Newspaper Page Text
(KtKTKZif i!-i""WT ':Zwll!fW'fW'i m mmw$9f H S'wjTOt" i : ftetlmsi&&?tt(!ett2&i &SSwaBj&sgi: j&jw&MiBoWM ft r-v ) k V ' 2 ' b a BY AUTHORITY. in All persons holding water privileges, or those paying water rales, ure hereby notified that the water rates for the term ending December 31 1SS7, will be due and payablo at tho ofllcoof the Honolulu "Water Works on tho 1st July, 1687. All such rates remaining unpaid for fifteen days after they are duo will bo subject to un additional ten per cent. Parties paylug rates will please pre icnt their last receipts, OHAS. B.WILSON, Bup't. Honolulu Water Works. Approved: L.AHOLO, Minister of Interior. Honolulu, June 20th 1887. GO lot. BISHOP & Co., BANKERS Honolulu, Hawaiian Island?. Draw Exchange on tho Banlc o Cnllibrnla, s. IT. And their agents in NEW Y03K, BOSTON, HONQ KONQ. Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London Tho Commercial Dank Co., of Sydney, London, Tho Commerciul Bunk Co., of Sydney, Tho bank of Nuw Zealand: Auckland, Chrlstchurcli, and Wellington, Tho Bank of Hiltish Cohimuln, Vic torin, U. C, and Portland, Or and Transact a General Banking Business. ISO!) lv NOTICE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. Are authorised to collect lor tho Bulletin. Honolulu Juno 8th. 1887. 57 Fledged to neither Soot nor Fatty. But established.)! tho benefit cf all. THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 1887. SCANDALOUS COMPARISONS. Mr. A. Iloffnung, Hawaiian Charge iV Affaires at London, in an interview published at San Francisco, said he would as soon believe Mr. Gladstono or President Cleveland guilty of accepting n bribe as ho would the truth of the charge against King Kalakaua of accepting 71,000 as a bribe to issue an opium license. This shows Mr. Iloffnuug's faith in his master, and is creditable to that extent ; but since his arrival here he has had ample opportunity to satisfy himself that his comparison was an insulting impertinence to the most exalted statesman in-England, and to one of the purrst and best of Presidents of the United States. If Mr. Iloffnung were a private indivi dual his comparison might have passed unchallenged, but his posi tion makes it a public record of official opinion at once offensive and reckless. Mr. Gladstone was Pre mier of England when his foreign secretary strained a point to glvo Mr. Iloffnung oOlcial recognition, and a sentiment of gratitude alone should have prevented him venturing upon an impertiicnt comparison, even were his own mind free from doubt on the subject, which it could not have been. Mr. Iloffnung is now training with the Victorious Opposi tion, and has satisfied himself of tho truth of tho charge of corruption involved in the opium bribo. Let him come out like u man and say so, and apologise to British and Ameri can people for his improper allusion to two of their greatest and most distinguished statesmen. If lie does not do this, he will find himself in a rather awkward position among the members of the diplomatic corps at the Court of St. James' upon his return to his post. A NEW TENOR. London, June 18th. Theodore Bjorksten, the Swedish tenor, sailed on tho Gascogne yesterday from Havre, 'accompanied by his wife, His success in Europe has been in Barcelona, Paris, Antwerp and Ghent His advent in New York will bo of great interest. Gounod, the composer, who is a personal friend, has called him the new Ma rio. Ho takes with him many letters of introduction to prominent people in New York, including tho Vnnder bilts, James Gordon Bennett and John A. Cockrell. Bjorkstcn's father was formerly a captaiu in the Swedish navy, but is now governor of the King's Palace at Stockholm. Mrs. Bjorksten is also a Swede, and before her marriage was Mile. Ilearcar Torpalil. Sho lias been for several years leading contralto in the American Church in Paris. fS. F. Chronicle Srran Bros., livestock-dealers at Cheyenne, have failed. Their liabili ties are about 8300,000. A complaint has arisen in Borne places that Arbor day was observed with too much exorcises and too little tree-planting. flioston Journ nl. -Wnig.. . ..ii rriii lift, , ' nFTi imiiiiii iBMir 1 Mass Meeting A LAUGE GATHERING! Pointed Speeches . 9 9 - Resolutions Adopted All Business Suspended. Tho Liquor Houses Closed I Tie Military Mer iris G-reat Excitement. The mass meeting at tho armory, announced by advertisement and otherwise, opened at 0 minutes post 2 o'clock. The town had shut up long before that time, and people of all classes wended their way to the place of meeting. All nationalities and classes of people were repre sented. The prominent merchants and business people of the town were present in force. The room was jammed full including n large smattering of Chinese. At tho reporter's table were re presentatives of all thu newspapers, foreign and native. On Editor Testa taking his scat there were roar3 of ironical applause. Without the doors the Honolulu llillos were drawn up under arms, with Major Asuford in Command. Major Wodc houfee and Vice Consul Walker were present. Mr. S. B. Dole ascended the platform at five minutes past 2 o'clock and called the meeting to order, nominating Mr. P. C. Jones as Chairman on this occasion (Loud Applause). Mr. Jones on taking the Chair said: Fellow Citizens, 1 feel proud at being nominated as Chairman at this, the largest meeting of the kind that has ever met on the Islands. We propose to conduct it in a con stitutional manner and to address the king for a change of Government which we earnestly desire. Wc re present all classes of society and can afford to conduct oursclves'in a firm, determined and dignified manner because wc are firm and determined in what wc ask. Wo have pre pared a set of resolutions which will bo read to you by Mr. L. A. Thurs ton, nnd also a communication just received from His Majesty, address ed to Hon. C. B. Bishop. In view of the largeness of tho meeting and the number of persons appointed to address the meeting, each speaker would be limited to live minutes. Mr. Thurston mounted the rost rum and before proceeding to read the resolutions, apologised for ap pearing in uniform but having been otdered so to do, he was but obey ing orders. IM.SOI.UTIOXS, Wc the citizens, residents, and Taxpayers of Honolulu, acting as we firmly bellevo, in sympathy with and in behalf of all right-minded Citi zens, itcsiucnts aim .tax-payers or this Kingdom, and being assembled in mass meeting in the city of Hono lulu, on tjic 30th day of June, 1887, do resolve as follows: 1 That the administration of the Hawaiian Government has ceased, through corruption and incompet ence, adequatel' to perform the functions and afford the protection to personal and property rights, for which all governments exist. 2 That while some of the evils of which we complain canuotbeatoncc adequately redressed, and their re currence prevented : and many others arc incurabjo except by radical changes in the present constitution, involving protracted dclaj's; yet there arc some evils which we feel must bo remedied at onco beforo a permanent reform movement can be inaugurated with any reasonable prospect of success. 3. Holding these views, wo re quest of the King: First, That he shall at onco and unconditionally dismiss his present cabinet from office, and wc ask that he shall call one of these persons, viz: William L. Green, Henry Wnterliousc, Godfrey Brown, pr Mark P. Robinson, to assist him In selecting a new cabinet, which shall be committed to the policy of secur ing a new constitution. Second. That Waiter M. Gibson shall bo at once dismissed from each and every office held by him under tho government, Third. In order so far as possi ble to removo the stain now resting on tho throne, wo request of the King that ho shall cause to be made immediate restitution of the sum, to wit: Seventy-one thousand dollais (871,000) recently obtained by him in violation of law nnd of his oatli of ofllcc, under promise that the persons from whom the same was obtained should receive tho license to sell opium, as provided by sta tuto of thu year 188(1. 1. Whereas one Junius Kuao was implicated in the obtaining of said seventy one thousand dollars (871, 000) and has since been and still is retained in oflico ns Registrar of Conveyances, wu request as a snfo guard to tho propeity interests of the country that Bakl Kaao bo ut once dismissed from Baid office, and that the records of our hind titles ., . . . ,.- .' .-,' ". ' ' .. , BVrfti. .... I-J-.T'H' :..-! r$U--'C. - -. , .. ' .-.....-.. ..1 - . . ., l,fc. I ... lj.t..uv.i1J .,... . rfkiy.'Yfci.' bo placed iii tho" hands o'f one In whose integrity the people can safely confide. C That wc request it specific pledge from tho King. (1) That lie will not, in the future, interfore either directly or indirectly with the election of representatives. (2) That ho will not interfere with or attempt to unduly inllucnco legis lation or legislators. Resolved that the committee of thirteen TO WAIT OX KINO. Taiil Iscnbcig, W. W. Hall, J. A. Kennedy, W. II. Bice, ' Captain King, K. B. Thomas, II. C. Heed, Jno. Vivas, W. P. A. Brewer, B. Oleson, Cecil Brown, Captain Ross, J. B. Atherton, Is hereby appointed to present the foregoing resolutions and requests to the King, and said Committee is hereby instructed to request of tho King n pcrsonul answer to the same be returned within twenty-four hours of the time when the same are presented : mid to further inform the King that his neglect to so an swer the same within said lime will be construed ns a refusal of the said requests. Jtcsolocd, That said committee, in case of the King's refusal to grant said requests, or in case of liis neglect to reply to the same, is autlioiized to call another mass meeting at this place on Saturday, July 2, at 2 v. M. to f in titer consider the situation. There was no interpretation of speeches as speeches were to be made in both languages. On Mr. Jones calling on Mr. Green there was tremendous applause. The Hon. W. L. Green spoke at considerable length and his remarks were received with loud cheorx. He said they were assembled to express their views on tiio past, and also as to tho fiituie. (Loud cheers.) Mr. "W. A. Kinney next spoke. He said it is time that the Throne was addressed in the language of truth and that means the recon struction of the Cabinet. He par ticularly urged a new constitution and that speedily. He next spoke in Hawaiian, and his remarks were received with tremendous cheers. These addi esses were frequently interrupted with vociferous cheering and applause. Mr. Bishop then ascended the rostrum, and read the following let ter from the King: Thursday, Juno 30, 1887, Hon. C. It. Bishop, Member of the House of Noblos, Piivy Council lors of State, &c. J ft Dear Sir: Reposing es pecial confidence in your loyalty nnd sound judgment as a councillor, and knowing your regard for our peo ple, we arc moved to call upon you in tho present condition of affairs in our Government, to say that wc luivo called upon the Hon. W. L. Green to form a Cabinet and a ministry which lie may select and which wiil be acceptable to the res pectable and responsible majoiity of our people will be welcome to us, and any guarantees which may be reasonably required of us under the constitution and laws of our king dom will be at once conceded to such administration. Your friend, Kalakaua. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Dole, McCandless, C. R. Bishop, H. Waterhouse, Jr., R. Jay Greene, L. A. Thurston, P. lsen berg, II. S. Swinton. The burden of the speeches was a radical change is wanted at once. Strong determi nation was expressed by every spoakor. Tho meeting was extremely enthusiastic from beginning to end. FOE SALE. A VALUABLE BUILDING LOT IX llonluhi. Having a lroptngu qu King street of CO feet adjoining tho ucyv ui Ick Mores occupied by Chinese, and belonging to the ostato of tho lit Thus. Meek. L'nnulre of J. I. DOWiJlCTT, Queen street, Honolulu, Juno 111, '.s". tin '2w FOR SALE ! ONK LAISGE LOT, corner Pcnfucolu mid Lunnlllo k-ts., which can bo dlviilcn into two or more building lots. Knqulre of G. WEST, lCIH Of West, How & Co. TO LET Oil LEASE. A IIOUSB, containing five rooms, besides dining room, klluhcn nnd pantry, nnd every IMS convenience for a lamily; one acre of ground, well hhnded wlih a'geioba tiecs, situated on ICiniiu (.licit between Ala. pal mid K-iplolunl sts. A ply on the premise to Tims. Hiiwcasile, (t7 1;2 FOR SALE. LEASIJ OP LAHUU BUSINKSS premis ' at Kohalu, lltuvnli, Hull, able lor More A good opening for n IIOXJEJL. With numerous bed rooms, as thcio is a want of u rostnmant and rooming establishment in Kolmla, and by proper management would bo u lucrative tnisl. 110-tf. JTOXl A. SXOKID. It Is in the center of thu white nnd native population with over UCK0 leet of floor hjuicc nnd Mnnds on a largo lot with close fence, lingo water supply nnd overy convenience. Rent $10 a month. I.enjo 13 yoars to run, will sell at a reasonable in ice, Particulars of. UUlw D.L.API1AUT. "F YOU WANT A SERVANT . nilvcrlUo in (he Daily JIullktin, ' INQUEST ON THE NUUANU STREET FIRE. In accordance with Chapter X, of the Session Laws of 1880, which provides for inquests of ilres, the Marshal convened a jury composed of tho following named gentlemen to enquire into tho origin of tho flic at Cunha's store, on Nutianu street, on thu night of tho 20th in stant. Tho jury wcro Messrs. Louisson, J. II. Sopcr, II. Water house, -W. W. Hall, J. B. Atherton and M. Davis. Mr. S. B. Dole made the appli cation for tho enquiry on the part of the Northern Assurance Com pany. Thu building was insured for $2,000 nnd the stock for $5,000. Manuel R. de Madeiras, first wit ness, stated that immediately after the fire took place, he went to Frank Cunha's house nnd naked him if ho know that his store was burnt. IIo asked me if it were true, or a joke. On assuring him it was true, he dressed himself and wc went down together. "Wc started within ono hour after my arrival at Ills house. I went up in a hack. When wc got to thu ruins Cunha wanted to go inside the building but he was not permitted to do so. He said he felt most sorry nbout the death of the boy. lie knew nothing about the affairs of the business before the fire happened. Antone Fernandez sworn, stated : He remembered the flru but did not go there. 1 saw Sir. John Cunha going home at quarter past 7 o'clock the evening of the fire. I went to Cunha's house about 11 o'cloek and told them that the store was burnt out. I stayed about four minutes and then went to my own house. After 1 had gone to bed a man came and asked mo if I knew any thing about the boy. No enquiry was made about the store goods. I do not know if John Cunha got up when I went to his house. 1 heard him speak. I did not know the boy was dead when I started out. Jose Rosa sworn: I knew the boy that lost his life. He some times slept in a room of the second lloor of the store. 1 do not know whose business it was to close the store, or what is the time of closing. 1 do not know who car ries the key of tho storo. 1 M. Swanzy sworn, stated: I am connected with Messrs. T. II. Davies & Co. They aro insurance agents. The premises destroyed were insured in their office. The building and stock had previously been insured for live or six years. John Cunha sworn, slated: I closed the store doors and locked them at 7 o'clock together with Frank Cunha and the boy. Frank Cunha then said he wanted some meat for tho dog, and tho boy volun teered to go for it. In a little while ho came back. 1 started for my house and the boy and Frank Cunha went together. I got to my hotiso between 7 and 8 o'cloek. About half-past 8 o'cloek I went to bed. I heard no flic bell rung. I felt so scared when I was told my store was burnt out, that, 1 could not speak. I did not go down town that night. I went down next morn ing at 0 o'clock. Mr, Dolo, in addressing the jury, said that this was all the evidence thoy had to olfor. Tlioy would observe that there was no light burning in the store on the night of tho fire, neither were there any matches there, and no appaicnt cause by which the place could be set on fire. It was for them to decide whether it was the result of a puro accident or not. They would observe that on tho news of the fire being convoyed to the part ners in the business, there was no surprise expressed. It was possible that the boy who eventually lost his life was sent for the meat in order to be got out of tho way until the fire was well under way. The value of the verdict would be an expression of any suspicious cir cumstances. Mr. Dole then invited the jury to visit the site of the fire which they did. No verdict yet giveti. NOTICE. A cordial imitation is hereby extend ed to ill o public of Honolulu, with ml distinction of 8-ct or nationality, to bo present at tint 1th of July liter iry ex. r oisiH plculo. rinil Hold sports to be bold in "Liulu Hi ituln,'' King ttrcnt, on Mon. day July lilt 1887 commencing ut 10 o'ulouk H. in. Buses will run itvciy 10 mliiiitis from tho corner of King mill Fart Mreetm, beglnlug8 o'cloek ii. m. to ony tho peniilo out to tho ground i freo of charge. Horses mid carriage? c in ho fiihtiucd on tho promlbus rccupicd bv Hon II ii. Whitney, aljoining the gicuwla oi) tho West Mdo, Nohorroi will hu allowed within tho plcnio br-uiids. THE COMMIT1BU IIYAN'B BOAT EUILDrNQ IX SHOP. Rear of Linn-.' Mill. oa A LAW STUDENT. TvKSHtES A roimoN as oi.kiik JL or lopyht. V, O, Box -Ml A.I References, Addicss II. A. 10 1 u CotlllgO to IvGttt AND FURNITURE FOR SALE Low rent j furniture nt a bargain. For p irtiouhirs enquiro cf Jno. Jlagocn. Agent, Merchant stieet. 37 tf FOURTH OF JULY. Household Furniture AT AUCTION. I am Instructed by Mons. Henri Fcer, French Commi-sloticr, to toll at public auction (on account of Departure) at bla uflhlenoe, on llcretanla olrcet, nd joining Fort Bticet Church, alurday, July At 10 o'clock n. in, The whole of his Household Furniture consisting of 1 PAltLOR SET, Dining T.blo and Chairs, SEVERAL BEDROOM SETS, Bldebofiid, ('Inure, Table and Hacking Chair, Sewing Machine, Chatidelloi'd and Lumps, Croeltery and GrliiHWvtire Curtains nnd Lambrequins, Kef igenitor, Kitchen Stove and Uten-llp, Ladies' nnd Gent's Suldle, cts, n'sn Ono 2Seated Family Carriage LEWIS .7. IjEVEY, Auctioneer n iw AC .Till OF F.iOM TIIE FII1M OF Hoffnung & Go,, S noy, Thesis go;uls comprlEo every dc3ciiption of Indies' Notions and Novels! Ladies' & Gent's Saddlery, &c. Will be sold at GREAT REDUCTION in quantities to suit. The gooJs are now on do !n tho room Over Yates and nlcKenzie's, Opposite the Oceanic GVs Wharf. OS A new !ot of Stetooii's Black Silk Dress, and Pearl Gray Jint to hnnd. Just the thing for the o 4lh of July. All- Hig Boys tin flui! Elegant New Stylish Goods : AT: M. Mclnernv's. 70 (It -OC13ANIO- Steamship Comp'y rr..imarrefti FOR SAN FKANCISCO, Tho At Steamship Will h nve Honolulu for tho above port on Tuesday July 5th, AX1 NOON. For Frult;lit or Piisjoku, apply lo 50 WM, Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents WAilii HOTEL CARREAGE CO. Ciirlngcs ut all hours, dny nnd nlg'it. Snddlu Hon C3, Ihijrgics, Wugoucttes and Village- CirfB with stylish and gcntlo horses to let. FOIt SALE. A few Horse, gimiantccd. Second Iriud llncks, Open and Top IJuggles, Cans and Uiunet-t). PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. King up Telephone 32, or apply to IU1I.12S & IIAYLKY. 10U ly To the leys! SPECIAL SALE -OF- Elegant Jewelry! By order of MR. .I011X S. SPEAK, wc will hcII at Public Auction, nt his Moio Fort Street, ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 6th, At 10 o'clock n. m his STOCK OF JEWELRY Consisting of Ladies' & Gent's Diamond Rings Gent's Solid Gold Scarf I'lus, Solid Gold Earrings, uouar unit diccvg isttuons, Waltham Gold and Silver Watches An assortment of SOLID SIL VERWARE, comprising Tea & Table Spoons Knives, Forks, Nnpklu Rings, Etc. EST Tho above n nicies tiro all gu iran teed, mid aie sold on account of re moval. Special accommodations for ladles nt. tending tho sale. E. I ADAMS & Co. Auctioneers. "3 7t TO KENT. THE HOUSE AT PRESENT, i coupled by thu undersigned, K'likul blraet. V. C PAKKE ISS M COHEN. Ladies' Fashionable Hair Dre33er and Shampooing. Also CombingH made up in tho latest styles and at LOWEST PIUOES. Will go to residence if desired. Apply at L. ADLEK'S shoo Moic, No 1SJ inuu. ami itteet. 71 lm Waikiki Bath House! MR. W. CROOKS lmving tikcn clmrgurf the WniUlki Hath House begii to inform tho public that ho "111 lun tho place as a llrst-cluss bathing resort. MltS. CttOOKS will attend to tho lady patrons of tho phicc, and every effort will be in ado lo make It attractive. (0 lm W.E. FOSTER HARNESS MAKER has moved to No. 78 ICl g fatrcet lieNt to the Metropolitan Market. 04 lm tlllll ALL PAKTIEH WHO HAVE OR dcred the outfit, can havo ?amo by applying at J. II. SUPERS. No. 10 Mcrchint street. 73 lm TIIE BIENNIAL MEETING OF THE MEMDER3 OF THE Quccn'.i llo.-pitnl Corporation will luUo ptaco ul the room of tho Chamber of Coiiimerco In Campbell's Block on Friday July 8th ncxtnt 11 a. m. Per order, JOHNH.PATY. 57 If Secy. pro. tem. Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. 372. P. O. Box 07. J. E. BROWN & CO., Campbell Block, Merchant St-, For Salo or Leaso the Nunnnu Valley Ranch, head of Numuiu Vallcj , easy lcim,B. For Sale house nnd lot on Beret an hi atucl, house marly new contains 0 rooms pleasantly situated, garden etc in excellent older. Would bo told cheap. Blacksmith Shop in tho new Brick Building on King btnetuearNuunnu, recently occupied by O. T. lloyl. Opposite Old Station House. Shop on King Street In now brick build ing near Nuunnu, next door to tlio Chinese News Co.'s Olllcc, Two Cottages on Punchbowl street between King unci Beretunla. Handsomo Rcsldonco on Pauoa Road near Punchbowl street, large ground with outdiouscs etc. Rent $1)0 a muii h. Furnished Cottage ft minutes walk from Post Olllco suitable for single petton. large garden. Collection Department. MR. THOMAS ISCOVESCO is uuthoii.ed (o collect mouioi and sign receipts. Employment Department. All kinds of help promptly provided. Properties Rented and Sold Insurance Effected. Custom House Work Done. Leases, Contracts, Agree ment?, &c., Drawn on Short Notice. 28 Merchant Street. 01 LOST Oil MISSOAKItlED. ON THE OCKANIO Co., WIIA11F of May lllbt, on arrival of Austra lia a largo black leather valise tightly snapped handle 1 roken and hemp cord substituted. Any penon delivering Fiinio at Paul Kcumni.ns (lujcwlllbo suitably rowarJed. (2 if PAUL NEUMANN. TF YOU FIND ANYTHING. x au rllso it lu tho Paily EcLLEra 0'J 'f jtvii tci. .ijh. aitititia Tci. iau P.O.Ilox415. GULICK'S General Business Agency. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE. Premises on Judd Street, m prrsenl occu pied by J. Einmelutli. Over 2 acres In cxlent; substantially cuchxed, graded, planted with fruii trcc.both loielgu anil native; durable buildings. Premises near Thomas Square. Kiilaokahua, now occupied by Livingstone Building Lot, corner of School Mid Foit streets opposite tho Government S'chool House 203 ft. on Fort strna. 12 i feet on School street; one '-'-roomed Collage. Lot ol Land In Knlilii Valley, opposite tho Morris premium. Tho "Old Cornor," situate on the cast cor. ncr of Nuuunu nnd Queen streets. Lot, corner of Pcnsncola and Wilder Avenues, Muklki, 2 ncres more or lets; may bo divided up for small home, steads. To Let That very convenient nnd de sirublo cottnga on Merchant street opposito the Mutual Telephone build ing. Filly Acres (more or less) in Ilauikl, cast of Monnalun; 14 acres of agricultural land; 25 acres nil together sultnblo for tho cultivation of rice, taro or b;i nanus. All the necessary buildings; Artesian well, etc. Leaso ol Fish Pond at Wuikiki. A taro opportunity for a profltnblo invest ment. Cattlo Ranch nt Kaanapnli, Mnul, suitable for a lanchman of limited moans. Leaso ol Cottage and Lot Wth largo stable accommodation, n Punchbowl street, near tho Puuoa Stream. ALSO Threo Lodging Houses, furnished nnd do. ing a prolliablo business. Situated ua follows: At the foot of I'unchboul strctt; On Alakcn, above King street; On llotil, between Nuuunu nnd Fort sti eels. For Lease or Sale on Reason able Terms. Two Cottages and large lot above Kiniui street, ou the Hank of Puuchb wl hill. Uulldings new and in good condition. Healthy location; beautiful view TO LET OR LEASE. One Largo 2-Story Collage, out Beretnnia btrcct, makai of Punahou, 24 milts from tho Pobt Oflico. Together with grounds nnd artesian well. These premises aro fnlly appoiu id and very convenient for a largo family, and nro furnished with servants' quartets, car riage house, stables, itc. ' One Largo 2-Story Coltago, on thu flank of of Punchbowl, l4 miles irom tho Post Ofllce, fully supplied with every con venience for lmmcdinto occupation. Splendid location, binutiful vlow. Ono Cottage, with largo ymd accommo. dation, corner of Liliha and King streets. Convenient homo for modcr. nlofiuuilv; tive mlnutei' walk from the Post Ofllce. Ten Acres (more or less) of good pasture land situnlo ou tho Government road in Kail hi livo miles from town. WANTED. A 5-Room Collage with kitchen and bath, within a half a mile of tbo Post Ofllce. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. By a Lady, ns nurso or housekeeper, who has had many years experience aud can guarantee satisfaction. By a Book-keeper nnd genc-nl business man, who Is acquainted with all branches of mercantile business. Wages not nn object. By a Practical Enuineer, who can give tho besl of references if de&ircd. By n thoroughly competent Dairyman. who understands the business in all its branches. By a man accustomed to plantation work, who has bceu many years a resident of this couutry. By Several Men who will make them. solve i useful In doing tho chores in private families; taking euro of horse and carriages, etc. Full particulars given with regnrd to tho foregoing items on application at tho Agency. 52 BY THIS STEAMEIt CHARLES J, FISH EL Has received a full lino line of LADIES' Embrbider'd Suits In White, Cream and Colored. A full lino of ORIENTAL LACES! Corsets, Hosiery, Linen, Torchon Luces, Ribbons, Half, Millinery. ALL THE GO X Go inspeot Mr. Fishel's Now Goods ! CHAS. J.FISHEL, Leading Millinery House. CLr.Foit&J-'otel Sheets. A YOUNG MAN, CRIPPIED BY BAIIWAY ACOI. d nt, wishes n position as watch., ors mUarlitht situation. Knqulre at ta s olLCC 10 at. Tie pen Lilly Hat! ' 1 H f V" i V V...V V i v 4 I I MMMIM 1 m 11 II WMM -"l WWH'llMmMMm"lnllim II 111 H I MMMMMMMB I IMI MB ! Ill I IBIll M III III if.miija.jcuHimfljni' i, mt.i.-. . ..i' i