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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL THURSDAY EVENING, NOVFER 9, 1916 -.2 DEMOCRATS TO .. CONTROL BOTH SENATE, HOUSE Senate Majority Assured, but House Uncertain. 18 Congressional Districts Yet to Hear From. WOMAN CANDIDATE LEADING Miss Rankin of Montana Ahead of Male Opponent. Utah, Republican State, Gives Wilson 22,000 Margin. New York, Nov. 9. Returns on the election tor members of congress re ceived up to 1 o'clock today showed 212 Democrats and 208 Republicans elected with sixteen districts not yet accounted for. Seven of these sixteen districts are Democrat In the present congress and nine are Republican. Should each keep to its present politi cal affiliation the count would stand: Democrats 219. Republicans 212. This would Rive the Democrats a ma jority of seven over the 212 Republi cans, and four representatives of other parties in the house. Returns on the senate fight are rearer complete. They tend to show the Democrats still in control there by a probable majority of twelve com pared to their present majority of six teen. ' One of the bis features of the con gressional fight is the seeming elec tion of a woman for the first time in the nation's history. Miss Jeanette Rankin, who ran as an independent Republican against Harry B. Mitchell, Republican, appears to have been ac corded the honor by Montana. - All cnancrB ui ..... . . - - i- - sentation in the house now center on whether the offioial count will return Meyer London from New York's East side. Gets Utah by 22,000. Salt Lake. Utah. Nov. 9. President "Wilson, from estimates based on re turns from twenty-five of the twenty eight counties in Utah has carried the state by a plurality of more than 22, 000. Incomplete returns from the ty-fivo counties give Wilson 63,687, Hughes 41,463. DEATH FACTOR IN RACE Wilson May Lose One of Seven Elec toral Votes in Washington. The death of a Democratic candi date for presidential elector may cause the defeat of President Wilson. At present the returns indicate that Wil son has 266 electoral votes and Hughes 243, with the seven Washington elec toral votes for Wilson, Should. Wilson carry Minnesota he would have a total of 266 votes, the number needed to win. But If he lost one in Washington, due to the death of the elector, Hughes would be one vote ahead. On the other hand, if Wilson carried California and New Mexico, or If he carried either Minnesota or California and North Dakota, he would win de spite the fact that he may lose one of the seven electoral votes in Washington. rr Showing Appreciation of Topeka's Out-of-Town Patronage we are offering, for .the three days of the State Teachers' Convention, a special and very large as- .. sortment of Untrimmed Shapes that is certain to meet your each and every demand. The prices are What's i n Millinery Our entire stock of smart and right up-to-the-minute Millinery Is offered at substantial reductions for the next three days. You are cordially Invited to make your selections at this time. Maude C. Brickley STOCK SHIPPERS To Insure Yourself Best Results Consign to CLAY, ROBINSON & CO. Live Stock Commission Merchants, Stock Yards, Kan. City We Also Have Onr Own Offices, at Chicago. So. St. Joseph. So. Omaha. Denver, Sioux City, So. St. Paul. E. Buffalo. E. St. Louis, Fort Worth and El Paso. PERFECT AS A PIANO Kimball TOPEKA FACTORY BRANCH STORE ERROR IN VOTE REPORT New Hampshire Democrats Threaten to Contest Election. Concord, N. H., Nov. 9. The official figures from seventy-seven of the missing districts have been received, but not tabulated. Secretary Bean, announcing the difference of ninety three In favor of Wilson, gave no total figures. The totals upon which his prelim inary statement was based had been reached, he explained, by adding to the verified returns newspaper fig ures from the districts not heard from officially. wo found several errors." said Sec retary Bean. "One clerk In Ward eight. Concord, reported the vote of that place, 'Hughes 225, Wilson 88 Our knowledge of local conditions made us doubt this result. Investiga tion showed it should have been Wil son 26, Hughes 88." The Democratic committee, when Hughes was reported leading last night, was said to have decided to pe tition for a recount of the vote. CORN CROP FALLS Washington, Nov. 9. -Corn pro duced In 1916 in the United States will total 2,643,508,000 bushels, against 3, 054, 535,041 according to the bureau of crop. , Crop production estimates Issued today by the department of agricul ture follows: Corn. 2,643.608,000; buckwheat, 11,447,000; potatoes, 288 964,000; sweet potatoes, 67,663,-000- tobacco, 1,145,530,000; flax seed, 15 300,000; pears, 10,377,000; apples, S7."9B.OOO: sugar beets, 7,4160,000; kafir, 61,024,000; onions, 11,060,000. Corn on farms November 1, 89,' 686,000 bushels. CONTEST VOTE (CojnnuedFronPagene.) New Hampshire a count and court action may be necessary to reconcile flatly contradictory statements from both sides based on complete returns. West Virginia In Dispute. Reports from West Virginia, credit ed to Hughes on the face of incom plete returns but claimed as Demo cratic by the Wilson supporters, indi cated tenseness of the partisan quar rel there might result in some of the "shot gun" activity which marked the famous Hayes-Tilden presidential con troversy of 187 6 the political mix-up most nearly like the present situation. Each Distrusts inner. New York, Nov. 9. "We do not trust the Democrats any farther than they are said to have remarked they would trust us, was ueorge w. rer kins' retort today when asked for comment on the statement of Henry Morgenthau, Democratic finance chairman hinting at Republican "counting out" of Democrat votes. "We are taking just as many pre cautions as the Democrats," Perkins added. Perkins Claims It Easy. Perkins said his tabulation showed 267 electoral votes for Hughes not including California. Perkins stated that returns at 6 o'clock this - morning indicated that Hughes would carry New Mexico by s,ix hundred. He declared there no longer was any doubt regarding New .Mexico. ' -- -. Probe Minnesota Count. Washington, Nov. 9. A large force of department of justice investigators has been sent to Minnesota, it became known today. Hinton G. Clabaugh, chief Investiga tor in the Chicago district, left yester day with several others from that city. Department officials refused to com ment on the action taken. - What , PERFECT AS A PLAYER ayer 823 Kansas Ave. P. P. Whitmore, Mgr. (f -J and Cpl up. DRYS LOSE MO. 3 to 1 Tote Against Prohbiiticn in Missouri. K. . Favors It; St. Louis Swamps It, 127,000. St. Louis, Nov. 8. The overwhelm ing "nay" vote of St. Louis apparent ly defeated the state-wide prohibition proposition in Missouri by a vote of more than 3 to 1. With the total vote of St. Louis and Kansas City reported and few rural votes In the count was 49,561 for and 173.785 against prohi bition. This city voted 13,272 for the nroDosition and 140.900 against the latter figures being more than half of the total vote cast on the proposed amendment. Kansas City, which five years ago gave a majority of almost three to one against the proposition, this year voted 31,000 for and 30,000 against prohibition. TEACHERS (Contlnned from Page One. roads. It is estimated that these trains brought 3,500 teachers to Topeka. The Santa Fe ran special trains from Independence, Pittsburg, Cherry-vale and Wichita. Each local also Is carrying from two to five extra coaches. Special trains were run over the Rock Island from Hutch insdn, Phlllipsburg. Sabetha and Kan sas City, Kan. The Union Pacific ran specials from Salina and Leaven worth. A special train from Fort Scott to Topeka arrived over the Mis souri Pacific . The trains from the West are especially heavily loaded and all trains from' all directions are carry ing extra coachos. Altho the city is will filled already no difficulty is be ing encountered in handling the crowd. "Two of Topeka's large dry goods stores have installed free transportation service for the teach ers from the trains to the registration tables in their stores. The Dual System. The generosity of the Topeka Com mercial club In volunteering more i..oney than usual for the entertain ments added to that of the association has made this year's convention a particularly strong drawing card for th teachers. It has enabled the dual system of addresses, thus affording every teacher an opportunity to hear the big speakers. " w Hon th. teachers of Kansas con elder the caliber and the variety of talent represented in tnis program, commented L. W. Mayberry of Wich ita, president of the association, "they must conclude that there is instruc tion and inspiration for every teacher from the remotest rural school to the heads of our great institutions. The teachers listened to addresses at the city auditorium and the high school auditorium. A patriotic drill in which five thousand Topeka children will participate, will be given on tne state house grounds Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, instead of this after noon, as was scheduled. P. P. Clax ton. United States commissioner of education, will speak tonight in the city auditorium. The Resolutions. Especial interest surrounds the reso lutions which will be presented for adoption by the resolutions committee tomorrow morning. Following is a summary of resolutions that will be considered by the committee: Endorsement of State Supt. W. D. Ross and the censorship of moving pictures as carried on by the depart ment of education. Demand that the office of the state superintendent be removed from politics. More authority in the hands of the county superintendents so that real standardization of rural schools can be effected. Definite educational qualifications for county superintendents, and re qulrements that the county superin tendent be consulted by district boards on the selection of all teachers. Compulsory health supervision In both rural and city schools. The putting of the selection of text books into the hands of active teach ers. A law making the tenure of office for principals and teachers three years. General free high school tuition. Mandatory teachers' pension law. The county unit plan of taxation. Recommendation of a uniform sys tem of educational reports. More professional training In the normal training courses of Kansas high schools. Amendments to the rural high school law so that every child in the state may have access to a free high school, and that both industrial and cultural courses may be offered In rural high schools. Frizes for high schools selling Red Cross Christmas stamps are being of- xerea to superintendents and princi pals at the state teachers' convention by the Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. A booth has been arranged in the rotunda of the state house where information is being given out regarding the prizes. The seals and supplies are furnished free to the schools. The returns of the sales must be in the hands of the state agent January 25, 1817, when the contest closes. The prizes consist of books, footballs, basketballs, bats and other articles which are always in demand around high schools. Many college reunion banquets will be held Thursday and Friday. One of the first Is the Baker university ban quet this evening at the First M. E. church. Round Tables. The program for the Round Table meetings for today follows: College section: 2:00 p. m. at the First Baptist church. Ninth and Jackson streets. Chairman, Dr. S. E. Price, of Ottawa. Address: "The Mission of Science In Ed ucation," Dr. J. M. Coulter, University of Chicago. "Address: "What the Bnslness World Ex pects of Our Colleges," Scott Hopkins, Topeka. Address: "What the Churches Expect From Our Colleges." Rev. Noble S. Elder kin. D. D,. Lawrence. High school section : Academic high school auditorium. Chairman, Principal H. T. fueener. jueavenworca. Address: "The Value of Standard Tests In High School Supervision." Dr. Geo. D. Strayer, Columbia University. Address: "Intermediate Schools, Snpt. X H. Francis, Columbus, Ohio. Rural school section : First Methodist church, on Harrison and Sixth avenue. Chairman, Supt. Auna Arrasmlth, Belle ville. Chorus, children near Topeka under the direction of Miss Eva Millard, Topeka. Address: "Standardization of Kural Schools," Snpt. W. 1. Koss. Address: "Community Spirit," Prof. Wal ter Burr, Manhattan. Address: "The Mutual Relationship and Responsibility of Rural Teachers and County Superintendent Toward Each Other." Snpt. Albert S. Cook. Baltimore connty, Md. Primary section: First Presbyterian church. Harrison street between Eighth and Ninth. Chairman, Miss Annabelie Music: Primary children of Central Park school untler tne tllrecuon or bliss uaiay Crawford. Central Park school. Topeka. Address: "Standardizing the-Work in the Primary Grades," Miss Oeorgla Alexan der. Imllananolifl. Ind. Music and rhyme illustrated : Miss Daisy Crawford. Central rarlt scnooi. Paper: "The Story Hour," Miss Myrtle Gettva. Wichita. Graded school section at city anditorinm: Chairman, superintendent joun r . oarn. hill. Parsons. . Address: "Means and Methods of Grade Supervision, ' superintendent vuoert . ' Cook, Baltimore county, Md. Discussion. ; Address: "The Broadening Scope of the Teacher's worx." rrol. u. aL. uowen, State Manual Training school. Address: "The Science Versus the Art of Teaching," Miss Georgia Alexanaer, in dlanapolls, Ind. All Round Table meetings will be held from 2:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. Membership tickets must be presented at the door. ... CONVENTION NOTES. Every town of any size In Kansas Is well represented at the meeting of the Kansas State Teachers" association, according to E. F. Stanley, chairman of the entertainment committee. De spite the heavy attendance no diffi culty has been experienced In provid ing suitable accommodations for the visitors. Two thousand teachers ar ranged for their rooms In advance, by letter. Twenty Topeka Boy Scouts have been meeting all trains and assisting the visiting teachers In every possibls way. The entire force of the Kansas City, Kan., schools under M. E. Pearson, superintendent, and past president, arrived by special train this morning. The delegation numbered between 450 and 500, A full delegation from Wamego ar rived in Topeka today. Wichita has the biggest representa tion at the meeting in years. John F. Eby, superintendent of schools in Shawnee county, reports that 150 of his teachers are in attend ance at the meeting.1 With the intention of attracting the interest of the Kansas school teachers in Topeka this week, the Curtis Voca tional Outdance and Placing depart ment, an educational branch of the Curtis Publishing company, will show the film play, "Thomas Jefferson Mor gan, P. J. G." at the Cozy theater, 7 IS Kansas avenue, from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The film presents the career of one of the boys enlisting in the work of the Cur tis sales force of hoys. The picture is given for the benefit of the teachers who will be unable to get into the auditorium for the lecture there to morrow morning. Members of the executive commit tee of the Kansas State Teachers' as sociation present at the meeting are Miss Lillian Scott of Baldwin, chair man; H. C. Culbertson, Emporia; J. H. Sawtell. Manhattan; C. E. Rarick, Osborne; S. P. Rowland, Hutchinson; Mrs. Hattie Mitchell, Pittsburg, and W. D. Ross, Topeka. DAYLIGHT HOLDUP Kansas City, Nov. 8. Two masked robbers locked G. H. Ehler, the presi dent, in the vault of the Security State bank of Rosedale, a suburb of Kansas City, this afternoon and escaped in a motor car with $1,080. " " i . Ehler was released from the vault about thirty minutes later,. ' WINTER IS COMING (Contlnned from Page One.) crust of ice. A reading of 35 degrees is 1 degree above the night normal for this date. The mercury at 9:30 o'clock this morning had reached 41 degrees and was expected to go to 50 this aft ernoon. Tonight it will not .drop be low 40 degrees. The rain here Wednesday totaled 2.11 inches. Reports show the storm was not general, but if reached to Wichita and Hutchinson, touching the center of the Kansas wheat belt. Rain is badly needed in the western part of tne state, according to s. i. flora. local weather observer. The wind this morning was blowing at the rate of twelve miles an hour from the west. The moon will shine all night tonight if the sky remains clear. The highest temperature on record for this date is 74 degrees, established in 1902. The low record, 19 degrees, occurred in 1889. "The coming storm will bring the ducks," said Mr. Flora today. "Hunt ers should get out twenty-four hours ahead of the time scheduled for the change in weather, as the ducks travel faster than the storm and will arrive here the night before. ALL OUR CANDIES are made and hand ' dipped under the supervision of W. H. BATMAN For 32 Years Topeka's Leading Candy Maker. Only the highest grade sugar and the finest chocolate properly sweetened with a machine of our own invention i3 used in making Batman's Nationally known Cleveland's Choice and other Chocolates. v A Few Samplers Chocolate covered MarbmaIlows, per lb 5c Chocolate covered Peanuts, per lb 50e Chocolate corered Pastes, assorted, per lb 50c Chocolate covered Flowing: Centers, per lb 5e Chocolate covered Bitter Sweets. per lb SOe Bon-Bons, assorted, per lb 60c Whipped Cream Centers (something new), per lb 60c t RttKBNBAEHER.. 720 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Ks. IT "Va- y w. 6 HURT IN WRECK (Contlnned from Page One.) th engine began swaying, and sud denly slacked up owing to tne auto matic setting of the brakes when the cars were torn loose. I realized that we were separated from the cars and put on the brakes and ran back to the diner." The Inside of the overturned diner was a screaming bedlam according to Ha vi land. Haviland proceeded to smash the windows on the upper side and leaning thru helped the passen gers to escape. Shortly alter con ductor Gaines and J. W. Stevens, Pull man conductor appeared, and the din ing car was speedily cleared. The Newman station agent notified Rock. Island officials of the wreck within five minutes after its occurrence. Dr. L. H. Munn and Dr. Albert H. Marshall arrived on train No. 36 to care tor the passengers. Taylor and Ransom had already been sent on to Topeka on train No. 39. And the re mainder of the passengers, pronounced comparatively uninjured, proceeded to Kansas City on No. 36. Passengers Were Lucky. Luck was with the passengers, if not with the Rock Island, which will stand a loss estimated at 3100,000. The fact that the limited was an all steel car train unquestionably prevent ed loss of life, according to railroad officials. "Had it been a wooden train. they would have been carting away the dead all day," asserted one veteran railroader. "The cars would have been smashed to kindling wood and in all probability would have caught Are. Taylor and Ransom, the most seri ously Injured, are reported to be Im proving. Taylor was badly scalded when the hot water tanks on the roof of the . kitchen were upset and was painfully bruised owing to being thrown against the heavy fixtures of the Kitcnen, The shock of the derailment was not instantaneous, according to Sergeant vranK a. Deanng or Philadelphia, first sergeant troop L, Seventh cavalry. rne rirst notice or the derailment, he said, "was the spilling of the cof fee from the cup in front of me. Then the cup went clear over and then everything turned over and the confu sion was indescribable." H. K. Johnson, the barber In the buffet, had barely finished shaving and was just putting his razor away wnen tne snocK came. He escaped entirely uninjured. Pullman Passengers Escaped. His good fortune was seeminsrlv du plicated in the cases of all of the pas sengers in the five Pullmans. The in juries reported were those of people in the dining car. Those in the diner had a miracu lous escape," Doctor Marshall said this morning. "I never saw such mess as the interior of that car. In the darkness it looked as tho the cars were torn to pieces. In treating the injured we had to take them back to the wrecked cars. It almost made a person seasick to clamber thru the topsy-turvy wreckage with the ceiling on one side, the floor on the other and a side of the car above." Practically everyone of tho twenty five or thirty persons in the diner sus tained cuts and bruises, but only the six named above were Injured severely. accoramg to ur. u i. Munn. Local train service was Interrupted for a short time because of the wreck. Eastbound and westbound trains were uuwrvw. ny reason oi tne oouDle i- . . i . . . . . . ii ttiiiB were auie to swucn around the wreckage until it was? re moved. j Nearly fifty K. U. students elected to ride with the wrecking crew from Lawrence and succeeded in raachlnr Perry before they were put off. Chan cellor strong, who is reported to have had a nephew in the wreck, made a vain effort to go with the wrecking crew. The crash of the wreck could be heard half a mile away and all night farmers from miles around visited the wreck. Kentucky Woman? Late reports from the wreck of Rock Island train No. 4 indicate that the "unidentified woman about 80 years old," believed to live in Greens burg, Kan., is Mrs. Marie Cundiff, of Newport, Ky., and that she is an invalid, suffering only from a nervous shock, as a result of the wreck. It was indicated late this afternoon that the wreckage from the tracks could not be removed for two or three days, but that the track Itself would be clear enough to permit of the oper ation of trains before that time. TOTALS CHANGE fContinned from Poee one.1 en by Congressman Guy T. Helvering, who appears to have won by 1,400. Otis L. Benton's defeat in the Sixth was apparent from first returns. Con gressman John Connelly was returned ! by nearly S.000 majority over the Oberlin banker. Loss of Reno, his home county, aided in the defeat of John Simmons in the Seventh. Congressman Jouett Shouse carried the district by more than 2,500 and won Reno county by nearly 1,500. Two years ago Simmons carried Reno by nearly 1,500. One of the close fights in the state was in the Eighth district, where Congressman W. A. Ayres defeated Judge Thomas C. Wilson. The Ayres plurality is practically 1.000. In Legisla ture. Republican leads for legislative candidates are being increased, altho the northwestern section of the state took a strong Democratic turn. Early indications of the defeat of Senator I. M. Mahin were changed when he came out of Smith and Norton with small majorities and may have won the elec tion. Senator James Malone, Demo crat, was re-elected from the Thirty ninth district, while Senator H. F. Sut ton of St. John, in the Thirty-fifth district, defeated Dr. J. C. Butler of Stafford. If returns ultimately give the election to Senator Mahin, seven of the 1912-15 members two Demo crats and five Republicans will have been returned. Claim California by 1,200. Facing the certainty of a veritable "eyelash finish," Republican and Dem ocratic party managers today revised their earlier claims of sweeping plu ralities for their candidates in Califor nia. Vice Chairman Max Kupler of the Republican state committee said early today: "I expect a plurality of from 1.20a to 1.400 for Hughes in California, This is based on the vote counted so far and on conservative estimates on counties where the count is not com plete. North of the Tehachapi, Wil son has a plurality of 30,000, but this will be overcome by a Hughes plural ity of 31,000 to 31,200 in southern Cal ifornia." The comment of O. K. Cushing, Democratic state chairman, was: "I consider California safe for Wil son." ine greatest interest ever shown here in a presidential contest was evi- dent thruout California today. News paper offices were everywhere be sieged by throngs of voters and county clerks making up official counts in many places were compelled to take steps to prevent interference with the tabulators. GERMAN VOTE WILSON In St. Louis About 20,000 Split From G. O. P. Ranks. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 9. St. Louis' German voter about 20,000 of him penciled Presldert Wilson, with few exceptions in Tuesday's election. The Republican majority was cut down, however, by the so-called "in dependent vote," marshalled to polls in the "silk stocking" wards. The average Republican party split, few German votes were cast. TODAY'S MARKET REPORTS Chicago, Nov. 9. WHEAT Reports that British purchases this week in the United States and Canada have amounted to sev eral million bushels did a god deal todsv to lift wheat prices here. Advances In the New York stock market tended also to ranged from the same as vpntprdnv rinlnh. ed to lc higher with December at $1.R7 to $1.87 and May at $1.8is to $1.98 was followed. by decided gains all around. oWrd of unfavorable weather in Argen tina acted later as an additional handicap on the bears, and so, too, did signs of continued buying on the part of exporters. May commanded the highest price yet this season. The close was strong. 2c to 3c net higher, with December at tl.8S4 to $1.90 and May at $1.92. CORN orn jumped upward as a resnlt of the government crop report proving much more bullish than expected. Selling increased on the bulge but gains were well maintained. After opening c to lc higher, the market scored a substantial further upturn. Corn consequently touched the highest level In 24 years. The fact that American corn could be laid down in Liverpool cheaper than Argentine corn was a factor. The close was strong at 2Vic to 3c net advance. OATS Export demand helped oats np grade. PROVISIONS Provisions average high er wiui nogs ana grain. Chicago Grain Market. tThe range of prices for grain futures on The Chicsgo Board of Trade as re ported by Thoi. J. Myers, Broker, Colum bian Iildg. Chicago, Not. 9. Close Open High Low Today Yes. WHEAT Dec. ..18714 100 187 190 187 May ..1KMi 12 189 192 188 nJly ..154 15CV4 154 155 152 CO UN Dec. .. 92", 91 ,89 81- 88 May .. 91 93 90 93- 89 uJly .. 91 93 01 93 90 OATS Dec. .. 55 56 55 B5- 55 May- .. 59 59 59 5- 5S PORK Dec. ..26.52 26.25 Jan. ..26.37 20.70 20.37 26.70 26.30 May 26.47 Raaaas Mty Grain Market. The range of prices lor grain futures on Tbt Kansas Citr Board of Trade as re ported by Tos. J. Myers. Broker, Colum bian Bldg.J Kansas City, Nov. 9. ' Open High Low Today Yea WHEAT Dec. ..183 May -.184 uJlv ..150 CORN July .. 86 May .. 88 July .. 88 8S- 88 0- 87-91- 88 Iunrpwi unun aarRn. Liverpool, Nov. 9. WHEAT Snot, steady: No. 2 hard winter, 15s 7d: No. I raven j steaay :" No. 1 Northern Dulutn. iss sa: yo. l Mani toba. 16a; No. , 15s 10; No. 3, 15s 9d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 12s 3d. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Nov. . BUTTER Market un changed. EGGS Market higher. Firsts, 33 34c; ordinary firsts, 3233c; at mark, cases included, 2fl(&;34c. POTATOES Market lower. Receipts 25 cars. Minnesota and Dakota white, $1.50 1.60; Minnesota and Dakota Ohios, $l.0'ti 1.55 ; Wisconsin and Michigan white, $1.50 1.60. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 14c; springs, 16c. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas City, Nov. 9. WHEAT Cash : Market steady. No. 2 hard, $1.841.91; No. 185 183 184 182 187 184 187- 183 151 150 151 147 89 80 91 88 0 89 Welcome, Kansas Teachers!! Q Hkksj Fi .-Qaauty Oanm f w 631 Kansas Ave. sa 3, $1.801.90; No. 2 red, fL83L8S; No. 3, CORN Market unchanged. No. 2 mixed. 94S9Sc; No. . S9294c; No. 2 white. 96 ysc; jno. 3, wtlftaoc; io. 2 jcuww, wwo. No. 3 new. Wc. OATS Market c to VaC higher. No. 2 white, 54V4Cd."iiic; No. 2 mixed, 54g56c. K X K 51.309 l.:J. KAFIR AND MILO MAIZE $2.20 2.25. HAY Market unchanged. SHORTS fl.55eM.efi. BRAN WHEAT Receipts 144 cars BUTTER Creamery, 34VjC seconds, 30c; packng, 2Sc. firsts, 32c; EUliS Firsts. hc. POULTRY Hens, 13c; roosters, 12c; broilers. 20c. ,., CLOSE: WHEAT December, $1.84; May. fl.87 ; July. $1.51 Ms- CORN December. fcW&gSCftc ; May, SOHigaic; July, 91c. Chicago Grain Market. fhlcacrn. Nov. . WHKAT Close: De- comber. 1.8i : May. H.92 : July. $1.55")4. CORN December, 01 Vic; May, 93c; July. 9.iCa3?4c. OATS December, 55g50c; May, 59 59c. PORK Jan., $2B.70. LARD Dec., $17.05; Jan., $16.15; May, $16-20. SHORT RIBS Jan., $14.20. New York Sugar Market. New York. Nov. 9. SUGAR Raw, steady: centrifugal, 6.45; molasses, 5.59; sales ,000 tons, full duty and 3.000 bags Porto Rico's refined sugar, steady; fine granulated, 7.5O7.00. nu. elzksl 2cases : taoln taoln taoln aolnol New York Stock Market. Closing prices for the leading stocks on The New York Stock Exchange as re ported by Thos. J. Myers. Broker, Colum bian Bids.) New York, Nov. 9. Close Today Yes. Am. Beet Sugar 102 103 Am. Can, c 63 3 Am. Car & Fnay 68 68 Am. Locomotive 90 9- Am. 8. & S. R., p Ill 110 Am. Sugar Ref 120 llfl Am. Tel. & T 134 133 Am. Tobacco, c 220 229 Anaconda Mining 97- 07 A. T. & S. F.. c 106 107 Rnlriwin T.nconiotive 88 88 Baltimore A Ohio 8S 88 I Bethlehem Steel - Ci; Brooklyn R. T , 84 Ho I Canadian Pacific 17 173 Central Leather 119 . 10i Chesapeake & Ohio 68 68 CUR-HlfO V uiuiwcBmu .... j - - C. M. & St. P., c 95 95, C. R. I. & P 35 34 I Chino Copper 64 3 Colorado Fuel c iron otis in Crucible Steel 92 V2 Erie, c 38 SR General Electric 182 182 Great Northern, p 119- 11 9 Great Northern Ore 44 43 Inaniratlon 67Vi C( K. C. Southern, c 27 27 Kenn. Copper o- Lackawanna Steel ........... 95 Lehigh Valley 83 Maxwell Motors 79 Miami Copper 39 M. K. A T-, c 8 Missouri Pacific 10 National Lead 68 t-r Con CooDer 26 KliZ 83 39 8 10 N. Y. Central 108 lc 108 N V N H TT 0"i 61 Norfolk A Western 142 142 Northern Pacific ..112 Penn. Railroad 57 Ray Con Copper 29 112 D8 29 109 101 28 129 21 121 11 65 102 Reading, c Southern Pacific 101 Southern Railway, c 28 Stndebaker 128 Tenn. Copper 22 Union Pacific, c 150 IT. S. Steel, c 124 IT. S. Steel, p 121 Utah Copper 112 Westlnghonse Electric 66 Western Union 11 New York Stock Market. Wall St., New York, Nov. 9. STOCKS The early rise was met by considerable ialf7infl cniiniiiir recessions of 1 to 3 points, particularly in leading Industrials and Marines. l,mtea scares- nieci maue another decline almost to its initial low quotation and Copper yielded to moderate firessure. Rock Island forfeited much of ts substantial ris and oner rails, lnclud thos in the investment class were sensitive to light offerings. Later the list railed again on higher prices for Leather and and Paper Issues. Dealings during the forenoon were fully l- below those of the previous day. Bonds were firm. ' Election uncertainties were again disre garded at the opening of today's market, prices rebounding vigorously from yester dav's irregular close. United States Steel was the onlv marked exception, recording an extreme decline of 1 points on its first offerings of 12,000 shares but this was soon largely recovered. -Central Leather scored a new maximum on Its 4 point rife to 112 and gains of 1 to over 3 points were made by Marine preferred and common, Utah and Anaconda Copper, Crucible Steel and American Zinc. Ralls were firm to strong. Rock Island gaining 2 points. And while you are here visit this "live" men's store. Let us show you America's finest clothing from America's foremost makers of real, high grade clothes for men. You will like ful cut, the smooth, snug fit, and the beautifully woven fabrics of these wonderful Suits and Overcoats 15,$20,$25,$30 Fall Shirt Sa'e! Comprising an assort ment of over 100 dozen fine $1.50 Shirts both soft and starched cuffs. Sizes Zy2 to 18 - Ewbh City I.t ve Stock Sale. The following sules were made this morn, ing at the Stock Yards. Kansas C!ty and rep.rted over long distance teelphone di rect to the State Journal by Clay. Robin son A Co.. live stock commission mer chants.) ... Kansas City, Nov. . CATTLE Re ceipts 35,000 head. Market 10c to 15c higher, stockers and feeders slow, 10c to 19c hlfrher. HOGS Receipts 7,000 head. Market steady. Bulk of sales, f9.209.S5; top, $10.90. SHEEP Receipts 8,000 head. Market 10c to 15c higher. KILLINO STEERS. No. 28.. 85.. 27.. 107.. 25.. Wt. PrlcelNo. Wt Price. $8.95 7.35 820 9.50 S.SS 6.10 4.40 5.50 5.25 503 -1105 1055 1123 8.90 25 !X5 . S10 0.40 1 40 0S .iral 7.60 97 1041 .12S0 8.00 I 53 1101 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 l 1210 6.50 I 4 820 22 740 4 .50 4 5t0 4 445 5 50 4 955 7 770 6.50 1 1000 1 000 0.00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 42. 721 6.34 i 23. 80 6.00 BULLS. 11.00 I 2... 8.50 12... 7.00 I BULLS. 5.25 8... 1 11 4 190 210 304 150 246 10.50 7.50 1 1130 .1010 5.35 HOGS. 9.75 I 83 198 9.90 OS 227 8.40 44. 76. 21. 227 243 110 970 9.76 Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. Nov. 9. HOGS Receirta 30.000. Market strong to higher. Bulk of sales. S9.:i5Q9.90 ; light, f S.80tfi 0.90 ; mixed, $9.30(3 10.05; heavy. $0.35ai0.O5; rough, $9.35u) 8.50: pigs. $6.75i8..0. CATTLE Receipts 8.000. Msrket steady. Native beef cattle, $7.10(3.12.05: western steers. $(i.70(S10.10: stockers and feeders, $4.80(88.00 : ran and heifers, $3.75taU.70; calves. $8.25(812.00. SHEEP Receipts 13.000. Wethers, $7.60 8.75; lambs, $8.75(g 11.50. Kansas City Live Stork Market. Kansas City, Nov. 9. HOGS Receipts 7.000. Market 5c to 10c higher. Bulk of sales. $9.43(s9.80; heavy. $9.70(89.90; pack ers and butchers. $9.609.85; light, $8.30 pigs. .wvr if.uu. CATTLE Receipts 3.500. Market stesdv to strong. Prime fed steers, $9.75(ff 11.50; dressed beef steers, $7.50&9.50: western steers, $6.50(810.00; southern steers. $5.75(3 800: cows, $4.50(8)7.50; heifers. $6.0010.0il; stockers and feeders. $5.50(58.00; bulls. $o.onrti;.50: calves. $6.50fo 10.50. SHEEP Receipts 8.000. Market strong to higher. Lamlis. $10.6011.25 -, stockers and feeders, $5.50(410.00. TOP2KA MARKETS. Prices furnished by Wolff Packing Co.) opeka, Kan., Nov. 8. Hogs MIXKD AND BUTCHERS....... $8.00(n.30 i rir.Avi , i; 1 LIGHT 8.0O(iir, Heirers f!ood to choice. ............... .$6.00 -o 7.00 Fair to good 5.00 to fi.OO Common 4.00 to 4.50 rir to good 6.00 to 6.00 Bulla Fleshv K! no to R.hJ Me.llnm 4 on to 4.75 ' Prime fat .... ; Medium good 7.75 to R m 6.50 to 7.50 Fair ... 4.00 to 6,00 Sheep and lambs Fat wethers Ft ewes ............ Fst Inmbs .......... Cows Ooo.l to choice ...... Fnir to fond .$.00 to 7 on . 5 00 to 6 00 . 7 00 to 9.00 to a on 4.rwi to n.'" Common to fair S 50 to 4.25 Shorn lambs and sheep 2c under abova prices. (Positively cannot nse sheep or lambs unless fat.) Bntter and Krrs. Furnished by tho -atrice C.esmery Co., Topeka. Kan.l oneka, Kan., Nov. 8. crrrrAoo runs 32v.c. HFW TORK V.nCSH 37ff3c; "" CRPAMFTV I"-"TER rhlcsKO. R5. 36c: New York. 36ci Elgin. 36c: Topeka wholesale. 30c. Topeka Grain Market. Furnished by T. J. Blllard corner Kansas Ave. am. Curtis Rtl opeka, Kan., Nov. B. OATS 46(iMc CO R N 85(5? 90c. WHEAT $1.6001.70. Ponlrrv. F.rr atd Unttea. Furnished by the Topeka Packing Com pany, corner Laurent and Madison-! opeka. Kan., Nov. 8. HENS TA lbs. anil over. 13c: under 3 lbs., llc: springs over 2 lbs.. 14c: ducks. 8c: geese. 7c: broilers, 2 lbs. aud uuder. 1SC Topeka Hay Market. Furnished by T. A. Beck, 212-14 East th.J sr1 ka, Kan., Not. 8. PAKT1"! HAT S the sleek, grace 51-50 shirts Next to National Hotel