A v TO CARE FOR HIM WHO HAS BORNE THE BATTLE, AND FOR HIS WIDOW AND ORPHANS." 5gsgEBaraiiflfitt-S' ESTABLISHED 1877. WASHIXGTOlSr, D. C, SATTJBDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1881. NEW SERIES V1" I., N- 6, E25JS5gg5E3gE8E3E2SlZE3SESSSEa Earaeagaitfagegramiimrai HSU IT IS FINISHED. THE GREAT STRUGGLE OVER. A GALLANT FIGHT FOR LIFE-DEATH WINS THE VICTORY -A NATION'S LOSS BESPEAKS A NATION'S TEARS. JAMES A. GARFIELD. THE DEAD PRESIDENT. STORY OF HIS FINAL STRUGGLE WITH THE GREAT ADVERSARY -SAD ENDING OF A NOBLE LIFE. The Mow, so long expected, has fallen at last. James A. Garfield, but yesterday the President, is dead. He died at Long Branch, N. J., Septem ber 19, at 10.35 p. m. His death came like a .stroke of lightning. There was scarcely any warning. About twenty minutes before the event lie was found to be suddenly and swiftly sinking. Restoratives were sent for in all speed, and all the attendants were summoned. It was too late. It was in vain. Almost before the full group and the medicine came he had breathed his last. The correspondents engaged the whole force of carriages, and were driven pell mell to the Elbe ron. They got there just in time. In two min utes after their arrival on the stoop "Warren Young came slowly walking over to the hotel from, the cottage. "What's the news?" "It's all over," he said : " he is dead' It justified the familiar metaphor. It was a stroke. Death is always sudden, but rarely a more complete surprise than in this case. There had been a pytemic chill in the morning, to be sure, of such a significant character as to cause Dr. Bliss to say the next in the series might be fatal. But as the day wore on without further incident, he seemed easier and brighter, and some thing like hope fluttered up OUT OF DESPAIR. Dr. Bliss met the journalists with a good deal of his characteristic assurance? He took pains, how ever, to say that he did not mean to take an optimistic view, and did not wish to be under stood as saying that there was an improvement. Still there was a negative gain in a stationary condition. The evening therefore began quietly. All immediate danger seemed over. Dr. Boynton had. said indeed that death was possible to-night, but he did not regard it as probable. The cor respondents made their plans to COVER A REMOTE CONTINGENCY and began their stories of the day. At ten o'clock, therefore, the Elberon Hotel was almost deserted. The scene about the cottage was dark and lonesome ; the stars shone dimly : it was very murky, and the heavy surf beat like a cataract on the beach. The President WAS LYING QUIETLY, with the nurses who watch by his side. They were General Swaim and Colonel Rockwell. Dr. Boynton was also near at hand. Suddenly the attack came, and in a moment the awful danger of death loomed up before the attendants. The colored help was dispatched with all speed to call the doctors and get a few necessary articles. The commotion did not ESCAPE THE NEWSPAPER SENTRIES. Inquiries were hastily made and the fact dis covered that a mortal crisis was at hand. The next moment it was flashed over the country, while the great body of correspondents were summoned by telegraph to their quarters at the West End Hotel, nearly two miles distant. The operator dashed out of his little closet by the hotel door, too much excited by the news to state it plainly, but before it was posted the tidings had spread that the President WAS RAPIDLY SINKING, and all the doctors had been summoned to his bedside. All that could be learned was that a messenger had been sent for mustard and that another had gone to summon the doctors. It was evident that a sudden and unlooked-for crisis had come. "What it was could not for the moment be known, butsome one was pretty sure to come from the cottage before long, and till then all must per force be patient. Soon an under secretary of the White House force, who had been one of the Pres ident's attendants, came out and was met by the reporters. " What's the matter? " was eagerly asked. The Secretary, Mr. Warren Young, was silent, and walked on two or three steps without replying. At length he said : "it's all over!' The voice was gentle and the tones were low, but -these three words were in one minute more heard from one end of the country to the other. The scene which followed the announcement was one j of a lifetime. There was an instant cry of woe : and horror. No one had dreamed oi such news. Another chill, at the worst, had been expected. Dead! dead! dead! went from one to another in a whisper. A nervous shudder ran through the crowd, but speedily recovering from the first shock the newspaper men present speedily repaired to the West End and sent the messsages East, West, North, and South to tell the people that the Presi dent had succumbed to the fell destroyer; that the fight he had so bravely maintained against the insiduous foe was ended, and that the stricken form of him who, since the 2d day of July, had rested so heavily upon the Nation's heart because of his sufferings and the people's love, was relieved from further pain and striving. PREVIOUS TO HIS DEATH, up to about ten o'clock, the President seemed to be resting quietly. His last moments are thus described by Attorney-General MacVeagh : " I sent my dispatch to Minister Lowell at ten p. m. Shortly before that Dr. Bliss had seen the President and found his pulse at 10G beats per minute, and all the conditions were then promis ing a quiet night. The doctor asked the Presi- dent if he was feeling uncomfortable in any way. The President answered " Not at all," and shortly j afterward fell asleep, and Dr. Bliss returned to ; his room across the hall from that occupied by the President. Colonels Swaim and Itockwell remained with the President. About fifteen minutes after ten the President awakened and remarked to Colonel Swaim that he was suffer ing great pain, and placed his hand over his heart. Dr. Bliss was summoned, and when he entered the room he found the President sub stantially without pulse, and the action of the heart was almost indistinguishable. He said at once that the President was dying, and directed that Mrs. Garfield be called; also the doctors. The President remained in a dying condition until 10.35, when he was pronounced dead. He died of some trouble of the heart, supposed to be neuralgia' THE DEATH SCENE WAS ONE never to be forgotten. Perfect quiet prevailed and there was nop a murmur heajd while the President was sinking. Mrs. Garfield bore the trying ordeal with great fortitude, and exhibited unprecedented courage. She gave way to no paroxysms of grief, and after death became evident she quietly withdrew to her own room. There she sat, a heart-broken widow, full of grief, but with too much Christian courage to exhibit it to those around her. She of course was laboring under a terrible strain, and, despite her efforts, tears flowed from her eyes, and her lips became drawn by her noble attempt to bear the burden with which she had been afflicted. Miss Mollie was naturally greatly affected, and bursts of tears flowed from the child's eyes notwithstanding her noble effort to follow the example of her mother. The others who were present were also deeply moved, and the efforts made by them to restrain their feel ings showed how heavily they felt the blow. Except Attorney-General MacVeagh, the mem bers of the Cabinet were not present, nor were the President's sons, the latter having gone to enter upon their collegiate studies. THE ANNOUNCEMENT of the President's death was made by his attend ing physicians at about eleven o'clock, as follows : The President died at 10.35. After the bulletin was issued at half-past five this evening the Presi dent continued in much the same condition as during the afternoon, the pulse varying from 102 to 10G, with rather increased force and volume. After taking nourishment he fell into a quiet sleep about thirty-five minutes before his death, and while asleep his pulse rose to 120, and was somewhat more feeble. At ten minutes after ten o'clock he awoke, complaining of severe pain over the region of the heart, and almost immediately became unconscious, and ceased to breathe at 10.35. At 12.25 a. m. the Cabinet (Secretaries Blaine and Lincoln being absent) sent the following dispatch to Vice-President Arthur : It becomes our painful duty to inform you of the death of President Garfield and to advise you to take the oath of office as President of the United States without delay. If it concurs with your judgment, we will be very glad if you will come here on the earliest train to-morrow. Signed by Secretaries Windom, Hunt, James, MacVeagh, and Kirk wood. The scenes in this city upon arrival of the news of the President's death cannot well be pictured in words. At first the people refused to believe the truth of the sad tidings, but when a few minutes after eleven o'clock the National Jlcpub Ucan extra proclaimed the fact and the fire and church bells began to toll, all began to realize that the worst had come to pass. The streets were soon alive with people, and as the news spread thousands who had retired arose and were soon added to the numbers con gregated in front of the principal news centres. At midnight the Republican office was draped in mourning, and shortly afterwards the business places began to follow suit, so that when the morning sun came to greet it looked down upon a city dressed in funereal black. The theatrical companies cancelled their engagements for the week, and everything betokened the deepest re gard and respect for the noble dead. AT TITlf JJ A TIOH'S CAPITAL " 5 ARRIVAL OF THE FUNERAL CORTEGE. The City in Mourning-Lj-Injrjiii Slate -Appearance of . the Dead President Honors to His Memory. A Lons and Sorrowful Farewell. ! -! Immediately upon receipt of the news of the death of President Garfield orders were issued for closing all the Government Departments in this city. All the public buildings and private i places of business and many residences were draped in mourning. The National Tribune j office was tastefully decorated, and by Wednes- j day noon the Capitol was fully and befittingly , dressed to extend a sorrowing welcome to the I funeral cortege on its way from Long Branch, i At the depot on Sixth street a vast concourse had I gathered, including troops from the Arsenal, a ! battery of artillery, the District militia, and Knights Templar to act as an escort. A little ' before 4 p. m. officers of the Army and Navy be- ; gan to arrive, and at about half-past four the ! train bearing the remains and accompanying party ran up to the platform. As the coffin was ! removed from the car the Marine and Artillery j Bands played a solemn dirge, and drawn up in line, presented arms. the troops, In a few moments a carriage containing Gen- ! eral Grant and Senator Jones drove out and ! down the Avenue, and shortly afterwards Mrs. Garfield with Miss Mollie and Harry ! passed through the silent- throng towards the j Capitol building. Then followed the military and others, and at length the hearse, drawn by six horses, moved slowly along, the bearers and files of distinguished Army and Naval officers I upon each side. Behind the hearse followed in carriages President Arthur, Secretaries Blaine, Hunt, Windom, Lincoln, Kirkwood, Postmaster General James, Attorney-General MacVeagh, and other prominent officers of the Government. The procession passed down the Avenue and around to the east entrance to the Capitol aud the remains of all that was mortal of James A. Garfield were conveyed into the rotunda and deposited upon the catafalai.awaiting them. LYING IN STATE. The decorations of the Cajjitol, commencing at the top of the building, show harmony and taste. The statue of Liberty which surmounts the dome is without adornment. Just below it the columns which circle around are tied with black bandages, with a rosette of black in the centre. The balcony just below these columns is festooned from section to section. At each large rail there is a rosette. There is a big jump downwards before any more decorations are seen. The white space between the two reliefs of black stands out strongly. The next place where black appears is on the large balustrade around the bottom of the dome. The rim of the balustrade is covered with black. There is a rosette where each section of stone pillars join together. A pendant of black hangs from each rosette. The same system of decoration is observed around the balustrades on the roofs of the House and Senate chambers and on the corresponding balustrade that surrounds at the same altitude the base of the dome. The big columns below have bands around them, from which two large strips of black are pendent. This form extends all around the building. All entrances to the building are festooned in black. The figures on the bas-relief on the east front are so draped with the crape that they seem to hand one fold of the black from hand to hand in graceful continuance. The statues in niches around the building are hung in black. On the whole, the big white pile has put on a very handsome mourning dress. IN THE CENTRE OF THE ROTUNDA is the catafalque. About six inches from the stone floor there is a platform covered with black velvet. Upon it rests the structure upon which the coffin reposes. It is about three feet from the platform, and is four feet wide and about seven feet long, but looks much smaller in the vastness of its surroundings. It is covered with heavy black velvet and silk. A silver rim is at the head and foot. Upon the same bier rested the remains of President Lincoln, Chief Justice Chase, Senator Sumner, and Thaddeus Stevens. The surroundings are decorated in good taste. Looking from the catafalque each of the four en trances to the rotunda are hung heavy with black. There is a rosette in the middle of these hangings and one at either side. The large pictures which hang on the walls around are draped with rosettes and pendants of black cloth. On the cornices above the pictures there is a repetition of black and pendants with rosette. The first row of big windows above the cornice are in black ; also the balustrade below, which constitutes the first in side balcony. Above that there are no decora tions. The House and Senate chambers are in black. All of the many corridors and approaches thereto are hung along the walls in black, with rosettes and crossed drapings over each archway, whether to door or otherwise. A guard of soldiers was stationed around the building, and in a short time the vast throng of mourners began filing through the rotunda to look upon the Noble dead. It was a sorrowful sight, calculated to touch the stoniest heart, to see the living pressing eagerly yet respectfully forward to look for the last time upon him who had so recently been the head of a great Nation. There were evidences of the deepest and strong est feeling manifested upon every side. The ro tunda remained open to all until Friday noon, after which time admission to the funeral services was by ticket. In the evening of Friday the sad cortege started for Cleveland, where the final ser . , , . n ,r ' , vlces are to Le had on Monday next. APrEARANCE OF THE REMAINS. The President is laid out in the suit of clothes which he wore on inauguration day. His left hand is laid across his breast, after the manner he had in life. This is done in order to make his resemblance as near to life as possible. The body was so greatly shrunken that artificial means had to be resorted to to give the clothes the appearance of fitting. In addition to the nat ural shrinking from his illness the operation con nected with the autopsy left the body in an even more emaciated state. The autopsjr was very thorough, and the fluids of course have left the body. A plaster cast was taken of his face, as well as of his right hand. In taking the cast of the hand it was somewhat discolored ; so that this hand was not seen. The effect of the oil used upon the face prior to taking the cast was to disfigure the features somewhat, and to slight ly alter the color of the face, so that the appear ance was very much less natural even than it was after death. The President had a massive head, and the large bones of the head showed very prom inently ; his cheeks were fallen in. The beard had been so arranged about the parotid gland as to conceal that terrible scar, and such arrangements had been made about the pillow as to still fur ther conceal the swelling which helped to sap away his life. By such means quite a natural appearance had been preserved about that part of the face. The beard had been carefully adjusted there. The face was not so changed that those who knew him would not recognize him, but it was greatly changed. The effects of the fluids in em balming were such as to have already hardened the features. THE GUARD OF HONOR, The Guard of Honor over the dead President's remains at the Capitol was made up of members of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, and a detail of poljce. t r-....-. .-? ? OUR NEW PRESIDENT, Vice-President Arthur was in New York when notified of President Garfield's death, and in ac cordance with the dispatch received from the Cabinet in regard to taking the oath of office, messengers were sent to the different Judges of the Supreme Court. The first to put in an ap pearance was Judge John R. Brady, who was closely followed by Justice Donohue. The party, consisting of the Vice-President and the Judges named, besides District-Attorney Eollins and Elihu Root and the eldest son of the new Presi dent, assembled in the front parlor of No. 123 Lexington avenue (General Arthur's residence), where the oath of office was administered. On the 21st President Arthur proceeded to Long Branch and came to this city in a special car, set apart for himself, General Grant, and others, which was attached to the train bringing the remains, Mrs. Garfield, and friends of the family. c NATIONAL BANK SECURITIES. The United States bonds held by the Treasurer to secure National Bank circulation, September 17, 1881, amount to $365,180,000, as follows: Currency sixes $3,509,000 Six per cents 51,000 Five per cents 2,655,650 Four and one-half per cents. . . . 31,965,150 Four per cents 91,585,800 Three and one-half per cents. . . .235,323,400 The United States bonds held by the Treasure to secure public moneys in National Bank de positories, September 17, 1881, were $15,540,500 Currency sixes $ 33,000 Six per cents 20,000 Five per cents 75,000 Four and one-half per cents 845,000 Four per cents T . . . 6,207,800 Three and one-half per cents. . . . 8,359,700 The United States bonds deposited to secure circulation during the week ended Septemler 17, 1881, amounted to $1,271,500. The United States bonds to secure circulation withdrawn during the Aveek ended September 17, 1881, amounted to $828,500. IMMIGRATION, The Treasury Department furnishes a state ment of the immigration into the United States for the month of August, as follows: From England and Wales, 9,018 ; Ireland, 5,391 ; Scot land, 1,599; Austria,-1,643; Belgium, 169; Den mark, 800; France, 562; Germany, 19,431; Hun gary, 413; Italy, 641; Netherlands, 816 ; Norway, 2,817; Poland, 206; Russia, 694; Sweden, 3,889; Switzerland, 871; Dominion of Canada, 5,746; China, 1,785; and from all other countries, 253. Total, 56,744, as compared with 50,504 for August of last year, and being a grand total of 113,351 since June 30, 1881. The arrivals from September 1 to 15 were 15,273, a gain of 2,122 over the same period last year. The total arrivals this year since January i have been 328,010. On the 3d of March last, the day before General Garfield's inauguration as President it thundered and lightened, snowed, rained, hailed, and the wind, for a season, blew almost a gale. WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY. ALLEGED RESULT OF THE POST-MORTEM. Where the Ball is Said to Have Keen Found The Iliac Fossa and the Induction Balance At Fault. A Case of Enlightened Surgery. The following official bulletin was prepared on the night of September 20 by the surgeons who have been in attendance upon the late President: " By previous arrangement a post-mortem exami nation of the body of President Garfield was made this evening in the presence and with the assist ance of Drs. Hamilton, Agnew, Bliss, Barnes, "Woodward, Reyburn, Andrew Smith, of Elberon, and acting Assistant Surgeon D. S. Lamb, of the Army Medical Museum, "Washington. The opera tion wes performed by D. S. Lamb. It was found that the ball, after fracturing the right eleventh rib, had passed through the spinal column, in front of the spinal canal, fracturing the body of the first lumbar vertebra, driving a number of the small fragments of bone into the adjacent soft parts, and lodging BELOW THE PANCREAS, about two and one-half inches to the left of the spine, behind the peritoneum, where it had be come completely encysted. The immediate cause of death was secondary hemorrhage from one of the mesenteric arteries adjoining the track of the ball, the blood rupturing the peritoneum, and nearly a pint escaping into the abdominal cavity. This hemorrhage is believed to have been the cause of the severe pain in the lower portion of the chest, complained of just before death. An abscess cavitv, six inches bv four inches in di mensions, was found in the VICINITY OF THE GALL BLADDER, between the liver and the transverse colon, which were strongly adherent. It did not involve the substance of the liver, and no communication was formed between it and the wound. A long sup purating channel extended from the external wound between the loin muscles and the right kidney almost to the right groin. This channel, now known to be due to the burrowing of pus .fi&m-the woundfwasrsupnpsed-duringjifeio.haxe - been the track of the ball. On an examination of the organs of the chest evidences of severe bron chitis were found on both sides of the broncho pneumonia of the lower portions of the right lung, and, though to a much less extent, of the left. THE LUNGS CONTAINED NO ABSCESSES and the heart no clots. The liver was enlarged and fatty, but free of abscesses. Nor were any found in any other organ except the left kidney, which contained near its surface a small abscess about one-third of an inch in diameter. In re viewing the history of the case in connection with the autopsy it is quite evident that the different suppurating surfaces, and specially the fractured spongy tissue of the verterba, furnish a sufficient explanation of the septic condition which existed. D. "W. Bliss. J. K. Barnes. J. J. Woodward. Robert Reyburn. Frank H. Hamilton. D. Hayes Agnew. Andrew H. Smith. D. S. Lamb. THE FUNERAL CAR. The funeral car which brought the dead Presi dent to this city is No. 497. The entire car is lined with black cloth between the windows. The only bit of color is the dull red of carpet. Its woodwork is wTholly draped in black. Along the ceiling about the cornice is a line of flags closely festooned and interwoven with black. The chandeliers are trimmed in serge. The cata falque is slightly raised from the floor of the car, and is draped in simple black. The next car is for the surgeons and attendants. At either end are twelve wicker chairs for the United States soldiers detailed to accompany the train a3 a guard of honor. The last car on the train as it leaves the cottage is the mourner's car, occupied by Mrs. Garfield. It is the car of President Rob erts, of the Pennsylvania road, which has been so often described. It is arranged in a suite, and. appointed in great luxury. THE DEAD PRESIDENT. BY J. S. SLATEK. Dead ! The President ! Aye, and murdered, too I The vilest deed that fiendish hate could do Hath laid him low ! The President is dead ! A Nation, horror-stricken, bows its head ! And, like to him o'ercome by poignant grief, Finds no expression for the heart's relief. Yes, he is dead ! He, who to loftiest rise Of Fame's high summit toiled beneath the eyes Of watching millions ; whose success was won By earnest, honest work life's labor done Now lies enveloped in a sweet repose, Though horrors dark presaged life's evening's close. Words are but feeble tlungs at best. They grow Too weak to sound the lowest depths of woe, E'en when a Nation mourns its heavy loss; But when affection's gold is turned to dross, Ah ! then what language can express the thought Of them that suffer thus what death hath wrought I But yesterday a man now lifeless clay ! But yesterday the President ! To-day He tills a nivhe in Fame's historic hall, And in those hearts that loved him. That is all I "Tis all ; but yet enough ; for none are left To hate. "With one accord, like those bereft Of near and dear ones, all the people bow And bind the cypress on his stricken brow.