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W O"" T f f " y OLCc rfe: i-- I3rIUt, Reliable, NEWSY ANU POPULAR. The ProRrebHive PAPER OI HAWAII, vV J sr T ET" H m ti 0O I fl -'I Vol. 7. HILO, HAWAII, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1902. No. 27. - v 1 ' Hi Y 1 . !" ittljO' r v K f 7 l'ltllt.tSIIHt) UVHIIY 1'KIDAY Ori'icit. Kino Hiiu.i-.t, IIilo, Hawaii. (Tmiiuni; IIlock.) HHp Tribune Publishing Company, Ltd. Publisher mid Proprietor. President C. C. Kknnkdv Vice-President I'. K. KlCMAHIi? Secretary-Treasurer I,. V. Hawohtii Aiiilllor , A. li. Sutton lllicctom C.1.0. S. McKhnii;, ll W. Mausii Ailrcrticiticiiln '.iiiuecompanlcd tiy specific imtriictloiiH insetted until u-ilitcd out. Advertisement discontinued before expiration nf spicUicd period will lie charged n If con tinued lor lull term. Addicss nil communications cither to the or limitless liepartiuehts of Tins IIilo Thiimini: 1'uiii.isiiinii Cumi'Anv. Tlie columns ol Tin: lllt.n Tmmtm: arc nlway open to communications on Hiilijictn within the scope of the paper. To rccxlv: proper nltciitloti, tucli nitlclc must lie planed by Us author. Tlie name, when desired, uill lc ttild coiifiilctitlul. Tnu II11.11 Thiiii'ni: Is not rcpouslble tor the opinions or statements or correspondents. ATTOKNT.YS-AT'.LAW. Wise & Ross, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Will practice In nil Courts of tlie Territory, ntul the Supreme Court of the United St He. Office: Tiuiiunu Huimhno, rtrldqc Street, II1I.O, HAWAII C. M. I.HIH.ONI) W. II. SMITH LeBlond & Smith ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Hawaiian, Japanese, nnd Chinese Interptctcrs, mill Notary Public In Olftcc. Office: Skvkkanci; Hun.niNO, Oposltc Court House, 1III.O, HAWAII J. Casti.k Rido.wav Tuos. C. Ridc.way Ridgway &, Ridgway ATTOKNl'.YS-AT-I.AW Solicitors oT Patents General l,n- Practice HII.O, HAWAII. Notary Public in Office. OI'I'ICK : Waiauucuuc nnd Ilridgc Streets physicians. JOHN J. ORACH, M. D.. F.R.C.S. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offirc WAIANUl'.NUH ST. OH! e Hours: S to 11 a. in., I to j p. in. HvenliiKs, 7.30 to 8. Hi morning hours on Wednesdays. R. H. Reid, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Sl'KKCKl'.I.S' IH.OCK. Office Hours: iu 30 tn 12 a. tit.; 2 to 4 ami 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 12 a. tn. C. Iy. StOW, M. R. C. S., Etc. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oflicc Hours: 8.30 to 11 n.m.; 1 to 4, nnd 7 to 8 p.m. Office niul Keslcluice: KKVKKANClt IIOUSH, PITMAN STU15HT Milton Rice, M. D. Physician and Surohon Office, W.iianuetiue St. Hours, 8:3010 10:30 a. M.; 2-4 niul 7:30 to 8:30 p. M. Sunday.., 9 to n a. m. REAL estate, ETC. A. E. Sutton II. Vicaks A. E. Sutton & Co. Agents for Loudon ami Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, Orient Insur ance Company. Westchester ' Fire Insurance Company. AucTioNUi'.us, Commission, Rh.m. I'.s- TATI5 AND I.NSUUAKCU Ar.l'NT.S Office iii Economic S11015 Stouk, HII.O, HAWAII. W. A. Purely, LII'E. EIRE, ACCIDENT, MARINE INSURANCE Oi.n Custom Hun.uiNfi, Front Street, IIilo, Hnwnii. Clui,.M. I.elllond, Attorney. W. II. Smith. Man.iKir. IvKBi.ond-Smitii BUSINESS AGENCY All collections promptly made niul accounted for. Iteuls lolliiinl for uhM'iilick and ittnlii, attcudid lo. 8HVHHANCH III.DtS., Opp. Court House. C. 11. W. Hitchcock, NOTARY PUI1I.IC HII.O, HAWAII. II. T. Mrs. K. A. Bacon PROFESSIONAL NURSE IMtnun Street, Nuxi dour to Foreign Church, DENTISTS. Ah Wachs, I). D. S. DENTIST Office Hours, 9 to 4 IIILO, HAWAII Walter H. Schoening DENTIST Shvurakck llousn, Piluinn Street, II11.0, Hawaii VETERINARY SUUUEOX. DR. W. I-I. JONES, M. R. C. V. S. Veterinary Surgeon TuutriioNij 45 or Owi. Druo Stouk CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT. Foil Runt In Puuco, new nnd modern cottage; inquire of ALLAN WALL, at tlie IIilo Market. NOTICES. Fine job work in nil its branches. Give us a chance to estimate. TlUllUNIt. Notick Neither the Masters nor Agent of vessels of the 'Matron Line" will be responsible for nny tlebts con tracted by the crew. R. T. GUARD, Agent. IIilo, April 16, 1901. 24. WANTED. Wantkd Young Japanese wonts po sition ns office boy with doctor or lawyer. Speaks English well; writes a little, P. O. Ilox 4, IIilo, Hawaii. 23-26 LEGAL NOTICES. Iu the Circuit Court, of the I'ourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. Summons. Tlie Lnupahochoe Sugar Company, a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. II. K. Scmle and I. K. Rny, defendants. The Territory of Hawaii; to the High Sheriff of the Territory of Hnwnii, or his Deputy, the Sheriff of the Island of Hawaii, or his Deputy, or any Constable iu thcTerritory of Hawaii: You are commanded to summon II, K. Soule and I. K. Ray, defendants, iu case they shall file written answer within twenty day after service hereof to be and appear before the said Circuit Court at the January Term thereof, to be holden at South IIilo, Island of Hawaii on Thurs day the 2nd day of January next, at 10 o'clock a. m,, to show cause why the claim of the Laupahochoe Sugar Com- Cany, a corporation, plaintiff should not c awarded to them pursuant to the tenor of their annexed petition. And have you then nnd there this writ with full return of your proceedings thereon, Witness Hon. Gilbert 1'. Little, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, at South IIilo, Hawaii, this 10th day of December, 1901. (Signed) DANIEL PORTER, Clerk. I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original Summons in said cause and that said Court ordered publication ot the same and continuance of said cause until the next Term of this Court. DANIEL PORTER, Clerk. IIilo, Hawaii, Jan, 22, 1902, 13-29 In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. Summons. Tlie Hnkalaii Plantation Company, n cor poration, plaintiff, vs. II. E. Soule and I. E. Ray, defendants, The Territory of Hnwnii; to the High Sheriff ot the Territory of Hawaii, or his Deputy, the Sheriff of the Island of Hawaii, or his Deputy, or any Pntistnlili Iti till. Ti-rritnrv nflTnumii I You nre commanded to summon II. E. but a writ of habeas corpus was ob Soule nn.l I.E. Ray, defendants, in case ta:ucd alut he was ordcrcd dis they shall file written answer within twenty days, after service hereof, to be I charged. 1 he Circuit Court ad laud appear before the said Circuit Cturt 'nt the January Term thereof, to be holden nt soultl lltio. island ol Hawaii, on Tliur-day the 2nd iluy of January next, nt ten o'clock a. M., to show cause why the claim of the Hakalatt Plantation Com pany, plaintiff, should not be u warded to them pursuant to the tenor of their mi- ; uexed petition. And have you then and .there this writ with full return of your proceedings thereon. Witness Hon. Gilbert F. Little. Ittdire ! of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, at South lltio, Hawaii, this loth day ol December, 1901, (Signed) DANIEL PORTER, Clerk. 1 certify the foregoing to be u true copy of the original Summons in said cause and that said Court ordered public ation of the same nnd continuance of said cause until the next Term of this Court. DANIEL PORTER, Clerk. IIilo, Hawaii, Jan. 22, 1902. 13.29 FOR KENT. Coney House nnd premises, on King Street. For further particulars npply to tf A. E. SUTTON & Co. l'LAXS OK SHU COMHIXE. Formed on Snmc Much ns United Stntcs Steel Trust. London, April 21. The nllot racnts of stock in the new shipping corporation were all taken tip by British members of the syndicate at noon today. What proportion was given to Europe tlie Morgans de cline to say, but evidently it was not nearly so large as desired by the British interests. J. P. Morgan is now in Paris, but from other members of the firm it is learned that the corporation will be run almost exactly the same as the United States Steel Corpora tion, each branch retaining its indi viduality, but being subject to the control of the directing body. The statements intended for the stock holders of the new company, re garding earnings, management, etc., will be issued by a method similar to the one now employed by the steel corporation. Regarding the defection of the Cunard, Allen, Anchor and French steamship lines, the Morgan firm views are as follows: "It remains to be seen whether they will come in. We think it is" rather a good thin ', in some respects, not to get everybody in at the beginning, the idea being that the present com bine is quite big enough to start with, and it is better to get it down to a practical working basis befoic being too anxious lo make a clean sweep." 1 - ii- DANISH ISLAM) TREATY. Discussion nt Copenhagen Likely to bo Terminated Today. Copenhagen, April 22. The Landsthing today encountered in open session the treaty providing for the sale of the Danish West Indies to the United States. The Foreign Minister, Dr. Deuntzer, made a strong pro-sale speech, cov ering the various arguments of the opposition against the sale of the islands. He created a sensation by reading statements from the United States officiul publications showing that Estrup, the leader of the oppo sition, offered to sell the islands to tlie United States in 1892 when he was Minister of Finance. Ex-President Redtz-Thott and the Ministerial leader, Madsen Mygdal, followed, praising the growth of Liberal institutions in the United States and declaring that the sale insured tlie prosperity of the islands. It is expected that the vote will be taken tomorrow. Chinese Exclusion. Washington, April 21. The United States Supreme Court today upheld the validity of a certain portion of the Chinese exclusion laws that came iu question through the case of Lee Yen Tai, a Chinese laborer who was captured on the New York border. He claimed to be a merchant and had no certifi cate. He was ordered deported, , mittcd him t0 l)aU pending an ap ' ' b peal. The case hinged on one ques tion, whether section 12 of the act of 1882, as amended by the act of 1883, and continued by the act of 1892, was rendered void by the treaty of 1894. Section 12 required I a entering tlie united States by land to produce a certifi cate showing right to enter. American Stocks In Paris. Paris, April 22. The question of listing the stock of the United States Steel Corporation and other American securities on the Paris bourse lias been broached by J. Pierpont Morgan, but there is little prospect that the Idea will be car ried out. The matter, it is ex pected, will he settled tomorrow. LUMMKU PRICES ADVANUI!. Itlso or From Two to Four Dollnrs at llrny's Harbor. Tacoma, (Wash.), April 21. Six large lumber mills on Gray's Harbor decided Saturday to make a radical advance in the price of all kinds of lumber. The advance utlccts local business on Gray's har bor, together with the markets oi San Francisco and the Hawaiian islands, to which a large portion of the output of the Gray's harbor mills is shipped. The increase in prices ranges from $2 per thousand on rough grades to $4 on finished aild dressed stock. Owners of mill say they have been selling lumber on Gray's har bor cheaper than at San Francisco rind Southern Dalifornia ports. An other reason is the fact that Gray's harbor loggers have been gradually advancing prices for several months. Very soon log3 are likely to be lower, however, on account of a de cision of the Weyerhauser Timber Company to immediately cut 150, 000,000 feet of logs along Wislikuh river, where worms have destroyed the timber. The combination of mills to raise prices includes the West and Slade Mill Company, Wilson Brothers & Co,, the American Mill Company, Anderson & Middleton Mill Com pany, the Aberdeen Lumber Conit pany, and Uryden & Leiteh. IIjisIk fr Cnnc and Sugar Prices. The circular letter issued by Williams, Diraond & Co. of San Francisco, April 22, says; Sugar No changes have since occurred in the local market or for export, prices established Marcli 5th still being in force. Basis March soth "to arrive" sale 200 tons at 3.7-1 6c. and on same date cost and freight sale 2000 tons at 3 51c, and again cost and freight 800 tons at 3.50c; 22nd' and 24th no sales; 25th "to arrive" sale 1000 tons at 3.17-32C.; 26th "to ttrrive" sale 2000 tons at 3.o-i6c, and on same date cost and freight sale 2000 tons at 3.605c. and again "to arrive" sale 3200 tons at 3ic.; 27th, spot sale 800 tons at 3jUc; 28th and 29th holi day; 31st, no sales; April 1st, no sales; 2nd, spot sale 1500 tons at 3c.; 3rd, "to arrive" sale 2000 tons at 34c., and on same date "to arrive" sale 1000 tons at 3.60c; 4th, no sales; 5th, "to arrive" sale 750 tons at 3.56c; 7th, "to arrive" sale 1000 tons at 3j4c; 8th, no sales; 9th, cost and freight sale 750 tons at 3 7-1 6c; 10th, "to arrive sale 2000 tons at 3?4c, and on same date cost and freight sale 1600 tons at 3.37c, since which no sales, establishing basis for 96 deg. centrifugals in New York 011 10th inst. 3.3725c, San Francisco, 2.9975c. Jeffries Refuses the Loudon Offer. New York, April 22. Bob Fitz simmons received a telegram from Jeffries today, in which the latter practically refused the National Sporting Club's offer, but said that the prospect for bids looked bright iu California. He said he would post $2500, to be forfeited iu case lie refused to accept the best bid, and asked Fitzsimmons if his forfeit was posted iu the same way. m- ltiiliciirlaus and Turks Fight. Constantinople, April 22. A band of thirty Bulgarians recently crossed the frontier ami penetrated to the villayet of Kos.iovo, Ron- melia. after a fight with TurkMi troops. Details of the nffttir are lacking. Later it became known that the Turkish troops subsequently re pelled the baud of Bulgarian invaders. MtMtON ATTACK TROOPS. Troops Will he M'llliilrmui from .MI111I11110. Manila, April 22. Two engage ments have been fought between I the American troops and the Moros ot the island of Mindano during the last twenty-four hours. Moore oi the Twenty-seventh Infantry, while out with a small party hunt ing for water, was firetl upon at long range. Colonel Frank Bald win with a battalion of troops and a mountain gun went to the assis tance of Moore's party and drove off the Moros, who lost seven men. The Moros' Villages were flying red flags, meaning that they in tended to fight to the uttermost. Later Sultan Ptialo and a force of natives attempted to reoccupy the ground gained by the Americans, but the Moros were forcibly dis persed. Brigadier-General Davis, in com mand at Zntiihonngn, island of Min danao, has acknowledged the re ceipt from Washington of instruc tions to withdraw his troops from Mindanao, but he urges that, ow ing to the present state of affairs, the withdrawal will result in the absolute loss of American prestige among the Moros iu Mindanao. His orders, however, arc explicit. Lieutenant Baldwin and his force are hoyond the reach of the tele graphic instructions from Wash ington, -... Tells of Shi) lug oT (loehel. Knoxville (Tenn.), April 21. Ira Gillespey, a prisoner in Sevier county juil, has confessed to the murder of Governor Goebel, nnd Ifiulijfi rtti tltik nrifinitti tt I1I15 mwi. 1 ...a.o w.. .... .V....W.1.J w. ...o v.Ui. 1 fession. Sheriff Shields and other officers believe that Gillespey 's story is cor rect and will hold him until the matter is thoroughly investigated. Gillespey today stated that there were twenty-one men in the. con spiracy to kill Goehel, whom thej felt was a tyrant and usurper. Three, including Gillespey, were selected to do the killing and sta tioned themselves in the garret o the Stale Capitol building and shot the Governor as he passed under neath. On the breech of the gun with which the shooting was done were the words, "Death to the Governor." Gillespey declared he had been a fugitive since the shooting and had been "hunted like a mad dog" all through Georgia and Alabama, and was now determined to return and stand trial, hoping for a light sen tence. He speaks several lan guages and is an intelligent man, Frank Stockton Dead. Washington, April 20. Frank R. Stockton, the well-known novel ist, died suddenly here this morn ing from paralysis immediately re sulting from a hemorrhage of the brain. He was a guest at the ban quet held Wednesday night of the Nntional Academy of Sciences, when he was taken suddenly ami mysteriously ill. The ailment did not nt that time appear to be e- rious, and for a while the sufferer 1 seemed to be improving, but change for the worse came this morning and death accurred at 1 1 o'clock. By his bedside when the end came were his wife, who was a Miss Tuttle of Virginia, and her sister. He was 68 years of age. The body will be taken to Phila delphia for interment. No furthei funeral arrangements have been made as yet. Mr. Stockton had spent the past winter iu New York and had done very little literarv work. After a visit of nearly a mouth to Atlantic City he came to Washington, so that he might at tend the banquet of the scientists, intending then to go to his beauti- - I ful home in Charleston, W. Va. uooo iwimoxs im:i:vk. Releases Mini Whoso Testimony (.'on vleted .Major Itatlihoiie. Havana, April 22. Governor- General Wood issued an order to day pardoning W. R. Reeves, who was recently sentenced to ten years' imprisonment nnd to pay n fine of &55 5'6 for complicity iu the Cuban postal frauds. Reeves was liberated at once. General Wood says he pardoned Reeves because he was a witness for the state. The order pardoning him did not come as a surprise, for it has been generally understood, ever since Estes G. Rathbonc was first nccuscd of con nection with the postal frauds, that Reeves had liccn promised immun ity by tlie military government. This had been denied, as well as the fact that the Government had ' been using Reeves as a witness for the state. The matter was referred to by counsel for Rathbonc in summing up their client's case. Rathbone's lawyers declared that this promise of immunity had influcnped Reeves to make statements against Rath bone. SOLDIERS ATTACKED IIV l'EOIM.K. Itctipucd Disorders Itevlve Appro IiimisIoii or the Russian Ollleluls. St. Petersburg, April 20. The news received here of the rioting .at Helsingfors, Finland. April i8th, after a demonstnlicn by recruits against tlie new army edict, adds materially to the existing uneasi ness in official circles. After the ! first withdrawal of the Cossacks. who had charue of the nnnnlo fnnr res, cummin es nt troops were called out to guard against disor ders at the factory-closing hour. This precipitated fresh trouble. The populace resorted to window lighting tactics, throwing firewood, vitriol, buttles, etc., on the heads of the soldiers. The Cossacks, on re turning to the barracks, were stoned and compelled to fight their way home. Hot Weather 011 E.isl Const. New York, April 22. The ther mometer showed a temperature of 72 degrees iu this city at 3 o'clock this afternoon. There was little breeze and the air was oppressive enough to cause at least one pros tration. Baltimore, April 22. A maxi mum temperature of 89 degrees was registered by the thermometer of the Weather Bureau iu this city at 4:25 p. m. today. Pittsburg, April 22. The heat record of the past ten years for April 22tl was passed today when me inerrinomeier registered so on the Government Weather Bureau instrument. No fatalities have been reported and but one prostra tion. Herest'ord Wants Sent. Loudon, April 21. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford has decided to contest the seat in the House of Commons representing Woolwich, made vacant by the retirement of I'M win Hughes, founer Conserva tive agent for the city of London, Kent nnd Greenwich. Unusual in terest is taken in the candidacy in consequence of the Admiral's recent strictures 011 the condition of the British navy, and the efforts of cer tain members of Parliament to in duce the Admiralty to discipline him in the was that General Duller disciplined. King I'M ward VII has conferred the Victorian Order upon Profes-or K'ambery of Budapest. The letter accompanying tin.- decoration says that the order is conlerrcd in re cognition of tin- fict that Professor Viimhrry has always proved a good and faithlnl friend to England, and is, at the sune time, a token of the King's personal regard. a M i iti '4 Ml t M Hit .