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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL THURSDAY EVENING,- SEPTEMBER '9. 1918 1 ' it It 1 FOR A COTTON TAX Republican Congressmen Would Make South' Fay. Declare "North Is Paying Prac tically All Taxes. SAY THE SOUTH HAS ESCAPED Democrats Will Fight the Tax Proposal Hard. Declare the South Needs the Profit It Gets. .Washington. Sept. 19. The first or ganized effort to change the ways and means committee draft of the revenue bill wu under way today with cotton and child labor tax amendment up in the house. Despite the -threat ef prolonged de bate on these amendments and the promise of introduction later in the day of third amendment providing for concessional committee to super vise and investigate war expenditures, house leaders hoped to rush the big tax bill to a vote before adjournment. The child labor amendment spon sored by Representative Green, Iowa, would put a tax of S per cent on the p- -hi of any mine, quarry, cannery or factory employing children under 14 or working children between 14 and 16 more than eight hours a day or six days a we.k or using children between these ages for night work. To Replace Child Labor Iaw. The amendment Is designed to re place the federal child labor law re cently held unconstitutional by the supreme court and like the cotton tax amendment will likely, meet opposi tion from southern congressmen. Its passage as part of the revenue act is regarded as doubtful even by 'con gressmen who favor it. The cotton amendment, proposed by Representative Moore, of Pennsyl vania, would put a tax of ft on every bale of cotton sold. Seek "Showdown" on Cotton. Moore proposed the tax In hope of bringing a "show down" on the whole cotton situation which has been hang ing fire in Washington for several weeks. Congressmen from the big; manufac turing states declare that while pro fits of steel men and manufacturers have been limited during the war, the cotton belt, they hold, is paying, only a small fraction of the war taxes, while It is reaping huge, profits from war conditions. Southern members declare cotton Is only now recovering from podr years before the war and that the country is threatened with a short crop this year. Probably Would Be IX" f rated. While expectations today were that the cotton tax will be defeated, south ern members were ready to battle every inch in fear that a combination may possibly put the tax into the bill. Moore also intends to propose the amendment for a joi t congressional committee to supervise expenditures which he will urge as an economy safeguard. Indications were that this amendment would fail even if it should escape a point of order. Representative Sabath, of Illlno. may also propose an amendment to tax steel as well as cotton goods, NEED KINDERGARTENS Lower Grades of Schools More Crowd ed This Tear Than last. A. J. Stout, superintendent of schools, says that the lower grades of the schools are much more crowded than usual. Kindergartens ars asked for in North Topeka, ons for white children and one for negroes. Other parts of the city that are without kin dergartens, are sending their children long distances for kindergarten in struction. The 7-A class sf Lowmah school has been transferred to Clay on account of the crowded condition at Lawman. The 7-B class at yan Buren will be established this fall. For soma years Van Buren school has had no 7-B class because there were not enough pupils to fill It. THEY WELCOME DAVIS British Pleased With Appointment- of New Ambassador From V. 8. London. Sept. 19. London newspa pers today welcomed the appointment of John W. Davis as American ambas sador to Great Britain. They believe he will successfully continue the work ot- strengthening Anglo-American unity. A SYSTEMIN LOOT "Loot Detachments'' Were As signed to the Task. Was Done to Neglect of Cap tured War Materials. FRENCH AMMUNITION INTACT Dumps Were Passed Up In , Work of Pillaging Homes. ' Hospitals Were Sacked, and Then Blown to Pieces. (By the Associated Press.! With the French Army in France, Sept. 19. Efforts to organize pillag ing by the German army and the transportation of loot appear from of ficial documents and verified incidents to have been much more effective than the work of carrying out the re moval of legitimate war booty during this summer's operation. The sacking of private houses and public buildings thruout the regions from Which the Germans have been driven has been done with character istic German thoroness by specially detailed Squads. Advancing French armies, however,, have found intact on the plateau in the region of Soissons A A It sprang from $13 and a set of drawing instruments Today it is an organization serving millions of women TWENTY-EIGHT years ago, with $13.00 and a set of drawing instruments for capital, a young man started' to build a great business. In New York, the" great whirling city, where millions struggle in vain to outstrip others, and hundreds win their way to success, he dared to enter a field already overcrowded. Today, the magazine he started is the foremost in its field; the pattern service which grew out of , it has outdistanced r . . . " every one or its competitors. if NEW MAGAZINE for women ! Why, already there were a . , dozen such, and the leading ones had twenty years and more of success behind them A new pattern for women ! The pioneers in pattern making had already been forty years in the field ! Yet steadily, swiftly, the young publisher's unerring sense for the coming woman's interests, the de signer's genius for line, and instinct for the American woman's taste in dress, made their impression. Before long, women asked: "Where can we get patterns of these styles ?" And so the Pictorial Review Pat tern service was born. In twenty years the new patterns had sprung far ahead of every other ! "They are so practical," women insisted. These styles, which every one recognized were newer and better, had so few pieces to put together that the veriest amateur could fashion for herself a dress of distinction from them. And when Pictorial Review de veloped the plan of also furnishing cutting and construction guides with instructions of a simplicity hitherto unknown, the popularity of the pat terns bounded ahead ! Today, Pictorial Review's peculiar appreciation of the taste of American women "has placed their patterns in every city, town and village. Seven thousand stores offer Pic torial Review Patterns to women! . 1,500,000 copies of Pictorial Re view are bought by women every month ! 2,000,000 Fashion Quarterlies each year! 42,000,000 "Monthly Fashion Books are distributed yearly through Pictorial Review Pattern agents. Today more. Pictorial iReview pat terns are bought by American women than any other pattern on the market. The October Fall Fashion. Issue One hundred ill us tradons of new styles of distinction and Simplicity. Twenty six in full color. The correct materials and colon for Fall and the ' way to use them. PICTORIAL REVIEW 0 October Fall Fashion Issue The Pictorial Review Company New York AT ALL -NEWS-STANDS Run W R C mm bh mt mm a, a sa a ljv m at mt m jme mm a j m mi mi m mm m m m mim.m c to cent the copy, ft.oo the year and elsewhere important dumps of munitions which the French had been obliged to abandon in their retreat last spring. Systematic Pillage. ' ,. .... An order, "signed by General .von Marwltx, and dated May 28 was foundJ in the pocket of a prisoner. . It throws peculiar right on the subject of pil laging. After condemning in severe terms disorganized looting operations by soldiers for their personal account, this document .calls attention to the rules established for organized pillage, and says that the men of the "loot de taohment" bearing white arm badges and special identification cards, have the same powers as military police. It adds, "the chief of these detachments will confiscate a tables and drinkables as well as vbjecta of current use that are collected and keep guard over pending arrival of the exploiting groups." Quartermasters Take Charge. Quartermasters are authorized by this document to apply to the use of their units a proportionate quantity of booty suitable for immediate consump tion and to send the rest to the rear. Private letters written by prisoners give additional evidence of the extreme limits to which looting Is practiced. A striking example of this work is-tound at the Vauduin hospital near Soissons, which was established and managed by Madamoiselle Canton-Baccarat. Be fore the building was demolished by German . shells, it was completely sacked by German officers, the princi pal offender being an army surgeon whose name is known and has been placed on file for future reference. NO RAISE IN TAXES New Seven Billion Appropria tion Caused Anxiety."" r McAdoo Says 8 Billion Tax Will v Meet the Needs. Washington, Sept. 19. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo today put the quietus on fears that the nation must bear a greater tax than (8,000,000,000 Tor the fiscal year to carry on the war. In an official announcement issued as congressional leaders were floun dering in confusion as to how best to meet the added $7,000,000,000 de manded this week by the war depart ment, McAdoo declared "it would be unwise to go further in taxaUon at the present time. "Conditions which might develop in. the future." he added, "will determine the question of further increases in taxation. For the present fiscal year it is our plan to ask for 18,000,000,000 In taxes." One alternative for additional as sessments is to go into new fields ot taxation. This admittedly means Im position of consumption taxes on the people generally to an extent not here tofore considered. Might Hint Liberty Loan. That, it is feared, might hurt the liberty loan. The problem thus be comes one of getting the maximum amount ot revenue out of both taxes and loans, without impairing: the country's ability to absorb the loans and pay the taxes. As a. result congress wants to he convinced of the war department's ability to spend all the vast sums ap propriated ror it ana the, additional funds now asked. Chairman Sherley of the house ap propriation committee declared today between four and five billion dollars already appropriated have not been spent, simply because it has been im possible to spend it. STATE KEEPING HER Indian Woman From Oklahoma Owns a Valuable Estate. Priscilla Bayliss, a Pottawatomie In dian, might have been defrauded of a large portion of her property rights except for action this week by the state board of administration and the attorney general's ofifce. The woman is an inmate of Topeka state hospital. For more than twenty years she has been mentally sick and unable to care for her property Interests. Thru an apparently corrupt action by her guar dian, plans had been laid to practical ly loot the insane woman's rich inher itance. Some of the richest land in Potta watomie county, Oklahoma, belongs to Priscilla Bayliss thru government al lotment and inheritance. Final pat ents have never been granted on the government , allotment and eighty acres of rich land adjoining the al lotment ha, been Inherited from the woman's mother. ' The young woman's case came to the attention of Wylie W. Cook, secre tary of the board of administration, when he recently investigated prop erty rights of a number of patients in state institutions. Altho the' state of nansas naa eared tor Priscilla Bay liss for twenty years fed and clothed her and gave her nurse and medloal attention the state had never re ceived a dollar for its services or to offset actual expense. At present the Priscilla Bayliss es tate owes the state of Kansas more than $3,500. The estate in Oklahoma in Its present condition is probably worm siv.uuu. It is more than suf ficient to repay the state for its care of the woman and to give her such comforts as might be afforded during her remaining years. The state has already Intervened in the case in the Oklahoma court and the woman's guardian has been cited to show cause why he should not be removed from an apparently unfaithful service. ifr9 IF im If 1PWTTT HOME OF HART SCHAFFNEB A MARX GOOD CLOTHES "emSSBm For Parents Who Want . sMJk UAl 1- MMiah a ISA uw V DUY Friday Auerbach Guettel 7J fct.anasd"cnO from this spe cial lot of fine tai lored, newest mil itary styled and ; staunch wearing fabric and cordu roy suits. Knickers full pes:: full lined and made with belt straps and watch pock ets. Parents who have the least idea of pres ent market conditions will not resist this spe cial offer Friday $595 Juvenile Corduroy Suits for boys from I to S yrs. cutest little military styles in blue, tan and C AA mouse color. Special P9U V Boys' guaranteed fast color K Sb E brand Blouses. Fresh assortment in all sizes. Sold everywhere at tl.00. Special. . ..... . Boys' Fall Caps made of mill ends in wool fabrics some with ear-flaps. Special Boys' "Sctsnug" winter Union Suits, medium and heavy weights in all sizes f ik : x ' , w .VMS ter hut. ror 5tn these fine all-wool AAv' suits we are selling Fnday $21 til THESE extra fine suits come in - silk 85c 25c 95c ,45c Made of Boys guaranteed "Cadet" Hose that will Reinforced with linen knees,, heel and toe Six pairs, 9S.SO or pair - Boys' and youths' fine tailored Shirts. last colored materials, deluding Lustente VI HP Madras. 12 to 14 14 collars. Special. ....... $ 1 .J yrs. full cut $1.25 Boys Oxford grey and navy Sweater Coats f Of Big roll collars 8 to 16 yrs.. Mothers Buy Children's Wash Suits now Some heavy enough for all winter 1 PRICE wear - .......... Boys' Corduroy Knickers. S to IT with belt straps and reinforced taped seams . mixed worsteds, blue serges, fancy cheviots and cassimeres. Splen didly tailored, fine linings and in the newest men's ana young men'a fall models. You are mak inar a savinsr of from $4.00 to $9.00 by taking advan tage of this offer Fri day. Choice..... i. Friday Basement Specials Young Men's Suit Specials rfof younr men going to school: We offer a good assortment of young men's styHsh. all wool suits, made up in English models with patch or slant pockets. Great values f A CA and great bargains at Friday's price ePltMlU $21 Men's Worsted Trousers Fall weights. Just ceived. Special Friday at Mon's every day grousers in Worsteds and Cassi meres. All sises M it Special Friday VCID $t.SO neat pattern Negli gee Shirts, all OC. sixes, Friday 09C Men's Rnbberbed Rain coats, in tans and grays, waterproof. CC AA my Sweat- $1.95 Special Friday. $1.50 Oxford Gra: er coats, big shawl collar. . $1.00 heavy ribbed Shirts ' and Drawers, gray CC. or ecru, each.....vvw - Two Friday Shoe N Bargain. Boys' Washburn Junior scheei shoes made with Rock Oak sole, fine workmanship, speeial f O Cf Friday P.W Men's new tall Washburn shoes; every pair guar anteed in black and. colors. Extreme value, Jg QQ Special Sale lo. Our Electric Light Customers Sold for ' Cash only September 19 -f and 20 Regular 50 Watt Mazda Lamp Five for $1.15 Regular Price of these Lamps 30c each BUY YOUR WINTER STOCK OF LAMPS NOW AND SAVE MONEY. Fill up your empty socket and have a reserve stock for winter. Limit of ,20 lamps to each customer. The Topeka Edison Company Appliance Dept. 808 Kansas Ave. No Lamps Delivered. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS WITH THE DIFFERENCE YOV WSUb SAVE. ' Hair Often Ruined ' By Washing With Soap Soap shoald be used very carefully. If you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thine; for steady use Is Just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless). and is better than the most expensive soap or any thing else yon can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing; every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil af any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. Adv. LARIMER TO LECTURE IIo Will Talk on Battle Front at Wal . nut Grove Church. H. O. Larimer will give an illus trated lecture on "The Western Battle Front" at the Walnut Grove church. Friday evening, September 20. at 8 o'elock. A map, four and a half by eight feet in size, will be used to illus trate the lecture. This map is now display in the windows of the Tully McFarland drug store. In addition to the lecture a liberty loan monologue "Rise Up, Jennie Smith," will be read by Mrs. Ledger wood. Miss MunsoR and Sidney Smitli will sing. The lecture is given under the auspices of the Walnut Grove Brotherhood, and the public is invited. No admission charge will be made. MUSfjAKEJHE FORT Fortified Hill 1,000 Feet High Guards the Approaches to Meu. New York, Sept. 19. The American front is now only ten miles away from Fort Kronprins, the farthest outlying redoubt protecting Metz on the west ern side of the Moselle -river where General Pershing is now operating. Fort Kronprins is probably destined to he the first of the Metz strongholds to fallrto the American siege guns. It stands several miles southwest of Metz in a wooded, rolling country where the hills reach a height of a thousand feet and more. The fort is three miles in side the German boundary and about two miles from Gorze, on the main German defense line. The Americans are .now slowly progressing toward Gorze to the west of the Mad . river. Fort Kronprinz will not come under the direct bombardment of the great destructive mortar guns until the Americans are near, if not actually at the German border. The long range shells which are ca pable of being sent into Fort Kron prinz from the present American posi tions, ten miles away, have not the en ormous explosive power necessary to crumple up the structure. It will be necessary, therefore, for the Ameri cans to push forward some five miles or more before they can secure the maximum result from an intensive bombardment. The German defense line itself is well within the necessary range to give the American gunners a full opportunity for their deadly work. Fort Kronprinz, from its hilly emln- Attention shop MENf Why oversleep and lose an hour or half a day when yon can buy a reliable and guaranteed ALARM CLOCK, That Will Wake Anyone But a Dead Man? ' Prices: $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Nussbeck Hardware Store Phone 1285. Seward Are. Oak BU OLD-FASHIONED REMEDIES Grandmother's remedies compound ed from the medicinal roots and herbs of the fields are now found upon the shelves of the modern drug stores in attractive packages and are among the best sellers in prepared medicines Prominent among them is that famous old root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which for three generations has been reliev ing the women of America' from the worst forms of female ills and is now considered the standard remedy in Its line. Advertisement. ence, exercises a commanding in fluence upon the western terrain bor dering the Moselle at the point where the Moselle touches French territory. For this reason it must be put out of action before the Americans can ad vance along the Moselle more than three miles or four miles beyond their present positions on the west bank. Friday Bargains . for Ford .Owner 80x3 Tires $5.00 to $7.50 30x3 Ms Tires $6.00 to $8.00 81x4 Tires $8.00 to $10 We Make Your Dollars Have More Cents! Blacker Brcifiers v 5h and Quinry. PHONE 1648 1