all these new Garments. You will find it very interesting to visit the largest Women's Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Shop in Kansas. Coats FROM $7.95 to $65.00 We want the teachers to make this store their headquarters Suits FROM $14.50 to $50.00 Dresses FROM $5.95 to $35.00 1MEIM PROPER APPAREL FOR ftOMEN 605 Kansas Avenue c DRYS Affi HAPPY Prohibition Carried in Four States, Returns Indicate. Vote for Hanly Shows Gratify ing Increase. Chicago. Nov. 8. Oliver W. Stew art, national Prohibition campaign manager, expressed gratification over the result of wet and dry fights in states today. "Returns indicate that the drys have added four states Michigan, South Dakota, Nebraska and Mon tana to the dry column," said Mr. Stewart. "We saved Arkansas to the array of nineteen dry states with which we entered the campaign. The election of Bamberger as governor of Utah, a Democrat favoring prohibi tion, I think means prohibition by statute out there. We are particularly pleased at the victory for woman's suffrage in South Dakota, for that means that the election of officials who will make the prohibition law effective. "As to the national campaign our returns are too meagre to afford a basis for analysis-, exceut that the vote for Hanly apparently showed a grati fying increase over the vote four years ago." KEEPS KIDNEYS ACTIVE WITH A GLASS OF SALTS Must Flush Your Kidneys Occasion ally If You Eat Meat Regularly. Noted Authority Tells What Causes Backache and Bladder Weakness. . No man or -woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogrs the kidney pores so they Flusgishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you got sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then , to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. 1 1 arrenlosv Of Interest To Kansas Teachers This store is closer to all railroad depots than any other large department store in Topeka. Our Free Auto Busses and Red-Cap3 will meet all trains arriving during business hours. When you arrive in Topeka just hand your grips to one of our Red-Caps and step into one of our Free Auto Busses. In a minute or so you will arrive at the store, where you'll be officially enrolled and receive your cre dentials at the ' '' ' t Enrollment Office Main Floor without having to go to the Auditorium or State House. If you wish, our Red-Caps will check your grips at our Free Check Stand while you are enrolling. You will then be free to secure hotel or room accommo dations from 5 to 30 Minutes Sooner than you could by following any other method. Forget Your Aches. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame bark make life a burden. If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, lumbasro. neuralgia, get .1 bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; It pene trates without rubbing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than muasy ointments or poultices. For strains or sprains, sore muscles or wrench ed ligaments resulting from strenuous ex ercise. Sloan's Uniment gives quick re lief- Keep it on hand for emergencies. At your riruvirtat. 25c. Advertisement. lOc rj I Q 5c cumuli IC 1 Oiiiiuiii TODAY sad TOMORROW Jeftfie I.. IMlEjr presents the ni nrnt Jap Actor, whose wonder ful wneB personality i. being; studied by the scientists SESSUE HAYAKAWA, In "The 8oul of Kura-San" Also Starrinir MYRTLE STEADMAX BRAT CARTOOX TODAY Coming: BERTHA KALICH SHOES EXCLUSIVE AGENT If you would enjoy the luxury of a pretty foot without sacrificing comfort or quality buy Dorothy Dodd Shoes. You'll find here many of the newest patterns. Priced a pair $4.00 to $8.00 "Gold Medal" Shoes, a pair $3.00 to $3.50 sriUHiiiiiisiiiEiiuiHiiiiEiiiiiiiii 11. mini F i Up-Town Office Topeka Laundry Co. 114 West 8th St. Next to Lord's Flower Shop Laundry bundles and clothes cleaning and pressing received Viy 8:30 a. m., returned by 6 p. m.. If desired. Hat Cleaning and Blocking and Clothes Pressing Done Here. Open 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Yes, but our store is open and ready for business. Delivery will be made as promptly as possible. I Phone CCD. B Southeast cor. 6th and ajrkson I