Newspaper Page Text
:'.' . !' - s. vW' -ist. raft - ' iron's' ' . :" - r A Ijk r&; ft i. &.; UH ' . Y M "i f ' ?v F i H, -a l.v. i j'j - I: ,!;: 1' K. L-J- ,r- i. Wtfjt fc IS ; He mo Hotel, R. L. Scott, Manager First class iu every respect. Houses Wired With Latest Approved Fittings, And in thorough Compliance with the rules of the Hoard of Kirc Underwriters. Day & Co's Celebrated Fixtures. das, commanding fine view of mountain , and ocean. Rooms large and nlry, opening on to Ride verandas. Delightful location. Spacious vcran Always on hand n full stock of Electrical Material, at lowest prices. Frosted Lamps The J'alc9t t,i1i,k- nl cosi prices. Hstiniatcs furnished on all classes of Ulectrical iuslallations. Wc linvc the BEST ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM in the World, over 140 horse-powers in use iu this city, avail able for all manufacturing purposes. 1'or Information inquire of the IIILO ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. Limited, Hlt.0. HAWAII. POWELL CLAYTON SOANDALL. Cusinc the Best. Service Excellent. Special rates to permanent guests and persons taking meals only. Clubhouse and billiard rooms attached to Hotel. I I Rates $3.00 per day. Conveyance meets all steamers. Hilo Saloon KING STRKKT. Enterprise Lager Beer On Draught, Ice Cold. Two Glasses for 25 Cents. characteristic springs, which was measured by hydrographcr B. M. Hall, of the Geological Survey, is Silver Spring, near Ocala in Ma-1 rion County. It is the head of Oclawaha River and is also the head of navigation, as steamboats come up the river into the spring and have a regular landing wharf there. The river flowing out of this spring was found to be 60 feet wide. It had a mean depth of 1 1 feet, a mean velocity of one foot and a quarter per second and a dis charge of 822 cubic feet per second. The spring basin is about 35' feet deep and the temperature, late in December, was 72 degrees F. Though , the water has a slight limestone taste, it appears to have no other mineral constituents, and I SUNDAY SCHOOL AND K.VSTKK. K$ , ' The Finest of 5,, Liquors, H? 5 Beers, h ' . Wines, and ' -. , i Cordials ' At Moderate Prices, Wm. KELLEY, BOILER MAKER and SHEET IRON WORKER. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Telephone Call 122 P. 0. Hilo IIII.O. HAWAII. High Class Portraits. Men and women arc judged by the ex pression and modeling of the face, and the operator must necessarily be a good judge of human nature to take anything from the delineation of a good face is doing the individual an injustice. A good photo grapher must be careful in the composi tion of a portrait for the camera cannot tell a lie. Mr. Davcy guarantees a PERFECT PHOTOdRAPH. Special attention paid to Island orders. J. S. Canario, Manager. 8Se rilOTOGKArillCCOMPASY.LIfl. 1 Corner Fort and Hotel Sts. HONOLULU. 0 UNION saloon iPeacock Block SlIIPMAK STKItKT First Class LIQUORS WINES AND CORDIALS At Moderate Prices, MixKu and Fancy Drinks Concocted by KxriiKiKNCitu Mixologists The Celebrated Enterprise Beer On Draught. Two Glasses for 35 cts. J. G. SERRAO, Proprietor. Offices AND Stores Serious Clinrccs Have Hccn Prefer red Against Kmlinssndor to Mexico. New York, March 14. A special to the Sun from Washington says: It is evident that a bitter fight is on hand to remove Powell Clayton, the United States Kuibassiidor to Mexico. The charges filed by Senator Nelson yesterday in behalf of William II. Mealy occasioned much talk in diplomatic circles to day. Several Senators have become interested in Mealy's case, and it is evident the charges laid before the State Department by Nelson arc to be backed up by a number of his colleagues. The matter has been brought to the attention of Presi dent Roosevelt, and was discussed is excellent for drinking. at the Cabinet meeting today, but with what result is not known. T1.. 1 1.! .....!..- I u1.-y.111 iiiiiKiug uiieguuuus against Clayton several months ago, aim to these the Iitnbassailor has made reply to the State Depart ment. The original charge was that Clayton had misrepresented the condition of the jails of Monte rey and Ciudcd Porfirio Diaz, Mexico, iu which Mealy has been confined. Reports to the department by Consul Martin at Ciudad Por firio Diaz and Vicc-Constil-General Carroll at Monterey, that the prisons at these places during Mealcy's confinement iu them were filthy and unsanitary were denied by Clayton on the basis of reports made to him by Philip M. Hocfle, third secretary of the United States Kmbassy in the City of Mexico. In view of the Embassador's repre sentations, the State Department gave no encouragement to the charges of Mealy. The new allegation that Clayton is a director and stockholder in the Carmen Mining Company, a Mexi can corporation, and that through his interests in this concern Clayton was unwilling to support the claims of Mealy, as thereby he might incur the enmity of some high officials of the Mexican Government and cause them to use their influence to the detriment of the Carmen Company, is regarded as very serious for the Embassador. That Clayton is seriously alarmed is manifest by his activity in en listing his friends to make a fight. It is said Schator Hanna, to whom he owes his appointment, 'will champion his cause. Clayton's daughter was recently married to Baron Iyudovic Moucheur, Minister of Belgium in Washington, and a report is current that social as well as political influence will be brought to bear on the President and Secre- California Fertilizer Works. Office : 534 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cai. Faciories : South San Francisco and Berkeley, Cal. M. D. HALL, Chemist Manufacturers of Pure Bone Fertilizers and Pure Bone Meal. DJJAI.KKS IN of Every Description. Pretty I'Aorclscs by "' Children at roreltfii Church. The Easter services at the First Foreign Church last Sunday were very pretty and were attended by a larce congregation. The main auditorium was connected with the Sunday School rooms and all seats were taken. The pulpit, platform and choir alcove were arrayed in n dress of pretty flowers. The dec orations were of lilies, papyrus, palms nud ferns. The exercises were by the child ren of the Sunday School performed under the direction of the teachers and Superintendent Mrs. Terry. E. M. Wakefield played the organ. The program was as follows: Welcome .John Kennedy Sinking by Primaty Dent. "Jesus Wants Me for 11 Sun.bentn. Rec. Little Polks' Knstcr Story. Primary Class I. Chorus by School Concert P.xercise School MottoChrist is Risen with Scripture Texts. Chorus "Christ the Lord is Risen." Rec. The l'uzzy Caterpillar. Primary Pupils. Kastcr Story Told by Miss Dcyo. Singing by Little Children i - ii..... .11: .1 Katie Parrell Rcc.-HiittcrfliBi jnmi sh0C1I1.lkcr Rec Hulks I GV'ore Grccn wilU Kec. jmiks j R.(kr Rny Semi. chorus of Young Girls. Rec. With Singing Kastcr Lillics. Miss Coan's Class of Girls. Singing "Ring the Joy Hells." Rec The P.tcmal Goodness." Alvah Scott. I Trio With Chorus Knuna Rose. Julie Ilattie Antone Serr.10. Have constantly on hand the following goods adapted to the Island trade: HIGH GRADE CANE MANURE, DIAMOND A FERTILIZERS, NITRATE OP SODA, SULPHATE OP AMMONIA, HIGH GRADE SULPHATE OE POTASH, PISH GUANO, WOOL DUST. ETC. Special Manuros Manufactured to Order. The Manures manufactured hv the CALIFORNIA FERTILIZER WORKS nr,. made entirely from clean hone Healed with acid, Dry lllood and Flesh, Potash and magnesia Salts. No adulteration of any kind is used, and cverv Ion is solil itm1ti a guaranteed analysis. One ton or one thousand tons are nlmoM. exactly ulike, and lor excellent mechanical condition anil high analysis have no superior in the market. The superiority of Pure Hone over any other Phosphatic material for Pettilircr use is so well known that it needs no explanation. The large and constantly increas ing demand fur the Fertilizers tnanuf.iclureil by the California Fertilizer Works is the best possible proof of their superior quality. A Stock of "DIAMOND A" Fertilizer will be kept constantly on hand and for snlo on the usual terms, by L. TURNER CO., Ltd., Hilo. For Terms of Sale, which are equivalent to San Francisco .prices with Height and other charges added, address: L. TURNER CO., Ltd. Hilo Agents for California Fertilizer Works. tJUIT HUYI.NU UO.MLS. HILO WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY J. S. CANARIO, Manager. Finest quarters in town for Profes sional and lliisinuss Offices. For plans and particulars apply at the office of W. C. Peacock & Co., Hilo. KEYSTONE SALOON w. AWANA. Tailor. Having arrived from an extended trip in the Orient, is now located at the old stand on Front Street, Ililo, and is prepared to turn out first class work at reasonable prices. Call and Examino Stock. The Union Restaurant N. MIliANDA, Proprietor. SHIPMAN ST., opp. Fish Market. When you need a drink call nt the KEYSTONE, corner Front and Ponohawai streets. A first class line of WINES 1 i LIQUORS I BEERS always on hand. Tolophono IOG Secretary of the Treasury Considers That the Prices Hiiro lleeu Miule Too II lull. Washington, March 14. The Secretary of the Treasury has an nounced that he will discontinue for the present the purchase of United States bonds of the 5 per cent loan of 100.1, the 4 per cent tary of State in behalf of the Km- rusidecl loan of 1007, the 3 lr cent baSSadOr. Innn rf inoS-miS mid the J nor City of Mexico, March 14. Fm-,ceilt ioa 0f ,025i Sltci, discontinu bassador Clayton is now out of the j ace t0 take effcct at the ciose 0f city, and his reply to the charges business tomorrow. against him in connection with the ' 'phe Secretary believes the price Mealy case cannot be had. The;of bomis js undesirably high and Mexican Herald says the charge that the cnect of the Government that General Clayton is interested j be;t,B permanently in the market 111 .Mexican mines is siinpiyiHierue.j sti,mtiatcs and helps to maintain 1 and can only have been introduced this pricCi to the prejudice of 11a-J to throw doubt in the eyes of the , liom i,ailk circulation. Hanks arc public, who may fail to see the ab-' sai(i lo be retiring circulation as I Dealers iu Wines and Liquors Schlitz and Enterprise Beer Jockey Club Whiskey Holland Gin California Wines. solute lack of connection between . rapj(ily as possible, presumably for Family Trade Solicited. Hilo Wine and Liquor Company the fact in question and the act of which Mealy complains. It is not true, the paper continues, that the purpose of selling the Imnds !TiMll'II0S, 9 Fkont Stukijt, Nijau Ciiukcu. now on deposit at present prices, or 1 for the purpose of using them with 1 Mexican officials are interested iu j lhe Treasury ns security for Gov-1 these mines with General Clayton. Cnm,ent deposits. In making Gov-, .. - 'eminent deposits the Secretary is disposed to discriminate in favor of I such banks as maintain their circu-1 lation.and bv these two methods he hopes to overcome the tendency HOARD, $5.00 per week, iu advance. Single Meals 35 cents'Atid 'upwards. Special flnlurs uxtrn. dood Cooking, Good Service W. DOWNER Proprietor. Tlio Crystal Spriutcs of I'lorlda. Nearly all the streams of Florida originate in large springs of re markably clear water. Some of these springs form lakes of con siderable dimensions, while others flow off directly iu bold streams. CUTLERY to retire bank circulation. A l'utttntrd Comb. They cure dandruff, hair falling, 1 The water is so clear that the most headache, etc., yet cost the same as minute objects, even on the bottom, 1 an ordinary comb. Dr. White's arc readily distinguished, and large Klectric Comb. The only patented streams of crystal water can be seen Comb iu the world. People, every gushiug up through the white where it has been' introduced, arc colored limestone beds beneath. At J wild with delight. You simply points remote from these inlets the ' comb your hair each day, and the bottom is covered with the long 1 comb docs the rest. This wonder green moss that grows only iu pure J ful comb is simply unbreakable nud spring water; beautiful fish of many , is made so that it is absolutely ini varieties are also plainly visible, possible to break or cut the hair. The outlets of the springs are gen- Sold on a written guarantee to give ; orally deep, narrow and rapid perject satisfaction in every respect, streams. Of so much importance Send stamps for one. Ladies' size, to Florida arc these river producing , 50c. Gent's size, 35c. Live men springs that the United States Geo- and women wanted every wheie to logical Survey, iu its investigation I introduce this article. Sells 011 of the country's water resources, 1 sight. Agents are wild with sue has made a series of measurements .cess. Address 1). N. Rosil, Gen of their discharge. One of the Mgr. Decatur, 111. First chisa tahlo ind pnohct nntlory at Department Store prices. Kvurythbitf to 110 Iu your homi', itvurylhlnir for diiisr, uml for your piiHtluuH at. Department Store prices. Ili'low wo t,'lvo 11 fuw pi-low for Cutlory full dtHoriptloiiH nud many UliiHtru tlmiH will Im found on put;''" "I mid .rf of our nuimiuoih t'lu-nil U!itiilnf,nu for Suimnor llhll. Send for free copy. 1 Unrvor not iiH uhovo Gmiulno Stii MiiiuIIhh, Starling Silvor Forult), hiwt quality of Htcol la riatlu-lllU'il uiise jj,- (iomplutoNut ipO.OO Othor Stn,' Ilundlod Curvoiii $2. M.OO, :i f0, l.f0 Horn Iliiudlod Unrvorn, pormt if.'l.OO Ivory " " " " $7.60, !) 00 Silvor I'lutod Dliiiini' Knlvi'.s-hot of ll 7r.u l.:iO, $:!.0O, JII.OO, fUfi Whlto Mono Ilnndlod Dlnnur ICnhva -mrt of (1 if l.f.O Ivory " " " " " ... . $!.), $0.00 as,ZSotr'ae' MJnFrarKico.U.ArTl Z'i'V.Yo i i At 1 , r i tv """"WIWW m