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re ; y" ( 4 V S t CaBe); Hriulil, Rolinlilo, NEWSY AND I'OPUl.AU. The ProfjresHive PAPER OK HAWAII. 1 ii Vol. 7. HILO, HAWAII, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1902. No. 28. TJ' 4mil u xwnue. ,"Pr an X TW f agr s w ' r ' IT r - ' -w- T r ' " fin a v era ' - - tl i m ui li UI,,mj,lIIIIWlHll J .J.L..Hi.1LJCTCTYWtfJ .IILf,-.. ...! 1.11. I ' HWMliil-.mi"WWUM-J"-'W"MV.'i." IHIM1I1 MM H il I && :. I)C )io vilmm I'lMlMHintli KVHUV I'lSIDAY nri'ici:. Kino Stkim-.t. M11.0. Hawaii. ( ThIM'NH Ill.OCK.) illlo Tribune Publishing Company, Ltd. I'iiUMhth nml I'ropilctnrs Problem C. C Kr.NNi-.nv ViCfPrcllll'lll ' !' Klt'lAlil.f SVi-rclitry-'Ire'.isiitcr W- Hawohtii AinlUor A. IS. Si'tioN IHtcctorn 5n. S. MeKrsru;. I W. SI M" Ailvc.'tl-eincnts .iinKVomp.iiilnl ' cclfic nsliiictlant limcrlril until o-tti'ltil "'. Aiheilliiiciit,llciilliiiicil lH.roit'txplriillo'1 of HiwclliKl iktIoiI Hill li' cliarci'il (it If cm Hum it Tut lull term. AilitrviM nil cniiiimuilcnllons clllicr to tin.' or IIiihIiicih H.-pirtminW of Tils, IIIUI I'MIIIIINh Pl'III.IMtllNO CoMI' N. Tlieroliiinnol Tim? II II" rKiM'Nr nrcnlwiy open in ciiiiiiiiiiileiUiiiit u milijcclnwltliln tlie tMiie nf tin.- i.ikt To ucvlv, ,roH-r nlli'iitum, f.ii'ii nillclf miiHl Ik; nlfiiu-,1 liy Uinntliiir. Till 11.1111C, lii'ii ilt'sln-il. will In- litlil tiiiifiilciitiiil Tun Him Tu 1 him: t 1101 re poiisllile lot llic iiilnlmiiiri'tiiU'iiifiilH(ircorifH)mlfiitii. attohxi:vs-at-i..uY. Wise & Ross, ATT0RNI5YS-AT-LAW Will prnclltf In nil Court or Hie Titrllnrj , nml ill.' Supreme Court uf Hit- I'lilltil M lUM. omco: HriilRCSttctl, TltlllUNK HlTII.niNf.,, HAWAII C. SI. U'.llt.oNI) W. II. SMITH Lc Blond & Smith ATTORNI5YS-AT-I.AW Hawaiian, Jntuiifxc, nml Cliltimc luUrptcUm, mill Niilmy I'nlillo in OM'cc. Office: SltVKUANCK IIlJlMHNO, OppoiUee'oiiit lloiisc, IIII.O, HAWAII J. Casti.u Ridc.way Thos. C. Rine.WAV RidgWciy & Ridgway ATTOKNKVS-AT-I.AW ftjllcitom ol I'.iUmiH I,aw Practice IIII.O, HAWAII. Notary l'ulilie in Office. OVI'ICH : Wiiiniiiiiniic nml llrli!nc Street rilYSICIANS. jUUN J. ttUACE, M. I).. l'.U.C.S. PHYSICIAN AND SURGP.ON Oflirc: WAIANUUNUI! ST. Om e Hour: Slo n n. in.; I to 3 p. in. lfVt'llllIKH, V-i to s. ... II 1 inurniiii: lionrH 1111 Wtilncsil iy. ' R.PI. Rcid, M. L). PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON Offico: Sl'RItCKKI.S' Hi.ock. Oflicf Hours : 10 jo In 12 n. 111.; t to 4 and 7 to 8 p. 111. Sundays, 9 to 12 a. in. C. L Sf rr iv. wtu , M. R. C.9., PHYSICIAN AND SURGIJON Office HonrH: s 33 ion n.m.i 3l04.ntnl7t08j1.1n. office nml KcHliluiirc: SKVI5KANCH IIOl'SK, ITSIANSTKKItT Milton Rice, M. D. Physician and Spughon Office, Waiauuenue St. Hours, 8:3010 iotv) a. St.; 2-4 nml 7:30 to 8:30 p. si. Snud.iys.vj t" 1 1 a. si. ItCAl, lISTATi:, A. 15. Sutton Kit:, II. YlCAKS A. i. Sutton & Go. Agents for London and I.ancishiie Pire Insurance Company, Oiieut Insur ance Company. Wesichcster Pire Insurance Company. AUCTIONHHKS. COMMISSKIN, Rlt.M. PS TATl! AND INSUKANCI'. Al'.l'NTS Office ill ECONOMIC SlIOH STOKK, IIII.O, HAWAII. W. A. Purdy, I.IPI5. P1RK, ACCIDKNT. .MAUINIi INSURANCE Oi.d Custom Housk llnn.niNr., Prout Street, Hilo, Hawaii. C. II. W. Hitchcock, NOTARY PUI1LIC IIII,1, HAWAII, 11. i. OUXTISTS. 0 M. Wachs, 1). 1). vS. DI'NTIST Office Hours, to ! HILO, HAWAII Wa 1 te r I"I . Sc 1 1 oc n i n g" 1JRNTIST SUVHKANQK HQU8K, PllUWU SUeti "I'.o, Hawaii Vl.TKItl.NAItV StMtCI'.OX. I3R. V. H. JON 12S, M. R. C. V. S. Veterinary Surgeon TiaupnoNK .5 or Owi, Duih; Stork CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT. I'on Runt In l'micn, new and modern couni; iniiirc ol ALLAN WALL, at tlif Ililo Markit. NOTICES. Pine job work in nil its lirnnclif.H. Give us a dunce to estimate. TltlllUNK. NoriCK Neither Hie Masters nor Al'ciiI of vtss'ils of the 'Maloti I.lnu" will lie responsilile for any debts con traded liy tue ctew. R. T. GUARD, iKcnt. Ililo, April 16, 1901. ! WANTED. I Vanti;d Youuk Jnp.ineM.' wants po sition as office hoy with doctor or lawyer. Htieaks liiijrllMi well; wrtles a little. P.O. lloxJ. Ililo, Hawaii. 23 26 LEGAL NOTICES: In tlie Circuit Court, oftliePontth Ciicuit, I raj slalemcnls on the Cuban sittia- mlimatC(l lo tllc 1?rcnc,, Govern Tenitory of Hawaii. j j ' ' ' ' mct lImt c (Iocs m)t Ulink it tlc. Summons. TIic 1,-itip.ihochnc Sufjar Company, a cor poration, plaiutiil, vs. II. II. Sonic and I. K. Ray. deleudauts. The Territory of Hawaii; to the High Sheriff of the Tetritorv of Hawaii, or his Deputy, the Sheriff ot the Wand I of Hawaii, or his Doputv. or any ' Constahlein thcTerrit.'ry of Hawaii: , of Hawaii, or ids Doputv. or any You are coniuiauded to summon II. 1. Smile and 1. 15. Ray, defendants, incise limy shall file written answer within j twenty day after service hereof to he nml appear helore the said Circuit Court nt ; Hie January ierm llteicoi. 10 oe noiuen " " .... 1 ...... .. at Soutli Ililo, Island of Hawaii onThurs- j Congress to adjourn without taking day the 2nd day of January next, at 10 , o'clock A.M., to show cause w!,v the'SOlllC action. claim of the Laupahoehoe Sue,ai Com- While not directly discussing the iKiny, n corporation, phuntifl should not , . ., , L- aw.mled to Hutu pursuant to the tenor matter, the impression was gathered of their annexed petition. And have yoii ,y tlc President visitor that the then and there this writ with full return ,. . 1 1 .1 . r of vour proceeding thereon. I Incentive regarded the inaction of Witness Hon. Uilhert P. Little. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Pourth Circuit. at South Ililo, Hawaii, this 10th day of! December, 1901. (Signed) DANIHLPORTI5R. Clerk. 1 .... V.. .,... t. .1... .. .,.. ,... of the original Summons in said cause and that slid Court ordeud pnl.lioation ol the same and continuance ol said cause until the next Term of this Court. DANIKL PORTKR, Clerk. Ililo, Hawaii, Jan. 22, 19.12. 1329 In the Circuit Court ofthe Pourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. Susisions. Tin. iTnlrnliui I'l.'iiitntioti Comnnuv. n eor. poration, plaintiff, vs. H. !:. Sou'.e nml I. K. Ray, delendants. The Territory of Hnw.i.1; to the High Sherllt ol tlie lerrltory ot Hawaii, or his Deputy, the Sheriff of the Island of Hawaii, or hit Deputy, or any Constable in the Territory of Hawaii. You are couim .udi.'d lo summon ,11. K t-n..1.. .....1 I 1. I1.... ,lir..ttflfi,ttk in rnvi OUllie nun ... . .... . ......... ... .... . , , r they shall file written answer within flueiice to secure the recognition of twenty days, after service' hereor, to be I Cuban rights by various state con and appear before the said Circuit Uurt , . , at the January Term thereof, to be hidden vetittons with a view to influencing at South Ililo, Island of Hawaii, on Crs iuui bringing the beet Thnr day the 2nd dav of January next, at ! b . . . . ,- ,,, ten o'clock a.m., 10 show cause why the I sugar insurgents into line. lhe claim of tlie Hakalau Plantation dm-1 jiuij,um Republicans have adopted p.iuy, plaintiff, should not be awarded to 1 . ' . them pursuant 10 the teiinr of their an- j a strong plank favoring tariff rcduc nexed petition. And have you then and , ti for Cuba, and Ohio is to follow there this writ with full return of your ' ., proceciiingi thereon. j suit through an uiiderstaiidiiig with Witness Hon. Gilbert P. Little. Judge , s ,)nlors HauIia and Foraker. of the Circuit Court of the Pourth Circuit, I ' ..... it South Ililo, Hawaii, this null day ot Ile'Ce'iuber. IOOI (Signed) DANIP.L PORTP.R, Clerk. I cerlifv the hire-ening lo be 11 tuif copy of the original Summons in wild . ....... n.i.l uilil I'dllrl urillTi'll tllllllir- ation of tlie same and continuance of siid cause utilil the next lerm 01 tuts e,ouri DANIKL l'ORTRR, Clerk. Hilo, Hawaii. Jan. 22. 1902. 13 FOlt KENT. ! Coney House and premises, 011 King Street. Por further particulars apply lo tf A. 15. SUTTON & Co. VOXll l() V ATTO UN K V. The undersigned hereby gives notice that P. C. Litlll.OND will act ns agent fur me in all huiiuess matters with full power or attorney. J. C. 1IARP.R. Ililo April 17, I92- All Kinds Of RUBBER GOODS, GOODYEAR RUBBER CO, R. II. PI5ASI5. President, San Praucisco, Oil., U. S. A. LATEST WORLD NEWS Death of Two Notables i(lutlr;il Snmpsnn Died at Washington May dill. Washington, AIny fi. Admiral tlicd nt 5 o'clock this evening. Washington, Alay 6. Admiral . Sampson today had a violent hem- ' orrhage. His condition is critical. At 2 o'clock this aflrnioon Ad - . . miral Sampson was unconscious and breathing laboriously His physicians state that he is 'failing rapidly and that the end I may come at any moiurnt. .mav in: i:tk.v ssiox. 1 AIIpcpiI l'lnii of Prt'slilpiit to I'orco Cuhnii ('onccssliin. Washington, AIny 5. President Roosevelt, in conversation with a leadiim Senator todav. made scve- He said he expected Congress at I s,rnmc ,or l,mi ovenimcni to con this session to do .something lor thelfer lhc cross of the LcKion of 1Io relief of Cuba, hut that if it did or upon Admiral Dewey nml ! nothing it was his intention to call! an extra session early in the fall for , r . , . . .. ' the purpose of securing legislation.; 'The President intimated that if ,. , , , . . 'rced to call an extra session he would send a message to Congress , ,. . . . .. . - Congress as almost disgraceful, in . - . . ... . r .. view of the implied promise of the United States to assist Cuba. This .. , . r. 1 matter of a nromise to Cuba contin- j my crops up in the discussion of , ...,!. :.. c,.rll,;., circcs Wbo' tills hlliyttt 111 certain circles. 110 1 gave such a promise ? No one has ' .t come out and stated nositivelv that any such promise was made, 1.... :. :.. 1 11.. i.:....i ii., uue 11 in cwiitiiiiiiiu ilium, vii.ik H: 'resident McKinley pledged lnrjffi avors in return for a speedy accep-1 1 lavors in return lor a speedy accep , tance of the Piatt annneiidiiieiit. I Tj . ,,, s,0 js uscd t0 te ful. ' it-ai . t,.. .,.b... .-t ,,u its fiiends. It is reported tonight that Presi dent Roosevelt will employ his in- utlier states are getting into 1111c 011 account of the pressure from Wash ington. Senntor Ilauna and Re ptesentative Payne spent the even- ' iug nt the White House tonight. 1 Pauueerotp Jin) IJult. Washington, April 23. I.ord Pauncefolc, British Fmbassador, is recovering from a serious attack of rheumatic gout. The recurrence of this disease has caused some of the Kinbassador's friends to urge him to relinquish his post here ami re turn to Fngland. In view of the recent disclosures regarding the at titude of Great Uritain during the ' war with Spain, the lvuibassador fcels that if he was to leave at this time his withdrawal would be attri buted to dissatisfaction on the part of his Government with his conduct in iSo8. He has, therefore, de cided to remain in Washington for lhc present, but it is not expected that he will stay in this country for intiny months, Itrct Hartr Died In Loudon, Mo nil ay, May 5H1. I.otulon, AIny 6.--F. IJrct Ilnrtc, the American author, tiled sudden ly last night nt the Red House, Camherley, near Aldershot, from hemorrhage, caused by an affection of the throat. ' Harte had been suffering from 'swelled tonsils since December last, ! but did not consider the attack to . scHolJSf A wcck nRO hc wcn, to visit friends at Camherley and wus present at lunch, as usual, yes terday. He suddenly became ill in the afternoon, went to bed, and tlied in n few hours. ROOHKVIM.T dlLOCKS I'RCNCII. ! Ilocorntlons Tor Stiles and Dowpj 'J'uriiril lion 11. Chicago, AIny 5. A special to the Record-Herald from Washing- ton savs: President Roosevelt has wiiaiu-ucncrai fliiies. 1 ",s JlCl,",, 'I"51 C!n,hCtl n sc,lhi ; tion in diplomatic and Army and Navy circles. The officers directly concerned and their friends assert that the President's decision was due to a wish to further humiliate them, and thus to make humiliation international. Whatever may have been the reasons controlling the action of the President, it is certain that FratnA' will not, in view of his attitude, award the cross to eithei of the officers. France desired to commemorate the ceremonies connected with the unveiling of lhc Rochanibeati stiw tUP' t0 talce I,,nec lRrc Aln' 24h' a,ld she Ix-'Hcvcd it would l)C a Bcciui net oi coiuiesy to seieei I prominent Americans for member- I slliP in llcr B'0" of IIo,,or Fin , Dassaclor Cambon calle.l al the White House about two weeks ago nml stalcd tlial his Covernmeiit, in consideration of the great services rendered to the world by Admiral Dewey and General Miles desired to confer the cross upon them. The President received the announce ment with surprise. So lar as Ad miral Dewey was concerned, he said there would be no objection, but it could not be thought of in the case of General Miles. PKLSIl PlIlLlPPINi: OUTHRLAK .May Menu War to the Finish hi the Arehlpeluu'o. Washington, Alay 3. Despite the earnest efforts to conciliate the Moros of Mindanao, war with them is in progress. Following hard upon the heels of the dispatch an nouncing the surrender of more than 1000 insurrectos on the north ern islands nml in the province of Misatnis, Mindanao, came this mes - sage from Alajor General Chaffee: ".Manila, May 3. General Davis, in command of the American forces 011 the island of Mindanao, cables that his ultimatum has not been answered; that his message has not returned, and that the Ameiican outpost was fired upon this morn ing. The troops advanced and shelled a Aloro fort, but did not capture it until the infantry reached the ditch. This fort was strongly defended by 300 men. Arch lllshop Demi. New York, Alay 6. Archbishop Michael Augustine Corrigan of the See of New York died shortly after 1 1 o'clock last night nt the archie piscopal residence. BY S. S. ENTERPRISE iiavi:mi:vi:u ox simian taiiiki'. j Siijr Itnluclion ofCuluin Duty Would Xot Airpcl Trust. Washington, Alay 5. President Haveineyer of the sugar refining company today continued his testi mony before the Committee on Re lations with Cuba. He was ques tioned by Senator Teller regarding the reduction in the price of sugar at Missouri River points. He said that beet sugar generally sold ten points below cane sugar nt the point affected. He did not object to the difference in price, but lo the exclusive features of the contracts. Haveineyer said attacks were act of Sept mber 13, 1888, except made on the trust for the purpose .section 12, are specifically re of getting in foreign sugars at a 'enacted. lower duty. Cuban sugar would Third The exclusion laws are cost the company as. much with the extended to the insular territory of concession as without it. If the 'the United States, whole duty were taken off the Cu-1 Fourth Chinese are prohibited bans would receive the benefit for a ' from coming from Island lenitory time. He said the apprehensions 1 to the mainland of the United of the beet sugar men were falla-1 Slates. All Chinese in Island Tet cious. 1 rltory except Hawaii must be regis- Haveineyer said that if the tariff Itered within one year, registration on sugar was reduced 20 per cent 'in the Philippines being placed in neither the irttst nor lhc consumer j the hands of the Philippine Coin would get the benefit of it because I mission. the price would immediately ad vance to offset this action. Senator Teller insisted the trust had the power lo say to the Cuban people, "We won't buy your sugar unless you put it at a certain figure," but Mr. Ilavimeyer con tended that this was not so. He was 1I1211 excused fioin i5vim furlhcr lcslitm)llv lulkss lhe com. mittcc shall decide to summon him again. The committee adjourned until tomoirow. .OX DON IIAPPV. Kiik'lniid r.xpepls Doer War to r,mlj"ow ou Ult IIoUse calendar and is In Tho Weelis. privileged. It will be taken up London. Mav ;. In i.fficinl t'ir- 1 j -' - - cles in London the opinion gains ground that the South African situa tion is improving, and that the burghers at their general meeting, fixed for Alay 15, will accept the British conditions of peace. To Dr. Leyds is attributed a contrary opin ion; but so much a.i has been laid at his door which he has ultimately repudiated, that there is pi estima tion of his having been misrepre sented again. His reported as sertions that "several republics will be established in lhc northwest of Cape Colony" is dismissed as apocryphal. Pending the outcome of the Boer conferences, lhe friends of a generous settlement ate doing splen did woik. liven the Times has given prominence to the letter fioin Pretoria advising the Biitish Gov- ernment to promise a lepresentative I power would be invested in Con government within five years, and j gress until after the formal transfer to give formal assurances that the I of the Government. Their work Crown Government during that , now will be to pass upon credeu period shall become annually lessltials and to iufoim the military restrictive. In admitting to its ! government officially who has been ..i 1.,.. r ,.- , ...1...1...1 ; "M' l ""...i-uiiiioeu cominci uiwaiu a nrave ami con- scientious enemy, the leading Brit- ish journal seems to begin a new departure. Hoi'i'N Una fur 011 Plnale. Pretoria, Alay 2. The general 1 meeting of the Boer leaflets, at which a final decision on the sub- ject of the peace negotiations is ex- peeled, will take place nt Vcreeii - iug, Transvaal, May 15, not May 25 an announced. London. May 2. It is officially ! Queen's household, said tonight: asserted that subsequent to the dc- "Her mnjesty's fever has not in liberations of lhe Boer Leaders at creased, and ' we ate quietly and Veieeniiig, they will proceed to Pretotia and deliver lo Lord Kitch ener terms they are prepnrjd lo accept, iixci.usiox is passi:. Island Chinese are A Heeled liy lis Pldllsloiis. Washington, Apiil 28. With only five working days left of the Geary Act, Congress today passed the Chinese exclusion bill. It jis a compromise, but is slionger in terms than asked for by the Pacific Coast. The bill ns passed is covered, broadly speaking, in live sentences. First All existing Chinese ex clusion laws are continued in force "until otherwise provided by law." SecondSections 5 to 14 of the PIMMIAP.S Xi:w STAItS. Prospect or Three Xew States In Union. Washington, May 3. Republic an leadeisjin the Senate, the House and the National Committee are thoroughly alarmed at the prospect ofthe passage by this Congress of the omnibus Territory bill, which provides for lhc admission to Stale- hood of Oklahoma, Aiironn nml New Mexico. This nieasuie has been reported favorably by the House Committee on Terriloiies, is early next week, ptobably on Tues day. In spile of the oposiiion of all the House leaders, the bill is likely to pass, because thcteis a combination in its favor of all of the Democrats and mid land Repul licaus west of the Mississippi River a coinbiua- 1 tion thai may, fur the second lime I in a month, overthrow the Speaker and his followers. UUIUX LAW MA KIIICS Ml'.Ki'. Listen tu an Address liy Covpi'hop N001I. Havaiin, May 5. The Cuban Senate and House of Representa tives assembled at. noon today in the Palace. Governor-General Wood made an address, wishing the legislators success in the work they weie about to enter tiponr He informed them that no executive ! ...-.,. ....! 11.... :.!.... ir:.. n-..'.i ., . .v...v..i, .ee-x .es.ueiu, acuuiuts mm uieuiDirs 01 inu j House of Representatives, I The Senators met in the Palacio iSegundio and the Representatives jj ilt. Coinmaiidacio Generate 1 r .,, ,rl,ii l,..ii,li., 1 ............(,. , Holland's (Jueen Low. The Hague, May 5. The oven- '"K passed quietly at Loo Palace, 1 1,l,t 13is- Kwssingy and Pot hae ' remained at the Queen's bedside. Baron Clifford, master of the hopefully awaiting the results ol a good night's lest for the Queen. Tliuie is no cause for immediate disquietude" "'k 75 s 1' k M I, .tat- 1 "'ii is" 4 Ak '.'V j4!jfcw,iidttF --a jr&a&H "