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'i--tfc2A.'k..v",- " ; ''jL u WA Bright, Reliable, ,f NEWSY AND POPULAR. -r. T Vol. 7. HILO, HAWAII, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1902. No. 2r. V I Ji4 I '''' '''' fc''' dS ! The ProBreBlve I ii A .v r i ., J ySr- SF1 r v tl 11 OMeRsHm Wij Ije Uo QDvilmuCt rUllt.tSIII'.ll UVIfltV I'KIIIAV OPfirrt IIkiixik HTKidtr, lino, Hawaii. (Thihunh I11.0CK.) Illlo Tribune Publishing Company, Ltd. Publishers nmt Proprietors. 'rcldciil C. C. Kbnnkdy Vlcc-Prclilcnt K. V.. Kiciiahi KecritaryTrcanurcr I.. W. Hauohtii Au.lllor A. H. SfTTov Director '! H. McKi-sm. 1 W. Mahhii Aihcftletncnl unaccompanied by spcclfa tiMriictionn lncrtfil until u-iletcil out. Ai1erllnietitillcimlimieil before expiration of specifWtl period will be chargeil a If con tinued for lull term. Aihlrcss nil communication"! rlllicr to tlie IMitorialor llnilneii Department of Tiik lino Tkimink rum Chmi'ASV. The roliiinnvol Tiik lilt oTuuu'.nk are ntway open to coiuiiiunicalioin on nuhjcct within the icopeof the paper To rectie proper attention, rncli nrtlcle mint be H;ni-il by 111 author. Till iiniuc, whin, will Ik- lulil couriilenllnl Tine Illlo Tkiimi.nk 1 nut ucpomlble for the opinion or Mitciuetitii of corrctpouileiits. ATTORNCYS-AT-LAW. Wise & Ross, ATTORNHVS-AT-LAW Will practice lu nil Cuuiti of the Territory, anil the Supreme Coutl uf the Unlltil Miles. Office: TitinuNK Hun.niNO, llriiloe Stitet. IIII.O, HAWAII Cluis. M. LeBlond, attorn kv-at-law Hawaiian, Japanese, ami Chinese lutcrputrrt, mill .Noliity 1'iiblic in Office. Office: SltVKUANUi HUll.DINO. Opolte Court llniisr, IIII.O, HAWAII J. RllKiWAV TllOS. C. HlDOWAY Ridgway & Ridgway ATTOKNHVS AT I.AW tolicitoiH of l'.iknU l.iw Practice IIII.O, HAWAII. Notary l'ltlilic in Office. Ol'l'ICIt: Wni.iuueiiiie mul llriiUjc Street 1MIYSICIAXS. JOHN J. GKACE, M. I).. F.R.C.S. 1'IIYSICIAN AND SURRKON " - "Oflire! VA!ANUINUI ST. Offl c Hours! H to it n. m.; l to j p. in KvculujiH, 7:3- to s. It ) inoruluK bourn on Wtiluesilays. R. H. Reid, M. D. 1'IIYSICIAN AND SURRKON Office: Spkiickhi.S' Hi.ock. Office Hours : 10.30 to 12 11. 111.; 1 to 4 ami 7 to 8 p. 111. Sundays, 9 to 13 11. 111. C. L. Stow, M. It. C. S.. I'.lc. 1'IIYSICIAN AND SURRKON Olflce IliniiH 8 jjtou a m., 1 In 1, anil 7 to 8 p m. I )HUe ami Ueihlcncc. riUVKKANl'lt lllll'slt, PITMAN STKKHT Milton Rice, M. D. 1'IIYSICIAN AND SniHJHO.V Office, Waiaiiueutie St. Hours, S:,v to 10-30 a. m., 2-4 and 7:30 to S:,v !' M. StindayH, 9 to 11 a. m. ki:ai, i:sTAi'i:, ktc. A. K. Sutton II. VlCAkS A. H. Sutton & Co. Agents fur London ami Lam'.ishiie Pire Insurance Couip.iuy, Orient Insur ance Company, Westchester Hire Iiisiiiauce Company. AUCTIONHHU.S, Commission, RU.M. lis TATIJ ANIi lNSUItKCIt AC.l'NTS Office in Hconomic Snoit Stork, llll.l), HAWAII W. A. Purdy, LIl'K. l'IRK, ACC1D15NT, MAR1NI-; INSURANCE O1.11 Custom IIoiisk Huii.itiNi., Vrout Strict, Ililo, Hawaii. Telephone No 11 P. O. box No. , ADVIhOUY roMMlTTItli. J. W. Miimiii A lliiiiiburK P PccL I, Turiitr A )i Mittnu H;iv;iii;iii liusincss Agency Olfice rtpirrLilV IIiiiMihk. with S. II. Webb, Vriml St., with aueiilt.iiul i'uriisKiiiih uo in nil iliclrlcH of the IVrritury nuil HiroiiKhoiit the Unlliil hl.ilis Mim viibmble pilvule iulurmu tion lo iiIihoiiIkTi CollictioiiH 11 )ieci.ilty. Clink M I.tllluml, Altornry W II. Smith. Mauatirr. Lf.Rlond-Smith BUSINESS ACKNCY All collections promptly miuli uml uicouiiltil for Kent mill 1 iril lnr uhiciiUi uml ) eHjitth uttiiiilril to rtKVKKAKCIC 111,1)0. Ilpp Court lluu.e C. H. W. Hitchcock, NOTARY PIJIILIC 1IIL.O, HAWAII, II, T, DENTISTS. M. Wachs, I). I). . DKNTIST Office Hours, 9 to 4 HILO, HAWAII ' I of 11 power of sale contained in n certain iTT I, TT Ol mortgage made by Annie Nakoolaul Waltet Jtl. OC110eilinrlIoloknhiklnndW. L. Holoknhlki, her 0 , husband, both of Honolulu, Island of DKNTIST Skvkkanck, rittnait Street, Hu.o, Hawaii YETEKIXAKY SUIUIKON. r'ei- mrr "1 " DR. W. II. JONES, M. R. C. V. S. Veterinary Surgeon City Staiii.hs Till,. 125 Mrs. K. A. Bacon 1'ItOFKSSIONAL NURSK I'iliunii Street, Next door to foreign Church Tlil,. 20 CLASSIFIED ADk FOR SALE. Thoroughbred Hull Terrier pups; f 25 each. I'kank I,. Wintkk. FOR RENT. a .. Poll RltNT In l'uueo, uewaudtuoderu cottage; inquire of ALLAN WALL, at the ililo Market. NOTICES. I''iuu job work in nil its branches. Rive us u chance to estimate. TuiliUNlt. NoTICK Neither the Masters nor Aent of vessels of the "Mntson Line" will be responsible for liny debts con tracted by the crew. It. T. RUAIID, Aneiit. ililo, April 16, 1901. 24- LEGAL NOTICES. Notice to Creditors. Ill the Matter of the Kstate of ItOHKRT ROUSON HIND, deceased. Notice in hereby f;yei by the undcr dinncd John Hind Hxecutor of the Inst Mill of Robert Robsou Hind, deceased, to the Creditors of and ull persons having eluims uaiust the s.iid deceaked to ire sent their claims duly authenticated with the proper vouchers within tix mouths after the firbt publication of this notice to the sniil Hxecutor at his rehideuce at Ko I111I11, Iklaud of Hawaii, Territory of Ha waii, the same beiiiK the place for the tratiH.ictioii of business of said estate in said Territory. JOHN HIND, Hxecutor of the last Mill of Robert Rob sou II1111I, deceased. Dated at Honolulu, T. II., February 35th, 1901. 1K-22 Administrator's Notice. Having been appointed Administrator of the Instate of Mrs. Isabella C. Lyman, deceiised. Notice is hereby given to ull persons having claims against kaid Instate, to present tlie same to the undersigned, in Hllo, Island and Territory ot Hawaii, within six mouths from this date, or they will be forever barred, F. L. LYMAN, Administrator. ililo, Hawaii, March 4, 1902, 18-21 TOR SALE. Fine 6 jear old horse; rubber tire, 1 000 mile axel top buggy, new 1 year; new hand made harness. CHAS. M. LKllI.OND. Ililo Hock Company. TKNDHRS WANTHD. Tenders are asked for furnishing the material and constructing 11 wharf for the Ililo Dock Company at Illlo, Hawaii. Plans and specifications may he had upon application to, or may be seen at the office of W. II. Lambert, Superin tendent of Construction, or at the First II ink of Ililo, Ltd. Sealed bids will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May 31, 1902, at Ililo, Hawaii. The Ililo Dock Company reserves the right lo reject any and all bids. Addressall bids In Ililo Dock Company. Ililo, Hawaii, care of First Hank of Ililo, I, til., uml mark sailii: "Proposals for Wharf." Ililo, Hawaii, March 20, 1902. 20-23 BY AUTHORITY. Mortagee's Notice of In tention to Foreclose and of Sale. Notice Is hereby tdven that by virtue Oahu, to 1',. Hultoii, of Lnupnboehoc, Island of Hawaii, dated September 1, 1892, and recorded in the office of the Registrar of Conveyances in Honolulu1, in Liber 139, pages 336 nnd 237, and which said mortgage was duly conveyed by V.. W. Harnard, Administrator of the I-fstate of the said I?. Htitton, upon the 25th day ol February, 1898, to Mrs. Hiiitua Harnard, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, nnd duly conveyed by said Mrs. Kmma Harnard ntioii the 17th day of September, 1901, to Mrs. Poluen Kalano- kalatii, or Honolulu, Islnnil of Oalui. who is now the leual owner of the said mort gage nnd the debt secured thereby, the said Mrs. l'oluea Kalauokataui intends to foreclose said iiiortgnuc for breaches of conditions in said mortgage contained, to-wit: the non-payment of principal and interest when due. Notice is hereby invcti that nil and singular the lauds, tenements nnd here ditaments covered by said mortgage will be sold nt public auction at the rear door of the Sheriff's Office, in the Town of Ililo, Island and Territory of Hawaii, oil Saturday, April 5U1, 190J, nt 12 o'clock noon. The property described in said mort gage ami which is to be sold at said time, is all of that certain tract or parcel of land situated in 1'tiuaho.i, Ililo, Island nnd Territory of Hawaii, hounded as follows: Commencing nt corner of stone wall nt the east corner of C. II. Wetmorc's lot on Church street nnd running N. 52 Dcg, K. 1.90 chains along said street to south corner of lot owned by 1). V. Sau ford, thence N. 22 Deg. W. 1. 98 chains nlong said lot, thence S. 53 Deg. W. 3'45'j chains to stone wall nt west corner of this lot, thence 39 Deg. 1. 2.04 chains along the wall to place of commence ment and containing an nre.i of 43-100 of an acre. Terms cash. Deeds nt expense of pur chaser. MRS. 1'OLUKA KALAUOKALANI, Mortgagee. For further particulars npply to It. A. Lyman, Attorney for Mortgagee. Dated Ililo, Hawaii, Mnrch 12th, io"i. Hoolalia Hooko o ka Mo rula a me ke Kuiti. Kc hoolahnia nku uci mnmuli o kckn hi maua kual i haawiia mai ia'u mil kc kahi moraki i hatiaia mu ka la 1 o Scpa temnba, M. II. 1892, e Annie Nakoolaui Holokahiki n ine W. L. Holokahikl, knuii knue mare, o Honolulu, Mokupuui o Oahu, ia V Huttou o Laupahoehoe, Ililo, Mokupuui o Hawaii, a i kakau kopciniun ke Keeua Knkau Kope ma Honolulu, Oahu, ma ka Huke 139, aoao 236 a me 237, n tia hooliloin kein moraki e lv. W. Harnard, Luna Wniwni o K. Huttou i make, ia Mrs. Kmma Har nard o Honolulu, Oahu, ma ka la 25 o leberuari, 189S, a ua liooliloia mai keia moraki e Mrs. ICmuia Harnard ia Mrs. l'oluea Knlnuoknlaui o Honolulu, Oahu, ma ka la 17 o Scpatemaba, 1901, a oia no ka 011a ma ke kauawai o ua moraki la, n me ka ale i hoopaaia ma ia marnki i olelo ia inaliiua, 11 ke makeiuakc nei o Mrs. l'oluea Kalauoknlaui i oleloia maltiua, e hooko nku i keia moraki uo ka ulinkiia o ua nelike, oia hoi ka hookaa oleia n kc kumupan a me ka ukuaucc i ka wa c hookaa ni. Ke hoolahaiu akti nei, e kuai kltdalaia ana ua men a pan loa, ua waiwai o keia a me keia auo i oleloia mn keia moraki, ma ka puka mahopc o ke Keeua liana o ka Makai Nui, ma ke Knoua o Ililo, Moku puui n me ke Territori o Hawaii, ma ka l'OAONO, APICRILAs, 1902, tuaka bora 12 o ke awakea. Oka waiwai i oleloia ma keia moraki, oia ka waiwai e kuaiia ana ma ia inana wa, oia 110 keia npaua aiua ma l'liuahoa, Ililo, Mokupuui a me ke Teritori o Ha waii, a peiiet ua palcua : i; hoomaku aua ma ke kill! o ka pi po haku, ma ke kihi Hikiuao ka uilia o C. H.Wetmore ma Church street, n e holo aua Akau 52 Hikina 1.90 kaulahao ma ia ulaiiui n hiki i ke kihi Heiua o ka aiua o I). F. Sauford, alaila, Akau 22 'j Komohaua 1.98 kaulahao ma ia aiua, alaila, Ileum ,S.Vi Komohaua 2.45 Kiiiiiaiiiiii 11 hiki 1 kii i.l jiuiiaKii 111a Ke kihi Komohaua o keia npaua, alaila Heiua 390 Hikina 2.0 kaulahao pill aua ma it pi pohaku,a hiki i kahi i hoomaka ai, a non. 1 ka ili 43-100 eka. Kuike ke data. Na uku liana palapala i ka men e lilt ni. MRS. 1'OLUKA KALAUOKALANI, Ku mea e p.1.1 uci i keia Moraki. No ua men i koe e 11111:111 ia It. A. Ly man, l.oio no ka men pan moraki. Kakauia tua Ililo, Hawaii, Marnki 22, 1902. 19.3: lloolaha Liiiinlioopoiio pono Waiwai. No ka mea, . hookohuia nu i Luna hooiouopouo uo ua waiwai o Knluai (k), 110 ililo, Hawaii, i make. Nolaila, ke knuoha aku nei au i 11.1 mea a pan a ka mea i make 1 aie aku ai, e hnike koke mm i ua bllu uo ia ale, i honliikiia ilium o'u, ma Koae, Puna, Hawaii, a i ole a jimua o kuu hope, F. L- Lyman, ma Ililo, Hawaii, ilnkn o na maliiua eouo mai keia la nku, o pale loa ia aku. A ilia he wai wai ko ka mea i make ma ka lima o ke kahi, e hoihni koke 111.11 ia'u. Na'it u.i MALHKA KAMAKA, LiiiiuhnDpounpouo Waiwai. Ililo, Hawaii, Mnraki 4, 1902. 18-21 lmiTAIX NKKIIS MK.V. WnntliiR lllfflirr Mn Soldiers War Serrclary Copies Our S)sto.m. Loudon, March 8. The new army regulations proposed by the War Secretary, Mr. Brodrick, pro-1 viding for increased pay and other 1 reforms, which have created so much comment, appear to have been directly copied from the United States. Major Arthur Lee, M. P., formerly British Military Attache at Washington, said today : "At last we have taken out a leaf 1 from your excellent book, though 1 1 do not believe we have gone quite' so far in that direction as we might ' or hope we may. Under Mr. Bro-' drick's proposed changes, a private. in the British infantry now receives almost as much as a private in thc ' United States Army. With this I change, which I frequently advo-. catcd while military attache at ! Washington, we hope to get a class . oT recruits similar to those secured I in America. Under thc old pay j we were gradually lowering the physical standard, yet still finding! it hard to get men, while our de- sertion percentage was increasing at a rate which showed there was something radically wrong with the system, the only Thc American army was other voluntary enlisted body in the world with which we could make serviceable comparisons, , tlje Continental armies, owing to conscription and other causes, be ing perfectly worthless as examples. "A year ago Mr. Brodrick pooh poohed the idea of copying the United States. Now he has changed his mind and has done what thc majority of the members of thc House, regardless of party, believe to be the very best thing that could 1 Tieii-Tsin, March 9. The mis have happened to the army since sion property here which is in dis Mr. Cardwell (in 1872) effected his ' pntc between the French and Amcr sweepiug reforms. Por the first ican Consuls is less than two acres time 'Tommy,' with everything in extent. It borders the American found and higher pay, will be in a better position than his agricultural brother, and from that class we ought now to get the best instead of the worst. 'Yes, it may hurt the agriculttir- al interests, or, what is left of it, 111 Kugland, but I do not believe that this demonstration will be as sc- rious as the evils which the change j will correct. Not only is it mtei s. - . .--... 1 . estiiig to note the influence of the American system in these sweeping changes, but they will have a tre mendous negative importance. Last year the Government clearly indi cated its fears that it might have to resort to conscription. The present move banishes all possibility of this, for I understand Mr. Brodrick is willing to go even further in copy ing the United States excellent treatment of enlisted men and by liberal finance build up the standard of the army. The increase in pay means an additional annual cost of about ,2,000,000, but I maintain that it will be a direct saving of money, for the better class of men secured will mean fewer men 111 the hospitals and prisons, as well as obviating other forms of wastage aud will quickly make up for the additional initial outlay. Some day, perhaps, we may be able lo adopt the sensible plan of the Uni ted States of paying the enlisted men of all arms at the same rate. But traditions here die hard. ' ll.VMCS 1'OR CORONATION. Niitloniil Spurting Club of London I'litiis 11 Ciirnhnl. New York, March 8. W. A. Gavin and W. C. Lee, of the Na tional Sporting Club of London, arrived today on the steamer St. Caul. " We have come, " said Mr. Gavin, " to try and induce Ame rican champions of boxing, fencing ami wrestling to go over to Kng- land during coronation week, there t0 mccl thc ,)CSt me Umt 0rcat Brj,ain ,, other comUrics of Ku. rope can produce. What we chiefly . want is the champions of the army and navy, but they must be men that arc at present in the country's set vice, and not like Tom Sharkey, who, although formerly in thc United States navy, has been a professional for many years. We will also try to get Harvard and Yale to send their best boxers to England to compete against those of Oxford and Cambridge. Lord Lonsdale, llic President of the club, has offered a cup as n prize for the winner of a boxing contest between Harvard and Oxford, and thc Karl ot Kingston, another cup for the winner of a contest between thc boxers of Yale and Cambridge, The chiel feature of the tournament will be a tug-of-war between picked men of Ivttropc and twelve of thc United States, " Amateurs will receive trophies and the professionals cash prizes, but the professional line will bo drawn very fine. The club has a belt which is valued at $5,000, which will be given, beside a large money prize, to the best heavy- weight professional boxer, but he must be the best that his country can produce, and no second-rate man will be considered. Thc con- test will be held in Convent Garden, London. If we can agree for some of the competitions to be held in the open air, we will do so." ritOlMMtTY IX IHSl'UTK. l'nrtlciilnrs of tlto Disagreement Ilctween the Consuls. mission property and was previous ly occupied by undesirable Chinese. The French Consul stopped build ing operations on the disputed property and placed a policeman there. The French flag has not been raised over the property. The American Consul hcie, James W. Kagsdale, is maintaining a firm at- tidude and does not believe serious developments to be likely. The affair is in the hands of the French and American Ministers at Peking. The Knglish Methodist mission of London, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis sions and the American Methodist Mission all have property within thc extra concession claimed by thc French in June, 1900. Since that time the American missions have purchased the adjoining property and have been collecting rents and levying taxes thereon. Kagsdale protested against such action and caused American flags to be hoisted over the property in question. IIAltD Tit 1 1'' I'KOM HONOLULU. ' ltark Allien Hesse I l'ruuclse llndly Reaches Sun HulU'i't'il. Sail Fiancisco, March 9. The southeaster that raged along the Pacific Coast has not confined its attentions to the lumber fleet and coasting steamers, but has gone farther south and taken in II0110- j lulu in its com se. Sailing vessels 'arriving from the islands say that ' never have they experienced such stormy times as those which they have met during the last three weeks. The Alden got in yesterday from the islands, and Captain Kes sel says that in all his experience he never had such a hard time of it. From the first day out from Honolulu the watch below never knew what it was to have its full four hours. Off the Pacific Coast all the elements seemed to combine against a quick run. On March 1st, in latitude 33.21 north, longi tuds 142.40 west, a gale was struck which lasted for four days. Moun tainous seas were running, which battered thc old bark so badly that she sprang a leak. All hands were at the pumps and, although oil bags were put overboard both forward and aft, they were not sufficient to keep the waves from breaking on thc board. A huge roller carried away part of thc bulwarks, stove in the galley, flooded the cabin and carried overboard everything mov able. On the 7th the vessel was leaking so badly that all hands could not keep the water down, so steam had to be got up in the don key boiler and with that the crew managed to keep the vessel afloat. The elements seemed to have a grudge against the old bark, lo calise, just as she seemed to le clearing herself of the water in her hold, her maintopmast backstay carried away and for a few minutes it looked as if the mast would be carried out of the vessel. Captain Kcssel at once called all hands from the pumps and in a short space of time the canvas was got off the mainmast and the vessel hove to. Temporary repairs were made and the Bessie was again put before the wind. While making for port and all hands were again at thc pumps and the donkey engine doing its best, a big sea broke aboard and carried away the starboard lifeboats. After that there were no more mishaps and the vessel came to an chor off Mciggs wharf. (HIEEX LAUNCHES BATTLESHIP. Alexandra Participates nt the Christ ening of n War Yesscl. London, March 8. King Ed ward and Queen Alexandra partici pated in a number of inspections and ceremonies at Plymouth today, including the distribution of China medals. Among the recipients were Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, who commanded the First Pekin relief expedition. The principal ceremony of the day was the launching of the first class battleship Queen by Queen Alexandra and the laying of the keel plate of thc first-class battle ship King Edward VII by King Edward. The latter will be built 011 the slip on which the Queen was constructed. The King Edward VII will eclipse all previous efforts in naval construction. She will be of ifi.Soo tons displacement and carry four 9.2-iuch guns. Queensland, March 8. During the trip of the channel squadron from Beech Haven to this port the battleship Camperdowii, which sank the battleship Victoria in the Med iterranean 011 June 22, 1893, twjee narrowly escaped sending the battle ship Empress of India to the bottom. There was a dense fog during the whole trip. Soon after starting the Camperdowii steamed within a few feet of her sister battleship, and only skillful maneuvering prevent ed a collision. Again, when off Kiusale, the Camperdowii was al most in collision with the Empress of India when shouts of "For God's sake, reverse I" averted, a disaster. Nut Ion's M. Louis Exhibit. Washington, March 8. The House Committee on industrial Arts and Exposition today autho rized Chairman Tawney to recom mend to the Appropriation Commit tee that the sundry civil bill contain provisions of 5800,000 for the Gov ernment exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition; $40,000 for the Indian exhibit and 200,000 additional for the Government building. Subscribe for the Tiuntwi?, Island subscription ::.50 -. r 4-1 "' 'A ' f.J J st,- 4" t -a van. .,?' 1 v.f ,5 )i- I , 1 .w. ' r i. ' gen &--