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.wrjj ? 'w.--. -- v i - $? f?i$!i "ixrr' ryt-d1 "-T jC Kf l-'C I THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE: WASHINGTON, D. C, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1885. 8 rta v.? ay? NEWS 'OF THE WEEK, The Newsfrom All Parts of the V Work ABSOAD. Two housei at Cologne, France, tenanted by 16 families, collapsed on tho.24th. Three dead bodies and 17 persons more or less injured have been recovered from the ruins. Fifty more re gain beneath the debris. A lifeboat which tarted from Yarmouth, England, to the aid of & sinking vessel, on the 22d, struck a sunken wreck and went down, drowning 8 out of its 15 occupants. London is again stirred up by the dynamiters, who are supposed to be pre paring to blow up the law courts. Twenty five men, charged with betting at Manchester, Eng., have been fined from 75 to 100 each. The King of Dahomey, West Africa, with many followers, on May 10 made a raid on the vil lages under French protection, near Porto Novo. His troops indulged in wholesale mas sacres of the inhabitants and burned all their dwellings. One thousand youths and women were captured and carried back into Dahomey to bo sacrificed at the cannibalistic feasts. The health, of the Emperor William of Ger many is in an extremely precarious condition. It is rumored that a firm in Texas has of fered to Gen. Komareff the services of 100 cow boys in the event of war between Russia and England. A man was arrested iu London on the 24th, on the charge of threatening the life of Princess Beatrice. There was a ter rific storm at Torre Cajctani, in Italy, last week. Thirteen persons were killed and 22 injured by lightning. The Russian Gov ernment meditates imposing a poll-tax of 100 to 200 roubles upou every foreigner residing longer than a fortnight in that country. It has been decided to add 50 torpedo-boats to the "Rnssiiin fleet in the Black Sea. Lord Lons dale and Sir George Chetwynd had a fisticuff In London, England, last week, about Lillio Langtry, the alleged actress. A fire in Car denas, Guba, on Wednesday of last week, de royed seven sugar houses floss, $2,000,000. The weather has been fearfully hot in England during the past few days. Children are reported to be dying by the hundreds, and scores of men are prostrated each day. A great many horses have dropped dead in the streets of London. The streets are said to be abso lutely unsafe, owing to the largo number of mad dogs running about. On Sunday last, while an excursion steamer was loading with passengers, at Chatham, England, the pier col lapsed, throwing into the water SO persons, most of whom were women and children. A great many were injured and partially drowned, but no deaths occurred. El JTahdi is reported to have died of small-pox on the 22d. English laborers are in trouble over low wages. A very severe struggle is antici pated in the cotton trades. The iron workers have demanded a 5 per cent, advance. The members of the building trades are fully em ployed and well paid. The coal miners are quiet. The mines of the United Kingdom em ploy 520,370 persons. There were 998 deaths in the mines last year. The Oxford boat crew rowed from Dover to Calais, across the English channel, a distance of 21 miles, on Sat urday last CHIMES AND CASUALTIES. Two freight trains were in collision onThnrs day night last on the Illinois Central Road near Loda, wrecking both engines and a dozen cars, and killing a tramp who was stealing a ride. The loss to the company is $25,000. Last week a three-year old daughter of Mr. Howe, of South Sutton, Mass., took some pills her father was using for rheumatism, dissolved them in water, and drank the mixture, dying soon, afterward in great agony. The muti lated remains of a woman were found floating in the Charles Biver, near Boston, Mass., on the 23d inst. An autopsy revealed the fact that she had been strangled. A mob of armed men went into the jail at Minden, La., at 12 o'clock Tuesday night of last week, and shot Cicero Green and John Figures, two noto rious colored desperadoes, accused of murder. Their bodies were filled with buckshot. A ferocious bull-dog attacked tho three-menths-old child of Mrs. Beiniug, of Allcntown, Pa., Tuesday last, bitiug off tho right foot and otherwise mutilating the child. It will die. Anuie Lcnhart has been arrested at Bead ing, Pa., on a charge of deliberately setting on fire and burning to death Katie, a two-year-old child of -George K..Sewars, of Birdsboro, in whose family she was employed as a servant Miss Ida Kiinball,,aged 15 years, daughter of Hiram Kimball, a banker, of Bedford, Ind., on Monday of last week, shot and killed her betrayer, T. M. Giles, a music dealer of that city. Sarah Cox has been arrested in Ches terfield County, Va., on the charge of murder ing her stepdaughter, Fanny Cox, with rat poison. John Woods, who was being con veyed to jail for burning the barn of Samuel Williams, near Chattanooga, Tenu., jumped from a moving train on the 23d and was killed. Abraham Deuser, the farmer who burned his barn and stock, near Bloouiington, 111., last week, because his wife applied for a divorce, and who was thought to have perished in the flames, was found alive subsequently and put in jail, where he hanged himself to the frame of his cell closet. John Daniels married a daughter of Mr. Murkens, of Mound Junction, HL, on the 22d. Murkens, who opposed the marriage, met Daniels at 7 o'clock the same evening and killed him. Tho murderer was arrested. Lyman Gibson's 10-year-old boy Homer was "playing soldier" at his home in Addison, N. Y., on Tuesday of last week, with other children. He used a small stove poker for a sword. He tripped and felL The sharp end of the poker entered his eye and penetrat ed the brain two inuhes, causing almost instant death. Charles, Koening, a draughtsman, and Frederick Eich, a machinist, fought a duel in Marshall's Hollow, near Pittsburg, Pa., on the 22d. Two shots were exchanged. At the first-fire neither party was hit At the second shot Koening received a ball in tho right side, inflicting a probably fatal wound. Edward Motz was shot and instantly killed by Wm. Battersby in Philadelphia, on the 23d. Bat tersby had $400 in his stable to pay his em ployees. Motz tried to steal the money, and in the straggle was shot Fred erick Greiner, sentenced to be hanged in Columbus, 0.,last week for the murder of Mar garet Seeling, has been respited by Gov. Hoadly to Oct 17. Near Walhall, S. C, on the 23d, Isaac James shot and killed Boney Williams, a colored man. The murderer was admitted to bail on his plea that the shooting was done in telf-defense. On the 23d David Campbell, a prominent citizen of Bowling Green, Ky., shot and fatally wounded a tramp named G. W. Steinger, who had threatened his life. Dan Carpenter, of Toledo, O., shot and killed his young wife on the 24th inst, then tried to kill himself. Jas. Moncricf was arrested iu New York city on the 24th on the charge of pouring coal oil on a dog and setting fire to the animal. John O'Brien, 90 years old, a resident of Ansonia, Conn., threw himself into the rcser Toir at that place on Saturday last, and his bosly was found an hour afterwards. Despond ency and poverty drove him to do it. Near Hampton, Va., on Sunday last, Chas. Crandall shot and killed a man who was assaulting his father. On Sunday last John Hosier, of Norfolk, Va., together with a companion, sought shelter from the rain under a tree. The tree was struck by lightning, and Hosier was instantly killed and his companion badly stunned. Near the same city on the samo day two men were riding in a buggy, when light ning struck tho vehicle, killiug one of them and slightly injuring the other. Several build ings in Norfolk and Portsmouth were also struck and damaged, and a schooner lying in harbor at the former placo had hermaintopmast carried away and was otherwise damaged. The barn of Elias Spahr, Davidsburg, Pa., was burned on Sunday morning by an incendiary. All tho hay, grain, implements, wagons, and a horse and cow were consumed. During a dispute Sunday morning last between Thos. Brailor and Samuel Johnson, near Alex andria, Va., the former plunged a pitchfork into tho latter. Johnson died in a few minutes. Brailor is colored. Ho surrendered to the au thorities, claiming tho deed was done in self defense. J. B.Marshall, aged 20, a telegraph operator at Landingvillo, near Schuylkill Haven, Pa., got his foot fast in a frog in front of his office Saturday hist, and was crushed to death by a passing coal train on the Philadel phia & Reading Bailroad. Eofoert Myers, a farmer of Pittsylvania Co., Va., was found dead near his residence Monday of last week. His neck was bruised and covered with imprints as if he had been choked to death. Several negro employees, with whom Myers had a difficulty, are suspected of his murder. Saturday after soon last Lewis Harrigal, the two-year old son f John Harrigal, of Manchester Township, Pa., was found drowned in a spring in 15 inches of water. John Dailey, while holding a cigaret in his mouth for Max Florence, a Mexican sharpshooter to shoot at, was shot in the tem ple and probably fatally wounded at Coney Island Saturday last. INDUSTRIAL Two hundred and fifty employees of the West Shore shops, at Frankfort, Me., struck at noon on Friday last They have received no pay since April. They ask to be paid for May and June, and to have a regular pay day. Tho business failures during the seven days ending July 25, as reported to E. G. Dun & Co. of the Mercantile Agency yesterday, number, for the United States 192 and for Canada 23, or a total of 215, as against a total of 225 last week. Fall Eiver (Mass.) Mills, representing 1,000,000 spindles, have agreed to an additional four weeks' curtailment of production. All theWheeling (W. Va.) nail factories are about to resume work, the feeders taking the places of tho striking nailers. Delegates from 78 labor organizations in Western Pennsylvania havo organized a trades assembly to boycott business men employing non-union workmen. All tho employees at the mill in Dalton, Mass., where tho paper used for Government securities and national bank notes is made, wero dismissed on Saturday last. Tho cigar makers, 12,000 in number, will hold shoir na tional convention on August 4 at Cincinnati. Last year they spent $260,000 in strikes, $42,000 was given to traveling cigarmakers and $34, 000 disbursed for sick benefits. Some West ern towns are overrun with idle mechanics. Richmond, Ind., has 1,000 out of work. Thero are many in Columbus, 0.,St Louis and Louis ville. There are 3,500 railroad bridges in the State of New York, and each one of them is to be critically examined by experts and re paired where found necessary. A largo amount of railroad building will be undertaken on Au gust 1. Of the Grand Rapid (Mich.) Board of Aldermen, composed of 16' members, 10 are members of tho Knights of Labor. All but one of the city officials and every county offi cial are Khights. Tho Knights of Labor in Iowa are pushing organization vigorously. The largest locomotive boiler ever constructed is under way at the West Albany shops 52 inch shell of 7-16 iron, with 223 tubes, and weighs over 8 tons. A Philadelphia house has just shipped a turning mill, weighing 26, 000 pounds, to St Petersburg, Russia. MISCELLANEOUS. A Milwaukee cigarmaker's wife last week gave birth to twins which from the hip to tho shoulder wero a single body. Aside from this peculiarity aud the absence of one ear the babies were of perfect development. They died soon after birth, aud tho bodies havo been preserved. Jacob George Wm. Martin, steward of the brig Sarah Hobart, arrived in Newport Thurs day last in the steamship City of Rome. He says that while bound from Calcutta for New York the brig was wrecked in a cyclone off Tamatave, near Madagascar, on neutral ground. The crew, except the second mate, was saved. They were not permitted to go near the vessel, were thrown into prison by Malagasays and their clothing stolen. He wants damages from tho Hovas Government SarKceSoLeeShar, a Pawnee Indian, traveling with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Company, died at Narragansett Park, on the 21st, of heart disease, and tho Pawnees of the company buried him in tho Pocassett Cem etery, with his head to the eastward. Tho members of tho baud, in their own tongue, ad dressed the Great Spirit iu behalf of their com rade. Gov. Hill, of New York, has denied the application for pardon of John O'Brien, alias Robert Lindsey, of "New York, convicted of -perjury iu connection with the GarJIeld Morey letter, and sentenced in April, 1881, to eight years in Sing Sing. Walt Whitman, tho poet, was prostrated by sunstroke last week. U.he deaths in Baltimore during the week ending Sunday last were 318, the highest num ber ever reported, and 77 of them were from cholera infantum. Jay Gould left New York Saturday last iu his steam yacht, the Atlanta, for an extended trip among the Thousand Isles. Senator Stanford estimates that his Cali fornia vineyard will this year produce 300,000 gallons of wine. Leavenworth, Kan., has tendered a reception to youug Kuhn, who graduated at the head of the last West Point class. His father is a poor blacksmith of that town, aud he got his appointment by a com petitive examination. Maj.-Gen. Franz Sigel has been appointed Equity Clerk in the County Clerk's office, New York, at a salary of $3,500. Each of the iron girders to be used on tho statue of Liberty will weigh 70,000 pounds. The trial of the half-bree5, Louis Riel, com menced at Regina, Canada, on tho 20th. The prisoner pleaded not guilty. BEATRICE MARRIED. The Youngest Daughter of Queen Tlctoria Hurries Trhicc Henry of iiattenberff. On Thursday of last week Princess Beatrice, the youngest and only single daughter of Queen Victoria, was united in marriage to Prince Henry of Battenberg, at St Mildred's Church, near London, with much pomp and ceremony. The Archbishop of Canterbury aud the Dean of Windsor performed the ceremony, assisted by a number of other high dignataries of the Church of England. The 93d Highlanders guarded the approaches to the church, while the road traversed by the procession was lined by volunteers. The bridal procession started from the palace at 1:15. Loyal and enthusiastic shoutine and cheering greeted the pageant as it emerged from the gates, and the demonstration was taken up and continued by the people along the whole route to the church. Bands of music posted at dif ferent points along the route played as the bridal party passed, and the road from the palace to the church was gay with evergreen arches, flowers and flags. The interior of the church, with its exquisite floral decoration, presented a beautiful appear ance, and the magnificent display of bright uniforms and handsomo toilct3 made tho scene most impressive. Tho dress of tho bride was much admired, and the bridesmaids, clad in lovely white gossamer, attracted much atten tion. The Prince of Wales, who wore the uni form of a field marshal, gave tho bride away, and his two sons, Victor and George, wearing brilliant uniforms, wero also present Princess Beatrice is in her 29th year. She is a tall, light-haired, plain-featured woman, but is highly educated, and has gained some repu tation as an artist. Quite a number of times she has figured before the public as a candidate for matrimony, and there has been no lack of impecunious Princes who have desired to get hold of tho plethoric pursestrings of the Eng lish people through an alliance with her. At one time it was rumored that she would wed tho Prince Imperial of France, but the death of that gallant youug soldier in tho Zulu war put an end to that scheme. Among the other candidates for the large fortune and the annuity which tho British Parliament always attaches to the numerous progeny of Victoria wero Prince Oscar of Sweden, Amadeo of Spain, and Louis of Batfenberg, elder brother of the groom. Prince Louis of Hesse, husband of tho bride's deceased sister Alice, it is said, would havo married her but for the English law forbidding such alliances. The bridegroom, Prince Henry Maurice of Batteuberg, is one of the numerous petty Ger man Princes, and has neither money nor power to bolster up his title. His pay as an officer in the Prussian army is but $400 a year, to which an indulgent father adds an annual allowance of $250, thus bringing up the yearly income of the young man to the handsome sum of $G50. He Hanged Himself at Sea. On Friday night last the steamer Thingvalla arrived at Hoboken, carrying with it the corpse of Neillsen Eckstedt. The unfortunate man had been a stoker on the steamer, and, when the vessel was two days from port, ho com plained of sickuess, aud asked tho Chief Engi neer to excuso him from duty. His chief re fused aud compelled him to go to work. Eck stedt worked for about half an hour longer be fore tho hot furnace, when he threw down his shovel and crept into his bunk. Tho Engineer reported him to the Captain, who told the Sur geon to see if there was anything the matter with tho man. The Surgeon, upon examina tion, said that from all appearances tho stoker was well and able to do his work. Upon this he was thrown into the punishment xoom. He pleaded for medicine, but the doctor turned a deaf car to his appeals. For two hours ho re mained in the dark hole. When tho steward visited him and asked him if ho would go to work, he replied that ho could not, that he was nob able. An hour later, ou the cell being again visited, the unhappy man was found hanged. Tho body was cat down, but the Cap tain thought it best, under the circumstances, not to bury it at sea. It was therefore packed in ice and carried to Hoboken, whero a burial permit was granted. Tho suicide leaves a wifo and four small children in Stockholm, whero ho lived. A Ifew Slni f Potato Big. Connecticut farmers are becoming alarmed on account of a new kind of potato beetle which hasjust made its appearance indifferent parts of that State. For several years tho Colorado beetle has been an enemy which "potato raisers have been obliged to fight with parisgreen and other poisonous substances sprinkled on the vines from the time the young shoots first ap peared nntil after the plants had blossomed. The battle has been a constant one, and this season planters seemed to havo gained suprem acy, as the ravages of tho beetle havo been much less destructive than for seven years before. The new enemy first appeared in Hartford on the 20-acre patch of Dr. J. M. Biggs, and now there are reports of ravages by tho samo insects at Green's farm aud at North Bridgeport. The bugs are wholly unlike the Colorado beetle. They are black and some what longer than the common potato bug, more active, and fly more readily. Tho pests como in colonies, and destroy a whole plant in a very short time. A Successful Elopement. For some months past pretty Miss Mamie Mack, aged 15, one of the belles of the village of Morysvillo, Pa., 12 miles below Reading, has been courted by William Gresh, aud the young couplo determined on matrimony, but Miss Mack's parents objected, owing to their daugh ter's age. Tho opposition of tho old people, however, had no effect, and one day last week tho girl's lover drove a pair of bay horses to the Mack residenco before dawn. Miss Mack was an early riser, and she was up and dressed and ready for tho journey across the country. She succeeded in getting away nnheard, and to gethcr the lovers dashed along the country raid, leaving a long cloud of dust behind them. They went to a friend's house, and in a very short time Miss Mack had arrayed herself in a beautiful bridal dress that had been secretly made some weeks before. They then drove to the house of tho Rev. Mr. Bayer, who tied the knot. A half hour later tho train with tho young couplo was speeding on to Philadelphia. Because She Had No Money. Abraham Soldoy, a Now York tailor, wrote to his sweetheart, Pearl Christ, in Poland, to come to this country and he would marry her. Sho landed atCastlo Garden last week and was met by Soldey, who, after a cordial embrace, asked her how much money sho had. Sho in formed him that her traveling expenses had entirely exhausted her finances. " Didn't your father leave you $1,000? " asked Soldey. " He never had 1,000 pennies," replied tho girl. "Well, wait a moment," said the fellow, "and I'll bo back." Pearl waited several hours, but Abraham came not, and finally tho poor girl, who was without money or friends, stated her story to a Castle Garden detective, who, afior seeing her in a place of safety, arrested tho mercenary lover, who will languish in prison until an understanding can bo arrived at. m Cause of Mortality Among Ferch. Last Summer a remarkable mortality existed among the perch in Lake Mendota, at Madison, Wis., dead fish being washed up on the shore in countless numbers. Thirty tons wero buried by the authorities alono. Tho fish wero fat, of good color, aud apparently perfectly sound. United States Fish Commissioner Baird do tailed Prof. S. A. Forbes, of tho Illinois Stato College at Champaign, to investigate tho mys tery. Prof. Forbes has just mado a report, which shows that tho mortality was duo to a spherical germ, about one twenty-five thou sandth of an inch in diameter, which attacked tho liver aud kidneys, forming abscesses oft times and destroying the cells of tho organ. Tho germ belongs to a group which produces smallpox, chicken cholora and hog cholera. Tho perch aro supposed to havo caught tho cautagion from deep-water herring. A Carload of Soldiers Overturned and 14 Men Injured. The first encampment of Slate troops held in the South since the war commenced at Ashe villo, N. G, on the 22d. Nineteen companies of the North Carolina State Guard arrived and went in camp. When the train with tho sol diers arrived within 10 miles of Ashovillc, a coach bearing tho Goldsboro Rifles turned over. Fourteen men were wounded, four of them se riously, but none wero killed. Trainloads of visitors arrived from Tennessee. Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. Tho whole city is decorated with National and State colors. Gov. Scales, Adj't-Gen.Drura, U. S. A., and Col. Black, of the 23d Inf., reviewed the troops on tho 29th. He Lost His Leg. Thomas F. Segur, a young man living in Brooklyn, N. Y., a few days since felt a sudden pain in his right leg as ho was crossing tho Brooklyn Bridge. When he reached thobuild ing in which he was employed he found himself unable to mount tho stairs. An ambulanco was summoned, and he was carried to tho New York Hospital, where his case was pronounced to bo paralysis. A closer examination, however, revealed tho strange fact that a clot of blood had choked up one of the arteries in the limb, and that gaugreno had set in below tho point of stoppage. It was found necessary to amputate tho limb as soon as tho exact point whero tho gangrene lay could bo located. Similar cases are very rare, and no cause for their occurrence has yet been discovered. Blinded by Quicklime. A number of boys were playing in an orchard in Bloomficld, N. Y., ono day last week, when one of them, Edward Ackcrman, found some quicklime and placed it in an empty fruit can Ho put the can in the hollow of an apple tree and poured water ou it to see it smoke. Tho can belched forth its contents explosively and threw them over tho lad, ruining his sight and burning him horribly. The limo flew about 20 feet in tho air and covered the limbs of the apple tree. Others of tho boys wore slightly burned. Physicians do not think his sight can be restored. Poisoned by Western Hams. On the 24th six members of the fami? of T. D. Pastens partook of samo ham, and one of tho children had a severe attack of vomiting, two others wero thrown into convulsions, and tho remainder of the family wero taken violently ill. Expecting to demonstrate that the meat was all right, tho dealer to whom it had been returned had some of it prepared for his own table. He and several members of his family ate of it, and were soon suffering terribly from its effects. m i The Mob Would See tho Hanging. Wm. W. Smith, wife murderer, was executed at Osceola, Neb., on tho 24th, in tho presence of 5,000 persons. Tho murderer on tho scaffold denied his guilt. It was tho intention of tho authorities to havo the execution private, and for this purpose a very high fence was erected around the place of execution. Early in the morning, however, a mob, anxious to see tho hanging, completely demolished the fence, and tho execution took place in tho midst of. an unruly crowd. Drowned In a Capsized Tacht The yacht Fearless, Capt Post, of Essoxi Conn., capsized in a squall off Orient Point, L. I., on Wednesday of last week. Caleb C. Eoyce, seven years old, whoso father was ono of the party on board, was in the cabin and was drowned. Tho others wero unable to get him until they could get an ax from shoro and cut a hole in tho bottom of the yacht. What Mr. Boach Has Received. The payments for the construction of the dispatch boat Dolphin and the cruisers Chicago, Boston and Atlanta were to have been in 10 installments as tho construction of tho vessels progressed. Of tho entire amount of $2,440,000 the sum of $2,000,000 had been paid Mr. Roach. . Kentucky Amusements. James Simpson was fatally shot by Ben Simp sou and his son on Friday, near Pinneville, Ky., a mountain village. James T. Tuggles was killed in Knox County by having 21 shots fired into him at onco. Ho had a feud during tho war with tho Trospor family and killed tho head of the family. Bad feeling ha3 existed ever since, and a quarrel about a school trustee election resulted in Tug gles being killed. He was fired upon from ambush, and the men who killed him have all been arrested. The Cholera. Tho cholera is slowly making its way to wards Portugal. In Spain there is no abate ment of the epidemic, although there is no largo increase of fresh cases or fatalities. Weak lungs, spitting of blood, consumption, and kindred affections, cured without physician. Addresa for treatise, with two stamps, World's Dispensjujy Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Got. Spragae's SolfirrIcs His Father's Wlffc SMter. Last week Willie, Vkm sok of ex-Gov. Spragne, of Bhodo Island, raarriai Miss Anis Weed, sister of his father'aawifif It will be remem bered that a few yeOB gjace Mrs. Kate Chase Spragne, the daughteitof.tfce late Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, seeBfedtta divorce from her husband, Gov. Spragne. "JThe custody of her three youngest childronpJEtbel, Kate and Por tia were also given tat hoc. Willie, the oldest child and only son, remained with his "father. Since the divorce Mis. Spraguo resumed her maiden name, and habec living at Fontaine bleau, France, wherejshe-ias been educating her children. Aboufcm year after the divorce Gov. Spragne married ayonng woman from West Virginia who half alia been divorced from her hnsband. Her sister saccompanied her to Canonchet, the Govciaer'srcountry seat at Nar ragansett Pier, R. I. Willie has been allowed to grow up almost without attention, and has been seen selling daily papers with tho news boys about the pier. The young couple are both under 21 years of age. An American Shoots Himself at Panama. On the 17th inst. Mr. Hayes, Captain of a dredge owned by the American Dredge Com pany at Colon, was called on deck to quell a disturbance, and his wife, fearing trouble to her husband, followed with her 18 months' old child in her arms. By tho time tho couple reached the deck revolvers had been drawn by the combatants and bullets were flying around. Mrs. Hayes to escape danger rushed to the for ward part of the dredge, and in her endeavor to get shelter fell with her child into tho well, or that part of tho dredge whero tho buckets work lifting the mud from the river bottom. All efforts at rescue wero unavailing, and their bodies were not recovered until next day. The dead mother and her child were placed in one coffin, and tho father seeing his family dead was ontirely overcome. Excusing himself for a moment ho left the room, and immediately thereafter a shot was heard. Ho had committed suicide, having shot himself through the brain. Capt Hayes was a native of St. Louis. o A Georgia Lynching. Peter Stamp, a colored man, who has been employed for some years bysa well-to-do farmer named Ambercrombie, near Douglasville, Ga., was lynched on Friday last for an alleged out rage on Ida. tho 13-year-old daughter of his employer. Tho girl confessed that Stamp was the father of her unborn child; that a ycarago he outraged her and since that time tho inter course has been continued. Tho negro declared that the girl willingly submitted, and that ho used no violence. Soon after making the con fession Ida fell down in convulsions and died in a short time. A post mortem examination revealed tho presence of strychnine inthogirl's stomach. It is a mystery as to whether sho committed suicide, and some suspect her father of administering tho poison. Stamp was 45 years of age. He Won the Bot, But Lost His Life. Jacob Schatz was tho victim of a wirious ac cident at an ice pond a short distance from Middleton, O. Ho wagered with some com panions that he could exist two miuutes under water, and, plunging from a boat, ho grasped an iron chain connected with some of tho ico lifting machiory, and remained under water, clinging to it for two minutes and three-quarters. At tho expiration of that time he came to the surface, expelled the air from his lungs, and one of his companions was just in .the act of reaching out to assist him into tho boat when the unfortunate mau sank. A companipn im mediately dived after-himy and ho was lifted into tho boat, but all efforts to restore lifo wore useless. The Crops In. Texas. This year the value of the agricultural and pastoral products of Texas.will reach the mag nificent sum of $125;000,000. Tho acreago in cultivation is greater than; ever boforo. Tho corn yield is immcnso,.an&- it is bclioved will not command more thau 20 and 25 cents per bushel. There aro now ready for export 1,000 000 head of fat cattle, while in the matter of sheep and wool Toxas now leads California. The acreage in cotton this season is 20 per cent more than it was during'jtho great crops of 1831-'2, when over 1,500,000 bales were mado in tho State, and the present prospect for a crop of this valuablo product is almost perfect. It is thought that probably 2,000,000 bales will be raised. A Jealous Husband Kills His Friend. Michael Klegndurski and Michael Sabronski, two Poles, have been working together for some time at Hillsgrovo, Pa. Sabronski's wifo is a young and handsomo woman, and her hus band has been extremely jealous of her for some time. On Thursday ho went out black berrying, and returning found Klegndurski sitting in tho house talking to his wife. With out a word ho drew his revolver and shot tho man dead. Tho wifo says tho murdered man camo in and asked for a drink of water. Tho two men had been close friends for many years. How Firtlt is Treated in Prison. James D. Fish, ex-President of tho Marino Bauk, whojvas recently convicted and sen tenced to lO'years' imprisonment in tho Auburn Stato Prison for irregularities, has been as signed to employment iu the prison shoe shop. His cell has been furnished by friends with a carpet aud an easychair. A largo hanging lamp wa3 also presented to him, but the prison authorities did not allow him to keep it on ac count of tho room it took up in tho cell, and a small bracket lamp has been substituted. In going to meals ho is not compelled to march in lock stop with his fellow-convicts, but is al lowed to follow the company at will, as do most of the older prisoners. During the first three months he will bo allowed to write three let ters; after that one in six weeks, unless by special permission. Onco a month ho will be allowed a visit of half an hour's duration with friends. Business visits aro allowed as often as may bo necessary. Fish is treated precisoly as any other convict of equal ago and health. The Markets. Although the wheat crop throughout tho country is so poor the price of that grain docs not advance in any marked degree. In Chicago July sales closed at 87J conts; August, 881; September, 90, and October, 925. Com brought 4G cents cash; July, 46J; August, 455, and September, 451. Oats were dull at 321 cash ; July, 32J; August, 26J, and September, 251. Rye was in fair demand at 58. Pork closed steadily at $10.20 cash ; August, $10.12 ; Sep tember, $10.20. Lard was firm at $6.55 cash ; August, $6.65; September, $6.62. Tho receipts in that market on Saturday wore: Flour, 4,000 barrels; wheat, 41,000 bushels; corn, 152,000 bushels ; oats, 60,000 bushels; ryo, 3,000 bushels ; barley, 1,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 3,000 barrels; wheat, 45,000 bushels; corn, 165,000 bushels; oats, 69,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bush els; barley, 1,000 bushels. . Brought Homo in a Wagon. Louisville, Ky. M. J. Helmus, Vice-President of tho City Brewery, was brought home in a wagon, carried up stairs by two of his men and laid on the bed. 'He was suffering with a severe attack of rheumatism contracted in the ico vaults of the brewery." He refused to havo a doctor, but dispatched stservant for a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, with, thd result that in one week ho was entirelyicurodsand ablo to return to his desk. Mis'? Cleveland's book is to be translated Into Italian nnd French. Kichter said no man caneithcr livo piously or die, righteous withoutt wife.' Mulherbo said the two most beautiful things on earth are women and roses. Savillc considered there vus more strength in women's looks tlmn-in any laws. Victor Hugo didn't beliovo Hint womea'sdetestcd bcrpents so much from fear, but more r through professional jealousy. Bouclcnult wished'Adam had die, I with all his ribs in his body. S.Tlie- only thing that con soled Lndy Elcsington for being a woman was that she could not be wade to. marry one. GOOD FOR ALL Graefenberg PILL For mora tlian forty years these valuable Pills nave been known ami used. Thev act mildly, but (huroiudily. Bilious disorders. Liver and Kidney complaint, llead nclie, Constipation and Malarial Diseases uro cured by the Pills. GRAEFENBERG CO., New York, 43-CAFITAI. PRIZE, $75,000.? Tickets !? $5. Shares fa vrepartloa Louisiana State Lottery Company. "We do "hereby certify that we supervise the ar rangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of Tlie Louisiana Stale Lottery Com' pany, and in person manage and control the Draw ings themselves, and that the same are conducted toith honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and, we authorize the Company to use this certificate, witli facsimiles of our signatures -attached, in its advertisements." Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over 5550,000 ha3 since oeen aaueu. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted De cember M, A. D., lb7J. The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPM3NDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS II, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, August 11, 1885 -lS3d Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions, In Fifths, in proportion. LIST OF PHIZES. 1 CAPITAL TRIZE , 1 do do I do do $75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 . 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6,750 4,500 2,250 2 PRIZES OF G,000 6 10 20 100 300 BOO 1,000 do do 2.000... 3,000 500. 200....... 100 60 do do do do do Ar-rnoxiJiATiojj rnizES. 9 Approximation Trizes of f750 9 do do 500 9 do do 250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full ad drc. POSTAL NOTIiS, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of ?5 and upwards at our expense) ad dressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Regis tered Letters to New Orlenus National Hank, New Orleans, La. IS DECIDED BY ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY (A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION), DRAWN AT HAVANA, CUBA, Every 10 to 14 Days. TICKETS IN FIFTHS. WHOLES, ?5. FRACTIONS PRO KATA. Subject to no manipulation, not controlled hy the par ties in interest, it is the fairest thing In the nature ol chance in existence. For information and particulars apply to SDTIPSEY CO., Gen. Agents, 1212 Broadway, New York City; No. 6 West Court street, Memphis, Tenn., or M. OTXEXS Jt CO.. 019 Main street, Knusas City, Mo. Translated from De Las Kovcdades, May 20.J SURPRISE PARTY. Not one of the usual kind, where those who conic furnish the music, feast and merriment, for, in this instance at least, the surprised parties do the danc inir and are paid for doing so. We refer to those who were lucky enough to hold a share of the ticket No. 5347 in the Original " Little Havana" fGould&Co's) decided by Royal Havana Lottery Class 1187, drawn nt Havana on the 11th itibt. That number drew $50,000 in Spanish Gold iu the Government Lottery at Cuba, and decided also the ticket bearing that number in the Original " Little Havana " (Gould &. Go's) entitling the same to 12,500 U. S. Currency, which latter was divided in fractions and held: Two-fifths by J. A. Cas trczana. Tailor, 218 Gth Ave., N. Y. One-fifth by Mrs. Isabella Paez. 2-13-lOth St., So. Brooklyn, N.Y. One-fifth (jointly) by A. Janofaky, A. Krouso nnd Rafael lloitel, cigarmakers, employed at Stachel berg's Factory. 1!I, So. 5th Ave., N". Y., and the remaining one-fifth by a gentleman residing in N. Y. City, whose iinnio and address, in deference to his wishes, are not given. "We are advised that these obligations have been promptly paid, in full, by tho General Agents Ship'-ey Company, 1212 Broadway, N. Y immedi ately on the nrnval of the Olllcial List, and that such promptness is usual with them, and it is only ono more evidence that the reliability of "This Little Havana " (Gould & Co's) cannot be ques tioned. We congratulate those who have fared so well through this investment. May each and all enjoy their share while some one else, on this occasion, pays tho fiddler. We should not object to being the surprised parties, and in the same manner: Would you? LIFE STUDIES OF THE GREAT ARMY. By EDWIN FORBES. Contalnlnlng C5 etchings on 40 plates; sire, 19x24. Complete lu portfolio. Acknowledged to bo the most realistic sketches of the late war ever produced. There Is no more valuable and appropriate decoration for a Post room, or elegant souvenir for your parlor or library. Send for Descriptive Circular and Price List to W. W. KOBACHEK, Rochester, X. Y. Mention Tho National Tribune. ARMY OF POTOMAC FLAGS AT GETTYSBURG, -BY- Corps, Divisions and Brigades. PRINTED IN COLORS. LIMITED TO 125 COPIES, TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. 80.50 IJY MAIL. NOW IN PRESS. Address JAMES BEALE, 719 Sansoia St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Mention The National Trlbun WANTED WE WANT 1000 MORE BOOK AGENTS for the smndeBlandfastestsellingbooJceverpvUltikca wI! PERSONA! HISTORY OP GEN. V. S. GRANT, Th. book will ralnce tb Qtanl' eatlra tnUlUrr. ch!l ttrtitt trJprivi'actrerran'l S the mail ooaplet ralrcltebla hbtorjof fcltacx UnL EnJomdhT hunlitJ. or Pre.. nl Ajtnti' tutiiauali!. A lire lundsomeWikoforejGfWpjre inilSIIUnitritionl. jr!0IJ ONLY El OUR AGENTS. Wo mut ono nHn oTery Utnd Ann j Post in.l 1 n Tr tomxbin. Btna 2.irUmp rVr full pirticuUrj and SPECIAL TERM8 Tj) jfUEJJT3.or iNiira inner it one byillag 111 0. for outSU AJdrift IU. A. WINTER fc HATCH. Hartford, Cenn. (i iME?T? o ' i mmmsk -i mwm&wm& w CAPTURING A A True History of tlid Most Thrilling and Romantic Secret Service of tbe Late War By REV. WILLIAM PITTENGER, One of the actors in the strange scenes described, and now a Minister of tho Methodise) Episcopal Church. HXTJSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS ANI "WOOD -CUTS. EXTRACTS FROM " The mode of operation propose! was to rcacri point on tho road where tuny could seize a locomotiTe and traf q of cars, aud then dash back in the direction of Chattanooga, cutting the telegraph wires and burning the bridges behind them as they advanced, until they reached their own lines." "The twenty-two captives, xvhen secured, were thrust into the negro jail of Chattanooga. They occupied asinglej room, half under ground, and but thirteen feet square, so that there was not space enough for tbein all to He down together, and a part of them were, In consequence, obliged to sleep sitting and leaning against the walls. The only entrance was through a trap-door in the celling, that was raised twice a day to let dowu their scanty meals, whlca were lowered In a bucket. They had no other light or ventilation than that which came through two small triple grated windows. They wero covered with swarming vermin, and the heat waj so oppressive that they were oftera obliged to strip themselves entirely of their clotnes to bear it. Add to this, they were all handcaned, and, with trace-chains secured around their necks by padlocks, were fastened to ea-h oilier in companies of twos and threesi Their food, which was doled out to them twice a day, consisted of a little Hour wet with water and baked In the form of bread, and spoiled pickled beef. They had no opportunity of procuring supplies from the outside, nor had theyj any means of doing so, their pockets having been rifled of their last cent by the Confederate authorities, promineutt among whom was a rebel officer wearing the uniform of a major. No part of the money thai basely taken was evea returned." Eight Thousand Copies of Capturing a Xocornotivo have already been sold, and thej demand still is for "more." It is handsomely Bound in Cloth, printed in large, Cleajjf type, making 350 pages of reading matter and Thirteen full-page Illustrations. WE THE BOOK ALONE (POSTAGE PREPAID) -BOOK AND TRIBUNE ONE YEAR AS A PREIIUM FOR A CLUB EMPIRE WELL AUGER CO. Manufacture and sell on trial, with man sent to set up and test, the best ARTESIAN AND CGIKK1QN WELL TOOLS AND PROS PECTING MACHINERY. No money required until machine Is Tested to Satisfaction of the Purchaser. "We will Test with any machine yet pro duced, and do more work with same pow er, or no sale, bend for circular. F. P. RUST, Manager, ITHACA.N.Y. WELL DRILLING MACHINES. Brown's Improved. Scud for new Illustrated Catalogue. Treman, Waterman & Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Mention The National Trlbuna. BIDING, WALKING AND COMBINED CORN CIKCULAH8 (EKD JOB CULTIVATORS, hand ado rowsa. Com ShellerS) HOUSE POWERS, WIND MILLS. PliftlPS Feed Grinders, AOXT E?2k . -,, TTANTEDI -sSm mnutitl. XH.UUJi.i3 MARSEILLES MACT C0,aiges3, Mention The National Tribune. T OHIESTJC FOWLS. EggsforllatchlngLangshans U ourspeclalty. The largest, the handsomest, the best. Langshan Eggs per Sitting (13) 2 00 Erown Leghorns per Sitting (13) ......- 1 50 Eggs warranted fresh aud true to name. J. A. MOLTZ, Petrolin. Allecimy Co., N. Y. 3rentlon The National Tribune. COLUMBIA BICYCLES MID TRICYCLES, Illustrated Catalogue Sent Free. THE POPE MF'G CO., 5S3 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Mention The National Tribune. Grant's Portrait. The latest and best, the Bierstadt Picture, a companion to his Lincoln and Garfield. From a special sitting before his sick ness, approved and autograph affixed by Gen. Grant June 10, 1SS5. 19x24, $1. Artist proof, S3. Bv mall. Also Tho Iiife '&, of Grnnt, by Hon. J. T. z!t Ueadley, 650 pages. Illustrated. pw J.50. Ascuta wanted. SS? Outfit 50 cents. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 771 Broadway, New York. Mention The National Tribune. f w A MONTH AND BOARD TO OO AGENTS for aNEWand Completo LlO!GRANT Tho World's trreatest eoldler. and tho Nation's most honored citizen. Low price. Ittiuid Soles. P. W. & CO.,913ArchSt.,Phlla. Mention The National Tribune. COMRADES OF THE GRAND ARMY, Agents Wanted in every Department In the IT. S. to Canvass the Sale of GERHARDT'8 BUST OF GEN. GRANT. Executed from life March 25, 1885. Address COMRADE W. WAYNE VOGDES, Sole Agent for the United States, filO Filbert St., Philadelphia, Ta. Mention The National Tribune. WANTED AGENTS: for Personal History of Gen. Grant, Agts. report 15 to 25 dally. Terms free. BUKXR PUB. CO., PROV., R. I. Mention The Natioual Tribune. WANTED AGENTS: for life of Gen. Grant, 500 pages. Illustrated Outfit 50c postpaid. Terms free. BUKER PUB. CO., PROV., R. I. Mention The National Tribune. ITIIorlfla Soldiers' Colony now forming. Send ? btauip for particulars. C.B. Palmer, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mention Tho National Tribune. H pSral Ill liiii tmmxteL slIlRSil "llla. , GAR. RECORD. An Extraordinary Offer. The National Teibune has secured control of H. O. Tccd's superb "G.A.ll. Record," which had been so much admired by comrades everywhere. This is a genuine work or art, being- printed from a steel plate engraved by the best nrtkts iu the country. In the center is n blank for the military record of the owner, to be nttoated by the ollicers of his Post. Around this are spirited pictures of war scenes all executed in the highest style of bank note engraving. A viguet of Lincoln on the left hand nnd a representation of tho G.A.R. badge on tho right are real artistic gems. "When the blank in the center is filled out in a line engrossing hand with the naruo of tho soldier, his rank, company and regiment, nnd the battles he participated in, wounds, nnd otlier facts of his mihtnry history, it will make a magnificent ornament for the parlor nnd nn invnluabla heirloom for the owner's chil dren. It has never been sold so far for less than S2, but we will send it, securely packed iu a tube, to any address for a club of 10 subscribers to Tun National Tribune; or wo will send it and Tub National Tkibune for one year for S2. This is a splendid chance to get this superb work of art cheap. Address THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, Washington, D. C. LOCOMOTIVE! OFFICIAL REPORTS: OFFER - $1.50 - 2.00 OR OF EIGHT NEW SUBSCREBERSc The National Tribune Sewing Machine Is one of the finest Sewing Machines made. It Is sim ple, strong and durable. It is easy- bikcting, and doea all kinds of Sewing in the best manner. We warrant it for family use for nve years. "We represent this Machine to be as good as any in tat market, and guarantee it to be as good as represented. - THE OUTFIT. Each Machine Is supplied with the following outfit: One Hemmer and Feller (one piece). Twelve Needles, Six Bobbins, One Wrench, One Extra Throat Plate, Ona Extra Check Spring, One Quilting Gage, One Screw-Driver, Oil Can filled with oil. Cloth Gage, Rufiler, Tucker. Hemmer and Binder, and Thumb-3crew, and a Book of Directions. With the printed directions, which accom pany each Machine, one can readily learn to use it with out further instruction. OUR TERMS. The National Tribune for one year and Tbe National Tribune Sewing Machine for 818; Or, Tho National Tribune Sewing Machine for 125 yearly subscribers and 3125. We will ship the Machines as fast as ordered by fast freight from Cincinnati, Ohio, the freight to be paid br subscribers when Machine is received. ALL THE RAGE. Grand Army Sleeve Buttons Thousands of Comrades are "Wearing Thern The most popular thing In the way of Grand Army icwelrv jnst now is the Grand Army Sleeve Button pair of which will be sent to any address, postage pr- 1. For a club of six new subscribers. 2. For one subscription and 73 cents additional. : R 'VVMfhnnt suliscriDtlon SI. These Sleeve Buttons arc no cheap Imitation. The disk is pearl-tlnted enamel, and upon its face, in raised work of heavy rolled gold plate, is the eagle, cannon and cannon balls , letters G. A. R. engraved in a scroll 1 me uianu Atuiv uukv, nm mc gold plate, and by pressing on a apart, thus makiug it easy to ad- one of the most handsome, useful and valuable piece of Jewelry that has yet been devised. "We have sold large numbers of these Sleeve Button Address all orders THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, Washinciau, D, C. ' New and Useful Books ! A Classical and Mythological Dictionary, A new work for popular nse. By n. O. FaBcner. It U tJj design of this volaao to provide ua onnnT reader una brief and concise explanation of tbo ancient Hjtbologlcal, dust caL Biographies!. Historical, and GeojrrphlcaIAIlaslona,mo freancnUv met with la Encllsh Literature, In art repreteaUUCEA. cr Uliuslcal Deiucs anu tieroes, in news paper discussions, and In ordinary speech. 70 Illustrations. -. . ... . V Brief accounts are given of all tho classical nerooi mentioned in anciemt msiory : auo of all Mythological Deities. Baca as Achilles,! Adocla. Arr.mon. Anubls. AdoUo. AtalautaJ Atlas, Bacchus. Brahma. Buddha, Cerberus, Charon, Cupid, D.-igon, Diana. Dunrs, Escu- Indra, lals, Juno, Jupiter, Krishna, Mars, , Medusa, Hercury, Mlnorva, Moloch, Nlobe, W Orpneaa. OslrU, ran, Pluto, Paycho, Saturn, "J") Thoth, Varana, Venus, Vesta, Vishnu, Vul can Tama, and hundreds of others. A hand book for popular nae convenient, eompre honslva clear, concise, correct an J mitten In popular langncgo. Very useful to every cnu who wishes to understand these sub- 1k flntv PrtNt fA (.ATifa The Usages of tho Best Society; Araannal of social ctlquotte. By Frances Sterebs. J7othtnte S von la this booithat has not the sanction cf 'pbtarranco by e society contains 31 chapters. Introductions ani Salatatlras, Visiting Cards and VUttlnsr, Strangers and New comora. Encasements, and YTetfdinss, Koceptlons.and Debuts. Privata Balls and OermaMjFancyDreia and Masquerado Balls and Coatnnics. Opera and Thaer Parties, Dinner sad Dinner airing. Table Decorations and Etiquette, Luncheons, Breakfast andToas, Tho Art ot Kntertalnlne, Letter Writing and Xuvs. tlous, Muilcal At Homes " and Garden Parties. Traveling ' Manners and Mourning Etiquette, Veddlnr and Birthday Anni versaries and Presents, New Year a Day Receptions, Important' General Considerations, Brief Hints for orcry day use. This book is indbponsabla to all a ho wish to obtain the most enjoy, men: from dally Intercourse with their ftUaw beings. Hand-i oajoly txnad la doth. Price so cents. A ITaiifly Dictionary of Synonyms, x With rhtch aro combined taa words opposite In xneaalns. By H. C FanlVnr. For the usa of all thoo who would speai or wrlto tho English Languago fluently and correctly, "ft hh tbla book: nt hand any ono may readily nnd a. su!t;fc!o word to express thotr exact meaning and convey a thcitt correctly. This book is Invaluable to speakers, writers, va:.-.i.ri end the COBversatlonaUsS. Handsomely bound la cloth, rvico to cents. Wo will send either of these books free of cost to fww m.m .otot.... . . Miiuuw anyone who will sena us sa lor uiree new auusct" era to The National Tribune ; or we will send either one of them and The KftUeaa Tribune fox one yea for 1.35. 41lllilf fS, XMJ' S f KSfl A Ap4 . V 1 lfc c f T 1 iou-- Vu Wf. -t jfewi5 A st ,, K ! S s? - - ifcs, "te