Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL Money to loan WUcn A. 11. II mcock left yesterday on a busi ness trip through llutuakua. 15. W. Ilarn-inl of Iiiipnhoehne was In the city two or three ihjs this week. l-'or Kent Office, corner King and I'll in in streets. WisiC. Dr. nml Mrs. Ilollaml were up from Puna this week to melt Judge Little on his tetiirn from the Kast. Manager .Scott of the llilo Hotel nfter n weeks eonliitemeiit to his room is again nhle to attend to lm-incs. rou RAt.U Cash large lot in business center of llilo. ClIAS. M. l.uM.ON'l). Mr. Henry Vicars and I unity are Mop. ping at the I.uu.iu house in Kallmann lor the benefits of a change of air. J. O. Uolhwell, manager of W. C. Tea cock & Co., at Honolulu, arrived by the Kinau this week on business. Canic Si'.UD iou SM.K-Yellow boo and Yellow Caledonian. Inquire of W.J.Stone, llilo, Hawaii. The Missis 1'eck returned home last Saturday (torn a visit of a fortnight at the Moir home at Papiikou. The Kinau will make an extn trip to llilo Sund ly bringing a hud of Japanese laborers for the llilo District. I.ook over your sideboard and sec if j cm hive any Acme Ke, among your stock of wet goods. If not, then we will be pleased to supply you. V. C. l'H COCK & Co. I,. Turner & Co. received a big invoice of goods by the Enterprise. Details m ly be .seen in their advertisement. Miss Carrie Dunn who his been visit ing her sister Mrs A. M. Wilson returned by the Kinau today to 1,-ihaiun. All the bridges between llilo and Iiti pahochoe are in good rep lir again ami trallic mocs once more unimpeded. Kallmann furnished house for rent. Good roads, convenient to town, bracing climate. Terms reasonable. Apply to I. C. Lynnii. W. 11. Mcl'arlane bookkeeper for the Konn Sugar Co. died suddenly Wednis day evening while sitting in his chair. A. M. rotetnkin nnd wife will leave by the Enterprise for a trip to their old home in Russia. They go via New YutJc. A bunch of keys his been lost, the finder will be suitably rewarded by re turning the Mine to this office. 2S-it TIicTkiiiI'NH went to press too early yesterday evening to contain an account of the athletic contests at O'ai. Hut from the preparations made the entertain nunts must hae been a success. The llilo band has been unoffici illy approached on the proposition of goin. to .Maui for the nth ot June festivities. The boys say they would gladly go if sufficient inducements are offered. As Summer is coming on soon, it is ne cessity, that your system be braced up. Don't forget, that l'afost llest Tonic is the llest, nml that welne it, as well as the Drug stores W. C. I'hvcock iS: Co. The bark K. P. Richet nrrived Wednes day from San Prancsco and took sugar for Ilackfeld & Co. for Sin l'rancisco. The Stenmcr lintcrprUe leaves tomor row for San I'raucisco; Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Uubinwn, Mrs. Van Areswaldt and daughter, Mrs. Chalmers nml Captain Robert Andrews. A horseshoeing contest has been ar ranged between Jas. O'Roitrke and Den ver lid. Smith for J 250 a side. The con test will take place either in H'lo or Ho nolulu. Mr. Dickenson, the Agent of the Mack ey Cable Company will visit llilo 111 the near future to investigate the l.iy of the lund and come to eoiu-lusions regarding the relation of this cii and Isl.ujil to the Pacific Cable. The business interests ot this city and Island should see to it th it Mr. Dickenson has c.mj access to all the facts he desires. Di. Philip Rice, formerly of this city, is now nt Vienna, Austria, taking a spe cial course in the .study of eye nnd ear diseases. He will afterward study at Halle, Germany, and then retutn to Sm I'raucisco, where he will locite. Dr. Rice is in fine health and wauls to be ie nieuibcred to old friends. The llilo lnse ball nine will goto Maui June 11 and cross bits with the famous u.,iiLii niMTii'itiuii. 1'.. M. Itrownwill captain the team which will bring luck Maui scalps. The Maui team will be challenged to play 111 Hllo July 4th. Man iger McKenie of Hoolulu Park has o fie ml a good purse and a first tale game may be expected. llrllllnnt Church Foreign Wedding Church. ut First At the l'irst l'orcigtt Church Wcdnes. day evening, in the presence of over one .Mr. A. I.ldgnh- Sri 1'orf li n Vew Interesting Fuels. I'AAt'tio, Hawaii, Mayo, 1902. KniTou TuiliUNl'.: The damage done to the Island of Hawaii by the extrnorili lln" r,r KtlT'dnit IZZXn, ! " vv floods ol March last, was con-l",gfril. mm miss 1111ei oiiintsoii i.ewis, ui wns Slllll city, husbinil nml wife. The wedding was ns pretty n one in nil its details as was ever seen in Hllo. Tiie church dec orations done by Mrs. Severnnce, Miss Elvira Richardson nnd J. Castle Ridgway were notably appropriate. They were of palms, ferns, bamboo pipvrus and lilies. At a little before 8:vi Chrystnl Smith led the way for the bridal parly down the main aisle to the altar. In the bridal procession were the ushers, I?. N. Prouty, J. Castle Ridgway. T. C. Ridgway, Mrs. Hayes, tnitron of honor, followed by the bride on the nrm of her father, J. T. Lewis. In the area before the nltnr the bride was met by the bridegroom, who was escorted by J. J. Grnce. I.ohcii grins Wedding March, played by Mrs. Cruratt, ceased nnd the ceremony was performed. The bride looked exceedingly pretty. She wore 11 gown of white crepe tie chene over white silk with hand embroidered medallions nppliipicd. A (lowing silk tulle veil mid a hind embroidered yoke of mousseline de soie completed one of the simplest j et the most stunning wedding gowns of the year. Miss Porter the bridesmaid wore n pretty creation in Persian lawn. The Matron of honor wore a silk gown in opal ami pink. The guests of honor were Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Scott, Mr. nnd Mrs. I,. Severance, Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. l'liriieaux, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Kennedy. The bridal party left the church pre ceded by the (lower girl who scattered rose petals In the way. As they retired from the nltar Mrs. Cruz.111 played Men delsohn. The reception nt the home of the bride's patents on Waianueitue street was n most jile.i'-niit nil lir. The guests were received 111 the hall by Mrs. l.ewis nnd thence presented to the bride nnd groom who stooil unjjer n pinoply of bloom in the parlor. The lioti'e decorations were lavish in the display ol roses and flowers. The walls and lanais were draped with fish nets into which had b en woven myriads of (lowers and ferns. These de corations were made by Judge Lyman, Miss I.yinati nnd Mrs. McKay. In the dining room where more roses ami lilies were in evidence. Delightful re freshments were serve under th direc tion of Mrs. Levi Lyman, who was ns sisted by Misses Potter, Deyo, Severance, Liliuoe JIapai and Mesdames llartclsnml Elliott. The details of the entire affair wete designed by Mrs. Lewis and her corps of able assistants carried out every thing to perfection. Friends of the married couple who had ittviseil n lew pranks were outwitted uy the bridal collide w ho escaped from the disappeared upper story of the house by n ladder and Mr. Robinson nud his bride leave by the Enterprise tomorrow for San Fran cisco nud will proceed nt once to Flush ing, Long Island, where Mr. Robinson has purchased n lovely home. They carry with them the best alohas of a host ql friends. Judge Mttlu Upheld. lly n unanimous opinion of the Su preme Court, written by Jusltce Perry, the decree of Judge Little dismissing the bill in equity of Charles II. Fairer, trustee of the estate of K. Tomishiina, n bulk- fourteen bridges nml culverts bWng washed nway, anil sevcnl spillway cross ings, leaving the district one might siy without a road. As soon as the storm nbntcd, riding trails were nude across the gulches, which were nfterwnrds widened (or ve hicles. ' Thanks to the prompt nml nctive nld nfTonleil by the Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. J. H. Iloyd, vho nlonce di patched Mr. Gere to the ground with in structions to nuthori7C nil urgent repiirs, nml to measure up, estimate, nnd report on nil necessary work. All the work recommeudid by Mr. Gere was npproved by Mr llojil, nnd n Inrge force of masons were ut once set to work building abutments for the various bridges; as nmiy ns six bridges going on at once; bridges were framed in Hono lulu nud forwarded with a crew of ex perienced Iridge cirncuters, nud arc now being rapidly erected. At this date there nre finished complete four Inrge bridges of sixty and fifty feet spin, and eight smaller ones. Mr. Gere divides his time between lln tu.ikua nud the two Hilos, nnd all work in this district is in charge of Mr. Wil liamson. The plautitintis have rendered to the Road Hoard all the assistance possible, nud have helped the work along very materially. The residents of the district have recognised the magnitude of the work, nud scircely n grumble has been heard. During the short time Hint has vnsscd since the storm, n great deal has been accomplished, nud it is hoped that another mouth will see both the lauding ami main roads open to vehicle trallic. The chairman, on behalf of the Road Hoard and the residents of the district, Urgent Mission Culli'il Commissioner Hiirrelt (0 Asln. The Tkiiiunh'S invitation to John llnrrett, Commissioner of St. Louis' World's Pair to the Orient, elicited the following cordial response fiom the Com missioner: Honolulu-, T. II., May iG, 1902. EniroR HiujTuiiiunk, Hii.o, T. II. DlCAll hilt: It is n source of keen re gret to me that I shall be unable to in clude your island in my visit t this Ter ritory, but when von iimlerstmul that my mission covers n journey of 30,01x1 miles ami about ten mouths traveling nil over Ash nnd Australia, you will appreciati ve necessity for my prompt departure for Japan. The success of Hawaiian participation in the .World's Fair nt St. Louis will un questionably depend largely upon the active support of the people nml news pipers of nil the ittiimtt In the archi pelago, nnd in recognition of this fact I hnvc recommended very strongly to those present at the conlerences I nave Held here with Government officials nud lend ing business men that every section of the Territory be invited to nctively coop erate with tfiis end in view. The Interest manifested by the press outside of Honolulu Is greatly appre ciated by the Lt.uisiaiin Purchase Exx. siliou nud myself ns Its Commissioner General, nnd I hope no effort will lie sp,ire,'d to promote the welfare of Ha waiian participation. Should you take occasion to write me, my address will be care of the U. fa. Lega tion, Tokyo, Japan. Very cordially yours, JOHN I1ARRETT. Memorial Day. Some ofthc vetcrausof the Civil Wnrmet on Saturday evening to decide upon thc observance of Memorial Dav in Hllo this year. An executive committee was ap pointed to arrange for tile exercises of the day consisting of the following per sons: Miss F.tvlrn Richardson, J. U. Smith, Rev. S. L. Desha, Cant. Lake, Mrs. Willnril Terrv. This rnintiiiitri. 1ms desires to thank the Superintendent of arranged for Memorial Exercises, May Public Works for the prompt nud effec- 30, in the Halli church. tual aid which he has rendered the dis tnct. A. LIDOATE, Chairman limn iku.i Road Hoard. runt, vs. II. Hackfcld & Co., Ltd., is n I MM.. .....1 I.. ..1. ........ nmrmc.i. i..e . ... .,...,. u,,, , . . . .. , ,,,,. ,cfLa.L., The prayed tint mree certain iransiers o. fi-- j lne-,,wnl u)miM K Ull. property to a ere, , tor be declared void, ' l ' " K , ,,, ,, 11 1111 IIIM I -i HHOV.X KNOCKI'D OUT. Deliver F.d. Smith Loses Fight on 11 Foul The athletic entertainment and boxing contest at Spreckels' hall last Saturday night was Iwtli n howling success nnd n flat fizzle. The successful pirt was in the preliminary four round go between two amateur lightweights, Tory Sylvester and Aug. Heron. It was n rattling bout from stnrt to finish in which the shorter man of the two was given the decision by Referee Syren on points. Next came an exciting Jnpniicsc wrest ling match between the champion of Olaa and the champion of llilo. After one fall to the good of encli contestant, the two wrestlers came together for the filial. The struirerline; for sunrcmacv was decided in n sensational throw by the Ulna king. 1.1. 1 1 ... i .. .t. seen nt n llilo wrestling in itch. The battle of the giants came next Denver Ed. Smith and L D. Hrown of Kniwiki had e.xc led much expectation They appeared ill the ring nnd after con siderable bickering about gloves, beuan A. C. McKenney will be the Grand Marshal nnd hnvc full charge of the pa rade. Rev. C. W. Hill will give the oration. A committee on decoration wns np pointed, consisting of Mrs. Dr. Reid, chnirinnii; Mrs. f. U Smith, Mrs. L. Se verance, Mrs. C. C. Kennedy, Mrs. R. T. Guard, Mrs. Dr, Hay-is. A complete pro. gram will be given in next issue ol the TlUMJNK. There arc seven or eight graves of vet erans in the H lo cemetery which will be remembered with the usual floral offerings. The remnant of the old guild in llilo is too small to warrant n G. A. R. Post, but memorial Day will not be allowed to piss unnoted. Co. D's Crack Shooters. The members of Company D nre pract icing long range shooting at the rifle range every Sunday, mid in nnticipitiou of the regiment mednl nwnrds in July nre scoring some high records. Last Sunday Captain Pettcr and Sergeant Easton tied nt 38 points, 200 yards. Ragsdale scored 33, Llhlloff 32 and John Hermg 34. The award of medals in July will give to each member iiiakitiga-scorp uf.v, .m"zo He tossed the llilo Jap over ; ".C."U5, medals of gold. lilt- inemoers 01 e.ompany u nre ennui over their good shooting and say Hint they will soon be rendy to hear from the Olan slioolii.g club or the crack shots on the police force litre nt home. on the eiround that tluy were voidable preferences within the meaning of the bankruptcy act of 1898. The creditor was the defendant corporation. It is j he'd by the Supreme Court "that it is not sitisfactonly shown thai the alleged preferred creditor had, at the time of tht transfer, reasonable cause to believe the debtor was insolvent." Smith & Pars"iis for plamtiir. hiiinev, lou & and II. A. lllgelow for respondent. Public Meeting Culled. A public meeting at the Court House nt llilo is hereby called for Weduisday, June .l.ut 7:301). 111, to nominate three persons to become members of the per manent committee to supervise the ex hibit to be made by the Territory of Ha waii at the Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion at St. Louis. L. A. ANDREWS, Sheriff of Hawaii. The above call is made by Sheriff An drews, pursii nit to a notice received by him from II. U. Cooper, ch Teiiinrrnrv Exposition Coiumitte resentalives from ull puts ol the Island are desired to be 111 attendance. ropes. He rallied, However, ami faced the agile Smith for 11 second go. In thirty seconds after the beginning ot the second round, Hrown was on his knees looking at the croud in n dized wav and waiting for the tumult to die nvvnv sufncietit'y lor the referee's decision to be heard. When the clamor ceased, Referee Jours guve the fight to Hrown on a foul, Smith having struck his opponent while down. The ring side preliminaries lie-lore the fight, ended in a signed agreement br tweeu Hrown and Smith whereby Smith took 60 per cent of the net receipts win ner or loser, Hrown binding himself to fight ngain in Honolulu. The receipts were over $3 w, So Loss of Time. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Clio- ' lera and Di irihoea Reniedv foryeais.nnd ' would rather be out ot coffer and sugar j than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday I to threshers that could go no farther, nnd they are nt work again this morning I II. R. Pili'.M-S, Plymouth, Okla., U. S A. As will be seen by the above the threshers , were able to keep on with their work without loosing n single day's time. You should keep a bottle- of this Remedy in your home. For sale by the Hllo Drug. 1 Co. On the Level The Active I'uity. The Aloha Aitin Society or Hawaiian Republicans will hold a meeting the first week in June to settle all questions in cident to the approaching camp ugu oil this Island. The strength of v.u ions can- didates, U is thought will lie more clearly ,lr. m ,.f ... lappireut nt that lime and the party will ,.tt. t. imihUioh to launch itself on the 1 iIwVt.i l'sea of politics wisely and with good ef fect. It is also quite probable nt this June meeting the Aloha Ainas will I either formally make nominations or ut least decide upon the men to be named later. The party has been holding frequent Judge Little Home. Indue Gilbert F. Little returned by the Inst Kinau Iroin n trip to the east taken meetings of late nnd it is uniformly re under n sixty days leave 01 iibsence. 1 lie 1 ported that these meeting disclose a de Judge Is in his usual excellent health Mrotm the part of nil Hawaii in-Republi-nud spirits. He says his trip home wa 'cms to afidiate closely with the regular without special incident but tint nt lii" j I(.e.-iublic.ui p.uly. It is said to be their old home in Ebinsburg, Pa., which he ulun0Us desire to come to some agree hid not seen lor thirty-three years, ,uent with the active workers in the Re familiar ficc were few. The hind of 1 ,)Ublieau Party upon legislative candi time had done his work. The Judge was 1 ,jllL.s wno Nv,u )L. ., tisficlory both lo in Washington and called on the Presi- j Hawaiian nud haolu and who can be dent and Attorney General Knox who,l if named. bristled with Territory. questions regarding tile There is Lots to Say IN FAVOR OF Ol'R NATOilA BRANDY which has lucii for in years ill wind an I h is m uli the trip annual tin limn twice. Hut one tti d will (.unvoice you of Us cm. Ueue.'. $15.00 per Doz. Qts. Hoffschlaegcr Co., Limited Pioneer Wine nnd Liquor House CHURCH STREET J. II. Iloyd Here. Superintendent J. II. Hoyd of the de- Tin. Aloha Ainas or Ilawaii.iii-Retiubli- j cans have been working quietly but indus triously for several months in strengthen ing their organiziiton and t aching their members the purposes of the body. Thev have had their shrewdest men tour- A SECRET EXPOSED The same quality Balbriggan Undershirts that I am selling for fifty cents are sold on the mainland at the same price. MY EXPENSES are not necessarily large--this is the secret. m. f. Mcdonald, HABERDASHER CLOTHIER HATTER HILO E. N. HOLMES White Dress Goods and Linens Just Received Large and Choice Line Comprising INDIA LINKN I'HKSIAN LAWN ORG AN I) IK INDIA MULL NAINSOOK LI NUN LAWN PIQUK DIMITY DUCK LONG CLOTH DOTTED SWISS FIGURED SWISS ALSO EMBROIDERY LINEN HANDKERCHIEF LINEN PILLOW LINEN TAIJLE LINEN FRONTING LINEN BUTCHERS' LINEN SHEETING LINEN NAFKINS EX N. HOLMES Theo. H- Davies & Co., Ltd ARE OFFRINC A 20 o I i That's ffij I how bLC- business Ch 1 REDUCTION ON RUGS GOOD QUALITY GOOD VALUE Don't Miss the Opportuuity mrtmeiil of the l'uhlic Works arrived 111 ' ,,, 0utsid districts and some of them are the city by the Kin 111 Wednesday Hiul,btlll at work .i-iindine; nulilie opinion 111 . . . w " . . . 1 . - He is highly iileiiied with the irinress made In repairine; will return today. the cimiilrv. Kenorth ot these hcouts the ...111 i,e the feature of the roads on this Island. While here Mr. I meetings of the jurlv . now and , llnjd made arraiie-ementH to expedite the (convention time. " ' work of wide-nine; and Kradtne; llriduc 'ple Aloha Ainas or Hawaiian He-nub- I Street. He also hurried up the iirellmiu- Hcans. haven iiiemherhhip ol a nrijority I nricb for uuprovinu Waianiienue Street. f ti,L. Hawaiian voters between l'uiia ami ! . . Hainakiia. The avowed purposes ot the ... n , . ,. :,, 1 1 fUrKHUUition i to secure the best men W. C. Wcsterve t will have charge of j for ,,c orfici., the business of the Enterprise I'lanine; ' Mill durliie! the absence of Mr. Muuiliy 1 " --- who leaes tomorrow by the Enterprise , The May l'estlvil arrangements arc all for San l'rautisco. While away Mr. I complete. The (dace is al Hie Hllo Ho Mumbywill vidt relatives ill Taciturn, ti-1 lawn. The tune is this afli ruoon and Mr. Miimby lost an e)eiuau accident evening from .,.o In 7 cluck. TJie which occurred in hlh null recently nnd dancing will be at 5:15 and repeated at gues to the Coast to secure treatment all 6 15. 1'roin hootliB 011 the lawn will l.e the hands of n specialist. Mr. Miiinhy is served boulli did meats nnd naiad. also one of the twins which recently came codec ami sandwiches, tea, ice cream and to the Hllo Herd of HIU mid his absence cake, lemonade and candy. Seats will will be followed with looks of solicitude 1 foe provided for guests mid there will be from his sixty untlered godfather. no uilmUsluii fee, IT'S THERIGHT WAY -Try a pair of our now Stock received ex "En terprise" nnd you will be our customer for life Economic Shoe Co., Ltd. lllli SIKitlSTS HILO MASON UN COAST CONDITIONS. Oriental Trudo Huh ('oiuiuiinccil to Count In I'lH-IIU- liuslni'M. J. W. Mason, manager for the II hi Mercantile Co., returned last week from ail extended business trip to the Coast. Mr. Mason reports that business on ihe Coast is booming. In nil stap'e lines 1 there is greater activity now than for 'many months past. "This wholesome ' revival" sas Mr. Mason, "is attributable almost wholly to the awakening ill Oi U-ii- , tal trade. ' 1'he present month" sayo he, "records lite nep inure irom nan i-iim-Cisco of the biggest cirgo of flour ever sent to the Colonies. The lumber inilus ..... lu f.lui. Ii.kiiiuinir. Tin. (v traiirilinarv v, .-. rt. - ..- - j demand accounts lor the recent raise 111 price at the nulls ol fa per thousand feet Coast firms have had their representa tive ill the Orient, where they have lllel with excellent success. And as a i-iiuse-((iieiici- Coast trade has icccived a new impetus." Kiiumiiiiii l'l'iu-hi-N. Kny Ilros. dispensed to 11 lew fortunate frieiulrt the first of the week some choice samples ol peaches grown on the l'uirist tract ut Kallmann. The fruit bents an excellent flavor ami is prolific in jleld. The variety is a picullar impottatlou from Australia nud Mr. I. li Ita) bclu-vts it to he just the peach fur this country. He hclle-Ncs by graltiug iimlcarelul intui tion, ery satisfactory results may be obtained. I'ri'iiiiituro Kxploslou. A Portuguese who works at Waiunkii was severely injured by the explosion ol pii e wiucli he lincl filled with powder al 11 picnic last Sund iv. His objeel was lo entertain the iisM-tiihlage. Tin- result was iiiauglid bands and disfigiiitd lace for the entertainer. He lighted the fuse attiiclml to the improvistd Jiotub but it didn't explode ut once. On returning to examine tile matter, lite liomli exploded ill his lace. iWfkfc HBeer LMHVKlt OF ATTORNEY. The undersigned hereby gle notice that I'. C. l.HW.ONI) will net as agent I. a me in all busiuiss matters with full power ol attorney. J. C. I1AKICR. llilo April 17, 1902, -- 4 if .-v-., V "Mr. '&& " tft- J9. t& .- &m4t ?