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The National tribune. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1877-1917, January 31, 1884, Image 6

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Affairs at Headquarters Department
. News The Encampments.
Epodal Correspondence National Tribune.
PjUL.vnELPniA, January 29-
The fact of the Oouimander-in-Chief Laving
again felt it ncoessary to call the attention of
Doparliment Commanders to the delay in for
wr.rfing Uicir qumterJy reports aroused my
curiosity and led me ta make inquiries of tlic
Adjutant-General in regard to it. I -was sur
prised to learn that for the quarter ending
September 30th several Departments have yet
failed to make tlieir returns, and the strangest
part of it is that those delinquents are the
3)ep."tinettts having the smallest number of
Post v.hile, a a rulu, the larger ones are
slwa prompt. In strong contrast to this ua
ncca t.bi.' delay, neglect, or whatever it may
he, js tbc et thai already several of the
latter have sent in their reporis for the
quar'r . c .dins Decouiber3L The Department
of J i " ! -nu, with now over four hundred
I! i'U.tt. among the first to Jile its
repeu . uu-i it is included among those who
ba iiotu sj tor the last quarter.
Atrs-r amplication for charter for a new
rust La- boon received t Dspartmcut Hoad
q Darter, naui'v, Past No. 489, to be located at
Abbi?wn, Adams county, and the following
hav l on mastered:
Cni .u James Neff Post,, No. 405, located at
Stra-virg L.ieaster cottity, by Past Com
mand r Cutr-le IL rasnacitt, of Post SI, tvith
the i olio win officers: Commander, Jason
ikeli . V. C. J. H. Jlallikin: J. V. C,
John I Murt. Adj't. 13. F. Book: Q. JL, B.
F.S'Vni..n : Sargcoii. Daniel E. Ports; Chap
lain, I. 1: Lnv; O.D.. B. Frank Sides; O.G.,
ivunu 1 M'ilrr: is. M., Benjamin F. Brown; Q.
M . J( '' i 1 Russell ; C. of A.. Frank Brison
and i.ad Wtrt.. "The Post meets every
Tueisd , mp1 1. The :u3tering officer says of
this Po-t " Front what I saw and could learn,
I bell i that the new Post starts out under
fa or.v' li- circamsnces. There are a number
lotd ' nuke application, and the comrades
v.'jv.t-tc mustered as charter members seem
to h di -mined to work hard and succeed in
na'. i ig ih" Post what it ought to be one of
the i - u D I? s-cii-jn and I believe by the
cud 1 f . i ? :tr Post id" wi ll have on its roster
the n inn of one hundred comrades."
F"t d -iu Post, No. 407, at Freedom, Beaver
coki tr, w a u.u-ered on Jannary 17ili by Aid-de-L.p
l.C To wnscud, of Post 203. He was
accompanied by twenty-four comrades of his
own Post and fifteen comrades of Post 1S3.
The officers installed were : Oammander, F. JL
Grim; & V. C, AV. C Holsinger; J. V. G,
Samuel Hamilton; Adj't, W. II. Smith: Q. 31.,
J. P. Brandt: Chaplaiu, H. SL Jletzgar; Sur
geon, J. IL Lockhart; O. D., O-das Reno; S. JL,
J. H. Palmer; Q. JL S., W. G. Jack. The in
stallation ccresionies were y.nblic and were
well attended by the citizens, who seemed to
take a live!' interest in giving the young Post
a good " send-off." A beau-bake followed, and
the ample rations of beans, con"cct hard-taek
and 3ork that bad been prepared "by the ladies
were heartily enjoyed. A. Camp-fire was then
started, at which addresses were made by the
aiew officers and many of the visitors. The
Post starts off with every prospect of success,
and the officers take hold with energy.
John Q. Snyder Post, Io. 403, located at Liv
erpool. Perry county, was the last one mus
tered, leaving but one that is outstanding. The
mustering officer in this case wab Past Post
Commander Henry Conies, of Post 212, who
was accompanied by twenty of Lis comrades.
They wre met at Liverpool by delegations
from Posts 134, 1S5, 295 and 31, aboutlbrty in
all. This Post will meet every Monday, and
for the ensusng year have for its officers: Com
mander, fcj. 2JL Shnler: S. Y. C, J. J. Hamilton;
J. V. C Isaac Lute; Adj't, E. C. Long; Q. 3L,
Petor Derr , Chaplain, L. W. Hamilton; Surg.,
James Derr; O. D., William 3'ortziiue: O. G.,
Israel Bitter; S. SL, J- D. Shnler: Q. 11. S.,
Isaac llolraan. The aevr Post has a. fine hall
and is composed of a fine, soldierly-looking set
of comrades, many of whom bear honorable
iears. It is named after Capta:n Snyder, a sol
dier who died of wound recdved in action.
Alter the installation, all hands proceeded to
the house of Oommauder Shnler and partook
of an oyster supper. There are fen villages in
the State that cm boast of more veterans than
Liverpool, smd the prospect is that the Post
will prove a "occess.
On Wednesday night last General R. L. Bo
iine Post, Iso. 30G, of Iioylestown, celebrated
its first anniversary by holding its regular
jnustor in the new Post room in Kane's build
ing on Donaleou street- The new quarters
are large and convenient and itavc been very
comfortably furnished.
The funeral committee of Post No. 1, having
learned that the dead body of a soldier was
lying uudaiinod at tlie Morgue, visited that
institution to investigate the matter. In one
of Hie pockets of the deceased was found an
honorable discharge from the army. As he
seemed to have no relatives or friends, the com
mittee gave him a boldsers burial, and nppn
reporting to flue Post what they done, this ac
tion was unaniinottsly indorsed, and an order
wae drawn to cover the expense incurred in
tueiui. i r-J. "1130."
Durinc the naat week Tim TsnmT Ims-fitr.
T.'saSei blank applications for Post charters i a j
rospnse to WMfnttsw trom tae iduowang: J. v.
Gates, Lodi, Ohio; Uriah Chapman, Forsfcrille,
N. Y.; Ii. Hardin, Quincy, Mo. making u total
of 1M fcincc the beginning of the present ad-
OotLtzf G. W. Httliker, Corinna, Mc, sends
us tthe ioliowiiig list of the nesviv-imrtalied
officers of J. Kaovdes Part, No. 5, of that
place; Coramaudar,. Jonas Hutchinson ; S. V.
G, Albert S.'Laoaer; J. Y. G, William Clark,
jr.; Adjlt. Aimer Brooks : Q. M,, John B. Cur
rier; Surgoen, Gewrgo B. Fisiier; Chaplaiu,
John B. Crockett ; O. D., John BSgelow; O. G.,
Le-.m W. Wiiiie: S. L, James N. Prescott: Q
K. ., George H. Cooley.
Comrade Kelson Gould, Farmington, Mc.,
send us tlie following list of lbe newly in
sfaitod oCicers of John F. Applcton Post," No.
25, of Farntngton : Oomiuander, Captain E. L
Merrill ; S, V. G,L. G. Brown; J. V. C, Alouzo
Sylnwitcr; Adj't, E. Gery; dieplain, AsaJen
oiajs; O. D., F. N. Harris; O. G., Nolson
Gould; Surgeon, Dr. Johuwm; Q. M., I. B.
Eased! ; Q. JL S., Godfrey Gognoy ; S. M., 0.
Comrade A. H. Hutchinson, Sprague'e Mills,
Me., ifrms us t3ia& an effort is being made to
organize a Pot at that place
Comrade K. S. Bogers, Newport Centre, Yt.,
sends us the following list of the officers of
Alexander Post, of that place, installed on the
7th 5nt. by M. G. Sargent, past commander of
Easier Post: Commander. O. J. Adams; S. V.
G, J. G. Stickney ; J.Y. G, A. G Austin ; Adj't,
H. Drown ; Q. 3L, H. L. Smith ; A. Q. M., Fred.
Riley; Surg.. G L. Erwin; Chaplain, N. S. Rog
ers; 0. 1)., J. R. Wighunan ; O. G., G S. Moul
tou ; S. M., A. L Page; Guard, A. M. Matten.
Delegates, Dr. E. L Erwin and N. S. Rogers.
Comrade J. C. Farnum, Arlington, Vfc, sends
b the list of the officers of Dudley Post, No.
25, of that place, installed on the 10th inst. by
Department Commander Valentine, as follows:
Commander, O. E. Adams; S. V. G, W. J. Al
lou; J. V. G, N. L. Andrews; Q. SL, A. A.
Grant; Surg., E. E. Andrews; Chaplain, Fav
cttcShopard; Adj't, G A. Bundy; O, D., J. G
Farnum; O. G., Rollin Perry: S. M., G R,
Hoed ; a M. S., P. D. Liscbo.
Comrade Fred. Aldrich, Mount Holly, Vt,
fiends us the following list of tbenew officers of
Kearney Post, No. 46, East Wallingford, Vt, :
Surgeon, Dr. Alfred Bolster; Adj't, M. M. Tor
bell; Q. M, George Streetor; O. D., R. N.
White; O. G., Daniel Bucklin: Q. M. S., I. M.
G Allen; B. M., Fred. Aldrich.
"Adjutant' Harwicli, Mass., pends us the
followiugilist of the newly-installed officers of
T. D. Hammond Post, No. 141, of that place:
Commander, Samuel Hawes; S. V. G, N. C
Usdcnvood; Surg., G. N. Munsell; Chaplain,
X. N. Condtn ; Adj't, J. H. Chase ; Q. M., F. J3.
Xogcis; O. D G H. Packard; O. G., J. F.
Marley; S. X., A. IL Saow; Q. M. S., C. S.
&m tke 14h itL the following officers of
Henry Bryant Post, JNb. 93, of Cohassct, Mass.,
were installed by S. A. Cushing, jr., of Post
GS: Commander, C. A. Gross; S. V. G, E.
Weutworth ; J. V. C, J. L. Wilbur ; O. D., Thos.
Ward; O. G., Thomas Blossom; Q. M., W. F.
Thayer; Surgeon, D. B.Lincoln; Chaplain, R.
H. Pratt; Adj't, J. F. Doanc; S. 3L, W. Thayer;
Q. M. S., Joseph Smith.
Comrade D. B. Marsh, Winchendon, Mass.,
sends us the followiug list of the newly-installed
officers of Gilraan C. Parker Post, 3sTo.
153, of that place: Commander, C. T. Stearns;
S. V.CL. E. M. Fitzgcrrald; J. V. C, O. A.
Kendall; Adj't, D. B. Marsh; Q. M. G. Q. A.
Bryant; Surgeon, Dr. J. Abbott; Chaplain, O.
W. Betterby; O. D., Hi. C, Mathews; O. G., F.
D. Perry.
General Reynolds, of Rochester, Commander
of the Department of New York, was the re
cipieutof a beautiful diamond rank badge from
the Aids-de-Camp of the Department, on the
evening of the ISth inst The presentation
took place at the general's residence, Colonel
A. B. Lawrence, senior aid-dc-eamp, of Warsaw,
making the presentation speech. Accompany
ing the badge was a casket of autograph com
pliments from all the Past Department Com
manders; all the Department officers, and
numerous comrades of high position, including
Generals Slocum, Sheridan, Shermau, Grant
and Secretary of War Lincoln and the Presi
dent of the United States. General H. Thomas
Post, of which General Reynolds is a member,
added to the surprise by a notice to Tcall, the
caterer, who took possession of the general's
kitchen and laid a sumptuous banqueut.
Comrade R. W. Anderson, Kingston, 17. Y.,
sends us the following list of officers elected
by Eltiug Post, No. 212, which was recently
mustered at 2ew Paltz: Commander, Charles
J. Ackert; S. V. C, Charles H. Bleeker; J. V.
C., Alex. Ferguson: Adj't, Joseph TJrhulla; Q.
M., Charles .Smith; Surgeon, John Rosecrans;
Chaplain, G. W. Van Voorhcs: O. D., John
Ackert; O. G., Zachariah Berryam; S. M.,
Stephen Yaple; Q. M. S., S. D. H. Morey.
"We are informed by Comrade 0. L. Cook,
West Eaton, N. Y., that the following officers
were installed by Alfred A. Mrse Post, No.
2oS, on January 5: Commander, Elias J.
Thomas; S. V. C, Barak G. Whipple; J. V. C,
Charles V. Johnson; Adj't, Oscar L. Cook ; Q.
M-, Charles E. Osboru ; Snrg., James. S. Stew
art; Chaplain, Edward H. Lewis; 0. D., Wil
liam E. Enos; O. G., William C. Given ; S. M.,
John S. Walker; Q. M. S., Michael C. Lout.
We are informed bjT Comrade Philip Asmus,
Marilla, N. Y., that at the annual election of B.
E. Davis Post, No. &ip, of that place, the follow
ing officers were elected for 1S54: Co:nmander,
Philip Asians; S.V. C, R. D. Dcnison; J. V.
C, John Gould; Q. M., Asa B. Smith ; Chaplain,
Win. EidrJdge; O. D., Robert Austin ; Adj't,
C A. Brewer ; 0. G., James Tripp.
Comrade John F. Diener, Syracuse, N. Y.,
sends us the following list of the newly-installed
officers of Wadsworth Post, No. 21, of
Syracuse: Commander. A. A. Russell ; S. Y. C,
A. Wait; J. V. C, W. E. McNeil ; Surgeon, B.
IL Shoemaker; Chaplain, O. A. Warner ; Q.M.,
J. F. Diener; O. D., James Holt; O. &., J. W.
Comrade W. M. Barton, Cambridge, N. Y.
writes us that the newly-elected officers of
Post No. 309, of that place, were recently in
stalled, and also that the Post which was organ
ized November 17, 1S32, with thirteen charter
members, now numbers fifty-four, with several
applications for membership on file.
Colonel Lawrence, of Charles W. Bills Post,
has received orders to muster a new Post in
Wyomiug county, headquarters to be located at
Warsaw, and it is understood that Rev. Mat
thew Gaflney.is lb be the commander.
On Wednesday evening, January 23d, tho
members of Tucker Post, No. 52, of LewisBurg,
visited Taggart Post; No. 359, of Northumber
land. During the evening each of the guests
related an incident of the war. the most inter
esting being that of Comrade J. P. Brooke,who
gave a detailed description of the Burnside ex
pedition : the organization and embarkation of
tho tToops at Annapolis; the rendezvous of the
fleet at Fortress Monroe; tho trip to and cap
ture of Roaaoke Island and New Berne, and a
fnll statement of tne engagement, marches,
battles, &c, of the 9th Army Corps.
We arc indebted to Comrade Dan Jonas,
JMason, Pe., for tho following list of officers
installed by Albert -H. Jackson Post, No. 299,
of Cooperstown, Pa Commander. A. M. Beaty ;
S. V. G, S. D. Haason; J. V. G, G. N. Cxodle;
0. D., Jonathan Wygant; O. G., L B. Gal
brcath; Chaplain, R. Blanchard ; Surgeon, Dr.
R. E. Vandatin; Q. M, W. IL Hoffman; Adj't,
Dan Jones; Q. M. S., Wfiliatn G. Hale; S. M.,
David Ray. Delegates to Department Encamp
ment, A. Fraizer and G. S. Strohecker.
Comrade W. H. Taylor, Warren, Pa., sends
ns the following list of the newly installed offi
cers of Eben N. Ford Post, No. 330, of Warren,
Pa.: Commander, D. W. G James; S. V. G, W.
J. Alexander; J. Y. G, G A. Waters; Chap
lain, S. H. Davis; Surgeon, A. H. Mann; Q. M.,
Fred Battzinger: Adj't, W.H. Taylor; O. D.,
James Mair; O. G., John B. Russell; S. IL, G.
W. Kinnear; Q. JL S., John G. Brower.
Comrade W. IL H. Bell, Dubois, Pa., sends
us the names of the comrades installed on the
2d inst. by Easton Post, No. 229, as follows:
"Commander, James Hine; S. V. G, J. G. Har
ris; J. V. G, Frank Thorn: Adi't. W. H. H.
-Bell; Q. M., John Gahagan; Surgeon, B. F.
.uiviu , vsunpimii, uaxia. .uuaoipn; u.JJ., Jonn
Maginnis; O. G WUliam Thompson; S.M., G.
W. Yoadring; Q. M46., W. S. PJiillips.
Post No. 239, Springdale, Pa., installed the
following officers on the 3d inst.: Commander,
J. B. Holmes: S. V. G, IL O. Jack; J. V. G,
IV. F. Eervinkle; Chaplain, S. W. Hendrick
son; Surgeon, S. H. Eight: O. D., John Stoup;
O. G., Chailus Hetzler; Q. M., W.A. Clowes;
Adj't, W. G Blakoly ; Q. 3L S., G. T. Hartrevj
S. M., John Hemp. Delegate, H. L Logan;
Alternate, S. W. Heudrickson.
Comrade L. W. Lord, Equinunk, Pa., sends
us a list of the officers of Lieutenant George P.
Scudder Post, No. 3t0, installed hy him on the
12th inst., as follows: Commander, L. W. Lord ;
S. V. G, W. IL Sipe; J. V. G, William John
ston ; Adj't, J. H. Simpson ; Surgeon, Morris
Eldrid; Chaplain, George E. Lester; Q. M.,
Joshua Price; O. D., S. P. Osborn; O. G., G W.
Feiow; S. M., Thomas Swopc.
We bave the following list of the newl v in
stalled officers of Post No. 125, Oswego, Pa., from
Comrade J. G Wilkinson, of that place: Com
mander, L. IX Estes; S. V. G, Geo. V. 3Iarkhara ;
J. V. G, George Crouch; Adj't, J. G Wilkin
son ; Q. JL, John Morley; 0. D., John Davis;
O. G., V. R. Kenyon; S. M, J. B. Stewart; Q.
MS., William Fesscnton; Chaplain. N. Hill;
Surgeon, G. R. Wilber.
In a recent letter from Comrade William M
Murdock, Carmiehaels, Pa., he incloses a list of
the officers elected by Cumberland Post, No.
2G5, of that place, as follows: Commander, G.
W.Daughorty; S. V. G, S. M. Walton; J. V.
G, William M. Murdock; Chaplain, S. S. Bay
ard; Surgeon. J. B. Laidley; O. D., I. F.
Gwyun; O. G., William McGill; Adj't, G. G.
General Alexander Blair, of Milton, Pa., died
at that place last week, aged seventy-six years.
He was a nephew of the late Gen. James B.
Comrade D. M. Harbaugh, Slippery Rock,
Pa., informs us that there is a prosperous Post
at that place with forty members.
1 1. m ' . . .
Commander-in-Chief Bcath has issued Special
Order, No. 4,directiug Department Commander
Edward S. Jones to convene an Encampment of
the Posts of Tennessee and Georgia at Nash
ville, at such a time in February as bo may
deem advisable, for the purpose of organizing a
permanent Department. There arc now four
teen Posts in tho provisional Department.
From Comrade John Chrysler, Millbury,
Ohio, we have the names of the newly elected
officers, installed on tho 9th of January, of
George Douglass Post, No. 1S3, as follows: Com
mander, Joseph Long; S. V. G, J. L. Jroore; J.
V. G, A. J. Marks; Surgeon, A. P. Meng; Q.
M., William Meacham; Chaplain, A. B. John
son; 0. D., E. Eoycr; 0. G., Clafer La Point;
Adj't, John Chrysler; S. M., John Maxfield;
Q. JL S., William J. Bailey.
Comrade M. H. Nicodcmus, Mt. Sterling,
Ohio, writes us that J. G Bostwick Post, No.
40S, with twenty-one charier members, was
mustered at that place, on the 8th inst., by Dis
trict Jfustering Officer WUliam J. Elliott, and
that the following officers were elected : Com
mander, W. G Bostwick; S. V. G, J. W. In
grim; J. V. G, Joseph Blain; Surgeon, J. S.
Abernathy; Chaplain, D. B. Saint; 0. D., J. T.
Burke; O. G., J. N. Crabb; Q. M., J. M. Nico
deuius; Adj't, J. W. Beale; A. Q. M., E. M.
Marshall; Assfc. to Adj't, Silas Terry.
Comrado George G Jenkins, Washington
Court-House, Ohio, informs us that David Grif
fin Post, No. 2SG, was mustered at Salina, Clin
ton county, Ohio, on tho 21th inst., by Com
rade T. J. Lindsay, D. M. O., with twenty-four
charter members, and that tho followiug offi
cers were elected: Commander, EHhu Hiatfc;
S. V. G, J. L. Britten; J. Y. G, AY P. Whin
nery; Adj't, David II. Wright; Q. JL, J. P.
Darbyshire; Surg., S. B. Lightner; Chaplain,
Jacob Stover; O. D., Charles Gallaqer; O. G.;
H. Culberson ; S. JL, A. Curtis; . M. S., Rob
ert Bayard. This makes five Posts organized
in Clinton county by Comrade Lindsay within
the last six mouths.
From Comrade B. F. Ridgely, Jeromesvillc,
Ohio, we nave a list of tho officers elected by
Elliott Post, No. 255, Department of Ohio, as
follows: Commander, ; S. Y. C. Michel
Housholdcr; J. V. G, John Hcichcl; 0. D., J.
H. Hasler; O. G., William" Cyphur; Chaplain,
William McClaiu; Q. JL, Thomas Alexander;
Surgeon, S. K. Pattcs; Adj't, John Scott; Q.
JI. S., Charles Davis ; S. M., Adam Gains. They
were installed January 3, on which occasion
Fisher Post, of Loudonville, was present.
Comrade Daniel Spear, Cardington, Ohio, in
forms us that Dr. Silas S. Mills, past commander
of Fisher Post, No. 309, Loudonville, Ohio, died
of brain fover on the 22d inst., at the age of
thirtyseven. Comrado Mills enlisted at the
ago of fifteen in company I, 83th O. Y. I., and
served three years. His Temains were escorted
to the grave by James St. John Post, No. 82, of
Comrade A. JL Dildine, Fostoria, Ohio, in
forms us that he installed the officcrs-clccfc of
Norris Post, No. 27, as follows: Commander,
JL Ronnell; S. Y. G, A. Cramer; J. Y. G, A.
Kaufman; Adj't, I. L. Cramer; Q. JL, A.Hale;
Surgeon, I. JI. Young; Chaplain, J. L. Dozer;
O. D., R. Alcott; 0. G., S. Filson; S. JL, S.
Denning; Q. JL S., John J. Neiderhouser.
A correspondent at Kinsman, Ohio, sends us
the following list of the newly installed offi
cers of Kinsman Post, No. 159: Commander,
Albert JIathews; S. V. G, N. Bailey; J. V. G,
E. Wood worth; Q. JL, John Gillis; Surgeon,
A. Jones, JL D.; Chaplain, Rev. West Dickin
son; O. D., L. G. Parsons; O. G., R. K. Huls.
From the list of officers of James St. John
Post, No. 82, sent us by Comrade Daniel Spear,
Cardington, Ohio, and published in Tun Triu-
tjne, the name of the 0. G. Joseph Grov
was inadvertently omitted.
General Orders, No. 8, issued at Indianapolis,
Ind., by command of James R. Carnahan, De
partment Commander, Ben D. House, Assist
ant Adjutant-General, contain the following:
The fifth annual Encampment of the Department
of Indiana, G, A. R., will meet at Micnnerchor
Hall, in the city of Indianapolis, at 10 o'clock a.m.,
February 22, lfcS-J. The Council of Administration
will meet at Headquarters at 7:30 p. ra. the evening
previous. The commander of George II. Thomas
Post, No. 17, will deiail an officer of the day, two
guard's, and an orderly. The commander of Post
No. 209 will detail an ofllcer of the guard, two
guards, and an orderly. The commander of Post
No. 2S1 will detail a sergeant of the guard, two
guards, and an orderly. These details to feerve
during the Encampment. The officer of the day
and olllcer of the guard will report with the afore
said .detail to the Adjutant-General at Department
Headquartered 0.30a. m., February 22d, forordcrs.
The orderlies will report at the same time to Will
CDj.vid, Acting Aisstnnt Adjutant-General. Sinee
the ihsuancc of General Orders, No. 3. Posts have
been organized numbering from 193 to 2S7 inclu
sive. Name, number, location, date of organiza
tion, &c., will be fully setfoith in the report of the
AssLsiant Adjutant-General to the Department
Encampment, and printed in the proceedings.
" Comrade," Jiadison, Ind., sends us the fol
lowing list of the officers of Alojs 0. Bachman
Post, No. 23, of that place, installed on the 11th
insr.: Commander, Wrilliam H. Childs; S. V.
G, John F. Moore; J. V. G, Fred. W. Grabe;
Q. JL, James W. Quinn ; O. D Joseph G. Jlar
shall ; O. G., William S. Brydon ; Adj't, Owen
Scarff; S. 31., Charles P. Richardson ; Surg., T.
W. Forshce; Chaplain, L. D. Dailey; Q.M.S.,
John F. Hainmel.
We are indebted to Comrade A. E. Adams.
Organ Springs, Ind., for tho following list of
officers of McPheters Post, No. 128, installed on
the 12th inst. ; Commander, W. F. Green ; S.
V. G, N.1L Cailele; J. V. G, John Spigles; Q.
JL, John F. Green; Surg., Dr."W. Avery; Chap
laiu, L. H. Whitman ; O. T)., Jonathan Wine
gear; O. G., John Prunes; Adj't, Y. G Jones;
A. Adj't, W. E. Chappell; A. Q. M.,Cla? Davis.
From Comrade S. JL Holcomb, Fort Branch,
Ind., we have the following list of officers re
cently elected by Stephen Jleade Pest, No. 87,
of that place: Commauder, S. JL Holcomb;
S. Y. G, John T. Dickson ; J. V. G, Elias Lam
bert; Q. JL, Benj. D. Robinson; Sarg.,Dr. W.
G.Hopkins; Chaplain, John F. Mclntire; 0.
D., John W. Yeacjer; 0. G., James Crilly; Ad't,
Chesley F. Garrison.
Comrade E. K. Barnhill, Plymouth, Ind.,
sends us the following list of the officers of
Jliles H. Tibbits Post, No. 2G0: Commander,
James E. Houghton; S. Y. G, Daniel B. Arm
strong: J. V. G, Joseph H. Bennett; Q. JL,
Jteses R. Leland ; O. D., John G. Leonard ; O.
G Charles H. Force ; Chaplain, Ezra K. Barn
Comrade David W. See, Winchester, 111.,
writes us that Sergeant Hesse Post, No. 203
which was organized on the 30th of last JIarch,
has sevenfcy-two members in good standing, and
sends the names of the officers elected by that
Post for 1834, as follows: Commauder, John H.
Dyer; S. V. G. Hezekiah Evans ; J. V. G, Jobn
Stainsby; Adj't, David W. See; Q. JL, Caleb
Evans Chap., George ; S. 31., Don Fer-
rington ; Q. JL S., Geo. H. Palmer; O. D., John
Aldcrsou ; 0. G., A. E. Shiblcy.
JVe are informed by Comrade Wra. Borrum,
Arthur, 111., that Arthur Post, No.. 191, is
flourishing, and that the officers clected'to serve
the next term are: Commander, James S.
Boeder; S. V. G, Thomas J. JlcCord; J. V. G.
Henry Hilton; Surg., Dr. J. B.Rignev; Chap.',
James JL Powell; O. D., J. Smile Smith; 0. G.,
Joe Palmer; Q. JL, G. M. Piper; Adj't, Wm.
A correspondent' at Rock Island, 111., sends
us the following: R. 11. Graham Post, No. 312,
Jloline, 111., installed its newly-elected officers
on the 10th inst. viz: Commander, A. G Grout ;
C -r ft .., tit: -. t -ir - -, r, '
k. r. v., .iiuui .n.n;iuuu5 J -i JJall fcWOn-
D. A. Holt; Q. 31. S., Jos. Endcrlee.
W. L. Walker Post, No. 385, Coal Valley, 111.,
was organized and mustered by JIustering
Officer Thomas J. Covell, Jauuary 11, 1881, with
tho following officers: Commander, J. W. Gor
don ; S. V. G, Gco.Wilson ; J.Y. G, B .B. Seville ;
Q. JL, S. H. Gordon; Surg., C. D. Gordon;
Chap., Alex. Craig; O. D., Thos. JV. Glenn ; 0.
G., S. L. Stafford ; Adj't pro tern, Thos. J. Jlur
phey; S. JL, John H. Phillips; Q. JI. S.,
JIurdy Connor. ,
Comrade Wrm. D. Haizlip, Vandalia, 111., in
forms us that the following officers have been
elected by John Jlcllvain Post, No. 273, of that
place, for 1831: Commander, Col. R. IT. Stur
gess; S. V. G, Wm. Haizlip; J. V. C, B. F.
Martin; Adj't, S. B. Stout; Chap., J. D. Collins ;
Surg.vDr. T. G. Hickman ; Q. 31., C. B. Lessing :
0. D., G Eccard; 0. G., J. II. Ringe; S. JL, S.
Fisher; Q. JL S., Charles Washburn.
Island, 111., installed its liewly-clectetl officers
on tho 8th inst.: Commander, J. 31. Reticker :
S. V. G, E. H. Eounian; J. V. G, A. H. Hamp
ton ; Surg., S. G Plummer; Chap., Walter I'ci
ham; Q.JL,Thos. J. Covell; Adj't, II. Abell;
O. D., .f, F. VauHorn; O. G., J. U. Spencer ;
S. JL, Jr?S. O'Neil ; Q. JL S., J. JLPcardsley.
The following is a list of the newly-installed
oilicers of J. W. Jruse Post, No. ?M, Milan, I!. :
Commander, Geo. E. Brown ; S. V. G, W.A. F,
Ruge; J. V. G, Ell Griffith; Adj't, G. A.
Cooper; Q. JL, Will Goldsmith; Surg., Asa
Bretman; Chap., John S. Smith; O. D., J. N.
Eodcnburg; O. G., C. W. Fitzsimmons; S. JL,
J. D. Lafferty; Q. JL S., JI. L. Coon.
Comrade W. E. Bingham. Decatur, 111., in
forms us that Dunham Post, of that place, mus-
Evens: Q. JL, Charles Carter; Surg., Dr. S. T.
Comrado D. G Igan, Forest, III., writes us
that Forest Post, No. 114, has thirty members,
and that at its last meeting bo secured seven
subscriptions to The Tcibdke.
uer; y. Jil., Ji. JJ. Jinox; Adj't, Mell G Follett;
Chap., W. E. Stevens; Surg., Wm. Duscnbnry ;
O. D JL A. Gould; 0. G.. L. E. Fish: S. JL
tereu eigne recruits on rnc atn or .January, and
installed tho following officers: Commander,
Geo. S. Durfeo; S. V. G, J. JL Blythc; J.V. G
David Burlin ; Chap., Paul Smith : Adi't. T. T,.
A list of the officers installed by Woodbury
Post, No. 45, Adrian, Jlich., by Comrado Bey,
of Ogden Post, is sent us by Comrade n. G.
Woodward, as follows: .Commander, B. F.
Groves; S. V. G, S. JL Hamilton; J. V. G, G
E. Rogers; Q. JL, S.R. Norton; Surgeon, Ed.
Groves; Chaplain, J.frl. Reynolds; 0. D.,E. G.
Babcock; O. G., George Bradloy; Adj't, W. F.
Bradley; S. JL, Thomas Simmons; Q. JL S.,
Charles Lord. Delegates to Department En
campment, W. F. Bradley, J. II. Reynolds;
Alternates, JL P. Lon,g, J.' II. Fee.
We are informed by Comrade F. W. Foster,
Wales, Jlich., that a Post was organized at that
place on January lGth with twenty charter
members, called Oscar Bartlctt Post, No. ,
and that tho following members liavc been
elected by it: Commander, William Gruuwell;
S. V. G, Jrerritt Spery ; J. V. G, J. L. King;
Adj't, F. W. Foster; Q. JL, Cyru3 Larance; Sur
geon, H. G JIudge; Chaplain, Stockwcll;
O. D., Hiues Grover; O. G., Leonard Tcich
yeon; S. JL, niraui R. Lashbrook; Q. JI. S.,
Thomas JIcNitt.
A correspondent at Nashville, Jlich., writes
ns that Jeffords Post, No.S2, of that place,
is flourishing, and that tho officers were in
stalled by Past Po3t Commander E. F. Evans,
on the 8th inst., as follows : Commander, E.
G. Totter; S. Y. G, J. Young; J. V. G, H. H.
Sparks ; Q. JL, William Boston ; Snrg., Dr. D.
G Howell; 0. D., F. Baker; 0. G., II. Gross;
Adj't, E. D. JVilliams; S. JL, J. S. Perry; Q.
JL S., J. Harper ; Chap., H. W. llewes. Dele
gates, G. F. Long and J. S. Perry; Alternates,
F. D. Soules and J. Osrauu.
Comrade A. JI. Holt, Detroit, Jlich., writes
us that he mustered IL D. Terry Post, No. 21G,
of that place, with twenty-seven charter mem
bers on January 7, and that tho following offi
cers were elected; Commander, J. S. Farrar; S.
V. G, Charles C. Lamb; J.V. G, A. JIatthews;
Q. JL, William A. Rowley; Surgeon, Rosell
Widrig; Chaplain, II. Russell; O. D., Amos
Button; O. G John Allmond; Adj't, X E.
Hutchins; S. 31., L. A. Allon; Q. JL S., Jay F.
The list of officers elected by John Wick
bam Post, No. 1G9, St. Charles, Jlich., is sent us
by Comrade Harris, of that place, jis follows:
Commander, Thomas Stevens ; S. V.G, Charles
D. Harris; J. V. C, F. B. Gage; Inspector and
Adjutant, A. Adams; Surgeon. F. Rcsencranz;
0. D., I. G. Booth ; Chaplain, R. Rynes ; Q. JL,
1. Reynolds; O. G., R. B. Hough; S. M., I.
King; Q. M. S., S. Stevens.
Comrade G E. Chatterton, Wonewoe, Wis.,
sends us tho following list of the officers of Geo.
W. Bell Post, No. 53, installed on tho 13th
inst. : Commander, Horace Brand ; S. V. C, E.
A. Lawrence; J. V. G, Geo. W. Wbite; Adj't,
J. M. V. Sloniker; Q. JL, C. F.Bohn ; Surgeon,
Isaac Huff; Chaplain, Henry Colebourn; 0.
D., George Feight; 0. G., Dallas Colvin ; S. M.,
J. H. JIcNees; R. Q. JL, Wm. Starling.
Comrade Daniel W. Dutchcr, Rock Elm, Wis.,
sends us the following list of newly-installed
officers of A. JL Howard Post, No. 72, of that
place : Commander, JL C. Thompson ; S. V. G,
D. W.Dutcher; J. V. G, A. Jessee; Chaplain,
W. 0. Churchill; Q. JL, E. Blaisdell; 0. D., D.
Rice; O. G., N. Utter; Adj't, JL C. Guest; S.
JL, II. Watterson ; Q. JI. S., JL GHolt; Sur
geon, J. C. Anderson.
Comrade John W.fontts, Woodstock, Wis.,
sends us tho following list of the newly-elected
officers of Nathan Hoyfc Post, No. 89, of that
place: Commander, C: A. Neefe; S. V. G, J. R.
Watts; J. V. G, Phii:;WarVan ; Surgeon. D. R.
Hugharfc; Chaplain, W. RMPeckhain ; Q.JL, J.
Yr. Ferguson ; O.D., Thomas Armstrong; O. G.,
James Hines; S. JL, John W. Watts; Q.M. S,,
George Norman.
Comrade E.R. Jliller, Worthington, Jlinn.,
sends ils the following ligt of the newly in
stalled officers of Stoddard tPost, No. 34, of that
place, installed on. the 4th insfc. : Commander,
L. JL Lange; S. V. C., R.'R. Miller; J. V. G,
Azom Forbes; Surgeon, R. D.Barber; Q. M.,
J.F. Humiston; 0. D., G P. Shcpard; O. G.,
N. V. McDowell; Adj't, R. B. PJotts; S. M., H.
G Shcpard ; Q. JL S.,-0. T. Pope.
The following Ms been introduced by Sen
ator Hunt in the Iowa Senate :
Be it enacted by the General Assemlhj of the Slate of
loisa :
SectcokI. That Section S072 of the Code of 1S73
be amended as follows: No turn of money, due or
to become due to any pensioner of the United
States, or the proceeds of the same, in the posses
sion ofor under the control ofbuch pensioner, shall
be subject to any attachment, levy, or seizure, by
or under any legal or equitable proeeos whatever,
but shall inure wholly to the benefit of the pen
sioner and bis family.
Sec. 2. This act being deemed of immediate im
portance, shall be in force on and after its publica
tion in the Iowa Slate licgisler nnd the Iotca Slate
Leader, newspapers published in Dcs Moines, la.
Comrade Jlilo L. Sherman, Fredericksburg,
Ia writes us that a new Post was mustered, at
Waverly, la., on the 11th inst., and that the
.following oilicers were duly elected and in
stated : Commander, A. II. JfcCracken ; S. Y.
C. H. H. Gray ; J. Y. G, W. H. Jordan ; Adj't,
H. Player; Surgeon, A. Vanostrand ; Chaplain,
S. R. J. Hoyt; Q. JL, D. Fitchthorn ; 0. D., G.
G. Sampson; O. G., J. G. St. John ; S. JL, J. F.
Woodring; Q. JL S., JrH. Hoffman.
Comrade Jlilo L. Sherman, Fredericksburg,
la., writes us that Centre Post was mustered at
Randalia, la., on the lGtli inst., with the following-
officers : Commauder, C. A. Weed : S.
V.G, A. Parrctt; J. V.G, G. D. Torrey; Adj't,
E. JIatthews; Surgeon, D. O'HoIloran; Chap
lain, N. G Austin; Q. JL, W. H. Barnctt; O.
G.rF. B. Jliner; S. JL, G.JX Austin; Q. JI. S.,
C. C. Bacon. There are seven new Posts in
operation in Fayette county, la.
Comrade O. F. JIartin, Springville, la., writes
us that a new Post has been organized at that
place with twenty-one charter members, and
that the following officers have been chosen :
Commander, O. F. JIartin; S. V. G, J. Y.
Bishop; J. V. G, A. F. Dunlap; Q. JL, Isaac
Nash; Adj't, John Reed; Surgeon, JL V. Tay
lor; Chaplain, Silas Strite; O. D., Isaac John
ston ; 0. G., James Gibson ; Q. JI. S., David
F. JL Smith, Nevada, la., informs us that a
new Post was mustered at that place on tho 7th
inst., with between fifty and sixty charter
In our issue of the 3d inst. the list of officers
of A. 31. Taylor Post, No. 153, of Wancllo. la..
Uwas inadvertently placed under the head of
On the 17th inst. General O. O. Howard and
Colonel Albion P. Pease, A. A. G., Department
of Jtissouri, arrived at Kansas City, where
they were received by Department Commander
Warner and driven to his home. During tho
day, delegations from JlcPherson, George L.
Thomas, General Shields and Admiral Farra
gufc Posts called on General Howard, who has
recently become a comrade of the Grand Army.
In the ovening the general was escorted by tho
3IcPherson Guards td the Board of Trade Hall,
whciolio delivered l(is lecture on Gettysburg
loalarjse aud appreciative audience.
Comrade Aaron Wear, Versailles, Jte., informs
us that General Jeff Q. Davis Post, No. 10S, of
that place, has twenty-eight members, with a
good prospect of doubling its membership
during the present year, aifd that tho names of
its newly-elected officers are : Commander, W.
A. Mills; S. V. G, H.'T.Talhott; J. V. C, Otto
Knhu; Ciiaplain, JL C. Ogden; Q. JL, Samuel
Tilletfe; Surgeon, W.-B. Jones; 0. D., 3Iox.
.Toachimi; O. G., August 'Wal tors; Q. JL S.,
David C. Duff; S. Jj., Jf E. Slocum; Adj't,
Aaron Wear.
- From Comrade E. JI, Fox, Kidder, Mo., wo
have the following list of tho new officers
of John A. Dix Post, No. 7G, of that place:
Commander, John Burns; S. V. G, Eli I?. Fox ;
J. V. C, Hufc. 0. Brown; Chaplain, W. W.
Balden; Furgcon, G F. Wymen; 0. D., F.
Templeton; O. G., Charles Ingleharfc; Adj't,
H. D. Fonsworth; Q. JL, JL Colt; S. JL, C.
Saunders; Q. JL S., C. Sombeiger.
Comrade Virgil True, Laclede, Jfo., sends us
the following list of the new officers of Phil
Keariioy Post, No. 19, of that place: Com
mander, Virgil True; S. V. C George P. Law
rence; J. V. G, Elisha Childers; Q. JL, George
II. Tracey; Surgeon, J. L. Burke; Chaplain,
Abel Lamb; 0. D., Peter Z. White; O. G.,
Henry S. Sheets; Adj"fc, Albert H. Lovo ; Q. JI.
S., Jason A. Dycho; S. JL, John B. Hurlbufc.
Comrado Albion P. Pease, Assistant Adjutant
General, Department of Jlissouri, writes us
that the anuual Encampmcut of that Depart-
ment will take placo at Sedalia, about tho 22d
of March, but tho time is not yet definitely
Comrade A. Patten, Beloit, Kan., writes us
that tho past year has been one of great pros-peritj'-
for Beloit Post, No. 147. During the
last quarter forfy-one recrnits were mustered,
giving tho Post a total membership of 147.
Comrade Patten also sends us a list of tho
newly installed officers, as follows : Command
er, Charles A. Norton; S. V. G, George S.
Field ; J. V. G, H. Jormark ; Adj't, A. Patten ;
Q. JL, E. JL R. Blanchard ; Chaplain, D. IT.
JIcCalF; 0. D., Frank JIcGrath ; O. G., Henry
Casey; Surgeon, B. Antrobus; S. M., W. H.
Caldwell ; Q. JL S., E. Dilworth.
" Vet," Oswego, Kan., informs us that tlie
officers recently elected by Oswego Post, No.
150, were installed at its regular meeting on
the 5th inst., as follows: Commander, John F.
Hill; S. V. G, J. G Patterson; J. V. C, G B.
Woodford; Snrgeon, David Branson; Q. JL,
George P. Hall; Adj't, J. JL Bowman; Chap
lain, Otis Whinoy ; 0. D., D. H. David; O. G.,
Joseph Bates; Q. JL S., F. JL Cretors; S. JL,
H. C. Cook. This Post, though but ten months
old, has over 100 members.
Comrado F. Vogl, Junction City, Kan.,
writes us that Junction City Post, No. 132,
held a public installation of officers on January
9th, and incloses us a list with the names of
tho officers, as follows: Commander, H. S.
Tolen ; S. V. G, G L. Linton ; J. V. G, J. K.
Wright; Surgeon, ; Chaplain, Rev. JL
D.Tennoy; O. D., William H. White; Q.JL,
J. F. Ayars ; Adj't, F. Vogl ; O. G., P. J. Strach ;
S. JL, ; Q. M. S., E. Whiting; Ensign,
JI. Bradford.
Comrade S. Rinebard, Hutchinson, Kan.,
sends us a list of the officers of Job Hooker
Post. No. 17, of that placo, for the year, as fol
lows: Commander, S. IL Sidlinger; S. V.G,
G. F. Hayden; J. V. G, Thomas T.Taylor;
0. D., 0. W. Rhoads; 0. G., McCollum;
Q. JL, J. H. Lawsou ; Adj't, J. JL Beam ; Chap
lain, J. C. Linsday; S. M., H. H. Carr; Sur
geon, Dean. Delegates to State En
campment, George D. Barclay, T. T. Taylor, R.
A. Campbell.
Comrado J. H. Fitsworth, Pardee, Kan., in
forms us that Weir Post, No. 195, recently
elected and installed its new officers, as follows:
Commander, F. JI. Whitaker; S. V. G, B. T.
Sharpless; J.V. G, Rossel Higlcy; Chaplain,
J. L. Quiett; Surgeon, T. E. Henderson; 0. D.,
H. J. Ward ; Q. JL, F. M. Ludwig; Adj't, J. H.
Titsworth ; 0. G., Samuel Tipton ; S. JL, D.
A. Vankleek ; Q. JI. S., .
"Adjutant," Arkansas City, Kan., writes us
that Post No. 158, of that place, has chosen the
following officers for the coming year: Com
mander, JL N. Sinnotfc; S. V. G, P. A. Lorry;
J. V.G, Allen Jlowry; Adj't, Amos Walton;
Q. M., A. A. Davis; O. D., H. D. Kellogg; Sur
geon, J. JI. Wrright; O. G., P. J. Davis; Chap
lain, F. JL Peek; S. JL, J. E. Williams ; Q. JL,
G.W. Jliller.
Comrade T. W. Roddick, St. Jfafy's, Kan.,
writes us that Fort Donelson Post, No. 256,
has elected tiic following officers for the ensu
ing year: Commander, J. F. Bucll; S. V. G,
Peter O'Connor; J.V. G, Samuel Glasgow; Q.
JL, H. B. Pool; Adj't, N. W. Reddick; O. D., J.
J. Welsh; Surgeon, T. Eirkhauser; Chaplain,
G. W. Greenwood; S. JL, William H. Gill; Q.
JL S., F. E. Williams.
Comrade Ira D. Bronghen, Great Bend, Kan.,
sends us the following list of the newly in
stalled officers of Pap Thomas Post, No. 52, of
that place: Commander, A. C. Schermerhorn ;
S. V. G, J. W. Clark; J. V. G. J. Tilton; Adj't,
31. B. Bell; Q. JL, G. W. Mitchell; O. D., D. F.
Robinson; Chaplain, A. B. Jliller.
Comrade JI. W. Scott, Cherry Yale, Kan., in
forms us that the Post at that place is booming,
aud that it has a membership of nearly 100.
Comrade G L. Hammill, Palmer, Kan., writes
us that a new Post is about to be organized at
that place.
The dato of the Department Encampment
has been changed from February 5th to Febru
ary Gth.
Comrade Jesse Hoag, Sacramento, Neb.,
writes us that the following officers of .Jlulli
gan Post,.No. 123, of Holdrcgc, were installed
on the 5th inst. by H. W. King, cdmmander of
Post No. Ill, of that place: Commander, Jesse
Hoag; S. V. G, R. S. Black; "J. V. G, F. G.
Wflklcy; O. H., G. S. Partch; Chaplain, A.
Carpenter; Q.JL, n. D. Jaynes; Adj't, J. G
Cooper; S. JL, A. F. Johnson; Q. M. S., H. S.
Comrade W. H. Clark, Salina City, Cal.,
writes us that James B. Steedman Posrj" No. 50,
was organized at that place on the 12th inst,
with seventeen charter members and tho fol
lowing officers: Commander, O. Cayer; S. Y.
G, E. K. Abbott; J. V. G, A. Mantner; Chap
lain, A. W. Anderson ; Snrgeon, J. B. Scott; Q.
JL, F. H. Trope; O. D., J. JL Poole ; O. G D.
K. JIcDougall; Adj't, "W. H. Clark: S. M., H.
Breese; Q. JI. S., M. Fall.
Comrade J. G Cooper, JlcJIinnville, Ore.,
informs us that Comrade D. D. Nccr, Depart
ment inspector, installed the followiug officers
of Custer Post, of that place, on the 12th lust. :
Commander, A. L. Newgard; S. V. C, J. B.
Gardner; J. V. G, George L.Parker; Q.JL,
J. Cooper; Chaplain, G W. Powell ; Surg., W.
T. Booth ; O. D., J. A. Pcckham ; O. G.. A. C.
White; Adj't, A. L. Savior; Q. JL S., J. W.
Gault ; S. JL, D. H. Turner.
Comrade J. R. Lightner, Marshfield Ore.,
writes us that Baker Post, No. S, of that place
hasiustalled the following officers: Commander!
Jlorton Tower; S. V. G, W. A. WiUard ; J. V.
G, J. J. Earl ; Adj't, J. E. Lightner ; Q. JL,
G Woodward; Surg., J. G. Cook ; Chaplain, J.
G.Richards; O. D., G F. Edmunds; O. G.,
Wm. Noblo ; S. M., G W. Sanford; Q. M. S., L.
General Orders, Novl, issued at Jfanchester,
N. H., on the 29th ult., by order of Frank H.
Challis, Commander, Harry E. Webster, As
sistant Adjutant-General, contains the fol
lowing: Having been elected commander of the First
Grand Division, Sons of Veterans, United States of
America, at a meeting of the same for permanent
organization, held at Manchester, December 27,
18SS, I hereby accept tho position, trusting that mv
administration of the office may be a worthy sup"
plcmentto the work of my predecessor, and that
in tlie performance of its duties I may receive the
cordial support and asaibtance of the members of
the Order in this jurisdiction. Headquarters aro
established at Manelichter, and the appointments
of Harry E. Webster as Assistant Adjutant-General
and of Elmer E. Brown as Assistant tiuartennaster
Gencial, both of Manchester, to rank as such from
this dato, are announced. The Provisional Divis
ion of Massachusetts having the required number
of Camps, and it being deemed for tho best inter
ests of the Order. Colonel Fred J. Bradford, o.nm.
manding, is heieby directed to convene an En
campment for the purpose of permanent organiza
tion on or before February 15th nest.
General Orders, No. 1, issued at Lako Vil
lage, N. H., by order of E. A. Badger, lieutenant-colonel
commanding, F. JL Shackford,
Adjutant, contain the following:
In accordance with Special Order, No. I, from
Grand Division Headquarters, dated January 21,
1881, announcing the acceptance of the resignation
of Frank H. Challis, of Camp No. 1. Manchester,
colonel of this division, and transferring the com
mand to me, I hereby assume the same, and head
quaiters are this day established at Lake Village.
Adjutant Henry D.Soule and Quartermaster Elmer
E. Brown, of Camp No. 1, Manchester, having
tendered their resignations, the same are hereby
accepted, and Frank M. Shackford and Charles H.
Nichols, ofCamp, No. 2, LakeVillage, are appointed
adjutant and quartermaster, respectively, and thev
will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
Comrade Daniel Long, Urbana, 111., writes
us that a Camp of Sons of Veterans is about to
be organized at that place, and that there is a
Camp at Homer, 111., with thirty-five members
aud four applications for muster.
Tho Hinnesota Encampment.
At the second day's session of tho Encamp
ment of tho Department of Jlinnesota, on tho
10th, Assistant Adjutant-General Bloomer pre
sented his report, which showed that the
strength of tho Department in 1882 was as
follows: Number of Posts, 14; number of
members, G18. Last year at tho sanio time
there were 56 Posts and 2,362 members. Six
now Posts, having a membership of 89, have
been mustered in since January 1. Tho assets
of the Department are $159.26, and liabilities,
$63.55. In the evening the newly-elected offi
cers of tho Department wore installed, after
which the Encampment closed with a Qatap-fre.
' a
Michigan's Splendid Showing A
Stirring Camp-lire.
The sixth annual Encampment of the De
partmen t of Michigan convened at Harmonic
Hall, Detroit, on Wednesday morning, the 23d
inst. Tho forenoon was consumed in calling
the roll, examining credentials, &c. In the
afternoon tho annual reports of tho Department
officers wero presented. Tho followiug extract
from tho address of Commander O. A. Janes
shows the growth of the Department during
the past year:
I am sure a thrill of joy and pride pervades tho
heart of every comrade that tho Wolverine De
partment has taken the position in the Grand Army
column to which it i3 justly entitled. When we
remember that one year ago there were In tliis
Department 100 Posts, with a membership of t, U'J.
and that to-day we have 220 Posts, comprising a
membership of 10.559, we aro to be congratulated
on such an unparalleled and unprecedented growth.
There has been organized in this Department dur
ing the year 121 new Poata, one reorganized, and a
net gain of 0.0S7 members. Two Posts voluntarily
Mirreudcrcd their charters, and three have failed
to make any reports to Ucadquarters during tho
year, as shown by the report of the Assistant Adjutant-General.
I recommend that their charters bo
The Commander recommends that the De
partment be divided into districts and an
assistant mustering officer and assistant in
spector be assigned to each. The finances of
the Department are in excellent shape- The
balance in the hands of the Assistant Qnartcr-master-Gcneral
is $3,153.30, agaiust 1,114 a
year ago. The Commander suggests thas 1,500
bo invested in interest-bearing. Government
bonds, and the interest devoted, to defraying
the expenses of the Department. On the'sub
ject of politics the Commander say3 in his
The Grand Army of the Republic is not a politi
cal organization. Partisanship is strictly forbidden,
and wisely, too. It is founded upon three impor
tant principles Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty.
If the Grand Army is lasting it must be non-parti-ban.
The coming year is to be one wherein politi
cal and partisan questions will be earnestly and
passionately discussed, and every comrade should
guard well the portals of tho Post room and see
that politics are not allowed to enter therein. In
tlie ranks of the Grand Army are men of all par
ties, and any interference with partisan questions
by Posts, or the dL-eussion of political matters in
the Post room, or any attempt on the part of any
officer or comrade to user the Grand Army for po
litical purposes would be a violation of its princi
ples, and should not be tolerated aud such offender
severely dealt with. Let it be known to the peo
ple that we are not associated together for political
purposes, and by our conduct show that we aro not
an " insiduous. dangerous nnd useless organiza
tion," but that we are united in the triple bonds of
Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty.
The Commander, in conclusion, returns his
thanks to Assistant Adjutant-General Tallman
and Assistant Quartermaster-General Proetor
for their aid and co-operation.
After the reading of the reports the usual
committees were appointed, and Comrade Rush
J. Shank, of Lansing, offered a resolution that
the Department Commander and the Council
of Administration be directed to use all honor
able means to secure the establishment of a
soldiers' home in the State of Micbigan. An
amendment was offered by Comrado R. F. Hill,
looking to securing of Congressional aid. and
after a spirited debate the matter was referred
to the committee on resolutions. The chair
man of that committee, General A. T. JIcReyn
olds, then addressed the Encampment.
The grand Harmonic Hall meeting, Wed
nesday night, was an inspiring occasionT There
were fully 2,000 in attendance the first floor a
solid mas3 of veterans. Colonel James W.
Eomeyn presided with soldierly dignity, and
hi3 fine opening address wa3 cheered to the
echo. Commander-in-Chief Robert B. Beath,
Department Commander General O. A. Janes,
Governor Begole, of Jlichigan ; Mayor Grum
mond, of Detriot, Past Department Commander
Pond, General Trowbridge, of Caster's old bri
gade, and one of the speakers of the evening-,
occupied seats on the platform. Ladies of the
National Relief Corpsincluding the national
senior vice-president, Kate B. Sherwood, were
gallantly offered front seats, but insisted upon
the veterans holding their old places at the
front. The exercises of the evening were
varied from time to time by tho patriotic
choruses of the Detroit Harmonic Society,
headed by Professor Abel, a director who ranks
with Gilmore and Thomas.
Governor Begole, distinguished for bis pa
triotic work during the war in behalf of the
soldiers in the field, and who had a son killed
in the famous 23d Jlichigan, General Spanld
iug's regiment, received a wtrm reception,
and the welcome remarks of Mayor Grummond
were brief and well-timed, to which Depart
ment Commander O. Janes, a gallant one-armed
soldier, made a ringing response. By this time
tha boys were just in tuno for "JIarcbiug
Throngh Georgia," which, the baud was called
upon to repeat, the swinging of hats and other
demonstrations showing the enthusiasm that
was bubbling np.
Mrs. JlcCann's recitation of "The Boys of
Jlichigan" proved a stirring number, and she
was repeatedly interruped with applause, par
ticularly in the allusions to Custer, Sheridan,
Sherman and Thomas. It will be found in
another column. General Trowbridge, the old
cavalry hero of Custer's brigade, depicted many
a heroic and pathetic scene of the old war days,
and Comrade Edmund Parsloe, of Chaplin Post,
Buffalo, brought down the houso with his
humorous rendition of "Jake Schneider's
Ride," a parody on the famous Sheridan poem.
. The extemporaneous address of the Commander-in-Chief
was an able and gratifying
exposition of the growth of the Grand Army of.
the Republic. He said that ho had predicted
at Denver that by another Encampment the
Order would number 250,000, but that it had
closed up December 31 with 230,000, and he
now thought that in the next six months would
witness an increase to 300,000, if the present
interest continues. He most warmly recom
mended the National Relief Corps, and advised
every Post to torm at once. He was gratified
that General Baxter had been named in the
pocrn. He knew the grnff old hero well, and
his hand was the last he clasped when leaving
the Army of the Potomac to take command of
colored troops.
Past Commander G Y. R. Pond gave an out
line of tho ups and downs of the Order, and
noted tho splendid outlook for 1S34. Then
came a dialect rendition of " Barbara Frietchio "
by Comrade Conover, of Post S3, Greenville,
Jlich., and the presentation of the drum-head
court-martial of the deserter afterwards par
doned by Abraham Lincoln, which proved a
most interesting feature of the evening.
The National Relief Corps and The Na
tioxai, Tiubtjxe had an ovation before the
ovening was over, when a delegate arose and
called for Jlrs. Sherwood to come forward and
be introduced. Upon doing so she said a good
word for tho Relief Corps, and recommended
organization in connection with every Post.
The comrades evinced tho greatest enthusiasm,
aud Michigan may be counted upon to fall in
line rapidly.
At Thursday's proceedings of the Encamp
ment the question of a State soldiers' homo
was referred to a special committee to present
the matter to the Legislature.
The strngglo for the office of Department
Commander continued all day, the victory and
honor being won at last by Dr. R. J. Shank, of
Lansing. JI. A. Jferrifield was chosen Senior
Deputy Commander, while JI. H. Bamphry
was elected Junior Deputy Commander.
In the evening another Camp-fire was held at
Harmonic Hall. Captain W. F. Atkinson pre
sided. The first event on the programme was
an exhibition drill by tho Michigan Jlilitary
Academy students, which was greatly admired.
Then came tho event of the evening. Cap
tain Atkinson stepped back to one of the stage
entrances and taking the band of a pleasant
faced lady attired in black, led her to the front
of the stage with : " Comrades, I have the great
honor of presenting to you Jlrs. General Cus
ter." For an instant, as though opportunity
was being takon to sctu the finshed yet serious
face before thein, the veterans were silent.
Then, vs by magic, a great spontaneous salvo
of cheers arose. Jl"u throw up their .hat
and ladies waved their 'kerchiefs.
During theev6niug Mrs.McCann, of Toledo,
and Comrado Parsloe, of Buffitlo, gave recita
tions, and tho new Commander, ia response to I
the demands of tho audience, made a brief!
addre.-s. A bountiful supper closed the fes
tivities, the chief credit of which rests with
Fairbanks Post, assisted by Farquhar Post.
Opening of Ilia Wisconsin Encampment.
The annual Encampment of the Department
of Wisconsin convened at the arraoty at Janes
ville, on tho afternoon of the 23d inst.kud was
called to order by Department Commands
Phil Check, Jr., of Baraboo, who presented a
report, which showed the past year to hara
been one of success and activity in tho Depart
ment. The commander spent 1 13 days in tho
work and mustered in person six new Po3t3
Tho report also shows that there have bee
orgamzed in Wisconsin during tho past year
Posts from Nos. 64 to 132 inclusive, which,
with No. 12 revised and re-organiitcd. mako a
total gain of stxty-mne Posts. The member
ship January 20. 15.S3, was 2,436; January 20,
1581, 5,979, a gain during: tho year of 3,493.
The Department owes nothing. The. amount;
of cask on handafe the beginning of the year
w.is $90.22. Cash on hand now $1,353.20. Duo
tho Department from Posts, $33,23, making a,
total of 1, t0&&3 in cash.
From Adjutant Whitney's repost wo nofcico
that Robert Claras PosS, No. 2, of 3ft!wanfcee,
stands at the head, so far as numbers arc con
cerned, bavins: a membership of 23&i Jnmes
Cnramerford Post, No. GS, of Chippawu, Bdis,
ranks second, with 163 members; W. IL9wgenb
Post, of JanesviHe comes in third, with, a
membership of 115.
rrocccdliic? of the Seventeenth Annua! Encamp
nicnt The Sew Oillcer.
The seventeenth annual Encampment of tho
Department of Rhode Island convened at Pres
ent Post Hall. Providence, K. L. on the 24th,
inst. Department Commander Philip S. Clmso
occupying tho chair. After nravar hv the,
Department chaplain, the roll was called and
mty otnecra and delegates rosnomhed to their
Then followed an address by the Department
Commander, which partook largely of the na
ture of a report, showing in detail the work
performed by himself and staff during the year.
Assistant Adjntant-General W. J. Bradford
presented bis annual report, showinjc a kaolth
ful condition of affairs throughout the Depart
ment. From the renort it aniieared that fth
aggregate membership of the Department is
1,020, being a net gain of 147 over the previous
Tho Department comprises twelve Posts.
a gain of one over the previous? vaar
namely, Reno Post, No. 6, of East Greenwich,
organized February 17, with twelve charter
members. Ten posts were reported as stronger
than a year ago. only twoshowing a loss. Jlcd
ical Director Willard IL Greene then presented
bis report, showing the total number of deaths
in the Deportment during tho year to be
After the approval of the reports in the af
ternoon session the election of eJilcsra was pro
ceeded with as follows:
Department Commander Andrew JfoMa
hon, Post 5, Newport.
Senior Vice Department Commandar Eu
gene A. Corey. Post 1, Providence.
Junior Vice Department; Commander The
odore A. Barton, Post 10, Providence.
Jledical Director Dr. Willard II. Greene,
Post 4, Providence
Department Chaplain D. C. Easton, Post 1,.
Council of Administration George A. Wal
lace. Post 1; E. W. Greene, Post 17; John. H.
Francis, Post 13: John W. Sayles, Post 4; Pe
leg Jlacoiabe, Post 10.
Delegates to National Encampment Delc-
pgate at Janje, Ansel D. Nickorson, Post 17; Al
ternate at large, .Lorenzo Travcr. Post 1; Dele
gate, D. F. Longstreet. Post 12; Alternate,
Charles H. Baker. Post 10.
Tlie thanks of the Department were voted
to the retiring Department Commander for
efficient and valuable services during the past
year, and an appropriation was also votedfor
the purchase of testimonials both to him and
the retiring Assistant Adjutant-General.
The new Department Commander appointed
the following as officers of his staff:
Assistant Adjutant-General Wm, JL Land
ers, Post 3.
Assistant Quartermaster-General G H. Al
exander, Post 10.
Judge-Advocate J. JF. Addoman,. Posfrl.
Department Inspector E. F. Mann, Post 4.
Chief Mastering Officer B. F. Davis. Post
The Encampment at Halthnore The Scrr Depart,
ment Officers.
The annual Encampment of the Department
of JIaryland was held at the hall of Dushane
Post, Baltimore, on the 22d inst. The attend
ance was large, thirty-four Posts being repre
sented, and 123 delegates, out of the 130 enti
tled to seats, beings present
Commander John H. Snter presided, with.
Assistant Adjutant-General Jlilo V. Bailey as
secretary. A luncheon was spread in an ad
joining room for the visiting Posts daring; the
entire day and was liberally patronized by
them. The following officers were elected:
Department Commander, Frank JL Smith, of
Post 3, Baltimore; Senior Vice Department
Commander. Geo. W. F. Vernon, Post 2, Fred
erick; Junior Vice Department Commander,
Joshua N. Richardson, Post 1, Baltimore ; Med
ical Director, T. A. Worrell, Post 9, North.
East; Rev. Henry Edwards, Post 4, Hagers
town, wa3 re-elected Chaplain. L. E. Baldwin.
Post 6, Baltimore; George W. Johnson, Post 2,
Baltimore; W. W. Wralfcer, Post 4, Hagerstown ;
Isaac Gillespie, Post 19, Lonaconing, and W. H.
Foreman, Post S, Woodberry, were elected as
the Council of Administration. W. W. Walker,
Post 4, was elected Delegate-at-Large to the
National Ehcampmenc The Delegates, to tho
National Encampment; were W. O. Snville and
Louis Henninghausen, both, of Wilson Post,
A committee of twenty-five, with General
Adam E. King as chairman, was appointed to
promote the interests of the movement; to
erect a monument in Baltimore in memory of
the Union dead. They were empowered to
raise subscriptions and to take such, stops as.
will further the project. William E. Griffith,
of Cumberland ; T. S. Hill, of Frostborg-; T
A. Worrell, of North East; T. A. Brad.shaw, of
Frederick, and S. JLitthias, of Westminster,
were appointed a committee to represent to
the members of Congress the injustice of the
civil service examinations. It is claimed that
inexperienced persons recently from college
pass better examinations than ex-soldiers who
have had experience in.w those oiHccs for which
they are candidates. The members of the
Grand Army wans measures taken that will
relieve them of the severity of the examina
tions. The reports of the different Pester show
increasing: activity in the Department.
The retiring Assistant Adjotsmt-General,
Comrade W. V. Bailey, kiudly sends us the
following; items relative to afihirs in the De
partment daring the past year: There has
been a gain of six Posts in this Department dur
ing the past year beven new ones organized
and one dropped ; a gain of seventy comrades;
$1,052,63. has been expended for charity. The
Encampment continued the ttiug aside of 20
per cent, of the Department per capita tax. for
general charitable purposes. This has nothing:
to do with the Pose charities. Y'e lost forty
one by death during the year. Reports were
all in, and all of the Posts but three were rep
resented. There are now in good standing
thirty-three Posts and 2,110 comrades. Ths
Departmenc is in a flourishing- condition, and
there is no good reason why it should not hold
its present membership in spite of the large
number that we lost bv death.
Xew Department Officers of Colorado.
Comrade J. B. Hodge, Denver, Col., sends u
a very interesting account of the Colorado En
campment, the proceedings of which wepnb
lished in our issue of last week, front which,
we take the following list of new Department
officers: Commander, Byron L. Carr, of Mc
Phersoa Post, No. 6, Longmont; S. V. C, Geo.
F. Breed, of Upton Post, No. 8, Pneblo; J.V.
G, Comrade Olney ; Surgeon, A. S. Everett;
Ciiaplain, C. A. Brooks, fcilver Cliff Post, No
21. The appointments made by the new Com
mander are as follows : A. A. G., L. H. Smith,
Longmcnt; A. Q. JL G., Eugene Austin, Boul
derj Judge Advocate, Dexter T. Sapp, Pitkin;
Inspector-General, D. J. Hayncs; Metering
Officer. J. K. Jeffries, Cheyenne.
The following comrades were elected mem
bers of Council of Administration: A. V. Bohn,
of Lcadville; N. C. Gibbons, Maysville; EB.
Patton, Boulder; G. W. Fisiier, Chevenne;
James Burrell, Central.
The following were elected as Delegates
aud Alternates to National Encampment afe
Minneapolis next July: Delegate ai Large,
Gen, A. P. Cr.rxy, of Lcadvtllo; G. Schweitzer-,
Laramie City, Wyoming, and W. S. Decker,
Denver, were elected a? regular Delegates;
Alternates, E. H. Webb. Soihla; II. Bowman,
Idaho Springs, and T. F. Brown, Denver.
During the Encampment it was decided that
no more honorary members be admitted in ths
Department of Colorado, and a letter of resig
nation wa3 received from ex-Senator Tabor.
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