OCR Interpretation

Hilo tribune. [volume] (Hilo, Hawaii) 1895-1917, May 30, 1902, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016339/1902-05-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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, "
Money to loan Wise.
A. II. I.nebciisleiii Is hack from n busi
ness trip to Kohnla.
C.co. Kodick left Tuesday otin business
trip lo Koni nnd Kau.
I-'or Ucnl OITice, corner King ami I'll
man streets. Wisi:.
Mrs. K. 1?. Uielianls who li.ts been
seriously ill is improving.
Mrs. II. L. Shnw was mailc Secretary
of the Clneli Club nt the last ekctlou.
A. U. Hancock returned Wct1nisdi
fioui n business trip lliruiih Ilum.iktin.
rott SAI.U Cash large lot in business
center of Ililo. CI1AS. M. l.i'.IU.O.NM).
-vti Mcmo
("conic of lllto Will Obs
rlnl liny Properly. y-
Ililo will observe Decoration Day tod. .
In proper form. The few surviving old
soldiers who reside in llilo have been ad
mirably assi.slid in the preparations for
the obervnnces of the day by the ladies
and citiens of this city. The arrange
incuts provide for n street pantile ami
services in the Ilitili church. The pro
gram is as follows :
LINK 01' MAIICII 2 r. M.
Illlh IrlVulPh Score.
Hnfiniiy nmi
it Urcill Success
Form on l-'ronl street right resting on
Wniniilieillic street, up Waianueuue to
I I'itmnii streets, lo Church, to Hnlli
! church, for the I.ileraiv Kxerciscs. Prom
I). I.vcurgus returncil by titc Kinau tniH church to cemetery, ictiirnlng irom
from Honolulu u full Hedged Odd Pi I
The memorial tribute of Honolulu lo
MuKinley "HI be a ten acie park at
0.Nt Sitisn ion SAI.U Yellow Ham
I mo and Yellow Caledonian. Impure of
W. J. .Stone, llilo, Hawaii.
Special June term of the Fourth Circuit
Court convenes next Monday, Judge Gil
bert P. J.ittle, presiding.
The llilo ll.ikcrv is displajiug n fine
line of candies jii-t received by the hi.
H. A. I.ymau has been commissioned
lloundarv Commissioner in both the
Third nuil Fourth Judicial Circuits of
this island.
Deputy Attornev Oeneral J. V. Cnlli
cart arrived in the city this week to rep
resent the Territory in cases in the June
term of court.
I,ook over your sideboard and sec if
you have any Acme Uye, among your
stock of wet goods. If not, then we will
he pleased to supply you. W. C. l'HA
Cock Jfc Co.
Kaumana furnished house for rent.
Good roads, convenient lo town, bracing
climate. Terms reasonable. Apply lo
L. C. I.ymau.
J. I,. Rockwell, business nim-igcr of
Ino livening llulletin, arrived in the city
yesterday on business. He visitul Olna
yesterday and will return to Honolulu by
today's boat.
Miss Pracker, of Washington, D. C,
arrived by the Kinau this week to assume
the duties or Court Reporter jM Judge
Little's Court. Miss l'raeker nt Wash
ington was n trusted employee ill the
State Department.
Last Mniidnv evening. Mr. I,. M.
Whilehousc gave a dinner nl Demos.
Iheues Calc in honor of Geo. Uodiek of
Honolulu. Other guests present were
Dr. and Mrs. Keid, Mrs. Whilehouse,
Messrs. Huniburg, Castendyk nnd Camp-
cemeterv to Court House for leview nnd
Platoon of Police
Grand Matshal A. C. McKeunoy
... ( C. N. Prouty, Jr.
Ai,lc9-)G. P.AiTono
ililo Hand
Company D Capt. Fetter commander
Veterans of Civil War
Knights of Pythias
Ililo Lodge nnd Klks
Ililo Jloardiug School
Public School
Maui unwell rnoo.KAM 1:30 r. M.
Pon Commander Gilbert P. Little pre
siding. Singing America
Scripture Selection Rev. J. A. Cruznti
Praver Kev. R. K. Hnpiiste
Declamation 'Whispering Hill"
! II. T. Lake
Star Spangled lt.iniicr C. ?. Prouty, Jr.
Lincoln's Address nt Gettysburg
W. C. Cook
SiiiL'itm ll.iltle Ilyiuii of Republic
Oration Rev. C. W.
(Juartette Tenting on the Old Cnmp
Ground Company I)
ltenedictiou Rev. S. L. Desha
Organ Postlude Mrs. J.T. Lewis
Music by Hand
Praver by Chaplain
G. A. R. Ritual by Post Commander
Roll Call of the Dead
Decoration of Graves
Hilo Hand Nearer My God to Thee
Return March.
One of the prettiest lawn fetes thai
Ulto has eVcr seen was that given by the
tirW.iiincnt Committee ot the Ladies
., 'Mhiloi nnd held Oil the Hotel
c.L'i., si Friday nltornoon from 4:30
Wi!.Ui "'""U- Tin! day was per-
! lr ,7 ' , , hrL ., ,. lllo,t beautiful sun-
I set, which brought to in v yf kllm,e"
! kauuiaiuas the wondrous glo .
during the eruption of '81. . j"
The different booths were put .
the mnruiiiL'. urvens being used lavis'i...
! in the decorations. One of the most at
, tractive was thai in charge nl Miss Hnr'
riet Hitchcock and Miss mien i.ymau,
where Hilo's famous honuuiade candy
1lir.1ppc.tred w.th such rapidity that one
wondered why "I.owncy's" was ever tol
erated in our midst. The supply was in
sufficient for the demand. In tlilsrespect
did all the booths come short, as 110 prep
arations were made for feeding nnd nc
comiitodating such n large number as
were in attendance. The bulks will un
doubtedly profit by this cxpciicncc, nnd
another time make more extensive prep
arations. The candy sales nmounted
1" S 17-55-
In the centre of the beautiful Hotel
court, occupying the band stand, Mes
dames Crurnn, Ridgway, Hayes, Pur
iiciiix, Rice mid Haldwin served delicious
ice-cream and cake. The stand was
beautilully decorated with bamboo, ferns,
baiinna, etc., with which it was entirely
covered. Japanese lanterns sti ling from
the centre of the canopy overhead to the
sides added much to the beauty of the
general effect. Inside telc-a-tete tables
invitingly awaited the nrrival of guests.
This booth nloue took ill 35-4o. Much
credit is due those who so ably assisted
and carried it through.
Makai of the ice-cream was a prettily
Hill 'decorated table, where Mrs. J. U. Smith
i:.nti:upiusk i.uxcni:ox.
Captain Miller L'litertnlus Prominent
11 Holies 011 Hoard.
Captain Miller of the steamer Enter-
l)cl1, , . 1 . 1 . 1 prize gave n delightful '.unclieou onboard
1 lin r inr ni' ii iiinri. . 111 1 111111 1 -v t . .
nress wnL")ll. For sale cheap. P. K.
WINCH. Front Street.
L. Turner Co. received by the St.
Knthcrine a large assortment of fresh
groceries including breikf.ist meals, Cur
tice preserves, Hein.s sweet pickles nnd
Saner Kraut. A big line ol new Dry
Goods alio nrrived which will please
The California!!, Captain Lyons, of the
Hawaiian-American line silled from Hilo
Tuesday evening for New York with 8000
from the Hilo district. Olaa furnishing
16,505, Waiakea 3,200, Pepeekeo 450,
ilououui 2.271.
ti lc nnr nini to ilense nil. We have a 1
varied assortment, ami are always glad to
show customers the same. Pointuery I
Champagne still leads in the race. W . ;
Twice n week mail service lias been es
tablished between Hilo and Kapaho.
Puna. The mail goes down now each
Sunday and Thursday. The first .Sunday
mail was scut May 25. l'nna subscribers
Hi the TiuiifNiS are especially benefitted
by this new service.
The Japanese church on Front street
will be rebuilt either 011 the present site
nr at another place. The building has
seen long service and is out of date
Japanese are niso pniiiiiinj;
' !.:,. Mi! 1il4 Cilnnl'it Iti n ctti'ill rrititmtn
of Hilo liciitlemen. Those who sal. at the
hosnilable boanl were J. A. Scott, C. C.
Kennedy, Judge Gilbert F. Little Cap
tain, Lyon's of the steamship Califoruiau,
Captain Poye and llruce Kenuidy.
The luncheon was an elaborate one
of twelve courses and served in the
splendid style that marks everything
done 011 the Fnterprise. The menu was
as follows :
Hasten! Oysters Raw
Mock Turtk;iSjnd)w(4
Iloileil Leg ol Mutton, Caper Sauce
Salmi of tame Oucks with Olives
Roast Ribs ol lleef and Yorkshire Pudding
lloiled Squill) on loasi
Pound Pudding Wine Sauce
Annie Pie
Crackers. Cheese, Assorted Nuts Raisins
Coflee Tea Chocolate
Ice Crc.uu
to build a
to occotnino-
..-..t,ti,ir sr-IIOOl OUIIUIIIU
date the growing numbers of Japanese
Don't forget that the American Gro
cery is selling out nil stock nt cost for
cash. You can secure the best value at
the lowest prices. 2i 3-
ri. i.,...;.,...! mi-flint' nf the Hilo Colli-
lion Club at the Hilo Hotel lasl week
ended with the election of the following
officers for the ensuing year: President.
Mrs. Reginild H. JU-ul; .Secretary, Mrs.
Flliotf. Treasurer, A. C. Mckenney;
PNecutive Committee, Mrs. Whilehouse,
M'.Ses Liliuoe llapai, Frauck haton and
Mr. W. S. McLean.
and Mrs. V. ll.ildiug nnd their assistants
served delicious bouillon nnd Scotch
broth. It was good and dis.1ppc.1rcd fast,
notwithstanding the crys of "Here comes
thelatherl" due to the fact that each
Iresh supply appeared to issue forth from
the barber shop neor by. The sales here
nmounted to $8.30.
To one side ol the bouillon booth wa9 n
daintily decorntid retreat, where Mes
dames Hlliol and llartels, and their assis
tants, were kept busy with cool and
refreshing lemonade. Their praiseworthy
efforts were most successful, having real
ized 15.5-
One of the prettiest nnd most success
ful, was the flower booth, which cleared
16..10, and was presided over by Mrs.
Little and the Misses Locbenstein. Those
in charge showed their good taste in
using one of the majestic old trees as a
natural canopy, the many lined flowers
beneath adding much to the fairy-like
beauty surrounding.
Mesd.unes Shipman, Richardson, Reid
and assistants hail erected n tent, decor
ated with ti leaves and bamboo, and from
this pretty retreat salads and meats could
be had. The large number which
thronged about could not be accommo
dated, and many were turned away un
nerved. On the makai side of the last
mentioned booth ten nnd sandwiches
were served under the management of
Mesdames Guard and Shaw, while iiiauka
the most delicious coffee could be hadr
Here Dr. Francis Wetmore nnd Mrs,
Terry were in charge. From these tluce
booths sales amounting to 6Ms were
niiidej njakJUl.'.H.t'.'k'l W-Amq v.. m.c ohj',
nnil'tliut which brought forth n great
deal of applause was the beautiful May
dance in which sixteen young ladies par
ticipated. At 5 o'clock, after n delight
ful cornet solo by Mr. C.irvalho, Mrs.
Turner accompanying, the musicians
struck im a lively two-step, and promptly
the young ladies, dresst-d in white with
s.tshts ol different colors, formed in
'ntmli's mid ciinm forth from one of the
cottages, marched down the steps to the
lawn, and then danced the two-step until
a circle was formed around the pole.
Tii- imrim-rs then saluted, and to the
strains of the stalely minuet proceeded to
the centre where little I.yle Holmes mid
Gertrude Turner awaited them holding
tin. ribbons ol white. Dink, blue and yel
low. Hacli girl took her color and then
again to the minuet ptoceeded to her
Then came the most beautiful of nil the
figures, the weaving of the four corners,
which were then gracefully woven around
the pole. The unwinding was watched
with much interest and enthusiasm,
bringing forth much npplausc lrom the
spectators. Another beaulllul figure was
Ihe linal winding mm uuwuhhuk m
Hit. wile. The dancers inarching in mid
out, saluting low us each met her partner,
Vntt Leonard (JlvcS V,slilliUlotl or
Af'roiiniitlcnl Kngliicorliig.
Ttcslay evening nbout 6 o'clock, Prof.
Leonard made his second ascension nnd
parnelinte leap in this city, nnd again
uii mi: iininiiis 01 the throngs who saw
1I111 ride the wind; and of those who
have seen many oscensions, nil admitted
that for skillful mmim.inir nt tlm fil,M..o
fickle parachute, Leonard has no superior.
Mounting the frail trapeze ns the great
balloon left the earth he shouted ndlos to
the crowd nnd like n roekt-l u-na tv,.n,.,1
nwny from the wicked world in n manner
that made many hold their breath at
vluit seemed sheer reckless during. Hut
who miti seen lilui in the heavens
lho 'ipicciatcd the fact that the aero
belore i. '"lily understood his business
naut thoro... "'h delight when he did
nud yelled wi. 'sand feet from earth
some stunt n thin. tcinpt ill Ihegym.
that ninny would not n . j7iy Ciuml
nnsiiuii. After attaining u uimcliute
nencc Jic cast adrilt Willi me 0 nm)
while lmngiug by the ankles (do. ,
dove through space 150 feet. rc" ,-
beoulifiil WJiue paraciiuic 01jciis.. ....
down he catne gracefully, easily, Jlkc n
brother to the birds, landing in the gar
den in the rear of J. Antonio's 1 residence,
corner i.f Ponnhif H nl" Jnil fctrccls.
Three hundred scho.ol boys were soon nt
hand to escort him bac-k to the show lot,
and 100 more strung iut the balloon
which landed u block further oil.
Leonard has made 11 hit in Hilo, nnil
especially with the rising tfcnerntion.
Almost every boy has a paper 'chute nnd
one of them, thinking to outdo the rest,
climbed n tree, spread his parachute
made of a Japanese napkin, and jumped
the doctor says he will recover all
Prof. Leonard and his cloud shooting
aparatus would be just the kind of an at
traction for the celebration on the Fourth
Denver Ed. Smith Croats lllrcrson
Oil the Komi to llnkiiliiu.
A correspondent for the Tkiiiunk sends
in the following racy account of the do
ings of the pugilists nt Latipahochoc nnd
Ilonokaa, May 25.
To Tins Hii.o Tkiiiunk: Denver lid.
Smith and Manager T. C. Howell arrived
here nbout 4:30 p. 111. from Lnupnhoehoe,
having walked the entire distance. Mr.
Smith who is training for his coming
light with Hilly Woods is in the pink of
condition. Shortly nfter arriving, Mali
nger Howell quietly informed a few of
the boys about town that those who
wished "to nvail themselves of the oppor
tunity to see Deliver Hd. Smith, cx-cham-piou
of the world, put through his train
tug could do so, ns it would perhaps be
the last chance they would have to meet
Mr. Smith. Just before dark n big crowd
had congicgatcd at the training quarters.
Howell introduced Smith, mentioning
the fact that Denver Hd. had been chosen
by the sporting fraternity of Colorado to
represent them at the coronation of His
-Majesty King Hdward VII. Denver Hd.
then gave n sketch ot his life saying that
he had fought 132 battles nnd had lost
only two, one of which was stolen from
him in Hilo. Denver Hd. then challenged
any one ill the crowd to box a few rounds.
"The Pride of Ilouolcna." a Iwm.m .;
uiuls. Honors were even. Denver Hd.
then branched out in n new line, rentier
nig in h touching manner that inimitable
song, "Its the man Ht the top of the well
that does the work." The musical stunt
aroused the latent histrionic spirit of Mr.
ii.itv.-ll tin- irreoressible mallacer. He
nieiuiited the platform, made unother
Per Ship "S
t. Kathepine"
1 3-
and more of the genuine Chiyot
ml f. Mcdonald,
White Dress Goods
and Linens
Just Received Large and Choice Line Comprising
No Loss or Tliiie.
I have sold Cliamberlain's Colic, Clio
lent nnd Diarihoea Uemidv for years, mid
would rather be out ol coilei- anil sugar
than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday
to threshers Unit eoubl go no farther, nod
.1 nt .t.rb uifiiiii this nioriiitiif
...w...... . . . . LIIO u.v. ..fc ...". . ;--- r .
speech and sang as it never iieen neani t -R pIIKU.Si pivmmitli, Okla.. V. b A.
llilo 1'iillee Depiirtnieiit Loses
or Its I'lnest.
(miiiiii lien Urown has resigned
his position as captain on the police force
,.,,,1 will enter unoii the practice of law
111 parineislup with his brother. Senator
111""""- . , . ".,
Captain Hrown has done duty on the
force Here since lo.-u.
Thi.-tv-five years ago, June tst 1867, u
little handful of people met ami oruanued
"The l'irst 1'oreign Religious Society of
Hilo" out of winch grew the present
Hirst 1'oreigu Church. Sunday morning
Mr. Criiz.111 wi. iw 11 - - . . V-!.. the minuet to the pole, where the
1111111 on "tiiirij-ni. V"B " ..r-""',:.. 1 ,.r.i.n,. -..re .Ironi-ed. mid out im.un;
rveiuiiu mis """," ---! .,.... .,.....,",,
unit a low s.tiuic in ut-i ...iiiiv.
l..fr.. the iinthelic ballad, "All that gilt
ters is not gold." It was the hit of the
Hotel Changes.
Manager Scon of the Hilo Hotel has
reslgm.il bis position nnd will be succeed
ed m the general direction of the alfairs
of the hotel by Mr. Austin, Peacock &
i-v.iu u....L...iintlt'.. in tliw eitv. Mr.
LU O H-IHcvi ' " - . -
Austin will nave me aoie iissisutnec ui
Phil. II. Uaukey in looking after matters
at the hotel. Mr. Scott will reuiuin in 1
the Islalitls, liavnig interests that win re
As will be seen by the above the threshers
were able to keep 011 with uieir worn
without loosing n single day's time. You
should keep a bottle of this Remedy in
your home. For sale by the Hilo Drug.
On the Level
Card ol' Thanks.
r 11.11
- . " 1
ir ftft$J 1
J M 3T
1 .r. I P.mwlll.X III tllL- L'Vellllll!
I.1IL ....- ""..,. ",-,.. -..." 1. )M I . V
suiijeciwiu i". ".."- " 1 rmiiitl of nmihiusc. theilancers
...... ....... . - . . . . c
The memorial services at llie I'irsi lwo btepped orouiiil the circle ami 0111 01
1'oreigu Church last Sunday night called w... It wus repeated later in the even
tmt a lull house. The old soldiers were j j,,., ,e bi.iutiiul sunset ill the luck-
nresent in a boily ns also were me mem- ground greutly mining to me cuarui i
.much crtuu is nun ..us. j..
fur her indefatigable zeal in
The President of The Ladies Social
Circle and the Committee on lintertain
meiits most lleartly thank those who
.., ,,1.1,. ,.iii-il in the Mav l'estiv.il. anil
quire him lobe in Honolulu 11 portion of U,(1SL. u)lo most kindly mid Ireely coiiirii)-
tile lime, i-mrnig ins icnii t "." uteti towartis us ."!'
connection with the Hilo Hotel, Mr.
Scott has made iictpiainUiuces in Hilo
noneoi whom but will be sorry to learn
of his contemplated departure from the
city. , , ...
Mr. Miberg formerly chef at the Ha
waiian hotel arrivfd by tills Ki an to
take ehatge of the culinary end of Hilo's
leading hostelry.
1 iiers of Company I) and the pupils of the
Hilo Hoarding bcliooi. 1 ue iituircss uy
u hv I. A. Criuan was n ura uiie siury ui
tiu. issues urccedini! the Civil War. The
I t...r ..K iinrtriived the lirilicipal
.i..,n.. ..-w 1 ,,
events of the war.
Prof. Leonard, the aeronaut now in the
I the scene.
. Ki'vernuce
I ...rrvliu. it nut so sUCCessltllly
The whole nlfair was deemed n great
success by the lnrge number present, and
many words of praise were heard on all
. . ' . .: 1.... ..11 ...lw. t.wiL' iinrt 111
Miles compiiuiBH"B "" "" rw 1 " ,
iiiiiuu te- .....
island in het lorlh Cleniiy.
le iilouti- I Thp s mta Cnu llaUy Sl,rf f MnJ. I()tl
utly with 1 il)ls Mr. Cruzatt'h seruioii on "Wha
of niift.-; VIS wc j,llhl ,,d O.iinid?" with til
fear of an f,ln...i..,, e,iitorial preface:
...i,..r.. 1 in. ilis.tstrous vulcanic criiution re
centl v occurred. He visited the island in
.ui.., ' Ai Hit- time of his visit the moun
tain Yele was slumbering quietly with 1
its summit hidden in 11 cloak
Hie neonle at that lime nati 110 leiir 111 1111 f1.l. t-ilitorial t)
..riiiition ut home but were veiy nppre- . ,," tuiuhvk nf Ililo. we find the
ht-nsive lest a tidal wave should sweep c,,.i. nfll Ht,rum receutlv delivered
Kliuiu I'nssenger List.
1'he following passengers nrrived by
the Kinau this week : C. Meiberg, J. II.
Agassu nnd wife, 15. 1'. Mellor, I'. J.
Amweg, U. Lycurgus, Mr. Aoki, M. U.
Motiiwa J. L Rockwell, Chas. Creighton,
II. Cochammer, Miss Clara Smith. Le
Chung, Z. lf. Cord, Jas. Hakuole, U.S.
Origii, Henry Kaawi, wife and child,
Geo. Wilson. Miss l'raeker, J. W. Ciith-
cart, C. N. Trouty, I). I. llusliueii. t. 11.
llushnell, U. Sherwood.
Wailuku, May 34. Victor L. Ilocck.
bookkeeper of the Wailuku Sugur Com
raiiiv. was married to Dr. I'.lvirn M. Cle-
ineiit by Rev. Hr. K. O. lleckwith at l'aia
last Tuesday, May " Mr. und Mrs.
lloeck will reside lit the Marshal home,
their city off llie map
I bv Rev. I A. C111z.u1, which merits space
in the Surf both by reason ol the person-
There is Lots to Say
whieh has bi en for 10 eurs
111 w I und has made llie
trip around the horn uwee.
Jlul one trid will cntiviiii'c
you of Us esrilU-iice.
$15.00 per Doz. Qls.
ti... lnci tf lu tMiinviilile tencher s -
1 ui. " . mwjj . . . .
' ., linns nf the vear was held last lues- I FliAL
-, " " 1" ''" "f "V" .,":..."' "r";.i. I v cvciiinu at the Union School. The
I value 01 me senium ..... -" " bll,L.cl 0f art was treated by M sses Sev-
! ire clearly than we have pre vioin, .ly ( f .f CKi(,(lwil). lUd
SS t -r, ;btl,M '" ,ril"', tbe present position j nud I L l"i7cl ls. Mrs. Cruz.au mid selee-
m MjPto&JrA. P : ,wl,ef' "llt ouly of Ult: hl,tl,U"r 'i'"1,!. I,, ' not i froui " I'.u.iny Lou." Refreshments
HraMfimH ', large and increasing company, both in- , '..i jiUllcyo was chosen
WJF I M0W j 1 Me "",l oMsUW oftlic diurcliM." j u(0; lhB coming year.
1 ' I I IMmil'lT (lies Oil Mlllll. . - - - -- .-1
- n s- 11 ,
Vs irn. II
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
The undersigned hereby gives notice
.vill nri us iiL'ent for me ill nil business
matters with full power of attorney.
II. 11. GHIIR.
Hilo, May 27, 1903.
Sealed Tenders will be received at the
office of the Superintendent of l'ublte
WnrL-s Honolulu. Ulllll II III. of AIOII-
day, June 9th, I9. for maeadanlzing
Wuiauuenue Street. , . ,, , ,
The Superiulendent of Public Works
reserves the right to reject any or nil
bids. Plans and specilic.itions on me in
0if.ee ol Superiiiiendeulof l'ublic Works
Honolulu, nnd in office of Mr. 15. Ii
Rlchnrils, Hilo.
J. 11. IIU u,
3o-3t Superintendent of l'ublic Works.
In the Circuit Court, of the Fourth Circuit,
Territory of Hawaii.
In l'llOHATU.
That's m
1 how kLCp
our BfCy
Shoes Kr
are H
t That's IV
how we
conduct j
our k
uuaintbs s 1
Try n pair f our new
Stock received ex "IC11
terprise" nnd you will
be our customer for life
Economic Shoe Co., Ltd.
Hoffschlaeger Co.,
Pioneer Wlno nud
Liquor llollst'
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum bakinij powden arc the jwtcft
iiienacers to nealtli of the present day.
IIOl BAIt'KO POWCtR eo . HtW on.
lMnueer Ulos oil Muni.
.. ... .. m...... r tr.....,1.
WntliiUu, Jinv 24. iin. t-. -ui,w, 1
one of the oiliest kaiuaainas on .uaui, ,
passed away nt the home ot his son. ,
George, nt Kula last Wednesday at the ,
ripe age of 78 years.
- 1
' J. G. Rothwell returns to Hotinlulu by
; today's Kiniiu. having bpeut tell busy
I days in the city. 1
I The Ililo bafebill team which will'
, play on Maui June 11, is composed ol the
1 following players: K. M. Drown, pitcher;
illeli Hpildlug. catcher; Gils Stipe, lb;
W. KagMl.de. ah; Kdwiird Collon, $h: II.
T. Lake, s s; T. M. Howl mil. c 1; u.uewe,
I.f; C. Keuiiehnit, r.f. SubsliHites II.
Kuiitum nud Henry Kiiihnlue.
aooov or quautv
h...ONBtc PnlCl
the matter of the Kslatc of LIT
l'lGUl'.IRHDO, deceased.
Petition having been filed by Marie
010-023 MAnKCT OT
Rogers, of l'epeekeo, praying that Letters following statement
Ol AlltHIUISllHUilll llinn Mm vnniit in-
issued to August G. Sirrao, a creditor.
Notice is hereby given that Monday,
the 23d dav of June, A. P. l, at o
o'clock, n.'iu., be and hereby is njipninted
forbearing s.ud petition 111 the Court
room of this Court, at Hilo, Hawaii, nl
which lime and place all persons con
cerned 111 ly appear and show chum., II
any they ha v , why siid petition should
not be mantel!.
Htm, Hawaii, ;uay 20, iooj.
Hy the Court:
DANIl'.L I'OKTHR, Clerk,
lly C. 15. HAl'Al, Deputy Clerk.
Smith & 1'aksons,
Attorneys lor rcltlloner. 30-31
Robert Slaughter, general ni cut nt
Honolulu Inr the Plueuix Savings lluilil-
ue anil l.tnii Asslcjiiiioii, hi. kes the
Under 110 eiieuiitstanccs is nuy agent
iiiihorized lo hoi row money, contract
.lbs 111 debts in the iiiime 111, or mi the
ledilnl Ibis Assneniliiiii: nor to bind the
Vhsocinlimi in nny wav without special
uilhoriiy 111 writing, from the prnpcrolfi
its of llie Assiiei.tliou at the Home
General Agent, llouollllil, 11. T.
Company II Order.
All iiii'tnU-ih nl Cniupai y I) are ordered
o rei-oil at llie Armory it' I2V p. m. to
lay in take part ill Memorial Dav service,

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