Newspaper Page Text
8BX.20TSD. A Mam Grown bt Guano and Electricity. ?A citizen of this place, while recently on a tour in the State of New York, was induced to make one of the audience of an itinerant lecturer who was holding forth upon the effi. cacy of electricity, as applied to vegetable productions. In the course of his harangue, guano was incidentally alluded to as a powerful agent in quickening the growth of plan*s, and the effects of both were displayed in such glowing lan guage, that the auditory soon imagined them selves standing in the midst of a field, and en deavoring to measure the height of the grain, before it was out of reach. The whole assem bly were in a fine state of enthusiasm, and swallowing down the wonders revealed to them with open mouths and staring eyes, when a plain looking farmer arose, and with apparently much diffidence, begged leave to confirm the lecturer's statements, by the rela tion of an incident which he recently witness ed, and to which he was a party. " I have," said he, " a very bad boy, named Tommy, he's given us a good' deal of trouble, and having tried various methods to reform him without success, I told my wife that it would be best to try something that was new, and rather more severe. Accordingly we agreed to shut him up at night in the barn. This answered very well for a while, but he grew worse again, till finally I was obliged to shut him up in the barn every night by sun down. " Well, one night while Tommy was roost ing with the cattle, and I was in bed, there came on a tremendous thunder storm. It light ened sharp enough to put out' a man's eyes, and thundered so loud that it made the house rattle like a snare drum. Feeling rather un easy about the boy, I got up early in the morn ing and went out to see how he had fared. As I was going to the barn, I met a man most eight feet high coming towards me. I never had seen such a tall critter in all my life be fore, and I begun to feel sorter scarible at hav ing him about my premises. " Hollo, says I, as soon as I could speak, who are you? and what are you doing in my barn yard? " The strange looking animal answered, in a little squeaking chili's voice, 4 Why father, it's me; don't you know Tommy?' " You, says I; why Tom, how on earth did you get stretched out so long in one night ? why you've grown as tall as all out-doors, don't you know it? "1W hy, yes, father,' says he, 4 I s'pose I have, for last night I slept on them bags of guano you put in the barn, and that and the lightning together, just did the business.'" The effect of this story upon the audience was indeed electric. Peal upon peal of laugh ter followed, the people went off every way, and the next day the lecturer upon electricity and guano was among the missing.?N. H. Courier. A Teetotal Truism.?There are two modes ol establishing a good, and a teetotal reputa tion : First, to be commended by the honest, consistent, and active friends of temperance; and second, to be condemned, and in various ways traduced by the rumsellers, and their sympathising dupes. It is best, however, to secure the former, because it will universally be accompanied by the latter; a rumseller's ca lumniation being, not only the greatest benefit he can confer upon a bold, staunch, and con sistent advocate of cold water, but being also, the only service he will confer for nothing, upon such an opponent of his traffic !?Mass Cataract. Instinct of Birds.?We have received, says the Boston Traveller, from a lady of our ac quaintance, the following illustration of the instinct of birds. Two young birds had built their nest in her garden, and there laid their eggs and hatched their young. The lady hav ing occasion to pass by the nest one day, stop ped to admire the little birds. On her return to the garden, after an absence of a short time, the mother bird came whirling and screaming around her, flying so near as almost to touch the lady's head; this she continued to do un til the lady, suspecting that there was some trouble with the young birds, went to the nest. She there found a snake in the act of swallow ing the second of the three birds. She was in season to save only one of the three. One Thousand Dollars Reward.?Ran away from the subscriber, within a few years, his whole estate, consisting of houses, lands, &c. They gradually, and almost impercepti bly, stole away, after being put in motion by the magic art of one Intemperance, who lived in the family. Any person who will put me in repossession of said estate, shall be entitled to the above reward. Poper. N. B. All persons are cautioned to beware of said Intemperance, who, as I am told, has established one or two places of rendezvous in I this town, where numbers of the incautious are daily seduced. The above advertisement was cut from the American Mercury, printed at Hariford in the year 1776. The same scoundrel who commit ted the depredations complained of, is still at large in this State; but he is in a fair way to be brought to justice. The whole temperance posse are in pursuit of the culprit, and if we get him completely in our power, as we hope to ere long, he will be drowned in cold water. ?Dew Drop. A man seldom affects to despise the world, llftless the world is regardless of him. ADVBHTISBIKIISN'TS. " Here silver ponce ore turn'd to golden pounds." SPLENDID LOTTERIES. ALEXANDRIA SC^HEMES FOR AUGUST, 1645. CLASS 33, FOR 1845. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C., on Saturday, August 16th, 1845. GREAT SCHEME! $25,000 ! ! ! $10,000 ! ! $5,000 ! 1 prizes of $2,000 I 1 do of 1,750 10 do of 1,000 | 15 do of 500 &c. &c. &c. 66 numbers?13 drawn ballots. Tickets $10?Halves $5?Quarters $2 50. Certificates of packages ol 22 whole tickets, $100 Do do 22 half do 50 Do do 22 quarter do 25 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages, in the above splendid Lotteries, will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it is over to all who order from A. W. KIRKWOOD, One door east of Brown's Hotel, Washington, D. C. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERIES ?3= FOR AUGUST, 1845. ??? CLASS 33 FOR 1845. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C., on Saturday, August 16, 1845. SPLENDID SCHEME! 25,000 Dollare! 5,000 Dollars! 1,750 Dollars! 10,000 Dollars! 2,000 Dollars! 1,500 Dollars! 10 prizes of $1,000. 15 prizes of $500. &c. &c. &c. THIRTEEN drawn numbers out of SIXTY-SIX. Tickets only $10?Halves $5?Quarters $2 50 Certificates of packages of 22 whole tickets $100 Do do 22 half do 50 Do do 22 quarter do 25 For tickets and shares, and certificates of pack ages, in any of the Alexandria Lotteries, direct your orders to J. RAYMOND, Corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 6th street, Washington, D. C. TIN WARE! TIN WARE.'7 JOHN T. TONGE informs his friends and the public generally, that he has commenced bu siness on Seventh street, three doors South of the Patriotic Bank, where he has on hand, and will manufacture to order, all kinds of TIN AND COPPER WARE, of the best materials and woik manship. 03^ Roofing, Guttering, and Spouting, done in the best manner. All kinds of Tin and Copper Ware repaired in the neatest manner, and on reasonable terms. June 21 tf 3 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! Cheap as the cheapest, if not cheaper, Good as the best, if not better. A LARGE and excellent assortment of readv /I made CLOra/jyiG aiways on hand, suitable for the PRESENT SEASON, which will be sold on accommodating terms: assuring purchasers the tuil value of their money, without disappointment in quality or workmanship. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves, at the Washington Clothing Store No. 1, F near 15th street. CHRISTOPHER CAMMACK. June 7 tf 1 HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOONING. JOSEPH F. MOFFETT, Fashionable Hair Cutter , and Shaver, respectfully informs the public that his rooms are located on E street, immediately op posite the General Post Office, where he will be happy to receive them. SHAMPOONING, which creates a delightful sensation, removes the dandruff, and beautifies the hair, done as above, in superior style. ' N. B. Gentlemen shaving themselves can have their razors put in the best order at short notice. JMf SHAMPOONE, with directions for its use, for sale by J. F. M. June? 3m 1 BOOT <$r SHOE MAKING. TOHN E. BAILY respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he is prepared to execute, at the shortest notice, and in the neat est manner, all orders in his line. He will manu facture LADIES', MISSES', and CHILDRENS shoes, of every variety, out of the best materials, and on the most reasonable terms, and will en deavor to give general satisfaction to all who may give him a call. He will also keep on hand an assortment of ready-made work, which he will warrant to be equal, in workmanship and materials, to any sold in Washington. Persons desiring good and substantial work, are invited to give him a call, at the corner of Tenth and E streets. June 21 3m 3 NO HUMBUG! NO HUMBUG7} STILL prepared to compete with the numerous candidates for public favor in the line of my business, I would respectfully state to my numer ous patrons, that I am still occupying the same old stand, on THIRTEENTH STREET, two doors NORTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, where I am to be found at all times, ready to receive and execute all jobs In the most finished style of the art. I would most respectfully submit the following scale of prices : 6 Cleansing and Dying Coats of every des cription ? - . . - ?1 00 Cleansing and Dying Pants of every des cription ----- 50 Silk and Woolen Dresses, of all colors - 1 00 Ladies Merino Cloaks - - - 1 00 Florence Braids and Straw Bonnets, dyed and pressed ? - . - 37' Parasols and Sunshades - 25* Window Curtains, of every description, 121 cents per yard. Guaranteeing the work done at the above prices to give satisfaction in all cases. WILLIAM MORELAND. June 14 tf g CABINET WAREROOMS. H. HARDY, F ST., NEAR TREASURY DEPARTMENT, KEEPS a general assortment of FURNFTIIRP HOUSES FURNISHED at the lowest prices for cash. ' FUNERALS attended at the shortest notice FURNITURE REPAIRED, Sfc. JO" All orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. June 14?tf 2 C O N FECTIO N E RY . PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, a few doors west of 12(/i street, north side. ""PwstfuHy notifies the pub ? no, that he is at all times prepared to furnish PARTIES, WEDDINGS, PIC NICS. See., With CONFECTIONERY, of ihe bet qualitj. and as cheap as any in the city. &c. kept constantly on hand. P A1III |\ mVa n u8 !? ,nU?(lucc tne SARSA PAIULLA MEAD, he begs the trial of it by the public, who will find it superior to any imiUtion which may be found ia the city. ?MyJS 4t* 7 FAMILY GROCERIES. S HOLMES, on Seventh Street, nearly opposite the Patriotic Bank, has on ? hand a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, viz : SUGARS* New Orleans; Porto Rico Muscovado; White, Brown, and Clarified Havana Loaf and Lump; and Maple. MOLASSES. Porto Rico; Cuba; New Orleans Sugar House; Sugar Syrup New Iberia Syrup St. Croix do TEAS. Gun Powder; Imperial Young Hyson; Old Hyson Hyson Skin; Black COFFEE. SPICES. Pimento; Pepper; Cinnamon Cloves; Ginger; Nutmegs; Mace, grouiul and unground FRUITS. Box, Layer, Keg, and Sack Raisins Currents; Prunes ; Figs Dried Plums and Apples Mocha: Java; Maracaibo Cuba: Laguira; Angustora Rio; St. Domingo SWEETMEATS. Peaches Pine Apple, Lime and Citron Jellies, &c. SUNDRIES. Pickles; Catsups; Sardines Olives and Capers; Anchovies Sapsago and Pine Apple Cheese HONEY. Cuba and White Comb Flour; Oat and Corn Meal Bacon; Choice Hams Dried Beef and Tongue FISH. Mackerel; Shad ; Herring | Salmon; Cod 1 Pearl Barley; Macaroni | Vermacelli, &c. CANDLES. Patent and Common Sperm j Adamantine; Roman and Mould Common and Fancy SOAPS TOBACCO. Fine Cut and Plug Cigars in great variety For Prices and Quality, call and examine for yourselves. June 7 OIL. Sperm; Whale; Patent Lard; Salad, &c., &c. tf J CIGAR, TOBACCO, & SNUFF DEPOT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL?Exclusively in the above business, consequently persons wishing to purchase any article in the above line, can be accommodated on as reasonable terms as in any city in the Union. Having a large and varied assortment of Cigars, Tobacco, and Snuff, the undersigned is confident whoever will favor him with a call, cannot go out without purchasing satisfactorily. In store at present? 25,000 Regalia Cigars, different brands?genuine 25,000 Constantia do do 25,000 Fanny Ellslcr do do 25,000 Lanorma do do 25,000 Elpariso do do 25,000 Justo Sanz, (Principe.) do 100,000 Cigars of various brands 100 Boxes Sup. Chewing Tobacco, very low 50 Boxes Small Plug do do Snuff of the most superior kinds. All goods warranted; if not as represented the money returned. WM H. WINTER, No. 6 East of Coleman's, Penn. avenue?sign Jim Crow. June 7 tf- 1 "COPPERPLATE PRINTING. THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends, and the public, for the liberal patron age so kindly bestowed upon him. He assures them that he will continue to exert himself to the best of his abilities to please. Having had much experience in Card Printing, great attention will be given to have them done iu a neat and elegant style, and on moderate terms. Office south side Pennsylvania avenue, between 12(/i and 13//t streets, and directly opposite to Mr. Travers.' P. S. DonH forget the A"o. N. B. Brass plates furnished, and all kinds of marking, wood engraving, &c., done by JOHN CULLUM. Orders received at Mr. Wm. F. Bayly's station ery warehouse, Penn. avenue, near llth street. June 7 3m J. CHEAP CLOTHINGM" Cheap as the Cheapest, and as Good as the Best! E. CASSIDY, Corner of Pennsylvania avenue w . and Sixth street, opposite Coleman's Hotel, respectfully asks a call from all who wish to obtain a good article of CLOTHING, at prices as low as the same quality of goods can be obtained in Washington. An excellent assortment of readt made clothing always on hand, and everv variety of wearing apparel made up to order, at the short est notice, by the best workmen, and a perfect fit warranted in all cases. His stock of Summer Goods i3 well assorted, and he feels sure he can satisfy, in every respect, all who may patronize him. June 7 tf 1 SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! OF all kinds, on hand, and MADE TO ORDER, at prices LOW, LOWER, lowest, At the Fashionable store, Eighth street, near the General Post Office. HENRY JANNEY. June 7 tf 1 IS'EW AUCTION ST0R E. BOTELER, DONN & CO. would beg leave to announce that, having obtained a license for sales at auction, they have converted their spacious rooms over their house-furnishing store for that purpose; they would therefore offer their services to sell real or personal property, stocks, &c. They will bestow especial attention to the arranging and disposal of furniture at private houses. Having been engaged in business in this city for the last fourteen years, they would refer to the community generally. Good references will be given, if re quired, in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or Boston. They earnestly solicit a share of public patronage, and will endeavor to discharge the duties of their new vocation with promptness and fidelity. Liberal advances will at all times be made on goods when consigned for public sale. We wish it to be understood by our customers that the above arrangement will not interfere with our house-furnishing business, as we shall continue to keep the same extensive assortment of house furnishing articles as heretofore, and be always pleased to dispose of them on reasonable terms. BOTELER, DONN & CO. June 7 tf I CHRISTOPHER GILL, Plain and Ornamental Plasterer, corner of 131 and C street south, continues to execute all work in his line with neatness and despatch. MASKS taken from deceased persons in Plaster of Paris, for Painters or Sculptors. Alabaster Ornaments cleaned and repaired. June 7 tf 1 CALL AT THE NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE, On the WpsI side of Seventh Street, between D and E. WHERE the Subscriber, thankful for past favors, is still offering inducements to the Eublic, in the articles of HOOTS AND SHOES. le will be happy to have his friends and the public to call, as his stock is "Hard to beat," either in quality or price. CHARLES PASCOE. Juno 7 3m 1 BUILDING MATERIALS. THE SUBSCRIBER keeps constantly on hand knob locks, latches, bolts,, screws, parliament and common hinges, sash pullies, jack, fore, smoothing, and other planes. House-keeping Articles.?American and English cutlery, pots, ovens, skillets, kettles, shovels and tongs, white-wash, sweeping, scrubbing, and dust ing brushes, tubs, buckets, bowls and trays?with a collection of useful and fancy articles, too nu merous to particularize, which arc offered on rea sonable terms, by June 7?1 GEO. SAVAGE. CABINET MAKING AND UNDERTAKING. On F, between 13th and Ulh streets, north side. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER., thankful for past favors L he has received, hopcS for a continuance of the same; he is always prepared to execute any work in the above line He has on hand a good assortment of FURNITURE, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Old Furniture repaired and Varnished %* The subscriber is always prepared to execute all orders in the Undertaking line. Funerals will be attended to at the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. All orders from the country promptly attended to. Hearses and Hacks always on hand. JAMES E. W THOMPSON. June 21 tf 3 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. <-03 THE subscriber has removed from Pennsylvania avenue to a store on SEVENTH STREET, next door to Mr. L. Harbaugh's grocery store, and third door above the National Intelligencer office, where he invites his old friends and the public to give him a call, and examine his stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, DRILLINGS, .And other goods suitable for the saason. Gentlemen who prefer furnishing their own goods, can have them cut and made up in the most fashionable manner, at the shortest notice, very cheap, for the cash. THOS. F. HARKNESS. June 7 tf 1 CONFECTIONERY~ SOUTH SIDE OF PENN. AVENUE, Between 9th and 10th streets. MORELL & MILLER would respectfully inform the public that they are now prepared to man ufacture and sell the best quality ot CANDY at the low price of sixteen cents per pound, whole sale ; retail, at the lowest Baltimore prices. They will keep a general assortment of Confec tionery, Fruit, Cakes, &(c. Also, Ice Cream, lemonade, and Soda Water. Morclfs Medicated Boncset and Sarsaparilla Cough Candy. This Candy has been extensively used in this city and vicinity for nearly two years, and the testimony of hundreds of individuals, both resident and visiters, could be produced certifying to its medicinal properties. Also, Morell's celebrated Worm Candy, warrant ed a certain cure for worms in children and adults. Those who wish to purchase the above named articles are respectfully invited to call. June 7 tf 1 NORTHERN LIBERTIES CHEAP HARD WARE, GROCERY, AND FLOUR STORE, Corner of 9th and I streets. CHAS. P. WANNALL keeps constantly on hand an assortment of HARDWARE, GROCERIES, and FLOUR, Which he will sell as cheap as can be purchased in the city. June 7 tf 1 JOSEPH H. DANIEL, MERCHANT TAILOR, Pennsylvania Avenue, Three Doors West of Brown's Hotel, WOULD respectfully call the attention of the citizens, and strangers visiting Washington, to his large and complete assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Sr VESTINGS, of the latest and most fashionable styles. Also, a large assortment of Drad 'Ita, and all other goads suitable for Sum mer Coats; with a variety of light Cassimeres, Drillings, &c.., suitable for Pantaloons. All of which he will make up in the most fashionable style, and on as reasonable terms as any other es tablishment in the District. Also, a large assortment of Stocks, Scarfs, Gloves, Suspenders, &c., of the latest styles. June 7 tf 1 I^lpUbS IK ALL ITS BRANCHES, BT O. H. VAN PATTEN, M. D. Pennsylvania Avenue, a few doors west of Brown's Hotel. June 7 " 1 ISEED AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Store on Pennsylvania avenue, next to Delany's Drug Store. JD. BOTELER returns his thanks to his friends ? for past favors, and now solicits a share of their patronage. He has now in store a general assort ment of Garden and Flower Seeds, Ploughs of va rious descriptions, and castings, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Corn and Cob Crushers, Wheat Fans, and all kinds of Garden tools. A general assort ment of Hardware and Cutlery suitable for Build ers, House-keepers, and Farmers. All of which will be sold low for cash, at his store, near the corner of Penn. avenue and 44 street, next door to M. Delany's Drug Store. June 7 tf 1 FANS! FANS!! FANS!!! AND GLOVES, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY. S PARKER, Pennsylvania avenue, between9th ? and 10th streets, keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Gloves, Combs, Hair Brush es, and Perfumery, of the choicesi quality. S. P. has just received a fresh supply of LuhWs fine extracts for the handkerchief, genuine German Cologne, Hair Oil, Moelle de Boeuf, and Fancy Soaps; also large and small jars of Guerlains Shaving Cream. S. P. has just received a lot of splendid FANS, which he will sell chcap. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock June? If ' i H0V8B AN? SIGN ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GLAZING, <fc, 0 J . H. HILTON INFORMS the public that he carries on the above business, in all its various branches. H^Orders left with Mr. Rodier, Paper Hanger and Upholsterer, Bridge street, Georgetown, near th? bridge, or Mr. J. E. W. Thompson, Cabinet Maker, F between 13th and 14th streets, 'Wash ington, will be duly attended to. J. H. II.'s prices will be reasonable, and work executed promptly, with the best of materials and workmanship. June 21 3m 3 SUMMER GOODS. WEN, EVANS & CO., MERCHANT TAIL ORS, beg leave to announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have just open ed their supply of SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of a careful selection, made by one of the firm, from the latest importations of English and French Cloths, Cassimeres, Drillings, Vest ings, &c., an examination of whieh is respectfully solicited. Store on Pennsylvania avenue, between Fuller's and Galabrun's Hotels. June 7 tf 1 CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE. THE subscribers have opened an assortment of the above articles, in. the Store ONE DOOR EAST of Mr. J. T. Ryon & Bus., Louisiana ave nue, between 6th and 7th streets, and will sell as LOW AS CAN BE PURCHASED IN THE DISTRICT. They will likewise constantly keep on hand choice GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Will the Ladies call and see our goods in the Crockery line? H. J. GOULD & CO. June 7 tf 1 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, SEVENTH, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF D ST., Opposite the Patriotic Bank. T C. WEICIIMANN, Merchant Tailor, will (I . cut and make clothing for gentlemen and boys in the most approved and FASHIONABLE style, on reasonable terms. He respectfully solicits a share of patronage. J. C. W. has now, and will constantly keep on hand, an extensive variety of ready made clothing, of the best workmanship, which he is enabled to seli as low as any other establishment in the city. He invites the public to call and see his stock. June 7 3m 1 HATS AT REDUCED PRICES. JOHN MAGUIRE, Seventh street, opposite the Patriotic Bank, has on hand, and is manufac turing Hats of every description, of Spring aud Summer style, of the most approved finish, which he will sell as low as any establishment in the Union. He would call the attention of the public to a large stock of Hats of past fashions, which he will sell at a great sacrifice to close them; among which are Nutria, Beaver, Russia, Moleskin, Silk, and Fur H.ats. Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Sennet, Pearl Blue, and White Summer Hats, very cheap. June 7 . tf 1 LETTER PRESS PRINTING, AT THE SIGN OF THE YANKEE CARD PRESS. T BARNARD, BOOK and JOB PRINTER, . Pennsylvania avenue, corner of 11th street. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, CHECKS, INVITATIONS, BILLHEADS, BLANKS, LABELS, &c. ftp3 Lower than the usual rates. All who are in want of CARDS?business or visiting?are requested to call and examine my specimens; prices one-half the usual rate. June 7 tf ! ~B A R G A I N S ! ! CLEPHANE'S NEW STORE IS THE PLACE TO GET GREAT BARGAINS.?I am sell ing Shell Side Combs at only 25 cents Shell Tuck Combs 50 to 100, Buffalo do. 16 cents Hair Brushes 25 cents, Jet Shawl Pins 8 cents Jet and Hair Pins 12j per pair, Jet Buttons 6 ct3. a dozen Warranted Silver Tcncils GO cts., Silver Thimbles 25 cents Scissors 12i per pair, Tooth Brushc3 10 cents Motto Seals 8 cents, Purses 8 cents Jet Coat Buttons 10 cents per dozen Slates 8 cents, Cigar Cases 50, formerly 100 Razor Strops 35 cents, Fans 6 cents to 100 Shoe Brushes 20 cents, Suspenders 10 cents. Together with many other goods which will be sold very low, at CLEPHANE'S FANCY DEPOT, Penn. avenue, 3 doors cast of 10th street. June 7 tf 1 FRESH ME A TS / / THE Citizens of Washington will recollect that thoy can obtain FRESH BEEF, LAMB, and VEAL, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at the PRO VISION STORE, on the Southwest corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth streets. P. CROWLEY. June 7 ? tf 1^ FIRST WARD CONFECTIONERY. JACOB BRODBECK RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Wash ington, that he keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of CONFECTIONERY, and SODA ami MINERAL WATERS. ICE CREAMS of superior flavor can be had at all times, and in any quantity. Parties supplied on reasonable terms. jTd. has his rooms for the receptiom of com pany genteelly fitted up. Ladies and gentlemen arc respectfully requested to give him a call. June 7 ____ 3m 1 MARBLE YARD, Corner of E and Ninth sis., Washington, D. C. WM. A. GRIFFITH would respectfully inform his friends and the publio generally, that he has on hand a choice collection of Marble Mantles, Monuments, Tombs, and Head Stones; also Fiee stone. He is prepared to execute all kinds of work on the most reasonable terms. N. B. All orders thankfully received, and neatly execnted. June 7 _tf 1 PA I NT STORE. PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GMSS. o A A KEGS of Pure White Lead?in oil vUU 250 Gallons Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil 200 Boxes of Window Glass French and English Plate of various sizes Emerald, Paris, Chrome, and Imperial Greens? dry and ground in l>il Paint and Whitewash Brushes, of various kinds Coach, Copal, Furniture, Mastic, and Japan Varnishes A constant supply of FRESH PINE OIL; also Sperm, Solar, and Lard Oils Lamp Wicks and Glasses?as usual? ' For sale on the best terms, by O. WHITTLESEY, C street, Todd's Building. June 7 tf 1