OCR Interpretation

The National tribune. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1877-1917, October 11, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016187/1906-10-11/ed-1/seq-8/

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further enlightened Enough that the
King commanded their services and
would rely on their devotion vhen oc
casion arose to call for it Young
well bred brave and loyal they
asked no more They were ready to
prove their dutiful obedience and
prayed for fight as the best and most
exhilarating mode of showing it
Thus the scene was shifted from
Btrelsau to the chateau of Tarlenhelm
and castle of Zenda which frowned at
us across the valley I tried to shift
my thoafe4t5 also to forget my love
and to bend all my energies to the task
before me It was to get the King out
of the castle alive Force was useless
in some trick lay the chance and I
had already an Inkling of what wc
must do But I was terribly hampered
by the publicity which attended my
movements Michael must know by
now of my expedition and I knew
Michael too well to suppose that his
eyes would be blinded by the feint of
the boar hunt lie would underbtand
very well what the real quarry was
That however must be risked that
and all it mSsht mean for Sapt no les3
than myself recognized that the pres
ent state of things had become unen
durable And there was one thins
that I dared to calculate on not as
I now know without warrant It was
this that Black Michael would not
believe that I meant well by the King
He could not appreciate I will not
say an honest man for the thoughts of
my own heart have been revealed
but a man acting honestly He saw
my opportunity as I had seen It as
Sapt had Feen It he knew the Prin
cess nay and I declare that a sneak
ing sort of pity for him invaded
Ooprrlht ISM 1898 bj Henry Holt ft Os I 3
Z Ilccelrc a Ytaltor nnd IJttt a Hook
About Arc miles from Zenda on the
opposite side from that on which the
castle was situated there lies a large
tract of wood It Is rising ground and
tn the center of the demesne on the
top of the hill stands a fine modern
chateau the property of a distant kins
nan of Fritzs the Count Stanilas von
Tarlcnhclm Count Stanislas himself
ras a student and a recluse He sel
dom visited the house and had on
Fritzs request very readily and cour
teously offered me its hospitality for
myself and my party This then was
our destination chosen ostensibly for
the sake of the boar hunting for the
wood was carefully preserved and
boars once common all over Ruri
tania were still to bo found there in
considerable numbers really because
It brought us within striking distance
of the Duke of Strelsaus more magnifi
cent dwelling on the other sldo of the
town A large party of servants with
horses and luggage started early in
the morning we followed at midday
traveling by train for 30 miles and
then mounting our horses to rldo the
remaining distance to tho chateau
We were a gallant party Besides
rrtt t Toq nrnYminfod bv
SO gentlemen Every one of them had
ecu cuiciunj cliuicn ami no less care-
me in his way lie loved her he would
think that Sapt and Fritz could be
bribed so the bribe were large enough
Thinking thus would he kill the King
my rival and my danger Aye verily
that he would with as little compunc
tion as he would kill a rat But he
would kill Rudolph Rasendyll flrbt
If he could and nothing but the cer
tainty of being utterly damned by the
release of the King alive and his resto
ration to the throne would drive him
to throw away the trump card wheh
he held in reserve to balk the supposed
game of the impudent impostor Ras
scndyll Musing on all this as I rode
along I took courage
Michael knew of my coming sure
T lijii 1 Tint been In tho hnusn
a n -
rived from him He did not quite
reach tho impudence of sending my
would be assassins but he sent the
other three of his famous Six the
three Uurltanian gentlemen Lauen
gram Krafctcln and Rupert Hentzau
A fine strapping trio they were splen
didly horsed and admirably equipped
Young Rupert who looked a dare
devil and could not have been more
than 22 or 23 took the lead and made
us the neatest speech wherein my de
voted subject and loving brother
Michael of Strelsau prayed mo to par
don him for not paying his addresses in
person and further for not puting his
castle at my disposal the reason for
both of these apparent derelictions be
ing that he and several of ills servants
lay sick of scarlet fever and were in a
very sad and also a very infectious
state So declared young Rupert with
an insolent smile on his curling upper
tory of Three Months in the Life of an
English Gentleman
lip and a toss of his thick hair he was
a handsome villain and the gossip ran
that many a lady had troubled her
heart for him already
If my brother hai scarlet fever
said I ho is nearer my complexion
than ho is wont to be my lord I trust
he does not suffer
Ho is able to attend to his affairs
I hope all beneath your roof are
not sick What of my good friends
Do Gautct Bcrsonln and Detchard
I heard tho last had suffered a hurt
Lauengram and Krafsteln looked
glum and uneasy but young Ruperts
smile grew broader
He hopes soon to find a mediqine
for it sire ho nnsworcd
And I burst out laughing for I knew
what medicine Detchard longed for
it is called Revenge
You will dlno with us gentlemen
I asked
Young Rupert was profuse in apolo
gies They had urgent duties at tho
Then said I with a wave of my
hand to our next meeting gentlemen
May it make us better acquainted
Wo will pray your Majesty for an
early opportunity quoth Rupert air
ily and ho strode past Sapt with such
jeering scorn on his face that I saw
the old fellow cleneli his fist and scowl
black as night
For my part if a man must needs be
a knave I would have htm a debonair
knave and I liked Rupert Hentzau bet
ter than his long faced close eyed
companions It makes your sin no
worse as I conceive to do It a la mode
and stylishly
Now it was a curious thing that on
this first night Instead of eating tho
excellent dinner my cooks had prepared
for me I must needs leave my gentle
men to eat it alone under Sapts pre
siding care and ride myself with Fritz
to the town of Zenda and a certain lit
tle Inn that I kuew of There was little
danger in the excursion the evenings
were long and light and the road this
side of Zenda well frequented So off
we rode with a groom behind us 1
muffled myself up in a big cloak
Fritz said I as wo entered the
town theres an uncommonly pretty
girl at this inn
How do you know he asked
Because Ive been there said I
Since he began
No Before said I
But theyll recognize you
Well of course they will Now
dont argue my good fellow but listen
to me We re two gentlemen of the
Kings household and one of us has
a toothache The other will order
a private room and dinner and fur
ther a bottle of the best wine for the
sufferer And if he be as clever a fel
low as I take him for the pretty girl
and no other will wait on us
What if she wont objected
My dear Fritz said I if she wont
for you she will for me
We were at the inn Nothing of me
but my eyes was visible as I walked
In The landlady received us two min
utes later my little friend ever I fear
me on the lookout for such guests as
might prove amusing made her ap
pearance Dinner and the wine were
ordered I sat down in the private
room A minute after Fritz came in
Shes coming he said
If she were not I should have to
doubt the Countess Hclgas taste
She came in I gave her time to set
the wine down I didnt want It drop
ped Fritz poured out a glass and gave
It to me
Is the gentleman In great pain
the girl asked sympathetically
The gentleman is no worse than
when he baw you last said T throw
ing away my cloak
She started with a little shriek Then
she cried
It was the King then I told moth
er so the minute I saw his picture
Oh sir forgive me
Faith you gave me nothing that
hurt much said I
But the things we said
I forgive them for the thing you
I must go and tell mother
Stop said I assuming a graver air
We are not here for sport tonight
Go and bring dinner and not a word
of the Kings being here
She came back In a few minutes
coking grave yet very curious
Well how Is Johann I asked be
ginning my dinner
Oh that fellow sir my Lord King
I mean
Sir will do please How is he
Wc hardly see him now sir
And why not
I told him he came too often sir
said she tossing her head
So he sulks and stays away
Yes sir
But you could bring him back I
suggested with a smile
Perhaps I could said she
I know your powers you see said
I nnd she blushed with pleasure
Its not only that sir that kecp3
him away He s very busy at the cas
tie now
But theres no shooting on now
No sir but hes in charge of the
Johann turned housemaid
lr v
The little girl waa brimming over
with gossip
Well thero are no others said she
There a not a woman there not as a
servant I mean They do say but
perhaps it s false sir
Lets have it for what Its worth
saia x
Indeed Im ashamed to tell you
Oh see Im looking at tho celling
They do say thero Is a lady there
sir but except for her theres not a
woman In tho place And Johann has
to wait on tho gentlemen
Poor Johann He must bo over
worked Yet Im sure ho could find
half an hour to come and see you
It would depend on tho time sir
Do you love him I asked
Not I sir
And you wish to servo tho King
Yes sir
Then tell him to meet you at tho
second milestone out of Zenda to
morrow evening at 10 oclock Say
youll be thero and will walk homo
with him
Do you mean him harm sir
Not if ho will do as I bid him But
I think Ive to you enough my pret
ty maid See that you do as I bid you
And mind no one is to know that the
King has been here
I spoko a little sternly for thero is
seldom harm in infusing a little fear
into a womans liking for you and I
softened tho effect by giving hor a
handsome present Then we dined
and wrapping my cloak about my face
with Fritz leading tho way wo went
downstairs to our horses again
It was but half past 8 nnd hardly
yet dark the streets woro full for such
a quiet little place and I could sec that
gossip was all agog With tho King
on one side and the Duke on the other
Zenda felt itself the center of all Rurl
tanla We jogged gently through tho
town but set our horses to a sharper
pace when we reached tho open coun
You want to catch this fellow Jo
hann asked Fitz
fcpyrighted 1E3S by Henry Holt 0
fully sounded by my two friends and
all were devotedly attached to the per
son of tho King They were told a
part of the truth The attempt on my
life in the Summerhouse was revealed
to them as a spur to their loyalty and
an indictment against Michael They
were also informed that a friend of
the Kings was suspected to bo forcibly
confined within the castle of Zenda
His rescue was one of the objects of
the expedition but it was added the
Kings main desire was to carry Into
effect certain steps against his treach
erous brother as to the precise nature
of which they could not at present be
Aye and I fancy Ive baited the
hook right Our little Delilah will
bring our Samson It is not enough
Fritz to have no women in a house
though brother Michael shows some
wisdom there If you want safety you
must have none within 50 miles
Nono nearer than Strelsau for In
stance said poor Fritz with a love
lorn sigh
We reached the avenue of tho cha
teau and were soon at the house As
the hoofs of our horses sounded on
the gravel Sapt rushed out to meet us
Thank God youre safe he cried
Have you seen anything of them
Of whom I asked dismounting
He drew us aside that the grooms
might not hear
Lad he said to me you must not
ride about here unless with half a doz
en of us You know among our men a
tall young fellow Bernenstein by
I knew him He was a fine strap
ping young man almost of my hight
and of light complexion
He lies in his room upstairs with
a bullet through his arm
The deuce he does
After dinner ho strolled out alone
and went a mile or so Into tho wood
and as he walked he thought ho saw
three men among the trees and one
leveled a gun at him lie had no
weapon and he started at a run back
toward tho house But one of them
fired and he was hit and had much
ado to reach there before he fainted
By good luck they feared to pursue
him nearer the house
Ho paused and added
Lad the bullet was meant for you
It Is very likely said I and its
first blood to brother Michael
I wonder which three It was said
Well Sapt I said I went out to
night for no idle purpose as you shall
henr But theres one thing in my
Whats that he asked
Why this I answered That I
shall ill requite the very great honors
Rurltanla has done me if I dopart from
It leaving one of thoso Six alive
neither with the help of God will I
And Sapt shook my hand on that
An Improvement on JncoliN Ladder
In the morning of the day after that
on which I swore my oath against the
Six I gave certain orders and then rest
ed In greater contentment than I had
known for some time I was at work
and work though It cannot cure love
is yet a narcotic to It So that Sapt
who grew feverish marveled to see me
sprawling in an armchair In tho sun
shine listening to one of my friends
who sang me amorous songs in a mel
low voice and Induced In mc a pleas
ing melancholy Thus was I engaged
when young Rupert Hentzau who
feared neither man nor devil and rode
through the demesne where every
tree might hide a marksman for all
he knew as though It had been the
park at Strelsau cantered up to where
I lay bowing with burlesque deference
and craving private speech with me in
order to a message from the
Duke of Ftrelsau I made all with
draw and then he said seating himself
by me
The King is in love it seems
Not with life my lord said I
It Is well he rejoined Come wc
are alone Rassendyll
I rose to a sitting posture
Whats the matter he asked
I was about to call one of my gen
tlemen to bring your horse my lord
If you do not know how to address the
King my brother must find another
Why keep up the farce he asked
negligently dusting his boot with his
Because It Is not finished yet and
meanwhile Ill choose my own name
Oh eo bQ lttr Yet I spoko In love
for you for lndcod you are a man
after my own heart
Saving my poor honesty said I
maybo I am But that I keep faith
with men and honor with women
maybe I am my lord
Ho darted a glanco at me a glance
of anger
Is your mother dead said I
Aye shes dead
She may thank God said I and T
heard him curse mo softly Well
whats the message I continued
I had touched htm in tho raw for
all tho world knew ho had broken his
mothers heart and flaunted his mis
tresses in her house and his airy man
ner was gone foil the moment
Tho Duke offers you moro than I
would ho growled A halter for
you sire was my suggestion But he
offers you safo conduct across the
frontier nnd a million crowns
I prefer your offer my lord If I am
bound to ono
You refuse
Of course
I told Michael you would anil the
villain his temper restored gave mo
the sunniest of smilles Tho fact is
between ourselves he continued
Michael doesnt understand a gentle
1 began to laugh
And you I asked
I do he said Well well tho
halter bo It
Im sorry you wont Hvo to see It
I observed
Has his majesty done me tho honor
to fasten a particular quarrel on me
I would you wero a few years
older though
Oh God gives years but tho devil
gives increase laughed he I can hold
my own
How is your prisoner I asked
The K
Your prisoner
I forgot your wishes sire Well
ho is alive
He rose to his feet I imitated Mm
Then with a smile he said
And tho pretty Piinccss Faith
Ill wager tho next Elphherg will be
red enough for all that Black Michael
will bo called his father
I sprang a step toward him clench
ing my hand Ho did not move an
Inch and his lip curled In Insolent
Go while vour skins wholel I
muttered Ho had repaid mo with in
terest my hit about his mother
Then came tho most audacious thing
I have known In my life My friends
wero some 30 yards away Rupert
called to a groom to bring him his
horse and dismissed the fellow with a
crown Tho horse stood near I stood
still suspecting nothing Rupert made
as though to mount then he suddenly
turned to me his left hand resting on
his belt his hand outstretched
Shake hands he said
I bowed and did as ho had foreseen
I put my hands behind me Quicker
than thought his left hand darted out
at mc and a small dagger flashed In
tho air he struck me in tho left shoul
der had I not swerved It had been my
heart With a cry I staggered back
Without touching tho stirrup he leap
ed upon his horse and was off like an
arrow pursued by cries and revolver
shots tho last as useless as the first
and I sank into my chair bleeding
profusely as I watched tho devils
brat disappear down tho long avenue
My friends surrounded me and then I
I suppose that I was put to bed and
thero lay unconscious or half conscious
for many hours for It was night when
I awoko to my full mind and found
Fritz beside mo I was weak and
weary but ho bade mo be of good
cheer saying that my wound would
soon heal and that meanwhile all had
gone well for Johann the keeper had
fallen into tho snare wc had laid for
him and was even now In tho house
And tho queer thing is pursued
Fritz that I fancy hes not altogether
sorry to find himself here He seems
to think that when Black Michael has
brought off his coup witnesses- of how
It was effected saving of course tho
Six themselves will not bo at a pre
This Idea argued a shrewdness In our
captlvo which led me to build hopes
on his assistance I ordered him to be
brought in at once Sapt conducted
him and set him In a chair by my bed
side Ho was sullen and afraid but
to say truth after young Ruperts ex
ploit we also had our fears and If ho
got as far as possible from Sapts for
midable six shooter Sapt kept him as
far as ho could from me Moreover
when he came in his hands were bound
but that I would not suffer
I need not stay to recount tho safe
guards and rewards we promised tho
fellow all of which were honorably
observed and paid so that he lives now
in prosperity though where I may not
mention and wo were the moro free
Inasmuch as wo soon learned that he
was rather a weak man than a wicked
and had acted throughout this matter
more from fear of the Duke and of his
own brother Max than for any love
of what was done But ho had per
suaded all of his loyalty and though
not in their secret councils was yet by
his knowledge of their dispositions
within the castle ablo to lay bare be
fore us the very heart of their devices
And here in brief Is his story
Below the level of tho ground in tho
castle approached by a lllght of stone
steps which abutted on the end of the
drawbridge wero situated two small
rooms cut out of tho rock Itself The
outer of tho two had no windows but
was always lighted with candles the
Inner had ono square window which
gave upon the moat In this inner
room there lay always day and night
three of tho Six nnd tho Instructions
of Duko Michael were that on any at
tack being made on the outer room the
three were to defend the door of it
so long as they could without risk to
themselves But so soon as tho door
should bo In danger of being forced
then Rupert Hentzau or Detchard for
ono of these two was always there
should leave tho others to hold it as
long as they could and himself pass
Into tho inner room and without more
ado kill the King who lay there well
treated Indeed but without weapons
and with his arms confined in fine steel
chains which did not allow him to move
his elbow more than three inches from
his shoulder Thus beforo the outer
door were stormed tho King would bo
dead And hist body For his body
would be evidence as damning as him
Nay sir said Johann his High
ness has thoughtr of that While tho
two hold the outer room the ono who
has killed tho King unlocks the bars
in tho square window they turn on a
hinge Tho -window now gives no
light for its mouth Is choked by a
great pipe of earthenware and this
pipe which is large enough to let pass
through It tho body of a man passes
Into tho moat coming to an end imme
diately above thcrsurfacc of tho water
so that there lsrno perceptible Interval
between water and pipe The King be
ing dead his murderer swiftly ties a
weight to tho ttody and dragging It to
the window raises It by a pulley for
lest the weight should prove too great
Detchard has provided one till it is
level with the mouth of tho pipe Ho
inserts the feet in the pipe and pushes
the body down Silently without
splash or sound it falls Into tho water
and thence to the bottom of the moat
which is 20 feet deep thereabouts
This done tho murderor cries loudly
Alls well and himself slides down the
pipe and the others If they can and
the attack Is not too hot run to the
Inner room and seeking a moments
delay bar tho door and in their turn
slide down And though tho King rises
not from the bottom they rise and
swim round to the other side where the
orders are for men to wait them with
ropes to haul them out and horses
And here if things go ill tho Duke will
Join them and seek safety by riding
but if all goes well they will return to
-As V J
tho castlo and havo their enemies In
a trap That sir Is tho plan of his
Highness for tho disposal of tho King
In case of need But it is not to bo used
till tho last for as wo nil know he 13
not minded to kill tho King unless he
can beforo or socn after kill you also
sir Now sir I havo spoken tho truth
as God is my witness and I pray you
to shield mo from the vengcanco of
Duko Michael for If after ho knows
what I havo dono I fall into his hands
I shall pray for ono thing out of all
tho world a speedy death and that I
shall not obtain from him
Tho fellows story was rudely told
but our questions supplemented his
narrative What ho had told us ap
plied to an armed attack but if sus
picions wero aroused and thero camo
overwhelming force such for in
stance as I tho King could bring
tho Idea of resistance would bo aban
doned Tho king would bo quietly
murdered and slid down tho pipe And
here comes an Ingenious touch ono of
the Six would take his place in tho eel
and on the entrance of tho searchers
loudly demand release and redress
and Michael being summoned would
confess to hasty action but ho would
say tho man had angered him by seek
ing tho favor of a lady in tho castle
this was Antolnctto de Mauban and
ho had confined him there as ho con
ceived he a3 Lord of Zenda had a right
to do But he was now on receiving
his apology content to let him go and
so end tho gossip which to his High
ness annoyance had arisen concern
ing a prisoner in Zenda and had given
his visitors the trouble of this Inquiry
The visitors baflled would retire and
play a game at cards and my Lord
Rupert would chooso It sooner for a
pastlmo than any other aye sooner
than he would ruin a woman though
that ho loves also
Tho man ceased and I bado Fritz
tako him away and havo him carefully
guarded and turning to him I added
If anyone asks you if thero Is a
prisoner In Zenda you may answer
Yes But If any asks who tho prisoner
is do not aswer For all my promises
will not save you if any man hero learns
from you the truth a3 to tho prisoner
In Zenda Ill kill you like a dog if
the thing bo so much as breathed with
in tho house
Then when ho was gone I looked at
It is a hard nut said T
So hard said he shaking his griz
zled head that as I think this time
next year Is like to find you still King
of Rurltanla and he broke out into
curses on Michaels cunning
I lay back on my pillows
There seem to me I observed to
oo two ways by which tho King can
come out of Zenda alive Ono is by
treachery In the Duko s followers
You can leave that out said Sapt
I hopo not I rejoined because the
other I was about to mention is by
a mlraclo from Heaven
To be continued
Unmarked Grnve of Ileut Col Hall
13th W Vn
Editor National Tribune Whllo at
tending a Reunion at Pomeroy O
Sept 18 21 1906 I was informed by
Comrade Speck Jones of Co C that
tho remains of our beloved Lieutenant-
Colonel Jas R Hall killed at Cedar
Creek Va Oct 19 1S6 He at Point
Pleasant W Va without even a board
to mark his last resting place Now
comrades wako up It Is tlmo we were
doing something It la a shamo and a
disgrace to tho living members of that
grand old regiment Now let us wlpa
this out by calling a meeting of tho
regiment some time in tho Summer or
Fall of 1907 at Point Pleasant W Va
and make somo kind of an arrangement
to get a slab or monument of some kind
to mark tho last resting piece of ono
who was ono of tho bravest of tho
brave one who was always In tho fore
front of battle one who never said Oo
in boys but always said Come on
an officer who never asked us to go
where he would not go in front on
officer who was loved by all who know
him Now comrades think this over
and let us do something to show our
respect nnd loving admiration for ona
of the best officers that ever drew a
sword for this glorious Union A C
Wallar Co B 13th W Va Box 303
Logan O
The 5th X V Monument
Announcement Is made by the Monu
ment Commission that the dedication
of the monument to tho 5th N Y Dur
ycc Zouaves has been postponed Jas
B Fiske 148 West 10th St New York
City N Y Is Secretary of tho Society
The Irexlilent All Right
Capt Julius H Higley West Troy N
Y says that the President is certainly
tho soldiers friend and any reasonable
legslation will receive his sanction
Every effort should be made to retain
proper men in Congress
Get This Gold Pair Frse
LISTEN I I want to prove to every spec
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AST NOTE Tho above is tho lareest Mall Order SDcctacle Houso in tho world and absolutely rtUable sa
Michael could at hl3 leisure dispose of
the body of the King
Sapt Fritz and I in my bed looked
round on ono another in horror and
bewilderment at tho cruelty and cun
ning of the plan Whether I went in
peace or in war openly at tho head of
a corps or secretly by a stealthy assault
tho King would bo dead before I could
como near him If Michael wero
stronger and overcamo my party thero
would bo an end But if I were
stronger I should havo no way to pun
ish him- no means of proving any guilt
In him without proving my own guilt
also On tho other hand I should be
left as King ah for a moment my
pulse quickened and it would be for
the future to witness the final strugglo
between him and me Ho seemed to
havo made triumph possible and ruin
impossible At tho worst he would
stand where ho had stood before I
crossed his path with but ono man
between him and the throne and that
man an Impostor at best there would
be none left to stand against him I
had begun to think that Black Michael
was overfond of leaving tho fighting
to his friends but now I acknowledged
that tho brains If not the arms of tho
conspiracy were his
Does tho King know this I
I and my brother answered Jo
hann put up the pipe under the
orders of my Lord of Hentzau He
was on guard that day and the King
asked my Lord what it meant Faith
he answered with his airy laugh its
a new Improvement on tho ladder of
Jacob whereby as you have read sire
men pass from earth to heaven Wo
thought it not meet that your Majesty
should go In case sire you miut go
by tho common route So wo have
made you a pretty private passage
whero tho vulgar cannot stare at you
or Incommode your passage That
sire is the meaning of that pipe And
ho laughed and bowed and prayed tho
Kings leave to replenish tho Kings
glass for the King was at supper
And thcKIng though he is a brave man
as are all his House grew red and
then white as he looked on the pipe
and at tho merry devil who mocked
him Ah sir and the fellow shud
dered It is not easy to sleep quiet
in tho castle of Zenda for all of them
would as soon cut a mans throat as
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