v --
The June round up is about over
and I would have liked mightily well to
s take a hand in it but I couldnt get
It -was an Eastern lord of high finance
who spoke I believe that a month on
the range would make a new man 3f
me he Added with a sigh as he turned
back to his desk and gazed longingly
at a great painting above his head the
central figure of which was a bucking
broncho surrounded by a lot of howl
ing cowboys with their horses and
herds in the background and the won
derful Western sky in the distance
sound descend to the ocean
Spreading between these streams are
the wondrous beautiful prairies
Billowy bays of grass ever rolling In
shadow and sunshine
lis Is the stockmans paradise the
- j -
pirt pfFJw -
Hqw the Cattle on the Great Ranges are Brought Together Cow
Punchers and Their Ponies Night Scenes in a Cow Camp How
Beasts are Branded Cow Business Cut Down
By Jsabel Worrell Ball
country of the cow puncher the coyotte
and the cattle which have been pictur
esque features in the landscape of lit
erature for the last 40 jears
Life on the range is not a perpetual
picnic by any means but it has its fas
cinations exactly as any other kind of
a wild life has and the financier
who has ridden in many a round up was
still under the spell when he longed to
leave the buckers in Wall Street for a
bout with another kind of an animal
on the range and one whom he felt
that he could conquer
What a Ilound np In
What is a round up and why In
June These are questions not to be
dous expenditure of labor time and
money It usually begins in May and
runs to the end otJune and again In
the Fall and the purpose In view Is the
branding qfthe young calves and the
getting together of the strays which
may have wandered off into unknown
territory- Thft fqund UP Is carried out
on the same plan as a rabbit or wolf
hunt or drive only on a larger scale
and is engaged in by all the stockmen
whose cattle range on the round up
route each paying pro rate his share
of the expenses as shown by the ani
mals branded by them in the previous
round up
Imagine If you can a cattle drive
which takes in a scope of 200000 or
300000 square miles in which there
are several million animals to hunt out
to say npthtng of the young which arc
to be sought Individually and -sealed
with a brand and you can then get
come idea df the magnitude of the un
dertaking You must remember that
the country over which you are to beat
is covered by mountain ranges with in-
Ing the wild rough life led by the cow
puncher on the great Northern Range
Preparing for Hie Work
The Cattle Growers Associations had
absolute control of the round up or
rodeoing as the Mexicans call it on
this great range for years and they pre
pared for it by holding a convention In
April usually which was largely at
tended by the stockmen of the West
It had a President and full complement
of officers and committees whose duty
it was to familiarize themselves with
the whole vast territory over which the
immense herds of cattle wander and
to be able to exactly describe every
divide mountain hill and valley all
the streams forests and plateaus on the
whole range From this report the
committee on the general management
of the round up makes up its report
and the thing is fully discussed by the
convention The report provides for
the operations during several months
of from 40 to CO round up parties
which are each specifically told when
and where to start the exact territory
they are to cover and the number of
men to comprise the party All the
minor details arc met with perfect plans
before the start is made The various
parties have a foreman and trail boss
and three or more assistants as seems
necessary Each party is divided into
messes of 10 or 12 men each and
each mess is provided with a chuck
wagon and a cook The cooks wagon
also carries the blankets and belongings
of the men but they arc not numerous
or hard to pack Everything Is man
aged with the precision of a military
campaign but of course there is often
trouble and bloodshed for cow-punch
ers are not angels by any means tho
they are far from being the
answered In a few words The processes tragic abominations represented by the
of a general round up involve a tremen 1 writers of flash literature
The lord of high finance Is not a cow
boy but a cowman and there is a
vast deal of difference one herds cat
tle and the other owns the herd It is
quite often the case that the one grows
Jnto the other and so It was with the
lord of high finance
He made his pile by cow punch-
ing and lucky branding of mavericks
And each Spring the old fever strikes
him he likes the rough riding the
range life and the care free life there
is health in it too
The cattle ranges of the West are
not as big as they used to be but they
are jet extensive enough to astonish
a tenderfoot with their vastness Peo
ple who have never seen above 200 head
of cattle in a bunch cannot comprehend
the size of a herd of 2000 and when It
leaps up two ciphers they are indeed at
sea So it is with areas When one
has been accustomed to a 50 acre side
hill farm that has to be walled up to
keep it from sliding into the river or
the little gully called a valley one of
Uncle Sams generous 160 acre farms
teems a kingdom especially if it lies as
level as a floor and as smooth and free
of stumps and stones as the Axminster
carpet in the blue room of the White
House Yet there are wheat fields in
the West on lands as level as that which
would survey 2000 or 3000 acres in
extent and alongside of them are rye
oats corn and hay fields as large and
many that are larger al belonging to
one man The meadows and pastures
of an Eastern farmer would not- make
a corral for the average Western farm
er and when it comes to stock the
Yankee simply isnt in it at all
Tlie Lnrscnt Itsnge In the World
The Northern Range as it Is called
by Western stockmen is now the most
extensive in the United States and thoi
Its -area has been somewhat curtailed it
is still the largest in the world This
area comprises the whole of Wyoming
and Idalm southern Montana northern
Utah and Colorado and part of Ne
braska and Dakota This is a territory
nearly twice as large as either France
or Germany Wyoming Itself is larger
than New York and Pennsylvania and
larger than all the New England States
combined with Indiana thrown in for
good measure It is in fact almost
Impossible to give any adequate Idea of
the extent of this vast crazing territory
over which roamed the buffalo herds
andtholk and the roebuck the wolves
and herds of riderless horses wh n
Evangeline like a wraith passed ocr
them in her search for Gabriel I think
no nncr picture or uie region has ever
ieen drawn than that made by Long
fellow of this country where
m1i the mountains
Lift thru perpetual snows their lofty
and luminous summits
Down from their jagged deep ravines
where the gorge like a gateway
Opens a passage rude to the wheels of
the emigrants wagon
Westward the Oregon flows and the
Walleway and Owyhee
Eastward with devious course among
the Wind River Mountains
Thru the Sweetwater Valley precipitate
leaps the Nebraska
And to the south from
and the Spanish Sierras
Fretted with sands and rocks and
swcot bv the wind of the desert
Numberless torrents with ceaseless
Thc size of each party depends upon
the ground It has to cover Sometimes
there will be 20 or 30 and often 100
and in the whole business there will be
over 1000 men jynployed Each cow
puncher has at least seven ponies in his
string and if the country over which
he is fo ride is particularly rough ho
has nine He rides at least three of
these in a day saving the best ones for
night work Of course this makes
quite a herd of ponies to care for and
somebody has to ride herd on them
all the time night and day The crea
tures who do this are dubbed hoss
hustlers or wranglers The work is
as hard on the ponies as on the men
A round up begins at the south end
of the domain to be ridden over be
cause it is a singular fact that cattle
always drift south They will sometimes
drift north before a storm but they do
not stay there and always feed toward
the south Then the fierce northers
tend to drive them in a southerly direc
tion anyhow They do not stray very
wide of the range east or west either
frequent passes with hogback foothills
deep gorges and canyons with long
stretches of alkali desert as bleak and
as bare of vegetation as the back of
your hand with wide level plateaus
ragged with sage brush and chaparral
along beds of dry rivers often wanting
water yet a davb ride from a drop of
the precious fluid again almost swept
away by tho sudden rise of the treach
erous mountain streams in fact you
can set your Imagination to work in
any direction you like so longas it car
ries you away from civilization and
comfort and jour fancy given good
play cannot lead you astray in depict-
The round up parties arc btrung out on
the southern line of the range reaching
over nearly 200 miles of territory some
times and all start north at a certain
hour on a certain day Of course they
take In everything on hoofs on the
drive and some very odd experiences
have been related of the conglomera
tion of creatures that a round up would
discover at the end of a days drive In
tho old days before civilization had
killed most of the creatures off Wild
animals of every description buffalo
antelope deer wild horses everything
Continued on page three
g r55fr -X r
Special to The National Tribune
Denver July 72 Great train loads
of convention delcgatcsand convention
spectators were snorting dust covered
Into the city for fully five days before
the great Democratic gathering was
called to order and the work of nam
ing a Presidential and Vice Presidential
candidate was actually undertaken
Xhe Pacific Coast and Inter Mountain
people nave swarmeu up over me ex
tensive plateau and thru the defiles In
multitudes They bound Into the city
enthusiastically and refesh the scene
by their Interest in everything that Is
transpiring No National Convention
has ever come so far West and the Far
Westerners are making the most of it
Republicans men and women for the
women vote atall elections in this State
of Colorado and in a number of States
adjoining have been coming quite as
much as Democrats They want to see
the spectacle of a great political con
vention even If they do not subscribe
to the platform it adopts or support
the candidate it nominates
The railroad Journey generally has
been a short one for them something
like a das Journey which is very short
according to the standards of Western
people Their attitude and bearing as
they detrain has been a striking con
trast to the Easterners who- come in
worn from living- on trains for two or
three days anxious to get out of their
ears the rumbling sound of car wheels
and out of their eyes the panorama of
prairies stretching- with monotinous
similarity from sky lino to sky line
The altitude is high Denver accord
ing to a popular way ot puttinffit is a
mile above sea level The clear ozono
seems to have an influence upon
human3 All visitors step a little live
lier and apparently a little easier tall
a little more vivaciouslythan Is their
wont and think a llttlemore rapidly
Shrewd DenveiriteH
However this does not promise to
speed the deliberations of the conven
tion materially Three days are long
enough for any ordinary National Con
vention to transact all business in an
orderly wa But Denver wants tfl
take four dajs and probablyvvill have
Its way just as Chicago was able to
detain the Republican National Con
ventlon in mid June for anextra day
that the hotel keepers and tho paloons
might extract an extra hundred thous
and- dollars or so from tho visitors
Such things always Havo been since
cities began to strive for the honor of
AH IntlH rnltn nl ftil 3
iiwi iiiiiijifi Auuuiiat yuiivuuLiujis uui
round it necessary to hang up rich
purses therefor Tho citizens raise tho
lunus 10 pay over to tne convention
authorities and then the citizens pro
pose by divers de Iousways eo ihorolv
countenanced nowadays that they are
regarded as entirely legltlrriatc to reach
Into tho pockets of delegates and spec
tators and pull opt an equivalent sum
with little something over as commis
sions or payment for the trouble they
havp been put to by the operation
During tho Republican Convention
at Chicago not only phicago but Wash
ington figured in the convention dale
lines Theodore Roosevelt President
was running tho contention bjy long
distance telephone and dl3 run it
solulely tllf Undo Tn Cannon and
his congressional lieutenants stole a
march on him over night and succeeded
In nominating a Vice president ot their
own liking During the National Con
ventlon here Denver and Lincoln are
joined In a like procedure The long
distance telephone facilities aro not
quite so good between here and Lin
coin which Is approximately S00 miles
away None the less methods of
communication are ample Mr Bryan
is not keeping his car to the telephone
quite as closely as Mr Roosevelt kept
his ear to the telephone when the Re
publican Convention was in session
Then he Is not allowing his activity
and his domination over the conven
tion to be quite so conspicuous as Presi
dent Roosevelt did
The Pcerlema One
AH the same William Jennings
Brjan is bossing this convention No
one can tell what will happen before
the convention adjourns two or three
days from now but it looks as tho
Bryan would make as thorough a Job
of It as did his party opponent in the
White House As things size up now
the Peerless One is not likely to let
the Denver Convention get away from
him He will probably be able to pre
vent Its adopting any planks ho does
not want or that he would have to ap
prove of with reluctance and probably
too It will nominate the running mate
he wants wherein he will be more for
tunate than Nominee Taft was
Apparently more ot the delegates
and leaders have been in recent con
ference with the Commoner at Lin
coln than got into personal touch with
Theodore Roosevelt before the Chicago
hosts gathered- JThat Is because the
matter of geogranhxahas made it very
convenient for tha convention travelers
to stop off at Lincoln en Toute Tho
railroad companies Jbbllginglyi arranged
it so that travelers could Test a night
or a day at Lincoln -without paying
extra fare Thlanabled tnem leisure
ly to Journey out to Falrvew Bryans
home which is four miles from Lin
coln and receive the glad hand from
the leader of the Democratic Party
Lincoln allho a Republican city ex
tended every facility and a most cor
dial wolcomo to all such comers There
have been citizens committees to iook
after the comfort of travelers and even
to furnish carriages for a drive out to
Falrview Whatever bo the result of
the November elections thro is no
question about this FaVestern section
of the United States warming up to
Brian materially in recent times They
think beter of him than evfcr before
and are showing much enthusiasm over
the methodical way he is going about
his campaign and over hss determined
plans to convert a majority of the
American people to tho principles in
politics for which he stands
In fact it is a changed Bryan who
extends a dignified but cordial hos
pitality to all visitors at Falrview Ho
may believe In practically the eami
polltcal principles jhat he Tielieved In
12 years ago wherisuddonly and un
expectedly cIcvate vto thp leadership
01 nis party in a rresiaenuai campaign
But he has matured He Is more
tactful more conciliatory of others who
differ with hlm more cautious more
thoughtful He is completely imbued
with the idea that lie isgoinc UT win
--7-4 i
x Mm
Greatt Interest byv the Pacific Coast People Denver a Scene of Ex
citement Enthusiasm of Political Manuvering Bryan Planning
the Campaign pie Radical West
the campaign altho it should be said
that that has been a Bryan character
istic in the previous campaigns when
he has been the candidate In the
old days he had no patience whatever
with the bolting wing of his party
Now he is seeking by every honorable
means he can devise to win all fac
tions to his standard and to Induce
them to vote the Democratic ticket in
the Autumn
Gold Democrat Welcome
Gold Democrats were never more
welcome at Falrview They are taken
into the Inner councils enjoy the Ne
braskans confidence fully and find
that he is willing to concede something
to them provided it does not run coun
ter to certain well defined political
principles with which as a public man
he has become identified
How far Mr Bryan is succeeding In
this no one can tell for the present
There will be some indication of his
success or lack of It in the direction
of conciliation by the time this con
vention has adjourned If he succeeds
fairly well in having a harmonious con
vention and in getting a ticket and a
platform that half way pleases the Con
servative Democrats radical tho the
Presidential candidate and the plat
form may be he will have made a long
start toward giving Nominee Taft a ter
rific campaign Such a convention and
such an outcome will Infuse new
spirit into all factions of the party
that Marse Henry Watterson once
said in an eloquent outburst was never
beaten when it was united
The attitude and the conversation
of the political groups departing from
Lincoln en route for Denver have been
truly one of the very interesting phases
of the Democratic Convention period
These Democratic leaders Conserva
tives and Radicals have seen and heard
enough In Lincoln and at Falrview to
keen them thinking and on the whole
tokcep them meditating about party
manors in an amiaDic generally a
hopeful frame of mind These travel
ers talk it over in the smoking rooms
of the trains during the 14 hours of
travel from Lincoln to this city and
when they have arrived here they talk
It over some more
Bryan Home
Probably no country gentleman In
tho West lives more comfortably at
homo than docs Mr Bryan altho some
may live more sumptuously His resi
dence and its surroundings arc very
beautiful His fields aro well culti
vated Plenty abounds on every side
And then the place has been beautified
i J
yS -
I JtA k
ivfe its like x
Jv ibw Candy
s 3tsTAKiNG - a
Little Willie Q Cheerful Certainty --
something like ltsnormal Republican
majority But neither of those men
was nominated much to the dlsgust of
me jtrcsiueni ana also air Tart But
both Cummins and will be
in tremendous demand during this
campaign It is nothing unusual to
hear men out here say that if anything
can make a Republican majority in
Kansas Nebraska Wisconsin and one
or two other States including Iowa
certain it will be for Gov Cummins
and Senator LaFolIetto to go upon the
stump for Taft The voters in those
States know Cummins and T aFnllMto
In nunferous ways both by nature and and believe In them That AVfsconsin
by artificial methods His residence
is lnrce and is built of brick an un-
is inoroiy pcrmcaiea wun
Ism is well known But the same Is
usual thjnjr for a country house In thatTalso true ot Kansas Nebraska and
seciion ine nouse is saiu 10 nave
cost 26000 and Its furnishing and
furniture about 5000 more The en
tire establishment has been greatly ex
tended and improved since 189C when
Mr Bryans homo was an exceedingly
modest one and had no accommoda
tions beyond what was found In many
a farm house of that vicinity
Quite as Interesting to the travelers
thtthef as their visits at Falrview and
their conversations with Bryan have
been their efforts to sound the senti
ment of this Western country with
reference to Presidential candidates
The Eastern Democrats have heard the
stories which went out after the Chi
cago Convention that the West was
very radical this year that it followed
Roosevelt In preference to Taft and
that there was danger it might follow
Bryan In preference to all others now
that Rooscvelts retirement to private
life in eight months is a certainty
With the conservatism that is rampant
in the East these stories were natural
ly accepted with reserve They buoyed
the Democrats up with hope because
it added one more possibility of vic
tory if the Western Inclination was to
accept Bryan in preference to Taft
whom the Eastern Republicans insist
upon regarding as a conservative
And so there has been much compar
ing of notes among the delegates and
observers from many States now on
the ground Men are telling one an
other not only what conditions arc in
their own- communities with respect to
Democratic vote getting but are re
counting the results of their Inquiries
In differenfplaccs in the West These
Inquiries have been very conclusive in
one particular That is that the West
Is radical it Is determined that the
policies of Theodore Roosevelt shall
be enforced They speak of these poli
cies as being In accord with Bryans
principles but say little about those
policies being In accord with Demo
cratic principles That distinction Is
worth remembering in these days when
voters arc apt to vote more for men
than for parties
The ConcliiHlons
But while the existence of the radi
cal view is unquestioned it Is not cer
tain yet that Mr Bryan will be the
more attractive figure These Western
people want the corporations prose
cuted They would like to have Bryan
Attorney General in charge of the work
Many of them are convinced that it
would be more thoroly done and with
better results by far than have yet
been realized They want to see some
magnates behind Jail bars they want
the physical valuation of railroads de
termined they want campaign contri
butions made public and so on thru
a radical list
However they havo not abandoned
the idea that Theodore Roosevelts
man Nominee Taft will do those
things They are a little suspicious
about it altho it is still possible for the
Republican leaders to allay their sus
picions and to keep them within the
Republican Party till after election day
If President Roosevelt would come out
here and deliver a few speeches pro
vided there develops a serious dis
affection he could probably hold these
Republicans in line It Is very un
likely that he will do that It would
hurt Tafts campaign In other quar
ters Already protests arc known to
havo been pouring in upon tho Presi
dent that he has been showing his
hand too boldly and tho voters resent
his choosing and electing a President
for them
The Potent If
If Gov Cummins of Iowa or Sen
ator LaFollette of Wisconsin had been
nominated for Vice President with
Taft the West apparently would havo
been satisfied and would have given
cr adjacent States LaFoIlettelsm al
tho locally Republican is almost iden
tical with Bryanism
In Nebraska for instance the Re
publican leaders are already talking
about the necessity of persuading Sen
ator LaFollcttc to make a few speeches
during the campaigns Radical as the
Wisconsin Senator Is he always makes
his fights within the Republican Party
and always supports the Republican
ticket He is going on the Chautau
qua circuit this Summer1 and early Au
tumn and has already promised to
speak plainly about the Republican
platform adopted at Chicago There
Is no doubt on the other hand about
his supporting Mr Taft and probably
tho radical Western communities will
be able to persuade him to make a
whirlwind tour of these States to the
west of the Mississippi
Just at present Gov Cummins Is in
a blue funk because of the way the
Iowa stalwarts have treated him but
it is quite probable that he will decide
not to execute his threat to resign and
go back to private life and also it is
likely that he will be out on the stump
before November comes whooping it
up tremendously for Taft and Sherman
and telling the people of the West that
In his judgment they would make a
great political mistake to vote for
Bryan and the running mate whose
name has not been determined at this
One thins that cheers the Republi
cans and aiscourages the Democrats
hereabouts is that while the defection
to Bryan seems quite marked among
the voters the Republican Party work
ers are all in an aggressive spirit There
is no sulking among their numbers
They have their armor on and are
ready for the clash of combat This
attitude will help materially as the
weeks of the campaign wear on
Bryan Planning the Campaign
Mr Bryan is quite as well aware of
all these Western conditions as are
the delegates and spectators who throng
the hotel lobbies here in Denver this
convention week He and his friends
are planning the campaign with special
reference to those conditions They will
have a radical platform and will outdo
the Republican platform in radicalism
quite as much because ot the demands
of these Western farmers as because
of the demand of laboring people in the
Eastern States where there is less
hope of getting electoral votes What
ever speaking Mr Brjan does In the
campaign the heft of it will be done
in these Western States He probably
will decide to cross swords with La
Follctte and Cummins if they go out
championing Taft and Sherman He
will make it hot for them because he
stands high ln Western favor
Thu3 with this remarkable politi
cal condition almost right at the con
vention doors the Democrats are try
ing to surpass their Republican breth
ren In shrowdncs and in capacity for
holding a great and orderly convention
that will make a favorable popular im
pression The preliminaries have pro
gressed favorably quite as favorably
as did the preliminaries of tho Chica
go Convention There has been no
steam roller working day and night
for a week at Denver and thus far
been little show of ill feeling among
Democratic partisans There has been
no standing around the hotel coriidors
as there was with Republicans at Chi
cago and predicting- that the opposite
political party was going to win True
there have been some jibes for Bryan
among the Democrats assembled but
on the whole there has been a spirit of
hopefulness and of harmony which is
attributable in some part to Bryans
herculean efforts to bring all the
factions together Some three days of
the convention yet remain however
and that is time enough for a merry
old fight that would be reminiscent ot
Democratic- traditions
Democrats Mainly Anxiousto Get Thnt
the Convention Without a Row
Special to TheNational Tribune
Denver Colo July The city up
in the air Is thronged with Democrats
They are whirling- in the hotel lobbies
talking It over and then crowding tha
convention- hall by day and- progress
ing toward tho nomination of a candi
date for President and a candidate foe
Vice Presidt nt The lions and tho
lambs of the party have been walking
side by side It has been harmonv
thick enough to be cut with a knife
But everybody has been wondering
what moment there would be a growl
among the lions and some of the lambs
would be devoured For Democratic
National Conventions have come to bo
regarded as occasions for fray
The first days session of the con
vention was tc day Tuesday bufiC
was brief because adjournment was
taken out of respect to the memory o
ex President Cleveland That seemed
a fitting tribute and it was paid im
pressively At one time it promised to
open a terrific fight over Democracys
past Alton B Parker of New York
ex Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals
and the Democratic standard bearer
four j ears ago as good as announced
a resolution for the convention that
would declare all that Grover Cleve
land ever did especially in maintain
ing the gold standard right and wise
That would have made the lions growl
And there would have been a time of it
sure enough
Judge Parker
Just as soon as Judge Parker got to
the public with that Editor Henry
Watterson of Louisville who has be
come a Bryan convert and who is
apparently to be the scourge of Bryans
enemies in this campaign took his pen
and wrote an editorial which the dele
gates here in Denver roughly alluded
to as a hide peeler It was jcarried
far and wide by the press associations
and Mr Parker read it while his Pull
man car was thundering on its way
and making a great cloud of dust over
the arid prairies of Kansas and Col
orado It brought the former jurist up
standing and no sooner had he landed
in his hotel here than he issued a
statement denying that he proposed
to offer any offensive resolutions
The general run of delegates do not
seom to take very kindly to - Judge
Parker He is received with respect
on every hand but there Is a feeling
that he stands for the gold bugs of tho
East and this Bryan convention there
fore does not want to fraternize with
The New York chieftains have coma
to the convention in force They havo
brought theii Democrats who are
skilled in oratory and also their Demo
crats who are crafty in politics
Charlie Murphy boss of Tammany
Hall and Pat McCarren lean and
lank of Brooklyn are facing the music
and determining whether Murphy or
McCarren shall rule across the river
or in other words whether the tiger
is to cross into Brooklyn Martin
Littleton the silver tongued one who
nominated Parker for President and
made a good speech too Bird S
Color the Brooklyn Democrat who
came very near being Democratic Gov
ernor of New York in 1902 and who
the wise ones say could have beaten
Odcll had he net been so stingy about
putting out some money up the State
Lewis S Nixon once Boss of Tammany
for a while and always a consistent
Bryan man and many many other
eminent New York Democrats even
to Fingy Connors have been on the
ground early
They have been wearing the oliva
branch in the lapels or their coats
Much to the surprise of all concerned
their mission has been one of peace
as far as the general contest is con
cerned We came not for war but
for peace I assure you quoth Mur
phy as soon as he arrived in Denver
which was in great contrast to tha
Hon Jim Guffoy of Pennsylvania
who came breathing defiance and an
Continued on page three