YESTERDAYS IN WASHIMfON Pea Pictures of Celebrities of the Past Generation By MARY S LOCKWOOD Copyrighted 1E09 by TnE National Tbiuusb LAYING OF THE CORNEIt STONE The greatest obstacle Gen Washington and the Commissioners met with in found ing the Federal City on tho banks of the Potomao was tho objection of Davy Burns to surrendering his broad acres which lay In the heart of the proposed site for any Buch purpose Bums had no desire to part with his possessions consisting of G50 acres which at one time bad been a part of the tract called the Widows Mite 4 of the old trees near the cottage that once gave shelter and shade to tins sturdy Scotch household Washington waxed warm and Davy Burns Lecamo more and more obdurate At last Burns irritably replied If it had not been for the widow Custis and her niggers you would never have been any thing but a land surveyor and a very poor one at that Bums was at last convinced that his farm would be taken anyway and he had better make the best bargain possible The principal proprietors then signed a con tract which gave the streets without com pensation they to receive 2j per acre for all lands used for public buildings every other lot belonged to the proprietors Where the Capitol now stands was a thick wood The work was commenced plans sought and architects employed Thornton Hallett Hoban Latrobe aro be fore us and yet the Capitol rises in digni ty with all the symmetry and classic graco that we might expect from tho inspiration cf one master mind Work was often held back for lack of money and with tho petty jealousies of en gineers and architects it can be imagined -- Squaro and marched two abreast with Gen Washington at tho head with musio play ing drums beating colors flying and spec tators l ejoicing When tho Capitol Squnre was reached the Grand Marshal ordered a halt and directed each fllo In tho procession to incline two steps one to the right one to tho left and faco each other which formed a hollow oblong squaro through which tho Grand Sword Bearor led tho van followed by tho Grand Master pro tern on the left the President of tho United States in tho center and tho Worshipful Master of Lodgo No 22 Virginia on tho right All the other orders that mado up the procession advanced in tho rovcrso of thoir order of march from the Presidents Squnre to the southeast corner of the Capitol and tho artillery riled off to a designated ground to display their military manuvers and discharge thoir cannon Tho President of tho United States tho Grand Master pro tempore on tho left the Worshipful Master of Lodgo No 22 took their stand to the east of a huge stone and all tho craft forming a circle westward stood a short time in solemn order Washington Laying tue Corner Stone Frosi an Old Print The Commissioners failed in thoir endeav ors at negotiation and President Washing ton was called upon to use his persuasive arguments They were seated under one The artillery discharged a volley the Grand Master delivered to the Commis sioners a large silver plate with an in scription thoreon which the Commissioners ordered to be read and was as follows This southeast corner stone of the Capi tol of the United States of America in the City of Washington was laid on the 18th day of September 1793 in the 18th year of American Independence in the flrstyear of the second term of the Presidency of George Washington whose virtues in the civil administration of this country have been as conspicuous and beneficial as his military valor and prudence havo been useful in establishing her liberties and in the year of Masonry 5793 by the Presi dent of the United States in concert with the Grand Lodge of Maryland several Lodges under its jurisdiction and Lodge No 22 from Alexandria Va thomas johnson David Stuart Daniel Carroll Committee Joseph Clark Right Worshipful Grand Master Pro Tempore James Hoban and Stephen Hallate Architects Collen Williamson Master Mason After the reading the artillery dis charged a volley tho plate was then de livered to the President who attended by tho Grand Master pro tem and threo Washington City what some of the tribulations were through which the Capitol passed to completion We find that it was the same old human nature that governed man as now just as inharmonious and hard to manage and Washington often passed through tho Gar den of Gethsemane when the foundations of his beloved Capitol wero being laid To day tvlien we look upon tho Nations home that magnificent abode of the God dess of Liberty we realize that the eyes of the world are upon it that it is the emblem of freedom and prosperity to tho people who seek refuge under the shadow of her wing that it is the Mecca of the patriot and the goal of the politician The beauti ful dome of the Nations Capitol speaks but with one voice to the worlds oppressed What a contrast to the day that Washing ton put all perplexities and hindrances behind him and stood before the people to take part in the laying of the corner stone of this monument to liberty In reflected glimpses we sec Washington silver crowned by the years and the service he had given to his country ready to put the seal of the Government on the crown ing glory of the Nation Out of the bogs and the mire a city was showing tho first blade of the planting The dawn of that perfect day of which tho founders of the Capital so fondly dreamed was breaking This was only a hundred years ago Did the Father of his Country have a prophetic vision of the ear 1000 Does he not look down upon tho city of his love to a new Washington the perfected Capital and its magnificent environments And can he not say mine eyes have witnessed the coming glory of our Nation Great prctiaration had been mado for the eventof thelayingof thecoruer slone gren ndierandartillery companies wcremusterod civic societies and distinguished citizens as sembled The ceremonies took place on tho 18th of September 1793 It was then a city without houses and without streets There wero squares in morasses and obelisks In trees There were no incmliers of tho Cabinet no heads of Departments or For eign Ministers hero The Members of Congress wero in Philadelphia It was a fewdays drivo instead of a few hours ride from Philadelphia to Washington Tho day dawned fair and cloudless such as wo have seen on Inauguration days but we imagine there was a striking contrast to the ceremonies witnessed every four years in this latter half of the century when a President is i naugurated The cer emonies proper were to bo under the au spices of tho Masonic Fraternity Lodge Ko 22 of Alexandria of which Washing ton was a charter member had tho prece dence assisted by the Lodges of Maryland Washington for tho day was Grand Mas ter The procession formed in Presidents A CENTURY AGO one any 1 for a club of two any U for a club of three and so on The Club raiser can offer to each subscrib er also any two of these books Tins makes club raiiing easy Size of Club melcys American Conflict Leatherette 4 Cloth C co s Mannings Book 4 Life of Admiral Dewev 2 History of the Spanish American War Home of the Bible by Marian Harland nomo Mane Healthful by Mrs Sangster From Manger to Throne by Talmago Free Cuba cloth 075 naires 0 4 4 4 rractical Home Physician 1150 pages illustrated 5 Heitmans Historical Register of the U S Army from 1789 to 1839 5 Historical Cuart and U S Wall Map 3 Memorial Record of any soldier 10 TnE Teibunk LimiAUY 22 numbers 3 Good Nickel Watch Chain and Charm 4 Onr Mens Special Watch 0 Onr Ladies Special Watch 7 GAR Watch Waltham or Elgin 20 Gunmetal Watch 5 No 1 Gold filled Hunting Case Elgin or Waltham full jeweled Watch 7 added money 20 lo 2 Gold filled open face Elgin or Wal tham full jeweled Watch G added eJ 14 Sv 3 Solid Silver Hunting Caso or open face full jeweled Elgin or Waltham G added money 10 Address THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON ED 0 THURSDAY JANUARY 18 1900 OLDEST MH IN AMERIGA Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters by Using Peruna Mr Isaac Brock the Oldest Man in tho United States Mr Isaac Brock of McLennan county Tex has attained tho great ago of 111 years having been born in 178S He is aiiaruem menu io xeruiiu uuu spvuiu of it in tho following terms During my long life I have known a great many remedies for coughs colds catarrh and diarrhoea I had always sup posed tlieso affections to Ixs different dis eases but I have learned from Dr Hart mans books that tlieso affections aro the same and are properly called catarrh As for Dr Hartmans remedy Peruna I have found it to be the best if not tho only reliable remedy for these affections Pcriuialiasfrceiiiiiyslaml by Tor 1111113 yearn ami I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy It exactly meets all my requirements I hava come to rely upon it almost en tirely for the many littlo things for which I need medicine I believo it to be es pecially valuable to old people Isaac Brock Catarrh is the greatest enemy of old age A person entirely free from catarrh is sure to live to a hale and hearty old age A free book on catarrh sent by The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus O Most Worshipful Masters descended to the caisson trench and deposited the plate and laid it on tho corner stone of the Capitol of the United States of America on winch were deposited corn wine and oil which was according to the ritual and practice of the Masonic fraternity The interpretation Is the corn of nourishment the vine of refreshment and tho oil of joy Tho wholo assemblage joined in reveren tial prayer which was followed by Masonio chanting honors and a volley from the artil lery The President and his attendants ascended from the caisson to the cast of tho corner stone and there the Grand Master pro tcm elevated on a triplo rostrum de livered an oration fitting the occasion At intervals during tho delivery of the oration several volleys wero discharged by tho artillery The ceremony ended in prayer Wo are told that the whole company re tired to an extensive booth where an ox of 500 lbs weight had been barbecued to which the company wero served with an abundancoof otherrecreation Thofestival concluded with 15 successivo volleys from tho artillery and as the sun sank behind tho Virginia hills tho company dispersed Undoubtedly it was one of tho most sat isfactory days in the lifo of Washington He not only participated in laying the foundation stone of the Nation but the corner stone of its Capitol Yet Provi dence denied him tho crowning felicity of seeing tho G overnment of thoNation housed in its own Capital For sjx years Washington watchod tho progress of tho builders and architects The year before the removal of tho archives of tho Nation to tho Capital tho great founder of tho Federal Republic tho bul wark in war the guido in peace wasjno more His countrymen consecrated the memory of that heroic leader by carrying on to completion tho work ho had planned and loved After many vicissitudes and changes in architects and superintendents the Senate Wing was ready to bo occupied Nov 17 1800 the House Wing was completed in 1811 and ready for occupancy In 1S93 tho 18th of September in tho presenco of Congress tho Executive tho Judiciary and a vast concourse of grate ful people 100 years after tho laving of the of the Capitol a bronze tablet commemorative of the event was nlaned as near as possible to tho original corner stone u 110 coming hummer is to bo cele brated tho centenary of the Nations Capital Complete Premium List Following will be found a very attractive List of Premiums They are all good articles none better We do not intend knowingly to send onr drib raisers any other kind The number of yearly subscriptions iequired are indicated by the figures on the right Get up a club while it is easy to do so Sparks From the Camp Fire Samantba at Saratoga Si Klegg 320 page book Field Dungeon and Kscape C12 pages The Boy Spy in Dixie 320 pages The Cannoneer 331 pages Capturing a Locomotive 334 pages Adventures of Alf Wilson 250 pases National Tribune Soldiers Handbook The Great Itebellion VoL I The Great Rebellion Vol II History of U S Grant Further Mishaps to Si and Shorty Further Adventures of Boy Spy Secret Service Andersonville Vol I Audersonville Vol IL The Worlds Sweetest Songs Cook Book Historic Homes of Washington Si and Shorty New Third of the series Keil Acorn Scouts Spies and Detectives Any JJ of the books abovo for a club of felro of Club No A Gold filled Bartlett Waltham or Wheeler Elgin Hunting Case full jew eled 11 added money 21 No 5 Gold filled Bartlett or Wheeler movement open face full jeweled 11 added money n No C Solid Silver Hunting Case or open face P S Bartlett or Wheeler full jew eled 11 added money 7 Dewey Watch either Ladies or Mens f 150 added money 5 Coin Silver Watch Hunting Case Stand ard American Movement with 150 added money 10 Coin Silver Watch open face Standard American Movement with 1 added 10 Waltham Watch Silverine Case with Old Glory or Admiral Dewey engraved on back with 150 added money 15 Same with standard Trenton works with 150 added money in I GAR Sleeve Buttons Rolled Gold Plate 3 uAic waicu unam icolled Uold 15 The Same Canteen Charm Heavy Gold Plate 2 Grand Army Charm Rolled Gold 2 GAIL Ring Solid Gold 20 G A U Badge Cliann Kolled Gold 5 Ladies Fancy Chain The Nctlicrsole Bracelet 2 Gold Lead Pencil 2 Eight day Striking Clock Oak Case 8 Decorated China Clock 5 Set Silver Tea Spoons 3 Silver Spoon Holder 3 Silver Tea Pot G Silver Cream Pitcher 3 Silver Sugar Bowl 3 Silver Cako Basket 50c added money 4 Silver Crumb Set 4 Silver Tea Set four pieces with 2 added money g Silver Cup postpaid 2 Sterling Silver Jewelry each piece 2 Tea Set Decorated 5G pieces with 175 added money 10 Dinner Set Decorated 84 pieces with 275 added money 10 Toilet Articles t 2 Pension Blanks Rubber Poncho c War Senate and War House - 2 Wall Tent with 2 additional money 5 Combined Pocket Knife Fork Spoon and Can Opener 4 Bunting Flags Club according to size Silk Umbrella 10 Years subscription to The National Tbibune 4 ine Home Magazine THE XATIOXAI TBIBUXE Washington C CHAT OF THE CORRIDORS A valued employee of the United States Government isMoyGop a Chinaman who at intervals of Jiis service conducts a laun dry at the corner of 3d and IC streets and likewise has a clas3 of Americans to leant Chinese About 25 years ago when 10 years old ho ran away from China and came to this country Ho learned English attended night school worked in n laundry by day becamo converted to Christianity and was naturalized Ho settled down in Peoria 111 and accidentally becamo a de tective and as such is nowompoyed by tho Government lib reads and writes English lluentlv and is very useful as an inter pretcr Ho has dono good work in bringing to justice some ureaueit iiigiiuinuers Tho congruities aro never a strong point with spiritualistic mediums A seeress who has her temple on Pennsylvania nue not far from xhe national office and which by the way smells rather too strongly of tho garlic and onions of tho Chinese restaurant below has for tho stara at her regular Sunday evening seances Lord iivron and Ulianes uarwin who talk and write as muddled grammar as all the great men who havo como back to earth do In spite of her constant commun ion with tho shades she had a vcrv strong vearning to see tho Fizsimmons Corbett fight but begrudged tho expense and in convenience 01 a pursunai visu luuiuuuuu Sn Eton inat nroieeted hrr astral hodv and saw tho fight from start to finish as clearly as if it had taken place in her own boudoir This beats the long distanco telephone and pictorial telegraphy all hollow Lieut Samuel Howard U S N who was the pilot of tho Monitor In her famous light with tno jierrimac anu is cnumeu to havo been tho last suviving member of tho ships company died last Sunday at 111s nome on 11 sucui xio iiuu uuwji hi good health up to the time of receiving a severe fall tho Tuesday previous which resulted in congestion of tho brain Ho was born in Ireland 79 years ago and at the ago of 10 ran away and went to sea Ho was Captain of a merchant vessel ply ing to Cuba when tho rebellion broke out and received a commission in tho navy Owing to his familiarty with tho Southern coast ho was put in command of the No oslio and then of tho Amanda engaged in blockading Ho was at Hampton Roads when tho Merrimac came out He had faith in the Monitor and volunteered to Dilot her in His story of the fight was vividly interesting After the war ho went into the Revenue Marine service and con tinued thero until lus death About 10 years ago ho was placed on waiting orders He was a member of Lincoln Post of this city and of St Johns Lodge F A A M Newport It L Col T H N McPherson a well known attorney of this city and a member of Po tomac Post and tue Loyal Legion lieu Jan 12 He was from Shippensburg Pa and served in the 107th Pa and on Brig Gen Howes staff during the war F B Shophard U S Commissioner for Alaska who is in tno city wilt recommend to Congressmen the division of Alaska into two districts The country is so large that different sections have distinct interests and Sitka is too distant from tho placer nclds ot uape rtomoanu oilier gold camps to be of any benefitto tho people of thoso localities f v 1 G M Laraberton a well known Ne braska lawyer who is in tho citysaysthat as regards thq success of tho Republicans in electing a majority of the legislature I have 110 doubt Upon tho next Legislature will devolve the choico of two U S Sena tors and two Republicans will Ira sent to Washington to succeed Messrs Thurston and Allen ltf is thought by somo that Col Win J Bryan is not so alisolutely wedded to tho idea of having the first office in tho land or nothing that lie has closed his eyes to tlio possibility of Senatorial honors In fact some of his warm sup porters for tho Presidency aro not infatu ated with the idea of his acceptanco of any office this sido of tho White House and should he develop any designs on the Sen ate they will be quisle to offer opposition The Poundmaster of Washington has killed 3010 dogs during tho past flvo inontlis and his assistants are now catch ing about70 a day 01 which nearly all aro killed There is a bar room in Washington for every 441 of the population The arrests averairo 0110 in evervll of tho neonlo of tho whole District In the First Precinct where there is a bar room for every 113 people tho arrests avcrago one to every three resi dents while they aro only one to every 18 people in thoNinth Precinct where the bar rooms only average one toevery 1048 popu lation Tho first Dunker Church over erected in Washington was dedicated last Sunday It is at tho corner of Isorth Carolina Avenue and 1th street southeast Gen Greely is slowly recovering from the injuries lie sustained a week aero bv being thrown down on tho stone steps by a drunken express messenger He is now able to sit up fPlm trinl eT Rmiiimin TT finoll Ilia Pension Examiner who murdered littlo Liz zie Weissenburg will begin tins week NEW LIFE AND HOPE Is Found in a New Botanical Dis covery The Wonderful KavaKava Shrub Sufferers from Disorders of the Kidneys and Bladder Bright s Disease Rheu matism GravelPain in the Back Dropsy etc will upon Re quest be Mailed A LARGE TRIAL CASE FREE Rev A C Darlintr Minister of the Gospel under date ot May 20th writes from I1I3 home at North Constantia Oswego countjr New York I lmvo been troubled with kidney and kindred diseases for Hixtocn years and tried all I could pet without relief Two and a half years ago I was taken with a severe attack of La Urlppa which turned to pneumonia At that litno ray Iiver Kidneys Ik art und Urinary Organs all combined in what to mo seemed their last attack My confi dence in man and medicine had cone My hope had vanished and all that was left me was a dreary life and certain deatli At last I heard ol Alkavis and as a last resort I commenced taking it At that time I was using1 tho vessel as often as sixteen times in one night without sleep or rest In a bhort time to my astonishment I could bleep all night as soundly as a babv which I had not dons in sixteen years before What I know it has dona for me I firmly believe it will do for all who will give Alkavis a fair trial I most gladly recommend Alkavis to olL Sincerely yours Iter A a DARLING The venerable Mr Joseph W Whitten ol Wolf boro N IL at eighty lite years of age also testi fies to tho powers of Alkavis in curing severe Kid ney and Bladder Disorders Dropsy and Rheu matism Hundreds of others give similar testi mony Many ladles also Join in testifying to the wonderful curative powers ol Alkavis in Kidney and allied diseases and other troublcsomo afflic tions peculiar to womanhood which cannot with propriety be described here That you may Judge ot the value of this Great Discmery for yourself we will send you one I arge Case by mail Free only asking that when cured yourself you will recommend it to others It is a Suro Specific Cure and can not fail Address Tho Church Kidney Cure- Company No 421 Fourth Avenue ew lorn City J J - SHALL THE FLAQ COME DOWN BI E L HARPKR LARYILL IND Shall tho flarr como down from tho skies where they flung it When Dewey sniled in from tho sea Shall their banner como down from tho hills where thoy hung it On islands which they hud made free Must the treasures bo lost which they won from oppression Havo lonff centuries waited in vain Shall wo pivo up our rights our lawful possessions Tho trophies wo won from tyrannical Spain Answer O mothers who gavo your sons To light for a Nations glory Must they lose their reward tho laurels they won Aro wo ashamed of their wonderful story Cant you see them now where their camp fires bright Aro blazing in distant Luzon Where thoir starry Hag waves in tho silent night Where theyro dreaming of battles to come Theyre heralds of freedom to islands they havo won Theyvo planted the flag to stay Where palm trees wave in the tropical sun Where a Nation was born in a day Let no man say the cause Is unjust For which theso boys aro contending They went at our bidding with implicit trust And well stand by thorn till tho ending For triumph thoy must In a cause that is just Haul d own their flag No never On tho sea or the land by our boys well stand And keep up tho flag forever Now tho sun never sets on our glorified flag And its floating in beauty across the wide sea x Where they flung it with shouts on the wild mountain crag On the hills in tho valleys the pride of the free Who says haul it down -while muffled drums beat Havo their battles all been In vain Shall our armies surrender our navy retreat Were they wrong when they conquered old Spain Answer O soldiers who fought for its glory O sailors who sank with the Maine O Nation who cheered the bright story Of valorous deeds havo they all been in vain No answer can come from the wreck of the Maine O pitiful slaughter treacherous Spain But answer comes quickly from fortress and town Tho flag that wo follow shall never come down It shall float on forever oer islands they won Where tho hands of our brave boys have flung it Where palm trees wave and the tropical sun Gleams bright on the hills where they hung it Where its stars aro now blazing in glory On long waiting isles ot tho sea Where its telling a wonderful story To a pcoplo our boys havo mado free Yes let it float on in its beauty unfurled On mountains on island and sea For the light of its stars is the hope of the world And sometime all men shall bo free Then triumph we must For our cause it is just Haul down the flag No never On the sea or tho land By our flag we will stand And keep it afloat forevor Then hurrah for the banner with victory crowned Old Glory the flag of the free The flag that never goes up to come down On mountain on islandor sea Work of the Pension Office The report of certificates issued for tho week ending Jan 0 shows Army invalid Original 22 increase and additional 206 reissue 31 restoration and renewal 42 duplicate 13 accrued 82 total 3t0 Army invalid act of June 27 1890 Original 312 increase 184 additional 70 reissue 22 restoration and renewal 18 supplemental 4 duplicate 25 accrued 80 total 757 Army invalid war with Spain Origi nal a reissue 1 total u Army widow etc Original 79 increase and additional 2 reissue 1 restoration and renewal 1 duplicate 2 accrued 1 total 80 Army widow etc act of Juno 27 18D0 Original 191 increase and additional 1 restoration and renewal 4 duplicate 1 total 197 Army widow etc war with Spain Original 12 Navy invalid Original 5 increase and additional i total iu Navy invalid act of Juno 27 1S90 Original 30 increase and additional 4 reissue 3 restoration and renewal 1 duplicate 2 acciiued 2 total 42 Navy widow etc Original 1 Navy widow act of June 27 1890 Original C Army Nursea Original 1 Indian Wars Widows Duplicate 1 Old War Invalid Accrued 1 Mexican War Survivors Increase and additional 3 duplicate 1 accrued 2 total 0 Mexican War Widows Original 5 Totals Original 702 increase and additional 481 reissue 5S restoration and renewal 00 supplemental 4 duplicate 4D accrued 174 Grand total 1530 Uncle Sam Dunned for One Dollar When the committee of Treasurv offi cials went out to select a location for a Gov ernment buildingat St Lake City they wero ouerea two sues 0110 01 mem oy tno Mormun Church opposite the Temple free of cost and tho other by Walker Bros nearer tho center of the town for the con sideration of SI Tho lattor was selected tho deeds wero mado out signed and re corded and tho property has belonged to tho Government ever since tlioltt of Au gust last Sovoral days ago Secretary G ago received a letter from alker Bros dun ning him for tho dollar which was set down as tho consideration in tho deed Thoy said thoy had sold tho land at a rctisotiablo price and expected tho Gov ernment to keep its agreement and pay iiiiin 1110 01 in casu Secretary Gage had the cabinet maker in tho Treasury Department to make a box ji 1 110 wuuua iiiuuu niieu il wuii velvet and in tho lid placed tho following letter written by the best penman in tho Depart ment GENTLEMEN In full navmont for si certain lot or lnnu in tno mtv nr Nnif 1 i w convoyed by you to the United States Au gust 1 lsua 1 nana you tins tlio price stip ulated as a nominal consideration there for to wit one dollat 1 It is to be hoped that tho Federal building to bo erected uixjn the authority granted by tho last Congress and approved March 2 1899 will nobly represent tho dignity of our Government It is certain that tho titles of transfer will always remain a tribute to your liberal public spirit tJnon tho ton of tho lid of the box in laid aro theso words in Latin Non sibi sed omnihus which mean Not for self out ror ait Delighted with Watch and Charm MARKIE IND Dec 13 1S99 Editor national Tribune I re ceived tho watch Our Special ladies size and tho Canteen Charm and am per fectly delighted with them Tho watch is a beauty and a hummer X a SUIDELEK I it Another Wonderful New and Old- Fashioned 1 would learn tho truth about reeds and how tabor I Xhwm BIGHT do matter when or of whoa n tiij send i lor amu iiawvu auinoniynpon mcsuojeci wk beat shek ir you auo centre a copy- or our u PEcuiot pagejauuoffue ot itftiieie neiaana wv riairtr arMft sena loeu siverorsiaxnpsjaiia t aisoreceife one inn size puff m mtich of HolUad Csbban beat m winter sort Red GUba ear liest Btet CaplJ miied SwMtt Tea grow 8 Inches high aoa trallaa longest keeping Oalon TrteBpa new spotted Ktdhh JeMg sweated bcs Bridal Tell most charm In c floral norel ty andrwBapl ofFerfteted Hold Sards crown by at la Ibis Ue Woridi Gldt finla Belt HOHTimCP I1M1 4 CO Minneapolis Minn - gfsm3fe Jl r f Alwsrs cheaper In the end than amy seeds that only cost half as much Tr m put oofi SA t mm a Jarden Qrew And It grow Tluf tbs wij all Johnson Stokes SEEDS do ther crowanil criw FailorM aro eliminated before tho seed la aold Ait tested at onr Floracroft Trial Uroanda Unr 1900 Jarden and Farm Man ual kItcs helpful hints on eeedeclectlon It does more It ehows exactly how tfeo TCffetables and flowers look when photo graphed 8end for it to dj Free to alt seed bnyen whether yon bow by the yard or by the acre JOHNSON STOKES 217 219 Markat St Philadelphia Fa Tested true to name fresh and reliable Always U nest ask ifor Ferrys take no others Writ for 1300 Seed Annual D M FEBRT Jc CO Detroit Mteh Skmm Widmf The Great Physician Cures a Victim of Weak Lung After Her Famiiy Physician Failed Americas Famous Specialist Will Send You the Free Treatment Which Cures Consumption Veak Lungs Catarrh and All Pulmonary Diseases Dr Slocuin whose countless miracles in tho treatment of diseases of tho lungs and head aro attracting wide attention throughout the countrv declares that fully 90 per cent of all tho deaths due to tho existence of the consumptive bacilli in tho system can bo positively prevented by lus new discoveries Overworked men and women whose lungs are weak and debilitated can bo speedily restored by the Slocum treatment proof of which is furnished by thousands of reports constantly coming in Ono of the more recent restorations is that of MRS MAHIAII CUOSSLEV of Mt Garmel 111 who writes Over a year airo I eontrneled Inn- trmiMe besides btiHerinfr terribly Irom catarrh I grew nuwxj nu uuil WU I aii 1I1W1MU family physician tried everythinc hut liLs treat ment accomplished nothing I finally re sorted to patent medicines but they also gave me no relief Although only forty lour years old yet I was unable to retain my strength and the outcome was very dark Finally I read of Dr Slocums success and sent for his full rourse of medicine The effect was wonderful lor I onlr usrd half tho quantity before I began to get well It was not long before my catarrh disappeared and shortly after my lungs became strong- and well I was cored To day I am as well as ever and can never say too much for Dr Slocum 4jM4Mn i J ZA l ESK3ir Ilr 3trt cxQKmL sWS xgBJ0 Now that cold weather approaches Dr Slocum urges ever sufferer to seek perfect health Cold weather seizes upon the weak spots and the only preventative is good health lliose sensitive lungs need new strength thoso hollow cheeks need healthy llesh which can only be obtained by tho Slocum treatment If you are not robust your system will succumb to disease If your present troublss arc not cured the disease will eat into your very life like a cancer but the cure is not diffi cult if you go about it right The Slocum treatmont makes you strong by killing the germs and enabling nature to throw off disease It heals the raw inflamed surfaces stops tho formation of unhealthy mucus and allays Irritations Four distinct preparations are employed each a wonderful specific in itself To gether they never fail and will cure as statistics show tho following Consumption lmg Weakness Asthma Catarrh La Grippe and its after effects stubborn Couglis and Colds Bronchitis and Throat affections Wasting away Pulmonary troubles and Tu berculosis FREE TREATMENT To further demonstrate to the world th value of hU discoveries Dr Slocum has arranged to send out at onco several thousand more FREE full course treatments consisting of the four preparations to all who write for them Simply address Dr T A Slocum 93 Pine Street Now York Riving your express and post office address and statin that you read tho announcement in Tue National Tkibune No matter how many discouragements Jou havo met with Dr Slocum will cure you If in need of oxpert advice Dr Slocum will thoroughly diagnose your troubles free of charea and tell you how to get well quickly Editors NOTE The above is a genuine offer made by Americas foremost medi cal specialist in pulmonary and lung diseases and we urge every reader of the NATIONAL TRIBUNE who is aQIicted to send for the free treatment because we know tho proposi tion to be an honest one It should also be your pleasure to notify all suffering friends of this great free offer and thereby bo instrumental in restoring them to complete health It is a pleasure to do our part in tho good work Mrs Stanfarfl Dipo3es of Her Fortune Mrs Leland Stanford writes to friends in Washington that she has now disposed of over- vestige of the enormous fortune iKsqueathed to her by the lato Senator Stanford and has recently signed deeda transferring all his real estate to the trus tees of Leland Stanford University This includes tlio largest cattle ranches horse breeding establishments and vineyard in tho worl with various farms country houses and largo tracts of wild land The deed covered G6 pages of type written m bJ m I ai manuscript and required S7000 in Internal revenue stamps Mrs Stanford had previ ously transferred to the trustees of the University all her personal estate em bracing stocks and bonds valued at 15 000000 and so far as tho actual owner ship of property ia concerned she is now7 as destitute as the day- on which she was born She has a contract however with the trustees under which sho Is to receive for life an annuity of 25000 to be used as she pleases and all her relatives were liberally provided for in Mr Stanfords will FLOWERS The bist of both are offered and fully illustrated in SHEERS GRDEH QAlEHDfiR for 1900 The handsomest catalczne of Seedi Plants and Itulha nver IbstibiV We will send it free to intending purchasers if they will mention ths name of the paper in which they saw this advertisement HENRY A DREER 714 ChcstnutSt Philadelphia Pa J T WETTE the Gsowebs txJ StrtSa NORTMRUP KlNd COS gfSjffi SM3 fM Promise aro flfijK PTOMISE3 FULFILLED 7 ggB pv J N v U 1 1 1 sS Xf W W ErerT one who plants Seeds baa at pK r timet tiaon HiriTvrtlnf rt If nn l SEED iS FREE Toentw easterners to Utf my Seed I will null oy 1900 Catalogue filled with more birjruss ttsa tvtr and a lOe Due BUI rood for 10c worth or reed tzr trial absolutely Tree All tha Heat BeedfUalbP Flints Koto Farm Heeds Potatoes etc at lowest pnees ISlne Great NoTCltlcs offered wltfceot na aes I will pay 50 FOR A NAME fcr each Maay otter BOTelties offered inclodtoeGln aenr tua great EiOEy making plart Orrr 30 rarlrtles ahown ia CMora 0H0O la cah premlcms offered DoateiTtycnr crdcTOOtU yea sea tila mt eaulone Youll be aurpriaed slnv bargain effer v SeadytnrnamecnapoUslftfTcaUhlogss to day ItlsFKEEtoali Tell yoor frieads to scud loo S B MILLS Box 69 CaehlU Oaocdira Co 2T T SHOEMAKERS UJ3S en1 i3r La BOOK on POULTRY and Aim an ae fori 900 two colors ttO psfss 110 uastratiom ot rowis iDcaDaurft ivooaera Taaltry Houses etc How to raise Chickens sue ceufully their tare dlwes and remedies Dla pinn with full descriptions ot Poultry homes AllabOQtlacBbatortvBroodrrsandtboroahbred Fowls with lowest prices Price only IS cents C Sn0UUk Box 836 rSETORT ILL PJr XANGY INCUBATOR 1U uauiUIC WM JMIVI CVCiy ICIIjUB cKV so thousands testify It is tho best liroodcrs S500 Catalogue free Addressi litJ SSINUEHCartiuigtcnO Pnill TBY TAPER Ulnsfd para rUULInl 3 cent per year 4 months triad 10 cents Sample Free W pairo practical poultry book free to yearly subscribers Ilook alone 10 cents Catalogue of poultry boots Ires JVuIrry iJroaifaSjracaaeNy Only a Few f1ore Left I 6 BUILT FOR BUSINESS TheoO effe LINCOLN 1IATCIIER the latest invention of the Star Incubator and Brooder Co is without donbt the greatest Email Incubator cverbnilt Nothing- cheap but the price It Is built on the same perfect plan of ventilation aud heatinc as are our higher priced models Has the same regulator and damper and Is the only small Incubator mado thrt has a nursery under the tray the value of which can not be overestimated Fully guaranteed In every respect No moisture required Price 6 complete OUR OFFER In order to introduce tlieso wonderful ma chines wo vrltl on receipt or price SO send FREIGHT rRKPAID one or theso new CO ege LINCOLN HATCHEBS to any railroad station In the United States This offer is limited so he quick in ordering A hand some illustrated catalogue ot other size ma chines will be sent on application Wc are also Southern Agents for all makes of Star Incubators and Brooders and handle poul try sapplies Mail orders promptly attended to W C BARNES CO 429 nth St H W Washington D C