JA f- , ' ' .-j- .... ' ' "" WJMgl l'MM - MM A-. . . arV- -- - - - - .... .. AM .. -. . - -mt- i - j a . . . t . , t jpOT v n t v , aS 1r -'.! ,JL jjr 1 ' . , ," 4 " "W'j'r" ' JPP" "' LteJfctl n 'i Him m in mi "I wi i i, k 7 iw H I. h In A 3 W' U a ' iu -' .' V-: f i r, I N fiackfeld Eimited SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS BiKUvciser Beer America's Greatest favorite MODERATE PRICES H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. Groceries 1'LOUR HAY AND GRAIN PAINTS AND OILS Builders' hardware STORKS IRON WAGON MATERIAL, KTC Plantation Supplies DRV GOODS AND STAPLES FERTILIZER AND BONE MEAL & Liberal Terms CUISINE UNEXCICLLED, service unsur passed; dining room and booth furnishings, THE FINEST to be found in the Hawaiian Islands. Dinner Parties, Banquets, and Suppers served under the supervision of the proprie tor, either at the restaurant or at private residences. CHAMPAGNES and fine Table Wines; card room, reading room and buffet. For the Aged Health for All: Young and Old. Wo nro glad that our blood-purlfyliiR and blood-forming romcily la good for nil nges. It bring? health to rata nrul feeble- children find It relieves tho do blllty and weakness thut naturally conio to old ago. Mr. Levi Sargeaut, of Oronfoll, Now South Wales, seudn t. lids luttcr, with his photograph: Mil 'JvSa' " I liavo born a torrllilo nnITc rir from rheu matism and upkitiii. I Imo Mirnt a uroit ileal of miincy In lr) Ine to cot rlil of tho jam, lint w It limit avail, nml I In i o bren ( onllnril U tholjeil fdriuoiitlisuta tii.ic 1 tlicu trluil AYE SarsaparilSa and liORan In Imiirnvo at onoc. AflT taklnc only six ImttloH I fi-lt ciiltnucll,.inil nnwniii nlilotoc'inlmiitiny wnrknipiln. I mlglit mill 1 nm Kuvcnty-IU o ) eim of ugti." Yon cannot enjoy pioil health uiiIcm jon liatuadtlly movement of tho Ixwcls. A)cr'B I'll Is euro constipation. Prepared br Dr. J. C. Atr Co., I owelt, Man., U. S. A, CLIMATi: AT PUNA. Rainfall nt Night Accounted for by im Observant Kcsldcnt. the night, because' the amount of heat stored in the rocks during the day gives nature a seeming tardi ness in her labor of radiation. We arc not subject to severe rain storms, but the most copious down pour disappears almost as rapidly as it falls. The earth is so porous and riven with fissures one never sees running water here except down a Government road. The unique and alluring scenery to be found at every point of the compass differs from that of any other section of the Islands, beg gars description and has to be seen to be appreciated; the beautiful lake of clear water, appearing deep green from reflection of surround ings, situated in an extinct cone crater has no paralel ; the warm crystal waters of the natural rock ribbed spring amply nud pleasur ably affords that which is "next to Godliness," and the wonderful "lava trees," as they are called, assuming varied shnpes and forms as vases, trees, arches and many grotesque figures arc not to be found anywhere else on earth. The country is replete with enter tainment for pleasure seekers, while the panoramic changes of scenery and climatic influences restore the flush of health to the pallid check from which it may have faded' away. J. HOLLAND. LOCKINGTON'S furniture: emporium.. Undertaking and Undertaker's Supplies New Stock of Elegant Pictures and Paintings Bedroom Suites, Elegant Rugs, Desks and Office Furniture. Was uocr so full or bnrgniiiK as mm. All goods conic the very best figures lo be quoted. direct enabling CEO. W. LOCKINCTON, HILO FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE 1- SVEA Demosthenes' Cafe D. LYCl'RGUS, MANACilvK. WAIANUENUE STREET HILO. Accuracy and Dispatch This is the motto of the Mail Order Department of Cali fornia's largest store. Shopping by mail, has become, through our splendid system, as easy and almost as satisfactory as by personal visit to the store. Twice a year we issue a very large and profusely illustrated General Catalogue called " 1 he Emporium Economist," which describes the new fashions; gives the lowest retail . Drices lor evervtlunc to l isn r " - Mrr? eat, drink, wear or use; tells how to order goods; how to send money; gives accurate shopping infor mation, etc. Sand for a MAmi nt tit n C ( ( Tt M ft W i9oi-ii2.paga edition of fSrrrTimllTCfWm. ready. KT.hfird, Upon receiving your order no labor is snared to select from our immense stock the exact ar1' e wanted, and the goods are shipped to you the same day l a i rder is re ceived, if possible. Our customers IntertMs we make our own. If not already familiar with our ntt'thuds, a trial otder will convince you that it pa.ys to trade with "the big store." .mi .n n n uiOTTljuiniuuud: The hcalthfultiess and desirabil ity of the Puna Sugar Co's planta tion as a place of residence is proven by its climatic conditions as well as the actual experience of its inhabitants. The equability of temperature is unsurpassed and without excess, as the mercury os cillates between 58 and 86 degrees the year round, the mean daily range being 21 2-15 degrees. We have unusual porosity of soil, mod erate relative humidity, prevailing winds from the ocean and a com parative absence of rainfall during the day. Kapoho, the postoffice, and name of the first section of the plantation is situated almost upon Cape Ku mukahi, far enough inland to es cape the glare of the oceaifaild hot too far away to reap the full benefit of the breezes which come to us laden with purities gathered in a passage of thousands of miles over the sea. These winds fan us with wings of life-giving ozone nnd cool us with tlicir saline properties, which being great conductors of caloric, abstract the heat from our bodies as they pass on to cheer others in their course; they sweep back into the mountains germs generated in the forests and settle ments above us; are seldom stormy enough to attract attention and arc free from discomfort and dust dust, a most successful spreader of disease, is kept in subjection by re peated showers at night. Every body knows that the moisture of clouds coming from warm sections, as prairie, desert or the sea, is con densed and precipitated in rainfall when coming in contact with a cooler atmosphere as that of higher altitudes hence the frequent rains upon the windward side of moun tains. This immediate section of the district of Puna has but little alti tude, and no extensive lorests, though quite sufficient for that happy interchange of respiration which is maintained between the two great kingdoms of animal and vegetable life, the one utilizing the gaseous debris of the other wherein man exchanges his cast off carbonic acid gas for the expired oxygen of plants. We tire bounded on three sides by the sea and have a vast j acreage of almost bare lava. These I conditions tend toward maintain I ing the warmth of the day well into the night, and the clouds drift ing over from the sea in the day 1 experience no change in tqmpera I ture, so carry on their moistening freight to the hills. 1 As the sun disappears in the levelling the terrestrial radiation, , which is seldom arrested here by the extent of cloudiness, induces the necessary lowering of tempera ture nud we have rainfall nt night not only nt night but, more fre quently, during the latter hours of Kuov Is Continued. Washington, Dec. 16. Just be fore the adjournment tonight the Senate confirmed the nomination of Philander C. Knox to be Attorney General of the United States. When the Senate had disposed of the canal treaty the Attorney General's nomination was called up. Tho discussion turned upon a motion made by Senator Jones of Arkansas to recommit the nomination to the Committee on Judiciary, in the meantime publishing the testimony bearing on the case. INSURANCE COMPANY , Of (iotlicnbtirK, Sweden Assets (Home Olfice) .... f7.3Ji.0G3 36 Assets In U. S. (for Additional Security of American Policy Holders) 656,678..)3 Pacific Const Department : KDWAUD BROWN & SONS, General Agents 411.413 California St., San l'rancisco. H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd., Resident Agonts, , HILO Mormon rider Here. Elder Johnson of the Mormon Church arrived in town last Mon day after a hard trip from Papaaloa. Mr. Johnson reports the road in a fearful condition several culverts having been washed away. He also said that all hands were called up on Christmas Eve to save the Papaaloa mill from going in to the sea, so severe was the storm. He thinks that it will be three weeks before the road will be open for traffic. Mr. Johnson remained in Ililo but a day, starting for the country again on Wednesday. He will work out as far as Laupahoehoe during the next five weeks when he will again return to Ililo. r 1 1 AWA 1 1 VIC Engineering and Construction Co. Rooms 508, 509, 510 Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, T. H. All classes of Kugineeriiu; work solicited. Inininations, Surveys and Reports made for any class of Waterworks, Steam and Klcctrical Construc tion. Plans nnd Specifications and Kslimatcs prepared, and Construction Superintended in nil branches of KtiKiuccriuK Work. Contracts solicitul for Rnilroads, electric nud slcam; Tunnels, Bridges, Buildings, Uigliuas, Foundations, Piers, Wlinrves, etc. SIMCCIAL ATTENTION gicn to Katninations, Valuations, nnd Reports of properties for investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEC, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Enginocr and Manager. W. R. CASTLE, JR., Secretary and Troasuror. P. O. Box 537. 7 N. OhlnnJt. J, C. OhlnnJt, ESTABLISHED 1864 lluck tuck Kcmnrkalito Cure of Croun a Little lloj's 1,1 fe Saved. I have a few words to say regard ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I cannot praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Stcere of Goodwin, S. D., U. S. A., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he was goiug to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am posi tie that if I had not got that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth today. Join, Du mont, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by N. OHLANDT & CO. AlANUI'ACTlMKK.S AND DltAMWS IN FERTILIZERS Eoery Description. OH NI'.W YORK SAN l'RANCISCO HONOLULU & CO., M. S. MMlTIvD. 15ROKERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS ...l'IRIC INSURANCE... Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Ciprs and Tobacco, Special attention iven to consignments of coifee nud suyar. Koa! Koa!! Ko 1 Lumber in small nud large (juantl ties; well seasoned. made to order, nuv Rtvli Kcpiirs made on 11113' kind n Furniture wanted furniture. Prices moderate. Sorrao Cabinet Shop Apply to JOS15 C. SI'.RUAO. Hone Meal, Sulphate of Potash, Sulphate of Ammonia, Alaska Fish Sera), Hoof Meal, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Double Superphosphate IliirU Grade Tankage. Office: 127 Maiket Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CA. Factory: Indiana b Void Sis Certificate; of Analysis accompanies our shipments, which we guarantee lo lie correct. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. OKlHiHS PILLED AT SHOUT NOTICE. Tne Oriental Life Insurance Co., Ltl CAPITAL J. l McCOV.... STOCK, $.KM,000 ruusmuNT. Till? HOMIC COMTANY CHARTKUHD 11V TIIH THUIUTORV 01' HAWAII. Issues till approved forms of Endowment Policies iit English and Chinese Languages, I 'or jmrtUnilnrH ntldri'ss the Company nt 301-302 STANQKNWALD 15UILDINQ. IIOKOMJKU, T. II. i . I I ,4ft ! k .. . :v :?