Vol. 7.
No. 29.
t .
l)c )ila viluuu
OFi'icn. Kino Sthii:t. lino, Hawaii.
( Thiiiiini: IIiiivi:.)
llllo Tribune Publisliiii Company, Lid.
I'lilill-ilirr-i nml I'rnlirli tors.
I'rcsMcnl C. l Kr.NNKtiv
Vlec-I'tesliti'iit H I'.. Uiciiahiii'
SciTiliiylirnHiirrr I.. V. Il.wvimni
Au.llKir . I'.. mi niN
lilti-trliir-i ('.1 11. s, McKl.NM , II W. M bsll
AilvofllicniPiili utiiicdiiiitinnkil by perlfir
itHti iictioiin liisvrtnl unlit ii-iluul nut.
Ailvcrliwini'iilsillHCniitliiiinl In futc exilrnllnn
of 4Hi-lliil ! rl"! will lie cliirutil ns II con
lliiuiil for lull una.
AitilreHi nil cntmutiiilcntintit rlllirr In tlic
H.lll.irl.iliir MiiHim-n l)iMitimnH ul Tin. lino
I'kiiiiink I'iiiii.ihiiino Company.
Tin." minimi 11I Tin llilo TitlM'ST nrc alitrnvt
Ipl'll III COIIIIIIIIIlU'lllllHIH ')ll HIllljCCtH mUIUii the
icnier Hit! i.ivr. I'o iciclv-iruir ntluitWm,
rarn niliili' limit lw i.l'm-it In-ilniill.ir. Till'
nnim. a lit 11 tli'slti'il, will lie IilIiI intiliilctitliil.
rm: Him Tiinii'M I inn n nnllili! lor the
niiiitnii ur Mali'incnt uf ciirri'MHiiiilt'iit.
Wise & Ross,
Will iirnclicr In nil Court nf (lie Tcrrilnry, nml
tlio Siiirenii' Court nl thi! I'niliU St ill.
Oil ire: Tkiiuink IU'ii.iiinc.,
IlrlilRi-Sll.it. 1111,1), HAWAII
LeBloncl & Smith
llawnlluM, Jnimiii'c, nml CIiIiicm- Iiitcrputcr,
nml Notary 1'iilillc In OUicc.
Office: SltVl'.UANCIt IllIII.IlINr.,
0inislle Court llou-wr, llll.O, HAWAII
J. Casti.k Rum; way Thos. C. Ridcway
Ridgway & Ridgway
tcticitnr oT l'.itint Ccni'ial I.siw Practice
llll.O, HAWAII.
Notary l'ulilic in Office.
OI'I'ICH: Wiiiiinui mil! ami llrlilxe Street
vltehi.narv stnuir.oN.
tlflire. WAIANl'HNWH ST
Olll c Ilnurr.' 8 to ll a. in.. I t 3 1- "
KvciiIiikh, 7-3 I" s
I1 1 inoriilii'i: hum h nil WilniHy.
V. I-I. J ON BS,
M. R. C. V. S.
Veterinary Surgeon
Tki.kpiionr 4s or Owr, Dnuo Stork
Foil Runt In I'uueo, new and modem
cottage; iuiiiiri! of ALLAN WALL, tit
thi; llilo Muiket.
In the Circuit Court, of tlic Fourth Circuit
Territory of Hawaii.
In Pkoiiath.
In tlic matter of tlic IJstate of MRS.
LO, of llilo, Huwaii,
Petition having been filed liy Mrs.
Annie Kahulchili, n daughter of the said
IJIiruhcth Kcaliilihiine Kcaomakuui Lo,
ptuying tlxit Henry Smith, of Honolulu,
Oahu, lie appointed Administrator.
Notice is hereby given Hmt Monday,
tlic i6th tlay of June, A. I). 1902, nt 9
o'clock a. til., lie and herehy is njHintcd
for hearing said petition In the Court
room of this Court, nt llilo, Hawaii, nt
which time and plnce nil persons con
cerned may appear and show cause, if
any they have, why said petition should
not he granted.
Hilo, Hawaii, May 30, 1902.
lly the Court:
Fine job work in all its branches. 1 In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit
Give us 11 chance to estimate. TimiUNit. I Territory of Hawaii.
NoriCK Neither the Masters nor ' T t,c matter of the IJstate of LIZZIIJ
Audit of vcsv.-ls of the 'Matson Line" LUJAN, of llilo, Hawaii, deceased,
will he responsible for any debts eon- ivtltion lmvltiK cn filed by Lucas
traded by the crew. R. I GUARD, j,,,,, f PoU-att, Hilo. the father of said
liii1" ! e. I ,,iic 1"J!". Ir.iyiti; that letters of Ad-
Jlllo, April ifj, 1901. 24. , ministrm,,,,, U,n M, estate be issued to
DuriiiL' my nbsence front the Territory ' "''!'. , , , , i . . . 1
of Hawaii. A. IJ. Sutton & Co. v, ill net ! , No'1" ,is ,,e,rc '' Kiwn tlint Mpnilny,
or me under fit 1 iiowOr of attorney.
llilo, Hawaii, May 17, 1902.
Sealed Tenders will be received by the
Superintendent of Public Works until 12
M. of Tl'IJSDAY, .MAY 20th, 1902 for
laying 6-inch, 8-iucli, and lo-tucb water
pipe in W.iianuenue and Front streets,
Specification'.! on file in Office of Sup
erintendent of Public Works, Honolulu;
also in office of IJ. U. Richards, A",cut
l'ublic Works, llilo. The Superinten
dent of l'ublic Works reserves the right
to reject nny or all bids.
26 6t Superintendent of Public Works.
the lblh dav of June, A. D. 1002, ut 9
o'clock a. m., be mid hereby is npixiititcd
for henriuu; said petition 'in the Court
room of this Court, nt Hilo, Hawaii, ut
which time and place all persons con
ceiued may apjiear and show cause, if
any they have, why said petition should
not be riintfd.
Hilo, Hawaii, Mnv 30, 1902.
lly the Court:
1. S. Lyman,
Attorney for Petitioner. 29-3
Territory of Hawaii, Treasurer's Office,
Honolulu, Oahtt.
In av II.oIiiIm r MM 1 1 1".o 'IT !
In the Circuit Court, of the Fourth Circuit,
Territory of HiiwhU.
The Iutpahoehoe Suar Company, a cor
porulion, plamtiir, vs. H. IJ. Soule
mid 1. IJ. Ray, detelidnnts.
The Territory of Hawaii; to the IHjh
Sheriff of the Territory of Hawaii, or
his Deputy, the SherifT of the Island
of Hawaii, or his Deputy, or any
Constable in theTcrritory of Hawaii',,
You are commanded to summon II. IJ.
Soule and I. IJ. Ray, defendants, in case
tlii-v shall file written answer within
Preparations nro on Foot for Old
Fimhlonc'd American Day.
At rt meeting of citizens last Fri
day evening nt Piretnnirs Hull Hilo
decided to celebrate the Fourth of
July in first class style. On motion
of A. Richlcy, J. U. Smith was
elected chnirman of the meeting.
II. K. Kelsey was made Secretary.
Jn the general discussion, Mr.
Du'nckcr announced that the F.lk.s
would cooperate in the celebration,
it being their intention to give an
'entertainment on the evening or
July 5-
On motion of Carl S. Smith, the
chairman was empowered to ap
point the following committees to
arrange for n grand Fourth of July
ccleiUa(Mjttl Hilo. Finance com-
tmttee. tpppy-one members; pro
gram, thfee; sports, seven; parade,
seven; printing, three; decorations,
live. The chairmen of these com
mittees composes the executive
Mr. Smith has made the follow
ing appointments :
Finance IJ. N. Holmes, chair
man; Albert Horner, I. Turner
J. M. Smith, W. libeling, M. F.
McDonald, A. C. Palfrey, W. H.
C. Campbell, A. M. Wilson, K. .
Harnurd, J. F. Clay, A. H. Jack
bon, A. C. McKinney, J. K. Dillon,
Geo. Duncker, W. C. Cook, J. C.
Ridgway, V. O. Walker, Roberi
Andrews, C. C. Kennedy, Jim Mor
ris, First Hank of Hilo Treasurer.
literary program Carl S.
Smith, chairman; Mrs. Lutliei
t U'llcnn W. Viniiiattu
twenty day after service hereof to be and l VaA ', " .", . .. , I
the jm,,ar7'VeVm-Hiil-r'JoT.lo'.;JTlorde-n h T. Moir, Jack Ivnston, J. P. Claj, ;
at South Hilo, Isluml of Ilnwuii on Tlmrs
day the and day of Jtmuary next, at 10
... . .. r.. ..1...... ...'..- iii.
R. H. Roid, M. D.
Office: Sl'KliCKHI.S' Itl.OCK.
Office Hours:
in 30 to 12 a. mT; 2 lo 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.
Sundays, 9 to 12 a. 111.
Refrigerator, Company, Limited, n cor- , claim 01
poration established and existing under tinny, a i
Hid by virtue of the laws of the Territory lie awan!
if Hawaii, has pursuant to law iu such j 0f their 1
C. L. Stow,
M. R. C. S.. F.tc.
Olficc IIiMiro: R.33I011 n.iu.i atn4.nn1l7toSp.1n.
iilllcc anil Uexhlciice:
- filtVHUANCH lllll'SK. lTIMAN STKI'.l'.T
Milton Rice, M. D.
Physician and Sukchon
Office, Watauueuue St.
Hours, 8:3010 10:311 a. M.; 2-1 and 7:30
to 8:30 l. M. Suud.ijs, 9 to 11 A. M.
mm, .,.., Tlw llilo Klectric Power nnd o'l-lnek a.m.. to show cause why the
...it.,....,-.-- ...-- .... ... ,.
Refriuerutor. Comtuiny, Limited, n cor- , claim or the I.aupalioelioe httKiii -om-
T . , , , .. I 1 .1 .....I ! ..1..I..I.IT 1.,1.l .,..,
lauy, a corporation, iiiiiniiii im."... ..
ariteil to ineni pursuaiu m uir icimi
ir annexed tietllion. And have you
in.i.lo nnd movided. duly filed 111 this 1 then mid there this writ with full return
office, a petition fot the dissolution of the 1 ol your proceedings thereon,
said corporation, together with a certifi- WitiU'ss Hon. Gilbert F. Little, Jude
cate theieto annexed as required by law. f the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit.
Now, therefore, notice is lurch niven at South Hilo, Hawaii, this iolti day ol
... .,.,. m,,l nil iiitxiiiih til .1 have been or ! Owi'tnlier. tool.
k ,,,. ,' ,'- ...-.... i- ----, -'-.,, ..-.-, M...,, ..,,.
tntUvii i.m.sii',1. 1 uu 1 i.iv, ....
I cerllly Hie lorenoniK 10 ou a irut- tuji
r.. iiiiw liileresltdlti anvinauner whatso
jver in the said corporation, that ob
lections to the k untiti( ol the said peti
ion must be filed in this office on or be
fore Jl'LY 12, 1902, and that any person
or persons desiring to be heard thereon
must be iu attendance at the office of the
tiiidersiKued, in the Capitol lIuildiitK.
Honolulu, at 12 M. of said day, to show
cause, if any, why said petition should
not be granted.
Tiensurer Territory of Hawaii.
Honolulu, May 12, 1902. 299
of the original Summons in said cause
and that said Court ordered publication
ol the same and continuance of said cause
until tlic next Term of this Court.
Hilo, Hawaii, Jan. 33, 1902. 13-29
itr.Ai. r.sTATi:, inc.
A. U. Sutton II. Vicaks
A. E. Sutton & Co.
Aleuts for Loudon nnd Lancashire Fire
'insurance Company, Orient Insur
ance Compiuy. Westchester
Fire liiMii.incc Company.
Aiictionhi'.us, Commission, Rhai, IJs-
Office in F.conomic Siioh Stoui!,
llll.O. HAWAII
In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit
Island nnd Territory of Hawaii,
In Pkouat-At Chamui'kc.
In the matter of the IJstate of ITO (k.),
late of Hilo, II iwau, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit,
Territory of Hawaii.
The Hakalau Plantation Compnny,-n cor.
poration, plaintiff, vs. II. IJ. Soule
nnd I. IJ. Ray, defendants.
The Territory ol Hawaii; to the High
Sheriff ol the Territory of Hawaii, or
his Deputy, the Sheriff of the Island
of Hawaii, or his Deputy, or any
Constable in the Territory of Hawaii.
You are commanded to summon II. IJ.
. itnuti. nml I. !'. Rav. defendants, iu case
thev shall file written answer within
The petition anil accounts o tne " . ft , hereof, to be
"-11 I , .' l.r. I... ....1 (Mr,.i.il f'tnrl
W. A. Purdy,
Oi,i Custom Housk iitiu.iuNr.,
Front Street,
Hilo, Hawaii
C. 11. W. Hitchcock,
llll.O. HAWAII. ''
111 ntstrator ol the estate 01 sam ucccn-
having bee HRd. wherein he a.ks that " nu ap . oK l.oi le.
his nccouuts be examined and approvei , 1 J - J' w" l" " l . f' lH on
and that a final order be made of' distri- 1 "J bot th II lo, Is 1 1 1 01 hi ,wi 11, on
I 1 Ion of the properly remaining in his 1 ur rtny the ami , ay J Jn nt,at
hands to ll.L pe.sons thereto entitled, " , t' H.Ik duu IMaSon C u
au.l discharging him from all further re- ckdm of U.u lak Im
sponsib.lityassuc. Artm UKlralor. & ' , to Ule tenor of their nn-
.,.. " rV r ' , lM , " at o o'ehick nexl -etitio,,. And have you then and
n. ut C m ,bj;s. in the Court House Ihere th s wr t w 1, ..... return o. your
a So'uth Hilo. Hawaii.be and the same ,rteHS"reS i,)ert P Uute. judge
hereby is appointed as the time and place I '"'ilc m ,rt of" e I ourl I. cS.
forhearinn said petition nnd accounts, I of the C ire. Co urt o Iu ""
-.. 1 i. iii . nu 11 i iiiii. Jiiimui, mid iwtn 1 -
'" ' ",laM .0!!" ,".' s.. arl"ll)eceu.ber.iooi. Hilo will be a sea of nyrotech
am tnere aii ienr nun nuu mure, '".v ,u, ,. haVIKI 1'OIiTI'R Clerk. - ....
tI.eymve.UytneM,ne.l.oul.l,,tKMlK.K.l)if and red firc p0rth of Ju
Kri!i,il ir......ti M,,v looj 'copy of "the original Summons in s.tltl j,iKht.
"m ", ?r ' ' M " .it H.111I Cimrt ordered public h
1 liv the Lourt. ., r., 1 ...., 1. ,,... ,,r.,t,i .. ....... . .j.........
nwilfl 1'OIITI'R Clerk. iitirai ui 1111: wiiil- mm Miiiuimiii 1.1 1.1 r ri.irtciue una nuieiun.
IM''"',li lUKIl.n, S.H.I".. ., ,,,., ., f,U Pmirl. 1
i.iiLinu Ml..,. .,..- ,,fc.rt .... .-. ..... . 1
. Hilo, Huwaii. Jan. 22, 1902. 13-29
F. Ktugelli.
Parade A. Richley, chairman;
II. T. Lake, John Herring, Capt.
Fetter, J. Carvalho, John T. Haker,
JohnT. Hrown.
Prfnting and advertising J. T.
Slacker, chairman; I,. W. Haworth,
G. F. Affonso.
Decorations Arthur Richardson
chairman; Mrs. D. W. Marsh, Miss
Ivy Richardson, B. F. Howland,
Miss Harriet C. Hitchcock.
Evening entertainment and ball
W. C. Cook, chairman; Geo. Dunck
er, J. J. Grace, C. N. Prouty,
Mrs. J. T. Lewis.
While the preparations have
taken no definite lines, it is the
wish of promoters that all the
people of Hawaii accept the invita
tion of Hilo to celebrate the day in
this city. The invitation is made
general and cordial.
An old fashioned Fourth of July
parade with floats and music ai d
cjmic features will be plnnnet'.
The merchant putting on the fin
est float will be awarded a prize.
Good purses will be offered in the
athletic events.
The best orators available will be
secured to ndress the people.
The finance committee is com
posed of the best hustlers on the Is
land and it may be relied on that
Knelling Incident in the House or
Washington, May 9. The oppo
sition iu the House to the bill for
the admission of New Mexico.
Arizona and Indian Territory col
lapsed nt the last minute nnd the
bill was passed without division as
it came from the committee, except
for a few verbal amendments. The
real test came on an amendment
offered by Overstrect ol Indiana to
join New Mexico and Arizona and
admit them ns the State of Monte
zuma. It was beaten, 28 to 10G,
and all opposition then ceased.
The closing scenes of the debate
were accompanied bv n dramatic
incident, which narrowly escaped
licing a tragedy.
Delegnte Mark A. Smith of Arizo
na, who has been fighting for the
admission of his Territory for 11
dozen years, had just made a vigor
ous speech against the Ovcrstreet
amendment when he was seized
with a rush of blood to the head.
He was conveyed to the lobby,
where several physicians who are
members of the House, by tin
prompt admiuutratiou of powerful
heart stimulants, saved him from a
stroke of apoplexy. He later ral
lied and was removed to his hotel.
The bill, as passed today, pro
vides enabling acts for Oklahoma,
Arizona and New Mexico, similar
m form to former enabling acts,
.vith the exception that the Con
stitutional Convention of New
Iexico is cmpoweied to designate
the name by which the new state
..hull. enter. lucUnion.. and in tin.
y irrevocable ordinance, shall ex
press the consent of that Slate that
Congress at any future tune may
attucb. all or any part of Indian
Territory to it. The enabling nets
differ from one another chiefly in
reference to the public lands appro
priated for educational purposes.
The latter part of the .session was
levoted to private pension bills, ol
which Were passed 28 original, 54
for increase and 5 to complete
military records.
French Officers Unable to Discover
Any Survivors.
St. Thomas (Danish West In
dies), May 9. The French cruiser
Suchct arrived at Point-a-Pitre,
Island of Guadeloupe, French West
Indies, from Fort le France this
morning, bringing several refugees.
She confirmed the report that the
town ol St. Pierre was entirely des
troyed at 8 o'clock on Thursday
morning by a volcanic eruption.
It is supposed that most of the in
habitants of St. Pierre were killed,
that the neighboring parishes were
Martinique Disaster YVni Xot I'.xitg
irrrated In First Report.
St. Thomas (13. W. I.), May 9.
It is estimated now that 40,000
persons have perished from the vol
canic eruptions nt St. Pierre, iho
surrounding districts and on other
West Indian islands.
Fort de France (Martinique),
May 9. Of the 30,000 inhabitants
of St. Pierre it is thought that not
a single one escaped the tetiible
eruption of lava from Mount Pclee
yesterday morning. Eighteen ves
sels iu the harbor were- nil burned
and sunk and the total number of
passengers and sailors rescued from
them is thirty. All the rest are
The Governor of Martinique, M.
L. Mouttel, who started for St.
Pierre the day before, has not b en
heard from nnd is thought to have
perished. His staff Colonel and
wife were with him. Senator
Knight, President of the General
Council, must also be dead, as well
as United States Consul T. T.
Prentis nnd nil the other Consuls.
The wiping out of the city was
accomplished iu a few minutes.
After a week of rumblings in the
interior of the volcano, followed by
showers of lava dust Wednesday,
molten lava burst out suddenly at
8 o'clock yesterday morning. St.
Pierre was destroyed and all of its
inhabitants killed almost iu a
twinkling. Those who saw the
eruption from the sea say that
masses of fire fell from the sky.
. .Although .St. Pierre Js onlv-fifs-ble
to approach it 011 shore. Hot
ashes and ruins block all ap
proaches. The cable to St. Pierre
is destroyed, lively available' s
scl has been sent to the harbor of
St. Pierre to rescue survivors, if
any there be. The French cruiser
Suchct, which was here during the
night nnd brought the first definite
story of the disaster, bus gone to
Guadeloupe for provisions and will
reach St. Pietre harbor tomorrow
morning. It is thought that the
residents of adjoining districts not
overwhelmed, who were dependent
on the city for their food supplies,
will be in danger of starvation un
less help soon reaches them.
No Foundation for Reports of Rouse
ycIIh Interference.
New York, May 7. A special to
the Sun from Washington says :
The recent report that President
laid waste and that the residue o! I Koosevct expressed his disapproval
the population of St. Pierre iHof the ilUeIlli(,tl ,,f the ifrciieh Gov-
without food or shelter.
The commander of the Suchel
reports that at 1 o'clock on Thurs
day the entire town of St. Pierre
was wrapped iu flames. He en
deavored to save about thirty per
sons, more or less burned, from the
vensels iu the harbor. His olticer.s
svent ashore in small boats, seeking
for survivors, but were unable to
penetrate the town. They saw
beaps of bodies upon the wharves,
and it is believed that not n single
person resident in St. Pierre nt the
eminent to tlecorate General Miles
and Admiral Dewey with the cioss
of the Legion of Honor is without
ton Dilution. The Sun correspond
ent is able to state, on the highest
possible authority that neither the
President nor Secretary of State
ever made n suggestion on the sub
ject of the proposed decoration of
Miles and Dewey, and that the sub
ject was never brought to the ut-
M. Wachs, I). I). S.
Smith K: Pakso.ns,
Attorneys for petitioner.
In the Circuit Couitof the Fourth Circuit
Territory of Hawaii.
In Pkohatu.
In the matter of the IJstate of MF.lIUl'LA
(w.), ot Haiti. Hawaii, deceased.
Pe iliuii having been filed by K.'dTin
Notice to Creditors.
Iu the matter of the IJstate of ROIIIJRT
ROI1SON HIND, Ueceuseu.
... r ..1,.. ,........,, 1. ..... , .,,., &...., 1.. i...b..i.. ....,u,i , .,,. ,w,,.r i
P'tUtK.), 01 Jill", 1 iii.'nii, . - .suiie-i; in tiv.vM, ,,,.... .v ............
iaid Meheula, praying lh.it Klteis of Ad-,hiKed John Hind F.xecutor of the last wound. I lie two ll
uiiiiislraliotl upon said estate be issued ujh (if Robert IJobsou Hiuil, deceused, to , ... a few feej Qf
to W. . Sbipinall. , the UrwlltotH 01 ami an persons i.avinK i,r,.P ,lm ,11.1
' V. ....... i. i i iti.ii m.mhI.-iv. ' ..1..1..... i.i ii..' .n iii i ii-i-i'iispii in tire. I lie nrotuer wno urn
A.111 in' in iiLiLiM l nil vnn --. i:iiiiiiin 111:11111 Ik W"H ... . --- --
New York, May 8. Paul Lei
cester Ford, the novelist, was shot
through the heart by his brother,
Malcolm Webster Ford, this morn
ing. The murderer then turned the
weapon upon himself and gave him
self an almost exactly similar
rothers died
each other.
the shooting
moment of the catastrophe escaped, tention of the President iu any way,
The Governor of the colony and s0 that he had no opportunity to
his staff and wife were in St, Pierre ss pon x i( lu. uu desired to do
mid nrnluihlv nerislied. The extent I
r.i . i . 1... 1 .so
ill lllc Ciliuswuiiiic wuiniui in: iiuii
ined. The captain of the British
steamer Roddam was very seriously
injured, and is now iu the hospital
This authoritative denial is ie-en-forced
by the official statement of
the French limbasiy that the Presi-
at St. Lucia. All of his officers tle)U wns nevcr nsketl to express
ami engineers were killed or dying. . , : ' vnl of tho Frtfnch Govern-
Nearly every member of the crew, ,n ll .
is dead. Surgeon Campbell and nieufs allege! intention to decorate
ten of the crew ol the Roddam Miles and Dewey, and that the
jumped over board at St. Pierre and whole story is without loundatio i.
were lost.
1 IUPTI' lflST. ''Il. I."...l.nf.r m HtllJ inil'l.imr
..w.w--.' a,,.- I'.iiiiiii v 111111111.I1 iiuiiv.11.1 .
thu 16th day of June. A. D. 1902, at 9 sent their claims duly auihenticated with ,aii, Ken disinherited because he I The Ilritish royal mail steamer .. , ,. B11il1,. nr ,.mirrri.i.r ,w0-
iassed St. Pierre during the . w""v J . ., "
of Inst niirht. accordinc to a rations in connection win. wie. w.-n.-
from St. Lucia. The steamer ' monies at the unveiling of the
was covered with ashes, although I Hochambeatt statue has for soun:
-.rp.. iir,.i liiVlnrL.il ui'.. be and hereby is appointed he nroner vouchers within six months ! . .. .. . ,,, .-.i. .,..,
Om.;o Hours, iiAwin'tftar hi ihe dun , .rll.J first publication of this notice to , chose to lollow mi athletic instead . Lsk pah
0 1" ! HILO. HAWAII ,,,,,", ,,f ,,pis Oourt. at Hilo, Hawaii, at UlL. s.ild F.xecutor at his residence at Ko- ot a literary career. Ill financial middle (
'which time and place all persons con- j,,,),,, Island of Huwaii, Territory of Ha-1 slraitSl he went to his brother for ) report ft
1 cernid may appear anil snow uiiim-. . wai, lliu same oeiiig me jii.ij.u ii ... , . 1 aml tilcy (M,rreHeil. Tile
W.'llter J-l.SchOCniUff'"" SS" mw,,H!b" m "m rtle.l brother was the author of
l nn.. lMu-iit MiivMi 1002. JOHN HIND, historical works and the two sue-
DIJNTIST . "i,y"rCoHVt. ' F.xecutor of the last will of Robert Rob ce!t;.ful ovcis, "The Honorable
I DANIFI. PORTF.R. Clerk. son Hind, deceased. i,.i,.r Sterlini!" and "latlicc Mere-
SilvmiANCit Housit, 'vvMHftUohi Dated nt Honolulu, T. II., February -r1,h ""' nim Jlun"
29-3 2SVII1 IV """'
Pitman Street,
IH1.0, Hawaii ' Attorneys for Petitioner.
she was five miles distant from the
town. A boat was scut as near
shore as possible, but not a living
soul was seen. The town was still
time been under disi ussion, nnd
that the names nl several distin
guished Aiueiicans have been con
sidered as worthy of honor.