OCR Interpretation

The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, May 21, 1920, HOME EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016014/1920-05-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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Catholics Took Yesterday's Gome By
4 to 6 Score Is Sixth Win.
St. Marys. Kan., May 21. SL Mary's
defeated Baker, 6 to 4. here yesterday.
With the score a tie in the ninth. Mil
ler, of St. Mary s, drove in two men
with a Ions hint over the left folders
head. The tame was slow and the
hits well scattered. Baiter had men on
bases every inning except the sev
enth but were unable to score until
the fifth, when Showenfeldt brought
a man in cn a three bagger, and scor
ing himself when the ball was fumbled
in the field. St. Mary's scored runs
In five innings on short hits. Burns,
pitching for St. Marys allowed but
two hits- Ke was replaced by Dunn
in the seventh. St. Mary s has won
six conference games and lost none.
Ben by Inning: H. E.
St Mrv:s 11 010 102 8 4
Bstterl-M'redltli and Thompson;
Burns, Duiid and Kelly.
Santa Fe Hub and Wilson Packers
Clash Here Sunday.
The Wilson Packing company team
of Kansas City and the Santa Ke club
of Topeka will play at Western League
park Sunday afternoon, rain or shine,
according to Manager C. U. Wells to
dav The game, scheduled for last
Hundav. was called off on account of
bad weather and hundreds of fans
were disappointed. But, even tho it
rains, those who desire to occupy a
dry seat in the grandstand will have
something to watch beside the pre
cipitation Sunday.
The Wilson team, which won the
cup in the Kansas City Packers' league
last season, is showing up stronger
than eve.- this year. Seitz, Topeka
twirler who is said to be in excellent
form, will be started in the box against
the visitors. The condition of the local
men and the reputation of the Packers
point to a stiff battle.
Won from .layhawkcrs by 6 to 3 Score
Play Agnin Today.
Manhattan, Kan., May 21. The
Kannas Aflgies took the first of a two
game series from K. U. here yesterday,
6 to 3. K. U. scored all their runs in
the fourth when Lonborg tripled with
the bases full. McGrath, Wildcat
pitcher, won his own game in the sixth
when with two men on he hit a clean
single. The score by innings:
v i ...nun ."ino ooo 3
iicles HX 21- 0006
Itatterles-'-Miirxen. Eoby and Bunn; Mc
Gr.ith and Otltlfnyle.
fiuplre gulgley. Salina Wesleyan.
Wolves To Majetta Sunday.
The Wolff Tacking company team
of the citv league will play the May
etta Indians at Mayetta Sunday, ac
cording to Manager Ray Fuller.
New York. May 21. Pete Herman, ban
tam weight champ, and Jimmy Wilde, king
of the flyweights, may meet In a 20-round
bout In I.ondun during September. Charles
H. Cochrane, London promoter, has cabled
Herman an oner oi -u.u
was reported here toilay.
Chicago. May 21. Benny Leonard una
Charlie White, lightweights, will be sub
stituted for the bout Jack Tiempsev was
scheduled to appear in at r.enton Harbor,
Mich.. July 5, promotors announced today.
The Pempsev fight will be staged Labor
Hut. it is planned. Leonard and White
will box ten rounds, no decision. Leonard
was guaranteed M.VOOO.
Clarksburg. Vn.. May 21. Bob Mar
tin, champion heavyweight of the A. E. F..
scored a knockout over Johnny Saxon, of
Newark. N. J.. In the fifth round of a
scheduled ten round bout here last night.
From the Columns of
May 21. 1895.
Tbe members of Woman's Relief corps
No. W have cW-.riPd that they would quit
tbe practice of riecoratinft the graves on
Memorial lav. Thov decided by resolution
tlint Decoration day belongs exclusively to
the ti. A. u.
Tomorrow afternoon the State Bankers'
association will convene in its eighth an
nual meeting at Library hall. M. W. Levy,
the president of the association. lives in
"Vlchita, and bni recently failed in the
banking- business. He has resigned as
president. Mr. Maeferntn of Topeka Is
secretary, F. O. 1'openoe of Topeka is bb
nitnnt secretary and J. W. Thurston of To
peka is treasurer.
The Ladies' Duplicate Whist club pave Its
nnnuul party Inst cveninp at the homt of
one of its meinbers. Miss Margaret Mul
rane. The gentlemen. among them some
of Topeka's most noted whist players, were
the guests of the evening. At the close of
the game Mrs. J. F. Jarrell presented in
the name of the club, a beautiful chaflug
dish t Mrs. Arthur Capper, who was n
a number of points ahead of the other
members of the club at the close of their
year s meetings. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Copper, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Quln. J
ton. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Founds, air. and
Mrs. Arthur Lingafelt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Holltday, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jarrell, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Ashby, Misses Mulvane.
Horner, Hortou. Smith and Geinniell and
Messrs. Ed Strickler. T. Hammutt, K. Peter
son. Sevmour Davis, John atera and
Judge Furry.
mother of the first American
soldier killed In France, who gives
entire credit for recovery of her
health to the well-known medicine
. Aa
The following remarkable endorse
ment of Tanlac was given recently by
Mrs. Alice Ciresham Dodd, at the
Gresham Memorial Home, Gavin Park,
Evansville, Ind., which home was pre
sented to her by the patriotic people
of Indiana, as evidence of their ap
preciation of the services rendered to
his country by her son. Corporal
James B. Gresham. the first American
soldier killed in France. Expressions
of sympathy were received by Mrs.
Dodd from all parts of the United
States, and the newspapers of the
country carried the story of the first
"war mother."
The shock of her son's death re
sulted in the serious breakdown of
Mrs. Dodd's health, but everyone will
learn with interest and pleasure that
she is now in splendid health again.
W hen seen at her home recently she
made the following statement, giving
the entire credit for her recovery to
the well-known medicine, Tanlac.
'Affter my dear boy's death, I had
a general breakdown in health," said
Mrs. Dodd. "At first it was Just in
digestion. My food used to upset me
and I had to diet myself very care
fully, which wasn't much hardship as
I lost all desire to eat. Then I had
an attack of rheumatism, with severe
pains Jn my shoulders, back and arms.
Sometimes I used to suffer a great
dea!. and my joints would get all
swollen up and stiff. I was able to
do very little about the house, and at
times couldn't even cook a meal. I
got verv nervous and restless, ana at
night would lay awake for hours, and
lost many a nigrtrs eieep as a con
sequence. 'A friend of mine had received a
great deal of help from Tanlac, and
it was she who advised me to try it.
I am so glad I did for it proved the
best medicine I have ever taken. It
soon gave me a good appetite and
seemed to settle my stomach so that
I was no longer troubled with indiges
tion. I don't know what it is to have
rheumatic pains now, the swelling and
stiffness has all gone out of my
joints and I am able to do the work
of the house with the greatest ease. My
nerves are now steady and strong. I
sleep fine at night, and I feel better
in health than ever before in my life.
I shall always be grateful for what
Tanlac has done for me, and shall
recommend it every chance I get."
Tanlac is sold in Topeka by Tully
McFarland Drug Co.. 835 Kansas ave
nue, and 723 Kanws avenue. Adv.
mm . .Ad
Ibo powerful, bMllng warmth of
Bank's Lltrhtnlns- OH gives tnstmat
and pocttlve rellof from throbbing,
nerve - raoklng ptvtiw at BhMBtv
UG&wcai&ic. cii.
Tully-McFarland Drug Co., Campbell
Drug Co.. A. C. Klingaman & Co.. Klinga-
m?n & Hoover.
lOc for Butter Equals
2 lc in Other Foods
A dime's worth of butter gives you 473 calories of actual
food; the average food value of a dime's worth of pork chops,
ham, round steak, leg of lamb, sirloin steak, chicken, pork
tenderloin, eggs, veal cutlets or halibut steak, is IH calories.
(Based on U. S. Agri. Dept. Bulletin No. 142 and prevailing
market prices. Feb. 25, 1920.)
When you buy butter, every pound furnishes prac
tically sixteen ounces of nutriment for the family.
When you buy meats, vegetables, etc., yqu get some
food and a great deal of waste. Eesides, butter sup
plies indispensable qualities not found in other edible
fats or foods.
Tell your grocer "Meadow Gold." It means matchless but
ter quality, always uniform. Daily churning, and the use of
pure cream efficiently pasteurized, guarantees crispy fresh
ness. . Triple wrapping and hermetic sealing at the creamery
protect it against contamination. '
Fold only in its original yellow cartons.
Beatrice Creamery Company
Topeka, Kansas.
Pretty Pink Knickers!
Pink batiste, shirred cuff knee, very
dainty. Special for Satur- Qfi.
2nd Floor PeUetler's
Pelletlcr,'8 Story Hour, Saturday
afternoon from i to 4 o'clock. Mrs.
Chapman will tell stories of Flower
land. All stood lttrln hoys and girls
are welcome.
Misses' Blllie Burkes, Windsor crepe.
pink and blue, very dainty and well
made. On sale Saturday
at ;
Boys' Blouses Plain white and fancy
stripes, neckband and attached collar
styles 8 to 14 years slightly soiled
In transit. Values to T1 OA
P J,
Sad Floor
New Summer Fashions on Living Models
For Saturday's selling - .
Trimmed Hats
at Less Than
Tailored Hats! Dress Hats!
Formerly priced
at $8 to $25,. on
sale Saturday in
four groups at
$3, $5,
1 1 rM n
Several hundred black and colored trimmed
hats at less than 14 price. Hats of batavia
cloth, fancy straw braids and lizere. Any
number of the smartest types are repre
sented. Small and medium sized hats. Suit
able for dress and street wear.
Millinery Srd Floor '
Featuring jor Saturday selling a most important
One Day Choice of the House
Sale of Suits!
Your unrestricted
choice of any
Suit in stock
Exclusive Stvles
Selected Cloths
Finest Tailoring
Mostly Tricotines and French Serge.
A number of these suits are high grade samples just in, and put in this sale
at about Vfe regular price. An excellent chance to secure a most remarkable suit
bargain". Your choice of any suit in stock Saturday for $59.
Most Complete Early and Mid-Summer Apparel Stocks
Scores of summer dresses, dainty, cool materials in very striking styles. Fine
ginghams, voiles, organdies, printed voiles and other fabrics. Dark shades, me
dium shades, snow white and pastel shades. A fine showing of these dresses at
$6.95 to $25
Blouses! Blouses! Blouses!
Hundreds and hundreds of summer blouses are arriving daily! Cotton blouses silk
blouses sports blouses novelty blouses. A great variety of colors, styles and effects. Rea
sonably priced. 1
Silk Blouses, $3.95 up Cotton Blouses, $1.95 up
Apparel Pectlm Srd "Floor
Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to
5 o'clock in the Tea Room
A charming display of the most exquisite of
early and mid-summer fashions will be made
on living models! The crispest, daintiest and
most distinctive of summer apparel will be
shown in the most attractive' way! The last
word in summer modes! '
For the display of these lody garments we have,
erected a stage In the tea room, and made every
arrangement for a showing far above the ordinary.
AU our women friends are' invited.
There is no charge.
. Tea Room 5th Floor
Toilet Goods Specials
50c Java Rice Face
Powder 89o
iOc Armand's Face
Powder o
'50c Stillman's Freckle
Cream 39c
5 5c Pompeian Mas-
sage Cream 43c
60c Elcaya Cold or Van
ishing Cream :4'Sc
EOc Benzoin and Almond
.Skin Lotion 3o
25c Lyon's Tooth
35c Panderine. . v. ...23c
Toilet Ooodi
50c Jcrgen's Violet Gly
cerine; Shampoo 8o
25c Woodbury's Facial
Soap 3
80c Lavoris. a . ..... .43c
50e Non-Spi S9c
25c Hat Brite, for color
ing hats, assorted
25c Ivory Dressing
Combs 10
ISc Laiell's Talcum Pow
der: Maasatta. Vio-
let. Honeysuckle, etc.
9 cans 25c.
Mala Floor
Featuring for Saturday
Women's Fine New Pumps and Oxfords
a price
asked for
Patent one-eyelet ties
Baby French heel patent pump
Patent kid opera pumps
Black kid 3-eyeIet ties
Black kid oxfords, low and high heels
Patent oxfords and 3-eyelet ties
Patent kid tongue pumps.
We have received more
Black suede Baby French
heel pumps $12.50
Brown suede, 3-eyelet
ties. .. ....i ...$12.00
Black kid military heel
oxfords $10.00
Hand turn black kid ox
fords $11.00
A Few Graduation Gift
L'Origan Perfume; our own im
portation direct from France; put
up in attractive 1-oz. bottlea and
specially priced at. per oz. S3. 50
Stationery: included are Crane's
fine linens and lawns, attractively
boxed 30c, 49c, 69c up to S4.50
Dorlnes; of white metal and
Sterling silver, in very attractive
shapes priced from . . . 59c to $4.00
Mesh Bags; in all the newest
' shapes and styles, in both gold and
silver finish special, S2.00 to $20.00
Leather Vanity Bags; in all
:olors, and a new shape just what
the girls are asking for $2.50
Canteen Bags; a new and very
choice line of Canteen Bags of
leather and patent, in black, brown,
gray and navy; included are the
popular "Ethel Barrymore" Cases,
the Vamp Gases, the Peggy, and the
new Auto Canteen Cases priced
from $6.50 to $25.00
Fountain Pens; we carry both
the Waterman and the Parker
guaranteed Fountain Pens Satur
day $2.50 td $5.00
Graduation Cards; we - have a
tarae showing of Graduation and
Best Wishes Cards new thoughts
and designs your choice 5c to 50c
Big Combined Lot of Boys'
. , . m a"l
$18.50 and suits
Many of them
with two pairs of
These are real suits, right from our own stocks
and actually marked down many of tnem irom
$20.00 the others from $18.50.
' Coats are beautifully lined, knickerbockers full
lined every detail as it should be to give the sturdy,
rough and tumble young man the right kind of serv
ice and appearance.
One and two pants suits in the lot sizes 7 to 14
years all one price $15.75.
Palm Beacli Suits
in straight line and pleated models. Full
size knicker, beautifully J - g. QQ
tailored. X O
BoyV Dept. Sua Floor
Hosiery Specials for
New Wayne Knit Silk Hose, black
and white, semi-fashioned mercer
ized lisle top .,..$1.85 a pair
Wayne Knit full fashioned Siik
Hose in black, white, navy, cordo
van and field mouse. . .$2.25 a pair
Another New Wayne Knit number,
a heavy black or white, all silk
Hose, with extra reinforced knee
'. $3.85 a pair
Children's Socks, very large assort
ment, plain colors and fancy tops
also the length style, sizes 4
to 9 hi 35c to 75c a pair
AH Silk Hose for young girls, fine
ribbed, extra nice quality, black or
white. 8 to 9 .$2.25 to $2.75 pair
Mala Floor
Silk Gloves
Silk Gloves, 2-clasp. in white,
black, gray, pongee. Self and con
trast embroidered backs.
$1 to $2.75 a pair.
Silk Gloves. 12 to l-button
length, white, black and tan.
$2 tn $3.50 a pair.
Main Floor,
Ribbons! Ribbons!
Sash and Hair I v Ribbons; very choice for com
mencement wear. In handsome satins,, brocades and
satin edge taffetas, in white, rose, blue, maise. Nile and
lavender, from 6 to 1 Inches wide up to $1.50
values, per yard.
Hair Bow Ribbons; 5 to 6 inches wide, in solid colors
and lancles regular 79c and 85c values, special,
per yard ;
AU Bows and Sashes tied free,
in smart up-to-date styles
Ribbons Main Floor Pelletier'a
Pretty Summer Frills
We have the daintiest of new organdies and
nets, all ready to make the collars, cuffs and
vests so popular for summer wear. These fluffy
vestings and bandings come by the yard, and a
few minutes work by clever fingers evolves the
most charming accessories for summer suits
and dresses.
Vestings, $3 to $10 a yard
Banding, $1.25 to $3 a yard
New organdie Points for collars, cuffs and
trimmings, $1 to $1.50 a yard.
Mala Floor
Dinner Dance
In the Tea Room
Saturday Evening
Choice of the two regular din
ners and service a la carte
Dinner $1.00
Pineapple Appetizer
Olives Radishes
with Mint Jelly
Mashed Potatoes
Tea Room Biscuits
Combination Salad
Apple Pie with Cheese Coffee
Dinner $1.50
Fruit Cocktail
Pickles Radishes
French Fried Potatoes
Tea Room Biscuits
Asparagus on Toast
Charlotte Russe Coffee
Dance at your pleasure; be
tween the courses, after your
dinner, any time and as long as
you" "wish nothinp to pay.
Ray Hall's Orchestra
from 6 to 8:30
sth Floor Pelletler's
Bags Greatly Reduced!
Large Utility Bags and Flat Purses with top fl QO
and back straps. Up to $3.50 values, SaturdayPI.0
Your choice of any Silk Bag in our stock, various colors
and styles, ranging in price from $2.50 to $19.60,for
Y2 Regular Price
atrs. all colors, fitted -w
, Saturday" .'
V2 Price
Children's Silk Bags, all colors, fitted with mirrors, reg
ular $1 to $3.50, Saturday" .;
Main Floor
For the hot days that are coming
Women's Net Corsets
Two models
Warner's Net Corjets fof the average figure, low
bust, long hip. free hip, heavy supporters. ffO AA
sizes 21 to 30.. . . J.UU
Warner's Net Corsets for the stouter figure, graduated
front clasp, free hip, three heavy hip tas. 0O TA
low bust, long hip, sizes 22 to 32 P&oUVF
"tod Floor '
Speeials Jor Men
A LMlost of Fin
Trimmed Hats Greatly Reduced
Trimmed Hats; in black or white;
black transparent Hats, white Miians,
Georgettes, and hemps, with flower or
feather trimming these are very
pretty Summer styles, very mod
erately priced $5.98 to $8.98
Banded Sport Hats: of white Milan
or hemp and combinations of bright
colors with white your choice. Sat
urday..... $4.98 to $6.98
Trimmed Hats: small and medium
sizes, in black and colors; a very good
assortment values up to 7.98 spe
cially priced for Saturday $2.98
Popular Pritwd Millinery Pelletier's Bargala Basement
Wonderful Shoe Values
Women's Oxfords, of
brown calf and kid,
with genuine Good
year welt soles and
military heels
Women's Oxfords: of
black kid with plain
toes and leather
Louis heels. .$6.95
Women's Oxfords: of
white duck, with
Cuban heels very
good looking $3.69
Women's Pumps; of
white duck, with
white and silver
buckles and Louis
heels very snappy
looking $3.89
Men's Oxfords
Brown ' Oxfords; of
calf skin, the Eng
I i s h, Semi-English
and Blucher styles,
in all sizes
$6.95 to $9.19
Men's Oxfords; of
black vict kid, in
blucher style, t very
good looking and
very serviceable
Infants' and Children's Shoes
"Mary Ann", "Mary Jane", 2-strap Slippers and 4 -Strap Roman
Sandals, in sizes 5 to 11 $1.69 t( $4.50
Bftannt Shoes
e iisarjgaiiis in
For Saturday shoppers
Sale of Coats
Values to $39.75
A wonderful lot! Polos, silvettones,
suede velours and many others, in tan,
Pekins, brown, navy, reindeer and many
others. -
Clearing Sala of Voile Dresses
A great variety of styles and patterns
from which to choose. Values up to $12.50.
Special Skirts
at of serges and fa
. For Saturday
A fine lot of serges and fancy plaids
and checks. For Saturday
Georgette Waists
and plain, beaded
-blue dawn. Altec
je and many other i
Figured and plain, beaded and em
broidered blue dawn. Altec navy. Ber
muda, bisque and many other new shades
Basnmaal'Apparal SeeMoa
Apron Specials
Slip-over Aprons; of good qual
ity "Scout" Percale, in medium
dark color blue and pink plaid
patterns cut full size; stzea 18
to B $1.98
Bungalow and Porch Aprons; of
light and dark' color percale, in
neat small patterns, trimmed
with piping and braid; all sizes
regular $2.50
Aprons ..."
Women's Wash Dresses
Women's Dresses; of faacy plaid
gingham, with white pique col
lars and pockets, in
sizes 36 to.42
Women's Dresses; of fancy plaid
gingham, in sizes 36 to 44;' new
styles with Button trimmed
white collars CJJ PA
special. PU.ull
Porch Dreases; of pure white
shrunk drill cloth, with fancy
over-blouses of solid blue and
of striped batiste; the short
sleeve, squara neck style, in
small, medium and targe sizes -
regular 36. 60 value special for
raHctJefs Barrala IHmmiat
Madras and Dimity Khlrta In nea
fast color printed patterns, good
value at $3.50, for 1 f O An
Saturday selling Vfa.JU
Men's Pajamas. $4 to $4.50
values, tha two-piece style In plaia
or stripe patterns, splen'fd ma
terials for warmer 0 fQ
weather, for Saturday only 9J.D"
Man's Wear Mala Hear ''
Iytalex Hose In gray. Cordovan
and black, very fine needle gauge.
fast colors, long elastic cuff. Sat
urday specials, 59c
values for
Silk Plaited Hnae In black only,
special light summer weight, full
range of sizes, irregulars of tha
$1.00 ones, for
Saturday only
Good Knit Athletic Colon Suiia
with ahort and length sleeves, in
durable twilled long cloth, giving .
more service and comfort than the
cheaply made kind. Good value at
$3, for Saturday specially
priced at
w Iarge Four-ln-Hand Tip.
beautiful colored patterns In hih
grade silk. $3.75 value,
extra special at
Household Needs
"English" Cotton Damaak; the
64-lnch, In white spot, strip and
scroll allover design, with a 4
inch band border of blue, maize
and pink looks like linen
regular $2.50 value, per
yrd $1.98
"Renfrew" Dimatk; tha 64-inch
width, in fast color red-and-whlte.
blue-and-white and buff-and-white
check and oak leaf
patterns regular $1.5$ value,
per yard $1.39
Bleached Sliecta; T2x0-lnch
size . torn and iron, of good
grade, seamless sheeting epe-
Bleached Sheets; siz 72x0
inches; torn and ironed, of "Sa
lem" brand, extra good muslin,
finished with 3-inch hem spe-
cfi $3.98
Pillow Cases: the- 4?x3-lnch
size, finished with 3-Inch hems
regular 60c ones .--390
Pillow Cases;' 45x36-lnch size,
of good grade bleached muMin
regular Sae value. .....
Pillow Cases: the 4 2x36-tnrh
size of extra good grade mnplln
regular 75c grade 65v
Hats! Hats! Hats!
Children' Cloth HaU: In check
style, white, blue, pink and a
combination of colors. very
dreamy for little boys and girls,
from age 2 to S special for
Saturday B9 to 98
Fllctlr' Bargala SummI

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