Postmaster General Hitchcock is de
termined to reduce expenses in the
Postolflce Department and in line with
bis policy of economy he has issued an
order cutting a great big slice of money
from the compensation allowed to land
Brant railroads for carrying United
States mail
The original rate allowed these roads
vyas 1710 for each 2 000 pounds car
ried in Fxcess of 4SO0O pounds Mr
Hitchcock cut this to 13 i9 This re
fluction comes after an exhausthe and
painstaknng investigation of the actual
cost of carrying the mail by the road
The land grant railroads are situated
In the middle and far West almost ex
olusi ely
There is a new pure food law on in
iWashington It besjan when United
States Attorney Clarence Wilson ob
tained warrants for the seizure of some
18 tons of adulterated frozen eggs
That the frozen eggs in question are
decoredtml putnS
animal substances is the allegation
rniirio liv the United States attorney m
iis petition for the warrant Chief
justice Clabaugh gave the owners of
the eggs until Oct 28 to show cause
jvhy these goods should not be con
demned and confiscated
In his petition the District Attorney
alleges that a large part of these eggs
re used by bakeries causing a delete
rious effect on the pastry and other
baked stuff in which they are used
He is making a city wide investigation
In regard to the quahtj of eggs used by
the bakeries
The newspaper correspondents of
Washington Baltimore Philadelphia
and New York will be interested to
learn that Gertrude Rennyson has re
turned to the United States where she
yrlll remain for some time Miss Ren
nyson Is the daughter of a veteran who
passed away just a few years aga She
Is rather tali a commanding figure
jwith a sweet Madonna like face and a
voice like a bird In the halcyon years
jvhen the newspaper correspondents
IrW to gather in early June at Cape
Way N J for a week of unadulterated
un Miss Rennjson accompanied by
tier father used to delight the scribes
fend the guests with her fine voice
liss Rennyson has been abroad now
for nearly five years singing in the dif
ferent court operas in Germany Aus
tria and Belgium She is to return to
Belfast Ireland to sing in the Mecsiah
With the Philharmonic Society in De
cember She will later sing in Man
chester and London and then goes to
Germany for the Gastpiele and the
feeyreuth performances Miss Renny
Eon remains the same sweet tempered
unspoiled American that she always
Miss Flora Wilson daughter of Secre
iarj of Agriculture Wilson has been
abroad long enough to imbibe some of
the Old World ideas of women in cam
paigns Secretary Wilson is going to
deliver a number of addresses in the
campaign and Miss Wilson is gDing to
assist mm by singing It will be a
unique feature in American politics but
altogether enjoyable Miss Wilson has
been studying abroad for a number df
years and Is said to have developed
wonderfully as an operatic singer She
is charming personally
Th fifth International Prison Con
gress which has been meeting in Wash
ington for the last week placed its in
dorsement upon the American sjstem
oC indeterminate sentences upon pa
role and farm colonies for tramps and
vagrants The humanitarian and re
formatorv elements of penology rather
than the retributory and deterrent fea
tures have been in tne ascenaam at
this congress and conservative Europe
lias conceded the wisdom of many
American innovations
The Army Medical Department has
purchased 500 sets of fittings for con
verting railway cars Into hospital cars
It takes about eight -sets to equip an
ordinary box car giving accommoda
tions for 24 patients Thee fittings are
simple strong and easily transported
and stored when knocked down They
can be used either in ordinary box cars
or in passenger coaches by removing
the seats
Not all the heroism of the United
States Army is found among the officers
by any means It will be remembered
that laBt July there was a fearful gun
explosion at Battery De Russey Fort
ress Monroe and five of the men dis
tinguished themselves by rushing to
the aid of their companions and at
the risk of their lives pounded out the
I burning powder and rags with their
bare hands They were very seriously
liurned but they rescued the injured
ones who were at the mercy of the
flames For this splendid action the
names of the five men have been placed
tipnn tho honor roils of the United
States War Department They are
Sergt Daniel D Brinkley Corpl John
X Humphries and Privates Chas I
Sumner and Wm C Wolf and Mechanic
John Knglehart of the C3th Coast Art
At the same time Sergt E L Dea
ton of the 17 ith Coast Art was com
mended for bravery and presence of
mind in preventing the explosion of a
gun and pcsiblj dfath and injury to
comrades by ricking his own life to re
adjust a gun lanyard
Mr Matthew T Scott President-
Piieral of tht1 Daughters of the
n Revolution rPturmd to Washington
oin her Summer homi in the North in
up to preside over one of the largest
Hional Board meetings of her admin-
tration Only routine business was
transacted and the quarterly reports of
the various officers were presented One
Jof the most charming features of the
jddv and which has lon inaugurated
Ji Mri Scott since she became
is the entertaining of the
Ideational Board at luncheon on the day
of their meeting The pretty white
marble hall of the Daughters is n ear
ing completion The colonial banquet
5 hall and the kitthens are complete The
ral was hostess to about
60 ladies in the colonial banquet room
In which the decorations were pink
roses and ferns
The night schools of the District
opened last week with an attendance of
2000 pupils ready to take up the school
work of the Winter
Robert J Tracewell Comptroller of
the Treasury has just allowed a claim
In favor of the State of New York for
S720G 57 originating in 18C3 when the
State purchased abroad for the use of
troops then going to the front in the
civil v ar a large number of muskets
and was required to pay the customs
duties thereon
Former Representative James A
Tawney spent a portion of last week
done up in adhesive plaster and band
ages Mr and Mrs Tawney who at
their home in Winona Minn were tak
ing an automobile ride with a friend
were met by a woman in a carriage
with three children the vehicle beinr
Brawn by a bolting horse The woman
signaled the automobile toVstop The
machine was halted and Mr Tawney
Stepped1 out and let the horse pass the
machine The horse bolted Just as Mr
Tawnev grabbed the bridle and he
dragged Jlr Tawney who would not
let go of the bridle lest the horse crash
into a barbed wiie fence The horse
the precious freight and carriage got
thru all right Mr Tawney got out of
the wreck with his hands badly torn
his forehead cut and his legs badly
bruised Representative Tavvney is now
in charge ot the Congressional Repub
lican headquarters in Chicago It is
with much 1 egret that his friends hae
noted that Mr Tawney had failed for
renominatioti to Congress
Rufus Blodgett formerly United
States Senator from New Jersey died
at his home in Long Branch last week
Former Senator Blodgett was born in
New Jersc j TC years ago He served
five terms as Mayor of Long Branch
and twice was elected to the New Jersey
Assembly He was elected to the Unit
ed States Senate in 1SSG and served six
years He was been superintendent oi
lASJ contain he New York Long Branch Railroad
for 25 years
w w
Gen Nelson A Miles who looks
mightv fine on a horse and who prob
ably can ride farther and longer in less
time than any other Army officer re
tired or on the active list is aeaa in
favor of the aeroplane for coast de
fense He says
The aeroplane eventually will be a
means of coast defense Aeroplanes can
be built bv the score for what one bat
tleship costs When they can fly 100
miles out to sea and drop explosives
over hostile fleets these fleets will be
cautious about attacking a coast And
this condition will come Already any
Nation which goes to war must reckon
with aeroplanes They are cxtremely
advantageous in reconnoltering and
when up 7 000 leet are practically im
mune from injury by rifle shots
The counting and inspection of notes
in the Treasury Building is to be aban
doned The Director of the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing will continue
in chargb of the numbering sealing
separating counting and final inspec
tion of all notes These notes are to bo
delivered in sealed trucks at the close
of each days work to the Treasurer in
the vault set asido for his exclusive use
The Director of the Bureau of Engrav
ing and Printing is to turn over to the
Treasurer in addition to the vault an
adjacent room for packing and sealing
of the packages and for the counting of
all notes The room and vault are to
be Inclosed by wire and set apart from
the rest of the divisions of the Bureau
This will reduce the number of count
ers and inspectors on the Issue Division
roll and result In a retrenchment in the
Treasurers Office of about 20000 Oth
er savings incident to this change will
amount to 5000 making a total sav
ing of 2C000
In accordance with the known policy
of Secretarj MacVeagh places will be
provided for emploves who may be dis
placed bv reason of this change Em
ployes whose places have been abol
ished will be given preference in the
filling of vacancies
The- Spanish War Veterans are not
at all satisfied to let their Past Com
Gen M Emmett
Urell sleep in foreign soil He died
recently in Ireland while on a visit
there and was buried in his native
town Nenaugh County Tipperary The
Department Commander of the United
Spanish War Veterans received a com
munication from Ireland in which were
resolutions of sympathy drawn up by
the city officials of fork and the Town
Council of Nenaugh It was stated that
the body of Gen Urell was escorted to
the train at Cork by the city officials
the Order of Hibernians and the Catho
lic clergy to be laid at rest at Nenaugh
Department Commander Chisolm has
received authority from the Commander-in-Chief
of the Spanish War Veter
ans to correspond with the relatives in
Ireland with a view of bringing the
body of Gen Urell back to Washington
for reinterment In Arlington Cemetery
While every grocery clerk who can
mortgage his little home is doing so to
acquire an automobile the Post Offico
Department has decided that autos are
too expensive for the Mail Service of
the United States Government It was
stated at the Post Office Department
that it at some later date automobiles
become less expensive they would use
them again for their collections but
until tho expense is considerably low
ered there will be no collections by
While abroad Booker T Washington
was special invited to visit King Fred
erick at Copenhagen and later dined
at the paljce meeting the members of
me royai lairuiy inciuuing me yuecn
Mother Alexandra widow of King Ed
ward He was also the guest of promi
nent Danes Now what Is going to hap
pen One day several jears ago when
Booker T Washington was calling on
1resiuent Roosevelt to discuss some
business matters the President invited
the distinguished negro orator and edu
cator to remain to lunch with him at
the White House and the South has not
gotten over howling about It yet and
there was nothing premeditated in the
invitation either
President Taft it seems Is not above
the small vanities of life or possibly
we ought not to say that but at any
rate he wears his shoes too tight or he
wears one shoe too tight and it pinches
his ankle and this so that he has had
to wear a soft carpet slipper and has
been unable to wear his shoes or play
golf for several dajs
Rear Admiral Robley D Erans re
tired i3 verv much stronger physically
than He has been for several years Ho
looks 20 vrare vounger in fact than
he looked a vear ago He has thrown
away his crutches and Is able now to
get about with a cane and a good deal
of the time does not use that Some
body asked the Rear Admiral the other
day if he thought the American Navy
was keeping abreast of the British and
the German Iojal to the- Stars and
Stripes the rugged old seaman replied
In my opinion it is keeping ahead
of cither of them This is true not only
In the way ot construction but in what
I should call the battio efficiency of
ships and men I fought for the dread
nought for a long time One of our
modern types is the equal of three ordi
nary battleships and the now 14 Inch
gun dreadnoughts will have even much
greater efficiency
Admiral Evanb thinks that we are
bound to have trouble with Japan over
trade on the Pacific He remarked
We have no merchant marine now
but one of these days the American
people are not going to be satisfied with
this state of affairs and they are going
to force Corgress to pass the laws that
will enable us to have one Then If
any country doesnt agree to a peace
able division of trade thera will be
trouble but the soonsr we put a fleet
on the Pacific and keop it there the
better it will be for ug for sooner or
later friction is bound to come Why
the American people do not wake up to
thisfact I cant guesl
Maybe go the days of monopoly of
the naval coal trade in the anthracite
States is at an end Secretary of the
Navy George von Meyer who is
when yon answer this annoonesnunt
u I m going to distribute at laut
one-hundred-thousand seta of the Dr
Ham wonderful Perfect Vision 8po
taeles to genuine bona fide spectacle
wearers in the next few weeks on on
easy simple condition
I want yon to thoroughly try them on
your own eyes no matter how weak they
may be read the finest print in your
bible even by tho dim firelight thread
the smallest eyed needle you can get
hold of and put them to any test yon lies
in vourown home in any way yon please
Then after you have become absolutely
and positively convinced that tbey are
really and tmlv tho softest clearest and
best fitting glasses you have ever had on
your eyeB you can keep the 88MHP pair
forever without one cent of cost and
Just Do Me A Cood Turn
by showing them around to yonr neigh
bors and mends and speak a good word
for them everywhere at every opportunity
Wont you help me introduce the won
derful Dr Haux Perfect Vision Spec
tacles in your locality on one easy
simple condition
If yon are a genuine bona flde
no children need apply
and want to do me this favor write me
at once and Just say Dear Doctor
Mail mo your Perfect Homo Eye Tester
absolutely freo of charge also full par
ticulars of your handsome 10 karat
yemwiil Spectacle Offer and address
me personally and I will give yonr letter
my own personal attention Address
DR HAUX Persona
Haux Bulldlaf St Louis Mo
UOI Ilus Uouse is renectly Uefcabie
swinging around the coast line of tho
United States inspecting naval stations
is regarded as favoring the purchase of
Pacific Coast coal and particularly in
dorses that which is mined near Seattle
The naval collier Saturn sailed from
San Francisco loaded down with this
Pacific Coast coal to be used on one of
the cruisers of the Pacific A compari
son will be made between its use and
that of the Eastern coal which will bo
used on one of the cruisers of the fleet
and if he Pacific coal is up to the mark
it goes
It may bo that one of the disgraceful
features of international marriages will
be w iped out if the stern parent Is only
of the type of John G A Lelshman
American Embassador at Rome It
will be remembered that Embassador
Irishmans daughter two or three years
ago became the Countess of Gonfaut
Biron of France It was stated at the
time that Miss Deishman married her
Count that it cost the Embassador a lot
of money and that It was brought about
by a regular business contract dravn
up by a lawyer O E Bodlngton a
lawyer of Pans recently served a writ
on Embassador Lelshman claiming the
sum of 22000 francs for his services in
adjusting a marriage settlement be
tween the American girl and the little
Paris Count Embassador Irishman
concluded to fight the claim and now
he has won out Possibly if other rich
American fathers would do the same
thing there would be fewer alliances
contracted in this way
The Naval Academy at Annapolis is
just 65 years old which is rather star
tling as some way or other we expected
It to be older It was founded during
the term of President James K Polk
when George Bancroft was Secretarj of
the Navy It was reorganized in 1850
and then styled the United States Naval
Academy It was removed to Newport
R I in 1861 and remained there until
the Slimmer of 1S65 when the course of
Instruction was again taken up at An
A jolly party of Washington people
and all of them from Spokane came
down to Washington to spend a week
before they should return to the far
Northwest- They were W H Wls
combe Department Commander of
Washington and Mrs Wiscombe Past
Department President Mrs Josephine
H Dunning Comrade W D Paries and
wife Mrs Mattie J Baird Delegate to
the National Convention of the Wo
mans Relief Corps her daughter Miss
Edna Balrd and Mrs Mary Krlnbuhl
Tho party had their headquarters at the
National Hotel at Washington and did
the District of Columbia thoroly taking
in Mount Vernon Arlington and many
of the suburban towns They were spe
cially admitted to the White House and
spent more than an hour inspecting all
of Its beauties under the guidance of
Mrs Isabel Worrell Ball Later Mrs
Ball was the guest of Department Com
mander and Mrs Wiscombe at lunch
eon Covers were laid for eight Com
mander Wiscombe was the personal
representative of the Governor of
Washington at the unvailing of the
monument at Gettysburg and accom
panied by the party went to Gettysburg
on Wednesday
Now Judge Hushes
It is now Judge Hughes Associate
Justice of the United States Supreme
Court Monday Oct 10 he took the
oath of office and sat upon the bench
It was quite a gala day in the old Su
preme Court Room which is a good
deal of a bandbox for sizo and the
wives ot all the Justices and their
daughters and friends were in the seats
reserved for them
When the gavel of the court crier
fell the procession of Justices headed
by Marshal Wright of the District en
tered thu chamber from the robing
room Gov Hughes wearing the robe
of rich black silk took a seat Just bo
low the bench next to the clerk Mr
Justice Harlan who is the senior Asso
ciate Justice will preside over the Su
preme Court until the successor of Chief
Justice Fuller is appointed by the Pres
ident and confirmed by the Senate Jus
lice Harlan directed the clerk to read
the commission of the new Justice
w hich was signed by President Taft and
attested by Attorney General Wicker
sham appointing him to the high of
fice during good behavior The Jus
tices and the audience thPn rose to their
feet and Gov Hughes advancing to
the clerks desk grasped the time worn
Bible and read in a clear voice the
typewritten oath of office He then
kissed the Bible and bowed to his col
leagues who in turn returned the salu
tation Then Justice Hughes took his
place on the bench at tho extreme right
of the presiding Justice and close to
Justice Holmes
After Gov Hughes had been swim
In Justice Harlan feelingly announced
the death of the late Chief Justice Pul
ler referring to the great loss which
had been sustainod by the members of
the bench and out of respect to hill
memory no more business was transact
ed by the Court which adjourned
It is said that the docket Is the long
est and most varied ever arranged by
the Court It comprises 42 cases In 35
of which the Government Is cither a
party or interested in the litigation suf
ficiently to take part In tho argument
House Hunting
The President and Mrs Taft are hav
ing troubles of tholr own entirely un
allied with politics The house at Bev
erly by the sea which they have been
renting for the last two seasons belongs
to the very wealthy Mrs Evans and is
no longer for rent Mrs Evans whose
husband died Just after he rented the
property to Prosidcnt Taft has conclud
ed to return to Beverly and occupy her
own very large cottage adjoining tho
grounds of the Taft cottage She de
sires to make an Italian gardon of the
grounds on whloh the Taft cottage
stands and proposes to tear down the
house Just as soon as the Tafts leave
thoro for Washington This makes it
necessary for them to locate a new
home In readiness for next Summer
They have been hunting all about Bev
erly and have found nothing as com
modious and comfortable as the Evans
Mrs Taffs health is so much im
proved with her Summers residence
and quiet at Beverly that srMMs remain
ing longer than was expected- She will
not roach the White House much be
fore the last of this week It is thought
Miss Taft w ho is wltll her mother will
return to the White Hous with her
and will do the honors of the White
House for her father this Winter sav
ing her mother as much as possible It
is very frequently stated toff that it is
very much against Miss Helen Tafts
wishes that she gives up her school at
Bryn Mawr to do the society stunt
Army Chnnges
Orders are soon to be issued from tho
War Department transfeiring several
officers who are m command of geo
graphical militarv depaitmonts Brig
Gen Frederick Tunston now in com
mand ot tho Army service schools at
Fort Leavenworth Kan is to be as
signed fo duty at Manila in command
of the Department of Luzon probably
to take effect after the first of the com
ing year The present commander of
this department Brig Gen Ramsay D
Potts is in poor health and it may be
necessary to relieve him in a short
time In that case Gen Funston will
be sent to Manila before Jan 1
Brig -Gen Marion P Mans after Jan
1 Is to be transferred from duty at
Vancouver Barracks Wash In com
mand of tho Department of the Colum
bia to duty at Hollo P I in com
mand ot the Department of the Visa
vas as relief of Brig Gen Daniel H
Col Montgomery M Macomb Gth
rield Ait who becomes Brigadier
General upon retirement of Brig Gen
Albert L Mver on Nov 14 next Is to
be assigned to command of the District
of Hawaii with headquarters at Hono
lulu This district which will form a
part of the Department of California
was created by War Department orders
1 ist week Col Macomb has lately been
on dutv as Chief of Staff at the camp
of instruction at Fort Benjamin Harri
son Ind and before that time he was
on duty at the War Department as a
member of the General Staff and as the
representative of the field artillery He
has been succeeded on this duty by
Lieut Edwin St J Greble 3d Field
Art lately detailed as a member of tho
General Staff
Officers are yet to be selected to suc
ceed Gen Maus in command of the
Department of the Columbia Gen Fun
ston as Commandant of the Army Ser
vice school and Gen Myer as com
mander of the Department of Texas at
San Antonia Probably the head of the
Army Service Schools will be elected
from among those appointed Brigadier
Generals on retirement of Brig Gen
Walter Howe on Dec 13 next Brig
Gen Earl D Thomas on Jan 4
Gen William P Duval on Jan 13 or
Brig Gen Charles L Hodges on March
Maj Gen J Franklin Bell some
months ago was selected to succeed
Gen Duval In command of the Philip
pines Division at Manila onthe latters
retirement Gen Bell is now in Wash
ington after spending a leave of ab
sence in Europe following his relief
from duty as Chief of Staff He will
sail from San Franciico for Manila on
Dec 5 i i
Hnntrr Jfjers Dead
f i
It was with a distinct shock that the
friends of Hunter Mvers of this city
learned of his death last week Altho
he was 70 years ofiage he -was strong
and active and appeared tobe at least
20 years younger tnan ne rcany was
He attended the National Encampment
at Atlantic City and marched with the
veterans from the Department of the
Potomac and seemed as young as the
youngest and his death was entirely
unexpected He vvasa member or Kit
Carson Post 2 and -one of its Past
Commanders and most highly prized
and always energetic members Kit
Carson Post and members of the Loyal
Legion of which he was also a mem
ber had charge of the funeral and in
terment was In the National Cemetery
at Arlington with full military honors
Comrade Myers was born at Lancaster
O in 1S40 and made his home theie
until the outbreak of the civil war
when he enlisted In the 31d Ohio and
served with them thruout rising from
the rank of private to that of Captain
He came to this city shortly after the
close of the war and was appointed to
a position in the Government Printing
Office where he remained until ap
pointed in 1877 to the Examiners De
partment ot the Patent Office Later he
went into patent law for himself but
his health failing returned again to his
old position which he retained until his
death His widow survives him Com
rade and Mrs Myers have always been
prominent In all of the Grand Army
work In Washington Mrs Mvers is a
Past President ot Grant Circle Ladles
of the G A R and has beon particu
larly prominent in the patriotic work of
that organization
Washington Shocked
It takes a good deal to shock Wash
ington but it got its shock all right last
week Sheridan Circio is getting to be
one of the popular residential sections
of the city Just as Dupont Ciicle has
been for so many years Out in the
neighborhood of Sheridan Clrjle lives
Mrs Albert Clifford Barney and Mrs
Barney is due for a thrill a day any
how so far as society Is concerned Mrs
Barney has two daughters very beau
tiful girls and like herself artistic
and to this may be added somewhat
erratic All are In Europe just now
The older daughter Miss Alice Barney
has been studying sculpturing abroad
and one of her very first efforts is a life
size figure of her younger sister -Miss
Natalie Barney Miss Natalie is a very
pretty and charming young girl She
has a very pretty figure but to see her
delicately molded limbs modeled in cold
white marble in the altogether lying
out on the grass in the garden of Mrs
Albert Clifford Barneys home thoroly
startled blase Washington The figure
Is recumbent the face turned up to the
sky arm under head with the flowing
hair streaming out over arms and
shoulders The left arm Is thrown care
lessly across the upper part of the ab
domen and one doljcately molded foot
bt stretched out above the other which
is folded back under the body The fig
ure Is carved starl naked and it Is not
very woll carved at that
When this statue was discovered in
the Barney yard it was oqual to the
latest novelty in moving pictures for
attracting a crowJ The people of
vvuaiiiiiKiuu uimo3 moDoea me uurney
residence and nearly tore down pro
tecting fences in their efforts to get a
clearer view of tho nudei figure You
would have thought it was the sale yard
of a busted up automobile1 firm If you
would have notod hnd counted the swell
automobiles lined- up in ifront of the
Barney residence with their owners
cagorly searching for the marble figure
with opeia glasses Adjacent windows
were filled with the same morbidly curi
ous Taking it altogether there was a
pretty not scene with the mob which
the police were speedily called to quiet
as it gatnerea about the Barney
It is said that the matter of the nude
statue was carried to Maj Sylvester the
Chief of Police of Washington and that
ho peremptorily orderod the figure
draped Whether he did or didnt on
Tuesday morning the crowds that began
to gather early had their curiosity un
satisfied for the nude figure had been
enshrouded in yards upon yards of mus
The only explanation made of this
display of uncommon art la that the
marblo Is to decorate some portion ot
the interior of the Barney residence
and was so big It could not be taken
thru windows or doors and a special
opening would have to be made and so
the piece of sculpture was chucked
down beside the garden fence until it
could be gotten inside of the house
New Remarkable Stove Ohioans Great Invention Consumes 395 Barrels of Air to 1
Gallon of common Kerosene oil making Oil gas the new Fuel that looks and boms like gas
Wood coal and oil all coat money ONIjf FREE FUEL IS AIR Unlimited supply no trust in control Air belongi
to rich and poor alike We cant bum air alone but see here Our wonderful stove bums air and gas very
little gas principally air Takes its fuel almost entirely from the atmosphere
A miniature gas works penny fuel for every family save 1 2 to 1 3 on cost save dirt and drudgery no more coal
or wood to carry ashes unknown absolute safety
Astonishing but true time tested proven facts circulars give startline details overwhelming evidence
No such Stove sold in Stores unlike anything youve seen or heard of
Its as they
fer Mlendld
A Splendid Opportunity for Our Readers to Make Money Both Men and Women Write To day
From the Xew York Magazine 0 Hysteric j well known faot of the enormous expansive
Because air Is thp onlv froa fuel and nn nM1 ot oll eas when mixed with common air
trust in control Inventors have tried for years Kerosene oil from which oil cas Is made Is
to nnd u r ay by rhlch properties could besoMVy a ft10 Dur consumed as you
drann from the iinnntiRm wi tm1 i t would for a lamp Kallon lots or two let
for ceneral household purposes thus I Pennies do the work of dollars and save the
Inc the cheapest fuel obtainable
Understand you can not burn air absolutely
alone nut this new air generator actually
lanes its iui almost entirely rrom the at
mosphere so much so as to take In 395 bar
rels of air while consuming one gnllon of oil
The time has come at last when our readers
aro no longer compelled to continually drudge
wiin coai anu wooa nres or ainperous paso
llne for eery famllv who desires can he it
cook anil bake with oil ind air Kts the won
derful new fuel which frequently sates from
one ihlrd to one half on fuel bills What a
blessing this is to women folks who for the
first time In their IhM can sn no more coal
or wond or smok oil nick stole to makf life
miserable with ii ui drudserj so ruinous to
health and looks
tiioinvm iiik
Upon calling at the factol we found that
this intention has ciused a remarkable ex
citement all mfr the U S that the factory
Is aheidy rushed with thousands of orders
and exldently the Compinvw representatives
Valveless VSgftilBj
Wickless Automatic
Ol Gas and
Air Burner - rtm
As will be no-
tfl f mm fli fi -A
this nil- TXL
jras and air Ken- 0
erator Is entlreli
Z2 X MUtffttt l Sfyrn J
and ngents areJ l PJ U
making hie prof lRtX ri5 J3j3
in- V rljtL iJEiB
iiynfliw jt
izSr Tlt
l riJ
different from rt nt lenrratnr
any other stove
although its construction Is very simple
and durable last for years no wick not
oieit a valve jet heat is unuer prrieci control-
no leaks nothing to close or clog up
Dy simply turning a knob as you would a
Ann Unnh the nil is automatically fed to a
small steel burner howl or open trough when
It Is Instantly changed Into gas which Is
drawn upnards between two red hot perfora
ted steel chimneys all the while drawing In
about one barrel of air to- every large spoon
ful of oil consumed making quicK intense
hent This Intense heat Is concentrated at
burners Not thrown out to overheat room
Kitchen always cool ana comionaoie in hoi
weather Grandest and Best Summer Stoe on
Earth In winter use Itadlator Then intense
heat passes direct to lladiator on top of stove
and this great volume of heat Is thrown off in
all directions by eleven Radiator tube aided
by- one large central column with a distribut
ing surface equal to a cj Under Ave feet In
Every drop of fuel Is consumed goes Into
heat making hottest gas fire nothing wast
ed all the heat stays Inside and none goes
up the chimney for this stove requires no
pipes or flue connections use It anj where
about the house ollce or store move It about
as often as you like
This Invention has been ruuy protectee
I A It Conference
The 14th Pennsylvania State Confer
ence of the NationaJ Society of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
will convene in Warren Pa Nov 1 2
and 3 The members of the conference
will bf the suests of the Tidioute Chap
ter of which Mrs Henry H Cumminga
is Regent The other officers of the
Chapter are First Vice Regent Mrs
S K Walker Second Vice Regent Mrs
L L Hunter Recording Secretary
Mrs W J Elder Corresponding Secre
tary Mrs F C Parshall Treasurer
Miss S J Everson Registrar Mrs Wil
lis Cowan Historian Mrs B S Magill
Chaplain Mrs T C Eaton
It is expected that Mrs Donald mc
Lain of New York former President
Generil and Mrs Alexander T Patton
of Curwcnsville Pa will be present
An invitation has been extended to Mrs
Matthew T Scott President General of
the National Society and it is hoped
that she also can be present Other
people of note who have been invited
and will probably be present are Hon
Vice President General U S O A R
Mrs DeB Randolph Keim Reading
Vice President General from Pennsyl
vania Mrs Alexander T Patton Cur
wensville State Regent Mrs Allen P
Perley Williamsport Vice State Re
gent Mrs Smyser Williams York Sec
rotary Miss E L Crow ell Oak Lane
Treasurer Mrs T A Morrison
port Historian Miss M I stine west
Mrs Henry II Cummlngs who is Re
gent of the Tideoute Chapter will be
genoral host of the occasion She Is the
wife of e Commander Henry H Cum
mlngs of Tideoute and has rare execu
tive ability which has been manifested
in many ways in her patriotic work
Mrs Cummlngs has a most delightful
personality and charm of manner and
is an eloquent speaker She has been
prominent always in ths D A R work
of Pennsylvania and never counts eith
er time or money in carrying out her
love for the organisation of which she
is so prominent a member
I Can Eat All I Want to Now Im
Safe Because Ive Read the
Have you wind on the stomach sour
stomach constipation nausea heavy
recline after eating or any other bowel
or stomach trouble Then you are al
most sure to get a sudden attack of the
treacherous Appendicitis at some time
whsn vou least expect It
Do you want to get INSTANT relief
from all your bowol and stomach trouble
To be positively sate from Appendicitis
So vou can eat anything jou want and as
much as you want without eer evlng
Appendicitis a thought
Then write jour name below enclose
a 2 cent stamp and jou will get tho ADLER-I-KA
BOOK entirely free Its dif
ferent from any boolc jou over saw It
tells what only fejW doctors know It will
surprise and astonish jou It shows many
curious pictures and tell- how jou can
INSTANTLY relieve bowel or stomach
trouble how Appendicitis ia caused how
it can be cured without operation and
You wouldnt take 10 09 for what you
will learn from this book yet Its free
for a 2 cont stomp Address Adlerlka
Co Dept 28 St Paul Minn
Li ii fcn m LA1
difference At last humanity Is blessed with a
cheap fuel that makes no dirt ashes soot
removing forever the greatest nuisance that
women folks ever suffered
What a pleasure to Just turn the knob
touch i match a beautiful gas flams appears
hottest fire always ready on or off at will
self regulating no more attention same
heat all day or all night could anything be
more perfect
It generates the gas only as needed simple
handsome durable easily operated and an
other feature Is Its perfect safety This stove
Is so safe that you could drop a match in the
oil tank and It would go out
While at the factory in Cincinnati the
writer was shown thousands of letters from
customers who were using this wonderful oll
gas stove showing that it is not an experi
ment but a positive success and giving splen
did satisfaction and as a few extracts may be
interesting to the readers we reproduce them
Thos Vincent Wise M wife never had
anything she enjojed so much as your stove
No heated room or dirt I can heartily recom
mend your stove to any one desiring a clean
neat and economical stove It surpasses any
thing we ever saw
J C Campbell Nebr Tour stove gives
perfect satisfaction Would not part with it
for anything It is far superior to any other
oil or gasoline stove It is perfectly safe very
convenient economical and cleanly It is all
you recommend it to be A fine baker and a
great comfort to use It
IC II McVany W Va I cant do without
your stove one day It Is the best friend I
have The longer I use It the better I like It
and the better it gets
W H Goodwin Vt Harrison Oil Gas
Stove is the Leader of all oil stoves It cats t
be recommended too highly
U Waltz Texas We like the stove better
every day We think it Is a dandy cooker and
baker Have the best biscuits now we ever
hBB If Bachelor Texas My wife Is hlehly
delighted with the stove Wouldnot part with
It for any other stove made We are eating
the finest bread and other cooking that we
-what It Is recommended
over ate before It surpasses
ommended to do
Kev and Mrs
ts2j mr
Miller Ind We are
more than pleased with
the Harrison Oil Gas
Stove It Is a splendid
baker About one cent s
worth or oil will get a
meal for our family It
fflSlrP ififlH nil
J F Taulk Ml-
Find It costs less than half for iue
the U S Iatent Office and is known as the ne
Harrison Valvefc s Wickless Automatic Oil i or coal stoe besides if
fins nnd Air nnrator the only one let di
roered that consumes the carbon and
product of the oil
The extremely small amount of kerosene ofl
that Is needed to produce so large a olume of
trai makes t we bHeve the moat economical
fuel on earth and the reason for the great
success of this generator Is based on the
th pleasure of cooking
Int a
muul Kuuering witn tne neat
Aijents are Doing Tine Haling Big Honey
Geo Robertson of M o writes Am de
lighted with Oil Gas so are my friends
iook twelve orders In three days
J W Dean 3d Wis Cav New Lon
don Wis Comrade Dean is a retired
merchant and was a delegate to the
National Encampment where he was
one of three from his Department to
vota for John McElroy The other
two were Senator David G James and
Capt Pliny Norcross
J S Steven3 2d HI L A Seattle
Wash Comrade fctevens wa3 captured
twice during tho war once at Har
pers Ferry and again at Rogersville
Tenn and was 13 months in prison
J K Zook 9 111 Normal 111
Comrade Zook is a retired farmer and
confines himself to a tmall fruit and
garden plot
W H Wiscomb 11th Kan Spokane
Wash Comrade Wiscomb who is Com
mander of the Department of Washing
ton and Alaska G A R is a merchant
and carries on an extensive business
The Governor of Washington appoint
ed him a delegate to Gettysburg and
ie went from Washington to attend
tho meeting there He was accompanied
by his wife
Elliott C Irons 121st N Y Cedar
ville N Y Comrade Irons has been
A B Sllmp of Texas writes I want th
agency In a day and a half took over a
dozen orders
Edward Wilson of Mo writes The Ilar
rlson very satisfactory Sold five stoves first
day I had mine
J II Halman of Teon writes Alreadr
have seventy orders
This is certainly a good chance for our
readers to make money
Hundreds of other prominent people highly
endorse and recommend oil gas and there cer
tainly seems to be no doubt that It Is a won
derful Improvement over other stoves
The writer personally saw the Oil Gas
Stoves In operation In fact uss one In his
own home is delighted with its workings
and after a thorough investigation can say
to our readers that this Harrison Oil Ga
Stove made by the Cincinnati firm Is the only
perfect burner of its kind
It is made in three sizes 1 2 or J genera
tors to a stove They are made of steel
throughout thoroughly tested before shipping
sent out complete ready for use as soon as
re elved nicely finished with nickel trim
mings and as there seems to be nothing
about it to wear out they should last for
years They seem to satisfy and delight ery
user ana me uiiutets auj -
All our lady readers who want to enjoy the
pleasure of a gas stove the cheapest clean
est and safest fuel save one third to one
halt on fuel bills and do their heating cooklnr
and baking at smal ex-
pense should have one oi
these remarkable stoves
i The price of these
Rtnves Is remarkably low
only- 3 00 up And it 1
Indeed difficult to Imagine
where that amount of
money coma oe in
vested In anything
else that would bring
snch saving In fuel
bills so much good
health and
lilfiS smsk
tlon to our wives
A wonderful wave of excitement has swept
over the country for where shown these OlU
Gas Stoves have caused great excitement- OU
Gas fuel U so economical and delightful that
tho sales of these Stoves last month wer
enormous and the factory Is rushed with
thousands of orders
Sace prevents a- more detailed description
but these Oil Gas stoves will bear out the
most exacting demand for durability and sat
isfactory properties If you will write to the
only makers The World ilfg Co 800 World
Bids Cincinnati Ohio and ask for their
illustrative pamphlet describing this inven
tion and also letters from hundreds of de
lighted users you will receive much valua
ble information-
for full Information regarding this splendid
The World Mfg Co Is composed of promi
nent business men of Cincinnati Is perfectly
responsible and reliable capital 100000 and
will do just as they agree The stoves are
just as represented and fully warranted and
delivered promptly to any address Dont
fall to write for catalogue
a farmer but is on his way to St Cloud
where if he finds things as represented
he will purchase and make his home
W L Blackman 10th Conn Allen
town Pa Comrade Blackman is Pres
ident of a business college and was in
the city as a delegate to the congress
of the Humane Society He and his
good wife are both much interested ia
humane and social work
Former United States Senator Henry
G Davis toolc unusual interest in ths
annual County Fair in Elkins County
W Va a week or two ago and has on
exhibition products of his farm and gar
den besides the fine bull sent to him
a3 a present by William Jennings Bryan
from his herd of registered cattle
Read Whit We Will Do for AU Sufferers of Induesoon
Sick Headache tad All Forms of Stomicb Trouble
Send 10c to cover coat of mailing etc and
a plaster that will cure works like magic 01
the solar plexus which Is the center of the
sympathetic nerve system that controls th
digestive organs Write us NOW and we will
Btive you days- and weeks of misery Address
Ohio Remedy Co Box 141 Sta F Toledo O
Many soldiers who drew pension under the old law but now draw under at of Feb 6 1307
can now go back to old law and obtain further Increase Pensions and bounties procured for
soldiers and widows Patents procured for inventors 0er 2S years successful practice
Now write him- JOSEPH HUNTER Pension and Patent Attorney Washington D C
What You Want is a Friend One That is as True as Steel
We have f oun cf what you want our americax kitchen ED
A complete kitcheu equipment a utensil for every purpose A placa
for -everything fewer steps less annoyance more rapid work end
greater comfort
Kitchen duties made a pleasure Every item in this assortment ia
a household necessity every article is used daily Made of the highest
grade of crucible steel carefully tempered ground and polished by tho
latest improved process Eubberoid finish hardwood handles
mounted with nick6l plated ferrules
7 S jpa Ok I JL
y 7on H I i J B I
X H In AS f
mm I B X 9
mm I U
II n
I I u
If V y
y By I
Now is your opportunity to supply your kitchen with a compieta
cutlerj outfit All handles match making this set an ornament to
your kitchen The rack is made of wrought steel and is heavily
enameled in black In back of the rack a space is arranged to put
kettle covers trays and such articles of cooking utensils as are fre
quently and readily required
Price postpaid 125 or free for a club of three yearly subscribe
to The National Tribune
Address THE XATIOXAIi TRIBUXE Washington D O