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,.' V H fL.'Jb Vw.: 4-' --.j? JS3itjEiML?S jet Id he "Blazed """' ini wtytwmr TI1H WUHRI.V JUJ,0 TUlnUNU, 1111,0, HAWAII, 'I'UHMDAV, Slil'V-UMhilk I,, lool, fib i i On 'I ,, . " I !' f I' ' hi ' W fr'-i r.H' " 'i ' !-- ( ' y "if V ' it V , Copyright, 1902, IBt ftS Tftf VWM I '"' v iHHF . , f 1 N . S II Zl If AW wP mwll'l Hoaiitlfnl hair! Long, rlrh, f"WM.' fiMKr? lieay liiilrl Soft ami silky Mfcfljf liairl N'o roiij'luioss, no sptitt inix at KjjEK?)' "' tlio oiiiUI Have you such lmlrV If Bs not, would yon Hko It V 9R MhHk .Uil'i' 4M( ZHK.E-'V A I MUW C 1 m, , QceaniG SS. Gompany mSw jljHf. Time Table ' (i B'; The steamers of this line will nr-' jsT 11(0130 (t V nm& NBE'' live ami leave this port as here- SwMnmwJ J&C i7AX ifllWJHSE"?, Ayer's Hair Vigor Is a Hair Food. It feeds tlio lialr, makes tlio lialr grow, keeps It soft and huatitifttl. For sixty ears Ayer's lialr Vigor lias nlven jwrfeet satisfaction to thou munis of people In all paits of tho world. (live It a fair trial and wo aro kino It will satisfy yon. If yonr lialr Is turning gray and you wish nil tlio deep, rich color of i-urlier llfo restored to It, uso Ayer's Hair Vigor. I'urircJ by Dr. J. C. Acr Co., Lowell, Mill., U. S. A. For Sale by HILO DRUG COMPANY It Time Table T lie steamers of this line will nr tive ami leave this port as here under: FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Alameda July 22 Sonoma August f Alameda AuguM 12 Ventura August 24 Alameda September 2 Sierra September 14 Alameda September 2,, Sonoma October 5 Alameda October 14 Ventura October 26 Alameda November 4 Siena November i( Alameda November 25 Sonoma December 7 Alameda December 16 FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Alameda July 27 Ventura Auguit 2 Alanada August 17 Sierra August 23 Alameda September 7 Sonoma September ij, Al.mieda September 2.v Ventura OUobcr 4 Alameda ,... October ic, Sierra October 2j Alameda November t ,l 01111111:1 November if. Alameda November 31 eiiiura December ( Alameda December 21 In connection with the sailing of tli above ste.inierh the agents are prepared ti ihsue, to intending passengers CoupOl Through Tickets iy any railroa. from San Francisco to all points in tin United States, and from New York l nil) steamship hue to all European poits For further particulars apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co. MMITCI) General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Onion Barber Shop. OAKCIA & CANARIO. Props Ule Shave, Cut fiair and Shampcc at Dt-Clvc Kates. We also like p u pains with Chil dreirHlIaireutting. Union Huii.dino, WiiianuenueSl. Keutly mulllnc By STEWART : ;::; ll If M EDWARD - A I K1 11 Ml M white 5 -. v rnnn - lwfwiJli A V , X Uyt.rt E4u,r4 XOlt. ULuGIJ p- , (j " ffjL.7 FV J . mitttmtttittttmmtttm nil -f&SBfc. I sw P Fornoino timo Hill- i- lKiSSHl V,f 1' lit V W I 4 r I The Abovo Is tho Benocia Rovorsiblo Disc Plow. l 'J Trail ii last tlio poignant ecstasy sei'inpil slowly, Rlowly to die. Fnlnter nnd fainter chbed tlio music. TlirniiRli It hs throiif:h n mist the solonin aloof forest liPHiui to show to the cotiRelnnniii'M of the two. They miitKht each other's eyes. nitisle was soft nnd dim nnd sad. Thoy leaned to ...... I. ..,... 1,1. .. .!.. HihIm If... ....(. 1 t'Ill.11 Ulllt'l. ,llll II bviii, llic-ll llin iiiui. I tin music censed, And over hehlnd the trees, out of the I light nnd the love niid the beauty, lit 1 tie I'hll huddled, his great shaggy head bowed In his arms, lleslde him lay his violin nnd beside thnt his how, broken, lie had snapped It across his kiiof That day he had heard nt Inst the her lingers to her lips. dimly nu Intermittent nnd fill 11 1 sound hud been felt rnther thna actually hrard. like the Irregular mtttllcd beat ing of a henrt.' Gradually It had Insist- 1 ed nu the attention. "What Is it?" she nsked. Thorpe listened. Then his fnco mightily with the Joy of battle. "My nxincti," he cried. "They nrc cutting the road." A faint call echoed. Then without warning nenrcr'nt hand, nnd the sharp ring of an ax sounded through the forest. I &f Ji ; K j Sw MAM& WJmk F PLANTER LINE -OF- SAILING VESSELS Hi reft bine hetween SAN FKANCISCC AND HILO. Curl, SI. Catharine, Capt. Saunders Hurl. ni) Tunier, Capt. Warlaml Hark Martha Minis, Capt. McAllman QUICK DISPATCH Far freight and passage apply to WIII.CH & CO., Agents, San Franclscp ;;. HIUiWER & CO., Ltd., Agents, Honolulu. 01 H. Uackfeld &,Co., Ltd. AtiCN'IS. 11 1 1.0. rn Thcu sought aich other's rir. henrt song of the violin nnd, uttering It. had bestowed love. Hut he had that day lost what he cared for most In all the world his friend. I.lttle l'hll disappeared utterly, tak ing with him his violin, but leaving his broken bow. Thorpe has It even to this dny. The lumberman caused senreh and Inquiry on all sides. Tho cripple was never heard of again. "I saw you long ago." said Hilda t Thorpe "long, long ago. when I wa quite a young girl. I had heen visit ing In Detroit nnd wns 011 my way nil nlono to catch an early train. Tou stood 011 the corner thinking, tall nnd straight nnd brown, with 11 weather beaten old hat and n weather beaten old eoat and weather beaten old moc casins, and such a proud, clear, un daunted look on your face. I have re membered you ever since." And then ho told her of the nice to the hind ollieo, while her eyes grow brighter and brighter with the epic splendor of the story. She told him tlia't she had loved him from that mo ment, and believed her telling, while he. the unsentimental leader of men, persuaded himself and her thnt he had always in some mysterious manner curried her Image prophetically In his heart. So much for the love of it. In the last days of the month of de light Thorpe received n second letter from his partner, which to some extent awakened him to the realities. "My dear Marry," it ran, "I have made a startling discovery. The other I fellow Is Morrison. I have been 11 blind. stupid dolt and am caught nicely. Von can't call me any more names than I have already called myself. Morrison lias been In It from the start. IJy aij ac cident I learned ho was behind the fel low who induced me to Invest, and It is he who had been hammering the stock down ever since. They couldn't lick you at your gamp, so they tackled ine at mine. I'm not the man you are. Harry, and I've made n mess of It. 01 course their scheme is plain enough on the face of It. They're going to iiivolvt me so deeply that I will drag tho fir: down with me. "If you can fix It to meet those notes, they can't do It. I have ample margin to cover any more declines they may be able to bring about. Don't frnt about CHAPTER XXIV. OK n moment they sat listening to the clear staccato knocking of the distant blows nnd the more forceful thuds of the man nearer nt hand. "What are they doing? Are they cut ting lumber?" asked Hilda. , "N'o." answered Thorpe; "wo do not cut saw logs nt tills time of year. They I are clearing out n road." "Where does jt go to?" "Well, nowhere In particular that Is, It is a logging road that starts at the river and wanders up through the woods where tho pine Is." "How clear tho axes sound. I would like to know more about it," she sigh ed, a quaint little air of childish petu lance graving two lines between her eyebrows. "Do you know, Harry, you are a singularly uneonunnnlcatlve sort of u being. I have to guess that your llfo Is Interesting nnd picturesque. Sometimes I think you arc not nearly poet enough for tho life you are liv ing. Why, you are wonderful, jou men of the north, 'and you lot us ordi nary mortnls who have not the gift of divination Imagine you entirely occu pied with how many pounds of lion chain you are going to need during the winter." She snld these things lightly, as one who spenks things not for seri ous belief. "It Is something that way," he agreed, with a laugh. "Sit there." she breathed very soft ly, pointing to the dried needles on which her feet rested. Ilii obeyed. "Now tell ine," she breathed, still in the fascinated monotone. "What?" he Inquired. "Your life; what you do; all about It. Von must tell me n story." Thorpe settled himself more lazily and laughed with quiet enjoyment. "The slqry of the woods." he began, "the story of the saw log. It would take a bigger man than I to tell It. 1 doubt If any one man ever would be big enough. It Is a dream, a struggle, a battle. Those men you hear there lire only the skirmishers extending the tiring Hue. I'll have to hurry now to get those roads done and a certain creek clenred before tlio snow. Then we'll linve to keep on the keen move to llulsli our cutting before the deep snow, to haul our logs before the spring thaws, to tlont tliem down the river while the freshet wnter lasts. When we gain a day we have scored n vic tory, when the wilderness puts us back 1111 hour we hnve suffered a defeat." The girl placed her hand on Tils shoul Jor. He covered it with his own. "Hut wo win!" he cried. "We win'." I'ltat is what I like," she said softly, Where a team can walk and draw a plow TllK R.KVKRS11JLK works perfectly. The combination of features in . . . The Benecia Reversi Make it the most Valued of all DISC PLOWS, ll can be used right or left hand, plowing around the land or rkvkrsiui.k, throwing furrows all one way. Will plow between terraces without i.kaving a watkr furrow. Made only in a sulky. Tho Abovo Cuf Shows tho Bonocia Ratoon Disc Plow THIS PLOW Hills up the dirt better than a hoe, besides leav ing the soil behind it in a splendid pulverized con dition. It is the ONLY PLOW for ratoous that actually does what it is supposed to do. H.H ACKFELD & Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR HAWAIIAN ISLANDS I'o Shippers. All ireight M'lit to (.hips by our launches will be ejiaryi-tl to shippeih'uulessaccoiu pipied by a written older from tliee.ip. tains of vessels. jotf R. A. MJGA8 it CO. "Hilda, I cannot," he said. She stood very still for some seconds. "Why not?" slje asked quietly. "Heeutise I hnve not time to cut a road through to nnother bunch of pine. It Is this or nothing." "Why not nothing, then?" "I want the money this will bring." His choice of a verb wns unfortu nate. "Will you tell me for what you wnnt the money?" she nsked. The young man caught the note of distrust. At once, instinctively, bin own confidence vanished. He drew within himself ngalu the power of Justifying himself with the needed word. "Tho (Inn needs It In the business." said he. Her next question countered instan taneously. "Does the firm need the money more than you do ine?" Thev stared at each other In tho sl- "the strong spirit that wins." She hesl-, (.nt.,. f ti, situation that had so slid tated, then went on gently: "I went walklig yesterday morning before you came over, and after awhile I found myself 111 the most awful place the slumps of trees, the dend branches, tho 111111U lying all about and the glaring hot .11 over everything. Harry, there was not a single bird In all that waste, 11 single green thing." She seized his fingers In her other hand. "Harry," she said earnestly, "I don't believe I can ever forget that experience any more than I could have forgotten a battle Held were I to see one." The man twlstetl his shoulder uneas ily and withdrew his hand. "iinrry, sue said again after ni y0U merely pause, "you niiisi promise 10 leave inis, woods unfll the very last. I suppose It must nil be cut down some day, hut I do not want to be heie to sec after it Is all over. Men do not care much for 1 keepsakes, do they, Harry? Hut oven nl man can feel the value of a great beau-' tlful keepsake such as this, can't he, , tlenly developed as a dust cloud springs up on a plain. "You do not mean that, Hilda?" said Thorpe quietly. "It hardly comes to that." , "Indeed it does," she replied, every I nerve of her line organization strung to excitement. "I should he more to on 1 than any linn." 1 "Sometimes it is necessary to look j after the bread and butter," Thoipe I reminded her gently, although he knew 1 that was not the real reason nt till. I "If your firm can't supply It, I can." ' she unswered. "It seems strange that you won't grant my first request of because, you need a little money." (TO lilt CONTlNUIt!)) THE HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER CO., Lid. SPECIAL FERTILIZER For Cane, Vegetable and Banana Fields. Soil Analyst Made and Tertilier I'lirnished Suitable to Soil, Climate and Crop FOR THE LAND'S SAKE USE OUR FERTILIZERS Sulphato of Ammonium Bono Moal Sulphato of Potash Nitrate of Soda H. C. Phosphates Ground Coral Fertilizers for sale in large or small quantities. Fertilize your lawns with nut Special Law 11 l'crtilicr. OFFICK : Brewer block, Quteli Street P. O. IlOX 767, 1 FACTORY: At Iwilei lleyniid Prison C. M. COOKK, President. R. F. 11ISH0P, Treasurer. G. II. R01U5RTSON, Auditor K. I). TF.NNF.Y. Vice-President. J. WATF.RHOU.SH. Secretary. W. M. AM'XANIJI'R, C. II. ATHF.RTON Dilictoi.s. that. Just as sure as you can nay that ?C0,000, Just so sure we'll bo ahead of dear? Our meeting place-do you re the game at this time next year. For j member how 1 found you down there heaven's sake, get a move on you, old ( man. If you don't, the firm Ml bust because she can't pay. I'll bust because I'll have to let my stock go on margins. , It'll bo an nwful smasl'i. Hut you'll get , there, so we needrj t worry. I've been ' an nwful fool, and I've no right to dn 1 the getting Into trouble nnd leave you to the hard work of getting out again Hut us partner Pin going to insist 011 your having a salary," etc. The news aroused all Thorpe's mar tial spirit. Now at last tho mystery surrounding Morrison & Daly's unnat ural complaisance wns riven. It hail come to grapples again. He was glad of It. He thrust the letter in his pocket mid walked buoyantly to the pines. The two lovers sat there all the after noon drinking in half sadly the Joy of the forest and of being near each other. In 11 week tho camping party would be breaking up, and Hilda must return tti thn city. It was uncertain when they would be able to see each other agulii. StiUdeuly the girl broke oil aiid put i.v the old pule trail staring as though you hud seen a ghost? It must always bo our most sacred memory. I'rouilhu me you will save It until the very, very last." Thorpe remained silent. In selecting the districts for tho sen sou's cut he had Included In his esti mates this very grove. Other bodies of timber promising a return of $10,00(1 were not to bo found near the rler, and time now lacked for the cutting of roads to mine distant forties. "Hilda," he broke In abruptly at last, "tliu men you hear are cleurlng a road to this very tlinlier." "What do you mean?" shn asked. This timber Is marked for cutting this very whiter." She had not a suspicion of the true state of nlTalrs, "Isn't It lucky I spoke of it!" she exclaimed. "You must see to It today, now!" ( She sprung up Impulsively mid stood wultlng fur liliii. lie arose more slow-lv. NOTIIINO I.IKK EXI'HKIUNCIJ. "One truth learned by actual ex perience does more good than ten experiences one hears about." I Tell a man that Chainbei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus, and he will most likely forget it be- j fo're the end of the day. him hnve a severe attack of that disease, (eel that he is ubout to die, use this lemedy, and learn from hisovu ex perience how quickly it gives relief, and he will remember it all his life. For sale by Hilo Drug Co. Hilo Wine and Liquor Co.! AND Hilo Saloon Wholesale P. O. Box 39G Telephone 90 Front Near Church St. Retail P. O. Box 39G Tolophono 41 King Near Front St. Choicest American and Kuvopeau Wines, IJccrs, Whiskies, Gins, Brandies, Liquors, Ktc. J. S. CANARIO, Manager. J. Ivancovich & Go. PAY FOR THE BEST PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Handle and Store BAGGAGE I2G KING ST. HONOLULU I'houe, Main 5 VIIOI,I'SAI,K Commission Merchants SAN FRANCISCO, - CAL. I.MrORTI-KS OF HAWAIIAN BANANAS and OTHER ISLAND FRUITS CONSIONMHNTS SO MUTCH IT'S CHEAPEST AND THAT'S TIIF. CLASS 01' WOUK rJXl'.d'TCD I1Y CAMERON THE PLUMBER FRONT ST., Oi. Sl'KFCUlvJ.'S III.OCK v ,--ip fa. vu f HT! , 'W: I,.' lv " t yA l r H ft i.h , I'- - t . K.-i1 1 ,? w dsPi k I: .'fa , Sl !,-.' ' " , - ,W "' - -rfo 3rW; IT iff 1 ;.( f mw IW-IP.U