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'A Jppfc& "i 1 """iiiMtWWWMMMWIWgMWMWMMWMMMMWMWWWWMMWWMWMMMMMMMMaMMMMiMn ! III! IMJIWII Ifift $Y i'? Ti . - -fi f T .!..... . cnr tnrf 1i fluttf nf linn fit) rf Tn- IMnnenil U'll 1i ?2!i nit a A nnnul nit nt " i ft. PHI ' as.-, , Br. u Br 3f L m &: r Bv r' rv & B. 7 w partuients in these Islands is appar- Des Monies, Dec. 2G. Governor m"m . 1 .. cllti it remains to be seen whether Shaw tonight received the follow- v ' ...'-. ' ' "fJ FRIDAY, - JAN. io, 1902. moral atrophy has .benumbed the ing message from President Iioosc- '' ' l ' ( public conscience on Hawaii ns on vclt, the first he has received direct ' '' ' " , . itntcivilnttlic rostoflicc nt Hilo, Ha- 0ah" where Grand Juries accuse from the President regarding his t wnii. ns Bcconil-clnss matter. and officials excuse. appointment: H'lV. -. CM T A- itiiirtiititn ttvifiiv irattuv iu uuvemur dimw; 1 am e- lunusMHDmKKM'Rum. AN) T,on TQ() BRUTUS ? HBiUed you have consented to L. W. HAWORTII - - Editor. accept portfolio of Secretary of OAQB'S SUGGESSOK. Leslie M. Shaw, ex-Governor of Iowa will succeed layman J. Gngc in President Roosevelt's Cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury. The selection of Governor Shaw for this post is an exceedingly happy one. It is doubtful if there is a man in the Union better equipped for the performance of the duties of Secre tary of the Treasury than the country banker and Methodist Sun day School teacher from the Hawk eye state. I le is a born financier and a past master in political economy and the science of monetary prob lems. He comes from n little nearer the heart of the great West that did his distinguished predeces sor, Gage, but takes into the cabi net no less of brain and breadth than was possessed by the Chicago banker. Before McKinley's death, Leslie M. Shaw was by far the most for midable rival to Theodore Roose velt in the minds of Western Re publicans for the office Roosevelt now holds. Allison had picked him for the winner in 1904. Shaw rose into national prom inence in the great campaign of 1896, when the battle of the gold and silver standards was fought be tween Bryan and McKinley. Previous to that time Leslie M. Shaw was a banker in a small country town and had never taken part even in state or county politics. He became alarmed at the appar ent popularity of the Bryan fallacies aud applied to the National Repub lican committee for the privilege of making fifty speeches for McKinley and sound money without pay. His speeches rang from New York to San Francisco as models of truth and simplicity and force. In the central states he lifted the conten tion of parties from the plane of political strife to that of scientific reasoning. He was rewarded by the governorship of his state the following election, that being the first office he ever held except that of Sunday School superintendent. DANGHKOUS POWDER" HOUSE. Among other matters in which merit earlv attention Hilo from the Department ol Public Works the powder magazine located on the road between Hilo and lloolulu Park. This store house of giant powder is a menace to life and limb, When it was first located, it was far enough removed form other buildings. The suburb of Waiakea has grown until it is absolutely necessary in the interest of general safety for the powder house to be removed. It is only two hundred feet from the powder magazine to the Waia kea school house. It is less than one hundred aud fifty feet from the new Sunday school chapel. The powder house is not far from the new railroad shops aud several dwellings have lcen erected in that immediate vicinity. An explosion at the powder magazine would create havoc in several homes. If an accident should happen while children are playing about the school house the result may be easily niagmcd. Tons of giant powder within even a stone's throw of one's back yard is not a p easant neighbor. The powder house yields an in come of from forty to sixty dollars per month. It is sadly in need of repair and but for the property aud people its demolition by an explo- siou would be for the public good. It should be removed to n safe location at the earliest possible moment. r Tint report of the Grand Jury nuhlished in full in this issue of the TuimiNic is a document which will be read Willi interest by every per- son on the Island of Hawaii. To those who believe in a clean public "... and why such an order should be issued by Governor Dole is a problem that is hard to solve. It is needless to say that the order was generally disregarded in Hilo. Another such break and even the staunchest friends of the Governor will feel that the interests of the Territory would be best served by his retirement." Hawaii Herald. A1.011A ! Berger et. al. Push the organization of the Hilo Jockey Club. Tine Grand Jury nipped the "still hunt" of Deputy Sheriff And rews in the bud. Its a pity the recommendations for James Gibb's successor were not all centered 011 one man. Juncu Little and the Grand Jury deserve the thanks of the public for thoroughness aud expedition in Public business. -- Tin? disclosures made by the Grand Jury indicate that High Sheriff Brown would be wise if he side tracked his Kau Police investi gation on the Hilo track. " Fkiknds of Judge say Little that if he is appointed Governor, he will have the Territorial Capital at Hilo instead of Honolulu, " So says the Herald; but it is merely another way of calling the Judge a Jackass. The Capital at Hilo would kill the town, a catastrophe farthest removed from the wishes of the Judge of the Fourth Circuit. WANTKD IX THE PHIMl'l'I.NTS (looil Positions ill the tiovtrumcut Service. New York, .Dec. 25. A special to the Sun from Washington says: The Philippines offer an attractive I liquor was to be sold, but the field for stenographers and type-! license was issued in Omori's name, writers. The Manila authorities have prior to receipt of Sheriff Andrews' sent for twenty additional, stenogra- letter. pliers and examinations will be held Mr. Omori being questioned, an in various cities.includingSanFraii-jswered that the business was solely cisco, January 6th and 20th. The 'his, and in response to the question positions are for men only. Those J regarding funds for running same, successful will begin at $1200 per he said he had been assisted by annum and increase to $1400 in six one Tomita, who carries on a drug months, with splendid opportunities for still further promotions. Ap- plicants must be between the ages isjof iS and 40. Transportation from San Francisco will be furnished free of charge. Excellent board and lodging can be secured in Ma- nila for $35 a month. 1 go must agree to stay Thosc who two years. The Philippine climate is good, and nearly all employes are in excellent health. Medical attendance is fur nished employes without cost, lun ployes assigned outside of Manila obtain cheaper accommodations. Tlri'il or TruiifiMirls. Washington, December 26. .Sec retary Root and Adjutant-General Corbiti are getting tired of the I rflllttluirt nrlri. fiiwl nrn rTtucwlnr. '.. ,' r ... , . ', . Itlfr till. tf-'iitu(r fit till, lltl Irn llfi "fa ,IV- ..- ... n.- liiiiiu iuni- ness to a private company. In this they aie opposed by Quartermaster General Luddingtou and his chief assistant, Colonel Bird, who believe the Government is doing its trans porting to the Philippines more sa- 1 1 wl'int nri li tli'iu tirtimtn t -i ia tnnuwiwi 11 j ttiiitt miuii. I'tlllJwn 1 ' . . .'.,.... ;uiiiiu, vjuiiL.-iiii milium Mini iiHiuy I in conversation with Senator Per kins that the time was about ripe for a change and that Secretary I Root shared this view. """"' Ailmirul Sampson's Mink Is llopnloss. Uibana, (111.), December 26, 1 John B. Weeks of Champaign, a 1 personal fiieud of Rear-Admiral I Sampson, has received a letter from ,Mis. Sampson, 111 which she says Hint the mental condition of the ' Admiral is beyond recovery. The letter was written in rcnlv in n nnii. expressing sympathy with the Ad-land miral in the personal annoyances he 1 has suffered in the controversy with Uear-Adntiial Schley. Treasury. Have written. Theo dore Roosevelt." Is Mo to Come to Hawaii. Washington, Dec. 26. The im pending retirement of the Secretary of the Treasury is likely to be followed soon by the resignation of the Assistant Secretary. General Spaulding's health is poor, and it likely that he will be transferred to a public service in one of our new island possessions, where the climate would be less trying and the Government could still avail it self of his experience in United States customs matters. (1KAM) .1UHY UKl'OUT. Abuses In llio l'ollco Icinrtmcnl (Jlvcn nil AlriiiK. To T1115 Hon. Gii.iiuht F. Litti.k, Circuit Judge, Fourth Circuit. Sir: The Grand Jury for the Fourth Circuit for the January Term, beg leave to report as fol lows: We find that a man Omori was in the grocery business at Kalepo lepo, from June, 1901, to the month of December. He occupied prem ises owned by Yutaro, a police offi cer, in the District of Hilo. During the month of December, 1901, he transferred his business to his brother, for which he received no pay, and the house adjoining was secured, and the grocery busi ness transferred thereto. During the month of November, 1901, a Dealers' Spirit License was granted on the 29th day, to said Omori. Prior to this a letter was addressed to Sheriff Andrews, asking for his approval. On the 26th day of November, he wrote to Honolulu, noting his disapproval of same on account of the character of the party, and the location where the ' store on Front Street, as on former j occasions he borrowed from the same party, for which he gave no security. In following up our investiga-) In further examination of his tion, we learned that outside of the 'books, we find a number of Japa above Omori, a company had been uese stage drivers, hackmen, and formed, known as the Japanese 1 other Japanese who are licensed to Wine and Liquor Co., with a capi tal stock of $10,000, to be increased to 20,000 (par value $50 per share), of which the following were to be the officers: President B. Ouonie Vice-President Tomita Secretary N. K. Lyman Treasurer C. F. llapai Auditor F.ugene Lyman No Board of Directors were named. Mr. B. Ouoiuc, after being sc- Iccted as the president, ' objected to interference of Yutaro, and refused to accept the office. The buying of the liquor was to be left to the manager. Omori was selected as the manager. We learn that the license was issued through the assistance of the law firm of Ridgway aud Ridgway, assisted by Senator J. T. Brown. The license was issued in the name of Omori. We learn that they have been purchasing goods in the name of The Japanese Wine and Liquor Co., from business houses in Hilo. A cheque being drawn by C. K. llapai and signed as treasurer of the Japanese Wine and I.iquor Co., payable to Omori, for liquors pur- chased from Ilackfeld & Company, j was endorsed by said Omori to II. Ilackfeld & Company, in payment I for liquors purchased from them. ntlmr nlmmw.u rrr nln iirmvn signed by C. K. llapai as treas- urcr of The Japanese Wine and I,iquor Cohipany, for liquois pur chased in Honolulu, and for other Klfc Peacock $f Company. Chili ted- Dealers in Choice mines ana Liquors BRIDGE STREET . California Bulk S2.25, S2.50, matters in connection with the bus iness of the company, payable to oth'er parties; and on examination of his books as treasurer of the company, we find that same were ifor the conducting of the business. We find upon further examina tion of his books, that officers of the Territory of the United States, located in the town of Hilo, are ' noted on his books as stock holders, I as share holders, aud that they have paid up the amount due for their shares. carry goods from one district to another, aud noted down ns having paid the amount of $25 apiece, which amount, we are of the opin ion, was to represent their full paid up share, with the service that they are to perform, cartage not in cluded. We are iufoiincd that a special officer has been detailed for the dis trict, to investigate all licenses, aud how issued, and to whom, and whether delinquent or not. We are of the opinion that he should be more diligent in his work. Interviewing the Sheriffs De partment, we find that the Sheriff has been on a still hunt, looking into the matter, not takintr his deputy into his confidence, to the 1 extent of not allowing information I regarding this matter to come , through its proper channels. We regret that officers serving under the Government of the Ter-! ritory of Hawaii should be so grasping in looking for gain, as to associate in the liquor traffic with men of inferior quality, and the in consistency of a clerk in the Sheriff's office, as well as a clerk " t'c District Court, and a deputy clerk in your Honor's Court, acting as an olliccr in n company, Hie ' product of which constitutes a ' greater portion of the cases brought before the District Court, and in many cases before your Honor, after n tedious "seance" before the Grand Jury. (Continued 011 page 5.) I POMMKRY SKC. KXTRA Sl-C and BRUT and C1IKAP BRANDS SPARKLING MOSKU.K, IIOCK FINKST TAULK WINKS Brandies Sole agents for MARIK BRIZARD and ROGKR HKNNKSSKY D1J LAAGK FILS lUbisKics GRI-KN RIVKR CANADIAN CLUB O. V. G. SPFCIAL RKSKRVK SCOTCH, CKNTURION ACMIv RYK, O. P. S. J. JAMIKSON and BURKK IRISH Cocktails MANHATTAN, VF.RMOUTH GIN, WIIISKKV 6in$ LARGK FRKHBOOTF.R and ALL OTIIKR BRANDS Beers A II C, PABST and BUFFALO Finest line of LIQUKURS in the market 1 HILO Wines at 50 Cents per Gallon $2.75 per Five Gallon Keg. c. THIS WKKK shows a new line of the FIN KST SUITINGS received direct from the exporters. Gentlemen desiring correct dress, best material, aud most stylish make should not go elsewhere. CALL AND C. LEHMA NN, Enterprise Planing Mill Company. GHO. MP.MBY, Mtfr. 1'uont St., in rear or Hilo Mercantile Go's Itnillin(; ,..! ANK A SI,-AJ,TV. Household and all kinds of l-urnituu-. .Store l'lttniKS Counters, etc., made to order. Cross-cut .Saws re-loothed and made as Kood ns new, at easy rates. Manulacturer ol School Seats, Church l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. COLD in the head. Sure signs of Grip. Crip Tablets 25 cents " box. OWL DRUG CO., Hilo, Hawaii. iiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiii SAVED ffilC500 " 1 saved fl.ixi on the order you sent me last, besides re criviue; better and fiesher e.onds Ihiiu I obliiiu here." I'xtiact from letter received from T0U10, Japan. We are of the impression that there are many others who ran bend Io ns with the Mine satNfaetory result, undue invite a comparison of prices in 0111 catalogue with local rates. I'reiubt I'liil oilier expenses do not exceed 20 per cent. We Kiiarautce iimlily of goods, safe packinj; and delivers. us become belter acquainted. Wo have complete price lists for the asking. Postal card insures same by return mail. SMITH'S CASH STOWi;, N'os. 25-27 Market Street, San l'raueisco, Cab, P. S. A. LEHMANN . The Up-to-Date TAILOR INVESTIGATE. Waianuenue Stre et IVws, and Redwood Outtei .1, nil sizes PAINS all over. Dr. Ford's are a specific Ltd. c i .l