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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
V THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1919 1 These Specials at Both Topeka Stores IMPS Saturday clothing coj specials SPECIAL S FOR SATURDAY I Men's $2.25 Hill Overalls 51.58 Men's SI. CO silk NiVkllra 75 c Women's .') I.IsIl' llOMf 45c Men's heaviest Mnc lllli Overalls $1.98 liojs' a I. on Work Shins 79c Men's $1.00 Kress Shirts 79c Mrn's largo rod mid hluc Kerchiefs 10c Children's 003 Stockings -35 c Men's extra quality Suspenders 2Sc roys 4 oc V nists 48 c Men's T.'c Sample Urlts 50c Men's Toe Suspenders 50c Special Boys riitc Hib Overalls 4 to 15 58c Men's 75c Silk Mnsa SQc Men's l'ull Ci:t Toys' Heavy .l!ile:le VnUm r.luo i:il Kutls Overalls . EOr values bSC SI. 48 i:est l'n II '" " M:i!e Men's Men's Work Shirts 20c Hose. I a t r;i a mem m mu ,n.i Men's Ilos. Hoys 20c alues Iicay $2.00 Overalls , SI. 48 Women's rrgrr- m I i- Silk Plated Mens oso Silk Uslo 79 c ,i:' AVomrn's mkbwho SI. 25 Silk Men's Pure Silk II oso Hose SSc SSc Blnek Men's ?5.0!l P,lr;o:ners s:tu shirts 39c S3.95 Men's $2.25 roys' KnU Khaki Pants Union Suits S1.75 43c STYLISH HAT All the New Style FELT HATS A Special Purchase in this sale at three prices , $1.50, $2.95, $4.95 I SPRING CAPS Sew Samnlo Silk 7C- I Sample Caps Cups for I 3C I for $1.45, 65c Men's Spring Suits Saturday Specials Special No. 1 Young men's military style Suits, fancy worsted new weaves. Special price $ 1 4e95 Special No. 2 AH the newest spring styles and fabrics, fancy worsteds, blue and gray serges, guaranteed fast colors, foreign dyes, and hand-tailored conservative models. Young men's latest snappy English models. Spe cially priced, values from $19.95$27.45 Boys' Suits Special Boys' fast color, newest .style Military Suits, fancy worsteds, bark blue serges. $4.95 $9.75 Ittsf 1 Jut IVIen's Spring Pants A great special purchase cf new fabrics and weaves. Men's nil wool S3.U3 (PI QQ Pants Men's S4.00 I'ants, hau;(- tallored Men's Extra Quality Worsted Pants Men's $5.00 Pauls, hand- tailored S2.95 $1.48 $3 .95 SHOE DE rsra PARTMEN SAVE S1.00 OR MORE ON YOUR SPRING SHOES OR OXFORDS 400 pairs MKN'S WORK and 1K1JSS SIIOl-.S. Guiimetal. Calf, nines up $2.98 Over 600 pairs of Newest Style Spring Pumps and Oxfords, spe elally lioiiEht for this sale, all tl.c new Knthers niHl nil sizes. Sav l.00 or more n pair. Values up to $4.50 ml I S5.IM) Ladles Comfort Shoes, soft Viel leather, plain nil I faney toe. nililier heels. Choiee $3.95 soft Viet iney toe, $?45 Girls' and Infantsr"Shoes Girls' and Infants' High and I m Shoes, nn nttraetlve kit at creatlv reduced pruvs. All I lie Xcw e.-l styles Tan and Mule bkin to $3.50 and S4.00 MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES Bluek or Tan Colt Skin. 3 .'aura uiik soles. al- ffQ QC ues np to $4.30 Choiee J)3..7 J MEN'S AXI) BOYS' KLK SKEV WORK SHOES Save 50c or $1.00 on a pair of these Shoes. All ffO MQ Men's $3 Outing: BulsipA.flO All Men's $3.50 Out ins Bals Boys' Outins Bals. soft and pliable. . . $2.98 a 31.75 1 PLAN FOR FLYERS Preparations Being Made To , Receive Flyers in Topeka. Locil Aviators Will Tut .snd ing Field in Shape. RED CROSS WOMEN TO HELP They Will Prepare Lunch for the Fourteen Visitors. Air Circus Is Expected Here ext Wednesday ilorning. Hundreds of Topekans have already made their plans to -turn out for the reception to the "flying: circus'' from Love field, Texas which will land in Topeka next Wednesday. At a nioettnf? of military committee of the Topeka Chamber of Cammerce this noon a -special committee of iocal aviation service men was called into consultation and the entire details of the welcome were placed in their hands. A landing field for the flyers in the circus is to be selected by the local pilots. The field is to be marked with the bis white "T" which is the sipn by which flyers recognize landing points. A pylon is to be erected to show the flyers the direction of the wind. The field is to be fixed to rep resent a regulation army flying: field as nearly as possible. Fourteen Men With Planes. The flvins circus of five planes Is expected in Topeka Wednesday morn ing. It i saia mat tnere are xouneen men with the planes. On arrival in Topeka the flyers will 1m: eiven lunch by the members of the Tuesday company of the Red Cross canteen. Mrs. W. O. Dickie, captain of this company, today accepted the responsibility of seeing that the tiyers are given a true Red Cross welcome and feed. A special Tied Cross tent, is to ne erected on the-landing field. In this tent the flyers will be given some sort of a light lunch and a hot drink. At noon the plan is to bring the aviators to the Chamber of Commerce for the noon luncheon. After lunch the circus will put on a "show in the sky. An effort is being made ny tne Chamber of Commerce to have the flying circus stop off in Topeka over night. Wires were sent to Senators Curtis and Capper urging that immedi ate pressure be brought to bear on the war department to secure for Topeka this favor. Welcome . ly Airmen. Tt is the plan of the military com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce that the flying circus be met on land ing by a reception committee, whose personnel will include every single man in the city or county who was in any Tay connected with the air service in the great war. This means the enlisted men as well as the officers. The air service men in the city are npked to register themselves at the chamber of Commerce before noon Tuesday. This may be done by tele phoning to the Chamber of Com Tiierce. Kach one of Topeka air serv ice men is expected to act immediate ly on t-his proposition. It is the plan to furnish automobiles to transport this special committee from the Chn mher of Commerce to the flying field in plenty nf time to greet the flyers when they arrive here. The lauding field itself will be policed by either the Kansas State Guard or the Kansas National Guard. Kvery effort is to he made to elimi nate all danger to spectators when the pla nes come swooping into the air over in the city. Xo persons will he allowed in the space designated as the landing field. Aviators on Committee. The Topeka air service, men who conferred with the military committee of the Chamber of 'ommerce today are: Merle Morthland, Byron Muir head. Chester Wahle, H. G. Boeger. Kdwin Clander. Paul S. Jones, Vern Mi ner, Armstrong, and Young. The general committee on arrange ments as named by Ralph R. Bae, chairman of the military committee today is: Merle Morthland, Chester Wahle. Kdwin Olander. Byron Muir head, II. G. Boeger, and Armstrong. This committee is in charge of the selection of the landing field and of the marking of the field. CUT SAND ROYALTYTAX Star? Contemplates Tills Action Fol lowing Receipt or Cofplaints. The str;te executive council may re vise the sand royalty tax downward. Members of the council will consider the yand tax problem at a special meeting Wednesday afternoon. May 28. At present the state collects a ten per cent royalty Wn all sand taken from beds of navigable streams of the state. A protest has been filed by the sand companies to the effect that the present royalty rate in confiscatory. The council will consider application for a reduction in the rate at the special meeting this , month. Repre sentatives of a number of sand com panies in Topeka, Kansas City, Wich ita and Hutchipson will be heard at the meeting. . 1 TOPEKAN IS NAMED K. II. If :guelanrl Will Serve on Freight Trailic Committee. K. H. Hogueland, commerce coun sel for the Topeka Traffic association and numerous other shipping associa tions, has been appointed to serve on the Kansas City district freight traf fic committee. The appointment was made by Max Thelen, director of pub lic service for the railroad administra tion. The ihcr members of the commit tee are: D. R. Lincoln, chairman, formerly assistant general freight agent from the Missouri Pacific: J. R. Koontz. Topeka, general freight airent for the Santa Fe, and R. D. Sangster. transportation commissioner of Kansas Hty Chamber of Commerce. ADMIRAL TO RETIRE Rolit. M. Tojlo, Cnmmnnder North Paeiflc Meet. Will Resign. Lns Anseles- Mav 16. Rear Ad miral Robert M. Doyle, V. S. X.. com manding the North I'aeific fleet, is en route from Hawaii to San Franciseo and from there will ko to New York and Washington to ask retirement, ac eording to a letter received by a son DEATHS AND FUNERALS Tlie funeral of Mrs. Anna Hoefer, ege 71. wbo died Thursdny iit the Methodist Htioie. was held at tbe home Fridny Afternoon at '2:-n o'clock. The body will be taken to Clifton for burial. P K I Xf'ETO X ro KTF.Tt, n ge 75. died Thursday nt Ids home. 701 (Silumre avenue. The body will be taken to Baldwin for burial. The funeral of C. E. Tlmrson was held Fridn v afternoon nt o'clock from the residence. -!" Clay street. Burial iu To peka cemetery. EMORY FOOTK, formerly of Topeka. died Wednesday at his home In Portland. Ore gon. He was a brother of O. H. Foote. of 14:'.l Tyler street, uluo of iJ. K.- Foote, of Kansas City.. MRS. II. S. COKE, of lli'O College nre tiue. died Thurmlay nt a local hospital. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at :i o'clock from the Central Park Christian church. Burial in Foster cemetery. EI WAR I died this morning nt bis honip near Silver Lnkc,. Funeral announce ment later. 4 MARTHA ABEND, daughter of Mr.; and Mrs. Bernard Abend, of 1TM North Van Ititren. died Fridn v The funeral will In held Saturday morning nt It o'clock from the St. JoHcnli Catholic church. Burial in M t. Calvary f emote ry . Lord's Flowers Satisfy. Tel. S27 Adv. DANIELS LANDS TOMORROW Troops of 33rd Division Will Also Ar rive on Mt. Vernon. Washington, May 16. The Mount Vernon, with Secretary of the Navy Daniels aboard, advised the navy de partment today that she would arrive at Hoboken at 7:45 a. m. tomorrow. The Mount Vernon carries troops,, including the 33rd division headquar ters and headquarters troop, rail head detachment 33rd division. GLASS iy GIRLS' EYES ' Vassnr College Students Hurt In Lab oratory lilnst Are Improving. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 16. The Vassar college students injured about the eyes and face in an explosion in the physics laboratory yesterday were reported improved today. Particles of glass penetrated their eyes. No inflammation had set in to day. A defective test tube caused the explosion. Anniversary of Freedom. Washington, May 16. A cable con gratulation the government of Par aguay on the anniversary of its in dependence was transmitted by the state department today. Pa tells ma I to et a 8 package g of 1 lOASTIES for me' J then eats most all of em Get Back Your Grip1 On Health Nuxated Iron Master Strength-Builder Of The Blood Help. Make Strong, JStnrdy Men and Healthy, Beautiful Women 3.004r,0O0 People X'De it Annually 5 lbs. Compound $1.30 Beef Roast 20? Plate Roast 17? Brisket Roast . . .' 15? Veal Roast 23? Veal Stew 18? Mutton Roast . 20? Mutton Stew 15? Pork Roast 34? Spare Ribs 20? Beef Tongues 25? Beef Hearts 12 y2? Fresh Brains 14? Hamberger ..20? Pork Sausage 22? Half or whole side Bacon . . 40? Bacon Squares 33? Hams, plain 3S? California Hams 28? Country Butter 52? Plain wrapped Butter . . 58? Meadow Gold Butter 59? 7JT7ST CHOICE MEATS, - muthml in Body and Mind Never mind your age a3 measured by years. How do you feel? That's the thing that counts! See this sprightly old gentlemen coming toward you down the street. His birth record would show you that he is past seventy. But judging from the easy grace with which he swings along, his errect carriage, his ruddy complexion, the keen glance of his eye, his whole appearance the very picture of health, you would say that he is not a" day past fifty. He is young in spite of his three score years and ten. More frequently you see the opposite of his type. Men scarcely in their thirties haggard, listless, weak, nervous men who take no interest in life, just dragging out a weary existence, all in, tired and worn out. Though young in years, they are, nevertheless, old men. Their vital forces are on the wane. They've lost their "punch'' and "pep." They feel old and they look it! ' ' Stay young by keeping your body fit. Keep stomach, bowels, liver, ' kidneys and bladder healthy and active. Build up your strength and health. Nothing will aceomgjish these results better than XAKD g- The Great General Tonic Juet try "LYKO" when you are t eelins the least bU jaded, tired and worn out. See for yourself how quickly it rejuven tea wn&t a fresh feeling of strength and power ia given you. It's a reliable appetizer, a splendid aid to digestion be sides tends to strengthen and tone up the entire body. Vour druggist has "LYKO." Get a bottle today. Look for the name on the package and accept no substitute. Sole Manufacturers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kantai City, Mo. mm LYKO is itld in original pack only, Itks picture abov. RifuM all aubstitutss. ' G)ont jvfuse that invitation because ofa . poor complexion clears a Ko cne knows the humiliation of being" a "wall flower" betterthan the rrirl with a red, rough, pimply complexion. If your skin is not fresh ar.d smoo'Ji, or ha3 suffered from an unwise use of cosmetics, try Kcsinol Soap and Rcsi nol Ointment for a week and sec if they pimples don't begin to make a blessed differ ence. They also help to make hands and arms soft and white, and to keep the hair live, glossy and free from dandruff. A'l dnigg-is se'l Fesiiol Ointmsnt trd Resinol Pnan. Yor a free sample cf each, write to Dept. 1 1-N . Kesinol, BaUimore, Md. You'd better try them I 1 rices Greatly Reduced mm ESC -on- intone TRUCK TIRES We are pleased to announce a very radical reduc tion in prices of solid truck tires. Below are a few of sizes mostly used : 04x3 $27.70 36x3 : 29.20 32x3 '- 30.75 34x3 is 32.60 36x312 34.25 34x4 37.50 36x4 39.65 34x5 47.05 36x5 50.15 All other sizes proportionately reduced. Eemember, we operate an up-to-the-minute Firestone Service Station equipped with a 150-Ten Trdraulic Press. If your truck needs tiresbuy now nothing to be gained by delaying. - A good stock of tires on hand at all times. 212 and 214 West Sixth. Phone 994 We Beat Yesterday In This Sale TOMORROW Bigger, Better Bargains; extra help, ex tra wrapping service; and, best of all, extra, biggest on earth values. , Boys' $3.50 Knickerbocker Suits, S1.75 Little Tots' Wool Suits $l.QO - Most handsome Suits for men; greens, Dixie weaves, serges, worsteds, in the best makes on earth; Kuppenheimer's, Elk Brand, Marx Made, Society, Hirsch Wickwire. Men's finest suits, values up to $30.00, choice Mon'n 25c Hose .SIX PAIRS ..75c 0 1 AO B u ) s n n y Man's (1.70 Silk Shirt up to $5. CA Buys Si c n's $1.00 DUC Shins. 50c 25c Men's Nainsook Union Suits Men's 50c Suspenders Greatest $1.00 Shirt Snlc in our lives Only the best makes on sale Tomorrow Buys your Shirt needs now. $1.00 Men's 91.50 medium Bu I brigga n V nioii Suits SIX PAIRS Men's 20c Hose t Men's $2.00 Collar at tached Shirts. . welch t 75c ,ia $5.00 Mens un to Khoes. . This Shoe Sule Suturdny is what we term the great est on earth! J 'OR THE WORKING M,N" Jicirs $2.50 Over alls Men's $.50 Khaki Punts Men's $3.50 Pants Men's $5.00 Punts .'. . . i Men's $0.00 Punts $1.25 $1.25 $1.75 $2.50 $3.00 Boys 50c Sport ' Shirt 4 Boys' $1.00 Knleker- bocker I'ants The Best You Ever Will See. Men's iinndhome Milk lined Serce Suit? all wool. Skin ners silk lined we fit the hard to fit In these most handsome of Men's Suit choice. ...... $20 Tropical Weave Series Men's A biir Suit value for men Choice. (You may find the same Suits us ours in ntlier stores BIT NOT AT OCR PRICKS! Vnllucd Suits $12.50- fellies' $2.00 Muslin Mght Hones Tallies' $1.00 Muslin Drawers Ladies' $2.00 Bungalow Aprons Indies' $4.00 Silk Waists ...95c 50c $1.00 $2.00 Mlllli:!l!lflllli!llllll!llllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllll!!llli:illil!!ll 1 account of the condition 1 of the roads and the weather on H H DOLLAR DAY, we will continue on sale H for SATURDAY, all the specials at the same prices as on Dollar Day. This applies only to those items on which our supply has not H bee exhausted from Friday's selling. i -'i ); i m -mm-m -m : n mm i li!l!ll!i!Ii!!!il!!l!!ll!ini!i!lli!l!i!!l!!!!l!!jl!iil!!!!i:i!li:iiilHill!iliH