OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, February 05, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1886-02-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,
Draw ltachangu on the
JBuulc ol CulU'omiti, . J?,
And their agents In
Messrs. N. M. Hothcblld A Son, London
The Commercial Duuk Co., of Sydney,
The Commercial Jl.ink Co., of Sidney,
The flank of New Zcnl-ind: Atirklnml,
Chrlstcliurch, und i llington,
The Hank of British Columbia, Vic
torlit, I). 0., and Portland, Or.
Truusnct a Oenerul Nanking Business.
G(!! ly
Fledged to neither Beet nor Party,
lint established for tbo benefit of all.
l-'MDAY, FE. fi, 188(5.
Mr. U. 11. HueUlatul, Agent for the
New Zealand Government in San
Francisco, Haiti to an Alia repoilcr
that lie expected that Sir Alexander
Stewart would arrive in Snn Fran
cisco on the next Australian steamer,
and would there meet a gentleman,
"to complete arrangements for the
establishment of a cable system via
New Zealand, the Pha-nix Group
and the Hawaiian Islands 1 a11
Francisco, which would connect all
the Colonics by telegraph except
South Australia, which lias its
special line via Tones to Singapore,
and so on to Europe. The Govern
ment has already promised to con
tribute a certain subsidy to the new
line. It is understood that James
Gordon Ilctinctt has volunteered
them every assistance with his new
cable as soon as it is in working
order." This is good news, seem
ingly having something in it. The
Hawaiian Minister of Finance is
authorized by a law of the last
Legislature to contract for pay
ing a subsidy to a cable, to
an amount not exceeding twenty
thousand dollars and for a period
not exceeding llftccn years, upon
conditions satisfactory to the King
in Privy Council.
The Evening Jiullctin, of Provi
dence, U. I., which is emphatically
a city of diversified manufacturing
industries, in an elaborate article
reviewing the business of the past
year, says,
" it has been character-
i.cd by a noticeable improvement in
several branches of trade, an in
creased degree of activity generally,
and a more hopeful, confident feel
ing as to the future." Exceptions,
however, to the general condition of
liusincss, arc made, in the cotton
tiadc, which shows " a very low
range of values" aud reduced
profits; in the flour trade, which
lias ruled dull ; the carriage trade
"very poor;" the furniture trade,
in which "prices 'have suffered a
large reduction, the depreciation on
staple articles amounting to about
20 percent;" in harness-making,
" the business of which lias not been
satisfactory to dealers ;" in musical
merchandise, where "there is a
wholesale stealing of English music
by American publishers' and vice
versa, so that there is a good deal
of sheet music in the market selling
at ruinously cheap prices;" in
masons' building material, which
fell fiat and "a small volume of
business was done;" in print cloths,
in which " the year has, upon the
whole, been an unsatisfactory one,"
although this is a " most important
factor of the cotton industries of
lihodc Island, and, although the
aggregate of sales reached 2,0G2,800
pieces, the average price has been
lower than ever known before, being
3.12 the past year as against 3.35
in 1884, and as compared with an
average of -1.01 for the past ten
years." In other lines of business,
there has been unusual activity and
tho effect of the depreciations
enumerated is reduced to a minimum
in the multiplicity of industries for
which the city is noted. Tho sum
total of deficiencies is more than
counterbalanced by surpluses in
other directions. Cotton and print
factories being numerous and on a
largo scale, arc the main sources of
employment for thousands of the
population; but tho contraction in
the prices of their goods, whilo caus
ing stockholders to feci a little blue
about their profits, has not produced
apy apparent strain upon the general
prosperity. The self-evident con
clusions to he drawn from this satis
factory state of affairs a n maiiu-
nCliiiliiB'jItyfti'O finite ni.)jiro)rIitfe
lo llirt eircumstniujcs of the lliuvtiKtut
Islands. If Providence cnloi prists
had been conllned to those lines of
business in which tho largest pro
portion of capital seems to be in
vented, the cry of tho season would
bo " dull times," whereas the con
trary is Hits case. Nature has evi
dently designed these Islands for
agricultural industiics, but there
has been a tendency to appropriate
most of the land to the raising of
two or three ai tides, for which, it is
admitted, both soil and climate arc
particularly well adapted; but the
equally favorable adaptations to
many other productions have not
been fully taken advantage of. If
the remarks made by our Providence
namesake on cotton were applicable,
in the Hawaiian metropolis, to
sugar, a very gloomy state of busi
ness on our streets would be the
result. While times arc passably
good, the necessity for branching
out Into new lines of agricultural
enterprise is not felt, but variety is
none the less certain to be condu
cive to a well-founded condition of
prosperity in a country of manifold
agricultural capabilities as well as in
a gicat manufacturing city.
The native electors will experience
a dry spell, now that the Govern
ment politicians have no further in
terest in them.
Artesian well-boiing is being very
actively pushed in the Sierra Valley.
The deepest one is 1,001 feet, (low
ing 110 gallons per minute. Thcro
are about 35 wells, yielding a total
of 1,800 gallons per minute, in the
Valley, and it is stated by a local
paper that within the next six
months there will probably be three
limes the present number of wells.
Hawaii has no mineral wealth, pro
bably, but she may have the ele
ment beneath her desert surfaces to
make them yield perpetual riches
nioio valuable than stoics of gold.
All explosion in the coal mine at
Ncwbtirg. West Virginia, on Jan.
2 1st, imprisoned thirtj'-ninc miners.
Effoits to rescue thcin wcic unavail
ing, and the recovery of three bodies
on the 23rd left no doubt ns to the
fate of all.
Mt'ltUl'.It nv a nocioit.
David P. Mish, a salesman in the
employment of his mother, Mrs. S.
Mish, 'who keeps a millinery store at
708 Market street and another at
133 Kcarivy street, San Francisco,
was shot and almost instantly killed
about 7:30 o'clock on the evening
of the l'Jth of January, by Dr.
James A. J. McDonald, who has an
olllcc'in the building at 155 New
Montgomery stieet. The cause of
the tiagedy was the doctor's jealousy
of Mish, who had been a rival in
coutring the gill that the doctor
It is staled that (50,000,000 people
speak the German language; !.',
000,000 the French; and 100,000,
000 the English.
JUST received, "Tlio Dogs of Great
Uritaln, America and other Conn,
tries: Their llrccding, Training, and
Management in Health and Di-case," by
Stonchcncu; "Incidents and Anecdotes
of the Civil War," by Adminil Porter.
II .1. M.OXT.JR.. ACQ.
Pol j nesian Encampment,
A MEETING of Polynesian Encamp,
inenr, I. O. O. 'P., will beheld
o'clock. Initiat on. Visiting Biclhrcn
invited. W. U. ATWATKlt, Scribe.
0 Per Cmi.
For Sale, at Low Rates, liy
Election of OIHuci'H.
AT tho Annual Meeting of tho O.
Brewer Company held this dny,
tho following gentlemen were elected
for the ensuing year:
Mil. P. O. Jox'us President
Mn. P. O. JoNi:s Manager
Jin J. O. CaiitI'.ii Secretary
Jill. J. O. Cahtuii Treasuier
Coi. W. F. A1.1.K.V Auditor
Diicctors Hon. Chas. 11. Bishop,
M(S3rs. Snm'l C. Allen and Henry
Seo'y O. Brewer & Company.
Honolulu, Fob. 4, 1880. -111111
jriTfertti.fr'rf 1 'i.'MrW 'j,MM
4 sMAltT WAIT Kit Whltclmnh). Ay
Mucoid lilock.
Written Tenders
WILL ho received by the under'
signed (for the purpose of clos.
Ing out nn oilnto) till 3 r.M. on
lTliMiiii'y Mi,
current, for t lie right, title and IntcioH
of KWONG MAN YUEN Co., lately
doing business In Honolulu, of, In, and
to the following clioes-ln-actlon:
1. A Judgment In the Pollco Com t of
Honolulu, agnlnit Choiig Hop Ken, ct
s. (lately the Kwong Pan Chong Co.),
for the sum of $J1.!25.
2. A judgment, by w.iy of Decree of
Pquity. lor the sum of iJS03.lt (original
amount) and Interest, ng:ilnt the estate
of You Hop (ntliei wise known as Ainu)
which Mild csl.ile is in tho hands of W.
C. Parke, Kkj., Assignee In lliinkttiptoy,
fi oni whom any Information In ro may
lie obtained.
TKUMS. Cash bankable funds.
Tenders may be made for either Item
separately, for each severally, or for
both en filoi'.
IteeeluT Kwong Man Yuen Co.
ll.ivc just received, per Zalandia,
Glioice Butter mi Ice,
Notes U nek Codfish, Kastcrn,
New York and California Cliccse,
Young America and Lluiburg Cheese,
A choice lot of llloatcis lor breakfast,
Whittaker Star Hams,
new picking,
D ipec Hnim and Bacon, new packing,
in Yx crates and bags, ,
Polaluma Potato js, in crates and bags,
Silver-skin On-oas in crate?.
A large assonincnt of Cereals, Ac, &c.
Also, in .stock, a small lot of
Wew Zealand Oats.
11 lw
Annual Meeting; Notice.
nn HE Annual Meeting of tho Hawaii
JL an Ituiiiie Company (Limited), will
Iib held nt the office of A. J. Cartwright,
Ksi , KnaUiiinann Street, on MONDAY,
February 8, 1S30, at 10 o'clock a.m.
:it !iw W.F.ALLBN, Sec'y.
rruiOSE desirable premises. No. P.l
X Ucretnni.i Street, limine contains
parlor, U lied rooms, dining loom,
kitchen, bath and Kline roomy, al.-o, a
detached Cottage containing ii looms.
Inquire nt No. :W Rcrctniiin Street. -10 tf
ALL persons having any claims
against mcaio hereby lequeated
to present the Mime to WM. CHILTON,
at his barber shop, on Fort hired, befoio
.March 10th nc.M, and all peri-ons in
dobted tome are icquosted aNo to pay
ihe saino to the above-named Win. Chil
ton. And all persons aic hereby fmthcr
cautioned not to negotiate any notes
heretofore made by me; nnd aho not to
trust any one in my iiumu without' my
written order.
Honolulu, Feb. 2 18M1. -11 2w
ALL poisons having claims against
please pment them at once (with items
nnd dates) to her agent.
Honolulu, Feb. !J, 168(1. -12 2w
rpHK Master of the Imrqtie "Cliilenn"
X hereby gives notice that he will
not be leoponslblu for any debts con
tincted by his crew without his written
Honolulu, Feb. 1, 1880. -10 lw
A SPECIAL Meeting of tho Stock,
holdeis of the Inter-Islnnd Steam
Navigation Co. will he held on JION
DAY', the 8th Inst , at 10 o'clock a.m. at
thotr oillco on Esplanade. Per order,
J. ENA. Sec'y 1. 1. S. N. Co.
Honolulu, Feb. 1,1880. -10 Ot
Election of Ollicors.
AT tho Annual Jleellng of tho East
JIaul Plantation Company, held
on the 20th January, 1880, tho following
ollicers weio duly elected for the cur
rent year:
Coi,. Wm. F. Am.u.v President
J..Ei). Hoi tm.vnn Vice-President
P. O. .Tonus Secretary it Treasurer
Coi.. W.m. F. Ai.i.un Auditor
Director: Col. Win. F. Allen, Hon. C.
R. Bishop and P. C. Jones.
Sec'y pro tern E. Maul Plantation Co.
80 lin
Administrators' Notice.
HAVING been appointed by tho
Supreme Court In Piobalo toin
porary Administrators of the Estate of
Abulia, otlierwiso LecngTat Pio, lato of
Waialua, of tho Wand of Oahu, do
ceased, we heiohy notify all creditors
of the said Ahuna lo present their
claims against tho bald Estate, and nil
persons owing to tho said Estate to
niako immediate payment to us, nt the
office of M. S. Grinhauin & Co., in
Honolulu S. SELIG.
Temporary Administrators.
Honolulu. January 10, 1880. 27 -lw
Mi. W--&-J&,..i
VaTble Stock
iiy in r.
Woodlawn Dairy & Stock Co.
1 Thorough-bred llolstcln Gull,
"Dutchman," 3 ycari old, will welch
about 1,800 lbs.
1 HoKlcin Bull, 12 months old,
"Hercules Second," sired by Judge
McCully's Imported lIolMolii "Her
culc," dam, it largo fine graded Hoi
stein cow Imported from California.
Dam has given -1111 n. of milk in a day
in this country.
1 llolstcln Bull, 9 months old,
"Ajin." This lino lliorougli.brcd llol
stcln was sired by "Hercules," dnm
We also have several guided llolstcln
Dulls fioni 'i to 8 mos. old.
This is it lain opportunity oll'ered to
slock. rabeis Insecure nt-iipciinr bleed
of cattle. Slock men in America claim
that for beef, milk, and butter they aic
superior to any other olas of Mock.
Wo have reeenllv inumrtul 2 thor-
oiiL'h.bred llolstcln Hulls from Syi acute,
N. Y. 'Ihcsu animals are lelateil lo the
llnest dairy stock in tin: w (it Id, viz: the
Aaggie Family.
The best cow In tills family nt (i years
of ago made the following milk lecoid:
SPflbs. In one day, 2,30albs. In ouo
month. lS.COt 10.1(1 lbs. in one year cud
ing .March 25, 1885.
Applications made for bull calves from
these superior animals will receive our
attention. Wo nro agents for Smiths,
Powell it Lamb, anil are prepared to
take orders for stock to be imported
lrom them. We have open catalogues
of their stock, which we shall be pleas,
ed to furnish upon application.
Wc have also been appointed ngents
to take orders and sell cattle and horses
fioni the well known rnneh of Gov.
Leland Stanford, Vino, Cab Governor
Stanford lias been importing from
Smiths, Powell & Lamb thorough-bred
llolftelns by the car-load, paying ns
high ns $1,500 each fr cows.
Address A. L. Smith, Sec'y.
Holsteiis for Beef.
As proof of the .superiority of llol
stchis ns beef cattle, wc call attention
to the following statement:
In the winter of 1SS4 and 1885, wo
caused to be slaughtered the recorded
llolstcln bull Syraeuso (S22), calved
Apill 2 ltd, 1882; the leeouled cow
Signet (1S17), rah I'll April fith, 18S0,
and Little Wonder (17K8), calved May
14th, 18X0, with the lollowing icsult:
Syracuse weighed, alhc, on
' clay of killing 2,2'JO lbs.
Drc-ed beef 1 , Kit) 1Ij.
Hide 112
Rough tallow 120 "
Per cent, of div-ed beef . .02. 1 1
Percent, of offal 2(i
Signet weighed, alive 1,-170 lbs.
Di esed beef Ulo lb.
Hide 7i "
Rough tallow 121! "
Per cent, of dre-scil beef. .02,'Jl
Per cent, of olf.il 21
Little Wonder weighed, alive.. 1,19:1 lbs.
Dieted beef 701 lb".
Hide 78 "
Eouxh fallow 121 "
Per cent, of diessed beef .-C2.93
Percent, of offal :i;(
Syracuse and Little Wonder had not
beeii fattened for beef, and Signet we
bad fed for some time, but she was not
what beef liieu would icunrd fat.
Taking everything Into coiisidei.Uiou,
wc think this shows decidedly to the
iuHautago of Holstclns as beef 'animals.
The butchers that piu ehacd and cut
ii) the carcasses of Signet nud Little
Wonder' send us the following strong
testimonial as to the quality of these
two cows:
Sviiacusi:, X. Y., Feb. 11, 188D.
Mnssits. Smiths &Powi:i.i.:,
CaiKcmai: ffu wero much pleased
with the two llolstcln heifers purchased
of you last month. We have been in
tiio meat business for the last twenty
live years, and have killed all grades of
cattle, the best wc could llnu in tills
country, but never have wc had any
that would equal hi quality those pur
chased of you. We have had a grsat
many compliments from the leading
families in the city in leganl to the
llolstcln beef.
W. & J. FACE,
it) Warren St.
The imported llolstcln bullEbbo, live
years old, was killed on the Remington
Fai in lu Ca.euovhi:
Weighed, alive, on day of kill
ing 2,200 lbs.
Dressed beef 1,011111).
Hide 150 "
Hough tallow 75 "
Per cent, of dressed bcef.DSl
l WINDMILL, 10ft. diameter, com.
J plete, with Composition Pump and
Frame-woik, 1-lft. high. 1 1,000-gnllon
Wooden Tank (nearly new) nnd Frame
for snme, 7ft. high, all In good order.
Also, iiOO ftet, moro or less, of 9.f Gnl-
vnui.cd Pipe, second hand. Apply to
:18 2w
ITuKliioiuUle Clonic mid
Di'cnh iVlailfer,
Corner of Alaktn & King Sts.
Feathers Cleaned and Dyed.
37 3m
"Wood mill Coal Ulcioluint,
No. 82 King Street. Telephone
Number, in both Companies, 167.
Wood and Coal Orders are heroby
solicited, and will bo. delivered at any
locality within the city limits.
Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle
Coal and Charcoal.
Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split,
always on hnud.and sold in
234 (uuuuitlcs to suit. tf
Davis &
itrcolve by every stennter from the Coast, regular replenishments of
Groceries of the Choicest Brands:
Jacob Dold's Buffalo Hams, II. M. Dupee Uieakfnst Bacon; New York and
Cala. Criam, Liniliurgcr, Swiss, Young Amciica, Cdam nnd Pine Apple
Chocsu: Fairbanks' Lard, Nos. :i, fi nnd 10 tins; Calling's Tabic nnd Pie
Fruit, Pears, Pcachc, Apricot", Grapes, Chcirles, Kgg ntul O.imsnn Plums,
.Tnms and Jellies; Canned, Curried, Potted and Deviled Meat", Fowl and
Fish; Dried and Pitted Peaches, Uhurrlc, Plums, Prunes, Apples, Figs,
Dntcs, Nuts nnd Halsins. Meals put up In Kllb. tins proof against
worms aud weavels; Oat Meal, CracKcd Wheat, Yellow Coin Meal, U'hltu
Corn Meal, Graham Flour, small and large Hominy, Buckwheat.&c, Onln.
Cracker Co.'s Crackers and Fancy HIrcuTis In every variety. 25 lb KegH
Selected Salmon Uellles; Choice Family Corn Iieof, and Pork; Mixed
Pickle-, S.iuer Kiimt, French Capers, Mushrooms, I'eus, Sirdlnes, '.fs and
ijh; Pete do Fole Urns.
Crosse & Blackwell's
Fruits, marmalades, Jams, Jellies, Sultana Itulslns, Currants, Salad Oil,
Pickle-", Spcc, Pepper, .Mustard, Mint, A-e , Worcestershire, Tomato, Chut
u ey and Tobacco Sauces, Chill Colorow &Durkees Salad Dressing; Ornnge,
Lemon nnd Citron Peel ; Sago, Tapioca, Com Slaich, Pearl Barley, Germeu.
Impel hi) Grnnuui, White Oats, &c.
McCondray & Co.'s Choicest Brands of Green & Black Teas.
Fresh Flower and Vegetable Seeds always on hand.
From tho following Dairies: Boyd Dairy, Koolau, Oahu; Carsloy nnd Johnson
Dairies, Honaln, Hawnll; Palolo Dairy, Palolo Valley, Oahu; Kawalloa D.iln,
Walalua, Oahu! 3?" This Butter being kept in our ouperb Refrigerator under
fioen temperature guarantees the llavo'r ntul quality unsurpassed.
Our Ice House Goods
By cverv steamer, is a special feature, comprising California Ficsh Fruits, Vcjrf.
tables, Fisli, Butter Point Reyes Roll and every delicacy IN SEASON Ihut the
San Francisco market nllbrds.
E3J" Orders dispatched promptly. I) illy deliveries made to all parts of tho
city, Walkikl and tho Valley. Ice picked and shipped to tho other island'.
island outers lor lamiues ami plantations
Bell Telephone 274;
so, send me 20 yards.
It is
have ever seen for the Money."
" Quite right. It's below value I"
Ladies and Gentlemen of Honolulu.
Aio retiring from the Clothing, Gents Furnishiu? nnd Hat business, in
order to make room for their largo Importations of
And offer for pale at exceptional nnd genuine bargains their entire
unsurpassed Stock of
Men's, Youth's and Coys'
Suits, Hats, Caps, etc., etc.
Tho many friends of 'our Mr. S. COIIN will bo glnd to 'e irn Hint ho has re
turned from San Fiauclsco and wllll condi.ot and superintend (his Clearance Sale
pciBonnlly, which alone hi guarantee to cur many patrons ofjita genuinencsH.
Come and Secure Your Bargains, Wo
Reasonable Offer Refused.
gTwrPBgrwmqy lyiM-My
Queen St., next IJulletin OiUcc.
Howes broken to Sad
dle and Harness,
Horses boarded by the
.- ?- day, week, or month,
Horses Clipped. ISbT Telephone 181.
20 tf
i). If. WIMJEM.
mien wiiu special care.
Telephono 130;
P. O. Box 435.
" Have you aiiy moro of
that broAvn JERSEY cloth
double width, such as you
sold to Mrs. Jciikiusou yes
terday for SI 50 a yard ? If
For San Francisco.
Tho Magnillcent Steamship
Hkouuii Commander
Will leave for tho above port on or
about FKBRUAUY 11, 1830. For freight
and passago, apply to
220 II. HACKFELI) & CO., Ag'ts.

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