THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNALS-SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1920 SEE "OWIT SHOW Topeka Sfock Company Will Open Here May 1". If. J. Mack Is 3Ianagcr, Hugo J. Miller Assistant. EQUIPMENT MADE IN THE CITY Big Tent Theater Built by To peka Tent & Awning Co. Jtalph, Moody Stage 3Ianager Hazel 3IcOwen Leading Lady. After opening in Topeka on May IV for a week's stay in this city, a new Topeka stock company will leave here for a twenty-one week season in Ka 1-1 sas, Nebraska and South Dakota under the direction of K. J. Mack, manager; liugo J. Miller, assistant manager; and Kalph R. Moody, general director. I. ft Mlsa Hnzcl McOwcn. It is to be a regular stock company composed of more than twenty-five persons, including a band, orchestra and an Hawaiian quartet. . The or ganization will carry its own "theater' as it is, to be a tent show. Topeka Made" Tent Theater. The theater tent was built in To peka by the Topeka Tent & Awning company. It was designed and planned by K. A. Anton and Fred Ackerma.i, of the tent company, and Mack. Its dimensions are 60x130 feet and it will scat 1.000 persons. It will be almost as well equipped as a thea ter building. The staging is con structed of 3-inch maichod flooring set on twenty-eight jacks and is as solid and substantial as any floor. There is a scene loft above the stage and at either tving are scene docks where scenery and props may be stored and brought onto the state as needed. The border lights are arranged in three colors. The front of the stage is well equipped with footlights. A complete electrical outfit including spot lights, flood liehts and strip liirhts. will be pi km. iimmmim9mX!iy,'n ij..n.iwf w.i)MS REMEMBER , your health Is the very first thing to be cunsidered at all times. If your physical condition Is normal your mental facul ties are sure to be greater than if some dreaded disease, such as piles was sapping your very life. To not thing for one mo ment that a derangement of thin kind will become better without a treatment. My treatment is painless and I have never failed to nire piles that have reached the worst stages. Write for my free booklet , on rectal disease. DR. C. S. WOLFE SPECIALIST 89 Kansas Ave. Topeka, Kan. The Stock Market Tumbled Did you watch the news? If your savings are invested in our 6fi First Farm Mortgages you can let the stock market go hang. Tour investments are safe and sure. The best security on earth is the earth itself. T-h-r-i-f-t The man who saves now during the times of employment will be repaid doubly in the years to come. Save for a rainy dav. Tour money is never idle when deposited with u. The Farm Mortgage Trust Company 501 Jackson at., Topeka J. P. SUl'GBTF.R, President. J. H. COU.IXGWOOD, Vice Pres. tl-AV HAMILTON. Trust Officer. carried. Special attention has been paid to obtaining comfortable seats,. J. was great! v sumrised to learn that a Topeka company could build my tent." said Mack. "For years I have had to send away to have them made, but this year the firm I had been dealing with did not have the material for the job. By chance I found out the Topeka Tent and Awn ing cornpany could build a tent of the required size or even larger." A large part of the scenerv and props are being prepared at the To peka, .Tent and Awning company. It is the first time that theatrical equip ment of this kind has been prepared mm a iopeKa urm. Management of Show. Mack, manager of the stock com pany, has b e en with the Craw fords here for the 1 ast ive years as I assistant manager ... "V.-'hI of the Novqlty and V at one time of the A' acrl t'.rf t-irl ihpa toy Wo is known to hun dreds of the the ater going public in Topeka. The active com K. J. Moek. pany will be under the personal di rection of Ralph R. Moody. Moody became well known in Topeka when he was here as leading man with the North Brothers. He came directly to Topeka from the Pershing theater. Pittsburgh. Pa., where he led a com pany of his own. Moody is the author of "Bea Good Fellow," a three act farce comedy, with Tiine musical numbers. No cho rus is used in the production, which is on the order of "Alma, v here Do You Live?" Moodv wrote the words and music, and lines of this production. It is to be well equipped with special fu turistic scenery and produced by the stock show. Hugo Miller has lived in Topeka. except when on the road, for the last twenty-five years. H e entered the show business in 1 909 with the North Brothers' stock company in Topeka as scenic artist. since that time he has been scenic artist with some of the largest II. 3. Miller. stock companies in the United States that play from coast to coast. Loading Lady Mack's Daughter. Miss Hazel McOwen will be lead ing lady. It is not generally known that she is Mack's daughter. Her rise in the theatrical profession, however. has been ef such success that Mack, who hag hundreds of friends and ac quaintances in Topeka. "sorta" wants the home folks to know it. For the last three years Miss Mc Owen has been leading a company of her own playing in St- Paul, Minne apolis and Pittsburgh. Several years ago she played ingenue parts with the North Brothers. "1 daft; xjo?-k if-xm Ralph K. Moody. The new company will open May 17 on Jackson street between Seventh street and Eighth avenue, with the bill. "Little Peggy O' Moore." On Wednesday and Thursday thev will offer "Be A Good Fellow," Moody's musical farce comedy, and on Friday and Saturday the youngsters of To peka will revel in. "Sis Hopkins." The producers are buying every thing needed in Topeka. Ihey will leave here in their own special car. with a baggage car for equipment. The tent theater is built as nearly like a regular indoor theater as It is possible to make one. It is impossible to buy one like It any place in the country. Mack says. llights lo "Abraliam Lincoln." Mack announced today that the company had obtained tent show rights to "Abraham Lincoln," Drink- water's great play, that created such a tremendous sensation in the east during the winter season, and is play ing now at the Jort theater, rsew York. Arrangements have been made for the show to come in to Topeka at the close of each Rummer season. Plans are made ahead for five years- During tne iall and winter K. J. Mack will resume his position as assistant man ager of the Novelty. Hugo Miller ex pects to go east to another stock com pany at the 'close of the summer months- Trace Meet Called Off Wet Grounds. Lawrence. Kan., May 8. The Kan sas-Oklahoma track meet scheduled for today was called off by Mgr. For rest C. Allen here today because of wet grounds. The next Kansas track meet will be with the Kansas Aggies at Lawrence May 21. ' - -. m ' "t :' - i 2"'-"- - f ' I l -0.; Local News Events Eloquent sermon by prominent Chi- cago divine opening feature of sixty- first Kpicopalian diocesan convention, THURSDAY. f Tiu'we Mtt-erl Sunday school convention delegates Topeka Press club members went to Washburn, Baker, Ottawa and Em sang their "Swan Song' and departed Hutchinson to do low comedy stunt be- poria colleges held big track meet at for their respective homes. fore Kansas editors. Washburn athletic field. Sixth District News Notes Items and Reminiscences by An Old Timer With His ' Ear to the Grass Roots. BY HARRY ROOT. Tn the spring of 1907 it looked !f St. Francis, Cheyenne county, and north west Kansas was going to get a sugar plant, so much so that farmers in the valley of the RepubTcan river began raising beets. The first crop of sugar beets raised out there was marketed in Ames. Neb., and found to contain a large percentage of sugar, as well a3 making a large tonnage per acre. At this the agitation for a beet sugar fac tory began. A year or two later a man named Dunbar, representing to be a capitalist, made a visit to St. Francis to look over the proposition. To help along the enterprise a commercial club was organized with more than 100 members of substantial business men and farmers, who gave Dunbar en couragement. A few weeks later other eastern capitalists turned up for the purpose of organizing a company, they claimed, and if ample local aid could be raised the sugar beet enterprise would be a success. It was also neces sary to have another railroad, as the H. & M. branch from Orleans, rseb. to St. Franc's the terminus, was inade quate to handle the business such an enterprise required. The new road was tc tap the main line at Benkel- man, eb.. seventy-eight miles. The cost of building the sugar beet factory was to be one-half million dollars and the building and equipping the rail road was to be close to one million. Half the total amount of the sugar factory and the railroad was to be raised by popular subscription among the people of Cheyenne county and Yuma county. Colorado. The subscrip tion list? were passed around and a hundred thousand was raised in a very short time. At that point o f the operation Mr. Dunbar left and went to Kansas City to look after materials for beginning operations. A few days after leaving St. Francis he tele graphed from Kansas City that he had made arrangements with a Kansas City bank to take over the subscription notes which were being held in escrow by the banks In St. Francis, and that he must have twelve thousand dollars in cash forwarded to Kansas City in the first mail. A committee Qf citi zens of the town were appointed to go to Kansas City and investigate Dunbar. But before they arrived there he was placed under arrest for having swindled his wife's brother out of a considerable sum of money. The com mittee found he was living in Kansas City in almost poverty. When the word was received of the circum stances tne people were chagrined and disappointed. The result was the com mercial club disbanded. The citizens promised themselves that they would not harbor any more Dunbars In the future. It is said that he escaped the officers in Kansas City and was never heard of again in St. Francis or Chev enne county. ,e?awlins count' organized In 1881. It is said there were only six farmers in the county in April, 1879 In March, 1880, only one house was erected in Atwood, the county seat. In August of the same year twenty five were built. Your correspondent remembers his first visit to the town, several years ahead of the railroad! United States Senator John J. Ingalls was touring northwest Kansas in the interest of selecting a site for a gov ernent land office. A town named Beaverton had started up in July, 1880. and the promoters believed they could pull the county seat and land office to their town. They also imag ined, they could hear the Central Branch (Missouri Pacific) engine whistling for BeaVerton. Several towns were after the land office, At wood and Beaverton, Rawlins county; Wano, Cheyenne county; Oberlin. De catur county, and three other aspir ants, Inez, Kelso and Kenneth, Sheri dan county. Oberlin was selected for the location. In August. 18S0. there was published in Atwood. the Pio neer, by A. S. Thome, who also car ried on & general ,store. Your item izer found the following lines of busi ness carried on: Anderson & Greason published the Republican-Citizen ; J. P. Mathes. general stock, also lum ber; Xelson Bros, and G. W. Gaunt, grocers; Wm. Reilly & Co., hardware and - furniture; S D. Warren, flour As Depicted MONDAY. Imrnrm P7 "riotel le Boiler Plate," opposite court house, thoroly remodeled for comfort of unwilling guests. FRIDAY. and feed, also harness; W. H. Wilson, drugs; J. R. Murray, blacksmith; W. D. Lee. wagon maker; G. H. Tonsley, baker and restaurant; Miss Laura El der, millinery, and D. Swift, hotel. It took only two lawyers in the pioneer days to do the work. C. S. Winsiow and W. E. Hopper. Only one of the above mentioned is now living in At wood. From pioneer times to the present your correspondent has seen the building of three court houses, be sides watched the town grow to 800 population. The town also won out in one of the fiercest county seat struggles known in northwestern Kan sas. It was the home of Cyrus An derson, former secretary of the board nf railroad commissioners, and Fred x'.obertson. who is serving his second term as United States district attor ney. For the last four years Rawlins county has been close to the top In raising wheat. Many of her pioneer cittzens have got to their journey's end, including J. M. Matheney, James Greason, J. D. Hacker, Cyrus Ander son, Albert Hemming. Dorwln Higley, John M. Burton, G. Leeper, J. H. and Charles Chambers. Dr. E. D. York, Charles Mettler. Dr. J. X. Melingin and other names forgotten, all of whom your correspondent knew so well. The town has kept pushing ahead, and refuses to take a back seat for any other in northwest Kansas, ' Several Sixth district congressional conventions have been held in Colby. Tne most exemng one was me rtepuo lican convention of 1889, long before the state adopted the primary system of voting. In that contest there were three candidates, Webb McXall, Smith county; Louis Hanback, Osborne county, and E. J. Turner, of Sheri dan county, who was seeking renomi nation. Whether right or wrong, one of the candidates who had the "pull" seemed to believe all was fair in poli tics, and some contests were brought in, one from Mitchell county, and another from Sherman county. Tur ner had enough strength to nominate him a few weeks before the meeting of the convention, so his opponents started the contests. Hp said to your correspondent at midnight before the meeting: "I can't do any thing more than to let them do the contesting, and if they win the contests I will then have enough delegates to nominate me on the first ballot." The last contest was the regularly elected delegates, three of them, from Sherman county. The contest unseated them, and gave McXall three more votes, and enough to nominate him. The regular elected chairman of the delegation arose from his seat, and said: "Gentlemen of the convention: if we can't get justice here we will at the polls. Then they draped the three chairs in mourning and left the hall. In the ballot Mc Xall was nominated. The Mitchell county delegation was divided, half BY JAMES E DE the mis. A Greek legend. Tn the early spring there is no . flower that comes with such varied hue and sweet fragrance as the Iris. Well she deserves her name, "The Rainbow," for nothing else can de scribe the many shades of color. In the old Greek myth. Iris was the sis ter of the harpies and goddess of the storm, and was represented to mor tals by the rainbow. She was as swift as the wind, and had beautiful wings of radiant, shining gold. When Juno wanted to send some special, impor tant message, she always employed Iris. She carried messages for Juno all over the world, unto the ends of the earth, and even into the depths of the sea. Juno also loved Iris for her self, and when Iris's birthday came one year, Juno determined it should be most beautifully kept, so she sum moned all the flowers to come to this celebration. It was a wonderful sight. f vm'feSShi of the Past Week By Bolmar TUESDAY. Series of boxing bouts staged at the Grand Opera houso by the Topeka Athletic association. SATIKUAT. of them being for Hanback and the rest for Turner. In the campaign Maj. W. H. Caldwell, of the Beloit Courier, didn't believe in the open theft of stealing a whole delegation, so he hoisted in liis paper only one half the name of the nominee, as fol lows; "For congress. Sixth district, Webb Mc." And he carried the name of the nominee in this way thru the campaign. In the election the vote was, McXall, 12,105; Baker, Populist nominee. 20,749- The Populist upris ing in the state didn't have many fol lowers in the Sixth district until after the Colby convention, when Sherman county fell into line for the election of Wm- Baker, the only Populist ever elected to congress from the district. Among Turner workers was Jim Legate, a noted state politician. The Sixth district was shy of news papers in June, 1878. The following editors' attended the State Editorial association meeting at Atchison that year: G. W, Anderson and wife, Be loit Gazette; W. D. Jenkins, Smith Center Pioneer; G. A. Atwood and wife. Ellsworth Reporter; F. C. Mont gomery and lady. Hays City Sentinel; J. A. Scarborough and wife, Mankato, and Mark J. Kelley and wife, Beloit Record. More than 100 editors and their wives were present at this meet-, ing. Many counties in the Sixth dis trict had no organization at the time, and only a few newspapers were printed in the district. Beloit furnish ing three of them. Mirror. Gazette and Record. Xot one of these editors is now living. Some wells were dug in Norton county by farmers in 1880, and bones were found at a depth of 70 feet. Coming down to later dates, wasn't it Maj. John Conway, in his Norton Champion, who discovered human bones in that town's waterworks standpipe. How minds differ with people. On one of his pioneer trips to Norton the Courier referred to your itemizer in a notice of his visit, that he looked like a grass fed tramp, and buffalo grass at that, for there wasn't any oth er kind of grass grown out there in those times. On another occasion, when on a business trip to Jewell City, and that night he attended an old soldiers love feast, one of the most elegant ladies of the town introduced me to others as Congressman Louis Han back, who represented the Sixth dis trict at the time. H. Tt. Tillotson. of Lr.nora, has an nounced his candidacy for the legisla ture from Norton county, now filled by X. L. Johnson, who is a candidate for state senator in the Fortieth dis trict. Tillotson is all right, a pioneer settler in his part of the county, and a well known attorney of northwest Kansas. Sixth dstrict newspaper items Editor Vines has returnd to Cedar and resurrected the Enterprise. His town was the first county seat of Smith county. Smith Center pulled it away in the first election. Several papers have been printed in Cedar, and they all died. .George F. Leary J3EVER5 KAYE. as they all wore their most beautiful dresses, and smiled, and were sweetly gracious as only flowers can be.1 The air itself was filled with the perfume sent out by these beautiful children of the gods. They were having a lovely time greeting one another when three new sister flowers made their appearance all dressed In lavender and yellow and purple, but no one knew who they were or where they came from. They even did not know their own names, if they had any. So the other flowers end Juno had a con sultation and finally decided that as they wore the colors of the rainbow they should be named Iris, in honor of her for whom the feast was a ven. So all these many centuries since this lovely flower has borne the name given to her by her sisters, the flow ers of long ago. "Ob, flower-dc-iuxe, bloom on, and let the river Linger to kiss thy feet! Oh flower of song, bloom os. and make ferever The world more fair and sweet I" WKDJTESBAT. Itev. Maurice K. Murphy rooted hard for the prospective Irish repub lic at Memorial hall. FORECAST. - You boys, big and little, don't forget to remember it's Mother's Day next Sunday. iiaa Biriu Laic uajiuiu Jk. a. u , vx i.v .u, Grogan, and has gone to Athol ana taken charge of the Herald. He win have more to do in the new location, it being larger, besides they are hunt ing for gas and oil..., John Ford, a well known newspaper man, will start a second paper in Plainville. Editors Vines. Learv and Ford are old timers in a newspaper office, and none of them will worry over the high cost of living. TO TRIM SOLDIER REWARD, House Ways and Means Committee Plans Revision of its Bin. Washington. May 8. Efforts to re vive the soldier bonus bill was made tndnv with the return of Representa tive Fordney, -Michigan, chairman of the house ways and means committee Soldier bonus advocates tentatively have decided that the total expendi ture under anv soldier relief program must , reduced to $1,000,000,000 in stead of $1,800,000,000 as previously planned. I The committee expects to meet to day to consider revisions of the measure. SCRIPTURE Psalms S4:l-8. I -vein bless the Lord at all times: hl prnise Bhsll continually be In my moutli. Mv soul ,hall mate her boast In the Lord : the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name togetner. r i.. . i. i t . an,i ho hMtrtl m. and j delivered me from all my fear,, t They looked udto him. and were Hghfc I ened : and their faces were not aabamed. ' Thi. nMr mnn cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all hl troubles. The angel of the Lord eucampeth round about them that fear him, and dellveretii them. . . , O taste and see that the Lord Is good; blessed is the man that trusteth la him. SEVEN" SENTENCE SERMONS. To love abundantly is to live abundint fe'. Drummocd. "There : nothing so kingly as kindness. And nothing so royal as truth." A no a. Not what we give, but -what we .hare. For the gift without the giver la bare; Who pives himself with his alms feeds thre Himself, his hungering neighbor, and mc. Lowell. We have no liberty to choose whether we will serve or no; all the liberty we have ia to choose our master. Sanderson. They that wait upon the Lord shq4! re new their strena-th: tbey ahstll mount up with wings as eaglea; they shall run, anl not be wearv ; they shall walk, and uot faint-r-Isa. 40 1. Why. therefore, should we do ourselves this wrong Or others, that we are not always strong; That we should ever weak or beartleaa b?. Anxious or troubled, when with us is prayer. And joy and strength and courage arc with Thee. R. C. French, D. D. A wise man has well reminded us that In any controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for truth, and have began striving for oaraelves. Carlyle. $ . I 25 YEARS AGO IN TOPEKA From the Columns of THE TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL a : Mmy S. 1895. The Santa Fe Hospital association h Just issued it yearlv lit of officers and employes la pamphlet form. All the mem ber! of the executive staff live la Topeka. fieorge TV. Hojreboom la chief snrgeou : J. U. Far it ftuperiatendAnt of hopItaU and dispensarlea ; G. A. Wall. dlfeies of the eye and ear; C. H. Gaibor. diseases of the. nose, throat and lungs; I. It. Pelton. diseases of tie oerrea aud spine. There are l-Hi local surgeons along: the line. Tbe company baa four hospitals in active operation, oue at Fort Madison, one at Ottawa, one at L Jotr-ra and one at Las Vepas. The Topeka honpltal wt!l be tbe main one. There are fwir .liRpensarias. two at Topeka, one at Chicago and one at Itaton. . Chief of rolice and Mrs. Owen 13. Sip of Atchison have issued Invitation to the weddlna; of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. j Charles E. Ekel, formerly of North To- (77 Rl. I l T i . I IB Rjl- piljw- .III JUUIBMSI T r- ninp. Mar 16, at the First Presbyterian church. Th young rotipl will make tfwlr home in Atchison. Mr. Ekel is tn tbe grain business. Mis Mamie Reynold ef IaTnworth is Tilting her brother, Dr. T. B. Reynold and Mrs. Reynolds, at their home in orth Van iiuren street. FISH SEASON HERE City Enthusiasts Looking Long t ingly at Eod and Reel. Plenty of Enticing Holes To Be Found Around Topeka. KAW A STREAM OF MYSTERY You i Hare to Know Secrets of Hunting Bull Heads There. Fish Stories of Yesteryears Arouse 1920 Enthusiasm. Xot to insinuate that all men are liars but the fishing; season has be gun. Already the habitually ardent anglers are beginning to relate fish tales that arouse tremendous en thusiasm and high resolves in the breasts of their hearers and Incident ally increase business for the sporting goods stores. Of course, the early bird has the option on the worm and most of the followers of the rod and reel who have braved the chilly weather this spring to make a cast in some babling brook have been rewarded handsomely or otherwise. Most of the streams within easy access of Topeka seem to get "fished out" along in the summer, so that he who hesitates loses some op portunities to tell true fish yarns the next day. .' The good old Kaw the most ac cursed and beloved of all muddy. treacherous streams, Is, of course, a perennial source of supply for those wno know how to fish in it. The mm with the pole and line and the rod and reel seldom has any luck in the Kaw it takes a trot line to land 'em there. But patience is rewarded, for the catch is usually worth while. To Other State Resorts. Pilarrims to the Cottonwood and the urassnopper. the Big Blue and the Verdigris are made by those with properly enuipned travelina- facilities and an excess of time to spare. They always return with sunburned noses ana a handsome addition to the world's library of fish yarns- Those who go to Colorado and the lakes of tne east and north cannot, nf rnuru be classed with the ordinary victims who must spend their vacations fish ing In Kansas- Then comes the auestlon of bait. Some use artificial attractions tn land the suckers in the same fashion as the women occasionally do, while others cling to the good old-fashioned angle worms unearthed behind the barn. Dough balls, minnows and pork retain the affections of some, while occasionally may be found those stout hearted individuals who slay a chicken for their lunch on the creek bank and use its abdominal eauipment to entice the catfish from their hiding places. Fish Not Mentally Acute. Like everything else, fishins: tackle is a bit higher this year than last, but it is rumored that fish are not so mentally acute. Jointed rods and reels no doubt have an advantage over the old fashioned cane and willow poles, but it frequently happens that the wlelders of the latter make the best catch. This can, in great meas ure, be checked lip to the ignorance of many persons concerning the manipulation of a rod and reel. With a reel, one can reach many places that cannot be approached with the ordinary pole and line, and that is an advantage. But for pure enjoyment and deli cious misery, the all-night fishing trip has no equal. The long automobile drive, the search for a good fishing hole, the persistent attentions of the mosquitoes, the insatiable curiosity of divers varieties of insects, the lost bait can and the jubilant stimulation of the bacon and coffee next morning that's life! How strange that more city dwellers do not participate. TO INFORM THE MIND AND AWAKEN THE CONSCIENCE flSrarp 'IHE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHURCH IN THE MIDDLE Win." Man Exists on Bread He Lives, by the Word of God Dean Kaye will preach. Sunday on "LIFE OR EXISTENCE." Sunday Services 7:30 and 11:00 A. M. HEALING MISSION Wednesday, May 12, at 10:30 A. M. Eighth and Polk Sts. Central Congregational Church HunUxm and Buchanan , MORNING SERVICE 11 O'CLOCK "THE HIGH CALLING OF A MOTHER" Topic for Evening, "EINSTEINISM" Hjr the Pastor " JOHN WELLS RAHILL Cburch Schooj!, :30 a. m. Christian F.ndoavor, 6:43 p. si. YOU ARE WELCOME CSSS? SEE THE AI.I. MAKES I MAKE HUGE BOOKS r. S. Tire Co. Manufacturing Big Signs South of Topftksu One Side Contains Ad The Other History of Town. WILL COVER EASTERN KANSAS Many To Be Set on Roads Lead ing From Topeka. Twenty-FiTe Men Busy Arrang ing Signs for Shipment. Standing like big open books on the prairie, there is a large number of im mense signs advertising United States tires on a farm south of Topeka, on the Topeka avenue road. One side of the book contains the company's ad vertisement, the other a brief history of the town near which the sign is to be placed. A crew of more than twenty-five men are busy erecting, painting and arranging the signs for shipment. The gang has been in Topeka for about s month, but bad weather has delayed their work. They expect to finish the work in June. The noise of hammering, pounding. and the grating of metal against metal can be heard for a long distance from the scene of activity and makes one curious as to what industrial work could be going on out there in the country. Like Giants' Schoolroom. The signs are of metal.- They are made detachable. When cut and fit ted together they sre placed under a wooden shelter, where the painters work, making up the ad, decorating the signs, and painting in the history of the town for which they are Intend ed. A Sign labeled Emporia gives some Idea of the radius the crew in tend to cover about Topeka. They will prepare signs for practically the en tire eastern half of the state. When the signs are completed, the big books are taken apart, numbers of them are then loaded on one of the company's motor trucks and they are hauled away to the place where they are to be set up. The big row of painted boons set up on the prairie to dry makes one wonder what giants are doing a little studying among the cows and chick ens. But it is lust tne pian 01 a Dig firm to make its wares better known. A doxen or more of the signs are to be located at advantageous places about Topeka. TEETH BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LESS MONEY 18 THE MOTTO OI KANS. AVE. Topeka, Kan. His price for first elsts, guaranteed dentlatry is so reasonable that you ess af ford to tra.el miles to patronize blra. ALL OPERATIONS COMPAR ATIVELY PAINLESS HOURS a te Si Buaasys Mtolla. Prion Stss Ladr Atteseaets W. A. BLAIR MERCHANT POLICE Residence 800 West Mghta Phone S784 Black r r All seats free. "BABY FOX" PORTABLE KOMV REXTK1) REPAIRED I TVDCUDITrD ExchaMe - r XXX UTI B.C. Parker IIS Kama. At. PSaaa "IS Taara' F, ." M CaaaU!