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' - -- --" .!f!3aiS - . . , .. . . .. - - tEfif -Wsf Tl j.if"W 'Wfr,W" "?" t ipr7nF" SKr3rITw V-1 r ' Tie ft Li ta& " & ,4J ra, j'- lo fold, R. L. Scott, Manager I'lral class in every respect. Delightful locnllon. Spacious vcrnti das, coiutnandiii; fine view " mountain ami ocean. Rooms large and airy, opening on lo side verandas. Cusine the Best. Service Excellent. Special rates lo permanent guests nl"1 inrsous taking meals only. Clnliliouse nml Millard rooms attached lo Hotel. Rates S3. 00 per day. Conveyance meets all steamers. Hilo Saloon KINO STUKKT. Enterprise Lager Beer On Draught, lec Cold. Two Glasses for 25 Cents. Houses Wired With Latest Approved Fittings, And in thorough Compliance with the mien of the Hoard of l-'ire Underwriters. Day & Co's Celebrated Fixtures. Always on hand a full stock of Electrical Material, at lowest prices. Frosted Lamps latest Thing, at 1 cost prices. HsUmales furnished on nil classes of Klcetrical installations. V hnve the HEST ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM in the World, over l.o imiMvpowers in use in thii city, avail able for all m tuufieturing purposes. 1'or information iniiiire if the HILO ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. Limited, II11.0, HAWAII. KMlbANI) WILL NUT YIKMI. HAIjI.00.N1ST SUUUI.SSrill.' The Finest of mm mm i Liquors, Beers, Wines, and Cordials At Moderate Prices. J. S. Canario, Manager. Wra. KELLEY, BOILER MAKER and SHEET IRON WORKER. Jobbing Promptly Attondod to. Telephone Call 122 P. 0. Hilo HILO, HAWAII. High Class Portraits. Men and women arc judged by the ex pression and modeling ol the face, and the operator must necessarily ben good judge ol human nature to take mi) thing from the delineation of a good face is doing the itiiliviiliml nil iuillslicc. A Hood photo grapher must be careful in the composi tion of a portrait fur the camera cannot tell a lie. Mr. Davey guarantees n PERFECT PHOTOGRAPH. Special attention paid to Island orders. J fCV ,iHiw rilOTOHKArillC CIHIIMOT, Ltd. Corner Fort and Hotel Sts, HONOLULU. r C V r (V V 1 sv. w UNION m --. " a tt - SlUPMAN STRKICT First Class LIQUORS WINES AND CORDIALS At Moderate Prices. Mixiin and Fancy Dkinks Concocted by Kxtoriunckd Mixoi.oni.sTs The Celebrated Enterprise Hecr On Draught. Two Glasses for 25 cts. J. C. SERRAO, Proprietor. P vuwvn K Dluuh Offices ANP s tores Pinest quarters in town for Profes. sional and Hiisincss OITiees. . 1'or plans and pirticulars npplv at the office of W. C. Peacock & Co., Hilo. EYSTONE ALOON W. AWANA. Tailor. Having arrived from an extended trip in the Orient, is now located at the old stand on Front Street, Ililo, and is prepared to turn out first class work at reasonable prices. Call and Examine Stock. When you need a drink call at the KKYSTONK, corner Kront and Ponohawai streets. A first class line of WINES LIQUORS BEERS The union Restaurant L, N. MIKANI1A, Proprietor. SHIPMAN ST., opp. Pish Market. BOARD, $5.00 per week, in advance. Single Meals 35 cents and upwards. Special Orders extra. (iood Cooking. Utmil Set vie; ty.s on hand. Tolophono 106 W. DOWNEI Proprietor. Hocrs Must Accept HrlliRh Terms Says Salisbury. London, May 7. The Premier, Lord Salisbury, as president of the annual grand habitation of the Primrose League at Albert Hall, today spoke to an immense audience in a much less pessimistic vein than when he was last heard in public. He congratulated the league on the stanch support given to Conser vative gove n ncnts, one result of which was Hint Great Britain was now supreme in Kgypt, while the regard to Ireland the country need no longer fear the "insane, suicidal projects of imperial disruption sup ported by many of the opposition statesman." He said the country must not ex pect "the ashes of past conflicts" to be extinguished immediately. Great Britain had had a great and serious war, but admitting that misery and suffering had been caused, it "must be recognized that the power, prcs .tigc, influence and magic effect of our great empire arc more potent, more efficient and more admirable than ever before." "We have suffered," continued the Premier, "but we have won." It was impossible not to feel that the effects of the people of the country have, in some cases, not been worthily recognized. The other day Mr. Morley asked if there was a single member of the Cabinet of 1899 who, if he could have fore seen the results of the policy on which they were then launching the country, would not have check ed the diplomacy leading lo such deplorable results. As a member of that Cabinet he (Lord Salisbury) wished to meet that statement with the most indignant denial. The war had been used by some politi cians for the squalid purpose of in juring their opponents. When a neighboring power or tribe invaded his majesty's dominion "and made an attack which was gross and flagrant outrage it could only be met by fighting in their own country those who had despised the rights and sovereignty of our sove- Turning to the peace negotiations? Lord Salisbury announced that "Great Britain had not receded one inch from her former position. As to rights we claimed and the policy we intended to pursue we are ex actly where we were." The Premier repudiated the as sertion that Great Britain was weakening on the subject of the peace terms, He declared the country could not afford to submit to the suggestion that affairs should be allowed to slide back into a po sition where it would be in the power of the enemy when the op portunity suited him to renew the issue for which this country had fought during the last three years. When the conflict was over all possible would be done to mold their present opponents so they could take up their position in the empire which had conferred so many blessings on the human race. But it must be thoroughly under stood that the whole government of the country was to be of such a character that it would be imposs ble that the struggle could be re newed. It was important that this should be made clear, for some people thought the empire might become tired. He did not wish to convey the idea that there was any feeling of bitterness toward the Boers, for there was nothing the Government more earnestly desired than that they should enjoy all the privileges conferred on their brother nations by the colonial system. Touching on the question of im perial federation, 'Lord Salisbury warned his hearers of the danger of ovcrhaslcraud exhorted those who were anxious to secure federation to earnestly consider the steps they were going to take and the results expected. I'ror. Leonard (Joes Up ami Props Prom n Dizzy Height. After ten days fuming over ad verse air currents and repeated dis appointments because of accidents while inflating his air ship, Prof. Leonard the aeronaut came out, the victor last Saturday morning. At 0 o'clock a. m., just when the mountain breeze was giving right of way to the gentle puffs from the ocean Leonard left the earth and made an artistic jump across the city of Ililo. He stnrtcd at the brink of the ocean, taking chances against a morning gust from the mountains carrying nun seaward. l lie sea was loyal and sent her gentlest zephyr to carry the aeronaut inland. The ascent was almost in a perpen dicular line. It was made so quickly that the spectators scarcely realized what had happened before Leonard, hanging head downard from the trapesc bar let go his parachute and started earthward like a plummet. The graceful conopy of his parachute opened and checked the descent. He came down in easy stages landing in a ravine in the Wainaku cane fields. Prof. Leonard in the face of ad verse circumstances has lived up to his high reputation in Ililo and as a professional navigator of the air takes with him Hilo's aloha. California Fertilizer Works. Office : 53 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal. Factories : South San Francisco and Berkeley, Cal. M. D. HALL, ChcmlBt Manufacturers of Pure Bone Fertilizers and Pure Bone Meal. DEALRKS IN of Every Description. Have constantly on hand the following goods adapted lo Ihc Island trade: HIGH GUADK CANK MANURIv, DIAMOND A IMCUTILIZUKS, NITKATH OP vSODA, SULPIIATK OP AMMONIA, HIGH GRADIv SULPIIATK OP POTASH, PISH GUANO, WOOL DUST. KTC. Spocial Manures Manufactured to Order. The Manures inanufactnicd by the CALIFORNIA FERTILIZER WORKS arc made entirely from clean hone liealed Willi aeid, Div lllood and Ptesh. Potash am1 I niaeue.'-ia Salts. No adulteration of any kind is used, and every ton is sold lintki ! 1 1. ...1.. .... - 1 1. -...., ,.. ..,:, 1 11 ii.iiiiuiii i .uiiuj.-M-. w iti; urn in 11111- iiiuiiMiiiii itm.t an: iuiiiiiM uMieuy untie, nun lor exeelleul mechanical condition and hie,h anal) sis have 110 superior in the market. " The superiority ol Pure Hone over any other I'hosphatic material for Pcrlilirir use is so well known that it needs no explanation. The large nml constantly increas ing demand for the Perlilitrs manufactured liy the California Pcrtilier Wotksis the best possible prool ol their superior iptaiily. Japanese Theaters. The theaters of Japan arc gen erally wood and inexpensive build ings. Their interior arrangements are somewhat similar to ours, but not nearly so elaboiately finished. There arc no seats provided for the audience, consequently they sit on the floor. The stages revolve like a locomotive turntable, have no drop curtains, but use sliding ones instead. Their musical instru ments consist principally of a kind of cross between a mandolin and a banjo, with a metal drum and some other unpronounceable instruments for accompaniment. The music has a kind of humdrum air, but very little variation. Their enter tainments are of long duration and -arecejierally during the day Thc plays are "almost liivanaliTy'tragedy." The" admission fee is small. De troit Pree Press. A Stock of " DIAMOND A" Fertilizer will he kept constantly on hand and for sale on the usual terms, by L. TURNER CO., Ltd., Hilo. Por Terms of Sale, which are equivalent to San Francisco prices with ft eight and other charges added, address: L. TURNER CO., Ltd. Hilo Agents for California Fertilizer Works. An Irish FLshlue; Story. There is a good fishing story in an Irish contemporary. Two en thusiastic anglers arranged a fish ing match to decide the respective merits of the worm and the miuncw as bait. For hours they sat pa tiently on the bank without getting so much as a nibble. At last the proprietor of the worm suddenly said that he had got a bite, and, jerking his line out of the water, discovered at the cud of it the other man's minnow, which, having by this time grown hungry, had de voured his worm. HILO WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY rs J. S. CANARIO, Manager. l'lrst Australian (iolil. According to an old document just discovered in Australia gold was first found by a convict near Parramatta in 1789. The unfortu-, nate fellow was at once charged 1 with having stolen a watch and , "boiled it down," and, being con-' victed by the rude court of those 1 early days, was given 150 lashes for his pains. In later years the record of this incident was closely 1 examined by an undoubtedly com petent authority, who was quite convinced of the genuineness of the convict's story. A Patented t'oiuli. They cure dandruff, hair falling, headache, etc., yet cost the same as an ordinary comb. Dr. White's Ulcclric Comb. The only patented Comb in the world. People, every where it has been introduced, are wild with" delight. You simply comb your hair each day, and the comb does the rest. This wonder ful comb is simply unbreakable and is made so that it is absolutely im- Europoan Wines European Brandies European Champagnes Scotch Whiskey American Whiskey ill cases and hulk California Wines in eases and hulk Holland Gins, Assorted BEERS Schlitz ,. Lemps Enterprise ENGLISH ALES AND PORTER LIQUERS TKUU'IIONK 90. Front Strwjt, Nijar Church. MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT THIfM "We cannot," said he, "safely , possible to break or cut the hair, interfere by legislative action with I Sold on a wtitteu guarantee to give' the development of our relations perjeel satisfaction in every respect. ' to our daughter countries. I look 'Send stamps for one. Ladies' size, 1 with apprehension on any attempt, unless backed up by the strong 50c Gent's sie, 35c. Live men 1 and women wanted everywhere to 1 mass of public opinion, to anticipate introduce this article. Sells on events or foreclose precious results 'sight. Agents are wild with sue which, if we are patient and care- cess. Address I). N., Gen 1 ful, nre iu store for the empire." I Mgr. Decatur, 111. J "n'- -l' . I I II HI IWM .J k3SK.ui s S3 sf.EC.AUOFFEn WK """' 'tI Vcc lll -I? ,ittr " l"V VJ1 !rill i.l..viimuiy . Y;& m :i J5! ' m . r. tap 1 tv " Tw X3i f yfsrs tiiiii'w :. 1 Kohl liiim". "r. "Sfii rOX TS. M I TO1 gii - .- o.y" ' ' an' ronounV Jil T..00 1''. 'inn wttt.7- ami "Tilt""""" . '"" : ms ol "R'E' " Xft ': i""" Diction' Harvard Diction, orv Mnnil, h I" &v m8 toL . sasa m&mm& 1 SWUM ,slw& eassswrir mmc i .i .1 1 Dlfllnnnrynicliort fur Milpment uolKln lllln i Dictionary unit HlnndlOlm In Addition lo weiii) kif (ue, muuuy uuuutJtilu pri-iiuy frulyht or cxprum cliuruui imutiicooiuuuuy order. .., . JH r - - .