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"ify : We catch the Steamer An important Tact in the saving of time is that of plac iiiR Hoods on the return steamer for the Islands. Smith's Cash Store, nt 25-27 Market Street, San Fran cisco, claim to accomplish this most ilesirahlc end for the henefit of their customers, and allow nothing to prevent. Pi ice lists for the askinc Money to he saved by or dering. Greatest guarantee of quality and freshness of supplies forwarded. Careful packing to insure safe arrival. N09. 25.27 Market Street, San I'ranclsco, Cnl., U.S.A. Smith's Csh Store Weak Nerves Aro you ovor norvous? Do you llo aw ako nights, suffer fronulcspomlcncy, anil often feol iliscourncod? lt'sulorrl Mo llfo to load. Don't suffer in this way any nioru. (Jut strong and well. Enterprise Planing Mill Company. OKO. MtT.MUV, Mj?r. 1'kont ST., in rear of Hilo Mercantile Co'a IluililliiK I'lanine, MotiloitiK, Scroll Work ana alt kinds of Turned Work, Window Prnmcs, etc WATKR TAN S A SrUClAI.TV. Household and all kinds of Furniture, Slore I'itliiiKs. Counters, etc., in ide to order. Cross-cut Saws re-toothed and ni.ule as good as new, at easy rates. Manufacturer ol School Seats, Church Tews, and Redwood Guttcts, all alics mniiHHiHiminnfHimimHmmimnmnimmmmmim .COLD in the head. vSurc signs of Grip. Grip Tablets 25 cents box. PAINS all over. Dr. Ford's are a specific Follow tlio nilrirp of Mrn.Tlioitm rrltr Irani, of Ailclatilo, Boutli AuntralU. Hlio Kcnilit us licr photo;riili and mjii " I luul a tcrrililc Whom which loft my ncTTC all untruii(. 1 liiil crro lirailaclir, lmllgciitlnn, Mri'plo'snpini, nml my nrrvn were Just as weak ns tlicy could lie, 1 then trloil Ajrer'g ftusApnrllU ami I begin to Ini jirovo nt nnro. My nwtlto returned, my ingestion lniiroTed, and my nerves became, strong and steady." AYER'S Sarsaparilla Thcro aro ninny Imitation " Rimparlllu." Ilu suro you get Ayor's. Uso Aycr's l'llla with the Sarsaparilla. Thesonro purely vegetable pills. They euro constipation, blllouiincss, sick hoadacho. Prcptrcd by Dr. J. C. Ajcr & Co., Uwcll, Mtis , U.S.A. OWL DRUG CO., Hilo, Hawaii. Ltd. riiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiauiiiuiiiiiiiumiiuiiaiiii J. E. ROCHA HAS KSTARMSIIKD A STANDARD for High-Class Tailoring that will stand the lest. lie knows how to cut; he knows how to make up, and where and what piece goods to buy. His shop is on N'O MOCK PATTI5RNS WAIANURNUE STREET Canadian-Australian Royal Mail 88. Cu. . i 1: !.. r.r.iurtlnii with the Cnnnilia hicainersoi uicaouvu nil i ilium! """""" ---- :;,,-. ,, r iinnoliihi ,. u i' i,,i Si.,lni.v. N. S.W.. and callinu at Victoria, 11. t-., Honolulu, a, v-....,.....j, ... -, i;":y'-'l"i.- J or nlw.llt til anil Ilriiliiue, is. , are uuu ill nunuium Canadian Pacific Rail ctoria. II. C. Honolulu on or alHWt the dates below stated, viz: From Vancouver and Victoria B.C. For llnsh.iue, Q., and Sydney: MIOWHRA JUNK AORANOI JULY MOANA AL'O. From Sydney, Brisbane (Q). l'or Victoria and Vancouver, 11. C: AOr'aNT.I Jl'NH MOANV JUIA MIOWHRA JULY OITMMJTIUX AXI LUNdKVlTV. rii)slclnns (live Interesting Tcfltf. inony Upon the Subject. The munificent new service, the "Imperial Limited." is now runuinK ilnily RKfAVKKN VANCOl'VKR AXI) MONTRKAh. making the run in too hours, without cImiiki. The finest r.nlwnv service in tlie world. TlirouKli tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and hurope 1'or freijjlit and passage, and all general information, Apply to Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Gen'! Agts. Furniture fop your Stables Harness and Vehicles Volcano Stables AND TRANSPORTATION CO. LI; AD IN THESE UN ES because the best goods arc sold for the least money. Carriage liinporiuin Wo make to order - nil wood work of Gears, boiled in lin seed oil -the best Hacks, Hug gies. Road Wagons, Drays, and Freight Wagons. We are agents for Studebakcr Wagons and Carriages on this Island. Harness Headquarters We supply plantations with harness by wholesale cheaper than can be bought on the Coast. Uig Stock of ready made harness on hand. Our harness is the most serviceable har ness on the market. Blacksmilhing and Carriage Itepair Shop Ourhorseshoor carries a dip loma from the best Veter inary College. Carriages and Vehicles re paired; best material and workmanship. Our l'aint Shop Is under the supervision of a man whose reputation is not excelled on the Coast. LIVERY, DRAYINC AND TEAMING TO ALL PARTS OF THE ISLAND. FAST FltE.NTII KXl'KLSS TRAIN. Flyers Arc (ironing .More l'opulnr In France as Klscwhere. French express trains nml their rate of speed have been somewhat prominently before the public for some time, ami there were a good many comparisons with Htiglatid in this connection. Little was said nt the time of the "Sud express," which runs daily between Paris and the Spanish frontier and which accomplishes n very meritorious performance. This train is one more example of the progress that has been made in France of recent years with regard to rapid railway truveling. Its inclusive rate of speed of fifty miles an hour equals that of the fastest Scotch expresses, while its intermediary speeds show a higher average than those pre- ... . - . . express, or even by America's "Umpire State" express. Paris Messenger. - - - Snap Shot. Vice that flaunts itself on the best streets is low down. It is quite proper that the man who has made many laugh should be tickled. Knowledge of grafting is not so difficult to acquire "as n high school education. Good digestion will brighten the whole world. Young love will not fail to halt a moment at the door, though once inside the time of night will cer- tainly be requested. 1 A wise dog will not take readily i to the hospitality of strangers. j The curbstone will not refuse it i self to the kicker. An Kaster hat is impatient, but it can wait. I No atmosphere is so pure that it is not comnclled to meet much bad ! language. The joy of a hopeful life is that it always has wings in reserve. A bird in the hand may be better for some purposes, but for the bird and the music of it the bush is preferable. It is not easy to make a joke of responsibility. People who cannot walk do not prefer to ride. Sioux City Journal. VOLCANO STABLES and TRANSPORTATION CO. CEO. S. McKENZIE. Manager Dr. Arlitlge, nn English physi cian, has recently published the re sults of years of close study of long evity, quoted in the Chicago Tri bune, and his conclusions are in structive and valuable. Dr. Arlidge has decided that the indolent rich arc the shortest-lived of nil classes, nud gives ns the cnuse of this seem ing nnomnly that they worry their lives away. The farmer stands nt the head of the list of long livers; he generally has to toil hard, hut his work is in the open nir, and in an altogether healthy environment. Good digestion with him waits up on appetite, and he eats heartily of wholesome food, which nourishes his frame and makes good red blood. Next in order of longevity nre the clerical, legal, and medical pro fessions. The clergyman in the country leads n life somewhat closely resembling that of the farmer; he is much' out of doors, his hours arc necessarily regular, and he is precluded by the nature of his call ing from dissipated habits of a worldly sort. The lawyer's lines, so fnr as health is concerned, ate not cast in such pleasant places. His life is n more strenuous one, generally full of excitement, with the brain kept for most of the time at high pressure, nnd the nerves on the strain. Of the three learned professions, the physician can cnl-1 eulnte on the shortest life. A con scientious doctor must of necessity be the most tclf-nbnegnting of men; and, ns n rule, he has little or no lime to think of himself, as his mind is continually burdened with the responsibilities of his practice. In both town and country the medical man is compelled perforce to live under unnatural conditions; he is out in nil weathers and nt nil times; nnd it mny be truly said that a busy physician can hardly call an hour his own. Then he is constant! exposed to infection, and n large part of his life is spent in the de pressing fg slcRrodni'. Tf, tiiefc Pllt'" will be no matter for surprise to learn that, excepting nrtists, the lnrgest number of suicides nre re corded among members of the med ical profession. Insnnity, also, has wrecked the minds of many brilliant physicians. Politics, according to Dr. Arlidge, is one of the most healthy of occu pations. This fact has been proved time and again Gladstone, Uea consfield, Bismark, and Thiers are conspicuous examples of the truth of this statement. Great brain workers are notoriously long lived, and among literary men, scientists, piofessors, and teachers, the mor tality is far lower than among the industrial classes, therefore Dr. Arlidge holds that activity of the mind, if bent in the right direction, has more to do with the health of the body than muscular exertion, but he thinks that a judicious com bination of both forms of exercise brings about the ideal condition. Employers of labor ore especially subject to heart affections. Nervous complaints come second, apoplexy third, and consumption fourth. I he commercial traveler is a man who seldom reaches the allotted term of years. Irregular hours, too much drinking and smoking, and poorly cooked food are the fuctors that tend to bring his existence to an un timely end. Policemen nre, ns n class, very healthy nnd live to nn advanced aire, due to the fact that they nre chosen for their sound- Whooplm: Cough. 1C8Mi n)d that their life is largely A woman who hns had exper- hpent in the open air. Kheumatisin ' ience with this disease, tells how to s the affection with which the po- Inrovent any danncrotis cause- Hccman is chitfly troubled. 1 he queucea from it. She says; Our I mail-carrier is healthy rn account three children took whooping ()f his outdoor lite, mil mr me same cough last summer, our baby boy , reason is peculiarly subject to rheu- being only three months old, ami j mutism. The miner, notwitnstnuu n,,Mlr m mir iriviiiL' them Cham-iimr that for linht hours of the ltt "D 1 berlnin's Cough Remedy, they lost , tWcntyfour he is working cramped none of their plumpness and came1 u n coal pit, shut out from the sun out in much better health tlianului ni an atmosphere ilucKiy tin- ' .1!.-.... ...lirtun ii'irnnlu ilill I uiitll rn.'ll (lltsl. is. POll- OUIUI ciiuuniu iiw;n. i. ...-. in.-ii.i-" ... -- i i not use this remedy. Our oldest trary lo preconceive! notions, a little girl would call lustily for i healthy man i.ntl usually lives to a cough syrup between whoops. green ol I age IiiSsiK PiNKitv Ham., Springville, Air. . II. S. A. Tli s remedy is lor huis:me sale by the Hilo Drug Co. milk AJHjin:it'.vno. i.v atiii:.n. . ,,, 'WM.e. IRWIN & CO., Ltil. imnlly r Mill. Men. I A French newspaper describes an ! ingenious method of milk adulter- bllgcll raCtOTS, nuoii practiced in Athens. The residents haven penchant for goals' milk, and herds of these nnimals are led along the street by milk sellers wearing long blouses with capncioijs sleeves. Their cry o" "Gala! gala!" brings the housewife to the door, and she prudently de mands that the goats shall be milked in her presence. This is mine, uiu me iiuiKinan lias in one hand the end of a thin tube which runs up his sleeves and connects with nn India rubber receptacle full of water, which is carried, under his ample blouse. At each pres sure of the fingers on the udder there Is a corresponding compres sion of the water sack, and milk and water flow side by side into the milk pail. Commission Agents. Sole Agents for W'ltioiKil Cane Shredders, Baldwin Locomotives, Alex. Cross & .Sons' Sugar Cane and Coffee Fertilizers. 1CSTAUI.ISIIICI) ,Hfl8. BISHOP & CO. Bankers. IIoNoi.ui.f - - Oaiju, II. r. TiiuiMcl n General Hanking nnd IJx- I i;ii;uig(j misiiiL'ss. Commercial anil Traveller's Letters of I Credit issued, nviiiluhlu in nit the iiriiieiiui 'cities of the world. i Special attention given to tlie business entrusted lo us hj our friends of the other i Islands, either as Deposits, Collections, Insurance or requests lot Kch.uigc. NEW PIAN FOR SALE FOR CASH or on INSTALLMENT Free tuning 1 fear ILO HET C: LIMITED. I Telephone No. 39. Hkidgk St. - II11.0, II. I 1 1 iPacific Meat Market Fkont St., IIii.o, II. I, Choice Cuts of Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal. BERGSTROM HUS GGO. Pianos on view at KERR'S old stand PEACOCK I3LDG. Wainucnuc Street . , . Hilo POULTRY of all Kinds FRESH ISLAND BUTTER- Fino Fat Turkeys. . . Sucking Pigs The Corner Restaurant O FRONT AND CHURCH STS. UNCLE SAH'S Union Cigar Stand l'ORKIGN AND DOMESTIC TOKACCOS AND CIGARS Be "IU. MKR1T0" 5c "MANILA" I IOC "HI, l'AI.I'.XCIA" ' 10c "H0U15MIAN ei.uir and uthi'is 1 Solect Cigarettes j 1 S. C. SHAW - Proprietor Wainuuenue Street. Hilo If you appreciate a good nicely prepared call and see me. IVIeal 25c Up j C. SHIMAMOTO, Prop. Lato Suppers from 8 p. to I n. m. m. I iltSlllt hi I It' I 1 l..r II. 1. Ws3Hfc2.fr35i (" Tbi '- .iii.ii in ... (.11 iiit In- ,. J fl " M-il nn I 'III- B1- .Ml III V iM S li ii.ilwrm. i---..NL. TC mull NunurlliliMMliii Si 1jrjxUrz? tint wiirl . Iim-m-ilt-l li.,U,r... t" iiivtnkr lull imllwl.tniimili-u-'v ... wm I .' - -i imi.llllil 11 1"'!". rV.Vr.NN!.!v W. A. RAY 1. H. HAY uhe Jzays Real Sslalc, Conunissio? and Jhmncial jrfyents 97farinc and Jirc insurance, tfoarj Public and jtfuctionccrs COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY for the TumuNK, Island subscription, WVIANUHNUI-; ST. 1III.Q, HAWAII, .,.$& A 'M Mt tl fer S"' -m t ft i. ft Ky "" t , -, ' k if !ii'r'iiS!if' 5" " .L A- bJ ' 'iLSi i,.'.-.