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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1920 I 1 II hi V i i i II I Tr I I 1 si O" " ' LOST ON FLUKES Washburn Made a Great Shoe ing Against Nebraska. Sawdust Field Was Too Much for Sons of Icbabod. " S - . 1 I .. !:.;i!ir sTs..l I -;in.j(!i'!!5 r-r, I I -.' J'I j ill- 1 I .. .;,i'J.,:j-'j J: -'21 . - 1 1 " Js With ijgu again! The famous friend of old - made by the original process in conformity with present regulations Known everywhere -Buy it " bytiie case 'or yowrhome. , s Visitors cordially invited to inspect our plait . irr- n ,.-. croc i !.iir:..'''m.!!,!!!ffl is I ; ;. rJr ANHEUSER-BUSCH, ST.LOUIS The Theo. Poehler Merc. Co. Distributors Topeka, . Kan 1 H El M a Gift; A 10-Day Tub of Pepsodent U sent to all who ask. See coupon. ooacco See the change in ten days Smokers' teeth discolor more than others, usually. But the stains lie in a film, and re moving that fiUrj removes them There is now a way to combat this film. Millions cf people employ it. Leading den ; tists everywhere advise it. See how teeth whiten when you use it a few days. .. :V Film ruins teeth That film on teeth wriich makes them dingy causes most tooth troubles. It is viscous you can feel it. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. The old ways of brushing did not end it, so millions found that well-brushed teeth' dis colored and decayed. It is the film-coat that discolors, not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the ecid in contact with tha teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with . tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Very few people have escaped these troubles caused by film. . x All statements approved by authorities v Now we combat it Now dental science has evolved ways to combat film day by day. Able authorities have amply proved their efficiency. These methods are combined in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. Millions have adopted it, largely through dental advice. It opens, we believe; a . new dental era. And, to let all know it, a 10-Day -Tube is being sent to everyone who asks. See and feel it act Pepsodent brings five desired effects.. Seme are instant, all are quick. A very short test will prove a revelation. ' One ingredient is pepsin. Another multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva, to digest starch de posits that cling. It also multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, to neutralize the acids which cause tooth decay. Two factors directly attack the film. One of them keeps the teeth so highly polished that film cannot easily adhere. With every application it combats the teeth's great enemies as nothing else has done. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how dean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Let this test show you, for your own' take, what clean teeth really mean. 1,1,11 Hi'-- pat. or F. RZS.U.S. The JVew-Day Dentifrice A scientific film cotnbetant, combined with two ether modem requisites. Now Advised for daily use by leading dentisls everywhere. Supplied by druggists in large tubes.' . , 10-Day Tube Free THS PEPSODENT COMPAlTf Dapt. B, 1104 SNWabash Ara. Chl.jt, nL Mail HVd.y tuba of Pepasdaat ta Name ...... Addresa ..... ONLY ONX TUBS TO A AJC1X.T WESSEN COAL COMPANY' Seventh and Adams Streets (through to 6th) TOPEKA, KANSAS Phone 4S1 OR. GEO. POXT ASHTQN K. W. Cs. M ma Kwh Ao. rim sts A -blocked punt and a fumble cost Washburn her flrat football game of the season again "Indian" ehulte's powerful Nebraska team Saturday at Lincoln. The final score was, Nebras ka 14. Washburn flf The Cornhuskers sawdust field. coupled with a hot day, worked a dis advantage to Washburn, who had few eit substitutes to shoot In than Ne braska. On the first kick-off. Washburn sot the ball on her own 40-yard line fol lowing an exchange of punts, uoacn Rtam'j Instructions were "Score in the first quarter and ret the advantage." And thfe boys nearly did It, the backs smashing thru for three first downs to Nebraska's S 0-yrd line, but the nec essary punch to carry the ban over wasn't there. The quarter waa .indis putably Washburn s. tho. in the second period, tne i;ornnusa- ers made their first score, following: a blocked Washburn punt. Quarterback Newmaa-made the touchdown. r Nebraska made her second touen- down in the Xhird Quarter, when Stev- ount. Swanson. HusKer DacK. recov ered on Washburn's 15-yard line and Doyle and Moore carried the ball over. Captain Day kicked both goals. Closs to Nebraska Goal. In this neriod Washburn forced her way to within nine yards of the Ne braska roal, .Gage carrying the ball but again lacked the needed steam .o push it across. The last quarter, nice me iirai. Washburn's. The Ichabods took the offensive and marched to within ten yards of the enemy's goal. Palmatler picked up a fumble and raced lor tne Nebraska line, but was so choked up with sawdust that his speed slackened and ha waa thrown from behind. ; Nebraska had sixtv men on the side lines and kept rushing In fresh subs to offset the sawdust. Victory In Disguise. Washburn regards the Nebraska came as a vletory auno sne waa i the short end of the final score. But to hoia the bi Huskers to a 14 to 0 score Is no mean accomplishment, and to ba able to aay that they lost on flukes removes almost all of the sting of defeat. Praptro for K. U. The Ichabods came thru the game without serious injuries, altho all , of them were bruised. Two , sustained sprained ankles but will be in shape when the whistle blows lor ine mh sas came next Saturday. The men will be out thru grilling practice be hind closed gates tnia ween lor me Lawrence game, Coach Beam said, to- dav. t - 'I never saw one man lay aown ai Lincoln," was the coach's tribute to his men today. "They all fought every minute and are eager now to get at Kansas" S Tha canter or the wasnourn line was a stone wan. wnn -usiy -otra-man.. the. big guard, as the- outstand ing .tar. Washburn anowea ner superiority over Nebraska in ine aeriui completing three out of six passes, while the Huskers didn't connect up with one. A , Shulte team never was strong op passes. ,,' . The. summary: r ... , The Mnenp: ' " .. . ... Nebraska (M. Washburn Swnnson , L. K . Pucelik ....I T ...... Bleyins W. Munn G. ........ Simpson Pay (oapt.) C Irnii M. Munn B. O... Anderson Dana K. E ..Kogers .- .. RtoMnfl-lnillt.l Hartley ". U H McKinleyl Howarth M. K i1"'! Bubka B; Wykoff Tk. .nmmRr,- KiihRtltntaavKeDrassa. i L ti fnii u'11pi Kherer for SvansoQ Jloore for Howarth. Rogers for Hartley. Swan- son for smerer, pnerer Jor nann, ifaie wr Ilubka. Schoeppel for Moore, iBassett for iv- Miiifn HoTE for M. Munn. Dana ror Sherar. Nelson for Dby. Moore for Senoeu- pel. Hoy tor taie, -i nompwn mr mw Hartley for nogers. MeOlasaon for N maii. v Washburn Gase for Dean, Vt'ln gert for Andeison, Talmatier for page, Strader for Blenns. narsiow ror nimiwu, MrFarlqnd for McKmney, Kesdall lor Hog. ers. , . ' Touchdowns ."sewronn, moo re. ti irom touchdown lale (2). The score by periods: Wastihurn .o u v " " Time or periods lo muiurea. lteferee Karl Johnson, MXMine College. fmplre Ir. J. A. nellly, Georgetown I nl versity. Head linesman Mack Daldbridse, vale unirersiiy. ' ' ' FOOTBALL RESULTS S ' : , la the Valley. - - Missouri 41. Missouri TVesleyan 0. 4 " Kansas. 47, Emporia Normal 0. Nebraska 14; Washburn O. , (Jrlnnell 42, Penn t-ollegf a Prake 41, Rimpson 0. Waahbnra -J1. ttolla 0. Kt. Louis V. 12, Kose Poly a 'ornell S4, Upper, Iowa college 0, Coe 6, Ames 0. otlaaa l". 54, Olathe Motes 0. Orelghton T. Tanktou T. t'htilieothe Business college SO, Green City Hick ft ' St. Penedlct s 7. Lawrenct High a On did IMke IS. Southwestern Teachers c&Hege of Springfield, Mo.. O. . iusoorg uigf Mi, little ifiTr mgu o. - la tha south. Georgia Tech. B5, Oglethorpe 0. Alabama oly 4iaV .Howard College 0. " North Carolina , Wake Forest 0. Tennessee 47, Marysville college 0. Louisiana Stste S2. Jefferson 0. Virginia 415. Randolph Macon 0. llaylor S, Austin college & - la tfiV West. lola 14.'7nd!ana 7." Minnesota 1. North Dakota 3. Inrdue 10, nepauw 0. Northwestern) 14, Kni.x 0. Notre lam 39. Kalnmuzoo 0. Ohio State KS, Ohio Wesleysn . IMncinnntl V. 45, Kenvon 0. Wlsconstn 00. Lawrence 0. - ' Ilenhison..7. Case 0 y Baldwin Wallace W. Western' Reserre 13, Franklin Wilmington 0. Rnrihaui 2S. Hanover . WiHenburg 50. Botler a K Marquette 31. Carroll 0. rolorado Aggies l,AVyoming U. 0. Itetroit S4. ruo,iivsne 0. Western State Normal 54. Olivet College i. Michigan Aggies Iti. Albion CoTlege 0. North Pakota Agricultural Colleca 7. Jntnestown College 7. unite Kcnoot or Mines, zr, Mount St Kustice except his home community here for all the wrestling bouts In which he baa ngnged hava been staged in Junction City. Eusttce is a tanner ana nas reiuaeo to gira up bis agricultural pursuits for the wrestling mat., He has met wrestlers m national and international note sere with- at defeat. i Mtd-Weat Bowlera t Meet. St. Louis. Oct. 4. An entry of more than 300 five-men teams la expected for tne Middle West Howling tournament to ie hpld-Kovembcr 19 to December 0 Inclusive. Uames will be played from 9 o'clock in the morning untu miumgui every any, u the exception of Saturdays and Snndays when play will begin at 7 a. m. The time for the tournament, it waa said, is long enough to allow 300 five-men tesma, & doubles and lou singles to oowi. 4 . : v Charles . Oberlln 21, Ileldelburg 0. v la the Baat. Harvanf 41. Maine 0. Pennsylvania 41, Bucknoll 0. Princeton 17. Swarthmore 0. Brown 13, Amherst 0. Army 35, Trinity 0. First game. Army 38, Marshall a Second game. Syracuse 4a, Vermont a Dartmouth 30. Norwich 0. Columbia 21, Union 0. aSa" ' ltutgers . Maryland a 9 Stevens 12, PeaasylTania Military Acad cmy 10. . -Colgate 0. Susonehanna 0. George Washingtou 7. Western Maryland West Virginia 7, Lehigh 0. - North Carolina 14, Nsvy 7. I'eniiKylvania State 1.1. Gettysburg 0. Washington and Jeffersou 7, Wesc-VIr- ginia etiieyac I. Pittsburgh 47, Geneva 0. Cornell 13, Rochester fl. Yale 44. Carnegie" Tech. a lelnwure 14, Ursinus 0, Georgetown 70, St. Johns 0. Aiorigne a. iicKinson o. Johns Hopkins 33, Mount St. Mary's 14. High Brhoal Scores.' LIndsborg 36, Little River . -Topeka second team 20, Perry la" " Kansas Baseball. Rossvflle 11. Eskrldge 1. -Valley Falls S, Kaston 3. Herlngton 4, Jonctlon City 1. IS TE SQUARED KING Detroit, Oct. 4. Detroit's Indoor boxing season win reopeu ucjooer a. xne nation, si Sporting cluh will put on four contests featured by a ten rourld bout between Jabes White and Job Lynch, bantam, weights. . . . -.Kansas ta Meet Jos Steelier. Junction City, Kan., Oct. 4. Allan Kus tice, tue. avansaa wrestler who will meet Je Stecoer, the champion. Here October 14, Is tittle known outside iils own state. In facV KSnsaj has heard but little Facts About the TVorld Series Principals Brooklyn Nationals and Cleveland Americans. Brooklyn Owner Charles H. Ebbets. Cleveland Owner James C. Dunn. Brooklyn Manager WilbeTt Robin son. Cleveland Manager Tris Speaker. Brooklyn Captain Zach wheat left fielder. ' Cleveland Captain None; Speaker is the whole works. Umpires Klem and O'Day, National league; Connolly and Dineen, Amer ican league. Time of Games 2 p. m. (daylight saving time). Games Brooklyn, October 5. 8 and 7; Cleveland, October 9, 10, 11 and 12; Brooklyn, October 14 and IS it necessary. Division of Receipts Ten per cent of receipts of each game goes to the national commission; SO per cent of tha balance of the first four games goes to the slayers and 40 per cent to the club owners; of the players, share. 75 per cent goes to the players of the contesting club; IS per cent goes to the second place clubs in each league and 10 ner cent to the third Dlace rclubs; of the 7$ per cent for contesting; players, 6" per cent goes to the win ners ana 47 ner cent to the losers. 'V I E klX. "W rv r-mr-. Gases , Sourness Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Palpitation Auerbach Guettef ' Suit Buyers! Overcoat Buyers! Attention! Hart Schai finer & Marx $75, $65 and $60 Suits and Overcoats ' Are pre-wjir values at pre-war prices WINTER Overcoats, Ulsters, Dress Over coats. Medium and heavy weight Suits, in the finest domestic and imported fabrics. Highest grade tailoring, newest fair models, for "tooth men and young men at savings of from $10 to $25 a garment, choice. . , V $50 Just as soon as yort eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the stom- . ch distress caused by acidity will end. Pape's Diapepsin always puts sick, upset, acid stomachs in order t once. Large 60c case drugstores. CITY GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP 3:00-7:15-8:13 jXs Jf, PRICES 90o and 85c Eagles Public Meeting and Dance x Monday Evening, Oct, 4 Eaglet Furnish Sick arid Funeral Benefits, Free Physician v for Members and Their Families. Dues: $1.00 Per Month Only. CAN YOU BEAT IT? EVERYBODY WELpOME Let's Go! v v 18 Kansas Ave. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 3, is what Lieut. Col. Whittelsey and his men said when asked to surrender to the Germans The four men that were in the shall hole in France m when they got the terms of surrender from tho Ba Jerrys are before you on the screen today (C. A. ANDERSON', Director.) The following sixteen players surviv ing; the first round are paired: , . 6 Harlow Hurley .vs. ir. i., i. aikd. , Percy AVhltokcr vs. '. Whttaker. Ir. W. llobart ti. 1. W. Studrtard. V. P. Hillhonse t. F. P. Coopar. I. V. Felix ts. J. B. rndy. , W. II. niril ti W. h. Wailey. r. H. Millletoa vs. J. K. ConwelU J. A. Crow ts. F. W. Griggs. Sunday llesults: I'. Whitafcer, unartaclied. eliminated E. C, Whltakar, titaawnae, S and 4. Ir. W. Ilobat, 'ouiitr"l'IuB, eliminated I. W. Stutlilard. Shawnee, 5 SHd 4. I. W. Felix. Country Club, eliminated 3. 11. 'm1v. Kliawnee. 8 and . w. I., imilcy, Khawnee, eliminated w, ti. Bird, Shn nee. 6 and 5. . C. II. Mldtlletnn, Shawnee, eliminated J. E. . Cnnwell, Shawnee. 2 nit. F. W. Crlfrirs. roiintry Club, eliminated J. A. Crow, Hbawnre. 3 and 3. Flrat rouwl elimination (not reported be fort- : . - Harlow Ilariey, Country Club, eliminated W. V. Crow, Hhawpee. S and 3. Dr. O. H. Alien. Country Club, eliminated F. 1. Nnss. Shawnee, .1 and 2. F. 11. Coier. Shawnee, eliminated H. B. Mftirnth, Shawnee, and 7. ' J. B. Cody. Sbawsee. eliminated R Sumey. Shawnee, and 5. " Hr. W, Hobart, Country Club, eliminated M. Ahlstroin. unattacheil, 3 sad 3. V:. U. Huiley. Shawnee, eliminated W. T. Stlnson. Shawnee, 2 lip. C. II. Middleton. Shawnee, eliminated J. Tt. Stewart, Shawnee. 4 and S. E. Whitaker. Shawnee eliminated J. C, Wilson Country Club T apd A. Harlow Hurley In his match with i. V. Crow shot a -Kl for the first S jrhlh equals the course record Riftde by Arthur Bone brake, Salina 'Country Club,- professional. C. H. (Pete) Middietoa shot 10 for 3S heirs, ondaj. Anldea of the elass of folf beinr shewn In this ton run meat ia from the entry list, the state champion, two 'ex-state cham pions, winner of the Country Club invita tion, slso the rnnner-un 1n thst eyent. runner-ut in a past Tras-Mislaslipi, also j ine runner-np to a pnsc prate cnnmpion ship. ss well as the ehaniptona of the two clubs here, are entered "THE LOST BATTALION" Without a doubt the greatest picture ever pre- BH sented nonje can equal this in realism and truth. PATHE NEWS - ? PslUS GF HARMONY" SANTA FE GLEE CLUB ' All Week at Night Performance 5 , . Concert by . RothermerslSusic Makers TONIGHT I AMCE ScheoJ 8 P. M. Social 9 P. SL STEINBERG'S rains. Oct. 6-7 GRAND Ma Unco Thurs. at 4:15 p. m. Funniest Comedy on RooordL PECK'S BAD BOY It Has Made Millions Laugh ASK! DAD HE KXOWS 1 Manlcal Nnmlxn IS Prices': Nights 25-50-rtcSljOO Mas Tax Matinee Tliurs. Adults SSc Cliildrt-H SSc 3 i Bissa THEAXE v Special sKn gas ment DOROTHY SHFH.MAV Presents THE CAMEO GIRLS xqaUIt Fortralts In a Frame mt Mnilo, hong sod DiDM A OTHER " " 1 xxi ri. ti i IT ACTS4 Episode Fourteen TRAILED BY THREE" auiDelnlk ARTHUR TUCKER I ELECTRICAL CON8TIU;CTIOJ ' AND REPAU18 I Masonic Building ' Phone 117S Topoka, Knn, MULTIGRAPHED PROCESS LETTERS . Any number of copies dupli cated thru a ribbon exactly like your typewritten copy. Ws take your, malllnj list troubles off your hands. ' PHIL EASTMAN Publicity CcntraV Tfst'I Bank Bldf. . Phone) 1845 TIME 3:00-7:30 9:13 11 e Irresistible ALL WEEK-r PRICES 25c, 30c and 40c Jacqueline FJorlot's lote tor ber son knew no pat, ' oo present, no future. It en. xunpaaeed all -time. It was a lore nor e fl-ry than pas. skin, morrf tc nacious than dceirc. , What' la a name? finme times trafrd): Hba called ber self "Madatne X" but 'twas only a cloak to. hide her real Identity from. cru-iiiaT ryes. PAULINE FREDERICK IN "MADAME X'? This picture has been -ailed greater than the play, wlikih ran for mm and stands one of the most sensational -jHicccase of th tlieater. Of course you're not going to miss It. V - , v Concert by Kristufek's Orchestra