Newspaper Page Text
1 " i. ; . I V A i f. t - FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, 3 V:c.j at Wholesale or Retail by . - BI. : W. FOSTER, (Corner oJMairt and First street, Evatisville.) THANKFUL for past favors, would res ii2Jpeoduily inform his friends and the public zenerally, that he is bow opening one of .the best Elected slocks of Dry Goods ever offered in the city A Evansville; comprising nearly every thing required either by necessity, taste, or fashion. The ua tlersisinftti has had twenty years experience- as a merchant in Indiana selected the stock, with the great est care ia the. Eastern cities and of manufacturers, with a specinl view to tlie country trade, and as they cell exclusively for cash they flatter themselves that to cash buyers, either at wholesale or retail, they can offer inducements equal to any house in the West. All we ask is to call and examine our Goods and pri ces nnd judge for yourselves. sep 38-tf. . M. W. FOSTER. ' THOMAS M ALFIX ...... ...... JOSEPH TCRNOCK. New- Grocery and Provision Store, McCALPIX & TURNOCK, Corner of Main and Second St., Eransville, BEG leave to inform the citizens ot Lvans pville, and the country people generally that Slthev have opened a Grocery and Provision Jtore, la Reillv's old stand, on the corner of Main and Second streets," where they will be thankful for a share of the publie patronage, ' 'The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of country Produce. House Painting and lazin$r. Joseph Turnock, thankful lor past favors, will con tinue to pay strict attention to ail work, entrusted to his care. Regiazing done at the shortest notice. 83Ready Mixed Paints, Glass, and putty always on hand. -1 ; ' sep lS-t ; RICHARD RALEIGH, Cor. 31am and First St., Evansville. t Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry -, j Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Cut-: lery, Clocks, Ceifce, Sugar, . jllolasses, &c &c, &c. HAS just received his large as-b' sorted stock of Fall and Winteilffd Goods, consisting of Hats and Caps of the best quality end most fashionable description. Ladies and Gents. Boots aud Shoes, Clocks, Looking Glasses, super fine French. English, and American Cloths, Cassi ineres, Satinetts, Jeans, Tailor 'Primings, &.c. 710" C . ALSO: - ; AspIendid assortment of French, German, En glish and American Calicoes, Ginghams, Alapaccas, Delaines, tine and superfine Cloth and beat Lyon's Thibet Shawls from s3 to 20 each. - . " Which he offers for sale as low as can by bought in any house in the western country. Merchants would do well to call and examine the stock before purcha sing elsewhere. " - "2iJAU kinds of Peoducs &.C., taJien in exchange. ' "Bep let 6mo. ' - .EW ESTABLISHMENT. YY . ALLEN, Hatter, "(a practical lirchanic X from New York, begs leave to offer his pro fessional services to the citizens of Evansville and neighborhood. .'...- . lie has opened the Store, corner of Main and First treets, with a large stock of Hats and Caps of every quality and style; got up or selected by himself with great care, exclusively for the fall trade of this section, and which he is resolved to sell at such prices as to make it theiaterest of all, in want of such articles for the head, to deal with him. Gentlemen desirous to treat themselves or friends to a.teaatiful Moleskin of the celebrated Bebee &, Costari present fall fashion, just get out by express -from New York, would do well to call early before the lot is disposed of. '.' A lot of splendid Beaver Hat3, an extra fine arti cle, on hand, aud also every variety of Caps. ' Gentlemen can have any description ot If tit made -to order a this establishment. . '. Evansville, Sep. 13-tf ' "." . ' MW- ESTABLISHMENT. "STaTEE ST., B ETWEES MAIN AND LOCUST, NEXT DOOR TO ' ; '"TEMPERANCE HALE," EVANSVILLE, 1ST). " Boots arid Shoes at Wholesale and Retail. "ft!' TTJIEsubcriber has just opened in I theTr!1! above establishment on Water street, rkj i . If.: 1 T . - . Y , - i oeiweeu main am.jjocusi, ui uic ones, formerly occupied bv E. P. Spurrier & Co.. as a iJtxiit &ture, a large sndeplendid assortment of Boots, Shnea, Jloti, Cops, Voiweta. fcc. . Consisting of Mens' Kip Boots, Calf do, fine French ; Calf Water. Proof do, and a general assortment of of coarse Boots. . - ,. 5AlsO, a good assortment of fine Calf Monroes, and a general assortment of Brogans. Boys and youths' Xip and Calf Boots, Brorans and Monroes. 'Also,Ja large and splendid assortment of Ladies' Shoes ; consisting of fine Buskin Walkinc Shoes, fine Jvid Biippers, Spring lieet do', Calf and Morocco lac d Boots arid Polkas, various descriptions of Lasting - Gaitersand Half Gaiters; together with a general as , sortment of Msses Slips, Gaiters, and Polka Boots, a ood assortment of bonnets of the latest style. - - The subscriber would recommend his stock' of - Boots and Shoes to the public as beintr far superior to any Eastern work brought to this market ; he would respectfully invite those wishing to purchase any of the above articles to call and examine bis stock and , prices before purchasing elsewhere. lie natters him self that he can sell as low or lower than they can be bought in the West, oct 26 tf. W. R. BAKER. - TO COUSTUY MERCHANTS. .7. JOHJKSUX CllA.NE ?A i t .now opening at their new brick ftore t Jein -Alain. Street, opposite tlie Bank, a large E2and hill assortment of - , Jb'aucy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots nd Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, Combs, Ste. Ac. Which tliey are prepared to sell to the trade on the rnost favorable terms. , oc 9-tf. - lAncticn and Commission House. , Main St. cor. of First, Evansville. . - THE undersigned ha laid in a larire ami spletwlid stock oEDRY GOODS-, BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, HATS, HARD-WARE, CUTLERY, &c., which he will sell at Auction every evening, and at retail at all limes. Consignments will meet with prompt attention. I will warrant every-article of my own perfect, but should 1 receive a consignment which is not perfect ,Uve public will be notified of the 'fact at the sale,' Terras Cash. nov 6-4m ..,u H. GUMBRTS." A. It. JOXS'S & CO.. Produce Sealers &. Comraissioa SS'hts So. 10 Front Street, St. Louis. . JlcfcrLucesi, E. &. W. "Lewis, -..... ) ... Harrinffton. Hannah & Co I EvanslJ . Beckwiih&.Dryer,JSt.T (S.W.Bali,; McHose&,En 'fish Louis. j II Whitmore, oct26-y Mathews k. Patch. t bextox & apjplegate, fRODUCE. COMMISSION & FORVARDIMG MSUHT'S - Sa.S Notre Dame Street, Sew Orleans. 2ZrftrencesJ. McGregor & Co. ) r , J, , , ; Lonsdale& Co. I ew Orleans -' Smith & Shotwell, Louisville, Ky. , ? s . , Taylor &. Harvey, Evansville, la. ' " llunicr, Bushnell &. Warren, N. Albany, oe 13-3mJ Glenn &, Eachus, criicinnati, Ohio. . CIXGIXX ATI CEOTIIIAG STORE 1 Xext door to C. Bell, Druggist, MAIN ST., EVANSVILLE IA AULERIXG & BRU3IMEU 1 Ay L just received tronv thoir Manulactory in JLJL uncinnati, tne latest iNew.xorfcstvleOT - FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. All of which are made and trimmed in the bost man ner under their direction expresly. for the market, and consists of every article requisite to complete gentlemen's wardrobes. . , Coat Superior Black and blue French and En glish Cloth Dress, and Frock Coats full trimmed. Uxown, Green, Gray and Steel mixed Sack, Box and xalo Alto uoats. Lvery variety ol Box CoatsCoat eesand Roundabouts. - - - . an---Superior black Cloth Pants; fancy French Co., cassmetttOi rants ot every variety and price. Vest Black. Satin Vests; plain and fancy Silk nnd Velvetdo.; Marseilles do common Vests of. all kinds..-: - - -.- - - , -t r FURNISDIXG GOODS. All the late styles of plain iff -rCi nnd fancy silk aud satin Ora.i"UjM'fj vats, Scaris and stocks: Pocket Li til Handkerchiefs; Linen and Lini bosom shirts; Mus lin and Fannel do.; Flannel: and Net under shirts and D.-awr; Shirt Collars; 'Buckskin, beaver, kid, thread and cotton Gloves; embroidered and plain gum euspendprs; bilk, gingham and cotton Umbrellas; Purses; Hats; Caps; Boots, 5cc. ' - - All the - above articles and every thing-else in the fumishin" liiie will be sold at Cincinnati prices lor CASH. - We fehall conUnne to receive fresh supplies weekly curing the season from our Matiufactory in Cincin atL- trior 4-tfl AHLElUNGi BRUMMEK. PICKED up Adrift, During the late freshet a chest of Carpt-nters- Tools. 'I he owner is re quested to calL prove property and pay charges, and take them away. . - CHARLES G. COLVLN. - jnn 4 '4B-3w. - ' . . FAMILY SYItinP. - - M A ILLF lls. Family Syrop just twiwd and U forsa'eby - McALPLN &,.TIjRNOCK , aa 4-4V.' ' corner Main & Second Sts. EIST OF LETTERS REMAINING uncalled for in the Post Office at Evansville, Indiana, on the 1st day of January, 1S48. Alexander, Wm Pettit, Alex Dr Adams. David M lHirmer, Rosilla Been, Martha I'inyara, Sameul Provn, Wm 1'aul, John Bailey, Alexander Pinney, Mary Mr Butler, Thomas late of Peters, Zaehaiy the Wharf Boat t Poteet, Wm Bridges, Jas Phillips, David F Bosbtrt, Peter Poster, A O Blanchard Samuel Perkins, Asa S Bryant, John Robinson, A L Hon Baker, Louisa Mrs Ryan, Isaac Bradford JO.MSN - Robbe, Lagoner" Binsiham, W H Captoin Bobbins, Edwjird F S B Pink i Rose, B Bingham, Samuel A Rash, Mary Bringham, Wm H St Bt ) Robertson, George W or ) Pink. J John C i Campbell, Jas B Rine, Abraham Barter, Bennett 3 Rockwell, GeoCapt Chamberlin Aaron Snyder, George Clark, AC , ' Smith, John 2 Cavine, Ira . ' ' Stillwell, A M Coleman, John D Stoner, John Cralle, V R Suarlinsr, Jacobs F Criswell, Moses Shepard, MS Chepin; (Jscar D Spickerd, bam'! & Susna Cave, George Hon I Stanaberry, Jacksou, Wharf Boat j Stuart, John Sen Duncan, Henry Stinchfield, David Davis, Andrew J ' Summers. T L DeV'os, T Sheiler, John Eastou, H Stevens, Joseph Edwards, A , . Seay, Racheal H ' Friends, II Smith, Sarah - Fish, JohuJ Trousdale, John Folts, Joseph Trich, John 2 Fuller, P TeVogt, A - Garwood, Nathan Vos, Frederick or Jacob Gross, Christian Vaughn, il F ' Grain, J VV Wickerham, James Grant, Lenon Hon " ' Wells, Charles M i Green, Wm Weed, Sam'l Gilbert, A Weins, Margaretta Hunter, Jane Wilson, Saruh Hopple & Bean Wilson, Sarah A " Hughes, Robi Wetsell, Jacob Howe, EBCapt Wright, William tlane, Daniel ' Weir, A & E Hollis, Jesse Wilber, Mary A Haniil, Sam'l R - Wright, Chailes Jones, Win .Tliscellaneons. Jonson, Dr : " : Gcandjeans, jeans Mons'r Johnson, Malinda Miss,, I.ussink, D Kearney, Thos Dr ' Walkens, S Knight Jams Frank, J G Longbotham MY Gerhart, C Lynxwiter, Wm Shenk, S .VicCturg, Jas F Poorman, Christian Mathews, George. L 2 Frenshukiise, John Mathews, G'jorge Schmezer, Christian .Mathews, Harrison Koppole, Jan R McMackin, Samnel Buck, J J Monk, Samuel ' - Sch'en, M McXamars, John Brouillett, Oliva Mastin,JC Anshingcr, F ' . .McPlieters, John Schmezer, Christian Miller, Elizabeth 2 . Sehan, John Martin, Henry Dicko.ntir, Arnold .McHuh, Cornelius Briukllenry McLaughlin, G tl Rey Stovlen, Christian - Martin, Joh.u Henskes, J II , , Morris, Isaac , Lang, ISicholaa Mesker, Bernard " Hottoom, M or G Fa:h. ."Maltley, Joel Schneider, Henry Nowles, Eli ' - Ilnpp, Jacob " Nobles.CH " : Laulcnsnlaegen, M Nilcs, Sarah Jane . Egnu, John Nicklin, Anna Maria Stunkel, F Owing, John . , Lohere, M A Osborn, George L 2 Meih, V Osborn, Thos il Kramer, G J Porter, Braxton " ' Lind," Joseph . Pattine,Jos or Westley Sohiemel, G S ' Polantt, John M Hartman, Lorentz Poland, JM Ileinni, John Poland, John ' Zooahlen, Chr . Perkins, AS ' ; ' Kramer, G J Persons calling for any of the foregoing Letters, will eay k'tiejaie Advertised.'" ! . i B. F, DUPUY, P. M. ! Eransville, la., Jan. 4, 1848. . nlc f mortgaged Easids. JVT OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN, that in conform JLl ity with the provisions of the thirteenth Chap ter of the "Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana," lor the year 1813, the following described tracts of tand, situated in Vanderburgh county, or so mucl thereof as will be necessary to pay tlie principal, ir terest, and costs due on the tol owing mortgages a the time of said isle will be sold at the door of thi Court House, in said county, on the 2th day ol Jan unrr, jsis, between the noureol 10 o clock a. m. and, 6 o'clock p. m., unless the sums due thereon bo satis-1 tied, before the day of sale, to-'.vit : ' . The n w qr of the n e qr of section 17, in township 7, south of range 11 west, containing 40 acres, inorl srnged to secure loan No 7 of the Common Schooi Fund. Amount due thereon 158 33-100 dollars. The w of the n e qr of section 30, in township 6, south of range 11 west, containing 80 acres, mort-' gaged ' to ' secure - loan ,No. 1 J, of the Common School Fund. Amount due thereon 6$ 74-100 dollars. The el of the s w or of section IS. in town 6. s ran-: 9 west, containing 127 TO-100 acres, (except 10 acres taken olf the n e corner of said tract.) Mortgaged to secure loan No 167 of the common school fund. . A-! mount due thereon 116 27-100 dollars. - - The et of the n e or of section 27, in town G b ranee 11 west, containing 80 acres. Mortsaued to secure1 loan No 53, of the funds of town 5, a range 11 tvest. Amount due thereon Ib'Z 67-100 dollars. l'he w 1 of the sear and the north end of the i of the s e or of section 22 in townhi) 6, s ranee 1 1 west. Containing 100 acres. Mortgaged to secure loan No 6S ol the funds of town 7." range 11 west. Amount dtw thereon-354 28-1'JO dollars. - The w i of the s w qr of Bection 18, in township 6, s range 9 west, containing 127 90-100 acres. Mort gaged to secure loan No 166, of the hinds of town 7, s range" 10 west. Amount due thereon 232 57-100 dollars. And should ho one offer or bid the full amount due upon the aforesaid tracts of land, the same will be struck off to the proper fund. - WILLI AiU II. WALKER, nov 25-tds-pf $S " Auditor of Vanderburgh county Sale of Forfeited School Lands.' TIJE purchasers of the following tracts of School Land in the county of Vanderburgh, having tail ed to pay tne annual instalments ot interest due there on, and the contracts of gale having thereby become lorieueu, ana tlie tana reverted to the townships to which it formally belonged. " Therefore, in compli ance with the provisions of the thirteenth article of the thirteenth chapter of the ''Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana," for the year 1S43, said tracts wiil be offered at public sale, "at the dour of iIir Omrt House, in said county, Efperately, on the 2t?tlrday of January. Detween the hours ot 10 o'clock i. m., and 4 o'clock p. r., of said day, to-wit : The n w cjr of the n w qr, and the s e qr of the s w qr of section 16, in township 5, s range 10 west. ' Also, the n w qr of the s w qr of section 10 in town ship 6, s range 11 west. , Also, the s e qr of the s w qr of section 16, in town ship?, s range 11 west. ' ' The purchaser will be required to pny one fourth of tne purchase money in hand, and i per cent, interest on the residue for one veer in advance; and wi'i be al lowed twenty-five years credit on said residue, by pay- AH me iiiu:iirm iucjt.uii umiuuuy ill uuuucr, &l Uie rale ol 7 per cent. " WILLIAM II. WALKER. nov 25-tds-p f $5 ; Auditor ifVuntttiburgh county SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS. TVTOTiCEis hereby given, that in compliance JLN with the provisions of Chapter 13, of the Revis ed Statute, ot lolJ, the following lots, or tracts oi School land will be offered for sale, to the highest bidder at public auction, at the door of the Court House in the County of Vanderburgh, and State ot In diana, on the 14th day of March A D 15J4S, at 10 o' clock A M., viz: - The n w qrof the n e qr of sec no 1C in t 5 e r 10 w containing 39 03-100 acres. : ' . N e qrol the n W of sec 1G in t 5 s r 10 w contain ing 40:20-100 acres; : ' S w qr of the n e qr of sec no 16 t 5 s r 10 w 39 03-100acres; ' ; ... . N e qr of the seqr of sec no 1G 1 5 s r 10 w 37 41 100 acres; " ' . 1 ' N w qr s eqrsec 1G t 5 s r 10 w39 44-100 acres; N w qr s w qr sec 16t5srlOw40 acres; " N i ot fl i ol e i of n e qr of sec 28 1 5 s r 10 w 20 acres; . : ' ' S i ot n lofei of neqrofsec 23 t 5a r 10 w 20 acres; - - - N i of b i ofe i of n qr of sec 28 t 5 e r 10 w 20 acres; : - . i S i of s i of e i of n c qr of sec 23 t 5 s r 10 w 20 acres; ; TERMS OF SALE: One-fourth of the purchase money will be required in hand and on the residue, the purchaser wilt be allowed a credit of twenty live years, by paying seven per cent interest, thereon, in advance annually.' ' " WILLIAM H. WALKER, dec 31-00 d : Auditor of Vanderhurgh County. SHAWLS A great variety of Shawls, amongs which are an extensive Uisortment of superior and common black Cloth, Tartan, Mode, Tureid, &c. For sale low l.y siS M. W.. FtiST ER. . AiVAJ-iVJi.A.H... 1 11 Uliuei Milieu nuuiuii miYTnnivn Tt 1 : 1 1 .1 ; V T3 form the citizens ot Lvansville that ttiey still con 1 1? f tinue to carry on the above business in all its ""-branches, and respectfully solicits a share, of public patronage. ' " . Shop on the East side of Main'st., one door from the corner of First. ap20J BRADT Si MATHEWS. State of Indiana, Vanderburgh County, 8s. In the Probate Court of Vanderburgh County, va cation, January 5th, 1848. Samuel Orr and Thom-"l as E. Garvin. Adminis-) trators, with the will an-I ' " nexed,of Thomas R.Har rison, deceased, VS. Margaret Harrison, Eliz abeth Dixon and Lucius II. Scott." Pctititon to sell real estate. , NDNOW at this time comes tlie said Admin- r istrators, and hie their petition in the office of said decedent may be sold pursuant to his will, and it appearing from the affidavit of a disinterested per sen hied with said petition that the said Margaret Harrison and Elizabeth Dixon, legatees of "the said decedent aud both non-residents ot the State of Indi ana. Notice is therefore given, to the said non-residents legatees of the tiling and pendency of said Petitttion and that the same will be heard before our said Pro bate Court, (at the Court House in Evansville,) on the first day of the next Term thereof, (or so soon there after 83 council can be heard) which term will com mence and le held at said Court House on the second Monday of February, a.d. 1S4S. - jan7'-4tw SAM'L T. JENKINS, Cl'k. State of Indiana, Vanderburgh County, s. In the Probate Court of Vanderburgh County, in vacation, Jan. 5,1818. Amy Steels Adminis- tratixot Joseph loung dee'd. rs:. , - ' Mary Ann Young, An- Petition to wll real estate na boll fYlatiida loung, John Bunyan Young, WUliam Henrv Younsr. Joanna Younsi." j BEitremembedthat heretofore to wit on the 6th day of deceniber A. D. 1847 the above named Amy Skeels administration of the estate of Joseph Young deceased, tiled in the office of the clerk of the Probate Court of Vanderbugh County her certain pe tition praying for the sale of the real estate belong ing to said decedents estate. And it satisfactorily ap pearing by the affidavitof a disinterested person this day hied in the clerks office a foresaid that Anna Bell Matilda Youmj one of the above named detendants is not at this time a resident of tlie State of Indiana. Notice is therefore given to tlie said Anna Bell Matilda Youna to appear ot or before the calling of tms cause at tne next term ot said Court to be held at the court house in Evansville on the second Mon day in February next, and show cause if any she have or can why said real estate should not be sold and made assets in the hands of the administration for the payment of the debts and . demands outstanding against said C3tate. jan 7, w4. SAMUEL T. JENKINS, Cl'k. State of Indiana, Spencer County. In the Probate Court of: said County, November Term, a. d. 1847. In the matters and th'uigs in the estate of John Murphy, deceased. TVTOW at this time come John W. Graham and It Willis Snyder the Administrators of said estate, and hie their memorial showing the condition of the said estate and complaining that the - property both real and personal is unsutticient to pay the debts and demands outstanding against it; and the court being fully advised in the premises, declares the said estate probably insolvent. . It is therefore ordered that the tiling and pendency of the said complaint be made known to the creditors of the said John Murphy, de ceased, by a publication of this order for six weeks successfully in the Evansville Weekly Journal, a newspaper - published in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, State of Indiana, and that they be informed that unless they notify the said administrators of the existence and extent of their respective claims by fil ing the or a statement of lue nature, dato and description of the contract or assumpsit upon which the same way be founded in the o'Hce of the clerk of this court previous to the final distribution of the as sets of the estate of the said decedent, such claims will be postponed in favor of the claims of more dili gent creditors, and ail further administering herein is continued. A copy tet. Witness JOHN OR A WFORD, Clerk of said Court at Rockport, November 17th. 1847. By S. W. FAIRFIELD, Dep. Clerk. dc3-w6w. VANDERBURGH Circnit Court. An ad journed Term of the September Term of the Vanderburgh Circuit Court for the year 1847, will beheld at the Court House in Evansville, on the 31st day of January, 1848. All officers and traverse Ju rors, of said Court and parties litigant, are hereby notified to attend. -SAM'L T. J&S KINS, Cl'k. jan 11 of the Vanderburgh Circuit Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S Sale. By virtue of an order ot' the Probate Court, made at its No vember term, a. d. 1847, the undersigned, administra tor of Isaac R. Knight, deceased, will sell at public auction on the 5th day of February next, at the court house door, in the city of Evansville, the following described real estate, "to wit : The undervided two-fifths of the S. W. qr. of the the N. E. c,r. of section 21, T. G, S. R 10 W. Also, the undervided two-fifths of the N. W. qr. of the N. E. qr. of section 1, T. 6, S. R. W., in the county of Vanderburgh. .Terms of Sale. One-half of the purchase money in three months and one-half in six months from the day of sale, the purchaser giving note with approved security and waiving all benefits from valuation or appraisement lawa. " HENRY P. VAUGHN, Adm'r. BAXtn &, Garvix, Aujs, jan. 8tw-4w.- AD3IINlSTRATOR'S Sale. I will sell at auction at the late residence of Frank Cham bers, in the 4th enlargement adjoining Evansville, on Saturday the 2'Jth day of January inst., 18-18, the per sonal properly of the estate of said Frank Chambers, consisting of a small stock-ot groceries, fixtures about store, household and kitchen turiiiture, some hogs, a cow, some wood, &c. Terms of Sale All sums under 5, cash; all above that sum on a credit of three months with approved security waiving relief laws. , jnnti-w3w. JOHN INGLE Jb. - .. . , V , . ' .. . .- , ADMINISTRATOR'S Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration upon the estate of Wilks Reagen, deceased. All persons1 indebted to said es tate wiil make immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate will present them duly. au thenticated for settlement. , . The estate will be. settled as insolvent, dec 31-w3w p f $1 . BEULAII REAGEN. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCe. NOTICFIS hereby given that I have taken out letters of Executon-hip, with the will 1 annexed on the estate of the late William TraftOn of the city of Evansville.dec'd. A II those indebted to said estate, are requested to immediately make payment, and all those having claims against said estate, arc requested to present them to tlie subscriber, legally authenticat ed for settlement, said estate is supposed to be sol vent, those having settlements to make will please call at the ollice Weevrrand Trafton at the old stand of Doctor Trai'ton, w ho are authorised to make set tlements and where the subscriber can always be found or N. Rawlrv at the Sherwood house, dec 10-t&,w. AMERICA TRAFTON, Executrix MacStenzJe 1'onipoitud Liver Villa;. These truly Celebrated Pills, NOW properly esteemed in all neigborhoods where they ha ve been used, were first made some Twelve years Ago by the proprietor, from a Veget able Extract, and then recommended by him as a su perior Bilious Pill He then resided in an eastern City. On his removal to the west, in 1S3G he wae soon forced to observe the very general complaint then and now prevalent, of a Diseased state o, 'l'he Liver, Jaundice &c. His long experience of the primary causes,and disastrous rcsultsof an af fectioa of tlus all important working agent of the hu man f rame, and pose;-sed as he was of a practical knowledge of the specific action produced in that or gan (thc'Liver,) by the Extract so successfully resort ed toby h'.m in eastern practice induced the Proprietor to give his Pills a trial in those diseases where Chron ic or Torpid State of the Liver w;as Complained of. The result in every instance, so far as he has been informed, has shown their Complete Triumph over that disorder. 1 hus convinced ot their complete elh cacv, he has invariably recommended them; and thousands who in the health-restoring u?eofthem hnvR hetii benefited, now bear witness to their power ful effects in ridding the system of all those diseases connected with or dependent upou an unhealthy state t the Liver, such as li;llous and other f evers, Jaundice Dyrpepsia, Sick Headache, Flatulency,' Heartburn, Habitual costivness; tic. ' In view of all these facts, the proprietor in recornmcn -ding his CojirorsD Liver Pitis, does so with the greatest confidence in their properties of prevein iiif and curing Bilious Disease. He assures those wEo may have occasion to use diem, That they are Ktrictlv what thevcuroort to be. bein prepared exnress ly for the afore mentioned diseases. They act spe cificaly on the Liver and Viscera; remove all con gestive action and morbid secretions; purifying the blood; causing a free and healt hy discharge ot bile strengthening tne system, and assisting digestion C. S. Mackenzie &. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Propri etors ' For sale by V. M. WOOIEY, Agent, may l-9m Evansville, la. r10TTON Yarn.- Constantly on hand and for sale the best quality ot Uotton Y am by may 4 tf. - A. LAUGIILIN, Water St. -l"TTiTlTi TSrnshps'! Tnct nnnno,! f,,ll , 13 sortment of Counter, White Wash, Shoe, Horse. Shavinsr, Hair, Cloth, Varnish, Paint and scrub Brush- TO THE PUBLIC. AMES SCAXTLIS, SR JAMES BCAN'rttS, JR, JAIttES SCAXTTXiXXT &. SON, HAVING secured for the State of flgt Indiana the Patent Right for the . WH COMBINATION" AIR TIGHT COOKING STOVES," Are prepared to supply tlie public on their usual rea sonable terms at their Old stand on Main street, Eviuisville, and take pleasure in being able to re commend it as the very test invention and most val uable article in the stove line, that has yet been of fered to the public, it being a decided and acknowl edged improvement over all other "Air Tight stoves." Patented in the year 184C. The many advantagesof this Stove over all others, has secured for it tlie reputation wherever it is known, of being the most important improvement ever made in that article, l'he stove is furnished with Double Hearths, one for a coal furnace and one for broiling and other necessary uses. - ' It has a capacious oven equal in size to the . Stove itself, capable of containg two tiers of pans and per fect in its cooking. The fire chamber is so arranged in front of the pipe that boiling on four of the holes at the same time can be done without the necessity of heating up the OVEN and thus chooking up the flue unnecessarily AS IN OTHER "AfR TIGHT STOVES." And a new improved damper has been introduced in this Stove so Uiat the heat can be regulated at pleasure and any required degree obtained with as tonishing exaclnets. r ' . - Tlie Stove is got up in good taste, combining in a remarkable manner, beauty with strength and util ity. The furniture and equipments of the stove are perfect in every respect, and form of themselves a complete movable kitchen. In addition to the above stove the subscribers have also secured the right to sell the Double Oven Cook ing Stove, s "HARRY OF THE WEST," which is very highly approved by all who have ever used or examined it for its capacities in the way for cooking in every department, and for its saving in way ot fuel. The certificates below from those who have used the shove stoves show that the accomoda tions are not "pulls" merely, but truths of which all may be convinced. . . . ALSO. A large assortment of every kind of stoves; such as. Premiums, Parlors, Counting-Room; Shop and School-Room. Together with a large as sortment of Tin-ware, a.t their usual lowprices. " CERTIFICATES: Mkssrs. James Scastlin & Son, Gentlemen Having examined all, and tried sev eral of the Cooking Stoves now in use, I have con cluded to give the "Combination Air Tight" Cook ing Stove of Messrs. French and Winslow a trial, (it is an improvement upon the "Wager Air Tight" Cooking stove,) and I am fully satisfied that it com bines more useful advantages in cooking than any other stove now in use. Yors, &c. R. W. DUNBAR. Messrs. James Scaxtxin & Son, Gentlemen The "Double Oven Cooking Stove," purchased by me from you some time since, has far surpassed my expectations, and if cooking for a large number of persons in a very short time and in first rate style, with small expense of fuel, are any eviden ces of a good stove; this certainly has proved itself to be one. JOHN M. APP. Taylor House, Evansville. Messrs. James Scantlis &. Son, Gentlemen After giving the "Combination Air Tight Cooking Stove which you put up for us, a thorough and impartial trial; we take pleasure in be ing ahfe to say to you that it far surpasses any thing of the kind we have ever used, and we feel satisfied that it is superior to any of the many patents that are otlered for sale in our City, JAMES STEEL. ADAM SCHAFFER. Evansville, August 30th, 1847. Messrs. James Scantun Son, Gents. In reply to your enquiry concerning the Double Oven Stove "Harry of the West," that you dut up for me I would say that I have tried a number of stoves of various paterns, but this one I must give a decided preference over ail others that I have used, and consider it well worthy of the attention of the public. CHARLES BABCOCK. - Messrs.. James Scantli.n &. Sox, Gents. I have used for some weeks past, in my Hotel the Double Oven Cooking "Harry of the West" purchased by me from you, and during that time the capacities of the stove for boiling, broiling, cooking and roasting has been fully tested and I can safely say that this stove can do nioro and better cooking in a shorter, time with less trouble and expense than any stove that has ever been used in my house. I have examined many of the stoves for sale; and for some years was engaged in the business of manufacturing them but have never yet seen any stove that arrives, so near perfection as the one now used by me. Washington House. BENJ. NURRE. Evansville, August 30th, 1847. Messrs. James Scantlin &. Son, Gents. Having used the Double Oven Cooking Stove "Harry of "the West," I can say that I fully concur with Mr. Nurre, in the favorable opinions he has expressed above concerning it. JOHN GREEK. Messrs. James Scantlin & Sox, Gents. I have now in use in my kitchen a "Har ry of the West" Stove, and I find it to be in every res pect preferable to any 1 have ever used in my ten years experience in keeping a hotel, I have had va rious kinds and among them "Bucks" celebrated cooking stove, but the "Harry of the West" combines advantages in the saving ot fuel and in boiling and baking which must ever place it among the very best Cooking Stoves yet invented C. K. DREVv, Proprietor Exchance Hotel. Reference concerning the stoves can also be had of L. M. Olmstead, Esqr., James Brazelton, Esq., Mo sos Aiken, Wm. Griffith, Wm. Elliott, Evansvilte; W. B.ildon, and Dr. Posev, Peterburgh, la. Call on JAMES SCAN'TLIN & SON, at the sign of the Golden Coffee Pot; Main street, nearly oppo site the 'Chequered Store,' Evansville. sep2o-6m. EVJ1KSVH,IJ STOVE STORE SOMETHING NEW AND Importan, to Housekeepers. :The Subscriber having secured the Pa tent Right for the counties of Vanderburgh, Posey, Warrick, Gibson and Knox, for,' - - WAGER' AIR-TIGHT. COOK STOVE, Now ofiers them for sale, after having given them a thorough trial, with every confidence that they are the best stove ever offered. I have sold a dozen or more to our citizens, no one of them could be purchased for the money paid for tliem. This Stove is simple in its arrangement, avowing all liability to get out of repair. Its economy in fuel; its strengthened plates were exposed to lire; its enlarged flues, holding in suspense so much heated air. its per fected summer arrangement, where all small culinary operations, with broiling and boiling, heating irons and preserving may be perlbrmed without heating the stove; its perfect draught under any circumstances; its capacity for performance; the small space it occu pies; the lanre size and complete control of heat in its oven; the smoothness of its castings; the elegance of its form, making it a rich and beautiful piece of furniture; all constitute an extraordinary combina tion of beauty, convenience, and durability, which leaves it without competition in the whole catalogue of Stoves. This stove has taken the first premium both at the Country Agricultural fairs and at the American Institute, Is ew York, and we have numerous tes timonials ot its entire success in winning its way to public favor amid the tremenduous compitilion of the East. The following cirtiScates from Gen. Joseph Lane and others, who have them in uso will speak their worth. Evansville Jdly 10 1847. JSIr. Thomas Scantlin.tiii: The Wagar's Troy Air.-.tight Cooking stove, that you put up for Mrs Lane is an excellent one and she thinks decidedly the best cooking stova that she has seen, its capacity for baking is far better than any stove that we have tried. Rerpectfully yours JOSEPH LANE. We whose names are annexed having purchased from Mr. Thomas Scantlin Wager's New Air-Tight Cooking Stove take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being the best arranged cooking and baking stove we have used, the ovens being large baking can be done equal to an brick oven we have ever tried and with one halt the ordinary fuel used in stoves, they are neat in their structures and combines economy, with every necessary convenience and in every respect tlie best article ol the kind we have ever used, and would cheerfully recommend thciu to all persons in want of a good cooking stove. Evansville lnd, July 10, 1847. , DANIEL WOOLSEY. SAMUEL ORR. . . ' . , - SAM'L T. JENKINS. . C. G.DORSON. C.G.CLIFFORD. I also keep on hand the "Double Oven Cook Stoves,' "Premium Cook Stoves," "Air-Tight Parlor" seven and ten piate, Cannon, and other stoves of every va riety and pattern, and which I can afford and will sell at unusual low prices all I ask is to have those wish ing to purchase to give me a call. N. B. Any quantity of TIN WARE on hand as usual, and ail work in that line niado to order and on short notice, at short prices. July 24-tf . ' ; THOMAS SCANTLIN. Sycamore st. near Laughlin's corner, and Water St.. adoors from corner of Maine. . . CLOTHS, Cassimeres, and Vesting Bourliy's celebrated French black Cloth; Eng. &, Amer. blue, black, brown and olive Cloth; Plain and plaid Cassimeres; Satt'tn, Velvet, Woolen, and Silk Vestings, Also a good assortment of Tailors trimmings, For sale low either at wholesale retail. ' sep 28-tf. " M. W. FOSTER. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ALLEN C. HALLOCK, Druggist and rltarmaculist. would call the attention ot the citizens of Evansville and and adjoining towns to his complete assortment of Drugs,Medicines, Chemicals, Oils, Dyestuffs, &c., &c, &.c All of which are carefully selected and received fresh from the Eastern Markets. Physicians and merchants may depend upon their orders being promptly attend ed to and the genuine article always delivered, on terms wholesale and retail as favorable as the same quantity and quality can be purchased at any Place. A full assortment of Botanic Medicines, Roots, Barks, Herbs, Extracts, Powders, &c, prepared and ' ut up by the Shakers. ... Hal lock's spperior cold drawn No. 1 Castor Oil, xianufactured at Mt. Carmel, Illinois. : A large assortment of Pattent and Family Medi cines, Essence's, Hair Oil's, Perfumery, Soaps, and fancy articles Cologne, Bay and Rose Water, all of the best qualities Seidlitze and Soda Powders, carefully-put up and of full weight. .. ; Copal Varnish at 3 00, $2 25, and $1 75 per gal Ion. ' , , '.. Superior Pale French Brandy, P. ti. Goddard &Co's Brand, warranted pure, for medical purposes ouly. Hallock's Worm Candy, a -safe and pleasant med icine to destroy worms in chddren and improve their their general health; Hallock's Cough Candy composed of Horehound Bonese, &,c. for all kinds ofcaugh. ALSO ON SALE. At the proprietors prices Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters See advertisement. Dr. Upham's VegitablePile Electuary See adver tisement Wilder's Sugar Coated Veg. Anti-Fever Pills See advertisement. ; Dr. VanZandt's Health Restorative Veg. Pills See advertisement. , Dr. Folger's Olosaonion, or all Healing Balsom See advertisement. ," Dr. Peter's Vegetable Pills, Worm and Cough Loz enges. -- " " Dr. Le Roy's Universal Vegetable Pills, composed of Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry. Dr. Porter's Poor man's Curative Sugar Coated Pills, at 10 cents per box. Dr, Porter's Poor Man's Strengthning Plaster, at 10 cents a piece. . .. . . . ' Barnes' Tooth-Ache Drops, warranted to cure in all cases. , , Overstreet's genuine Linament, and Doctor Beach'? Family Pill. Dr. Grave's Anti-Fever and Fever and Ague Pills " Cholera Infantum and Bowel com plaint Pill. Dr. Grave's Pain Extractor, for burns, scalds swel lings, Rheumatic Pains, &.c, warranted to give in stant relief in all cases. Nerve and bone Linament, highly celebrated for its curative powers. At the New Drug Store; Main street opposite Be ment &. Viele's. jylO tf RARITY under the head of a Patent Medicine Zi." advertisement. We ask our readers to peruse tne tollowmg, knowing they will protit thereby. M' LANE'S VERMIFUGE. A medicine which is perfectly safe, and may be giv en to children from tender infancy, to advanced age, lays under no restraint as to cold water, or any kind ot food. Purges mildly, subduing fever; destroys and expels worms with invariable success, ana is easily administered to children. . That it possesses these valuable properties, is fear lessly asserted: still claiming the aditkmal advantages of being givenuin small bulk, and requiring noneoi the drenching which Worm tea and other supposed Ver mifuge demand. During its brilliant career, it has been introduced into many f amilies, where every oth er known and accessible Vermifuge had been tried without .the least success, where it has promptly ex. pelled worms toan almost incredible amount. - t Hear what the Luitorot the Bulletin ot the Pacific, (published in Pittsburgh, Pa.) says in reference to the article. ; . .:-'' "In looking up a few advertisements for my small sheet, the other day, I called in upon Messrs. J. Kino & Co. and remarking that I would be glad to advertise any medicine that really was essentially useful, they furnished me with their circular respectitig Dr. M' Lane's Worm Specific, with the accompanying certif icates. Feeling pursuaded that the certificates Were genuine, I took some of the medicine home for the use of my own young family. I gave the first day a small leaspoonful to Sarah. She was wan-looking and black under the eyes. She passed several worms, some as large as a pipe stem. I also gave a small teaspoonful to Samuel, a little, rosy cheeked fleshy boy, about 3i years old. But as his stomach was tympanous, i. e. he was potbellied. I thought he iiiiuht have worms. He cried after more, which I did not see fit to give him",' Dut upon tne operation ot this medicine, his mother and the neighbors were surprised at the result, lie passed nearly a piut of worms, almost all as bif as a common pipe stern. There was seventy in all. F then gave some to a little boy only 2 years old, and he pass ed twenty-five, some eight inches in length. 1 there fore feel clear to recommend M' Lane's v ermifuge as a specific lor worms. It fairly seems death to them. ISRAEL REES, Editor. Pittsburgh Feb. 10th, 1847. J. Kidd &, Co. No. 60 Wood Street; Pittsburgh, now the sole proprietors of Dr. M' Lane's celebrated medi cines. r All orders must be addressed to them. . OCT N. B. Purchasers will please be particular to inquire for "DrJl'Laijf's American Worm Specific, or Vermifuge." . Sold Wholesale ft Retail by -CRAWFORD BELL. . . Main St., Evansville lnd. Br Drujrsists and Dealers trenerallr throughout the United Slates. dec22-wly. From the Filtsburs Gazelle. THE past summer (1847) has been a very remarka ble one. Frequent and heavy rain, followed by intense and long continued heat, had theefiuct, in the first place, to promote a rapid growth of succulent vegetation, and in the second , to produce a rapid de composition of vegetable matter, giving rise to much miasma and spreading sickue.-s, disease and death, in places which had heretolbre been remarkable' for their salubrity. : - . . We are credibly informed, that whole meadows, on which the grass was unusually heavy, rotted to the ground and was not lit to be cut. In Indiana and Illinois, the sickness was so general, that there was not enough well persons to attend upon the sick, whose sudi rings were protracted by a want of prop er remedies, as welljis of good nursing. Much of this suffering might have been prevented, had every fam ily kept on hand a supply of medicines suited to coun teract the effects of this miasma, with which the at mosphere at certain times is surcharged. In addi tion to Quinine, (which is in such general use as to need no comment,) we would strongly urge every family tokeep on hand one or more boxes of "Dr. M'Lane's Livek Pills." . .... These Pills are the prescription of an eminentPhy eician in Monongahala Co. Virginia, and were used by him in his private practice as a remedy in billious complaints, for years before he thought of offering them to the public. - Such, however, was the success of the Pills, and so great the number of persons ben efited by them, that the making of the quantity requi site to supply the increasing demand, began to inter fere materially with the time required to attend to his practice. To prevent this he has made arrange ments with the house of J. Kipd & Co. No. 60 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa. to prepare and vend them, where the genuine may be procured at all times and in any reasonable quantity. : i : : ; :! These Pills are not recommended as a panacea for 'all the ills that flesh is heir to,1' but in all affections of the Liver and in ali bilious complaints, they stand without a rival. All who have ever used them, give them the preference overall other Pills, and cannot be persuaded to exchange those which they find experi ence to bemild,snfe, and effectual, for any other,even though they may be susar coaled, ox so drastic as to go "through by day light." . .. . .. Prepared for the proprieforby J. KIDD &. Co. whole sale Druggist, No. GO Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. to whom all orders from a distance must be directed. Sold also by our Agents and the principal Druggists, throughout tlie United States and Canada. ; 5?" N. B. Purchasers will please be particular and inquire for l'Dr. ibf' 'Lane's Liver W," as there are other Pills purporting to be "Liver Pills," now before the public. -' - dec22-wly. Sold Wholesale & Retail by i . C It A WFORD BELL. Main st Evansville, lnd. FARM FOR SALE. . THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to dispose of tho farm upon which he lives, being on the Boonville Road, one mile North East from the Court House, in the city of Evansville, containing thirty three acres of first rate land, under good improvement. This farm hasuponit a good and well finished fram dwelling house, and out houses, a well of first rate water, a finely improved garden and young Orchard. Also Four lots in the fjtirth enlargement of the city of Evansville. . Also Three first rate horses, a good two horse wagon, (the Peytonia,) and harness, buggy and har ness, one cow, 17 head of hogs, 600 bushels of corn, one stack of hoy and fodder, liousohold and kitchen furniture; for terms apply to tlie subscriber dec&-tf JOHN N. KIRKEND ALL, REFINED LoafSugar. lb loaves Stewart's double refined and three barrels Stewart's crush ed, for sale by frbJSJ C. BELL, ivcsr vszis&k hp a 1 1 19 m as i i an HOWE'S IIYCEIAN IIOARIIOUND AND LIVERWORT COUGH CANDY. THIS popular Candy has heen before the public in the west and south more than one year,and in that short space of time it has obtained more reputation tor its good qualities, certainly oi cure, anu cueap ness, than any other Medicine of the kind ever offered It is the intention of the proprietors to sell theCoCGH Caspv reasonable, in order that it may be in the reach of all to obtain a remedy, that never fails, (no such word as "fail" is ever heard or thought of, when this Candy is talked about,) curing tae most violent CoLni and Cough, and is therefore offered to the suffering and afflicted, of the West and South; for their good: Pulmonary Complaints, Whoofing Cough, c0lds,c0uuhs,h0aks.ness, Bronchitis, Asthma, Phthisic, Croup, , And sreneral afflictions of Influenza, Difficulty of Expector Soke Throat, ation the Chest and Lungs, which lends to Consumptions, all of which diseases. yield immediately by the use of this valuable Cough Canoy. The materials used in the preparation are of the best quality, being vegetable and tne oest wniw Ha vana Sugar, conseque ntly it may be relied on as in ev ery respect a pure and genuine article. " HOWE & CO. No. 1, College Hall, Walnut Street Cincinnati, O. CERTIFICATES. From Henry Morse, Ex Judge of Court of Common Please. This is to certify that we have used the Cough Can dy of HOWE &. CO., and do with confidence cheer fully recommend it to those afflicted with Coughs, Colds, &c . ' FI. MORSE. Manufacturer of Patent Force Pumps, Ornamental Cast Iron Fountains, Fire Engines, &c. Cincinnati, Aug. 1 1, 1847, D. S. F ANNUM. From D. Tuttle.Proprietor of the City Hotel. MESSRS. HOWE &. CO. Gentlemen: It is with much satisfaction that I have it in my power to testify to the efficiency of your Cough Candy. . I have used it and know it to be a valuable and certain remedy for Colds and Coughs, and as such commend it to the public. Cincinnati, Aug. 1C, 1847, D TUTTLE. From Wm. Young, Presiding Elder, of the Metho dist E. Church,.Cincinnati. . ; . Me. Howe: Not longsince while laboring under the influence of a painfully embarrassing hoarseness occasioned by cold and speaking in the open air a friend handed me a piece of your "Hoarhound and Liverwort Candy" from the use of which I experien ced great and almost immediate relief since then I have frequently used it with the same beneficial ef fects. I therefore feel no hesitance in recommending your Candy as a certain specific for Coughs, Colds, Hoarsness, &c. WM. YOUNG. Cincinnati Aug. 27, 1847. - For sale by W. M. WOOLSEY, Agent, Evansville, Indiana. . ; - : nov 2j, tf. HEALTH! HEALTH! THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP of TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA. TEE ONLY CERTAIN REMEDY FOR THE CURE OP CONSUMPTION, Ashtna, Bronchists, Spitting Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Sore 1 hroat, Haorsness, Palpitation of the Heart, Whooping Cough, Croup;Hives, Nervous Tremours, Liver complaint, Diseased Kidneys, and Affections . generally of the Throat, . Breast and Lungs. . . . t Ol au the diseases incident to our climate there is none so universal, and at the same time so insidious and fatal, as Consumption. In this country especial ly, Pulmonary Consumption is emphatically a scourge and in its resistless career sweeps over the land as a Destroying Angel, laying low, with relentless hand, the strongest and fairest of our race. Hitherto all efforts to arrest this dread disease have proved vain, and all that seemed within our power was at best al leviation of suffering, rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the tomb The proprietor, in offering this preparation to the public, would embrace the opportunity to state upon what grounds it puts torth its merits; and the reasons upon which it founds its sujierior claims to the atten tion of the afflicted, that all who require its use may repose full confidence in its curative powers. . Since its first prearation he has had the pleasure, of wit nessing its happy results in numerous instances; but he was determined not to offer it to the public until he had become thoroughly convinced of its efficacy. Having such conviction, he now confidently offers it as a remedy without a parallel for the cure of PUL MONARY CONSUMPTION and its kindred dis eases. , -.. ;' . - Let the following speak for itself. "I have used 'Thomson's Compound Syeup of Tar & Wood Naphtha,' for some time in my practice, and have found it the most efficient remedy I have over used in Consumptive cases, Chronic .Catarrh, etc, when great irritability, with weaknass of the pulmo nary organs, existed. The rapidity with w hich it acts is greatly in its favor where dyspuoea or oppress ion exists, when is immediately relieved by it." "In Pulmonary Consumption it can be used with confidence, being applicable to every form of that dis ease," and I consider it a medicine well worthy the attention of Physicians, and exempt from the imputa tion of empiricism." , - - M. CHAMBERS, M. D. Philadelphia, Oct. 11th, 1846. JCrThe above medicine prepared only by Axgxey & Dickson, itNE corner of i ifth and Soruce Streets Philadelphia: Sold by C. BELL, Evansville, and respectable druggists generally. " Price 50 cents or 1 per bottle; beware of imita tion. nov 4, 1847 THE GREAT REMEDY!! House's Indian Tonic. A safe and sure euro for CHILLS or AGUE & FE V ER, in the unprecedented short time of Five Hours as thousands throughout the West and South can testify, who have been thus speedily cured by this Great Remedy! EVERY one who is afflicted, should be anxious to obtain that remedy which ofiers the best, quick est, and safest cure, no matter lrom what source it springs; every honest man being bound to embrace the trutn, wnerever iounu. l nereiore, tne proprietor, in justice to the public and himself, feel called upon to state, honestly, a. few facts, which will estabLsh House's Indian Tonic to be the best remedy for CHILLS or Agueand Fever, now known. Fact 1st The article is convenient and pleasant to take---is re fined from all gross particles, winch render other pre parations so muddy, nauseous,'and disagreeable to th taste; and if the directions are followed, will cure every case, with mathematical certainty, in from three to five hours.. Astonishing !!! but true. Fact 2nd--By its action upon the liver and other organs con cerned, in forming it, the bile is regulated, the morbid action induced by the cause ef the disease is destroyed fever allayed and it will be found a power! till agent in assisting to remove fevers generally. Fact 3rd It gives tone to the stomach invigorates the body stimulates all the functions to a healthy action and is highly useful, wherever tonics are vs anted. Fact 4th this tonic has performed, and is daily per forming, cures in CHILLS or AGUE &, FEVER, withouta parallel in medicine. Witness a single bot tle making a cure in a case of TEN YEARS stand ing; another in a case of NINE YEARS standing to cure that which had previously baffled all skill, and every remedy. Look at the many other astonishing cures set forth in the certificates around the bottle, and then say, if HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC does not de servedly stand, pre-eminently the greatest remedy of .1 . i, I -I . i . i-n .i tne uiiies. , lieaa xue certincaies careiuny; tney are from your neighbors and friends and whenever you meet with any of them, (to ascertain the truth,) don't fail to ask them concerning it. Be sure to ask for HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, and as you value your health, don'f be put off with any thing else. Prepared and sold by Geo. W House, Nashville, Tenn. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by 6iu . W M WOOLSEY, Evansville,.Ind HOUSE'S CELEBRATED YEOE'f ABLE FILL, Superior to any Purgative now known for expelling Disease lrom the Svstem. This Pill rs made of Vegetable substances only, and is prepared with tlie greatest care, according to the rules of Pharmacy. .To all who labor under any lingering or Chronip disease, they are especially recommended. In Gout; White Swelling, Fever Sokes, Scrofula, and Ner vous Debilitv, fh-y never fail to give relief. In RHEUMATISM, they nrw tho only certain cure ever discovered tor this paiutul di?'ati, as hundreds can testify, who am now rrjouuiiu two from pniu and in perfect health, altar hitving bwtt givrnavcr by friends and physicians n imnimblp, lu Drorsu-At. AriKC tio.ns, and disouM'D of lUc WoMt, mul thou; jtrowinc out of it, they ro rxomiiiKsiy valuable. hiu.iovs and all other FtvMts, tire p-iWiMtM tt ouea, by their speedy action upon ihn whole eVBtetu. A great amount of the bpt Pvi.Ww could be added toestublish the hi;!h W (uifttio t4 itus P1EL but the trial and uo of a nitil box. ill bo worth more to the invalid-.. than tlw ootnbiund wriifieutes of the whole world. Sco cirtilit uns on the wrapper. Prepared only by GEO, W. HOUSE. Nashville Tenn. For sale by, nov l Cm W M WOOLSEY, Evansville, lnd. PILES! HOUSE'S PILE OINTMENT is a most valuable safe and certain cute for PILES. JCrSee certificates around the bottle. Prepared by George W House; Nashville, Tenn. Price 1 per bottle. For sale by, - " W M WOOLSEY, Evansville, lnd. fettalfcla' Tn ""r A SOVEREIGN remedy for Ague and Fever. . This great Remedy: to which the public atten tion is particularly called, has been extensively used in the western & south western states, as a spee dy safe and certain cure for Ague and fever, Dumb , Ague. Chill, or intermittent Fever. ' ' . ' ' The unexampled and complete success attending ita :J use; and so well proven have become its wide spread . victories over every form of Ague in the west that th ' 'Febrifuge' is now superseding every other offered remedial agent, and looked upon as the only one that can be relied upon in all stages of the disease. The many thousands of instances wherein it ha , wrought cures, while no instance is known, nor can be shown of failure, warrants it in being offered as ' possessing the three cardinal merits, without which no medicine can be safely used in Auge cases. These merits are, that its cures are safe, certain and perma nent, C. S. Mackenzie & Co Cleveland Ohio, propria- " t0&"ForsalebyIIoadley, Phelps & Co, wholesale a-' gents New York, and by Brinkerhoff &. Penton, Chi cago, 111; Ewards &, Francis, St. Louis, Mo. and by Drueists generally throughout the United States. FoY sale by WM. M. WOOLSEY, agent for E ' ansville, lnd. may 1 !m. - A. Fahneitsck fc Co's Family medicine B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S7i'-jSt7B Fills A safe and valuable remedy in intermittent, remit tent and bilious fevers, and all complaints of an in- flammatory character. It is an excellent purgative, being mild yet effectual in its ope ration. R A. Vidiupjctrjcli's Liaid (hxidddoc. A Prepare f tion far superior to the common Opodildoc for sprains, bruises and all cases in which Opodildoc is com-; moiily used. " B. A. FahnestockSr Co.'s Cough BaJscm.ThcT9 are tierhans but few cousih preparations, that will pro duce such decided effects in so short a time. It i . pleasant and eti'eetual. - B. A. Fahneslock & Co ' Cough Lozenges, Pos sess all the virtues of the best cough sy rus in a concen- , trated form are convenient to take anu pleasant to the taste. ' ' ' ' B A Vnhfip.tioi-l X. Cn's Carminative Lozensres. Have cured hundreds of the Bowel Complaint, while not an instance has yet come to our knowledge in which they have failed. They will certainly and snedilv allav the morbid irritability of tho bowels, re store the checked prespiration, and in a short time cur the most inveterate case or Diarrhoea, Chronic Dys entery, or hahitual looseness. Price 25 cents a box. B. A. Fahneslock & C'o.'s En Water, for curing In' tarnation oj Vie Jyes. lias proved itseiia vaiuaoie re medy for Disease of the Eyes, arising from sand, dust, . and other foreign substances, acrid vapors, exposure to intense light blows sudden change of temperature . colds absorption of scrofulous, small pox and other virulent matters; also the effects of scarlet and . other fevers Price 25 Cents. B. A. Falineslock ($- .Co.' Euhifacicnt.A power ful and permanent stimulant lor the cure of Ehuma tism, Sprains, Sore Throat, Spavin, &c. .. For sale by W. u. C. BEEL, Main street, ap20. - ... ' Y Evansville, Indiana ,-. 15. A. Fahnestock's Vermifiige, , v,; i. A Sure Remedy for Worms. It Has met with, a success hitherto unparalleled. Rural Grove, Butler co., Pa.) , - July 29th, 134C. ABOUT ten days ago, a boy belonging to one of my neighbors, and who had been ill tor a week or more, was seized with spasms, and had four severa fits within twenty-four hours His parents ad mini- . tered two doses of B. A. Fahnestak's Vermifuge, , when lie passed one hundred and three large worm, and obtained complete relief. ' '-''" . , Joseph Bcmmins, Merchant. Baldwin Township, Alleghuny co., Pa, April 30th, 1846. J Mr. Fahnestock: Sir This wiil certify that I gave my child aged two years, three tea spoons full of your Vermifuge, upon which it discharged eighty -five largo ; worms. I hud previously called in a Physician, who however, did no gOod; but tho Vermifuge gave inline diate relief. M. Brawdi ii Certificate of the Mayor of Lancaster, Pa. Lancaster, July 3, 1846. ' Messrs. Fahnestock &. co Gentlemen: Several ol die younger branches of my family laboring under symptoms indicating worms, induced the application ' of various remedies, and lam happy to say that your Veruufuge had the desired eflbct of, in one instance, ; removing the almost incredible number of one hundred , and fifty-one of the largest worms, from one patient, which, m addition to its other beneficial qualities in my family, established the efficacy of your Vermiiuga as a sure cure. M. Carpenter, Mayor of the city of Lancaster'; - From the Louisville Journal of April, 184G- B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. We invite attention to the advertisement of this very r valuable medicine. Wre have repeatedly heard it warmly recommended by some of the most distinguish -ed physicians of our city, as the very best remedy ol kind now in use , 'rom the Rev. T J. Fisher, a Baptist minister ia Kentucky:. . Hodgeisville, Ky., April 11th, 1846. . This is to certify that 1 have administered B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge wi'.h unparalleled success. J. Fisher. Kr Read the following from a highly respectibU house in Ksoxville, Tenn., March4th, 1846. It (the Vermifuge) has proved the best article of th kind which has ever been used in this part of the coun try; we have other prepeations for sale but lway recommend yours when our opinion is asked. S. Mansfield &. Co. , .. . Unparalleled Imjmsilion and Ejftonteryl. . .; An individual named S. Fahnestock has repeatedlyi asserted that the article which he calls "-Dr. S. Fah-' nestock's Vermifuge," and which he acknwledges is made after another man's receijie, is the same or th equal to the Vermifuge made by me. The Public are assured that this is abase falsehood, and are hereby cautioned against confounding the spurious article with mine. It is entirely different in its composition and does not possess the virtues and virtues of my preparation. B. A Fahnestock. Pittsburgh, March, 1847. .. : . , , i,X The true and geuine B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge may at all times be had at the drug warehouse of th subsbribers, corner First and wood streets, Pittsburg,. Penn. B. A. Fahnestock &, co. ap24 tf. Forsaleby W.&C. BELL, Evansville CONSUMPTION and Liter Complaint. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort has been used successfully for eight years in the ere of these diseases.' Remember tlie original and genuine is made only at. 375 Bowery N. Y ., all others are spurious and unau thorized. 1 " ' - : To the Public- We hereby. certify that our son, six years old, was suddenly taken ill with a fever, and after a severe fickness; n violent' cough ensued. : 1 He was bloatedthis skin was filled, and his physi cian said there was no favorable symptom about him that he had confirmed consumption. Af that time w procured a bottle of that valuable medicine, Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. After taking one bottle, we be gan to have hopes of his recovery.; He continued un td he had used five bottles. . It is now a year fromt that time, and his health is beeter than it has been since an infant. ; " David & Hannah Rogers. . 4 Granville, Washington co., N. Y ; ! ' Dr.Mwirpliy'a Sugar-Coal d Vegetable Anti-Ilillious and Anti-Dyspeptic Pill. PREPARED by Wm. II. Mukpav, M. D. 384 Pearl Street New York, price 25 cents per box These PUls are composed enterely of Vegetable ingre-.' dients, and contain not one particle of calomel or iner-j curyinany form, nor any mineral substance w-liat-' ever, and may be taken at all times and under all circumstances, and by all ages, without any fear of the sad consequence often attending mercurial and mineral preparations. Persons exposed to changes of weather ana climate travelers, emigrants, seamen, soldiers, &c are recommended to provide themselves with a supply of these Pills. Their extraordinary ef ficaev in those complaints which prevail in our South- f em and Western States during the summer months, I , 1 l I . L . 1 I I" I 1 ana particularly aiong wie uaiis.501 rivers, la'ies ana ponds, and in those sections where the land is not all cleared up and dra'med, might be ?en from the piles of letters received by the Proprietor, which havo been ad dressed to him by those who are greatful for the ben-' stit derived from the use of his Pills. - Dr MURPHY'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE' . Anti-Fever Pills, , For the Immediate and Permanent cure of Ague andtj Fever, Chills and Fever;and all other Fevers. Prepared by Wm. Mcrphv, M. D. 381 Pearl Street1 New x ork. ' ' - ; $500 REWARD. ; i.r: I will give Five Hundred Dollars to any person who ; will produce, at a less cost, a better, a more innocent, and more perfect cure for Agueand Fever, or Chills, and Fever, than Dr. Murphv's Sugar-Coated Veget-: able Anti-Fever Pills. I will also give Two Hundred ' and Fifty Dollars to any person who will show a sin-' gle case where any injurous effects have attended the.' use of these Pills. They are warranted in all cases-, to cure Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, when taken according to - die direction accomompanvinsr' them. WM. MURPHY, M. b. i Price 50 cents per box. Agents for Evansville, W &. C. BELL; Mt. Vernon, D. McMullen; New Har mony, Agniel &, Son; Cynthiana,- Wm. Whiting; Owensville, John Graham; Princeton, J. R. Camp pell; Columbia, W. J. Casey, june 24 tw Si niH.. 1 1 Ii IV. ii i 4 1 ' r A n r s ; 4 in t i