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PIWRKNTLY the Kansas war council could be of service in Washington. yy EATHER FORECAST for Kansas: Cloud) , wanner tonight. Prob ably enow, warmer in cast Saturday. HOME EDITION TOPEKA KANSAS. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18) 1918 -TEN PAGES THREE CENTS EXEMPTS 1,000 WAR INDUSTRIES FROM IDLENESS (iarlield's 5-l)ay Shutdown Into effect at Midnight. Disregards Senate's Strong Ke (juest To Postpone Order. INSTRUCTS HIS STATE AGENTS! 1l ti n. Ti llcln - -'"" - - " Adoo Out of Tangle. Freight Piled High Awaiting Shipment Will He Moved. HKATLKSS'-'POWKRLKSS' ORDER t'aupes n virtnal shutdown east of the Mifininaipnl river. , , , Naiur'il ens artifii-tal Iran, wood, fuel oil "niKl all other forms of fuel, are Inclailecl In the suspension order, ac ronllns to a late official ruling today. This applies not only to plants norinallv usinc coal who might wlsu to substitute Bus. wood or oil, but also those customarily using these forms oi fuel. It was emphasized. Theaters and other amusement places must go fuelless on the Mondays from January 1:1 to March 'Jo. Department stores, wll. be heatless Mondays, but bullrings containing government offices bank doctors and dentists' offi.t-s will be exempted There most be washless laundries on the worklcss days, as tlwy are deemed mnmifacturiiig plans. (irocerv and drug stores an be heat ed and likewise K-hools. .V select list of vital war plants are exempted. Kailrnads. shipping, pub ic Institutions, houses and apartments, strictly eovemmen? plants but pot rnlte.i States war contract factories, public utilities are all allowed to have '"Trolley service will he made to con form to holiday schedules on the work- ' ''saloons will be cold on workless 1'iipers will print as usual but on Mondays cannot run more editions than tlK V do on 1pk.i1 holidays. If the paper docs not issue on a holiday It may publish once on Monday. Washington. Jan. IS. 'me mei au minlstration today made public a list of more than one thousand firms ex empted from the fuel restriction or ueias being necessary to the national interest. The Kord and Packard motor plants at Detroit in so far as they are used for manufacture of aircraft and signal coriw necessaries are on the exempted list. ' ' The Willys-Overlund plants and practically all other motor plants working on aircraft and army orders were included with Ford and Packard. Beside the makers of munitions, ar.ny cloth, cotton duck and blankets exempted in the preferred list issued last night, the new list contains the names of manufactories and light and power plants added after protests had been received today. BY ROBERT J. BKNDKR. Washington. Jan. 18. American in dustry today began sacrifice of mil lions that the national railroad may release scores of supply ships lying helpless in our harbors. Thru an order issued by Fuel Ad ministrator Oarfield. effective at mid night, business and labor started a five day period of idleness east of the Mississippi river that coal for the ships may have the right of way. Nine Mondays thereafter similar shutdown orders will be in effect. Forty-three exceptions in industries affected by the most sweeping regu lation that ever shook this country assured that pressing war work would not he interrupted ...... .. I A statement by Garfield defending his action in the face of overwhelm- ing senate vote to nom up tne oraer . lor live oays. oecm.ea .i w ' " ffnl sary to clear congested Piers f 1 empty steamer bunkers and avoid further congestion which might de-1 lav Hhi nment of supplies to r ranee. . :. field Accepts Responsibility. Garfield himself accepts full re- I sponslbility for the order which ; stunned the nation. ; To modify, if possible, some or the tinrHshins it imnoses. he has asked the ' i i 1 1. ; .. Kaq- 1 , . fully and see that the burden does not 1 fall on the working man, thru loss of ! wages on idle days. Millions of such wages and greater j millions in production are involved In ; the industrial suspension. Answering complaint on this score, Garfield de- clared "there are thousands in Lu- win Locomotive works this afternoon rope and more still to go there, who was ordered to close. The works em will lose more than wages or income. poys 20.000 men and was apparently Iftrving given the president author- operating in defiance of the fuel ad- ny to act in sucu oursns uic iirewm. "rTrsoflrrrhe 'Uftrorder I Is concerned. The only step which could be taken to make the order in effective would be to repeal the food law immediately and that is not thought of seriously. Talk of Hobbling Government. That the law may later be amended to strip it of some of its powers how ever, is hinted at by some today. Tod,ay opened up with another ava lanche of protests from many parts of the country on the Garfield order. Demands that its period of effective ness be curtailed were made to th president and congress. But there lime iiKPiinooa mat laws are passed that may permit pre cipitation of such sweeping regula tions upon the country without con gressional sanction. But in many quarters there is ex pression of belief that had Garfield originally issued" the statement he maaeiasinipnunsieuQ oi announcing what he intended to do before he him - ?T"Kbeen lonfusi ant protest. Wont to Work This Morning. Gartield signed his order about 5:40 modification of the original rguia . o'clock yesterday, U was officially stat tion would be made. If anvthing it d todav- This was a few minutes be mav be rendered more sweeping if . fore tne senate passed its resolution present industrial restrictions don't askinS nim to postpone hve days the clear the tracks for coal. date of the order going into effect. Congress was indignant at Garfield's I 14 was stated at the fuel adminis ignoring the senate request to hold up I tration that instructions to state fuel the order. Already the spirit is abroad administrators were on their way an in the capital to see that no further! hour before the senate's action was COLD SPELL BROKEN Another Light Snow Is on the Pro gram for Saturday. Hourly temperature readings for the day furnished by the local office of the United States weather bureau: 7 o'clock 4 11 o'clock 11 g o'clock 4112 o'clock 15 9 o'clock 71 1 o'clock 17 10 o'clock 10 2 o'clock .19 The wind was blowing 12 miles an hour from the west at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The average temperature for the day, was 14 degrees below According to ancient legend, it is evident that the great god, Thor, has his hammer to good effect I among the forces of the forest giants of Jotunheim. Meteorologist rwra 1 stated this morning that the backbone of the present cold snap is now defi- Mc-'nitely broken. In the olden days when the world was young this mod- eration wouM be attributed to the ef ficient battling of the Thunderer. The temperature at 7:30 o'clock this morn ing, the lowest for thv. night, was 3 degrees above zero, but it was said that the mercury would climb to about 25 degrees by afternoon. The wind was expected to shift to the south t-night and tomorrow the tem- (Continued on Page Two.i BRAKEMAN KILLED William Pardee's Foot Slipped . When He liOt On Car. U. P. Train Crew Lost in Wild Race With Death. As the result of injuries received this morning when he fell under the wheels of a freight train at MenokenT a short distance west of Topeka, Wil liam Pardee, a brakeman for the Union Pacific, died at Lawrence a short timj after the accident while being rushed to Kansas City. The train, eastbound, was leaving the Menoken siding at the time of the accident. According to Union Pacific officials here, Pardee started to climb up the end of a car when his foot slipped and he fell on the icy siding under the trucks. The wheels passed over his body, completely severing his legs near the hips. Death Won in Race. The train crew made a heroic effort to save Pardee's life. The caboose and engine were cut loose from the train and with Pardee in the ca-boose a race against death to get the brakeman to Kansas City for expert treatment be gan. The string of cars was left on the siding. Pardee's injuries were so serious, however, that he died as the special was" parsing thru Lawrence. Pardee, for the most of his" life, lived at Wamego. For the last two or three months, however, he haS been living at Kansas City. He has a wife and family. A brother, George Pardee, lives in North Topeka on Gordon street, be tween Van Buren and Harrison. The body will probably be taken to Wamego for burial. violaTOrder? Report Five Chicago Plants Fail To Shut Down. Early Disposition in Detroit To Defy Order Disappears. Chicago, Jan. 18. Five alleged vio lations of the fuel order were reported to the United States district attorney's office ud to 10 o'clock this morning. Tne offendera were Bent for and if their explanations are. not satisfactory ,t was that they would be pr0se- cuted. Exceptions in Detroit. Detroit, Mich.. Jan. 18. With few ex tiona Detrmt industries affected Garfield five-day closing order ere , , - , . production under way but they will ' fall in line. The disposition to defy I the order which was apparent yester- I day was changed upon receipt of word , that Doctor Garfield has signed it and annarentlv had the full sunonrt nf the i . .1 . Detroit factories will not pay their workers for the time lost. Both the state and national orders are being observed insofar as they do not conflict Baldwin Refuses to Close. Philately. ii Tan IS Ti. Ru M- ministration's order. William Potter. Lr.."?". 1 president of the preat industry, that he must cease operations at once. Mr. Potter said he had asked the co-operation of the Philadelphia po lice officials In enforcing his order aprainst Baldwins and all other indus trial plants operating in defiance of the order to shut down for five days. Earlier in the day President John son had announced that he would close the works if Fuel Administrator Potter ordered the closing in writing:. Mr. Potter's order was in response to this announcement. . officially brought to Garfield's atten- tion. But the lateness of the order and the general confusion thruout yester day left hundreds of industries un certain whether they should open to day. AS a result, thniisnnds nf nrri-lr. i ers in the eastern half the United ' States went to their labor as usual nl' t0 nd the-v was some tenaency to pass the huckbyjrienda of both Gar- (Continued on Page Two.) ECONOMY IS BIG TOPIC AT DAY'S WAR CONFERENCE- Every Speaker Urges Kansans To Save More Necessities. jeat Fj onr and r !oal H OSS Bit terly Denounced. DB, TAYLOR PRINCIPAL SPEAKER aiember Inter-Allied Paris Con ference Hoover- Representative Henry Allen Speaks at , Auditorium Tonight. the rOMGFIT'S PROGRAM. - (At Auditorium.) H. J. Waters, managing editor Kansas Dr. City Weekly star, presiding. "Readjustment in Education to Meet War Kmergen?ies" Chancellor Frank Strong, iState university. I "Itoarfinatmont In 1i,Kll Sr.nntla am m J Result of the War" Supt. W. D. Rosa, To- ; "I'rlce Fixing" Tr. Thomas . Nixon 'Carver, Harvard university. I "Universal Service Thrn the Reci Cross" j Henry J. Allen, Wichita. Economy is the big subject before tne war conierence delegates at to day's session in "Topeka. The save something idea is being driven home by every speaker at today's sessions and the meat and flour and coal hog, as well as the profiteer, is having more trouble than Satan in the book of Jeremiah. America will win the war thru economy and might lose thru waste, extravagance and extor tion, speakers told the Kansas dele gates to the war meetings. Kansas should direct a campaign to make economy popular, speakers urged. They urged that the spirit of economy extend to every essential and a direct reduction In all nonessentials. Emerson Carey of Hutchinson, state fuel administrator, and Walter P. In nes, of Wichita, state food adminis trator, both urged upon Kansans the need of a more strict ' and rigid program of saving. They told of the war strength of a sack of flour and a ton of coal and urged Kansans to eat less extravagantly, burn less un necessary coal and save money with which to buy liberty bonds. Ir. Taylor Principal Speaker. Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor, of Washing ton, a member of the inter-allied war conference at Paris, was the princi pal speaker , at. the day's sessions on economy as a method of winning "the war. Dr. Taylor came to Topeka with a message concerning the policies and program of Herbert Hoover, federal food administrator. He spoke at the afternoon session in Memorial nail as a representative of the federal gov ernment and the food administration department. Kansas was urged to popularize economy thru a general practice. Use less waste both in the home, the of fice and in personal habits and indul gences were discouraged. Delegates to the conference were urged to stay on the job during the duration of the war in an effort to aid the govern ment in the saving of every commod ity which might be utilized to the government's advantage in fighting the kaiser. - " War savings were discussed at the afternoon sessions by P. W. Goebel of Kansas City, in charge of the war savings certificate campaign in Kan sas. Goebel is one of the most widely known bankers in the middle west and is former president of the American Bankers' association. The Program Changed. When Doctor Taylor came to To peka on a late train, attractions from the afternoon program were switched to the morning session and the Taylor address arranged for the after lunch eon program. H. M. Hill, of LaFon taine, and B. E. Frizzell. of Lamed, were placed on the fcorning program as a result of the delayed Taylor talk. Guerney E. Newlin. representing the iTTitci stales shipping bureau, will follow Doctor Taylor on the afternoon card and will tell of the government s shipping program ana some ot tne causes leading up to recent emoargoes. Mill, oi miun"""".. triotic stand as to the duty of the n.OTiAM in thp W the war crisis. He oe- clared the farmers should not listen to politicians and newspapers wnlcrt seek to make political upiuu uj ng the farmers their sons should be exempted from war service. we should consider it a blessing that we have this opportunity to serve in any branch of the government service." Stand Belli nd Hoover. In his talk, of "War Service on the Farm." Hill set an example of real SSlthe tr. stand behind conservation. He told the convention th- Hoover and Garfield conservation policies and reduce consumption of food and fuel to the minimum. Hill said that on his farm near LaFon taine the family had reduced their wheat flour consumption more than half, the sugar demand two-thirds, had bought no canned goods, had made all soap used on the farm ex cept toilet soap, and had cancelled or ders for coal and employed men to cut wood that the supply of coal might go to some family unable to secure a supply of fuel. B. E. Frizzell told of the labor situ ation on the farm. He said Kansas high school students should spend the summer driving cultivators and plows instead of automobiles. He urged con scription of school children for work on the farms. With adequate farm la bor he declared Kansas would this year produce one-fifth of the nation's wheat supply. Allen Speaks Tonight. Henry J. Allen, editor of the Wi?h itt Beacon and director general of the Red Cross in France, will be the prin cipal speaker at tonight's meeting in the auditorium. Allen has made sev eral war speeches in Topeka. But each speech seems to have increased the demand fo- seating space at the subse quent meeting. As a consequence there is every probability of a capac- ! attendance tonight when he tell. Tof : versal Service Thru the Red Cross." "Readjustments in Kducation to t Continued on Page Two.) ALLEN'S FLOCK FULL OF FIGHT IN TOWN TODAY Four Hundred Kansans Take Political Capital by. Storm. Leave National Hotel Lobby Empty to Morgan and Keene. HE LEAVES IN A FEW DAYS May Return a Fnll-Fledged Ji'ear-Governor of Kansas. Every District Represented at the Big Meeting Today. More than 250 men and women In Republican affairs in their home com- munities and in the state promised ' this afternoon to keep Henry J. A1-. len's gubernatorial campaign going while he is in France. The meeting, held in the packed assembly room of According to reports here, many ' an increase in wages and higher coal the Rational hotel, was one of the units of Austrian forces on the' Italian prices. That was the sensational state most significant political gatherings in . front have been ordered executed for ment today of Emerson Carey of Kansas in years. their refusal to obey their officers iu.i.. , .. . Men prominent in both the pro- Disaffection against their m!tariat ' Hutchinson' state 'uel administrator, gressive and old line crowds of the j masters Is spreading among German . ,n a speech before the war conference, party were active in the meeting, and ( troops, also. j Carey appealed to patriotic Kansans pledged loyal support in the primary The German government is making ' to "save a shovelful of coal a day" as campaign. Fred K. Stanley of Wichita, strenuous efforts to stop the spread of a war aid. Then he warned Kansas Republican national committeeman for Russian propaganda and of sympathy . her big mines would be exhausted in Kansas, was chairman of the meeting, j with Russian beliefs. j ten years. Stanley has been ranked with the old! 25,000 In German Mutiny Camp. 1 Carey, who had previously told the crowd. Miss Mattie Beck, of Holton. porein Minister Trntw t,im,if I war conference that the miners' union staunch progressive and well known ; telegraphed trom Bresrovsktooav was a law "nt itself, walked oer the newspaper woman, was secretary. ' g Germ governrnenTwas " dt- "liners with hob nail shoes in today's William Allen White of Emporia, who UbeVately garbling reports of the speech. He declared the miners, un spent several months with Allen m peace negotiations " Presumably this er the shrewdest, brainiest leadership France, was among the many promi-. to in ,jne wjth ;tne Teutonic effort to in the world- adopted the policy eni nent Kansans in the meeting. j mislead public opinion in the central Ploved Dv railroad men a few months Resolutions oledgina support to A1-, . earlier and comDelled Drice advances. len while he is ministering to Ameri- can soldiers in France were adopted with a whooD. The big crowd arose- and gave Allen a noisy reception when,; he entered the hall. In a speech he, told the crowd his friends and sup-1 ized. The men live by foraging and porters at home must direct his cam-s contributions from sympathetic peas paign while he is in France for the ants. Red Cross. . A, similar situation of disaffection W. Y. Morgan of Hutchinson, and among the men is reported along the A. M. Keene of Fort Scott, two other whole of the Austro-Italian front, ac- ca.nuiua.tes in me cumiiiK prjiuiwiea, were lert in tne notei loDDy aeserxea when the Allen meeting was called. There isn't the least bit of uncer tainty about the plan for booming the Allen cause. Some of the best known political organizers and strongest Re publican workers in the state were in today's meeting which pledged every energy and every endeavor to Allen's success. The fight will cbe made the men. at Home while Allen is wltri, tc? the prolongation of-t-he peace nesoi the American Red Cross near the' tiatione at Brest-Litovsk, the continua trenches on the western front. . Every tion of the reduced bread rations faction and crowd in Republican poll- ' one-half the former allotment and tics in the state was well represented ! police measures against meetings of this afternoon's meeting. . There is not a district in Kansas which was not represented. Trains today brought many Allen supporters from almost every county in the state. There is not a district which is not represented by men of prominence, power and standing in political affairs of their communities. The men came to Topeka to assure Allen they would provide the organi zation to carry his gubernatorial cam Pai,S"vth tfl.eK ?"e-prim,a1fiSJt- " instructed People's councils thru 1" S? 1f "b" w!,icn hls .Kansas !out the land to-take the most dms- 11. ".T"' FV-tZ. B - the service which Allen is giving the soldiers thru the American Red Cross organization. He'll Leave in a Few Days. Allen will leave in a few days for France, where he will probably spend five or six months looking after the comfort and welfare of th American soldiers. Several thousand Kansans will be "over there" before Allen re- 1 turns to Kansas. And the heartbeats of several thousand Kansas mothers and sweethearts will be for the men in. the trenches on the western front. It will be for the comfort of these men that Allen will give his time and ener gies. And Allen will be the only man at the front for the Red Cross. So while he is providing some ittle pleas ure or comfort for the boys from Dodge City or Concordia or Hering ton or Independence or Atchison, or any one of a thousand other Kansas towns, the folks at home won't forget that Allen is a candidate for governor. In the hot summer days to come the ...... .. : . . owns mY iT , ' " .rl sort of keep the cause alive in spite of the advantage the politicians at home may have in talking patriotism -LLJ "m T 1J. " "l"iy l"e campaign map of Europe. Largre delegations came today from Wyandotte, Douglas. Franklin, Allen, Sedgrwick; Sumner, Harvey, Harper, Ford, Riley, Atchison, Montgomery, Crawford, and a score of other coun ties. The purpose of the meeting is to perfect a state-wide organization which will relieve Allen of the respon sibility of a campaign while he is in France In short the boys at home Allen's political respon- the Jupervision of the Kansas League Fieidi Jan. i g. The Prussian propa e he is providing care of Municipalities which iS holding gandist guns are turned toward their will take over sibiltties whil and comfort for the American soldiers. SPURN GARFIELD ORDER Indiana County Rofoses , Shut Down D Tndnutrias Its Industries. ' Vincennes, Tnrt Tan is Fvrv ina., jan. is. .every factory and manufacturing plant in Knox county was operating full force lUUav, in upuouwa Ji ucio laaucu oy tne xeaerai xuei aamimstrauon. John H. Jones, county fuel admin- istrator, declared that he would not close the factories, lacking official or- ders and following action of the United States senate yesterday, ask lv n!k- ing Garfield to hold up the orders for Jonei, who Is president of the Na- tional Rolling mills, stated that he was in touch with State Fuel Adminis- trator Evans Woollen but that Wool- len was also lacking orders. Jones got in touch with heads of manufacturing companies in this city last night and told them that they might operate pending receipt of or ders by him. VSKS R. R. RECEIVER Denver, Jan. 18 Stay of execution of judgments for $36,515,000 granted against the Denver & Rio . Grande JEXEGUTE TROOPS WHO SYMPATHIZE WITH SOCIALISTS Entire Companies of Austrian Soldiers Are Pot To Death. Disaffection Spreading Among Men of German Armies, Too. STRIKE RIOTS THRU AUSTRIA Anarchy Outbreak in Petrograd as Congress Meets. Railroad Trains Seized by Mobs and Cars Looted. . BT JOSEPH SHAPLEN. PAtrmrrorl Tan Iff WhnU ordered shot for their sympathy with Russian Socialist views, according to reports reaching here todav. News from the cam of ?i r,nn man troops who deserted their ,,, j ar,H o. i , pies of Socialism today asserted that! the force was well armd on l-ui umg to messages received here. Strike Riots Stir Austria. London, Jan. 18. Serious strikes accompanied by rioting have taken place at Vienna and in other cities thruout Austria according to news agency telegrams from Zurich and points in Switzerland. . Loot Food Shops In Vienna. The troubles, it is asserted, are due the workers. A peace demonstration at Vienna on Tuesday night ended in a riot during which, according to an Exchange Tele graph dispatch, food shops were loot ed. A wireless press dispatch' from Berne says strikes broke out on Mon day in factories in Vienna, Bratz (Gratz?) Order "Drastic Measures." London, Jan. 18. A Russian wire- tic measures" to suppress anarchy. The message recounted disorders and excesses at railway stations; declared the railways were in the hands of mobs and that ears were plundered. "This start of anarchy had entirely disorganized the transport, ' creating indescriable sufferings," the wireless asserted. New Revolt in Petrograd. Petrograd, Jan. 18. Petrograd was declared under martial law today by the Bolsheviki safety commission. "All attempts at a revolt are to be vigorously suppressed," the decree declared. The martial law declaration is evi dently designed to suppress any pos sible disorder incident to the meeting of the constituent assembly, sche duled for today. CITY MEN IN CITY irnnii'nal J 1 ?P. I .. 1 . . n0 1 J A V.' ' - j sas Towns Are Here, . MaAHniF ITnilAa c ir .. rtUOF' i iwu- nicipalities League. Between 75 and 100 municipal off i - cials, representing 140 cities and convene at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon at- A4 aronVin 1 T-JT1 .11 j aopr a definite war polie? for tiTeir ! municipalities. The meeting is under! ... u.uu.i wiui me war conference. Resolutions framed Thursday by the executive council of the league of j to a self-doubting soldiery the before municipalities will be placed before the-Marne belief that they are uncon. ' ofpTnfon" that "they 'wilF beCadoptedS j v.,, ... jf this is done, every attending offi- I rial will nlorlcrA Vi tmaal f n 1 " ' " " "ull,c and WOrk for the-measures anH rnii ana worx ior me measures and poll- , cies of the resolutions in his home; community. program of considerable im- ; portance has been framed for this ' afternoon-s meeting. W. L. Porter. Tor.eka win talk aJinut th ho3.: ?uf,f' j l,,,?"0"! AT s Zl , L"" ' ' . J B"vii. r-irl- Kicnara Hopkins, city attorney for Garden City, and former lieutenant ' f,over"or.wi'' " ,"AWfr Service , Zl t " municipal inei ytrain hmf community and how it has ! helped to solve the Lawrence coal ! problems. r " railroad by the federal courts of the Southern district of New York and of Colorado, and appointment of a re- s". in federal di8trict The petitioner is the Elliot Frog and I Switch company of East St. Louis. i IU., which asserts about $18,000 is I due it. MINERS MADE "WAR BABY" OF THEIR PLACES Using War Crisis To Force an Increase in Their Wages. That Is Sensational Charge Made by Emerson Carey. MINES EXHAUSTED IN 10 YEARS Soon Kansas Will Have To De pend Upon Illinois. "Save a Shovelful a Day," Warning Issued Today. Is Inspired by the successful bluff which enabled railroad employes to force passage of the Adamson law, coal miners made a "war baby" -of their jobs and the war crisis to force Nor did Carey heap all the blame on the miners. He said they learned a i few of the tricks from the operators. who in some instances advanced prices 200 to 300 per cent previous to gov ernment control. "Control of the coal situation was made necessary largely by the opera tors themselves," Carey told the war conference delegates. Then Carey laid bare the program of the miners, which he said called for demands for wage advances from $3.40 to $5 a day. Miners' "War Baby." "One of the chief reasons for regu lations," said -Carey in explaining the necessity of federal action "was the unrest among the miners who, saw the wonderful fortunes being made by the operators. The miners felt they were not "getting theirs.'. The coal. miners seeing that coal was a 'war baby for the operators, decided that ' It should also be a .'war baby' for them. "They went to Fuel Administrator Garfield late in September and de manded an advance from $3.40 to $5 a day for eight hours work and a cor responding advance per ton for mining coal. This Mr. Garfield had to grant to keep all the mines in the United States from being tied up. "While the coal miner works under the ground and looks dirty and grimy when he comes to the surface, he has the shrewdest and brainiest leaders in the world. They had seen the rail road men go to President Wilson a few months before and tell how they would tie up the railroads of the coun try and the president yielded by pass ing the Adamson law. If the rail roads could hold up a big man' like the president of the United States, why couldn't they hold up a little man, comparatively speaking, like Gar field?" This "hold up." as Carey character ized the action of the miners, has cost consumers of the nation J600.000.000. the state fuel administrator declared. "Thte advance caused a hike of 45 cents in price, which, togethet with two other advances to miners and la borers, made early in the year, caifred an advance to consumers in price of coal aggregating $600,000,000." Warning to Kansas. Then Carey sounded this warning to Kansas: "The coal mines of southern Kan sas, waere most of the coal comes ' from to supply eastern Kansas, east ! ern Nebraska and the large cities up I the Missouri river, will be practically I worked out in ten years," Carey said. In ten years, you will probably be buying coal in this section of the state I that is mined in Illinois. i Carey ur.sed every Kansan to show J loyalty to the fuel conservation cam- paien by saving "a shovelful a day.' i He said new methods in his salt plants ' enabled the saving of eight tons a day, i as "his shovelful." I PR H P A f! A N fl A AT LID MP , ,,U nf-.i iri n nuiiii. Raise Morale 1 In 'German Army by Te",n H V 8 Is Muffing. Wik k uri.ich i own troops, x?,r Qr,i u ies attempt is being made to restore 1 ne propaganda is noi inerieciive. i Prisone ik confidently of the pro- : ... - r posea an vp on tne west rront. ! . , From German prisoners it is known Amorira i hoir..- r-MMuiv riHi...iari i ne ijnuea states nas taKen tne place of Britain as 'contemntihle in the "an legion The German soldiers j Hbehig told that stories of I b . being told that stories or a big American army are "bluff", that when thT. "Tanks are Put to th.e test they i win 10 mane gooa. rtone or tne prisoners consider America a factor. ' hoi vine the war will h finihA H.- . (ore "the wind bags" (as their propa- gandists term the Americans) can get under way. SLAYS WIFE AND SELF Packing House Employe's Crime Or phans His 4 Small Children. St. Joe, Mo., Jan. 18. James Hash ed, a packing house workman early today slashed his wife's throat with a razor and then cut his own throat. following a quarrel. Both are dead. Four small children are orphaned by J the deed. FLOODS SAMMIES NOW Torrential I tains Succeed Snow Storms Over Training Zone in France. With the American Army in France. Jan. 18. Mud and water kneedeep over the entire "American zone" is not stopping the Sammies' war train ing today. Steady torrential rains have eradi cated the snow and engulfed the val leys with rushing torrents of flood water"! Even hilltop trenches are more than ankle deep in water. Others are knee deep in icy cold slush. The Sammies keep unceasingly at their war work, charging thru seas of mud or standing watch with the shiver-producing water pouring over their leggings. Battalions marching from their bil lets to the training ground are fre quently compelled to wade almost knee deep at places where the water has overflowed the roads. IT ISlAliUNK. C. Close Theaters, Saloons, Mon days, Tuesdays and 10 P. M. Most Drastic Order on Lighting in Entire Nation. Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 18. Kansas City is going to be a mighty hard place for the Zeppelins to locate, with the orders promulgated by he Missouri fuel administration effective tonight. All places of amusement and saloons must close all day Mondays and Tues days and at 10 o'clock every other night until further notice. Every light in the city, not absolute ly necessary to the carrying on of vi tal industries must be turned off at 6 o'clock every night and inspectors have been named to cut the wires to anv person or firm violating the or ders. Electric sisns. window display and lighting of all kinds is abolished and street lights will be reduced to a minimum. Closes All Amusements. The orders which are effective thru out the state of Missouri provide t!iat all restaurants, saloons, theaters movies, legitimate vaudeville and bur lesque pool and billiard halls, bowl ing alleys, dance halls and all other places of amusement be closed entires ly on Mondays and Tuesdays and at 10 o'clock at night on other nights. The order is the most sweeping and drastic to be taken by any local or state fuel administrations in the United States since the serious coal shortage. Order in Kffect Today, St. L.014U, Jan. 18. Missouri today prepared to observe the mandate of its fuel administrator . curtailing amusements of every nature and im posing restrictions upon practically every consumer of coal in the state. The order became effective at 7 o'clock this morni.ig. It was designed by Fuel Administrator Crossley as an aid to yesterday's drastic regulations by the federal fuel administration and is aimed to avert, if possible, an inclusion of Missouri in the restriction placed upon industries east of the Mississippi river. Amusements of every kind are taboo after 10 o'clock and on Mondays and Tuesdays, until further notice, motion pictures, dance halls, pool and billiard halls, restaurants except those per mitted to remain open all night), sa loons and other places of amusement will be closed at 7 o'clock when heat regulations go into effect. Theaters employing out of town performers are the only places of amusement allowed to operate on these two days and then only until 10 o'clock at night. Hits Retail Shop. Too. Restrictions are equally severe upon retail business places which with the exception of grocery stores, baker shops and meat markets, may operate only between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. Office build ings, must observe the same regula tions. Electric signs are ilso placed under the ban. and their use must be discontinued on every night. Retail coal, dealers are instructed to show preference in the delivery of coal to domestic consumers. PROTKSTS ARK IX VAIN. Saloon Men Particularly Oppose Clos ing Places of Business. Kansas City, Jan. 18. Protests against the order of the local fuel ad ministrator, Walter Lampkin, in which sweeping restrictions were made against the use of fuel began here today. Saloon proprietors were said to be especially emphatic in urging that the restrictions be modified. By the terms of the order saloons and places of amusement are to be closed all day on Mondays and Tuesdays and at 10 p. m., other days. Mr. Lampkio's order was based up on the one issued for the state by Fuel Administrator William Crossley. At the fuel committees offices it was said there was no intention at pre sent to modify the local order which alo provides drastic restrictions in re gard to lighting. HUN A POOR "COUNTER American Army -n France Two or Three IM visions. Says Newspaper. London, Jan. 18. Commenting upon the statment made by Secretary of War Raker before a congressional committee regarding war preparations, the semi-official Norddeutsche Allge meine Zeitung of Berlin, says: "The American secretary of war speaks of an American army in France. There is an American army in France, but it consists entirely of woodcutters, railway men and doctors, except two or three divisions, whose precious lives are being spared in quiet places, for behind the front. Must Keep Soldiers at Home! "Mr. Baker speaks as if shortly there would be 1,500,000 Americans in France. Can the United States spare such a large number of men? The answer is no, because a large part of the army must remain behind for the protection of the frontiers, the coasts, the colonies and for other duties of a political nature. "The political situation compels the Vnited states to keep at home the greater proportion of its army and the country can at the most put only 400, 600 or 500,000 men into the European battlefields." KANSAS TO HAVE TWO WHEATLESS DAYS EACH WEEK That Is Announcement Made by Food Administrator. Mondays and Wednesdays Are Days To Use Substitutes. CUT DOWN CEREAL PRODUCTS Government Also Will Make People Buy War Bread. Allies Badly in eed of Grain From United States. Kansas is to encounter further and more drastic food regulations, dele gates to the war conference were tol4 today by Walter P lnnes of Wichita, state food administrator. Mondays and Wednesdays are both to become wheatless days. Purchasers of wheat flour will soon be compelled to buy an equal amount of substitute flour. More rigid restrictions are to be required, lnnes said, to punish the food slacker and the hoarder. I. - Walter p. Innra or Wichita, stale food administrator. lnnes gave the Kansas delegates little hope of early relief front food regulations and restrictions. lie said the present situation warranted more drastic orders and that two days in stead of one are to be listed as wheat less days. In an effort to enforce observation in homes, the food admin istration will cotvpcl the purchase of substitute- flours in equal portions with wheat .Hour. Allies Need (irain I dull. v. , The United States must send 75 million bushels of wheat to her allies between, this time and the next wheat harvest. Inncs said. This supply can be spared only thru voluntary, or en forced self denial by the American people. Innes's speech is especially significant since he recently attended a conference of all state administra tors with Herbert Hoover, federal ad ministrator, ami representatives of food administration bureaus of the allies. He told the convention today of the new plan for saving the na tion's wheat supply and practicing strict . economy that the allies over seas may be fed. This is our program wheat." lnnes said today, outlined the following policy to sa v. Ho then Cut Down Cereals. Limiting manufacturers of cream of wheat, shredded wheat and sim ilar products by cutting down the sup ply to 70 per cent of their present receipts. Limiting batteries by requiring them to use 20 per cent substitute in all bread and 30 per cent substitute in pastries. Limiting supplies to wholesalers and grocers, who will in turn limit th trade. "Laer a rule shall be issued which will require all householders to put. chase an equal supply of wheat sub stitute, with every pound of wheat," lnnes raid. "Those substitutes are corn meal, rice, barley, grits, oats, oat meal and hominy. The buver can use all or any of the substitutes to bal ance his purchasfe of wheat. "There will be a larger supply of sugar soon but we still have to curtail our consumption 10 per cent of nor mal. "Farmers must work together where possible to put out more crops and harvest them. Labor will be freer notwithstanding the draft because workmen at the cantonments will be at home and the large industrial ex tensions of the last two years are com plete or nearing completion. If need ed for the harvest Secretary of War Baker will give enlisted men furiouehi so they can come home and help. High school boys must be organized to help harvest." RE-ELECT M'AuTfFFE Kansas farmers I'nion Commends Price Flxinjr and Farm Banks ' Wichita, Jan. 18. The following officers were elected by the Kansas Farmers union which adjourned its annual convention here today: Maurice McAuliffe, S'alina, presi dent: K. K. Woodman. Centralia. vice president; K. B. Roadhouse, Osborne, secretary; Willis D. Beller. Itussel, treasurer; W. G. Swanson. Vliets, lec turer; John Sheel, Kmporia. conduc tor. Resolutions Indorsing the govern ment's policy of price fixing, the gov ernment ownership of public utilities and the federal land bank plan were adopted. SV J