Sims a vM a THE CENTRAL AMERICAN TROUBLES Continued from pat I The Republic of Nicaragua has a frontage on the Carribean Sea of about 300 miles and 200 miles on the Pacific with an estimated area of 49000 square miles or about the same as Louisiana The population is about B00000 with 30000 people in Managna the Capital Only about 17000 of the whole number are descendants of the Spanish settlers with the rest of the people consisting of Indians negros and mixtures of these bloods The Indians supply most of the labor and are docile and industrious The soil is quite fertile and coffee grows luxuriantly Many of the coffee planta tions belong to Germans and in 1902 there were more than 30000000 pounds produced Three crops of corn can be raised a year on the same ground The rubber industry is also important whilo the banana industry is growing rapidly The cocoanut tobacco and cattle raising are also important industries The public debt is about 5000000 on which there are many years of interest due Nicara gua Is on a silver basis with the peso as a standard A peso is worth 361 cents in United States money The Republic of Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated having an area of 8135 square miles or about the size of Massachusetts The best part of the country is a tableland lying between the mountains the soil of which is exceedingly fertile inter spersed with lakes and rivers The main production at present Is coffee of which something like 60000000 pounds a year is grown A fine quality of indigo sugar tobacco and rice is also raised The Government has been encouraging the cultivation of cotton and there is a considerable cattle raising industry The population is 1600348 of which five per cent is reported as white 53 per cent as Indian and 40 per cent of mixed blood The country is on a silver basis with the peso ranging from 35 to 46 cents and the public debt is about 12 000000 The Republic of Costa Rica Spanish a population or something over 300000 if all the wild Indians are counted The population is regarded as of somewhat higher character than that of the neigh boring countries since there is so strong an infusion of the blood of the Spanish colonists from Galicla who are Indus trious and peaceful The public debt Including years of defaulted interest Amounts to something like 13500000 Agriculture Is In a more flourishing con dition than elsewhere in Central Amer lea and sometimes as high as 45000 000 pounds of coffee are exported Next to coffee bananas are the most Import tant product and the exportation of these goes up by leaps and bounds In 1901 about 4000000 bunches of bana nas were shipped out of the country The Cnuae of the Present War There are any number of stories told as to the real causes of the present war but probably the dominating fact is the attempt of President Zelaya of Nicaragua to carry out the old plan of a strong federated Central American Republic with himself at the head In 1903 there was one of the custom ary disputes as to boundaries this time between Nicaragua and Honduras It was submitted to King Alfonso of Spain for arbitration and he decided in favor of Honduras but Nicaragua never accepted It All the time in these Spanish American cmeutcs we must look for the selfish ambitions and gteed of the cliques of badly educated poli tician what are called the upper classes in all these countries are men who have received a specious showy education in the old Feudallstic schools of Spain They have come back to their own countries professing them selves to be republicans but all the time Imbued with the ideas of conquest and plunder such as animated the con quistadores of centuries ago That is every young man feels that in some way he should live in luxury upon the labor of the common people The best and surest way to do this Is to get control of the Government and levy taxes and collect customs When one crowd gets In it proceeds to squeeze everybody in order to fill Us pockets before the op position gets strong enough to turn it out There Is very little public spirit even in the highest classes while among the Indians and mixtures of negro In dian and Spanish bloods there is abso lutely none All that these people want to do Is to get enough from day to day for their support and save as much as possible from the exactions of their rulers They take reany nine part in the wars one way or the other ana con sequently these aro fought out by very email forces of such men and boys as the contestants can manage to beat up and put into ranks with guns In their hands So long as these rival factions are only oppressing and robbing the people of the country our Government taxes no interest in the matter When however as was recently the case the victors get control of the seaboard cities and begin to raid the merchants and plantation owners then foreign Gov ernments must give their citizens pro tection Xnalmlflcance of Then Wnra It would seem that there entered into the war a great deal of personal feeling between President Zelaya of Nicaragua and President Bonilla of Honduras find the struggle partook largely of the na ture of a fight between these two The dimensions and character of the armies by which tho struggle was prose cuted seem lapghably small In the desperate battle of Camaguay which lasted half a day and really de cided the fate of Honduras it is re ported that there were 1000 men on one side and 400 Honduran under General Guerrero an Indian As both Btimbtrs are probably much exagger ated we can imagine that the battle iwlly did not amount to as much as to L ordinary riot which the police of any of our cities can easily handle The great mass of the people take no interest whatever in the fight and the so called armies are usually a lot of little boys and vagrants of any kind that the leaders can shirk up and put into some kind of line President Zelaya who seems to be a SfLy A GUATEMALA SOLDIER very much stronger man than his op ponent was shrewd enough to stir up fires in the rear and have Bonillas riv als appear in the field with revolution ary armies probably somewhat larger than a football team but not nearly so dangerous In such a condition of affairs there is always a very disturbing uncertainty as to where anybody Is at and natur ally we have a story of the regular Honduran troops firing by mistake up on some of their allies thinking that they were revolutionists and after the mistak was discovered both sides con- A COSTA RICAN OFFICER rich coast Is the most southern of the Central American States and joins on to Panama There has been much con tention over its boundaries but it is es timated to have about 21500 square miles or about the size of Maine with tinulng the battle in anger over the pro yoking mistake The Presidents of the other Central American States mobilized their ar mies of small boys and otherwise stood ready to take part In the fight but they had also their fears of a fire in the rear from their rivals whom they had defeated for the Presidency and did not move Salvador seems to have sympathized strongly with Hon duras and mixed in to a certain extent in the struggle Prealdent Bonilla In Flight The Nicaraguan troops captured Te gucigalpa and put President Bonilla to night The occupation of the capital was marked by great disorder plun dering and robbing and it is reDorted that the children of Gen Carcamo were hanged in revenge for his activity in a previous war against Nicaragua President Bonilla fled to Amanala the principal port of Honduras which also gets a large trade from Salvador and Nicaragua It is a small village of anout 1100 inhabitants and tions were nlade for a stubborn de fense The United States took nrecau tions as soon as the war broke out to send warships to protect the American and other foreign interests there and as the victorious troops approached the various ports they were warned oft and I Can Cure Cancer At Home Without Pain Plaster or Operation and I Tell You How Free I Have Proven Cancer Can be Cured at Home No Pain No Plaster No Knife Dr Weill I have discovered a new and seemingly unfailing remedy for the deadly cancer I have made some most astonishing cures I believe every person with can cer should know of this marvelous med icine and its wonderful cures and I will bo glad to give full information free to all who write me and tell me about their case Peter Keagan Gajesburg 111 had can cur of the mouth and throat Doctors said no hope Mr Keagan wrote It is only a question of a short time I must die To day his cancer Is healed up and he is well My marvelous radia tized fluid did it It has other Just such cures to Its credit It is saving people every day and restoring them to health and strength If you have cancer or any lump or sore that you believe Is cancer write to day and learn how others have been cured quickly and safely and at very small expense No matter what your condition may be do not hesitate to write and tell mo about It I will an swer your letter promptly giving you absolutely free full Information nnl proof of many remarkable cures Ad- areas jur itupert wells 2801 Uaaol Bldg SfcLQUit Ma griff J T The Governments of the Uniied States and Mexico have taken an active inter est in the matter of securing neace and Presidents Roosevelt and Diaz have telegraphed their congratulations upon tne termination oi tne conflict There are many questions left un settled which are to be referred to a commission which will meet either in Washington or the City of Mexico with in a few months It Is hoped that the long desired confederation of all the Republics Into one Nation will bo brot about and possibly a little urgency will be administered by Mexico and the United States to secure this result The Steamer Empreaa J W Vest 21st Ind Bridgeport Ind wants Borne one to give a correct ac count of the firing on tie steamer Em THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON R C THURSDAY APRIL 18 190V Deaf or Blind I Cure You I Show You in a Set of Illustrated Eye and Ear Books Absolutely Free How to Cure any Eye or Ear Trouble Set of Eye and Ear Books Free to All I tell you in my Eye and Ear Books what doctors rarely tell their patients but what they ought to know In my Eye and Ear Books I tell you how to cure any eye or ear trouble to stay cured witnout tne Knife right in your own home without having to go to any doc tor and without any trouble whatever And think of it These Evn and Ear Books retailing at 1100 are fre to von absolutely free nven one or these books may be worth to you the price of your precious sight or hearing It is free to you Send for It Learn now about your case what the doctor never told you and what you ought and want to know No matter how long you have been suffering or how desperate your case whether cataract failing eyesight optic nerve disease sore or watery eyes scums or deafness discharging ears buz zing singing head noises or any other eye or ear trouble I cured W W Rhlnehart of James town N y of catarrhal conjunctivitis In one month He had it 20 years I cured the daughter of Mr H IC Miles of Rock well Tex in two months of hemorrhage of the retina pronounced incuraoic And I have cured hundreds of other mm women and children I sent them my books They pointed the way 1 want to send you these books free -1 want to save vour siclit or hearing Will you let me send them to you free If you will and can appreciate a real genuine cure simply send me your name ana address Tfiats all I win senu them to ycu by return mall free of all charges They arc finely Illustrated and of high quality Knowledge Is power I will tell you what others have not which is most likely the reason why you have not been cured before Cut out the coupon below to day for free Eye and Ear Books and mail to day to ur uren Oneal llos isortn American Bldg Chicago FREE BOOK COUPON Dr Oren Ontftl 1159 North American Bide Chicago 111 Bend me at once by mail absolutely free of all charges your set of Uluitrated Eye and Ear Books Name Address My f 2 1 trouble la made to distinctly understand that no looting and murdering would be al lowed At the Honduran ports of Celba and Truxlllo Hotchklss guns were land ed to inforce the orders of the Ameri can naval officers and the Nicaraguan gunboats were distinctly forbidden to bombard The cruiser Chicago and the gunboat Princeton went to Amapala to prevent either the bombardment of the town by the Nicaraguan gunboats or its capture by assault and Philip I TYPE OF HONDURAS SOLDIERY Brown Secretary of the United States Legation went to Amapala to see Bo nilla and arrange for a termination of the war He succeeded in getting Bo nilla to agree to surrender leave the country and never return to Central America A new election for a Presi dent of Honduras Is to take place with in CO days The United States placed n man of war at the disposal of Presidents Figuera of Salvador and Zelaya of Nicaragua upon which to meet and hold their consultations In the meanwhile Gen Sierra who was one of Bonillas rivals is set up as the President of the Provisional Gov ernment and will be Commandant at Amapala President Bonilla went on board the gunboat Chicago and it is said that he will cither live in France or South America Ho cannot be counted upon to do either Revolution is an incurable habit among these Spanish American politicians and no matter what prom ises they make they are nrettv certain if their life is spared to return and head another outbreak Thcreforo the custom of tho victor of summarily shooting his defeated opponent VIGOROUS acgrBsveness EVERYWii m th m From a Toppling Blow Atatast Standard OH to an Interstate Campaign Against Sheep Scab J 1 ill JL5 or Ilenvr Blow nt the Standard OH There has been an awakening of late in the Governments JJbroVecutlons of tne Dig octopuses with Congress in session and several othel topics holding the attention of the country sight has been lost of some of the very great law cases A verdict by 12 Jurors In the united States District Court at Chicago presided over by Judge TCenesaw Landis late last week finding the Standard Oil Company of Indiana guilty of accepting illegal rates from the Chicago Alton Railroad as charged in 1462 counts is one of tho great legal triumphs of the Administration and brings the anti trust activities into prominence once again It is a question how large fines can be Imposed upon the Standard Oil Com pany in these cases The maximum pen alty under the law is 20000 on each count the minimum penalty is 1000 on each count If Judge Landis im poses a fine under each count he can require the payment of 29240000 from the defendant company Such a mammoth fine would come near to put ting the company on tho bum at least it would be a serious tax upon Its revenues large as they are But it re mains to be seen whether the- verdict will hold in tho courts and also wheth er Judge Landis will be lenient with the rich defendant The Department of Justice is in the dark about what the Court will do but the Department offi cials are intensely pleased at the out come of the litigation There will prob ably be some hard fighting ahead for the Department if the case is tarried up to the Supreme Court as is quite likely Any appeal will be on law points or on constitutionality of the Elklns statute under which the conviction was had As soon as the Supreme Court ad journs for the Summer the Depart ment of Justice will take up several matters affecting trust prosecutions As long as the Department has the Supreme Court on its hands the time of tho Attorney General and of the So licitor General as well as of several of the Assistant Attorneys General is much occupied with Government suits pending there Since the federal uov ernment went into litigation by whole sale Incident to trust and corporation busting tho suits before the Supreme Court have multiplied and this has in creased the work of the Department greatly There arc scores of compar atively minor cases such as the testing of the Employers Liability Law which must be carefully prepared and ex haustively argued And while the cost of maintaining the Department of Jus tice is several times more now than it was five years ago the officials thereof are apparently earning their salaries as much as ever The Dig Trust Mny Tremble Accordingly when the i Department gets the Court off its hands and is in the same free condition that President Cleveland used to be when ho got Con gress off his hands some of the big trusts may well tremble Special at torneys have worked up numerous cases which sooner or later must reach the Attorney General and receive his ver diet as to what shall be done whether there shall be prosecutions or whether the cases shall be regarded as closed Notable In this class are the investiga tions of the anthracite coal trust and also of the bituminous coal trade The country rang with the1 Iniquities of the Anthracite Trust a few months ago The practices of the Pennsylvania Rail road and the Baltimore Ohio Rail road In allowing officials to hold stock In coal companies and tho favoritism shown in tho distribution of cars made an unpleasant chapter in the revela tions of modern railroading Gov Hughes of New York was one of tho special attorneys named to work up the evidence in those two investiga tions but he went away to Europe then entered upon his campaign for Gover nor of New York and accomplished practically nothing toward the work for which he was appointed C Car roll Todd and Alexander Simpson Jr took up the evidence however and about a month ago -made an exhaustive report to the AJtorney General Their recommendations have not reached the public yet and probably will not until Mr Bonaparte has had time to go over the reports in both cases carefully and reach his conclusions That he will do after he gets the Supreme Court off his hands The Ciimpnlcn Aealnat Sheen Scab The great variety of aggressive cam paigns which the Government is waging may be demonstrated by citing the ac tivity of the Department of Agriculture in exterminating sheep scab This lv only for purposes of comparison Sheep rcab has depopulated flocks In numer ous States and the Department thru the Bureau of Animal Industry has been egging Legislatures on to enact effective legislation for dipping Some Legislatures have balked and some have complied Nevada and California are examples Nevada passed a law that pleases tho Bureau of Animal Indus try California passed a law that was far from satisfactory But the Depart- ment of Agriculture is now co operating with the State of Nevada in exterminat ing scab and -it is making things un pleasant for California For example there are great forest reserves that cross the boundary line between the two States These reserves afford pas ture for about 200000 sheep one half of which come from California But the Department of Agriculture will not issue any grazing permits for Califor nia sheep In those reserves unless such sheep have been dipt And the anti scab war is being waged in AVashlngton Idaho New Mexico and a number of other localities In New Mexico alone the Government has a little army of 100 Inspectors at work Aggression is tho watchword In every Department and this Is the season of the year when plans for aggression are budding The Interior Department for Instance Is organizing fora war against the grabbers of ptiblljplahds The vari ous divisions for flelu work have been reorganized new chiefs nave been put In command and given instructions to go over the books of land offices and determine who has beenmaking Illegal entries as well as to ascertain the gen eral conditions wIthjLa view to elim inating fraud Congressmen from the West grumble at this altivity but the work is to be pushed Aicicreaalteuraa Everywhere Tho Postoffice Department too is doing some overhauling Second As sistant Postmaster QpniipU McCIeary new In his place hasjtakn up the mat ter of reform in thp contracts for the railway mail service There is exten sive weighing of mails iiftw in the West Next year there will be weighing in the East It Is proposed to cut out of these transportation contracts a lot of the graft that has hitherto been ignored Tho Department of Commerce and Labor under Secretary Oscar Straus is likewise doing some Spring cleaning After tho Larchmont disaster on Long Island Sound Mr Straus gave the in spection service a shaking up He found tho Inspectors fairly competent but thev had Hveil in the cimo lnonlu ties so long that they had made friends press near Gainess Landing Ark early ferred to new fields - and the certificates tin August 1864 of ships that go to sea this Summer ea l A s H VvriSi1 5 l -- l v Test for Yourself the Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp Root The Great Kidney Liver and Bladder Remedy The National Tribune Guarantees the Cenuiness of the Original Letter Published Below Why Swamp Root Gives Sfringth Almost everyone from personal ex perience knows that the effects of any kind of severe physical strain aro felt first of all In the small of the bark in other words In those Vital Organs tho Kidneys This is as true in the case of the very powerful man as It is with one of less strength and It is especially true whenever the Kidneys are weak Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for more sickness and suffer ing than any other disease therefore when through neglect or other causes kidney trouble Is permitted to continue MANY FATAL RESULTS ARE SURE TO FOLLOW SWAMP - ROOT STRENGTHENS THE KIDNEYS and through them helps all the other organs to health When this wonderful discovery can put the human body Into condition to stand hard work and tremendous strain it is easy to understand how It has been proven to ba Just the remedy needed by thousands Ip tho more ordinary and less strenuous walks of life A Fesling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs Such a medicine is Dr Kilmers Suainp Koot the great Kidney Liver and Bladder remedy The same standard of purity strength and excellence Is maintained in every bottle of Swamp Root Suainp Iloot Is scientifically coi pounded from vegetable herbs It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses It Is not recommended for every thing It Is natures great helper in reliev lng and curing kidney liver and blad der troubles A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr Kilmers Swamp Root If you need a medicine you should have the best If you are already convinced that Swamp Root is what you need you will find it on sale at all drug stores In bot tles of two sizes fifty cents and one dollar i peclally the excursion boats will mean more than heretofore Now the Sec retary is following this with a shake up In the immigration service He is going to conduct investigations of the stations at various cities including New York and Boston where a large pro portion of the immigrants to this coun try arrive Secretary Cortelyou has been too busy keeping the Treasury Department on an even keel during the panicky times to Inaugurate reforms but he has tome Spring cleaning in mind and it will be brought about as soon as he gets around to It Secretary Taft has had too much trouble to look after in the West Indies to give much attention to the War Department of late but no great reforms are in contemplation there The Navy Department and Its great bureaus are well jatlsfied with them selves and regard the activities else vhere with complacency The State Department is one or the smallest of all the Executive Depart ments altho Its work of course is very Important Secretary Roots activities ire of a different character He is par ticularly Interested in getting the diffi culties between this Government and Canada adjusted and seems to be suc ceeding for he has recently announced that a treaty for the appointment of a Commission to take up the various fish eries and boundary questions has been practically concluded between himself and Embassador James Hryce lie is also making a treaty with Germany covering our trade relations and cal culated to secure permanent admlsliii for our meats The Germans havo had t hard time since their Government ex cluded American meats They can not raise cattle and sheep enough for their meat supply and since the barriers were raised against these products the price to the German consumer has been steadily soaring It Is well perhaps that Uncle Sams officials are all so busy just now mak ing a showing while the sap rises in tho maples They will do their hard work and put in their longest days between now and the hot weather Tho hot weather of course comes all too soon In Washington April May and June and then Government officials will be hiking off for a vacation and their su bordinates will do no more work than Is absolutely necessary TluiukM fur the Iloukx At a regular meeting of Culver Post Duluth Minn a resolution was adopted Paint Without Oil Remarkable Discovery That Cutcj Down the Cost of Faint Seventy - Five Per Cent Ire Trial Package li Mailed to Every one Who WrlUi A L Rice a prominent manufacturer of Adams N Y has discovered a process of making a new bind ot paint without the use Sof oil He calls It Fowdrpalnt It cornea In Ke form of a dry powder and all that Is requod la cold water to make a paint weather proof fire proof and as durable as oil paint It adliures to ion v surface wnoft HtnnA nr tirlnlr anrpjiis and with the owners of ships and were not Books like oil paint and costi about ona fourtn as quite as severe in inspecting hulls and boilers as the Department would have WIltf J 8irf hRTJn JlS them So these Inspectors were KbAii Xi5i1J55n5X0 tan if iiaLaaao ouu luiui laiu iuiu iuii iiiiiiiiiinM m showing you bow you can aY a good many i A Grand Army Captain Praises Swamp Hoot The following Is a brief account of my armj life which I cheerfully give I entered the service on Aug 11 1S62 as a private I was soon promoted to Corporal then to Sergeant and later to the various grade of Sergeants and still later I received a commission as Second Lieutenant and later1 still ai First Lieutenant In Co K 10th N H Regiment at Captain From the tm I was commissioned to Second Lieutenant to the close of tlie war I wai In five battles and three siege The great battle of Fredericksburg was me first and my last was the siege of Richmond After the second battle of Fair Oaks one other officer myself and 16 men were all that was left of thn regiment that escaped death wound3 or Imprisonment and for the following two weeks I was obliged to command the regiment for want of a ranking offi cer for this purpose Tho Lord very mercifully preserved me from all harm when men wera falling on my right and on my left and in some cases very near to me i ii i ii ilslll ri JPS8Wy53jMgwSijaBpM HHHMHEfiH3HEHBHaaBBBBaBH 53 Cottage St Melrose Mass Dr Kilmer Company Binghamton N Y Ever since I was in the army I had more or less kidney trouble and within the past year It became so severe and complicated that I suffered everything and was much alarmed my strength and power was fast leav in me I saw an advertisement of Swamp Root and wrote asking for ad vice I began the use of the medicine and noted a decided Improvement after taking Swamp Root only a short time I continued its use and am thankful to say that I am entirely cured and strong In order to be very sure about this I had a doctor examlna some of my water to day and he pronounced it all right and In splendi1 condition I know that your Swamp Root is purely vegetable and does not contain any harmful drugs Thanking you for my complete recovery and recom mending Swamp Root to all sufferers I am Very truly yours CAPT I C RICHARDSON SAMPLE BOTTLE OF SWAMP ROOT SENT FREE BY MAIL EDITORIAL NOTE In order to prove the wonderful merits of Swamp Root you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information both sent absolutely free by mall The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women who found Swamp Root to be just the rem edy they needed The value and success of Swamp Root are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle In sending your address to Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton N Y be sure to say you read this generous offer In Tho National Tribune The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed ISTHMIAN QUARRELS Continued from case 1 son who has been to the Isthmus testi fies to his efficient work He insists that he resigned simply because he was tired out and denounces the ridicu lous reasons ascribed to the sudden and unexpected termination of his ser vices Furthermore Mr Stevens on ar riving in WashIngtonpaid his respects to W J Oliver the contractor who ex pected to secure the award for digging the ditch He says he never opposed the construction of the canal by private contract altho he was opposed to OH ver and he adds The refined state ment of a disgruntled bidder referring to Oliver that because I opposed the letting of the contract I was fired is a falsification pure and simple Mr Oliver IIKm Hack Mr Oliver has already contributed considerable vigorous English to the lit eiature of the Panama Canal His an ecdote of the poker game the sucker and the whangdoodle altho taken from the poker lore of Montana was wry aptly applied to his own position when the Government refused to award him the contract on the lowest bid And just as soon as Mr Oliver down in Knoxville read what Mr Stevens had said about him he retorted Mr Oliver directed the shafts of his ridicule upon Mr Stevens as a paper collar patriot He continued In all my experience I have never had an associate presented with any loving cups referring to Mr Stevenss Interview calling attention to the great send off canal employes gave him at Colon upon leaving a live job and this tearing away from loving moth ers to go up against a good salary in a mosketo proof bungalow I consider a trllle overworked As a matter of fact it is the man in the dit ii who is entitled to this consideration be he high or low official or laborer This proved interesting reading at the White House and in the Cana Com mission offices Mr Oliver is known in botli places as a breezy kind of citizen and more than once his comments about canal affairs have been very much in point Empty eulogy has been in creasing as a feature in official life of Washington and the evil if evil it be has crept Into the adriinistraUrm of canal affairs Since the Presidents ex perience with Wallace cvrybod even Shouts the inefficient has gone out with praise and the blowing of horns And everybody of any station in the Isthmus has been serving simply be- warmly thanking The National Tribune cause of nIs patriotism and because of for Its notice in regard to the Posts de sire for contributions of books for its Civil War Library which It Is establish ing Comrade Edwin B Force the Ad jutant writes that the notice was the most effective help that the Post has received and the contributions forth coming far exceeded their most san guine expectations They have already the nucleus of a fine library to transmit to coming generations WtUatfrday nis willingness to sacrifice himself op the altar of his country There has been little mention of tho salary which as everyone who stops to take a sens ble view knows Is the controlling con- slderatlon with all canal employes In this very material era Secretary Taft will soon be back in Washington with some recommenda tions for the President about canal con struction and it is expected that Chair man and Chief Engineer Goethals will have ample opportunity to show wheth er ho can make the dirt fly as fast us Chief Engineer Stevens did AH the Congressional parties are now returned have given their opinions to the coun try and the second educational period with reference to canal affairs seems to bo well under way The first educational period It might be explained dated from the visit of President Roosevelt last November which was planned chiefly for the purpose of educating tho country to the idea that everything on tho Isthmus was all right and that the criticisms were unfounded The verdicts of the Congressmen who have been traveling on the Isthmus since adjournment largely bears out the conclusions which the President reach ed There Is an occaslnal note of dis sent Probably the Administration mem bers are a little too enthusiastic In their statements for they want to see things thru Roosevelts spectacles But no very serious criticisms of the canal have developed further than that the project Is likely to cost much more than hoa been estimated and that It will tak much longer to build the canal than the country has been led to believe The Win Monnrarnt Ransom Post Mitchell S D has adopted resolutions reciting that the end of the differences which arrayed brother against brother had been nearly reached but that this glad consumma tion is seriously disturbed by the propo sition to erect a monument to Wirz The United Daughters of the Confeder acy are begged to desist from this proj ect which Is fraught with so much 111 influence toward a reconciliation of the sections BISHOPS os ou A powerful reconstructive Tonic Re vivifies the blood supports the heart absolutely non alcoholic prepared In Liquid or Tablet form If you are all ran down the imrove ment Is almost Immediate Invaluable for professional men office workers anaemic women victims of late hours and sufferirs from te indescribable tlrd frplinjr not only restores your for mer strength but it builds new strength A generous sample tablet form only mailed free on application Write ad dress distinctly to Ponn Drug Company 327 X nth St Philadelphia Pa sole Manufacturinc RIehts for the IT s s and Canada FREE TO MEN Scut Positively Without Coat SiONEWEEKtl of tbe TTrtTTT cases ieu L li U L liar to men J IILI and ods Itankln huus csc special Isu In dis eases ofmn litlieUnltei buuwi Jils iH TREATBESTS ninn in 3o nn T- opportunity to test place- him beyond aiy without cum his m perimenilng lie rinrand orhnji melli 1 cure wlero cures are j IssiDie If you need me Jieal adiice why not jref the lies t Tliht one week treatment nbioliMely free will con vince OII DR W I RANKIN Dent l ISO W SHh St New York Attention 46th III Infantry Members of this old veteran regiment wish lng to secure the revised and new history of this famous old organization can secure a copy by sending their order accompanied by 00 cash before May There will only be a limited number published to meet the orders Persons of the regiment seeing this will please send their name and com pany and address in order that the same may appear in roster even if you do not wish to subscribe Pictures of all the officers of the regi ment and Generals under whlchthe 46th served will appear The last speech Col John A Davis delivered to the regiment at Bolivar Tenn only a few days before his death never published Write name plain giving company and residence Thomas B Jones Historian Gilbert Station Iowa EVERY SOLDIER SAILOR OR MARINE I Whoservel In nvof tlia u Ani nrlnr In lfiftT nr h widow or children should write Consrnrie W K Hoaea leiiTer Colo It wlllcrat youtiocentx mid may brliu you 1 100 for cicft penny live portico Ian as to uilliiary service Mention National lrlbim DO IT NOW -- sy s t