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I I-" .i H 2V' &'' ' m: 2, L Mu VI 5 r'f r I fiackfclfl Limited . SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS Budweiser Beer JUncricn's Greatest favorite MODERATE PRICES groceries 1'LOUR HAY AND GRAIN PAINTS AND OILS Builders' hardware STORKS IRON WAGON MATKRIAL, KTC Nerve Tonic Builds up tlio System. Strengthens. This warm ellmato Is very trying to all. Tin) lilomt easily becomes Impuro mid tlio iutmius (y.',tciii rcatly ileliill (nteil. Hull oti ran loUiln your health nuil loop jour nomius kjMoiu sluing. This Is tlio portrait of Mr. William Ruming, df llearonsfleld, Kroiiuiillo, WestoriiAnstrulla. Inlilslelturhosays: H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. & Plantation Supplies DRY GOODS AND STAPLKS PERTIUZUR AND BONE MKAI, " Uiion arriving In WcMpni Auotralli three jcitrniRO, I fiiiincl tint my li'oml wan In l-il (oiiilltliiii and inv r,'""'", ",, "' n" rmiilnwn. 1 KiilTi'ri'ilt;riMll,iiii'lill from linlliri'stlou. I had licinl mi linn Ii nlmut AYE o&rs R'S aparma I tliouclit I Miinlil try It. I did o,nnil only tlmo WittU's ri'ntorpil my Mrcnrjtti. liiillt up ..... uvaliitii. tmil f until IIIV flVAllt'ltftll. Allll 1 I luo'al loutiil Itsi Rrrit ncrvu tonic." If mhi an' bilious, iuntl)i.itrit, or ar troubled with bciiliclip, Uku Ajcr'n Tills. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr Co , Lone'.l, Mm., II. S. A CUUUT IX I'UIiI. ItliAST. Liberal Terms Demosthenes' Cafe CUISINE UNEXCELLED, service unsur passed; (lining room and booth furnishings, THE FINEST to be found in the Hawaiian Islands. Dinner Parlies, Banquets, and Suppers served under the supervision of the proprie tor, either at the restaurant or at private residences. CHAMPAGNES and fine Table Wines; card room, reading room and buffet. 0& Q& r fjr D. LYCURGUS, MANA015K. WAIANUICNUE STRICT HILO. This store has one of the largest Sheet Music Depart ments in America. All of the new music as soon as published. Every month we issue a Music Bulletin giving a list of new music. If you wish us to mail this Bulletin to you free each month, send name and aJdress. "We charge but 25c copy, for music published at 50c. Here is a brief list of new and very popular vocal and instrumental pieces. Each 25c Postage ic extra a 1 VOCAL "A Picture No Artiat Can Taint." "Whun The Harvest Daya Are O'er." "(SooiJIIjo Dolly Gray." "Fur Old Times Sake." "CIobo Your Dreamy r.yes." "Hah) You're the Swi-lUt Girl." "You II nu Won Her Hippy Heart." ".Stay in Your Own Hick Yard." "When The Autumn Lravoa Are rallliiK." Jonil fur our lei rgv livnvriil Cutuloifue m emporium 4n Francisco, U.S. A. INSTRUMENTAL "Invincible Kale," Souiu'n Latest March. "CwiMa" Spanish Intermezzo. "The Ohio," Marrh und Two Step. ".Southern Oirl Cnprlco." "Mmquiti. Tar-Mi- " "Hunky D.ryCak- Walk." "Hiokety C.ike Walk." "Jnniiv Meredith Waltzeu." bSmuky Mukea Cake Walk." JUtdrvti nil Itillurt to Mall Order Department Arriil?iiinciits or Prisoners Indicted liy Hie (Iruml Jury. The Grand Jury has been look ing into the local sins of the com 'munity generally during the past week and holding daily seances with the sinners or rather with those who had information to give relative thereto, lor the sinner doesn't have his innings until he comes before the petit jury. This is an advantage in a certain way for it saves him the mental strain of trying to tell the same story twice alike, which as everyone knows is difficult even for saints iu Hilo. On Tuesday morning the inspec tors ot the community s morals turned in quite a bunch of iudict ments found against those who have been committed by the Dis trict Court since the July term, the offenses ranging all the way from murder in the first to larceny in the second degree, and the offenders comprising delegates from the fam ilies of Shem, Ham and Japhet, with some apparently from the fire side of the Missing Link. The law isaery democratic institution in every way, not least in the fact that it allows itself to be broken by anybody who feels strong enough to tackle the job, which is often a contract for several years and in cludes a post graduate couise in road building. The Grand Jury having retired again to their boudoir to entertain other unwilling guests the Attorney-General, Mr. Cathcart, pro ceeded to arraign those against whom indictments had been found, who singly or by twos and threes, according as they had smashed the statutes single handed or iu com pany, were caused to stand before the Court, listen to the reading of the indictment and plead thereto guilty or not guilty. Three natives from Ilamakua headed the procession, charged with malicious burning of logs and brush upon the land of Albert Horner. They plead not guilty. One sought protection under the legal aegis of Smith & Parsons. The other two eschewed all the luminaries of the law probably con sidering in their ignorance that they had trouble enough without looking for more, or else trusting to the benevolence of the judge to j donate a lawyer free of charge. 1 The latter His and was reflected back from the two rows of brass buttons which adorn the front of the bailiff, and from the shining crowns of divers lawyers upon whom time has coin milled larceny in the first degree snatching their scalp locks iu ils flight. Next in older came Kan Kan, whos': short but eiiphoneous name proclaimed him truthfully as a wanderc'r from China, and who was charged with attempting to reduce his wife to submission by clacking her skull with a hammer. Eor it seems that in these degenerate days n man receives no encouragement when he attempts to keep his family in order and teach his wife her marital duties. Kan Kau wished to plead guilty, but the Court thought it best than he should con sult an attorney and appointed for that purpose Smith & Parsons. Other indictments lound were against Eugisaki Matsutaro, mur der in the first degree, who is rep resented by Smith & Parsons; against Clarence Boyd for larceny in second degree, plea of guilty; against Koko Kualii, larceny, sec ond degree; and Kapalani and Kniuoa, burglary in second degree. The last two offenders named are youths of tender years and pupils of the Union School iu their hours of ease and the moments they can snatch from burgling and attend ance upon Court and the calaboose. They don't know how old they arc, apparently twelve or fourteen years of age however, and their field of operations included both Wall, Nichols and the Hilo Market. They plead not guilty. The Territory of Hawaii had a bone to pick with George Durkee over the disappearance from the owner of a watch, pair of shoes, and trousers, which the Grand Jury find that George appropriated, but which George denies. He had neglected the precautionary meas ure of securing an attorney, but the Court remarked that it might be well to remedy the defect as he (the Court) was too busy with his duties as judge to act as attorney for either party. Kahalekaa a lady native to the soil plead not guilty to the charge of appropriating a gold and ivory lace-pin belonging to another. She certainly wasn't wearing it in plain view. The TuniuNU's re porter with his usual sleuth l;kc at tention to details noticed that ap parently trifling, but really very significant fnct. When he at tempted to bring the matter to the attention of the Court, however, he was ruthlessly turned down. Francisco Rupert was the first Porto Rican iu the list to stand up and explain himself. He plead not guilty to the charge of stealing a saddle worth $12 and a blanket of the valuo ot $1. He was also innocent of having any legal coun sel concealed about lus person or lurking in the Court room. He was iufornud by the Court that it would be a meritorious act to get one and might also result advan tageously to himself. Jesus Toro, a Porto Rican youth of ten years and a half, plead guilty to the larceny of $20 in coin. Asked by the Judge whether he had ever been to school he said that he had gone two times at Pa paikou. That seemed to have con stituted the sum total of his educa tion. There seems to have been quite a good deal of material for a kin (Continued on payc 7.) LOCKINGTON'S FURNITUJRJS EMPORIUM.. Undertaking and Undertaker's Supplies New Stock of Elegant Pictures and Paintings Bedroom Suites, Elegant Rugs, Desks and Office Furniture. us ni'XT so lull or Imrpilns us lion. All goods come illicrl oiiulilliit; tlu 1 vi') best lltiu res to li (ii(ilcil. CEO. W. LOCKINCTON, HILO FURNITURE STORE SVEA INSURANCE COMPANY Of (lotltcniHirg, Sweden Aiseti (Home Office) .... $7,2,063.36 Assets Iu U. S. (for Additional Security or American Policy Iloldcri) 656,678..3 Pacific Const Department : KDWARD DROWN & SONS, Ccuernl Agent 41 1 -413 California St., Snu Prnucisco. H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd., Resident Agonts, HILO 1 1 -V W.A. 1 1 .A.7C Engineering and Construction Co. Rooms 508, 500, 510 Stangcnwald Building, Honolulu, T. II. All clnsses ol i-.niuecriug ' work solicited. Kvnmlnntions, Surves nml Reports nmile for nuy class of Waterworks, Steam anil Ulectricnl Construc tion, rlans and Specifications nml hstimates prepureil, nml Construction Superintended iu nil branches or ICugiueeriuK Work. Contracts solicited for Railroads, electric niul steam; Tunnels, llridges, lluilillngs, Higliuajs, Foundations, l'iers, Wlinrves, etc. Sl'I'XIAI, ATTENTION given to Kxtimhmtions, Valuations, ami Reports of properties for investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEC, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Engineer and Manager. W. R. CASTLE, JR., Socrotary and Treasurer. P. O. Box 537. N. Ohl.ndt. J. C. OhUnJt, ESTABLISHED 1864 J. A, C. It Buck lluck N. OHLANDT & CO. MANUI'ACTUKItUS AND DlCAt.KKR IN Iteuuii'ltulile Cur 11 or Croup a I-ltllo IIoj'n 1,1 I'o Sin ciI. I have a few words to say regal d ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I FERTILIZERS Of Eoery Description. Hone Meal, Siilpluito of Potash, Siilplinle ol Ammonia, Alaska Fish Scrap, Hoof Meal, Muriate of Votasli, Nitrate of Soda, Double Superphosphate Office : $27 Mai Let Street. lNu;h dnule Tankage. SAN FRANCISCO, CA. Factory: Indiana &. Yolo Sis Certificate of Analysis accompanies our shipments, winch c guarantee In lie correct. k. a?. OUDEItS FILLED AT SHOUT Agent for the Hawaiian Islands', xotici:. feel that I cannot praise it enough. Honor declined to I bought a bottle of it from do, and informed them that they ISteere of Goodwin, S. 1)., U could appear at the ninth hour of I the morrow with a duly accredited j (if not properly equipped) attorney ' or depend upon themselves as they saw fit. He remarked incidentally that lawyers had to live and he I didn't propose to donate any legal , Christmas presents to clients who could afford to hire counsel. These ( remarks were apparently received with great approval by the bar, 1 strange as it may seem, and n joj -1 ous smile irradiated the Court room and when I got home with poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth iu great long strings. I am posi tive that if I had not got that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth today. Joiu. I)H mont, Iuwood, Iowa, h'or sale by Sille Oriental Life Insurance Co., n CAPITAL STOCK, $.100,000 J. 1 MCCOY PUKSIIIItNT. Till? IIOMK COMI'ANV CIIARTICKIU) liV '1 1 1 15 Tl'.RRlTORV Ol' HAWAII. Issues nil approved forms of r-ndowinent Policies in nugllsli and Chinese Languages. I'or particulars addres the Company at 301-302 STANGENWALI) I5UILDING HONOLULU. T. II. m. ' fe ! -,K " V I i ' ftV. "1 ! 'V afev L? r. ' r "If , taMt