Newspaper Page Text
I frgafejgasjsssgaa&as&s s4eis&iKFpv ft KV 111 t 3 P- ft fell kJ BY AUTHORITY. Flnnucu Itcpardnciit. Honolulu, II. 1., Feb. JO, 1888. Notice is heieby ghon to nil em ployees of tho llitwniian Go em inent, and to oilier persons to whom moneys may be duu nt the Hawaiian Trcasuiy on or before March ill, 1888, to present vnnchcis for iiettle ment on or befoie tluit ditto ; and nil persons Inning moneys on ncconnt of llio Government tiro leiiucbtcd to make tbeir returns piomptly, in Older that tbere may bo no delay in closing tbc iieconntu foi the fiscal period ending Mnrch 31, 1888. W. L. GllEEN. G8 tf iMini&ter of Finance. BISHOP & Co., BANKERS Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Draw ExcUango on the Bttuk ol Culilbriiin. te. XT. And their agents in NEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONQ. Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London The Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney, London, The Commercial Hank Co.. of Sydney, S3dncy, The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland, Ghristchurch, and Wellington, Tho Bank of llritish Columbia, Vic toria, I!. C, and Portland, Or. ANM Transact a Gcneiul Banking Business, (ifi!) ly MBWMB Wim U lW BMP T XT XZ jfijatltt gftultqfitt PUdgcd to neither Sect nor Patty, But established for the benefit of all. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1888. THE LATE EMPEROR WILLIAM. Tho one great item of foicign news by the Alameda last evening, is the death ol Emperor William of Germany. The event occurred on tbc morning of tbc 9th instant, and a week before we, in our isolation, knew anything of it, the woild was startled with the intelligence. Ger many is in mourning, and it is no exaggeration to say that the gi eater part of the Christian world is in sympathy with her. Germany has lost her Empeior, and the woild lias lost one of its foiemost and most important personages. Probably on the demise of no one person of the time hang such momentous contin gencies. The grand old Emperor lived long, and lived to good pur pose. His calm and peaceful de parture was a, fitting termination of so noble a life. He was within a couple of weeks of his 01st birth dap anniversary when he passed into the unseen world. For ten ycais be reigned as King of Prussia, and for seventeen years he was Emperor of the great German Empire, lie was onu of the best and wisest monaiclis that ever woic a mown or ruled a nation, and well may the intelligence that be is no more be received with sadness. The Crown Prince, son of the departed Emperor, whose phy sical condition is not hopeful, has been announced as successor to the throne, with the title of Frederick the Third, ami it is to be hoped that he may be spared to honor the Throne and the Empire as did his father before him. SSJZKE2E3 SUNDAY SERVICES. Y. M. at GitlO l1 C. A. Gospel l'r.ilso Service M. Come and biln&r a fileud. Kawaiaiiao Cuuncii. Kcv. II. II. Parker, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Pleaching at 11 a. ji. Kaumakai'im Ciiijkoh. IJev. .J. Waiainau, pastor. Sunday school at !) a. m. Preaching at 100 A. m. and 7 :'.!0 1 M. Qukek Emma IIali,. Gospel and song service for Haw allaus who speak English at ata r. m. Good singing. Hhoit talks, Kvciy body welcome. Jai-anksk Kkuvicl : Gospel and Song Services at 11 a.m.; Bible Class 7:30 r. M., in the Jiipaiiebo Y. M. 0. A. Itoom, Queen Ibiuna Hall, coiner of lleietuula and Xtutauu streets. CENTltAI. r.NION Cllt'ItCIl, ItCV. F. G.Beckwlth, 1). 1)., .pastor. Sunday school and lUblu class at !):-l" A. m. Seivlces at 11 A. M. and 7:30 i m. Giiinesi: Ciiuncn. Foi t sticct, near corner lleictanla. Mr. Kong Slilil Ka evangelist, Chlncho Sunday school, '.i:;(0a.m. Chinese and Kuglish Sun day School, 2:30 v. M. Preaching 11 A. M. and 7:a0 r. si. Ulblo class In Ohlucse Y. 31. O. A. Hall, C;l)0 v. m. JComan Catholic OATiii:nitAL. 0 and 7 A. m low mass; 10 a.m., high mass, with sermon cither In Hawaiian, Poituguese or English, alternating ac coiding to the three principal dlfteienl nationalities of the church; 2 i: m., io sary and catechism; 4:30 i bi instruc tion and benediction of thu Ulesed Sacrament. St. Andhkw's Oatjiedhal. The services at St. Andicw's Catlicdial to morrow will bo ; Holy Communion, 0!00 A. m. Morning prayer with ser mon nt OiKO. Hawaiian uNcnsong nt Stnor. M. 31on"oiig with "ci mon nt 0 i M. Seat nro unappropriated. Second Congregatlou. Ho. Geo. Wallace, p.i'tor. Morning prayer, with seimon at 11:15 A. m. cvculiig prnyer with sermon at 7:30 r. m. Sunday school meets a 10 a. m. Seat fieo at all services. PMwpqgy ITEMS. CHAS. J. FISHEL 1ms ex Australia the lntet icecied stjlo of Hue lino laille untiiniiiieil hat, hIhi a of children'" leghorn hats In dufcicnt shapes. Call anil too them. 87 lw rii ET SOME Genuine Oldfashloned J Uulteiscoteli Cantly. at the new t andv Faetorv "Yum J Yum!' 84 171RESH. HOME-MADE WAL- JL? mil(icain. j educed to 00 cents per whole pound, nt tho Pioneer Steam Candy Factory and llalteiy, Hotel, be tween Xuuntitt and Fort bti eels. 71 17RESH, HOME-MADE CHO Jt; eolale and Coconnut Catamels ic duccd to !10 ecnts per whole pound, at the Pioneer Steam Candy 1 actory and B.ikuiy. Hotel, between Xuunnti and Fort sheets. ''I IJMNEST. BRANDS OF CALI X forma Foil, Muiluii a and .Malaga , for sale in ken and cases bv GONSAlVKb & CO., 01 Queen street. URE, FRESH, HOME-MADE anil Vanilla Chocolate Creains(de- lloloii;.) l educed to 30 cents per whole pound, at the FioM'.r.u Stkam Candy Factouv And Bakkkv. Hotel, mi IWKKN XlTANU AMI FOIU bTKKETS. 71 CLEAN RAGS ana second hand clothing will be guilefully iccciv ed for tho use of the inmate of the Hnineh Hospital for Lepers at Kaknako, or at the l.cpci S Itlment on Moloktil, if left with J. 1'. Walcrhotisc, jr., nt the Queen Street Store. t&f tf WANTED TO exchange a No. 1 1'iano for u Iloreo and Pliaitou, oi for a Hortc and Brake. Bnquiie nt this olllrc. 83 tf Lodge Le Progrcs, TIIEIIH will be a special meeting of Lodge Lo Progres lie 1'OccjuIc No. 121, A F. & A. M..TH1S (sntur dajj 1SVBNING, at 7 110 o'clock. Fii'.sl Degree. Member of Hawaiian Lodge No 21 and visiting li' lliert. are coiUially in. viicd to attended. By order of the AV.-. M.-. E. KTSTLElt, f3 It Seci clary. Hawaiian Lodge, Ho. 21, F. & A. I. a. j&AdXt. 'Wfe PURSUANT to u dispensation fiom the W.'. JL-. Grand Master of California, the special meeting of IIi. Wiilian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., bus l.etn postponed to MONDAY EVENING, Much 10, 1S88, ut7:30 v. m., lor the purpose of Electing Officers for the ensuing Masonic yeir. By older of the Worshipful Master. T. C. PORTER, 91 3t Secretary. FERTILIZERS! For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. For Snlc 13 HAXHOS.- A S3IYT1I. WE arc now piep.ircd to leceivc all oideis for thu above Fertiliser of a biipirior quality, thoioiighly curLd and warranted one of the best articles of the kind in tho inaikct. Orders may be left willi h. P. HANSON, 00 Queen street, G. M SMYTH, Haw. Hot.d Stable. fll 1 in NOTICE. HPIIE having been np X jiolrited Executors, of the lust Will and To-Uamcnt of Lorenzo Marchnnt, late of Honolulu, deceased, requests all persons who hive claims against the eslatc of said dicciiFcd, secured or other wise, to present the same duly sworn to, to the unikisigncd within six months from dut or they will be foievcr t atied, and all petsons iidtbled to said estate to iii'tku immediate pavment. F. A. SCHAEFER, Esccutoi of the last Will anil Testa, ment of L. Ia reliant, deceased. 01 lw Hawaiian Coffee Co. COPIES of the piopcctu of the Ha. walian Collet) I'hinlation Co. can ho hai on application at Ihu otllro of J. E. I'rown A Co l'stato A!(i!t', Murchnnl Miccl bOlw NOTICE. TVrOTIOEisheicby gien that Chong lS Sak, of the llrm of Tuck Lung Chong Co., dolug business as enrpenters in Honolulu, of which Sam Koy, Tuck bum and Chong Suk arc paitners, has sold all his lutcicst to Chung l.iim Chung assuming all liabilities of said Chung Bui;, as a partner in buid llrm. 87 lw FOUND. A hay house. Owner can bitu same by proving pro, peity nrd pajirg ex. pciifcc, liy pnplylng st "11 ly Hor'u Haloon." 10 31 NOTrOE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. Aro authorised to collect lor the DuujriK. Honolulu Juno 8th, 18S7. 67 itlwiiir the' Auction Sales by James F. Morgan, A.X AUCTION. On MONDAY, March 19tli, '88, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31., At the icildcuce of Oiij t G. W. Wil fong, Beckley Preinbe'. Lllilia ftreet, I will hell at Public Auction, the tu. tiro IIouolioul Furultuie, coinprislnn: One Rosewood Upholstered Pallor Set, Marble Top Centre Tnblc, Lnrge Sofa, 4.Llgbt Cliamlcllci, 3 Light Clumarlftr, Upholstered and Biisy Arm Chairs, Black Walnut Marble Top Bedroom Set, Spring fc Hair Mattress Oho Fine Kim Sideboard, CiocUery & Glastwnio, 1 Lni-L'eKra Dlnliiir Tnblo. Cook moo iVsUtcnhl's. Also, 1 Horse, broken to Saddle & Harness, A Pliiu Animal. ONE OPIOIN BUGGY, 1 Set Single ntiriiej", SJ aniil's. Saddle, Ono Sharp's Hillo and Ccrlridgos, i:tc , Etc, Ect .Lie. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. SQCt EXECUTOR'S SALE OF PLAITSA&Uc. By onbi of lheEieutor'5 of the Lsiato of the Lre Geo Fnu'li'inU, de. cw (d, 1 will oH at PiiMli- Auctii n, On WEDNESDAY, March 21st, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. . AtliU lesidenco Quern Ftriot, the En tire Lot of RAEE & COSTLY Mot i-Souss PSants ! Compilsing n Lirgu and Vailed As-ort meal. ALSO All the Plants at Present Growing in the Garden I The Plant1" are now beiug numbercl and classified for theconcni. encc of puichnscrs. C35u,Prcmi-ps oi i-u for inspection EVEKY DAY pr(;iiiis to Sde. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. iOtl CRE&T ! Bargains! The Grout Clearance hale at the Store of the lite Geo Engelhardt will co.itmue foi ONE WEEK LONGER During this time the Entire Stock must be sold. To accomplish this all Articles will he sold at a Miction if 10 Per Ceil BELOW COST! CSy Housekicfcis s-ooPl embrace this oppoitiinilj' of tee tiling bargains in all (lccilptions of lluuscfurnisliing Goods. SO lw Rubbish ! Rubbish ! Rubbish ! aHE undersigned who his been nu. . thoned by ihe Hoard of Health as a G i lug' C'ollectoi, pives notice to the pulilir ol Fonolitlii thaili3 is leady to uniove the Itulibish fiom stores and privite ici-liiencfs at the uiiprece. ileinelly i-nmll liurijo of fiO cents per month and to leiiuni' tie sumo from lestiiuraiits fo 81 00 prr month. Horee littoi is classed as Ituliblsli. Tree ulm. mitigs will be charged foi e.ira. Dead Ilo0"!, Cats and any fciiml) uniraals will le lemoml Jich ol chmge. A leajou ahlo clnigo will lie mailo for tho re moval of dead Horses mid Cmtle. The iiudcisiiriKd ciin bo romiuunb cuted with bv Oflltn Telephone 30. and Private Telephone 220, Mutual Tel. Co. N. H. My cans woik on Sutuidays. Ii. Ij. LaPIEltRE. !2 lw Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish! 'pilE iimlcisli.'iicil linvii g been In lhu X 1iubIiics f'ji ihu pant 15 monilis, mid now heiii); ii oliitol bv n.. 1$ urd of Health as 1 1 ti blsii Clino, I hit'b. v;ibh to thank thu public lor iIriij lihiial pull omige, hoping a con. linuitnco of the same with a nioro ex. it'iidul list of cufctomcrs. I shall as herctoforu hive my rubbish cntts o on euch street wjioio required tin co times each wcok,ci.ce)t in very lalny weather, then two times each week. After this month eich cart will cairy a licll tn announce itB appcarauco on tlu stieet, that no onu will havo au excuse for not setting out their dirt. DKfcfl'iices aa heretofore: Ordinary Houto Iiuhhlsh and Yard Sweeplngn, DO (eni, 7Ji ccnls and 1,00 pur month, if iut in containers. The ntiovo pi Ices arrnngcd according to tho amount ol rubbish I nkc n away. Treo TiJinmlngH and llorco Litter will bo charged extra. Hone, ilulloukx, Hogs and Dogs will be buiicd at reasonable itttcs. N. F. UUKGESS. 1'. S. Anjone knowing of one who is iceitiired to hau their lubblsh ic. moved, who U not ablo to pay the tax, il thu putty or parties will let me know I will do their carting free of charge. 00 Hu N. F. U. Barn TO LET. NIOH hotie of nlno looms. Hard fllnsh. Holand cold water. Ronl 80 per month. Enqulro at Bulletin olllco. n.ltf FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET. fXtH Kfnnu street No. J !.0; pailor, 3 bed U stnlile and rarrlaco bouse. Lot 10D.170 fuit; garden. Apply to no tr J. h. imoWN & CO. FOIt SALE FOH S350. CLIITAIN lonso with u four-i com collage on picintscs (lenso for 8Jcnri'), 10 minutes' walk fiom the I'ost Olllcu. Inquire-of .1. M. VIVAS, 00 lw Merchant street No. -12. FOR KENT. THE liotite now occupied by G. Houliech, Ut., situated on Kluiui sticct. For particulars Inquire! of 82 2w G. E. BOARDMAN. COTTAGE TO LET. 17IVE minutes' walk " ll,n llflW from Suit. SiSS nlile lor a huchelor. Apply to SU tf .1. M. MONSARRAT, TO RENT. i ,. A COTTAGE on Lllllii jfttssasa -fiL ctinnf 1infi nnu K imr feagSiajj mid School 'sti eels. RcntSl'2 per inoiitli. Apply to M. S. GRFA'BAUM & CO., 80 tf Queen stieet. FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE or TWO well nml comfortably furnished rooms aie just now Mictnt at jNo. 8 Union s' i ect, next Hell Tower. tiS lw NOTICE. DURING my absence from the King dom Mr. Wm. F. Loc will act foi me in all matters of husliics'. c. .j. McCarthy. Honolulu, March 13, 18. fcil 4t EASTER CARDS! FOR BALE 22:110- ioiesoss'. fc8 lw All kinds of &$$& A large assortment of Bird Cages, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at G; WEST & CO.'S. Oil Paintings, Engravings, Artotypes and New Chromos, at G. WEST Jt CO.'S. Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums and Scrap Books, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and Chairs, at G. WESTo& CO.'S. Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small Wheel Barrows, at . WKBT & CO.'H. Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at G. WEST& GG.'S. Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes, Violins, Banjos, &c., fcc, at g. wm& CO.'S. Guitar, Yiolin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at . G, WEST & CO.'S. Picture Frames, Cornices and G. WEST Pianos and all kinds Repaired, at G. WEST & CO.'S. Canary Birds, fi inh 87 DBtOPTOUXJX-iXJ. FOR I SPECIAL CHEAP SALE:: Bargains in All Depart Prices cm in Two ! . Prices Cnt in Two! All TWO WEEKS at CHAS. J. FISHEL, Leading Millinery House. 87 liri THE ONLY PER iu Oailj IJiillctiu." READABLE PA tho Klngitom "Teh 60 cents per month. Brackets, at Mattrasses made to order, at & CO.'S. Wool Combination Snlts Ycry Low Rates and the Newest. o of Musical Instruments Tuned and warranted Singers, at 'c m Fnrt treet, vr, sw iuii iy The New and Elegant Fitted Store of H. McINERNY, corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, n Whoro will bo found an Elegant Display oi Goods of Buch grades, as this corner hao been alwaya noted for. Entire New Lines of Goods selected by Mr. B. A. Mc- Inerny now East. Among my very General Stock will be found I arliae' Mlecnnl KMC4V1 10 I iviioobu Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' (C it u a (c u Ladies' Silk Hose, Ladies' Silk and Merino Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' 9i French KM Button Boots ana Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers, (( a tc lJerl orated billc Undershirts, Lisle Thread ifc Balbrigjyan Undershirts, Saxony Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers, White and Red Shaker Flannel Undershirts and Drawers, Anglo-India Gauze & Bo3''s Undershirts. My Js and Boy?s Fine Shoes & Slippers Men's Elesrant JNTeck "Wear, penders, Jouvms White and Colored ivid Gloves, Gent's Fine Riding and Driving- Gloves, Buck Gauntlets. Every Style k SMe ii Men's Hats k Boy's Straw Hats Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid Heads Gold and Silver. I have the most Complete Assortment hi Elegant Fashion able Styles from the best houses in the United States. Yery Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits, Cheviott Suits Black Dress Suits, Black Frock Suits. All My Clothing is "Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cut, Carefully Made and Will Give Very General Satisfaction. i Razors and Pocket Knives, Razor Straps and Brushes, Tooth, !Nail and Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers, Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) , ' CboicB Perfms ai Oilier Toilet Articles. Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks, Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises, Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels, Shawl and Trunk Straps, Traveling Rugs, (very line) , which every traveler ought to possess. f IB Usual Hi Stock of Law Gull's & Boy's GOLD & SILVER 1 VXwWMifrrV Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous GORHAM STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine. t3TIt, B.-No Plated Goods Sold in 'thii EstabliehmcnVXEia Thanking the public generally for the very liberal patronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years, and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre mises. The Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting this establishment. M. MceNERNY. Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 80 1m Xi hilrlrnncl uw w.iiiui vi ta rs, j?iri Peb. & St. Goat Bnt. Boots, Dongola Kid Button Boots, Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles, Undervests, Lisle and Balbriffan Hose, Merino Undershirts. usual Fine Assortment of Yery Choice Line of Sus aTf; ihf Shppe V, ft- f i 4- ifr' If- '.. ..!