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'rvfg Will. NUMBER 30 ;SS-45 The WHEN Suits and Overcoats! Values of the First Water. MsarewWs l-ftof ?1O and ?0- lilies—all kiu'is of patterns, choice ttS.45 IA'J)EKWEAR-<‘“e lot of Mens’ heavy wool i’eeced at 59c —Extra heavy fleeced at si 00. Fleeced with silk at §1 25. ta Values Till Saturday Night Only: One lot - f Mens’ Trous ers 50 and 8 (-.00 grades -odds and eiids--all kinds of patterns. Choice till Saturday night at 98 all( i BOYS’ CA PS formerly 25c and 50c—odds and ends —till Saturday night only at j ta Wind iws for Mors Bargains. The When Clothing Co. 30 to 40 N. Penn-St. WW YORK STORE .. ar • x ESTABLISHED 1553 ■MILE AGENTS BUTTERBCK PATTERNS. A Great Basement Sale \ of Housefurnishings.... Offerings in HJouso Needs that you Can Not At ford to Miss. ' " Zt ‘douiile Roasting Pans, worth fiOc o’ ' e Ci a customer for 25c each. 111 Water Pails, 25c ones for 15c. bjhn (' • ’’'Wite Dish Pans for 29c each, y Bice Boiler for 35c each. v tJI ash Boilers for 39c. 1 ’‘^auiz- d \Vash Beilers for 49c. ' 1 ‘-vice Pans for 10c, 12c and 15c. y ' J p e r, Brussels, Lenox, regu- Fk ;- n °f<T si 98. Express Wagons for $1.49 RTIS DRY GOODS COMPANY. The WHEN Overcoats in Black, Blue and Brown Kerseys, easily worth §l2 choice §8.45. A lot of Mens' Trous ers, broken sizes and odds and ends of $4.50 and 5$ grades go till Saturday I night only at $3.98. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 19C0. PHILIPPINE QUESTION Degire for Gain Should Not Call for Force —Establish a Republic and End the War. From the Indianapolis Press. The Union veteran is the one unique and original character of his genera tion. He so loved the Constitution of the United States and the princi ples of government it wa« made to protect that bo was willing to die, if through his dea’h other Americans could be made secure in liberty pro tected by law. To-day he is the living incarnation of American patriotism, He believes in seif-government in the abstract, and demands that it be granted to all nations; he hates mon archy in all its forms everywhere; he has an abiding faith in the common people, and wobld trust them a thou sand times further than any monarchy or military hero on earth. The Un ion veteran believes the Constitution tube the supreme rule of action of the Government of the United States, by which all the people, by which all the states and territories are to be controlled; he goes one step further, and lays down the broad doctrine that the Constitution is the “Ark of the Covenant” of the people’s liberties, and that to obey its commands is God lincss, while to disobey its plain pro visions is treason, the penalty of which is and always should be, death. The Union veterans know that so loeg as the Constitution is enforced, the liberties of the people will be secure, and he believes that when it is disre garded openly, the liberties of the people will be destroyed. He was edu cated in love of liberty and Constitu- amt $l-65 each. 3 <it GY’anite Tea and Coffee Pots for 25c eachX Puritan vMI Stoves, best on earth for $5. New Boxes, with shelf, hangs on wall, nicv Enameled, for 90c each. s worth 15c, for 10c. Galvani Tubs, family size, reg- ular (> •■», for each. G 1 be Wj>h Boarcta Reg. 20c ones for 12c. KEW u/SEMENT. r A Union Veteran’s Answer to Senator Beveridge. tion, by object lessons, in an event he cannot forget if he would; it was burned into his memory in the cruci ble of the greatest war of all the ages, aid hence it is that his faith is an choied to the theory of government by consent. He knows that there are only two kinds of government, one of which is that of force, the other that of consent. That in the former, might makes right, while in the latter right alone can make right. He sub scribes without reservation to Abra ham Lincoln’s declaration that here in America man is the only king known to the law, and that money and j commerce are his servants. He also maintains with the great Lincoln that other elementary doctrine—that “when one man Haimi the right to govern himself, that is self government, but when one man claims the right to gov ern himself, and also the right to gov ern another man, that would be ty ranny.” The Union veteran is a diligent stu dent of history and of current events; he has read, and studied with care, 1 the speech delivered in the Senate | January 9, 1900, by Senator Beveridge : on the Philippine question, and he realizes that it is at variance with cer tain fundamental principles that the veteran has been taught all his life were absolute essentials to our nation al life. These are: First, the right of the Ameiican people under the Con stitution, to control and govern the people of the Philippine Islands. The SentAor says, “The times call for can dor.” Let us then be candid, and as honest as we are candid. From what competent authority has the United S’ates obtained the right to control and govern the Philippine Islsnds? This is the elementary and paramount question in the controver sy. The American people (they are the Government) cannot claim the right by conquest, because they offi cially declared, before the war with Spain begun, on the solemn pledge of their national honor, the highest pledge they could make, that they did, not go to war for “conquest,” that the war would be waged in the sacred in terests of humanity; hence it is that the right cannot originate in conquest, and if not from it, then from what comi etent source could it emanate? Have the people of the islands peti tioned our Government to control and govern them? It is the truth, that no Am.rican pa triot can aflord to crush by force of arms a people who were our allies in the war with Spain, and who have pleaded and petitioned, and are now, in their weakness, fighting fur the right to govern themselves. Second, Senator Beveridge declares “that not to exceed one thousand per sons in all the islands are capable of self-government;” and he also says j “that the people of the islands of Pa lluan, Sulu and Mindanao must be | ruled indefinitely by the strictest mil itary government.” If this is the truth, then, the veteran will ask, can the great Republic, that derives all of its powers from the people, engage in the business 1 of establishing “the strictest military government in three of the islands” a “catch-as-catch-best can” form of government in the rest of the archipelago? The Nation is where it must decide whether in the future it is to be a government by con sent or by force. Neither those now in authority nor their masteis—the people—can evade this question. If self-government is the true theory of government; if our patriot fathers did not fight and die in vain; if the Un ion veterans fiom 1861 to 1865 were right in preserving the Constitution, j then the Senator must be in error in ■ his argument and in his conclusions. The veteran will repeat, there are only two kinds of government—one of force, the other by consent. These are as unlike as heat and cold. In 1 government by force might mak c s i right, and the Kir g can do no wrong. In government hy consent right alone ' msk s might, and no question is ever settled until it is settled right. So it j will be with this Philippine question. 'lt must be settled right. It cannot be (7t? J!fro-American Newspapers isoa-rjui, ..) true that this Government, whose founders—God-fearing men as they were—under His guidance, after a seven years war, established and dedi cated it to the cause of human liberty protected by law, will so forget its glorious past as to abandon Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, with its peaceful reign of right, to enter upon an era of commercial conquest or the subjugation of weak and defenseless nations, the inevitable result of which will be, if we can judge the future by the past, to cause our own people to lose their own liberties and their gov ernment to enter upon a blood-stained reign of might. The Senator spoke eloquently in favor of “Commerce and our Imperial Destiny in the East.” There cannot ba in a Republic even an approach to ward ‘ impelialism,” without the very gravest danger to the liberties of the people, while the rights of “commerce” are to be held at all times subordinate to the rights of the citizens. What shall be done? The Govern ment is at war, its heroes are dying nearly half way round the globe, and a mountain of debt is being created— in the sum of a million dollars a day— every dollar of which labor will be compelled to pay. The war should end at once. How can it end in hon or? Every patriotic American wants it to end in honor. Let Congress lay aside partisanship long enough to en able its me mbers to be American pa triots and the seemingly knotty prob lem will be solved. There is only one honorable thing for our Government to do. If Congress will be as faithful to its duty to-day as the Union veteran was to his duty from 1861 to 1865, not another hero in blue will die in battle in the Philippines, and in the far away East will arise a republic, with the Government of the United States as the friend and ally, to say to the monarchies of the world—hands off. And—then what? Why this, the American people will close the war as they began it—in the sacred interest of humanity. A paramount responsi bility rests upon the administration now in authority. Let every patriot pray that in this crisis of our national history, those in authority may rice to the demands of the hour, and taking counsel from the history of the past, and lessons from Washington, Jeffer son, Jackson and Lincoln, stand reso lutely in favor of the principles of self-government and an honorable peace. J. B. Cheadle. Frankfort, Ind., Jan. 18, 1900. The World’s Biggest Things < From The Indianapolis Independent America has 426 colleges. The United States leads the world in the starch output. The jewels belonging to the British crown are worth $15,000,000. Wooden legs are used by over 1,- 000.000 English-speaking men. The English breath is scented with 10,000,009 bushels of onions each year. Forty tuns of rust have been taken out of the Menai iron tubular bridge at one cleaning. The principal county in England for fruit cultivation is Devon, where there are 25,955 acres of orchards. Tha yearly cost of maintaining the parks under the control of the Lon don county council is nearly 8500,000. The consumption of horseflesh as human food in Paris during 1898 was 4,472 tons, derived from 20,878 horses, 53 mules and 282 donkeys. About 2,000 sailing vessels of all kinds disappear in the sea every year, carrying down 12,000 human beings, and involving a loss of about 810,000,- 000. The Singer Sewirg-machine Com pany has 812,000,000 invested in gov ernment bonds, making it one of the largest holders of that class cf securi ties. A recent estimate indicates that each man, woman and cnild in New York uses a ton of ice annually, or at least that would be the allowance if PRICE FIVE CENTS the total amount consumed were divided equally. New York is by far the most important ice market in the world. The death of Chicago’s tallest and thinnest citizen is announced. He was 7# feet tall and weighed 125 pounds. He was quite appropriately born in Poland. An ingenious mechanical device pastes paper labels on 100,000 cans in 10 hours. Down a chute rolls a cease less procession of cans and each can picks up a label as it passes. Mrs. Rebecca Van Zandt, who died at Seneca Falls,N. Y.,aged 106, had been personally presented to and had shaken hands with every governor of New York, except Roosevelt. Letters dropped in the po'toffice at Paris are delivered in Berlin ini# hours and sometimes within 25 min utes. The distance is 750 miles, and the letters are sent through pneumat ic tubes The heaviest train ever hauled on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, with one engine, on March 17, 1899, was a coal train of 50 steel cars, weigh ing 6,459,108 tons, of which 4,758,100 was coal. The highest income received by any church singer in Europe or Amer ica is 81,500 a year paid to Miss Clem entina de Vere for her services as leading soprano in Dr. Paxton's church New York. At a test of interior standpipes at the Manhattan Life Building, New York, water was forced to the top of the building, 310 feet above the street, with sufficient force to send a stream 75 feet higher. The Monthly Weather Review states that the greatest; thickness of ice on the harbors and rivers of the country during the past winter was during the week March 20-57 at Moorhead, Minn., when ice 44 inches was meas ured. I The recent record obtained at the Indian Head proving-grounds of 3,000 feet a second velocities for the shells of one of the new 45 caliber 6 inch naval guns of the United States is declared by ordinance of ficials to be the best showing ever made by a gun of this class. At Asti, California, 2 years ago, a cistern 104 feet long by 31 feet wide and 24 deep wa< formed in a hillside for the storage of wine. The immense tank was lined wi'h concrete 2 feet thick and coated inside with a glaze as impermeable as glass. The capac ity of the tank is 500,000 gallons A,dog show by the Kennel Club at the Crystal Pal ce, London, a year ago had 2,357 entries of hign quality. In the collie class, Southport by Per fection, valued at £'>,OCC (825.000,) won all the prizes. George R. Sims won the championship in the bulldog class with his dog Barney Barnatc. The largest salary received by any person in the United States was paid to Mr. lltnry B. Hyde, late president of the Equitable life insurance com pany, New York, which he founded, leaving a clerkship in the Mutual Life company forthat purpose. For years his salary was 8100,000 a year. A shaft recently completed for the Boston Elevated Railway is 22 feet long, and the diameter of the fly wheel fit is 37 inches; the diameter of journals, 31 inches; f he diameter of the crank disk fit, 32 inches. The shaft is hollow, the axle hole being 17# inches in diameter. The weight is 65,410 pounds. With “peace on earth, good will to mm” theoretically in the ascendant, practically almost every nation is overtaxed to meet the exp-nses of maintaining its army aud navy. France runs behind to the amount of 8100,010,000; Austria has an annual dtfi it of 880,000,000; Russia of $50,- 090,000, and Italy of 83'J,000,000. And Great Britain and the United Slates are, “though slightly disfigured still in the ring.” The great teiiscope which will be seen at the Paris Exposition is in- 1 Continued on Eighth Page.