Newspaper Page Text
y I z 4 i J l- a ,11 a ' U t 1 iV 3,' MONDAY, OCT. 11. 1880. AnillVALS. October 9 SchrMary Foster from Wainnao Octolierll Stmr Klnau from Wtndwmd Torts Stmr IwiiIiiiiI from Kaunl Stmr Wnialeule from Kauai Stmr Mokolll fiom Moloknl ticlir Mtinuuknwnl from Koolau October 11 S.'lir I.uku from 1'iuiit DEPAR1URES. October 10 S 8 Australia for the Colonies nt 10 n m October 11 Stmr I.lkcllko for Kalmlut Stmr Mokolil for Moloknl Stmr I.eluta lor WltidvMwl Forts VESSELS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Sclir Malolo for South Sea Islands Stmr Klnau for Windward Torts Stnirlwalanl for Kauai Stmr .las Makeo for Wnlniiac. Kalian, Kllauea nnd llanalel, nt noon '" PASSENGERS.- From ICimal. per steamer I;va1nnl, October lutli W H 1HN 1' Midler, J N S William, Geo Mundon, Captnln ,f Boss. Alliinnobeij,', Chinese and 88 From Volcano uml wludwaul ports, -per steamer Klnau, October 10tli-lroin Volcano: lion S G Wilder, Mls J O JBrodlu, Ml-i M Krodlp, Mrs Brownlon, Alnjoi H Bendell. U W Clinic, II Anglo i ii.Kn'l'ni!li. Master Wihkr Wight, it n.,.,iiHrj Mr&llniinlkp. lion J iv K-iliia. Mrs Tpeiulnen. O Fnrneaux and wife, Ida XalmolPlna, lion cell 111 own, Jlrabli Wight, child and servant and 100 deck, ,n For Sydney, pel S S Australia Oct 10 Cabin: S Cleiiicntoii aim wife, W II Hill; Sleeiae: Drltenule, Cbus ltay, J Wurdalo, ami 44 in transit. CARCOES FROM ISLAND PORTS. Stmr Iwi'liml 1,83 bags sngnr,74 hides, gjCS bales wool, 5li bags phi and 22 sliccp Stmr Walalealo 1.21)4 bugs paddy, 3G brs lice, 15 bides and 10 calves. Scir Luke 111 eonls lire woods. ,Stmr Klnau 2,200 bags sugar, .1 liorso, 15 bJles wool, 08 Hides, It bills goat skins and 200 pkgs sundiics. SHiPPIHG NOTES. The-bailccntine Calbarlen, Capt G O -rwiins sailed fiom Sim Fianeisco leptembe. 25U. for this port, via Mahu- kThe Amedeaii tairtamtlncs Gcoigc , C. Perkins and W. II. Dimond both sailed from San FinuoNco for this port on otmeS schooner Ida Schnaiier, Captltobeitson, will sail n-oniKauau, Maul, some lime uus i ... ...... S!Tlm Anie'lcan barkeulinc Discovery, miller coiumand of Capt Joliu Lee, forme. Iv of i lie baiUen.lne Eureka, was to leave Sun FinneUco with a full cargo of seeial meielmndise tor this port, via Malml-.ona, Hawaii, on October 8tb. The Ainerifi. u lia.-k Taclflc Slope. Capt Baines, sailed 1icai the poit of Mahu kona, Ilawi-ii. Octobci Did, In ballast for EiirrariVs lulef, lb Pish Columbia. The Anieiican schooner Iminia Clau dlna, CnptAVIaKon.was to leave IIllo, Hawaii, with 12'J tons sugar for San Francisco, Satuidiv, October Dili. The tailing of the schooner Malolo for the SS Islands Is postponed until to-morrow nioi ntng. VESSELS IN PORT. Bk Thomas It Foster, Itugg Ella, ltust Bownc, Paul JJk Elslnore, .Tenks Bktno Planter, Perriinan Bktne Eureka, Winding Ger buik Pacillc, Oltiuan DIED. AtWalmea, Hawaii. Oct. Ctli, Itev. Lorenzo Lyons, lu the 80ih year of his a"C. For more than 54 yeais the de ceased had resided at Waimea, the .faithful, diligent and beloved missionary ,of the A. B. C. F. M. at Uintono station. VESSELS EXPECTED. AmiM-lean bark Sar.inac. from New York, sajled July 13th, due here Nov. 18 30. to CablJe & Cooke. . irlt bark W H Watson, from Liver nool, sailed June 0th, duo here Oetobei SOtu-Nov 1st, to Sehacfer & Co. Brit bark Ironcrag, sailed from Liver pool, June fitb, due beie October 23rd Nov 1st, to Duvies & Co. Am bk Martha Davis, FM Benson, sailed from Boston August 7th, due December ) -20. to Brewer & Co. Brit bark Glengaber, Itolleston, from Liverpool, due lieie, Jan 15-31, to Davies&Co. Am bktne S N Castle, Hubbard, from Port Blakely. due here Dec 15th, to Castle & Cooke. Am baik Calbarlen, Perkins, from San Francisco, due at Mahukono, Sept 30th. at Honolulu in Oct, to Castle & Cooke. . , Am bark Martini, Fisher, from Glns gow, sailed Aug 28, due lerc Jan 15-80, to Sehacfer As Co. Brit bark Lady Lampson, Marston, from tho Colonies, due hero in Feb, to Brewer & Co. Am bark Hope, Tcnliallow, from Port Towuseud, due hero Oct ICth, toLewers & Cooke. LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Thkhi'.'s a pictnro at McCarthy's that will interest thu nionibcis of tho II. Y. & IJ. Club. . ' . Mrs E Soltroy, .miss r. buuij , Soffrey, Mis Chilli., Hniry lllng, Utla: Fiom windward polls: Major W II Cornwell, P W Gkulc, W M Glffard, J tii 'P i? Knvivnrth. F V Jones, W Further examinations for corpo rals of tho Honolulu ltiilcs will bo continued Hub evening. Tun My tlo junior crow bent tho jserior ciow of the tamo club by threo lengths, in a nice oyer the couibolast Friday evening. i jilt, C. MiclijeHby request of Mr. Tiergei, has l.-'udly consented to pmy in tho lloyiil Hawaiian Band, at tho Emma Snunio concert, tins evening. Sui'i.iiiKinNDr.NT Wilhon notifies the public t'.iat all water rates duo on or befoio tho tcim ending December 81, 188(1, must bo paid at tho oflico of the Honolulu Water 'Woiks before , the 15th day of November, 1880, Tttn ofllerrs nnd teachers of tho lkllul Union IMimlny -l1hi(,1 will meet, Tueerfny evening, nt 7:30 o'clock, nt the residence of Mr. G. West, Wuikiki. Mr.ssns, King llios. nnd Mr. J. S. Williams presented to Captain Web ber of the 8. S. Australia, a largo photograph of himself, nicely fiameil as n token of aloha, A oav i'itity of 10 boys, on huiso back uudin wagons,. went up Mnnon Vallov vesterday and, spent the day in feasting at Joe Dairy's expense, and in i ambling over tho valley. Tin: regular monthly meeting of tho Church Women's Aid Society will bo held to-inorrow Oct. 12th, at half-past 2 o'clock, at tho rooms of tho Y. M. C. A. The nieniliers nrc all requested to be present, as there is business of importance to bo trans acted. . ..' - - Pnorr.r.on Bcrgor is determined thnt tho community shall not stag nate for the want of mubic. Not only is there a concert to-night, of which tho piogrnninie is given clse wliere, but to-morrow night there will bo another, to celebrate the. full moon. Tun scliooner Mary C. IJohni, bought by the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., after being thor oughly repaired, will bo placed on tho Inter-islandline, under command of Capain Maeimley, fonneily cap tain of the steamer C. 11. Bishop and latterly master of the schooner Emmn. The alary C. Bolnn will be named "Laniliau, after II. It. H. Governess of Kauai. PERSONAL NOTES. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Lowers are wel comed homo by many friends, all of whom en neatly hope that Mr. Lowers will shortly be fully recovered from the unfortunate accident with which lio recently met in California, and fiom which he is still somewhat in disposed, -- Master Dillingham wave a birth day paity at Woodlawn last Saturday afternoon. II Kive It. II. Princess ICniulnni, will i biithdny najty at the Maikiki residence of Sa tin day. Princess Likelike, next Mr. J. H. Stevens, the well known insurance agent of years gone by, was a thiougli passenger Colonies per S. S. Australia. for the Mr., and Mrs. II. Turton, returned fiom San F.-ancisco, and are reg's teicd rt the Hawaiian Hotel. Mr. Walter M. Giffaid, of Messrs. Spreckels & Co., lias return cd again to duty, after a couplo or three weeks' imbibing of country air. Her Majesty the Queen and suite leave by the steamer Iwalani tomor row afternoon, for a visit to Kauai. Mr.. Merrill U. S. minister resident thinks of leaving by the Maiiposa for a vacation to the states. A SUDDEN DEATH. A passenger per S. S. Likelike, named Peter Murray, died sudden ly on board the steamer shortly after the vessel left Kaliului,-Maui, about (3 o'clock on Friday evening. A few minutes before hjs death, Murray was talking with his fellow passen gers. He has been ailing for the past two months. His object in coming to Honolulu was to obtain medical advice. Ho had been en gaged on Spreckelsville sugar plan tation, Maui, during the last two years as a locomotive driver. The remains were placed in a coflln by the city undertaker, Mr. Williams, and the inteiment took pjace yester day af levaoon at the Nuuitnu Ceme tery. The deceased was about 45 years of age, KAUAI NOTES, The steam plows that were Import ed from Germany for the Lihue Plantation, are not as successful as was hoped for, chiefly because there is no one who thoroughly under stands tho mode of .working them ; but no doubt the difllculty will be overcome in time for tho next plow ing. The engines and plows are pronounced to be grand specimens of mechanism. The mills all over Kauai are hat ing machinery repaired, and every thing overhauled and cleaned", pre paratory to grinding, which will probably begin about the latter part of November, Frecpjent and heavy showers of ruin have fallen, making tho hills and valleys look green. Two shipped laborers on tho Ko loa Plantation ran away last Monday, and as they were known to be tho roughly bad and desperate charac ters, diligent searoh was made for them, not only by the police, but by tho plantation hands, anil on Wed nesday night tlioy were caught by tho police. A Catholic school has been open ed in Koloa by a Priest, and so far it has materially lessened tho attendance- of Portuguese children at tho Government school. A Spanish prisoner working out his sentence at Lihue, shame fully assaulted an eight year old gill in the caneflelds, last Saturday. Tlic prisoner secreled himself, and olthotmh a largo force turned out to search for liim, no ti aces of his whereabout were discovered up to the time of tlio sailing of the IwAlanl for Honolulu. A ROOD SPELCII. The Attorney-CieneiaTs speech, briefly outlined In our ieport of lliis morning's Legislative pioceedings, was a powerful cffoil against opium licensing, and n credit to the ability, common sense, and independence of its author. BAND CONCERT. The Royal Hawaiian Band will play at Emma Square this evening commencing nt 7 :'M. Following is the programme: l'AHT I. 0 eiiiu e Light Cavahy Suppe Choi us Tannliatiser Wagner Walt. Vciiellan Nights Straw Selection I'llncess Ida Sullivan Klcllo mo Aid Wcla. l'AKT II. Fantasia- Ltlluokalnnl Miclilcls Gavotte Gwendoline Xcllson Tolka Calbarlen Mlehlels March The Volunteers Metui Hawaii Tonol. ACTS APPROVED. The following Acts having re ceived the approval of His Majesty the King havu become law: (1), an Act to regulate tho Hawaiian Board of Health; (2), an Act to continue the subsidy heretofore granted for mail communication be tween tho Hawaiian Islands and the United Slates of America; (3), an Act to amend chapter XL of thu Lnws of 1880 being an Act entitled "an Act for the protection of parties to contracts authorized by section 1417 of the Civil Code." AN INTERESTING EPISODE. Yesterday, Captain Webber of the S. S. Australia was the recipient of a handsome Hawaiian ensign, made of silk, from the hands of His Majesty, the King. The S. S. Aus tralia, has for many years run under the British flag, and now, for the first time, she will make her debut in Sydney under the Hawaiian Hag. 11. it. Highness Princess Liliuoka lani accompanied His Majesty on board the steamer, and joined hcariily in the interesting ceremonies attendant upon the presentation. Captain Webber was about to start upon the pioneer voyage of an ocean going steamship sailing to the Colonies of Great Britain under the Hawaiian flag. His Majesty made the presentation accompanied by a few annroiniate remarks. The Hon. Paul Neumann, in response to a call fiom His Majesty, spoke of the iin poilancc of this opening of trade under the Hawaiian flag. He allud ed in a neat speech to the enterprise and nubile sniiit of the owners of the S. S. Australia who are building up the mcicantile marine of the Hawaiian Islands, developing its commerce, and biingiug them into close and intimate business relations with the great and growing states of Biitish oii3iu in the South Pacific. The Australian Colonics and New Zealand were closely allied to the mother country England. He con sidered it was a great event in the history of Hawaiian commerce when such a splendid steamship as the Australia sailed under the Hawaiian flag Iq the British Colonies in the southern hemisphere. She was the first of what would doubtless be a numerous fleet of vessels carrying the Hawaiian flag to the southern seas. Let them join in wishing a prosperous voyage to Captain Web ber, and complete success to the Oceanic Steamship Company, the owners of the vessel. Captain Webber acknowledged the present and the flattering re maiks made by the previous speaker. While sailing under the Hawaiian flag he would endeavour to deseivo the approval and com mendation of His Majesty and his subjects, as well as those from other countries travelling by his vessel. ' Mr. Iiwin apologised on behalf of Colonel Spreckels who was prevent ed fiom being present on account of illness. At the invitation of Captain Web ber. His Maiestv and the whole party proceeded on deck to witness the ceremony of hoisting the Hawaiian flag at the main. The adjournment to the spar deck follow ed, and when the national ens'gn floated in the breeze, it was greeted with three cheers "by all hands, followed by three lusty cheers for His Majesty the King. The flag is of silk, eight feet by live feet, and is a beautiful specimen of woik. In addition to the through passcn gcis, there were present dining the proceedings ip the saloon and on tho spar deck. His Majesty the King, His Ex. Kobert T. ureignton, juui 'ster of Foreign Affaiis; His Ex. Gov. Curtis P. Iaukca, His Majes ty's Chamberlain ; Hon. Col. Geo. W. Macfarlane, of His Majesty's staff; Hon. Major Samuel Parker and Major W. II. Cornwall, Equer ries to His Majesty; Hon. .John A. Cummins, Hon. "W. G. Irwin, Hon. Paul Neumann, Quartermaster Gen eral .S. Nowlein, Mr. II. Turton and Mr. E. C. Macfarlano. Tl)e steamer sailed shortly after noon with a fujl cargo and goodly number of pneseugers, Bon voyage to the first Hawaiian stcumor from hence to the colonies, aa O LUSO HAWAUMO. ALL persons who want to coininunl. cnto with the Poitupuese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or uny other helps, will find It the most protltablo way to advertise In the Luso Jlaivaiiano, tho now orgun of tho Portuguese colony, luch is pub. llshcd on Merchant strict, Gaiette Build. I iig, (.Post-OiUco Letter Box E.), and only clicrgea reasonable rules for udver tiaemcuts, A CRUCIAL TEST. Asuioilcons tat at ihe open door Of the church that Mas ciowded with l Icli and poor. (In the main al e the rich, the parson near, With the poor at the sldis and in tho rear.) Asniodcous whispered "They nil sccin intent On the business In hand. Do they truly lepenl? Have they all laid aside the blind wor ship of Mammon, All sclllshncss, woildllues?, fraud, greed and gammon? On this day do thuy tiuly lepent of things evil The wm Id and the Flesh and espeo'ly the Devil?" "To piove their lepcutauco I'll practice a lest That limit g the week will charm all but the best. We w 111 see If repentance so completely enchain The woishlppers hero that the test is In vain." From Ids pocket a gold piece lie drew and let fall On the smooth marble slab near tho door of the hall. "Tlng-a-ting!'' 'tlng-tlng-thig," the musical sound Itrokc the air as the coin with bound and le-bound. Itolled down the btoad aisle to the pulpit half way, And then on the carpeted roses It lay Like a yellow ciaiithcmum: flesh from the mint On Its glittering face '"20 dols" the hn- pilnt. This was thu charm that Asniodcous tluew On tliu iloor of the church. tllalely drew Away fiom the preacher thp It inline eyes that could view ll. Away fiom his words all the cars that con hi hear It, And made the morp distant ones wish they wore near it. It bcuililei'd the deacons, it bothered the sexton, Ills nihiil the giae parson could scarce Keep his text on. In shoU, that bright gold pelec llllcd up every niluil Save one poor old soul who was stone deaf ami blind. The surniUc of Asniodcous wns, of eouit-e, iniirh. And lie inuttctcd, while hobbling out on liU oiutcli "For eve nnd llii-scrviee this Is all very well: But for liciirty lcpeutuiico commend me to It'll.'1 A sharp shock of earthquakes was experienced in St. Thomas on the 20th inst. BUSINESS ITEMS. WEST, DOW & CO. linve re ceived e .-. 8. "Austrulin," Mu sic Instruction Book, Foiios of Music, ilu by Carriages, WliMc Urouins, Dimonu lint H:icl;s, Wngoiis, rjmull Slates, Hus tle Fr.uncs, Iiuueh UakeU, Elc.Klc. 5t at HAVE you mi)ketl the "Oherub?" C J . McC.irthy has some. C'2 :)t XCE CREAM of the I'meand Rich est quality fiom onn quart to any quantity upwards me ilelherid packed iu ice, 'from 11 o'clock a.m. to C o'clock p.m., free of clntige to nny part In Hono lulu uml biiburlis'liy the P o leer Steam Candy Factory and Bakeiy. 5.00 ONLY is the price charged lor Two Gallnns of nny Unvoted rich and always freili miiilo Sleiun Ice Cream, glial ameeil to be absolulely pure or no piy nt the Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, Uakoiy and Ice t'ream Rooms. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner and Orna inentcr, Hotel St., Bet. Fort & Nuuanu Sti. Hawaiian and Bull Telephone", No. 14. 40 tf AuTihTs' Mateiials, Pluques, PanelB Stretchers, Canvas, e.e., etc., lit King Bros.' Art store. 49 6t,. Don't tliink twice if you aro in need of lino leo Ciemn, Cakes mid Candies. Tho Elite Ice C earn Par lors, 85 Hotel street, will attend your oulurs promptly and guarantee en tiro satisfaction. Bell Telephone 182 Mutual a38. 44 Dit. Flint's Heaiit Hismedy is a Specific for nil foims of Heart Dis ease and ulfao for Diseases oi Kidneys and Circulation. Desciiptivo book with every bottle, Benson Smith & Co., Agents 354 Patiionize llonm Industry by buy ing cigais of J. W. llingley, Cigar Manufacturer, nt tho Crystal Soda Works, whoie ho is oiopared to till all oulurs n' the lowe-i, possible whole, sale pi ices. Inland outers solicited and promptly lilled. The attention of de.ilers is respectfully invited to tho fact "no license is required" to sell theso cigais. Do not forget tho iianiuJ.W. llingley, nor tho place Crystal Soda Works, Hotel street. (iO Jy FOlt SALE, ONE ROAN HORSE, good trav. cler, broken to Middle and harne s Tin louglily sound, quiet nnd gentle, nnd Mtiiable for a lady lo drive. Trial given. AI-o, ONE III.ACIC MAKE, broken to t-i.d ilu and harni'iK; s un ' m d gentle. For particultus the llULUK 1IN OFFICE 02 Iw Corporation Stocks FOIt HALE. I'Alt VALUK. Ilnw'nOairiagoManf'KCo., tfl tin 100 E. O. Hall & rjon.tntw issue) 100 100 Bell Telephone, M W O. Brewer & Co., 101 100 Woodlawn Daily, l0 100 Walluku Sugar Co., 07 100 Walinanalo, lfiS 100 Star Mill. UT SIX) Reciprocity Sugar Co., W) 10C Ice Company, 87 )O0 WANTKl). Intcr.Islanil S. N. Co., 105 L. A. THUHBTON, Stock Brokei 33 Merchant Street. 161 ly " TFMP 1 1 We are Fighting Opposition! Selling at Cost! Great ' iopfer in S. COHN & CO., (:i ami G Fort Street. No connection with any corner wo arc just below. DST Lookout when thu TEMPLE of FASHION will have one day in this month, whore we will give Goods away, NO PAY, HERE WE COME W1TU Iinesst: Ons;toiu. 3Iacle CLOTHING M Ever brought to the.-e Ibuul-s nnd which we will fell nt the follow lug JL.OW PRICES: 100 Dozen Boys' Wool Suits, per suit. 100 Jersey 75 75 50 103 Men's Fine Itusines Suit?, per s'lit " ' All Wool '' Extr.i viilue.pi-rsuil 11 Ex Fine RlnekDresx " " " " ' Ai rking Pauls, per pair Also un Ex r.a Fine Xiine of Men's and Boys 1?lie ClictvpcHt unci 100 Dozen Unlnltiidried Shirts, per piece 101 " .Men's Fine UndtTj-lurl'-, )er piece 100 " " " " bite I)ies Shirts per plicj. 100 " " All Wool Working Shirts," " . CO " " Straw Hats, per piece We arc confident that the.c prices will willsfy tbe most cxactlDg. We only tulvcrtisu wliiit we niciiii ! Any uuMfttifuctory :ivMc1r inity ha rclnrncd and the money will lie cheerfully refuiiuetl. Remember the Blue Front, EGAM 5!)lm M. GOLDBERG, Corner of Fort & Merchant Streets, JUST llEOEIVED, THE FINEST LINES OF II ATS, CAPS, ETC , ETC. Latent Styles and Novelties in Neekware. Also, by repented and special riquest, a fundi imolce of the IliKet hand. made, consequently Most Dyrable 801 Ooliiiiiablu hi the GEO. EIG1LHARDT, (Pnrmcily with Samuel NotO. Iiiili'i nnd loilei- in STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, OHOOKEItY, GLAfi ABE, HOUSE FUKNIBIIINO 11AHDWAUE, AOATK lltlN AND TINWAUE. Agent HalFs Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Fort Street. 63T Store fornirily oomph-1 b t,N"Tr, oiposttu Spreckels & Co.'s Bank, -t inn A. MOBGAN, BlackBinilh "Work: ? -2) Carrinjre Buildintr. Paintiii? ami & kzy Trimmiug, 79 & 81 King Street, - - om Rose Premises, JSntriiiic'OH lroni ICin ncl SluroUuut feiit Every debcilptlon of work lu the nbovu lines performed In a flrst-clam manner. Also. Horse Shoeing a Specialty, Bell Teltphoiie, 107. ifiJa ! Laces ! 27 TO THE FRONT I THE ;HING GOODS! .$ 2 fiO upwards. 2 50 " B 00 0 00 " 18 00 " 1 00 - " ES LSest iu tlio Market'. 50 upwards 50 nrj 44 50 75 " CO " Cor. Fort & Merchant Streets. AT'JD CO.. G Gents' Shoes Etifctern inarkcts. (337 ly) fSf- Boll Telepliont, 167. - !-. ? Vr. E. O. West's Neiitb asd Drain TnrAT Iivnt, n guaranteed specific for Ilystorta, Dizzi nwii ConTtiUlons. Vita, Norrous Noaralgia, lluadacbc.IforToutProstrfttlon.cansoc by thsato of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of tho Brain, resulting in in fanltr and lending to misery, decay and deaths Prematura Old Aire, Barrenness, losii of l'ower In either x. Involuntary Losso and Hpormatnr rhcea, caused by over-exertion of tho brain. Pelf. nbuso, or OTer-lndulaonco. Each box contnttt on month s treatment. $1.00 rt box, or idx boxca for $5.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUAItAXTEE MIX IIOXEH To core any case. Witliaach order receiTcd by ni for alx boxes, accompanied with $5.00, wn will end the pnrehdserour written guaranty to ro tund the mousy it the treatment does nut effect n care. Guarantees Issued only by IIO I X WTJCIC Ar CO. S50O REWARDX !TKwl!lMrlhftWrwird forsiy ciMef Itm Coaplttal I7ifip.U,SkklbdMh,Itidlctlon,CMiUpllofCo.t!vfMa, vcuilnriltk'i VrpUbla Lli.r rill,, wUn l dim. tlom r itrlctly MnplitS iuu TUy t penly ttftuila. U.J Mftrhll loflft latUfutVra. Sof CotUd. Urft Uh!f 10 f 111., Sicily rtr ! br til dntthu. f luUrflu od tmluUont. Tfc rtaota muafactar osl sr IOHN C. WIST CO , III 1I W. lltdlua SL, Chichi Im liltl twists Mil v mail prtjaUoii noljuu i ,i iuas IJolIlHtor fc Co., HO fun Wliolia'o anil lleii 11 Apcuts. The White House, No, 118 N mi mi u Htreot, Honolulu, II. I. Private Family Hotel; Terms Uenson able; First-class Arro'ninonfttiniis. M.W. PANDERS, Proprietor. air. iv Store for Kent, and Fix tures for Sale. TMIAT il-linble Store tw occupied JL by 'be I.ADinS' BAZAAR, f8 Fort street, nnil nil tbe Kixtine , Gluv Cncf, ivc for hiio i oi iniiner pmucuinrK, enqiiir" vi "lie- l'n'inl c-h 1410 PIOJS13EK. STEM CANDY FACTORY AN1 BJCaSY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Coolc and linker. 71 Hotel Si. IBt&r Telephone 74 Inter-Island S. I. Co., to the World Konowued Volcano of Ki'ouea 1 he new at d -ti.ui eh Steamer W. C. Hall Li'hves Honolulu ai 10 o'clock a m. on FRIDAY, October 15th. The Mcimer pas'es iilonn the entire coast of ihu lrcwiin! side of Ilnw-il, af. fording t nrUts a panorama of chxim. log scenery, and will btop at Kenlakr. kiia Bay. where Mitllcicut lime ! allow, cd to vl-it the Mouumcnl of Captain Cook. TourHsby ibis i out e reach l'uunluu at ft o'clock" on Ihe day after leaving Honolulu, being only one night on the vessel, making ihe entire pasi-ngo in smooth water. At Pnmiliiu theie is thu FINEST HOTEL ON HAWAII, and fiom there touri'ts will beeouveyed by railroad to Pabula. Ilicnee by stage coach to Half.wnj Hout-e, whete horses and L'uidcs will lie In attcndiuiLC to con vey them lo the Vol' ano. TonribtR will haw: Iwo night', and one whole day at ihe Volcano House. Tickets for the lound trip, $50, which includes all Apply to HA1IKY ARMITAGE, Agent, nt Williams' Photograph Gallery, Fort Mn et, or at Ihe oflico of the 1. 1 S. N. Co., Etplannde. :t;0 Cm PAINTING ! Having fecund the Scrvliei o Geo. C. Stratemeyer we aro picpnml to execute all nntcis iu House oi . SSig"! JPivintiiig-. HONOLULU PLANING .MILLS. OU tf FOB SALE. Steel WITH Willi, Bolts & Suite. H. nACICFELD & Co. ijjti Bunt Out, but Not Dead! Ryai's Boat-Bili Slioi Is now udjoinit Lucas' Is now adjoining the rear of C3 A Live Morning Paper TAKE 4 health is Weals' D &T 2fel 9 P Wl. Rails The Daily Herald" Fifty Cents n Month. DANIEL LOGAN, Proprietor. f -rS - ji l ni i$ -J fl 43 2a I .fi I k-M f A& h ii imp mWWHHirMWHHil 'Mr i,fti.