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frww5 sgQsaivilgal? pl i' ",- ' B ''0!,---"ijr"' Km "TWi.WT. s22V -"S ivc,-. "" T "-O V" s. Ml ' jC. V s Ths test history of the War with Spain will be found in THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, from week to week. i";i tin mil ' '-4ifesr ' .s!'c-!FsrlIllr'? -B-IB KJ a ggg: BajlWfa JJlIEj J '- Wy Tjg i "Jto rttt fnjis.afci few Jwm ttetettk, xtU for f trtittc and frpkaw. ertfruj 03 Our Great War Boofcsl are of intense interest at this, time. See descripW tions on 12th page ESTABLISHED 1877-KEW SERIES. A New Fie WASHINGTON, D. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1898.-TWELYE PAGES. YOL. XVII-NO. 29-WHOLE NO. 872. Quee - 3 TJ ' i I, , y v-" ". if" fe -j -." 1' i ' , ?"' j-ijy; (--'" -g-j--BHP BffffKti------Eo. ?j!Sft' jbBUBBhB jPBBttw3jWBwWE ' v, cl 1 vS'' fc m a x f l m - l iBic!Kr?-Pv'-Ll3-fc-9 fcHiTr jrywlitf v jmcSl'-"i3I nn uaA T .!.. VK.T.-r - --? ... -,-- . --. , ,-"?- . .- .--- r . . - - ' ,- . - - -- , - j"t . '-".. JK.iSMaA.. ? Land TgE MR OPEJED Ml tlie Legislative, Executive, and Diplomatic Preliminaries Completed. . While we are going- to war -with Spain for the noblest possible motive -r- - pntit 41lA nl kit j-fcr Af 4T n - - --m -.-. . --,. ,. 1 -. 1 . V itMuc iiuiii nj; .uukkura ui uicu UjpiutO-3 U weak. pe beyond all human conception, and while we stand read and to shed onr blood without stint, and spend onr nifeent $. -"mmmmmBmmsm Promise. --. j 1 - v.j v .i.n.,1, iMiauuira uiuuiiKui umivjun uuv'inaier advantages iroin tue same, yet there are limitless material advantages whieli will flow to somebodv.-and wa win &tt. 1 ?!- ' t- rf J .'- w-MV nigger pari 01 tnem. ' - rr- -y- A DECISIVE WEEK. Ihe Last Steps Toward OpeniDg the Conflict Taken by Congress, Presi-j flPTit Oiippn T?pjrpnt fJnvfps IVTinicitnr and Admirals The Diplomatic Decks j Cleared, and tlie Dispute Handed Over to the Army and Navy for Settlement tVKDBSlAY, AI'IIIL 20. Our record closed last v. eek at Tuesday noon. Tlie Spanish Corfes met Tuesday even ing, 'ind rienor Sagasia made a lirmtpeech, concluding with: "Spain will not allow a parcel of her territory to be taken from her with im punity; nor will she be a party to any trafficltinjr.or her possessions. ' Tiie Conservatives formally announced that they would give the Liberal Ministry a Bolid uppjrt in defending the National honor. The Queen ?cgent made a firm, dignified speech to the Cortes. THE ULTIMATUM. . The President saw a number of visitors Wednesday momir.g, and at 11 o'clock dis missed t e last of tht-ni, and ente.ed the Cabinet room, where lie f und Secretaries Alger,, ai.d Wilton, Attorney-General Griggs, and Assistant Secretary I ay await ing li.m. The latter had with him the ulti matum, which had been carefully drawn after laborious consultation with the best Diplomatic authorities. At 11:1:4. amid im pressive silence, the President seated him self at cesk, and wrote on the docu ment, in clear, li m hand: Approved. Wil.iam McKinley. , April 20, 18a. The text of the ultimatum was not made public until the i.e. t day, or after it had been oiuciuliy presented to Spain. It is contnii.ed in the iollouing telegram to our Minister at M-idiid: 'To Wotdloid, Minister. Madrid. "Voti l.ave I ecu furnished with the text of a joint resolution voted by the Congress of the I nhed Slates on the lth inst., ap proved to day, in relation to the pacifica tion of the inland of Cuba. In obedience to that act the 1 leskient diiects vou to imme diately communicate to the Government of Spain said icsohition, with the formal de mand of the Government of tlie United btates that the Government of Spain at once relinquish its authority and Govern ment in the island of Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. In taking this slep, the United States hereby disclaims any dis position or intention to exercise sovereign ty, jurisdiction, or control over said island, except for the paeilication thereof, and asseris its determination when that is ac complished to leave the Government and control of the island to its people, under such free and independent Government as they may establish. "If by the hour of noon on Saturday, next, the 2Jd day of April, instant, there be not communicated to this Government by that of SjKiin a full and satisfactory response to this demand and resolution whereby the ends of peace in Cuba shall be assured, (he President will proceed without further notice to use the power and to Yankee enterprise to earner the io ne'nn witn. uuna is no clotint tin liim-MtK rtphisf. lain nn tt-i,.i, i, d i:, tm: m .-i .?? .. ' -, A Y-. -:, "1 " . . ". uib d,iu oumu. j.k una u. soil, auu SKies not surpassed, scarcely equaled , in the world. 1 he earth is simply opulent in her fertility there. More eau 13 produced with less eflort than anywhere else where men labor with earth for a livelihood. " Columbus pronounced the island " an earthly paradise," and it certainly would be bnfc for Spanish misrnle Tins lw not only blighted its productiveness, but its healthfulness as well. It is naturally one of the most healtEful spots m the world, except wiiera Spanish ignorance, filth aJd squalor have ma le it a hotbed of disease The Spaniards have always treated the island as they have every other colony, as a something from which thev jnjist squeeze the last available peseta. When the inhabitants rebelled awinst this extortion they were murdered .with every accompaniment of cruelty. When the ludiaifs would not work for them they cut off their hands' burned them at the stake, or slew them by thousauds. " ' M.TheJ,,1v trea!tC(J ,the rolonisls with which they replaced the Indians in maeb the same way. Few of the millions of dollars which they have annually drawn from the fertile soil-. have been allowed to co into their own i:ww;..o. vU.m..u M iiumcia, j.iuuiouiaiu-s m, mauriu, ana nors3-ie2cii23 ot every kind from impoverished Spam, have incessantly bled them t the last paint of exhaustion. U47t?.ur,?,xpulsion10!',Siwin al! this wHl The American Flag will take thither the same inalienable rights tolile, hbeity and the pursuit of happiness that the people of this country enjoy. Peace, happiness 'and prosperity will blossom in the ever-fruitful isle like the flowers which make it a bower of -beauty Jtvvill be the opening up of a hui.l of golden pro.nisa to the enterprising intelligent ahd'indnstrious. No where else in toe whole world can there be found to-day so imny glorious opportunities for young men, It is far better than California oO years ago, and a thousand times easier to reach. .One million young Americans ought to find prosperous openings there inside the next five years. - The area of the island is 43,:J19 square miles, considerably more than there is in the great State of Ohio It will comfortably support 10,000 000 people, yet owing to the prohibitive policy of the Spaniards agautst imnrf gration, there are not to exceed 1500,000 people there, largely ex-slaves and their descendant "and "n Spaniards, hardly better than the ex-slaves. There ateo tens of thousands of Chinese coolies. iNo statistics are available as to the actual productiveness of the island. Uut it is known that even with the eradeasteful methods characteristic of ignorance and slavery, a ton of fine sngar can oe easily raised to the Eh I' ' banana3' coa-nu PPPles, orangei lemons, shaddocks, fig, etc?, iS equally r crowfnWL6rC aD haS t0 Wrk t0 mUke thingS gr0W Caba he ha3 t0 cxert himself t0 keeP them from Jhc1Unita Slatfe9 ha3 talen as much as 931 per cent, of the exported products of the island We buy abroad every year-and the greater part came from Cuba before thfc present troubles-SMO 000 000 worth of sugar; 90,000,000 worth of coffee; $17,000,000 worth of semi-tropical fruits and mi J and an Tonal SfSrf0 The3S.a-e allcrPf the highest ready-cash value. TlrepSent nLl one-third of'our total importa. Ihe amounts increase every year. Americans ought to be engaged in their production. They will GvrnmenT" 'glVCa WC haV promised tbe world to t-" eq.nitable, just and. stable . , The young men who are going down to the island as a part of the Army of Occupation will see the land's fatness and its splendid opportunities. They will stay growers of fruits, snear. tobacco. cnfW M JJtZS' iron, gout, copper and alum; as lumbermen, handling the magnificent forests of mahogany ebony, cedar and SSh? fff ntscg on the great commerce that will immediately spring up with the United States; as -v- --I --;--; "! i -"""" "-" wwwuiTiov, o.iia uui uiwera, una in uie uiousaiut ana one other forms SbK?1 Uie StjIfi3h rCprCSS,"0U f Sain fa SaCCCeded b'th0 P SS Mndi the greater part of the island is yet covered with forests. There is a chance there for everybody, and the men who go down there carrying a broad, free civilization, in their cartridge-boxes will want to stay in a land of eternal Spring, where they can raise two crops a year by a modicum of work between meals. And they will write to theirlriends and relatives to join them. The island will become Americanized almost as rapidly as Cuiiforn a vas whichllhemiHta'ry enjoy! fhm' te "iU b th "l of - MORKO castle: Morro, (or Moro) Castle is simply a fortress of the middle ages that has survived to modern times It is of heavy masonry with battlements, moat, watch tower and dungeons according to the apnroved style of a stronghold in the days ot Knighthood and mailed armor and battering rams. It's about as effective to resL mod em Sery SeoSat's-de " Y f The mdem artiUery bas been ceil ia new J authority enjoined and conferred upon him by the said joint resolution to such, extent as may be necessary to carry the same into effect." A copy was immediately sent to the Spanish Minister in Washington, who in stantly demanded his passports. He in formed the State Department that he would leave Spanish interests here under the care of the French and Austrian Legations. His letter and his passports had both been prepared in advance, so that he was in receipt of the latter withia a few minutes. At 7:30 in the evening he and his suite left the city by the Pennsylvania Ttoilroad. There was quite a crowd of curious people ut inn uepoc, out nouung in the least dis agreeble occurred. Quite a force of police, both in uniform and plain clothes, were present, but they found nothing to do. The Minister went immediately to Canada, and took up his residence at Niagara Falls. It was expected that Minister Woodford would immediately inform the Government of his presentation of the ultimatum, but the day passed without hearing from him. The .Madrid papers announced that the' Minister had received the ultimatum un officially through their censorship of the telegraph, as it was telegraphed in plain English. Minister Woodford sent away the re mainder of his family, closed the Lepation, and turned its papers over to the British Embassy. Our Government gave out the following during the day: "In the event of hostilities between the United States and Spain it will be the policy of this Government not to resort to privateering. The Government will adhere to the following rules: (Continued on second pajre) - i ii , , ...Hi., i i m Wpi?E THE JIIilM SPANISH FiiEET IS. Grande, St. Vincent, Islands. Verd . . """ y' c AND tonnage' v'",' ""-- J c0 r.r e05T6NoC rOF Fly INC.. SQUAD RON " ' .;".,;" -Ji . ?' J 16 "Or Vp ILL. j. . ;-t., S rt. r vV-cO I i ;-..' x( NEWYoRKft - 2EiJ' '' pBKSBe&tef ' r: t?- . j a ,Or - y Jv ) ( . . ' i5,r, vj;- T : :.. --- ) q. I .t. .V'y Porto " FothS:ZXybC' -PZ'. '.'KEYVVEjTrLEET and CAD2 FLEET .' ?lw" -frsiJlSZ'' "A hitZnaTt.LuKti Jl-rJ , V' "' fi. " ! -ff 55. - r iin7? V ----. --i-- - m t m mi -t m v r - -i -. a n a .. Aiv.7c-L- ----s - v ' -j. . . c ; . . '1M" u f j? oi about uo.UUU, mainly fi y i ,x ' - f I - : Cj SOUTH AMPirA v f j -rIZ !fJ9K For weeks the Spaniards have been assem bling a fleet at the Cape Verde Islands, the nearest point on the other side of the ocean to Cuba. This is 2,500 miles away. The Cape Verde Islands are a small archi pelago, belonging to Portugal, which uses them for a penal colony, and are situated off the coast of Africa. They have a population Porto negroes. 'I Porto Grande. THE STRATEGY OF THE SEA. x f at g w n r ' i e sllJI Outpoint Spain Everywhere and in Every Way better 1. , , m tb PrCSenfc C0UteSfc With SpaiD' We have morc nnd lietter men, more andi 1 -lf otinflnlte-importailco in naval operation to-dav, where tile wwliWJT better guns, more and better shins nni w w i, .u.w i:. .. . . . . . ' . ? .adiusted strnctnrn . whnw v.-,r i?r to ....i t-;i . i ..V .!. .-. i.i 'i i.7 c' tum",""cu ucnuuuJ tu-ini..i!.. . . . V' T" ' uuw""ura wreacn any point 01 COnUlCt. Spam Will IaV " n'iTU:-":::Ai"':r.'r' " . ro.V'-1' ""'"- """ "? il "C'P'ess iiuik : . y l! a"n;s length, while we can strike straight from the shoulder -iu. , . uiS &18 C Grande, where the Spanish fleet has been lying, is a very fine harbor, but there is, nothing around it from whieli to furnish ini-. portant supplies, which have to bo brought, across the sea from Scain and Portneral. Its - . T . lnsporiance to mariners making long- mam Thn'ilinfrrnT..H.nt .- ai.. ...-.. .n" ' .... V: ,.r7 " " ,.' . ..m-- .. . ,' voyages is in its tresh luorisioiis. The latest is dHntive7f paper-strengtnottlie various fleets. This, after all, intelligence is that, acting under protests. ?a2K5.nIr States ships are up to a very close percentage of their strength as ! from Washington, tho Po7tnuese Govern- hip fonlv thK faLffiSik-JhST bClV lL f VT know1 the actual fighting strength of a Spanvh ment has oixfered the Sniffy?S" Jiinfti 1- "othing 1 ke what it is represented Jo be. So that instead of the United States fleets being i that a couple of Portuguese men-of-war m aout double as strong as Spam's are, the probabilities are that they are three or four times as strong. j the harbo seing thaf thl oX is obey 5. fe.W-Ea at HliHMHHHBHHBHHHliBHi --- s-f . S- A 'WfV ,Jrfriaig ..