OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. [volume] (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1891-1891, October 29, 1891, Image 5

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016245/1891-10-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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i JilOii.iiyiii'iij' ii . "" - w
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"'"T-1 nr-ptjt' "S'WS,V''S I"'T.' m ''ws&r? rTt iSjo'
, ?, r.
v &'"'; rv
W'StwnUw VWh un.
"jff, - '
Tho "C P" eorsct for sale at llnm-
Nuw.Hmnn bowing niacliini', l J.
lliniim-n, agent. - ",.
irent furnUkuilroom. Apply at
this olUcc.
" M S. S. Ackers lias moved Into his now
-' m'sUU'iieu south of tho railroad track.
C. Osborn will lmvo Ids photograph
' , iiHorv oiion on Santurdays and Sun-
For a stylishly trimmed hat mjo Mrs.
"f- ,jVlvniil. Slio can please yon every
;.' Seo tho ONtra heavy Random mixed
' men's underwear at Uranium's, 1 a
- suit.
See Uranium's line of lino shoes;
urlecs are low. Wo have a dandy
$2.C0 ladies' s-hte.
Tlio place to get tho value of your
. . . . 1M... .,.1V 1
money Is at bauinairs, riagsum
Tivwmieof those delicious chocolate
caramels just receled fresh from the
k factory by Switzer & Sou.
The ttiordan Mercantile Comnauj
have put on a new delivery wagon.
It is painted in showy colors and is a
"handsome chicle.
Oh, mamma!" "What is it mj
dear?" "Slang, mamma, that's all."
Still she buys her chewing gum ot
Switzer & Son.
1'iof. dalles A. Bailey, piano tuner,
of Pomona, Cal., will bo in Flagstatt
by Np ember 1. Leave orders with
Miss M. Freeman.
A. U. Van Horn and wife left Tues
day for Beaumont, Texas. Mr. Van
Horn has a position with a large lumbci
firm as foreman of their saw mills.
' Mr. A.Wallgreen, who has been ein
ploved at tho mill for oomotimcleavea
this week for a trip to tho Grand Can
yon and will be gone for two weeks.
It is well worth auyon6"s uhile to
.stop hi at Switzer Ss Son's and see the
teauliful display of candies mado in
their store anil it is jiisi as mcu as u
Don't fail to visit Mr L. A. Al void's
when j on want anything in millinery,
ladles'" underwear, gloves or hosiery,
or, in fact, anything for the ladiw or
Cigars, cigars and cigars, direct
fiviu uw lork factoiies. A large
Mock just received. Samples to the
tiado furnished ou application. M.
SjUJaiA. .-- "
' Babbitt Bros. Monday sold a couple
'of wagon loads of goods to parties from
' Gila County. As a trading point Flag
staff is tho best town along tho line of
the A. & P. railroad. ,. '
iHillnsuumcaVrelurued this week
from a trip to San Francisco, Cal.
where ho purchased a stock of line
Htiuours and cigars. He expects to
open his new place iu a few dajs.
It. Grahan an.l fam.ly of Prineville,
Oregon, arrived In Flagstaff Monday,
andwlll make this their future home.
They made the journey with team and
wagon and were 15 days ou tho road.
Sheriff Gib-son of Los Angeles county,
spent Saturday and Sunday iu Flag
staff, and during his stay isited tho
Cliff Dwellers. He returned to Los
Angeles on Saturday, night's passenger.
Accordiug to Dr. Day there are
now over fifty cases of typhoid fever Iu
Jerome, and man families are in a
destitute condition. This is an unus
ual condition for any place in Arizona.
' Jerome needs sissistanco her neigh
1,0 ring towns will gladly come to the
aid . 1'w citizens. ThVsanitary con
i dition f that prosperous camp must
bo in a very bad condition.
The Journal-Miner says: W. A.
Kowe ha o received tho following from
President Harrison through 0. L.
Pruden, assistant secretary: "I am
direutedby the president to acknow
ledge the re ceipt of your resolutions
passed by tho constitutional conven
tion of Arioua, lelaliye to a survey of
certain lands ownul by the Atlantic &
MV'U'ifio railroad company, and to In
form you that it has been referred to
, tho oecrelary of tlio interior for con-
An exchange pertinently says:
Tlio men who hurt a town are the
.,,iuon who oppose public Improvements.
Town buililerti do not seek tho deadest
.owns as the field of their operations
v u order to display the greater skill
should they be successful,' but wisely
choose the field for operations where
they have tho best chances for suecexs.
One. mossbaek can do more to pull a
towu down than six public spirited
meii'ean do to build it up."
Special Deputy Sheriff Spencer ro-
. turned from Gallup Tuesday afternoon,
having' in custody Steve Mllllgau,
wauted for forgery iu Lo Angeles,
California. MiWgan had been arrested
on a warrant from Ui Augelos,.auti
placed in the jail hero awaiting the
- W arrival of Sheriff UJosoii oi i.os Aiigcica,
E&: but escaped from tho jail last Friday
V)t' night. Notwithstanding the prisoner
Abelng aided to escape ly outside par-
.ties, he could not escape the vlgilenco
:of the officers and will bo Mimed on
'. to the Los Augclf authorities,
Salzman, Williams.
Salzman, Flagstaff. "
Go to lirannen's for ladles', wraps.
Salzman, Flagstaff and Williams.
F. It. Nellls, of Williams, was in the
county seat, Tuesday.
Overcoats, overcoats, cheap, cheap,
at P. J. lirannen's.
Tho latest styles in fall and winter
millinery at Mrs. Alvord's Millinery
and Dressmaking Parlors.
"You ain't in it" unless you treat
your girl to a box of those delicious
caramels that Switzer & Sou put up.
T. A. Brown, former! agent of tho
A, & P. railroad at this place, hut now
agent at rrescott Junction, lias re
signed, Mr. Brown intends leaving
for Taeoma, Washington, about No
vember 8d.
Tlio Perrin Cattle Company havo
shipped nearly two thousand head of
eattlo from their ranches this .summer
to Slionefel & Jones, Sail Francisco.
Tho last shipment, a few days, from
Ash Fork, was 800 head.
Section Foreman York, of Bellemont,
has been promoted to roadmastcr and
left Tuesday for Needles. His division
extends from Peach Springs, Arizona,
to Danby, California. Mr. York is
deserving of promotion as hehasserved
tlio A. & P. railroad faithfully.
Major Long, of Kansas City, Mis
souri, was a passenger on Monday's
west bound passenger train. Mr.
Long is a large stockholder in the
0. K. Mining and Milling Co. Their
mines are located in Gold Basin, Mo
liove County, forty-five miles north of
Hackberry. The property is a pro
ductive one, but has been idle for the
past ear. Tho mine and mill will bo
started up again iu a few weeks.
linking Vowilcr 11111 l'usscd by tlio
Minnesota Semite.
Tho recent ncusper discussion of tho
dangerous qualities of ammonia comes
from tho alarming increase of its uso
iu baking powders. People who ab
sorb it small quantities from day today
suffer from slow ammonia poisoning.
Taken internali iu sufficient quanti
ties it eats away tho coating of tlio
stomach and intestines and causes
death. Slow ammonia poisoning pro
duces various forms of stomach tumbles.
Not one woman in ten thousand
would use an ammonia baking powder
if sho knew it. Such baking powders
not only undermine the health, but
Ammonia imparts asallowand blotched
Followiug is the bill recently passed
by the Minnesota senate. It's tho
danger signal which tlio law throws
out for the protection of the people:
5JU1I xor an cr 10 j.cku'uic uiu
Tralllcln linking I'uirdrr.
Section 1. Any person who shall knowingly
11 or procure lor sale, or oiror tor wiloof uny
icltuxu or ran of linking l'ovtiler, coiitalnlne
iiny Ammonia it, not ubtincuy, icgiuiy unu
durably branded, stamped or marked In a
Conspicuous plaro with tlio words In tho Kn
Kllali language "This Making l'ondercoiitalns
Ammonia" In letters of great pica, or nny
letters equivalent thereto In length, shall lie
Kullt) ot a luUdemeanor, and punished by n
dnu not less llinn 120 or mora than fjO: shull
ho court nvd In tho County Jail not less thau
ten or mora than twenty iliiys or by both lino
and Imprisonment, lit tho discretion of tho
cuolloiiS. Tho salo or offer lor solo or tho
subsi;meo mentioned In tho foregoing section
in packages not stamped, marked, branded,
or labeled as therein required, shall bo prlma
Inclo ovldenro of knowledge of tho character
of wild substance, on tho put of tlio person so
svllm,; or ottering for sulo and his employer,
section a. This act shall bo Iu forcoon
and ufierlts passage.
Note. An Incident occurred In the house
when tho senate bill catuo up for passage. In
reference to mi amendment proposed by Mr,
Tllmeut. This wus opposed by several mem
bers Mr. relgsaidtbatlfthoblllaslt camo
from tho senate was all right then tlio amend
ment wus nil wrong. Tho amendment com
pelling tho printing of tlio word "Ammonia"
on tlio label only uuectcd the Koyul liaklng
I'mrftfir mill ltn urnnrlni tliAV foil tlin U)ti!itn .
bill was u blow at them. St. Paul Dispatch.
Tlio .School Hell.
This column is devoted to the Flag
staff public school, and U conducted by
pupils in tho advanced department
thereof, with occasional hclpfrom their
Through tho kindness of the editor
we, the jmpilsof Flagstaff public school,
mount tho journalistic perch and open
our eyes to the stern realities of an
existence. After making our little
bow we will assume all tho dignity of
tho position, aud aiming high, en
deavor to cast into the "Sun" only
those items which will make .the glo
rious luminary shine with increased
splendor and glory, and, leaching pa
rents and friends, warm them into
closer sympathy with us ami our works.
Monday the school was favored with
u visit from Mrs. D. Wallace and Mrs.
Win. Ashurst.
Seven now pupils entered the inter
mediate room during tlio month of
Pearl Barney and Martha Bristow
arc absent this week on account of
Mckness. Miss Delia Powell, of the
advanced room, is also III.
Cora Boswell and Lillian Grace are
absent from school this week.
Edgar Jones entered school Monday
and Freely Frye returned to school,
after au absence of some weeks.
Ask Willo Ashurst what isthocapital
of South AmericaP
What Is the meaning of cattle?
Eille Yancey out of school Friday ou
account of sickness.
Ira Iloxwoith has left school and
gono to Scligniati, A. T.
Tlio primary and intermediate rooms
are to have a "Mothers Day," Every
mother In Flagstaff is invited to come,
Further announcement will bo made
as to the time.
Ilannv and content is a home with "The Ro- I
I :bcster; a lamp with the li.ht of tho morning. I
I Catvvfr,TOttR9cbf:tKLuBpC?otton'Y:lF. '
Read tho pioposed constitution.
E. 11. Bayless and.wifo of Williams,
spent Wednesday iu tho county seat.
Font" Humphrey, of Prcscott
Juuetion, is spending a few days in
E. S. Wilcox has a force of men at
work widening and deepening tlio
townsite ditch.
I). W. Furbish, train dispatcher at
Williams, passed through town yester
day on his return from Albuquerque.
C. It. Bayless aud family leave to
day for Prcscott Junction, whore they
will reside. Mr. Bayless will build a
residence at that place.
John Saudersou is receiving ship
ments of the choice cuts of pork, sau
sage, and head cheese on Thursday of
each week. These moats ho sells for
cash and at low prices.
A ihootlug affray occurred at Hol
brook on Wednesday morning be
tween sonic Mexicans aud cowboys in
which two Mexicans were killed. No
particulars of tho affair can bo learned.
Wallace Jones, a gentleman of color,
charged with discharging lire arms
in tho street, was before Judge Layton
yesterday. Ho was lined thirty dol
lars for his fun, in default of .which ho
took thirty days ou the ditch.
M. J. Itiordan returned Tuesday
from a four weeks trip to tlio cast.
Ho was accompanied by his sister, Mrs.
Ketclium and two children, of Chi
cago, who will spend secral weeks
here with relatives.
PnusuYTEiiiAN Ciiuucir Rev. Robe
Coltman, pastor. Services, Sabbath
November 1, 1891; Sunday School,
10 u. in.; morning service, 11 a. iu.
Subject, "In Spirit and in Truth."
Evening service, 7:!50 p.m. Subject,
"Money Answereth all Thing." A
cordial welcome for all to these ser
vices. G. K. Gilbert, chiefof the geological
survey, and Marcus Baker of Washing
ton City, arrived here Monday. Theso
gentleman leave to-day for the locality
where the meteoric fragments are
found. It is believed that an euui-
mous meteor lull in that vicinitv at
some past period, and they will en
deavor to find tho placo where itstruek
tho earth.
Territorial Fish Commissioner Walter
J. Hill, returned last night from a
months trip to Colorado. While ai:
Leadville Mr. Hill mado arrangements
with the government iish hatcher
there for something over 12,000
trout for his ponds at Volunteer
Springs. They were shipped in tlio
U. S. Fish Commission Car No. 2,
and Mr. Hill accompanied tho cur
which arrived at Bellemont on train
No. 1 last night. Tlio iish were taken
immediately to the ponds aud the car
returned ou train No 2 this morning.
Tho fish vary in size from three to
fifteen inches In length.
Their Twcnty-nrtli Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grace celebrated
their silver weddlngaiiniversary at their
residence iu Flagstaff" ou Saturday
evening, October 21. Silver weddings
are somewhat rare and are notable
events. A largo number of tho friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Grace congratulated
them and made the occasion a pleas
ant one by their tokens of remem
brance. During' the evening au de
collation was partaken of,
Among the presents received were tho
following: Mr. and Mrs. Finney,
pickle castor; Mr. and Mrs. D. Babbitt,
berry dish and spoon; Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Braunan, butter dish; Mr. and
Mrs. George Babbitt, card receiver;
Dr. I). J. Brannen, jelly dish; Mr. and
Mrs. McMillou, syrup pitcher; Mr.
George Cook, spoon holder; Mi. J.
M. Brannen, sugar bowl; Mr. aud Mrs.
Downs, cream pitcher.
Mllltlu Inspection.
Adjutant Gunuhal's Office
Phoenix, Ocfbbcr 23, 1891
Ge.nehal OmiEits, )
No. 0.
I. Captain E. J. McCIernaud, Sec
ond United States Calvary, having re
ported to the Governor for inspection
duty, in compliance with tho orders of
tho Secretary of War, he is hereby as
signed to duty as Inspecting Officer.
Ho will bo obeyed accordingly.
II. The companies composing the
Natonal Guard of Arizona will assem
ble at their respective, armories for in
spection, its follows:
Companies C and I, Tuesday, No
vember 10; Company A, Wednesday,
November 11; Company II, Monday,
November 1C; Company B, Tuesday,
November 17; Company E, Thursday,
November l'J; Companies D and F,
Friday, November 29; Compauy G,
Monday, November 23.
The hour for inspection will bo
designated hereafter,
III. Regimental and Battalfon head
quarters will be inspected at their re
spective stations, November 11, 17
and 20.
IV. Battalion and Company Com
manders will see that their respective
commands tire prepared to execute all
orders promptly. It is Important that
a full attendance bo present at tlio in
spections, and everythingdoneto facili
tate the work of the inspecting officer.
By order of the Governor.
Edwin S. Gill, Adj't General.
Mr. Gonzales Hrlusrs Suit Against
tlio Trustee or tho rioRstnir
Townsite. ,
The Flagstaff townsite is again in
trouble with Sirs. Emma Gonzales.
Suit has been brought against the trus
tco by her for the recovery of that
portion of tho townsite which lies on
both sides of the railroad, and em
braces eighty aerw, and covers tlio
most valuable and thickly settled por
tion of tho town. Her attorneys aro
Copp As Luckett of Washington, I). C,
and 'Wilson & Brown of Prcscott, and
the suit is brought in the U. S. Dis
trict Court at Prcscott This is tho
third case against the townsito brought
by the present litigant. In the for
mer cases which were before the land
department the rulings were against
her. Tho same grounds aro taken in
tlio present suit as in tho former ones.
Tho citizens of Flagstaff residing ou
the contested laud, have uo fear of tho j
outcome, but they are very much an
noyed at tho inconvenience and expense
that it will put them to, and it is prob
able that tho case will bo carried to tho
,T t o i t i. ii
U. b. Supremo court before it is dually
Tho citizens interested held a meet
ing at the office of Judge N. G. Layton
ou Monday night to take action iu tho
matter. E. S. Gosuey was chosen
chairman and N. G. Layton secretary.
Tho sentiment of the meeting was
unanimous in favor of contesting the
claim of Mrs. Gonzales, and a com
mittee of five, consisting of tho follow
ing gentlemen: M. Salzman. A. II.
Beasley, Geo. Babbitt, J. F. Daggi
aud M. S. Ileal, was appointed to se
cure council and take such other steps
as they might deem advisable for the
interest of the townsitcrs. Tlio in
terested parties will be called togethei
when tho committee is ready to report
which will bo at an early day.
tuaix wui:cki:i.
Tlio Sun Francisco Express Ultclicc
Near J'lncveta.
A serious wreck on the A. & P. oc
curred to passenger train No. 'J, dtu
bore at 8:5'J Monday morning last.
iV broken rail caused all the cars ti.
ie.ivo the track, throwing them dow.
an incline upon their sides. Ncait
every passenger on board was more oi
less shaken up, but only a few wort
bruised, none seriously. Chief Surgeoi.
Kaster was a passenger iu a specia.
ear attached to the train. Tho wreck
was soon cleared away and trains are
uow running ou time.
Arizona Cuttle.
Live stock ou ranges is the title of a
report just issued from the census de
partment, In which the district of Ari
zona is treated as follows:
"Schedule returns were received
from 987 herds. The character of tht
country is mountainous, general! with
broad, saiuly aud barreu plains, having
limited supplies of forage aud water.
The winters are not severe. Arizona
is classed as au arid region. Although
subject in midsummer to heavy rain
tnd great Hoods, tho rainfall is no!
sufficiently distributed throughout tin
year to prevent long periods of drouth.
Tlie ranges are not as a rule over
crowded, and wool growers have not
as yet occupied extensive ranges, ex
cept in Apache and Yavapai counties.
The range stock of Arizona is roportot'
is follows: Cattle 059,758; horses 18,-
557; mules and burros 1,203; slice
412,709; 3,013. Mature slock in tin
extreme western counties, aside fron
home consumption, finds a market it
the Pacific coast towns, while from tin
northern and eastern counties, when
large herds are located, the market h
in tho distant eastern cities.
The great distance from market and
long continued hostilities of tho In
dians havo greatly retarded the devel
opment of Arizona's live stock proba
bilities. As a range section it is lcs.'
densely stocked than any other grazing
region iu the United States. While oi
late years the range cattle and horst
Industries have been depressed, the
sheep industry is reported as in good
A miner named Dovedone committed
suicide at Globe last Thursday. .
Can always be made with Dr. Price's Cream Baking
Powder. And while cakes and biscuit will retain their moist
ure, they will be found flaky and extremely light and fine
grained, not coarse and full of holes as are, the biscuit made
from ammonia baking powder. Price's Cream Baking Pow
der produces work that is beyond comparison and yet costs
no more than the adulterated ammonia or alum powders.
Dr, Price's stands for pure food and good health.
Hoard of Trade Mcctlnjr.
The regular monthly meeting of tho
Board of Trade was held at the office
of W. L. Van Horn on Wednesday
evening. There was a good attend
ance, and many matters of interest
were discussed. V. L. Van Horn, J.
II. Hoskius and A. T. Cornish were
appointed u committee to arrange for
a display of the products of Coconino
county at tho depot. Tlio secretary
was instructed to correspond with tho
Atlantic and Pacific railroad officials
in regard to securing local freight
tariff rates from Flagstaff. A vote of
thanks was tendered Mr. C. II. Fan
clier for his efficient aid on tho display
of Coconino county products at tho
New Mexico fair. Tho matter of au
excursion lino and rates to the Grand
Canyon was discussed. E. S. Wilcox
called the attention of tho Board to the
mutilation of the Cliff Dwellers' ruins,
and suggested that means be taken to
j protect them.
A Mystery.
Ilnw tho human system ever recovers from
tho bad elfecU of tlio nauseous medicines
nflen lltnnillv nnnred Into It for tho SUDDOSI-
tivo relief of dyspepsia, liver complaint, con-
Jtlpatlon. rheumatism and other aliments. Is
auuysiery. lnomiscineiuouony uau meui
clncu Is scarcely less than that caused by dl
scaso. If tliey who uro weak, bilious, dys
nontlc. conciliated or rheumatic, would
of toner bo guided by tho experience of Inva
lids who havo thoroughly tested Uostettcrs
Stomach Hitters, they would In every In
stance obtain the speediest aid derivable
from rational medication. This medicine Is
a searching and at tho samo time a thor-
niiL'hlv safe, remedy, der'ved from vegetable
sources, and possessing. In consequence of Its
Dams or pure spirits, properties asu meuicinui
stimulant not to bo found In tho Hery local
litters of tan resorted to by tho debilitated
dyspeptic and languid.
New Yoitic, Oct. 22nd, 1891.
The Illinois Chapter of Daughters of
.he Revolution met at Chicago on
Tuesday. The objects of the Society
are to purchase the field of Valley
forge, for which 55,000 is required,
aud tho making of a revolutionary ex
hibition at tlio World's Fair, It is in
tended to exhibit a model of a colonial
.Mansion, iu which all the appointments
are to bo genuine relics of the Revolu
tionary epoch. They received tho
.ollowing letter from Mrs. Harrison,
and it was read at tho meeting.
ExecutiveMaxsion, )
.Vasiuxuton, l. C, Oct. 2uth. j
"it is with great pleasure that I
take up my pen to send you words of
greeting and encouragement. Your
regent, Mr. Osborne, has kindly placed
.u my hands oue of your programmes
containing the outline of stud for the
joining ear. I am delighted that
your chapter has shown so much wis
dom in pi eparing the work for your
members, and 1 teel assured that the
u omen who are so educating them
selves with the history of their own
country, familiarizing themselves with
its establishment, struggles and suc
cesses aro best fitted to "rock tlio
cradles" of the future rulers." Very
Truly, Caiiolink Scott Haiuusox.
A Now Yorker who was coining up
iho country tho other day found hini
jelf occupying a scat in a eoacli with
an old farmer, and after some general
conversation the subject of tho weather
was broached.
"Have you noticed?" queried the
-New lorker, "that every weather
prophet in tho country is predicting a
urd winter?"
"I I expect I have," answered the
larmcr as he looked back over his
shoulder at a woman three seats back,
vho was industriously engaged knit
ting a woolen sock.
"Have you noticed that the corn
utisks are thicker than usual?"
"They may be," replied tlio farmer
.vith another backward glance.
"I have been told that squirrels aro
.aying iu an unusually large supply ot
ood, and that tho robins have already
gono south."
"Yes, I suppose so."
"You aro a farmer aren't you?"
"There aro certain signs to tell the
farmer what the winter is going to be,
aren't they?"
Tho mail looked back in a nervous
and uneasy way and did not reply,
l'he New Yorker saw that tlio woman
t as sitting bolt upright and watching
iiiin closely, but ho said:
"Down in Kentucky they go a great
deal by tho goose bone. Do you re
gard it as an indicator?"
The farmer mado a mysterous sign
aud jerked his head towards tho little
woman. The New Yorker smelt a
mystery but couldn't exactly figure it
out, and presently inquired:
"Take it all around then, what sort
of a winter do you think it is going to
At this moment the little woman
camo over to him and sharply de
manded: "Stranger, what yur talking to
Noah about?"
"I was asking him what he thought
of tho coming winter ma'am."
"Well, if you want to talk anything
about the weather, crops, politics, or
anything else, I am tho person to talk
to. I was a widder when Noah mar
ried me, and I still hold o crything in
my name, and ho can sta or skip just
as he wants to. Ho wants to bepow er
ful careful how he sets up his opinion
about anything."
She returned to her scat and for the
next ten minutes Noah gazed straight
ahead of him at tho head of tho car;
and then little by little he turned bis
face until ho could indulge in a long
quivering wink with his right eye and
"Sh! you kin imagine what a gaul-
durncd frigid winter it is going to be
for me."
Cotton opened steady to-day, aud
for awhile advanced, but later in tho
day it declined, but it made a rally at
tho last moment. It advanced and
closed at 8 or ten points iu advance Of
the opening figures.
There was a further advance iu tho
option market on coffee of 15 and 25
points, on stronger European advices,
but speculation was less active. The
Rio market was quiet but firmer, with
a receipt for two days of 10.000 bags.
Easy money and an inllux of gold
have been telling on the market for
the past week. Dealing in bonds hae
been the largest than for over a month.
In fact dealings yesterday in stocks and
bonds were twice as largo as the day
previous. The improvement iu bonds
and the strength of tho Vauderbilt
stocks are restoring the public confi
dence, which was so violently shocked
by the "Little Wizard's" trick with the
Missouri Pacific. The sales yesterday
amounted to 253,259 shares.
At the Metal Exchange, everything
is quiet, with silver, iron, spelter, and
in fact all the metals firm.
With More Jfew Xovcltlcfc, I'rcsli St vies, Unique Attractions and ltcautlful
Goods than ever.
To tuy your Fall and Winter Goods is now offered.
Such Qualities and such Prices we havo novcr before been able to offer
our Customers.
Come In at one and tte Vie Neuittt etlgns ani Finest Styles of the Season In
Elegant Dress Goods,-
Fine Flannels and Woolens.
I'old Wrathrr Dry (Jood.-.NTcr to
Tliat are a litrelatloa In licautjr, Merit and Clirapnen.
Prices Within tlie Reach o! All,
Kierjlxxlj- It drllchled with our dNptajr or Fall and Unter (foods, and YOU Mil be.
Remember, We Stand at the Top in Style, Quality, Variety and Low Prices.'
More bujers are wanted to mote thU large toclt and no ludnctmcnlsnlll lie left unmade to ell Goods.
.t- SILVERWARE. JNa. ' "
OOOK & LEE, . V, ;ji
i FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. ' -rfT ' "feft,
Tlio double two story brick building
Known as
Situate ou tlio corner of Leroux
street and Railroad Avenue, jn Flag
staff. Rids may be tendered up to No
vember 25. 1891. The right to reject
an' and all bids is hereby reserved.
(Care Neustadthu Rkotheks),
Pino and Sansomo Sts
San Francisco, Cal.
Family Groceries,
Fruits and Vegetables
Tea, Coffee and Spices-
Best Goods and Lowest
Goods delivered to any part of the
T. EX IPiillieiirxa,
An Extraordinary Oiler for 90 Days Only.'
Our Bljll CrS:r.K '- Tclwt Fluh 8-oifiV Conpules.
uabct IBMHb
H.fMtLft irinUfhu t'lUllimt Mil tr ttUeg..M for
im tbaa to &u-n, U ' MUai dew btfder mU f i-mla -
MbftUS WlU. r-3 C -T tHMtVpL-M, ud U J -4ilf ft olltfl
ttttcttlu- iO-r Tttict:rlbuu!ar.tt-UMrtta4f..
fnwtaim I Aa) rd- bml xt Jnf t m.iU!- all tb -nftlac
taimy-4,ircILJett cofUr Sftt-4 t-di.y MtIforIZ
It Mit-lai u lit pLU r - rir tttclt GAtu iKr iWr
lmtuM,fcw4 cb-Ml -4 ntlr vtrth CMIarft p-r tMM-tluti
iaDfluitlfarcC.vrt-lfih UiiTfnA-UiMiJdnUUliMMU.
lU6M)r-ii. JWtUtUiWMlUij. ChttMiuMilH.aOt
NKOU.WuUIU.lr Clt 9r la WW StT-i ah-nk. th rln hi .il!.
f li--iT-m-l tmtfj i t L.
roUcl rM timt, ui 0 trXJj Mtt for if .
lw even - vnnwillirHBKIUJU4a, T UtTM-CVMUr
B'-- I -J VXiJf w Fill -
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Bit MIT -. CkM -11 mM .tiLL
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alMrot t3 Lttroriual r nod. atl-iH- m
? IT-LUIXSI, j;5i!(
St.. CMcafe- IU.
the BEST
Good and irr to Chop.
and Now is the Time to Buy
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