Newspaper Page Text
kv TIIH WKHKI.Y HII.O TttlilUNK. 1111,0, HAWAII, TUKSUAY, tmi'TKMIMK 6, hjoj. .2 v K & I..1 "4T '!. 'if, if l.'l .. . JU s ' 1,'J') .'.!.f ' 5 ." fc M- I r." urf . l" ' .'? - '..' 1 .l, , M7 ' U'V ' & ' ' ',; i i . ft. 4- i - ,5v i- m, y. - i". 9.J. KT ' hi w '- T J ' rV t. ' ?' KK- ' M u Slje )ilo vUuuu, ATKINSON AMI (JUl'IK Kloclion Proclamation. TUKSDAY SKPT. fi, 1904. lo furnish nil tin other fruits ami r ioliUlt s that your noil can prodttcu. The . American h.-ciiIi- have neUT lulled, in llepillillrilii l.i.i.lrr AMren lliiMwltiTliowKriiiltlieMiicrKcncy, andlu Whkkkas, The Act to pinvidc a inuiiir .ueu rum. isucnncine.wiiu me a.iiiiiionni siiiim- - . , .. ,. . . . I uwikiiiuiLiii mm tilt 11 iiikii 1 ut iinnnn provides llmt n general election shall lie I'oiiinK .ic-imii.ii.i school umise. .iiATonu UAinnATinu nn foregoing Hf'ti ( inn I uun 11111 lun I lull UU. EiitcKililtthc Posloffice nt llilu, tin wall, us second-class matter IHIIII.ISIlttD KVKKV KKIllAY. J, Casti.k Kuhjwav - Ktlitot 1). W. Maiimi - limine Manager, liittim nf 11 ttrnfilnlitt frnili I nlti ulillt I I "" '" " ""IV .( . i,...w Really tue entire tncinucr.suip 01 ,mr nilo will he fouuil iculy to supply !of the Young Men's Kcpubllcnn ' foteign rt1iippin; under the foreign Hii". IC helil on the Tuesday next after the first Monthly In November, A. I). 1904, nnil that attract fnrtvilnvbelnriiiiiO election. Delegate Ktiilio was greeted with the Governor shall Wine nn election pro- clamatlou, ami WmtKKAH, It Is provided In the Rules anil Regulations Tor Administering paths IMPROVED NEWS SERVICE. i p.ver iiiiimiiiii 01 tne purpose m I it n..uLMat.., iii! 11 nt1iit,.r mill dw- ' ,1 l ,, -ft.'. . li"-" ..H.. i .. ..... i -em in ill or of news the TkiiiI'NK is enabled by special arrange I nieiits willi the Inter-Island Tele jgtnph Ci.nipnnv to nive toils r.n.l.rn K.fttiiiin it ll It I tilu ictillr till of the latent niui most inipor- tiint cable news. This we have idone, believinj; the public would appreciate ihe advantages of an ineiea'cd news sen ice and or the t op ortunity of receiving at the J beginning of each week all f the win Id news np to the hour of pnbliciition. Heie.ifterlheTKi j iit'Ni; will be published every jTmsdny tnorning in time to 1 reauu im.iiiii miuuiiici-i ,,v,,- J the arrival of the mails from noltilit. jscsi les tne cam Club, and some others, gathered I "" Americi. HlpiiiiK iiihUt th .. . . . , 1 li it , . ' American line. I'tt.inj niglil in bitcnion's Hall to h -n in liiklressts bv Seciet.itV A II.. C. Atkttoii, deltgute Kuhio uppwu-.e wiieu ue iook tuo piat I mid other leadeis in the republican I form, and after speaking a few li.ntiv. Onini! to the lack of seats 1 "ords in Hnglish he begged leave there was standing room only when , to make his address in Hawaiian, n,i Holding Elections that no change President Jus. I). Lewis culled the as tlie nuijotity ol those present Ulmll l nmile tin to the Imundarles ol u e ting to order. After explain- were ol that race. His general Uuy precinct wlthluslNiy dayt of elect ing the munose ol the meeting undinrgument was mm uie iiuwaunusunn, uuill the arrival of the piiucipul 1 could not getanthiug itultss they, sow, Tiikkki'okk, III Bccordance The elcitoiR in the sentatlve DItrictH im- j-ntitleil tn ele I Representatives as follows: In the l'irst District four; ! In the Second District four; In the Third District-sit; In the I'ourth District six; I In the I'lfth District six; In the Sixth District four, ' In Tkstimonv Wiikkkoi', I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the Territory of Itavvnii to he i.llixed. ' Done at the Capitol, tu Honolulu, this 29th day of August, A. I). 1904. 1 ('.. K. CAKTKK, Governor of llnuiili. SCHEDULE 01 S. S. ENTERPRISE I patche- received by the Wireless, Ihe paptr will contain a lull re- speakers of the evening he called upon John wise to ailtlrcss tne young men. Mr. Wise is an elo quent speaker in either English or the Hawainiii tongue, aim his re marks weie lull ol good advice and a plea lor party harmony. Any other couise would cause deafeat, be said, and as a reformed Home Ruler he spoke whereol he knew as the causes of that parly's ' troubles. . When he closed, Secretary A. L. C. Atkinson whs introduced by f resident Lew is as the next "Gov ernor," and was received with much enthusiasm. This is the litst oppjriuuity the Secretary has hait of meeting lace to face and in tin. t addies-iing the Club ol wliicn lie ,. ,iis. was the ongiuator and mainspring. fell ill line with those in power. Of therewith. I, George K. Carter, Governor course it lolloweu that tue party in power have the giving of the most oflices. His remarks, which he lead, are u. follows. i stltne of all island news and arti- J "My l'tiemis: rue montiis go ny cles of special interest to island I .quickly, and although nearly eiglu 1 tm :i .1 !.. .......... ...ill 'months have elapsed since I whs here ! readers. Whilethe 1 Kilil'NMVil J , wim0oxernor carter it seems as if it J be in no sense an agricultural t rtc)t. y yvsterd.iy. Von will recall weekly, sj)ecial at entiou will be .lui then 1 impressed upon jou the given to mnttcis pertaining to 1 1 iieccssiiy 01 n.mUy . - .. I W'lwllier ,nv u.nriU at tlitit liniH hull illiv agriculture, fruit growing, iliver- , ..,. .,'.. ,1 , .,. m, ... 1., 1 sitied industriis and general local '., iMll j i,ve kept verv closely in news. In other words the 1 KI-1 touch with polmcilailairs 111 this purtol husk will contain each wqek the f V,""U"1." vul" '"""p,"' ,l"f, """P1 . , r . -.1 .. ...i .1. .1 i.leasuio I have nolieeit that hoth organj. j wisuniu ui jcMeiiiiij nun un. j 1 fcUj0 11(i iLirmony are not things ol the iJ news of today delivered at your J ,Msi m Hilo. The Young .Men's Republic door or through vour local post-! ' an Club ol ilils city seems to hae taken office. We feel assured that the t '!' of tilings with foice. While, no . . P .. , ... ...... , i I doubt, there isslill plenty ol competition . effort of the 1 kiiu'NK hi thus im- I lU ' u us lo ' r cholce of' camli. ! proving its news service will meet ! ,HtCs u.r the Legislature (and it is only with the hearty appi oval of the J .right that there should be such competi- 1 itoii yti inter me couveiitiou uas iinisii led us duties ami vour candidates are nominated I feel confident that the Re publicans of l!aaii will work together as one mar to elect the choice ol the majority lor the good of their district, lor the good ol the parly and fur the good 1 of the whole Territory. (Applause.) ! "On ihe day that 1 left Honolulu I was ...11 1 i .il r .1 .1. .. luiKii.; 111 iu) unite 111 uiv luugica:, uiui Hud been developed in Hilo. Notwith standing all the jokes ol which Hilo is the hint 1 Snid that mere whs 110 part of this Territoiy which had made more sub slai.ttal improvement and development hv its individual efforts than thiscilv had done. It may be that some may have proving its news service will meet with the hearty appioval of the t reading public, and we only ask ! ibr that measure of consideration t to which expended effort is enli- tied for value received. -------- ----- - - DANGER AHEAD. The danger of exposure toepede inics cannot be to strongly impress ed upon a community. There is loo often a feelintr of apathy in re- He related the experience of McICiu ley, who was beset by politicians 011 al I sides for political favors, ami the wisdom which it required of the President to select his advisers. McKinley chose Mark Milium because of his influence and the woik he could accomplish. Gover nor Carter occupied a similar position in Hnwaii, ntid it devolved upon the voting men ami members of the Young Men s Republican Cluli to prove their wortli and slreuiilh. If this oruauizatioii could control the voles, tlietitlicy wouia receive 1 recognition ami could demand what they wauled at the hands of the Governor. He then referred to the claims of the democrats that Parker would he eleclid, but from his view of the national situa tion lie assured his heaters that Roose velt would be the next prcsidtnl. The republicans lme been in power formally 1 vears. and the Ilawalians could not ix-l pect to receive consideration ol arepuhll .can Congress unless they joined the party 111 power, lie relerreil to tile illllc cullies which confronted him in Wash iiigtcn, the ig'iotauce of national legis lators on Hawaiian affairs and conditions. Senator Mark llaiiua was the first man he met oil his arrival at Congress, ami he received much helpful ml vice and In spiration from President Mckinley s right hand iiihii. He was told by Senator Haiiua that for the Ilawaiiaus to remain in a party of their own, to establish a color Hue and oppose the whites, meant that thry would be classed with the negroes, whom they were not. He was ible to secure I In wan, 01 legislation only of the Territory of Ha vall, hereby glv notice that a general election for a Dele gale to the House of Representatives of the United Stales lo serve during the IMfty-nintb Congress, and for Senators and Representatives of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, will lie held on Tuesday, November 8th, A. D. 1904 throughout the Territory between the hours of 8 o'clock a. 111. and 5 o'clock p. m. The Senatorial Districts are as follows: l'irst District The Island of Hawaii; Second District The Islands of Maui, Molokai, Lima! and Kahoolawe; , Third District The Island of Oaliu; l'ourlh District The Islands of Kauai and Niihaii. The electors In the said Senatorial Districts are entitled lo elect Senators as 1 follows: I In the l'irst District two In the Second District two; I III the Third District three; 1 In the I'ourth District one. I -The Representative Districts, Rcgist- ration Precincts ami Polling Places are 1 as follows: I PIRST DISTRICT. ' l't'NA, HILO ANI1 IIAMAKUA, ISt.ANI) OH I HAWAII. I'ikstPri'.CINCT That portion of Puna lying south of Keaau ami from Ihe east. I Mr, linililflirv rf Infill If, lllf (.nctprll w .,u.. ....... , w. ...... ... ..... ........ Hoard of Notice. ltcgistmlioii ' SaniCcWo. '"'" """ Juno 19, '04 July G, '04 July 23, '04 J Aug. 9, '04 ; Aug. 2G, '04 Sept. 12, '04 Sept. 29, '04 Oct. IG, '04 Nov. 2, '04 I Nov. 19, '04 Doc. 6, '04 I Doc. 23, '04 R. T. GUARD, Agent. IWMyTtjmWtWWVTT L 3 " O I a r h 5 3C ' 1 .- n .A f t- 1 wl t &f rz '- O V O 70 ' rri ' , 3 n a c 5 : 2 a 03-m -n s" ? V n -3 B- P tmm TV U -5b am after the greatest difficulty, and soon boundary of Kaniaili, following that doing ami was sanguine of success if re-' boundary ofthe kaohe homesteads and elected ami permitted to carry 011 the a Hue the extension thereof to the Imiind work lie had commenced. . "' nrv nf k'rami. n 1 .....1 . .'1 1 . "J 1 nc gleaner icciicii iu uic jiruwucil regard to health matters until the been disappointed up to the present time I litis Hlit.nrllitMlilulll tt lllik Wifitt litttfl ill ill. niiiui iiuiiiiiv.ui ' iit. lunu iiii grim demon Death follows in the Hail of a terrible scourge and leave.1 Ihe country blighted and destitute Heretofore Hilo h.'.s been sing ularly fortunate in escaping such calamaties, but she cannot expect to lie always immune. Too often the individual who has no insur ance is the first to suffer loss. The mil reuicinlier that we have only re ceived as yet one-half of the amount that we have been authorized by the 'resident ol the United Slates to borrow, ami 1 can avaire von, gentlemen, that if I cm assist ou in securing a proper share to have proper work done on this island you cm call upon me. Hy your own ad vancement you have shown that in-t-grity ami industry are the best pos sessions which any man can have. No body can eive them to him and nobody ... r ,,..,i;.,.r ,.t l.n.ilil. lean take them from him; they belong to iiiiioriancc of attending to nealtli , , , , , ,, J , sinitation was lorcenbly Drouglil pL.rly. They are good things to have and home to these islands when the igooit things to keep; they make happy plague afll cted Honolulu and near-1 homes; they achieve success In every v riiineil llmt citv It was demon-' walk ol life; lllc lmvc wo" llle Krellll;st l rtitntil tliatcilj. 11 wasciemon truim.,hs fl)r mankind; the merchant re- straled that had eflc tive precatt- lqilires u,,.-clerk whom he employs to tiouary means been employed the ( have them, the railroad wants them in ravages of this direful disease could is engineer and in its conductorjemploy. lint... Im..,. avoided nt that time. ",eut w""s(", t,,cm nl cal,,tnl require. hill making the Hawaiian language the ollicial language ol tlie legislature lor a Polling Place Kalapaua School House. SHCOSI) I'KISCINCT The lands of periml of ten years. This he explained Keaau and Olaa :......: i.i . !..... .:.... ,1... ..:.... 1 was intended to keep alive the native tongue and permit Hawaiian members to introduce bills iu their own language without being compelled to have tlie s one translated first into Kuglish. The Delegate declared that every patriotic mini must be iu politics. A man who did not take an interest iu politics was not inspired by a patriotic love of country. He had advised Rev. S. L. Desha to do so, agahist the hitter's will, and pointed with pride to the splendid work he had accomplished. Other speakers addressed the meeting, including I). Kalauoka lani, Jr., who two years ago sup ported the Home Rule party and visited Hilo with Delegate Wilcox and his father, Senator Kalattoka lani, making stump speeches over the Island. When the party be came disorganized young Kalauo kalani had the courage pf his con victions, deserted his father's nartv. and is now a staunch supporter of ?3 . . MM ? W -A I T . Sr scow "SEE O 5C CO ftllftA -! -I ,! Polling Place Road Hoard Stables; itJ miles Volcano Road. Third Prkcinct That portion of Hilo lying between Puna and l'otialiawai Street ami Road and the line of its exten sion to the sea. Polling Place Davies & Co.'s Ware house, corner of Waiakea and Kalepo. lepo Roads. 1'otiTii Prkcinct That portion of Hilo lying between the Third Precinct and the Honolii Stream. Polling Place Circuit Court Honsc at Hilo. I'li'Tii Prkcinct That portion of Hilo lying between Honolii Stream and the laud of Makahaualoa. Polling Place Papaikou School Housi . Sixth Prkcinct That portion of Hilo lying between the Fifth Precinct and the bed ofthe Waikaumalo Gulch. Polling Place H011011111 Court House. Skvknth Prkcinct That portion of them. -1-1... 'trnata ,i Mnnif it r iirniiorn . . ... 1 ue iMj.Mii ui uraiiu .iiuujjii This year there will be many new their agents have had their atteu-1 voters iu the Territory, some of them of tiou called to the unsanitary con-1 Hawaiian birth some of foreign birth and liilmi nf rcrtnin nnrlimis of Hilo !,ti" lll'ers born upon American soil. Iition ot certain portions 01 11110. .fhese JOUI,Klllcll si,uuia, between now Dr. Stow, government physician. an,j;0ii, talk politics with their with the aid of Sanitary Inspector elders. They should learn which ofthe Howinau and the cooperation nl Kreut American parties nave done the tunic 111c uiin 111 power ami Demo the Republican cause. Sheriff An-! tlle I,irst Election District lying between speech ill 01x111 i-recinci ami me ooumiary 01 drews also made a short Hawaiian. land of Huu Court JMMIIlilll 1(1111 HI- wuiiiviuviwn n in . 1 ..liter physicians, are doing splendid nVmocu'c work iu reclaiming these blemished spots. They are requiring house holders to clean up their houses and yards. In Waiakea bairels of lime and whitewash have been used lo good effect. Citizens are request cratie control of the National administ ration has inevitably been followed by ruin and disaster. Take the time ol Pre sident Cleveland, for instance, when factories were clostd from one end ofthe United State, to the other; when banks were shutting their doors eveiy day; ed lo set rat traps and poisoned when Coxey's great army of the une . . . .1n.....l ..-Miuil nn,.,, liu ni, Inli ...1., meats to kill rodents, winch nave become so prolific during the past (cw weeks and are- a source of meance to the public health especi ally iu tropical climates like Hawaii. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. ployed marched upon the capital; when free soup houses were established in every large city in the country; when clothing had to be distributed free to keep the needy from freezing to death. Have we heard anything of this sort since our late President McKinley succeeded Cleveland or during the administration of President Roosevelt? (Cries of "110, 110.") Not a word! These are things for you young men to think upon, but one other "thing for you to remember is that the poorest American boy iu these United States mid this Territory of Hawaii and this city of Ilaiuakua, including the inula. Polling Place Lniipahochoe I House. ! KimiTii Prkcinct That portion of i the Pirst Klection District lying between , I the Seventh Precinct and the lauds of 1 Tnlnnn PROACIIES AT WAIAAMA GULCH,, Polling Place Kaohe School House. Ninth Prkcinct That portion of the First Election District lying between the Eighth Precinct and the bed of the Malanahae Gulch. Polling Place Houokaa Court House. Tknth Prkcinct That portion ofthe First Klection District lying between the Ninth Precinct and Kohala District. Polling Place Kukuihaele School House. Ki.kvkntii Prkcinct The balance of Puna lying south ofthe Second Precinct and east of tile First Precinct. Polling Place Kapoho Ranch Ilaru. SECOND DISTRICT. KOIIAI.A, K'ONA AND KAU, ISLAND Ol' HAWAII. First Prkcinct North Kohala. Polling place Circuit Court House. Skconii Prkcinct South Kohala. Polling place Waiuiea Court House. Third Prkcinct That portion of The Hoard of Registration for the First Election District will meet at such times and places as hereunder advertised to reg ister all persons duly ipialified to vole. Knaho mm ka Papa Hoopmi Ino.i o ka Apaim Koho Paloka Kkithi. Ma kahi a me ka tuanawa i hoike ia uialalo nci. Sept. 12. Hilo, Flrcuiim'ti Hall, o a.m. lo 4 p. in. Sept. 13. Mt. View, 8 to in a. ill. Kurtlstowu, i:,y to 3:30 p. 111. Keaau Store, 4 to 5 p. m. Sept. 14. Waiakea, Lucas Laud ing, 9 a. 111. to 12 111. Kapoho Coffee Shop, 4 to 6 . ui. Sept. 15. Opihikao, ion. m. tn 12 111. Sept. t6. Knl.'ipaiia School House, S a. in. tni2iu. PaliiM Store, 5 to 7 p. tn. Sept. 17. Hilo, Fireman's Hall, 7 to 9:30 a. tu. Sept. 19. Papaikou Store, 9:30 to it a. 111. Pepeekeo, Upper Store, I to 2 p. m. tiouomu More, 3:30 to 5 p. 111. Sept. 20. Hakalatt Store, 9 to 10:30 a. 111. Papaalna Store, 2:30 to 4 . 111. Laiipahoehoe, Maltio Res., 6 lo 8 p. m. Sept. 2t. Ookala Pllu., Office, 8:30 to 9:30 a. 111. Paaullo Store, 1:311 to 3 p. 111. Sept. 22. Houokaa, Holmes More, 9 a. m. to 4. p. 111. Sept. 23. Kukuihaele, Jones Store, 10 to 11 a. m. Waipio, Akaka Store, 2 to 6 p. tn. Sept, 24. 9:30 a. 111. 10-30 to 11:30 a. m. Store, 3:30 to 6 p. tn. Sept. 26. Akoni Fernandez Res., 10 a. 111. to 12 tu. Paauiln,J. Waiohiuu's Res., 2 to 3 p, in. Kaiuehe, Kauaahi-: polu's Res., 5 to 6 p. in. Sept. 27. Kukniau Store, 8 to 9 a. m. Lnupahoehoe, 3 to 6 p. 111. Sept. 29. Hakalau btore, 9 to 10 a. in. Pepeekeo, Lower Store, 12 111. to 1:30 p. m. Sept. 29. Hilo, Fireman's Hall, 1 to 4 p. 111., 7 to 9 p. 111. 1 Sept. 30. Waiakea, Lucas Iloat Laud ing, 1 to 4 p. tn.,. 7 to 8:30 p. tn. I Oct. I. Mt. View, 8 to 9 a. m. Kurds- ,. . . r ,. r town,ioa.m.ti2m. O. S. Co. Office, WOWine UaSOllIie tHglM y,i l0 5 P' '." , ,. Self-starter and reversible engine. In Oct. 3. Opihikao, 10 to 11 a. in. Ka- lracticttbiHty it is equal to the steam en- lapana, 4 to 8 p. 111. . glue. Sizes from li h. p. upwards. Oct. 4. Kaniaili, 12 til. to I p. in. Boats fitted with this engine or frames, ol Oct. 5. Puula, Eldert's Res., 9 a. in. to a"' size l0 or(l?,r- ?' lljc"V,rs "''I'1 J ' J do R. A. LUCAS, Manager 12 111. 1 Oct. 7. Hilo, Fireman's Hall, 1:30104 p. in., 7:30 tog p. m. Oct. 8. Waiakea Mill, 12 m. to 1 p. m. Waiakea, Lucas B. L., 3 to 4 p. 111. Fire man's Hall, 7 to 9:30 p. iu. S. L. DESHA, (KIWINI.) Waipio, Akaka Store, 8 to Kukuihaele. Jones Store, Houokaa, Holmes Waiakea Boat House R.A. LUCAS S: CO., Prop'rs. WAIAKKA RRIDGK, HII.O BY AUTHORITY. CONCRETE ARCH CULVERT AND AP SOUTH HILO, HAWAII. Proposals will be received at tlie office of the Superintendent of Public Works until 12 o'clock of September 19, 1904, for constructing a concrete arch culvert and appioaches at Waiaama Oulch, Dis trict of South Hilo, Hawaii, T. II. Plans and specifications are 011 file at the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Public Works, Honolulu, nutl with E. E. Richards, Agent Public Works De partment, Hilo, Hawaii, copies of which will he furnished intending bidders 011 receipt of $5.00, which sum will he re turned intending bidder after he has de posited his bid ami returned the plans. Proposals must be submitted 011 the blank forim, which will be furnished hy the Assistant Superintendent of Public HAVE NOW A FLEET OF Gasoline Launches and Small Boats FOR PUBLIC HIRE 1 asscugcrs and baggage taken tn ami from vessels in the harbor at reasonable rates. Launches and row boats lo hire 1 for private picnics ami moonlight rides. RING UP ON TKLKPHONJC AGENTS FOR Chairman, (Luna Hoomatu.) E. H. LYMAN, JOS. PRITCHARD. ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. It. H. PEASE. President. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI... f. S, A. 1. i- !.. r int ..!... 1 jut m . - .- IC Home Kllle ami rOpullStlC IIU In IIUI- "' hu"' w Hmom tne uigu , . ., uiudibcu i-iujMi-iiu lur iinicreii ' sown corner 01 ruuai.aiiuiu uci tii oil in inn irniiuriiituitii m 1 nu- .. : . ... 1 . . . . rines occasionally awakes from ,, ' , , . I r M " ' K'vnl mc" invert nun Approacnesai w.iiaaimi Polling Place-Circuit .... , it riiiiiiiu- 1 111111111 iir-. i..... ... 1 a u v,vinliiio ilrcnins .anil fives ex- ..uri. l(, u.. i.,i r-.. . .. liiilcli, District of .South Hilo, Hawaii, Kailua. TV ". .. . --.". "-". m .. If,.u-r.. Iu,-iv,-r' mi tn nnii' rational uio:m. ter was lust Drenarine 10 take 1111 tlle, .---- . T. J. Ryan the great Coniinonei of Olaa and exponent of Demo crat tloct hi nres-a lis ii-lvoviicy ol an a,ricnltnral 'l'11811 "' vv -"7 w "e hskcu . ,, j- ., ,i, , from Congress for Hawaii, and I can as- colleRe in Hawaii has much to Mire yo; Uml ' liar)()r HI1 comineiKl it. hxpenenceil educa- ym,r Federal building will not be tors feel that the average Hawaiian toigotten. The day is not far distant vm,i1i nn. nnt filtPil Inr thp hiirlipr when the Atlantic and Pacific oceans u mention and that the student and the community would derive much greJiier benefit from a systematic 001 rse of training; in the principles ol agri'-iiltiire than by anv attempt 10 make stale-men or professional men ol tmwat s sous, ngricui Works, uml eucloreil iu a sealed envelope . North Kona lying north of the northerly addressed to Hon. C. S. Holloway, Su- boundary of Holualoa and a line running perinteudent of Public Works, Honolulu, I from the north corner of Holualoa to the ' south comer of Puuaiiahu Court House al will be joined by the Panama Canal ami j posa payable to C. S. Hull none of 1 b can realize wlinl thlswillmeau 1 1,,,' ,, r ,,,., .- , , to Hawaii. The ocean that surrounds us I "tMiik-nlof I ulilic orks, , will be studded with ships of commerce hearing their freight to ami from the shores ofthe Orient. With your break water solidly constructed and protecting your harbor there is no riasou why Hilo should not have its slime of the trans itu il colleges have been established 'acme train? us well as Honolulu, 1 luse and delivered at tlie odice of the Super- tnil are successfully maintained in '""' "-alickerh will call litre for fuel- imendent of Public Works previous to is einctand Kau. and art .sin.u..ssiuii 111.11111.1111-.11 11 4.,,,,! r oil, in, the case may be. You can ,,,., .,,,. ,,, Polling place-Papa nearly every siuie aim iciniuiy 111 uvep it lure just as well as tlie business " Suvhnth I'uwnv.-f 11.. 11 ;,.,, MM. ,. nrr. wtnif. inutitii. iin-n of l loiuilnlii run i!,.,.i ii tiinn. . ti,v. 1 he Superiuteiideiit reserves the rieht ' ""..- .. ,'... Y. A... -C f .L ... will II. I'll l"r.ll llll-nl. mill tvllprn . -nil Mmv In rniirnl nnnnriill l.t.K , Kail lyillg between lions nut uy net m .ungic.v ic- '',..-.',":,-' ; , .; .i', J ' ' ......... 1i, A., tC Cytwtr r i.i .,.., ,., ilw.Sr (.ti ii inairi iiiuu uic iiikiics in iiuwuur Cfive federal support, and tlie r y(lll i.ave more and better bananas than noil; speaks for itself. Why should Honolulu can supply and when the time Mil Hawaii have such a college? comes I am quite sure you will be able That portion of Each proposal must contain the full ! the Second Election District bounded name of the patty or parties making the !' the Third Precinct, Hauiakua, Kau, same and all persons interested tuerein, ! Ihe boundary of Keaauhou from Kau to uml must be accompanied by a certified , Honaunau, the north boundary of Honau check of of tlie amount of tlie uro- I "an d tile sea. oway, Super-' lolling place Konawaeua hcliool as surety that l House. if tlie nronosal he accented a contract will FlITU Pki'.CINCT That portion ot he entered into. South Kona lying between Keei i and No proposal will be entertained unless Olelonioana I. made on the blanks furnished by the As Polling place Hookeua Court House, sistant Superiuteiideiit of Public Works, ' Sixth Pukcinct That portion of houtli Kona lying between the Fifth Pre School House -That portion of South Kona ami Pit- imiiiit C. S. HOLLOWAY, Polling place-Wuiohiiiu Court House. Superintendent of Public Works, i EioiiTii Prkcinct The remainder 01 Honolulu, T, II., Aug. 30, 190). 44-3 Kau, Notice Neither the Masters nor Agent of vessels of the "Matsou Line" will be responsible for anv debts con tracted by the crew. R.'T. GUARD, Agent. Hilo, April 16, 1901. 34- Power ol" Attorney. During my absence from the Territory of Hawaii, H. Vicars will act for me under full power of attorney. A. H.JACKSON. Hilo August 191I1, 1904. 43-4. ainimnMnnnnnimmmmHimiHnmmifHmmmnife: E. N. HOLMES Importer and Healer in American and Foreign Dry Goods and (rocorios 3 Boots and Shoos j Hats and Caps Haberdashery H Ladies' and Men's Underwear Hardware, Paints and Oils Flour, Feed and Hay -2 High-Class Furniture ami Bedding 3 Crockery and Glassware j House Furnishing Goods 3 Rugs, Matting ami s Grass Cloth 3 Wagons and Carriages WAIANUENl'E STRHHT NEAR I1RID0E E. N. HOLHES ?illUIUIlUUlHmUUU!IUIUUiU!IUlUU!miUIUUUUUllK ,iiMi jUfc.'ilwW ' .ii.W- .,ll.,l.. fc-l. -Air Jf iA -a.j.Si.. jkvji. i ta -s feiV . i " FW -' ' l i m- mp .