Newspaper Page Text
aw ummam ' wmHii,wwviNHwaaiWWWW9g ii .i i ' t m m. E fc?- w B'- & l-.S" t T- ifb'.' A BY AUTHORITY. Notice. All pujoiis having garbage, etc., for rt'inovil liyllio Oily Scavenger, nrcic (pu'slnl to have the same In readiness before 8 o'clock a.m. After Hint hour the carlmcn are otherwise employed, nml will not call until the following morning, thus leaving the unsightly bo.C9 or barrels in front of your pre mises all day. J. N. KA1AIKAWAHA, l3 lw Contractor for Cleaning Streets. BISHOP & Co., BANKERS Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Draw Exchange on the J3n.HU ol California, S. If. And their agents in NEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG. Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London. The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney, London, The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney, Sydney. The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. The Bank of British Columbia, Vic- torla, B. C. and Portland, Or. AND Transact a General Banking Business. CGOly Pledgod to neither 8ect noi Putty. But established for tho benefit of all. THURSDAY. DEC. 17, 1885. PROSPECTIVE RETURNS OF THE COLO NIZATION SCHEME. A communicated article in a con temporary presents some of the sources of profit to investors, and advantages to settlers, held in pros pect by the promoters of the "Ha waiian Colonization, Laud and Trust Company." For the inform ation of our readers we summarize the leading facts. The Honouliuli territory, of which the company has the refusal, contains 17,000 acres of land suitable for growing sugar cane. Of this amount 7,000 acres are comprised in a plain requiring artificial irrigation. To effect that object artesian wells arc proposed for the portion lying at an elevation not exceeding thirty-live feet above sea-level, and a series of dams, in a natural gulch, for higher levels. Both means arc proved feasible be yond any reasonable doubt, by the complete succe&s attending their adoption, under similar conditions and in contiguous areas. Their estimated cost, for this company's purpose, is $125,000. When the land is furnished with watering facilities, it is assumed that at least .from 2,500 to 5,000 acres will be occupied by responsible cultivators of sugar cane. The cane would be raised on shares, in the proportion of, say, live-eighths to the planter and three-eighths to the company. Milling facilities, with transportation of cane to mill and sugar to place of shipment, should be provided by the company, while the planters should do the harvesting and loading. Four tons to the acre is the very lowest estimate of the soil's productive ness, but experience dictates a higher figure by two or three tons. Taking the smallest amount of both land and yield, however, we have 2,500 acres producing an aggregate of 10,000 tons of sugar. Of this the company's share would be 3, 750 tons, worth, at present valuo, $375,000 net. As to the cost of accomplishing the result just given, the author of the article herein drawn upon presents the following statement: Cost of 30-ton mill, say fcino.OOO Cost water Mipply for mills and dams 12.-i,000 Cost tramway and caiv for trans porting cane ami Migar, ay.. 25,000 Total estimated outlay fcUOO.OOO On this estimated outlay of 81100,- 000, which, he explains, is a liberal one, the following reductions are allowed: Interest at It percent $"27,000 Wear ami tear on mill and tramway, and lepulns to dams, wiy Current expensed, taxes, Insur 28,000 75,000 ance, elo Total annual expense $1110,000 Ultimate results are thus deduced from these figures: "If this amount for annual outlay under every legit imate head of expenditure be de ducted from 81575,000, the value of a season's sugar crop, there is left a balance of 215,000 and interest of J) percent on investment. This is calculated ou the bush of existing prices. But suppose that tho price of sugar should drop 10 per cent. , or 3 cents per pound, as an extreme limit, which is very unlikely, there would be $150,000 (o write off the value of the sugar crop, reducing the $375,000 estimate to 225,000. Now, deducting from this sum of $225,000 the estimated expenditure of $130,000, there would remain a net profit of $05,000 and interest nt !l per cent, on the investment. making a total income on the in vestment of $122,000 per annum." It is nsscrtcd that most, if not nil, of the ten thousand acres to be de voted to colonization is good rich soil. Extending from Pearl harbor to the foothills of the Waianac mountains, the area gradually reaches an elevation of about 1,000 feet. A large proportion of the land may bo irrigated by storing water as above mentioned, but, besides that recourse and artesian wells, water is obtainable at ninny points .from springs and similar favors of nature. Being in the most elevated region of Oahu, the rainfall of the area is very large, and it is anticipated, upon the strength of wcllknown natural law, that, once under culti vation, more humid conditions still would be induced. Already over forty applications for lands have been received by the provisional company, the aggregate amount applied for exceeding two thousand acres. The applicants, some of whom are long residents in the country, are confident of being able to make a fair living from pro ducts they can raise for even the local market. By raising sugar on shares with the company, the owner of live acres, it is estimated, is as sured of a net income of from $ 1 , 000 to $1,500 a year, besides minor sources of living that an agricul tural holding affords. This would, indeed, be a princely existence to many millions of ncoplc throughout the globe, "who," as the corres pondent says, "toil unceasingly six months of the year to exist the re maining six." Besides the foregoing inducements to settlers, it is intimated that per sons disposed to engage in stock raising can be accommodated with lands of the company, by purchase or lease, with the opportunity of buying a high class of stock now subsisting on the property. The company would even "cut up and dispose ol the whole property on very favorable terms to a desirable class of bonafidc settlers." AN OLD BEAVER. The first steamer to plow Pacific waters was advertised to be sold at Victoria, B. C. , a few days ago. The old craft was named the Beaver, and was built in England in 1831 for the Hudson Bay Company. She came over under sail. She was built for coast trade and carrying supplies to trading posts on Vancouver Island and Frazer river, and often did good relieving service for both British and Americans in the Indian wars. Tii'e vessel has been in service 50 years. EDITORIAL NOTES. A Chronicle compositor dropped dead on the street in San Francisco on the 1st. The wonder is that ever a printer does anything else. The Immigration Society of Cali fornia lias a record, for the thirteen months previous to the first of Nov ember, of 15,375 entries, embracing an area of 2,210,121 acros. Every county in the Stato has participated in the beneficial results of tho so ciety's operations. The Bolivian Government is said to be sending cadets to the military colleges of Germany and Italy. If the military college to be erected on Punchbowl after the Kingdom is sold out, had been there now, tho nation would be ready to be" in creased with Bolivian accessions. At a meeting of the Cigarmakers' Association, held in San Francisco on the 30lh Nov., it was decided to hcml a delegate to the East to ob tain workmen. The object is to displace the Chinese, who have gra dually become all but masters of the situation, in, that as well other trades. as A Sunday night service was held, a short time ago, near Adams, Oregon. It consisted of tho hang ing of on alleged liorse'tltfef toy ti party of vigilantes. Tho observa tion made by the S. F, Post on the event, that the Influx of Eastern people was winning the Stale n re putation for outlawry, must have been meant as a piece of grim humor, as the influx of Eastern men and the influx of horse thieves be long to about tho same periods of time in the pioneer history of all Slates. FOR SALE. KOU WOOD, ranging fiom eight to fifteen Inches In diameter. Apply to tho PACIFIC NAVIGATION Co. 2011 2w POST OFFICE NOTICE. S TAMPED envelopes of the denomi nations of One, Two, Four, Five and Ten cents, (lc, 2c, 4e, uc and 10c) can be purchased at the Post Office nt face value of the stntifps, when less than ono dollar's worth Is wanted. Cash purchasers of a dollar's worth or more of stamped .envelopes will ho allowed, till further notice, discount of twenty per cent, from the face valuo. General Post Office, Dec. 10, 1885. 203 2w Law Boob at Auction. By order of Mrs. A. Long, Adminis tratrix of tho Estate of John Russell, de ceased, we will sell, On TIIUltSDAY, Dec. 84th, At 10 a.m., at Salcsioom, 200 "Voltxnxess, More or leas, of Ike Law Libiary of the late John Musscll, 1 Large Book Case. The Books can he seen on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY at Salesroom. E. P. ADAMS & Co., 201 lw Auctioned b. J. T. SMITH Hn? just received, per steamer St. Paul, u splendid assortment of Christinas Good?, among which, is a very choice selection of new and elegant styles of Christmas Cards, Also, Glass and Figured Toilet Sets, Doll Carriage?, Velvet Cabinet Picture Frames, Christinas Candles, Dolls, Children's Paint Boxes, Musical Tops, Glass Inkstands, Auto- graph Albums, Woik Boxes, TOY WATCHES, Papelcric, Shaving Mugs, Gift Cups and Saucers, Whisk Bloom Holders, Silver-Plated Ware, etc., All of which Must bo Seen to be 2T3 Appreciated. 0t I,. XT. In Want of any Groceries? CHAS. HUSTACE lias just receive!, per St. Paul, a line assoilment of gools suitable for Christ mas or any other time, consisting of Atmore's Mince Meat, Plum Pudding, Almonds, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Table Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Curiants, Curried Oysters, Figs, Dates, Condensed Eggs, Assorted Spices, Pastry Spice, Durkccs Salad Dressing, Durets Olive Oil, Gcrmca, Dnpcc ITniuH Sd Bacon, Codfish Balls, Cnla. Cheese, Fairbanks' Tird, Libby's Tripe, Chipped Beef, Fresh Smoked Beef, Kits Mackerel, Codfish, ('aloon Pilot Bread, Medium Mixed Crackers, School Cakes, Honey Cakes, Wino Crackers, Extra Family Flour, Wheal, Bran,, Fresh Eastern Cranberries, Fresh Apples, Dried Apples, Prunes & Penclio?, And many other desirable goods in Htock. All orders will receive careful attention. 86f Telephone 110. 203 lm CHAS. HUSTACE, King St. Casks of ROCK SALT ! FOR SALE BY 800 XI. Ilaclcrold 3s Co. lw I3aiVei,,lBJioi I AT AUCTION. By order of Mr. Geo. Vogt, On TUESDAY, Dec. 22nd, At 10 a.m., on the premises, No, 82 Hotel St., will be sold, 2 Barber's Chairs, 2 Cup Cases, 5 Mirrors, 2 pr Sido Lamp 2 Hanging Lamps, MarbloWashstand, .1 lion Sale. 0 Chairs, 1 Stool, Walnut Tables, 1 Clock, 4 Spittoons, Fish Globe, a Pictures, 1 Steam Holler and Apparatus, 2 Bath Tubs, etc.. etc. E. P. ADAMS & CO., ' I 803 lw Auctioneers, Bain Room ana Corporation Stocks FOR BAT J? I'All v.M.un. 0 100 n G 100 n (( loo o3 10 00 100 100 100 100 100 no too !)fl 100 00 100 175 100 125 500 60 100 llaw'n Cni i iagoManf'g Co.. 13. O. Hall Si Son, Intcr.lsland S. N. Co., Hell Telephone, llaw'n Agricultural Oo,, Wilde -'s Steamship Co., C. Brewer & Co., Haltwa, Woodlawn Daily, Wnlluku Sugar Co., Walmanalo, StnrMill, Reciprocity Sugar Co., L. A. THURSTON, Slock Brokci. 33 Merchant Btrcat. 151 ly NOTICE. 17VKOM and after this dale 1 give Mr. " C. K. Miller full power of attorney to act for me, with mv hook debts and accounts. JAMES IIANLOX, Honolulu, Dec. 10, 188C. 202 fit EVENING SALE BY E. P. ADAMS & CO. Thursday Evening, Dec. 17 , AT 7 O'CLOCK, Decorated Vases, Decorated Poicelain Plates, Dinner Sets, Decorated Motto Cups & Saucers, DECORATED TEA SETS ! Porcelain Candlesticks, Glass Mugs, Cut Wine Glasses, Flower Stands, DBCorated Toilet Sets, Glass Dishes, Glass Fiuit Bowl?, Glass Sets, Castors, Glas Water Sets, Glass Cake Plates, CUTLERY, ELEGANT STAND LAMPS, Accordeon, Waltham Silver Watches, Tea Trays, Toilet Soap, JTINIO KLTGJS, etc. E. P. ADAMS & CO., sol at Auctioneers. The First SPECIAL SALE Of G. W. MacFarlaue & Co.'s XIM-A. GOODS Will bo held at my Salesroom Saturday Mght, Dec. 18th, At 7 o'clock, when will be offered the choicest lot of Goods of tho season, AfitisicaS Boxes, Velvet Coveted Tables & Chairs, Porce lain Wate Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Sets, Albums, Plaques, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Brackets, PICNIC BASKETS, Jewelry, Sets of Glassware, and other novelties too numerous to msntion. All are invited to come and inspect the Goods, alt of which will be on view on FRIDAY and day of Sale. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auct'r. 202 4t GRAND XMAS SALE ! By order of Jlcfsr'. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., on MONDAY, DEC. 31st, At 10 a.m., at their fctorc, Corner Fort and Queen Stieets, we will oiler a largo and choice collection of Frcncli and English Novelties, particularly suitable for Christinas and New Year's, and which have never before been offered nt auction. The Fine Quality of these Goods cannot fail to commend them to a cultivated taste, and we therefore con fidently ask their inspection by tho Ladles of Honolulu, being sure that their judgment will confirm oiuh. AMONGST liy Beautiful Novelties We enn mention only a few, tuch as Elegant French Bionzo Statues, "Front do Boeuf and Robin Hood," Gentle-. men's Russia Writing Desks, Masslvo Bron.o Ewers, Square Sphynx Jardiniere, Turquoise grounds; Es. quimaux and Seal Umbrella Stand; Incised and Carved Persian Vases; Jar.shaped Vases, Vallunds Red Ground and Black; Ribbon Basket, Chocolate ground and Chintz; Elegant Brou.o Stutue with Clock. 1 Pair of Magnificent Vases, Reproduced from old Sovrc3 models, granted to M. Danlell by II. I. M. Na. polcon III; they are of Rose Aventurine lint, sin mounted with Tropical Birds of most brilliant plumage, claboiutcly and richly finished iu Gold. 1 Bohemian Glass Set, Parian Murblo Bust "Clytio" Telescope by Negrotta and Tambra; a variety of Beautiful VnscH, Flat, Medallion Bronze, Majolica, &c; Garden Scats, Yellow and Tur. quolso, Plush Work Table; Bronze Wall Clocks Albums, cabinet size, and variety of styles; Flour Pots, Pink ground and Primrose; Brackets and Placques and numerous other Beautiful Articles which can be inspected the day before tho sulo at leisure. (gr We invito everyone to come and bee what we have to sell, for an opportunity Is now offered that will probably never again occur. E. P. ADAMS & Co., 00 td Auctioneers. GRAND AUCTION SALE ON Friday Evening, AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Wo will sell, at our Salesrooms, as above stated, the Finest Assortment of FANCY GOODS that has yet been olleied at Auction, for the coming Holidays. They consist, in part, of China Tea and Dinner Sets; China ami Bisque Ornaments; A Fine Line of Glassware; Fine Oleographs, that Must ho Sold; lings, in All Sizes; A Variety of Dolls and Toys; Clocks, Jewelry and Watches. Also, a line of Very Handsome Japanese Goods, with many other articles suit ablo for Christmas and New Year's Presents. All will be on exhibition on day of sale. Chairs, as usual, for Ladles. Be punctual to secure bargains. 203 2t LYONS B. F. DlM.IKGIIAM, President and Manager. Pacific Hardware Company, Successors to Dillingham & Co. and Samuel Nott. FORT STREET, : : : : : : HONOLULU HOILTDY GOODS, Just lectlved, ex S.S. Alameda and St. Paul, latest designs in Silver-Plated Ware, Chandeliers & Lamps, (2(-12) . Water Filters & Coolers, Cutlery, etc., etc., etc. P.O. BOX 315. ESTABLISHED 1879. JOS. E. WISEMAN, General Business Agent. Campbell Bloclc, Real Estate Agent, Employment Agent, Wildci's Steamship Agent, Great Burlington Railroad Agent in America. LEWIS & CO., GROCERS, NeTP Goods, New Goods, Just Received a Full Line of Fancy & Staple Groceries. BS" Goods delivered to all parts of the Town and satisfaction guaranteed -a P. O. BOX 297. TELEPHONE 240. HELLO ll iL4 jjl pi Wi"ip'"'" so, send me 20 yards. It is the FINEST MATERIAL I have ever scon for the Money." " Quito right. It's below valuo l GOOD-BYE ! " 91 ' WEST, DOW & CO., Just Received, ex Alamedn, a Large Assortment of Furniture I including Light and Dark Cedar and Ash Bedroom Bets, K and full size Bedsteads, assorted woods; Ash Cottage, Nursoand assorted Dlulng room nud Baby Chairs. LARGE CHRISTMAS ORDER will arrivo on next steamer. EST We have, also, on hand, in addition to our usual stock, a laree assort, meat of Fauoy Goods, Toys and Pieturo Mouldings. ' fc i$9 December 18th, & COHEN, Anct'rs. JAS. G. Sl'ENCKK, Sccretaiy and Treasurer. Tclophono 172. Honolulu, II. I. Custom House Broker, Money Broker, Manager Hawaiian Opera House, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. (1J2 ly) HERE ! IS that YOU, MR. PISHEL ? YES." "Have you any more of that brown, JERSEY cloth, double width, such as you soll Ml'S Jenkinson yes terday lor $1 50 a yard? If V