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MmmmmmmnmMiir4. . -'Wi. - T--TT-r(Ujs,j!rw-4 .-". ftWfW !jc Qilcr vuluim . p2000-Purses -$2000 FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1902. HRSnHp "rw:'- " - r,P'H9aMHSWIflsmiWIIVlnr9WIflllQaaaaaafl?laaBBw ft mmmmmmmmmmi. p. ? ' L Knteml nl the I'ostoffice nt llilo, Iln wall, ns second-class matter runusincn itvnuv i'iutiay. L. W. HMVORTH - - Iiuitor, New York, May 9. Haw, firm; l'alr Refitting, jc; test, Hie; Molasses Sugar, ajc. FOURTH OF JULY Meeting; Race HOOLULU PARK, HILO A DUAL CELEBRATION. July 4 and 5, 1902-G. S. McKenzie Mgr. Owing to dissatisfaction expressed by sonic people last year because of the expenditure of so much of the l?ourlh of July fund for racing, the committees with the advice and ap proval of the race track people will follow a new plan this year in rais ing subscriptions for celebration purposes. Kaeh subscriber will be asked to designate whether he wants his donation to go to encour age a race niect or to be expended in red fire up town. Those who want a big time in the way of pa rades and up town demonstration can have so much of it as they are willing to pay for. Those who want to encourage racing and at tract to the city lovers of this kind of sport may do so to the extent of their desires, The two features are necessary to make Ililo's celebration a complete success. There are hundreds of people who want to stay in town and sec a regulation b'outth of July powwow. Hut the race meet should not be neglected. Horsemen in every Is land expect to come to Hilo every year on the Fourth. They arc good visitors to have, from a business standpoint and they cannot come too often for the good of the city. This year the horsemen at Hono lulu have promised to be on hand with their best horses providing suitable purses arc offered. Ililo's horses are now at Kapiolani Park and Oahu racemen arc ready to re ciprocate. , The turfmen on Maui promise to the Fourth it llilo horsemen will remember Maui August 12. Hilo can celebrate in first class style in the city and have excellent racing at Hoolulu park also. Racing commences at 1:00 o'clock sharp each day. rowKTii or jih.v. Half-mile Dash; purse $125, 1 $25 of purse second money. Trotting and Pacing 2:38 class; . $150 purse, $25 of purse second money. ( One Mile Hash, Hilo Track Cup and too ( One Mile Dash, llilo Mercan tile Cup and $100. ; Trotting and Pacing 2:18 Class; Holmes Cup and $150. 1 Three-fourths Mile Dash; $125, $25 of purse second money. j One-half Mile Japanese owned horses; $50, $15 of purse second money. S One Mile Gentleman's Driving Race, owner to drive, 2:35 class; purse $too, $25 of purse second money. 9 Five-eights Mile Dash $100, $25 of purse second money. 10 Japanese Race; $2.5, $5 second money. JULY fiTII. Half-mile Dash, purse $100, $25 of purse second money. Half-mile Inhibition Race for I.adies. Purse of $20 to most graceful equestrienne; second; $5 to third. $10 to (D. & Peacock & Company, DL Dealers in Choice mines and Liquors Cocktails OLD FASIIIONFD, ASSORTED Beer$ ' AMERICAN IiKKWING CO. l'AUST IIKKWING CO. 11UFFAU) HKUWING CO. Bulk mines 5 Trotting and Pacing, best 2 out of 3, 2:20 class; $125, $25 of purse second money. I Five-eights Mile Dash; $100, $25 of purse second money.- 5 One Mile Dash; $125, $25 of purse second money. 6 Half-Mile Dash, Japanese own ed horses; $49, $10 of purse second money. 8 Three-fourths Mile Dash; $t25, $25 of purse second money. 9 One and One-fourth Mile Dash; $125, $25 of. purse second money. 10 Consolation Race, $100, $25 second money. . A Full Prices Assortment at Popular Olbiskics AMERICAN, SCOTCH, CANADIAN, and IRISH. mineral maters SHASTA, 1IIKANO, SHASTA Ginger Ale WHITE ROCK Brandies PROMISES KEPT. Last Tuesday, May 20, saw Cuba born as an Independent Republic. The task undertaken by the United States in behalf of humanity was completed with conscientious regard for every implied obligation to the Cubans. On May 20, the malev olent predictions of nearly 2,000,000 Democrats were confounded by the grandest knighthood act ever per formed by a sovereign power. Cuba has been freed from a relentless op pressor. Cuba has been cleaned and whitewashed by a tornado of sensible sanitation. Cuba has been trained in the art of self govern ment. The lesson will be a lasting one, not only to Cuban, but to the world. The immediate future will also doubtless see Cuba granted even more thtui was promised, directly or indirectly by the government of CONDITIONS: Ten per cent, to enter; entries close 8 p. m. Tuesday, July 1, at Volcano Stables office; Scratches close at 10 a. m.( Wednesday, July 2. Manager, Hoolnln Park. DIv LAAGE HENNESSEY MARIE URIZARD mine EUROPEAN PORTS & SHERRY CALIFORNIA CLARETS AND PORTS Ciquors BRIDGE STREET . HILO MARIE RRIZARD AND OTHERS The destructive earthquakes in Mexico and Central America ac companied by the close-following reports of appalling loss of life in the French West Indies from a vol cano eruption, are calculated to awaken renewed interest in the smoking pit of Hawaii, beyond the Volcano house, thirty miles from Hilo. In all the great seismic dis turbances of the past, cataclysms in one part of the earth have been followed by various active mani festations throughout the whole vol canic area. When Vesuvius me. cades, Kilauea pufls and snorts. When Mauna Loa was belching forth fire there was a gurgling in the throats of the craters at the an tipodes. A few years ago when the waters swallowed up portions of the island of Java and new islands reared their heads in the Asiatic Sea, the earthquakometcrs all around the earth chronicled disturbing waves. It is therefore not improbable that Hawaii will receive her due notice of the internal anarchy of the earth which is just now apparently at one of its high tides. It should be remembered, how- Uie United States. She will be granted trade concessions and per-1 cvcr' t,lal w,lcl"-ver a devastating haps absolute free trade at which time her liberation and redemption will be complete. "OTHER SUPPORTERS." outbreak has occurred at one point, me disturbances at places distant from the disaster, are usually mere echoes of the central smashup. Ha waiia's mountain may therefore grumble a little this summer, but there is no pressing call for a gene ral exodus. iiouinig more nor less thai meek, , but doubtless sinceireT willingness of Governor Dole to adopt Roosevelt's supreme rule " fair play " in his official conduct for the next two years. There is already unmistakable evidence in Hilo that Governor Dole began his "fair play" program before he started home from the east. He learned the "fair play" idea in about four hours consultation with Ltlic President. The Advertiser is probably as fully informed of the rejuvenation of Governor Dole as any one else. A PUBLIC ENEMY. ... .. . ."77. 1 ne article in this issue from the pen of II. W. Henshaw treating on the subject of mosquitoes is one that will be read with general inter est iu these Island- The remedies he suggested for eradicating mos quitoes arc so simple that it would seem most strange for them to be neglected by a long suffering public. The proved relation between the striped legged day mosquito and the spread of certain epidemic dis eases brings the mosquito question as jorciuiy uelore the Hoard of iieaiin ami other public officials as a case of plague or small pox would bring the subject of quarantine. MUTUAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.... FREDERICK A. BURNHAM, President 305, 307, 309 Broadway : : : : New York M. M MM BaHB MM. PLENTY UNCTION. The Advertiser accuses the IIn.o TkwI'NK of "hUL'irillir flatlcrimr unction to its soul." Well, at such I les?m to bnU hea(lc(l fatller. who a jrame. which must l. ,.,-, ISC( hY nral disinheritance to modern than the ninir nomr craze. . Dknvkk En. Smith is now mak ing a triumphal tour nf tho Tun.i of Hawaii, under the management of the irrepressible T . C. Howell. Hie late despatches have it that Denver Ed. will be nnintio-ti, ... lists who will delight London au diences during coronation week. Tin? tragedy in the famous Ford Library in New York should be a STATU OF NUW YORK INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Aliianv, April, 17, 1902. I, l'HANCis Ilr.NtiuiCKS, SiipcrluttMiilcti t of iiiiurnnrc, DO llHKlillV CHKTII'V, lliatllie.MiituntKrM.-tve I'liml Lift- A.oclntloii. now Mutual Kistne Life IiiHiiranre Company, or Hie City ofNew VorU, lm coinpllc.l Willi nit the re. fuiremrntx of law to le olM.neil liy sucli corporation, on rtincorporntimi, anil that it is to Irntnuct the Imshu-ss or Life Iniurnncc ni upecifK.I in the l'lrst SulMlUiuii orsi-cilon S-enty or Article II or the Insurance I,uw within thin Stale, anil that audi lituilnrM can properly lx- entrusted to II. ' IN WITNItSS WHKKKOI', I me hereunto MiWrllxit my name, ami c-aiihul my Olnclnl Seal lo lie nlnml In dupli cate, at the City or Alliany, on the May and ytar just uloe wriltiu, FRANCIS HUNDKICKS, Superintendent of Insurance. M curb the Let it be hoped that no reader of the has been fooled, even a little by the poor yarn, alais fake. If he has been he is in the way of being disappointed, for Governor Dole, secure in the respect and hearty support of the administra tion for the policy he has followed in the past, will assuredly follow the same policy in the future. That : i.. .1... i 1 .... . 1 ,. 1 . .,.,i u, . resmem ami governor the Tkiihwh will undertake to ac Dole s other supporters expect of1,.,,;,:, ir ,. , , .. hi... ntwl u-l,ni l.ic ..:..:i.J ........ 1 'l'l't itself as well as did the Adver- (1 V lllil III II1L1II1 LZ.-l IMIIllll ' . I . . naturally lead him to do. Adver-1 llser w,lc ll taekeled the Volcano I ."!onry simcles of the hill- tiser. j road. If the Advertiser will repair ' , !',a J , have n8n, C11 If Dole's "other supporters" will , theOInn road at Smith's mate' Kiv me uui mail a rest, and a r" "" I'1-1 ' wie 1 kiiiunk will chance to carry out his purposes furnish unction for the contractor, loniiuu 111 wasuingion, me Isinutl viuit: iiiujod lasts. of Hawaii will feel irratoful cvpm As to Dole's endorspinont im,. toward its enemies. jiuS string,- to it-the ribbons nielS JjaXJSJ. lu,ll," natural inherit;... iim.. bestow on sons through the chan nels of blood. Total Assets, - 5,790,400.83 Death Claims Paid Since Organization FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS (Jooil Ageitcy Contracts for Reliable Hen FRANK L. WINTHR, General Auent lor Territory nl Hawaii a sadder but wiser man. Anyhow, it would seem but fair for the Advertiser tc allow the Tm- ifoiiNn iinwniian fnitltcr lei. Owner can lmvc saint; by proving property mill paying for this mlveitisumciit. Umiuire of Miss Mnhy, 1' street. The plans of the Ladies Social Circle to give ii amy this evening on the Hotel lawn are all complete The booths mm iicuurntions are very putty ami invit ing nml the Imlies promise an evening ol enjoyment to all who come. Senator J. I). Turin of Koliala was in the city the first of the week to meet his ilaiighler, Miss May Paris, who came iiiinie ny llie last Enterprise, having fin isheil her studies in n iirivnti.' si-hmil nl Sail I'rnncisco, 1'rof. r.eouanl will in ike a b.illoon as cension tomorrow evening for a inert-hints purse. He will start from the vacant lot opposite the Union Saloon, j Don't foruet Hint the American Oro. I eery Is selling out all stock at cost for cash. Von can secure the best value at the lowest prices. 38 jt Oeorge Miiinby unit II. II. Oehr were initiated into the mysteries of Hlkdom last Tuesday niht. This pair of new Hlks is the first taken into the fold since thei-stiiblisliiuent of llilo I.odgc No, 759. Till- illilllllillll IV11U rilllllUI.ll llf II 1M,I,'.,,I IUk feed. ' The Annie Johnson arrived Tuesday twenty-one days fioiu Sun Francisco. The C.iliforninii nf the Ilawaii-Aincri-cau line will arrive iu Hilo today to take 011 1500 tons of sugar. I have for sale a buggy, surry and ev. r.MvrsM"".?"' !'"r wle cheap.-If. K. WINCH. Prout Street. (t. II. Gere, the representative of the Department of Public Works who has been revolutionising the condition of our roads and bridges, left Monday with Mrs. Gere for ten day trip through Hit-tuukua, - .1 1 ' f