Newspaper Page Text
C&ttfl ?H'w W 4 ftlgig8g&BSgafe&&j&at BY AUTHORITY. Finance Department. Honolulu, H. L, Pob. 10, 1883. Notico in lioioby given to nil em ployees of the llmvnilnu Go em inent, and to other persons to whom moneys may be dun at tho Hawaiian Treasury on or before March 31, 1888, to present vucheis for settle ment on or befoio I hut date; and all poisons having moneys on account ot the Government aro leiiuested to make their lelurns promptly, in older that there may be no delay in closing tho accounts for tho fiscal period ending Mm oh ill, 1888. W. L. GREEN. G8 tf Minister of Finance. BISHOP & Co., BANKERS Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands Draw Exchange on the JSaulc ol OnliJforuin., H. JT. And their agents in NEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG. Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney, Londou, The Commercial Bank Co.. of Sydney, Sydney, Tho Bank of New Zealand: Auckland, Cliristchurch, and Wellington, The Bank of British Columbia, Vic toria, B. C, and Portland, Or. AND Transact a General Banking Business, flfit) ly THE atTu ullfin Pledged to neither Sect nor Patty, Silt established for the benefit of all. MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1888. CUSTOM HOUSE STATISTICS. The annual report of the Collector General of Customs is just pub lished, from which wc reproduce the following figuies: The total value of all exports, foreign and domestic, was $9,529, -447.33, of which the domestic Br , amounted to S'.),43o,'J0l,12. A comparative table of domestic exports for 1S86 and 1887, shows a decrease in 1887, of 905,171.05, but there was an increase in the last quarter of 1887, as compared with the same quarter in 1880, of S23, 309. G3. The principal decieasc was in sugar. In 188G thcie vas exported 210,228,015 lbs., while in 1887theie was but 212,765,017 lbs. The excess of expoits over im ports during the year 1887 was $4,585, GOG. 01. 73.78 per cent of the imports, or $3,047,994.30 were from the United States; 13.38 per cent or SGG1, 540.93, wcie from GreatBritian ; 5.33 per cent or $202,555.80 were from China and Japan; 3.73 per cent or $181, 501.70, wcie from Germany; 3.19 per cent or $157,870.59 from Australia and New Zealand; .23 per cent or $11,G04.9G from France; and .30 per cent from other coun tries. The value of our foreign com merce was $14,473,288.05, of which 90.79 per cent or $13,138, J) 10.48, were with the United States; 4.58 per cent or $001,540.93 with great Biitain; 1.27 per tent or $181,501.70, with Germany; 1.12 percent or $103,001.79, with Aus tralia and New Realand; 1.85 per cent or $208,722.57, with China and Japan; and .39 per cent or $50, 544.58 with all other countries. A comparison of customs receipts for 1880 and 1887 shows an increase for 1887 of $14,558.00. There lias been a uimked decrease in the withdrawal of spirits fioin the Custom House for consumption. In 188C, 213,750 gallons were with drawn, while in 1887, tlieie were only 207,287 gallons. The decrease wns principally in gin, rum and whis key, while there was an increase of 28,81G gallons of California wines. Although there has been a de crease in tho withdrawal of liquois for consumption, and a consequent decrease of $34,720 in duties for the same, an increase of $20,901 has been made on merchandise. In the passenger statistics, wo find an excess of departures over arrivals of 112, and in tho immi grant statistics, an excess of arrivals of 1030, 885 of which were asiatics. NOTICE. W AUSTIN Wiilting and Chailcs T Oreifihton, attorneys and couu. ccllors ut luw, have by mutual arrange ment this day dissolved-their business relations. Jlonolttlu, Mnrch 17, 1688. W lw FOUND IT OUT ? EniToit Bulletin s 1 observe thnl the "Gazette" is silent as to its informant, or authority for tho state ment that "the Poi'tugucpo leave home for the Islands with the pre meditated intention of working out one labor contiact only and then leaving for tho Pacific Coast." Two enquiring letters have failed to elicit n response. It seems evident that the above statement originated in the brain of the editorial writer and that liis "authority" ia none other than his own soaiing imagination. Fiiist Enquiheu Again. - i' ". CLAUS SPREGKELS. IIP. INTENDS TO HUN A NUW ltEI'IKERT FOU AU. IT IS YVOimi. New York, March 3. A "Her ald" Philadelphia special reports nu interview with Clans Sprcckcls. lie was asked, "Is the rumor truo that you and several others have organ ized to fight tho present sugar tiust?" "No," said he, "I am entirely independent of the trust, and in tend to lemain so. I am going to run my own relineiy for all it is north, and sell for what I can get, without legard for other oiganiza tious." "When asked his opinion of the effect of the proposed taiiff reduc tion on sugar he leplied : "As far as 1 am concerned it makes no differ ence whether there is any change in the duty or not, but 1 am inclined to think it would injuic the Louis iana planters, though, I don't i cully know. The beet sugar industr-, which I am endeavoring to promote, may or may not be affected. I do not think that the consumer will get his sugar cheaper anyhow, as the retail price is regulated more by the supply and demand than by the tariif. Whether a reduction at this time would injure the- industry or not I cannot say until my experi ments have progressed fiuthcr. If my factory docs not pay I'll shut it up and lose the money I ha e ex pended. WANTED rTO exchange a No. 1 Piano foi u A Horf-e and Plinilon, or for a Hof-e end Brake. Inquiic nt this office. 03 tf CHARLES CEEIGHTON, Attorney anil Counsellor at I.nw. Xo. 15 Kaakumanu btrcct, adjoining office formerly occupied by Hou. S. B. Dole. 91 lw NOTICE. THE undersigned having been np. pointed Administrator of the Es tate of It. W. Laine, bankiupt, requests all pciBons who hae claims against the istatc of said W. It. Laine, teemed or otherwise, to present the same duly sworn to, to the undersign. A. J. OAItrWRIGHT. Adminitiatorof the Estate of It. AY. Laine, bankrupt. Honolulu, Match lftth, &8. 04 tf Hawaiian Lodge, Ho. 21, F. & A. M. PURSUANT to a dispensation from the W.-. M.1. Grand Master of California, the special meeting of Ha waiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., has, been postponed to MONPAY EVENING, March 19, 1888, at 7:30 r. jr., for tho purpose of Electing Officers for the I'lisuing Masonic year. By oider of the Worshipful Master. T. C. POKTEK, Ot 3t Secictary. G-mrv dine BUTTER SCOTCH lb only made and told at the Steam Candy Factory, Bakery & Ice Cream Parlors, JIOTEIi HTItKKT, tST AND NOWHEltE ELSE -a 01 lw For San Francisco. 2r33fc The Al tern "W. S. B0WNE," Bl.DHM, Mf,TKH. Will bail foi ll.e iibovu Port on Thursday, March 22nd, at 12 noou. For freight and passage apply to F. A. BCHAEFER & CO., 04 3t Agents. COTTAGE TO LET ON BERETANTA ST. T)ETVEEN PiiKoi and Keo. P jl uiinioKii mica., lot inns throui'h to ICIiitni street. 100 lert lionlrtcu U(oil nastu- nj.e. Cottige contains 0 iooiiu, cur. litigu Iiousq uiidrtaljkt) for a or-1 Iioisoj. Hem $20 iei inont". Apply to J. K. UUOWN & 00., 14 tf '46 Mctclinnt btreet. NOTICE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. Aio uuthoriecd to collect foi tho JJUI.LLTIN. Honolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 67 &2kS. .tCVt Auction Sales by James F. Morgan, EXECUTOR'S SALE t-:OF PLAITS, te, fete. By ordei ot tho Executors of the Kstato of the Lite Goo. Kngolhardt. de- ceased. 1 will fcII at Public Auction, On WEDNESDAY, March 21st, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At his residence Queen trect, the En. tire Lot of RARE & COSTLY Mouse Plants ! Comprising u Ij-irgo and Vailed Assort nient. .VLSO- All the Plants at Present Growing in the Garden ! 'Hie I'hinu are now helm; numbered and classllleil for theeoueni. ence of putehabors. Syl'iomUos open for inspection EVERY DAY preious to Bile. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. COtd Bans! Bargains! The Great Clearance '-a'o nt the torc ot the lite U(o Engclhardt v.iil continue toi During this tune the JCutire Stork must be sold, 'lo accomplish this all Arlirks will be bold at a ilia oi iu m n BELOW COST! CS?" Iloustkcercrs s' oiilrt embrace this oppoilunily of securing hargaiLS in all dcEciiptioiia of IIoiicfiiini"iiing Goods. SO lw Rubbish ! Rubbish ! Rubbish ! frUJE undersigned who lus been au. JL tlioricd by the Boaid ot Health as a Gaibngs Collector, jrivi'S notico to the public ot Honolulu thai I13 is rctdy to remove the Rubbish from stores and private residences at the unprece dcntc'Uy mini I charge uf 50 cents per month and to remove the same from restaurants fo 1.00 per month. Horse littei is classed as Kubhlsh. Tice tiim. mings will be cluigcd foi extra. Deal D035, Cms and any small animals will 1 e removed froo of chnige. A reason able charge will be made for the le moval of dead Horses and Cattle. The undei signed can be communi cated with by Office Telephone 370, and Private Telephone 220, Mutual Tel. Co. N. B. My carts work on Satuulays. L. L. LaPIERRE. 92 lw Rubbish I RubbisliI Rubbish! THE iindcisicncd having hcen in the bnbiuesB for the past 15 months, and now being sip ointud by the Hoard of Health as liiibbish Collector. I licreby wish to ihnnU tho ptihlic lor there liberal puiionnge, hoping aeon, liuuance of the tame with a more ex tended list of rnbtomci'j. I Bhnll as hcretofoie have my iuuuUU caits go on each street '.heie "letiuind three times each vcok,c:icept in veiy l.tiny weather, then two times each week. After this month each cait will cany a bell to annouuce its arpeuiance on the sticit, that no one will hae .w cm .se fer not selling out their di t CiaVI'iIeis n- heielofore: Oidiuary llouto Kubhish and Yard Sweepings, fit) ( tnti, 75 dLiits and 81.00 per month, if I'llt in coiiluiiK it. Tho nboie piin-b in ranged according to the amount oi uibhis i talcoi auaj. Trio Tiimmlngtf and Doric Jjitter will be dunged ctr.i. IIorEC, IhillockH, Uognntid Dogs will ho lnu led at icusuiablu laUf. N. F. UUIiGEHS. 1'. S. Anjono knowing of oiio wlio is rcquiud to luuu their rubbish re. inovul, who U not ulilo to ray the tax, if thepuly or paitles will kt mo know I will ilo their caitiiig free of charge. DO lm N. F. B. Hawaiian Coffee Co, COPIES of the pioipeetiH of the Ha. walian ColRo I'lauiaiioii Co can be bail on application nt thoollhuof J. E. 1'iown A. Co,, Keil KBiato AgenlP, Merchant siteet. r!llw NOTICE. IMIE undersigned having been np. JL pointed Eucutora of tho hu Will and Toitnmont of I.oreno Marcliunt, late of Honolulu, deeeiiHcii, lcqucsta all persons wlio Iihvu claims against tho estate of bald diccnsed, secured or other, wise, to preent tho sump duly sworn to, to the uudc-iblgiied within blv mouthb from data or they will iotoieci Inrrcd, and all )ersons iiukbted tobaidcbtate to make immediate F. A. SOHAEFEU, Esccutoi of tho last Will nmi Testa meal of L, Mnrcluuit, deecnsid. 01 lw NOTICE. TVTOTIOEislioieby ghen that Chong hi of 'J'uck Lung b'lk, oi i no nun oi tuck Jjiiiil' Choii" Co., doiug huslutss as carpcnteis in Honolulu, of which Sam Kc-y, Tuck Sum nrd Chong Bak are pnrtnore, has Fold all his interest to Chung hum. Chung Linn nssumlug uil liabiliUeb of said Chang Bak. its u partucr in suid Arm. 67 lw TO LET. A NICE house of hlno rooms. Hard fllnsh. Hot and cold water. Kent 30 per month. Inquire at Bulletin ofllcc. 03 If FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET. ON Klnau street No. St); pallor, 3 bed. V toomf . scivnula room, sHblc and carriage house. Lot 10Dxl70 fest; garden. Apply to CO tf .T. E. BltOWN & CO. FOR SALE FOR S3 CO. A'CEKTAIN lease with a . cottano on s&a premises (Ic.ise for 8 unit); 10 minutes' walk from the 1'oM Office. Inquire of .1. M. VLVAS, 00 lw Merchant street No. 42. FOR RENT. .npHE houe now occupied JL by li. uouitecii, i;$q., situated on Klnau street. For particulars inquire of 82 2v G. E. BOAKDMAN. COTTAGE TO LET. a T?IVE minutes' walk fiom WA A the Post Office. Suit- able for ti bachelor. Apply to 89 tf .1. M. MONSARltAT. TO RENT. ftM. A A CU I TAtJU Oil Lilih 1 alffewSfJ -tx &gSg&g and School sticets. Kent 12 per month. Apply to M. S. G1UNBAUM & CO., 80 tf Queen sticet. FERTILIZERS For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. For Sale by 1IAXSOX A. SMYTH. "VX7"E aie now pi eparcd to receive all TT orders foi the above Ki rtilizer of 11 ktipirior quality, thoroughly cured and warranted one of the best articles of tlie kind in the maiket Orders may be left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen stiect, G. M SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable. 9a lm EASTER CARDS! FOE SALE IE 1 1ST - BROS'. 88 lw- .A All kinds of Brackets, at G. WEST& CO.'S. A large, assortment of Bird Cages, at ' G. WEST& CO.'S. Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at . G. WESTJc CO.'S. Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and New ChromoB, at WEST Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums and Scrap Books, at G. WEST & CO.'S. o Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and Chairs, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Baby . Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small "Wheel Barrows, at Combs, Brushes, Pans and Dolls, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes, Yiolins, Banjos, &c, &c, at &. WEST& CO.'S. Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at G. WEST & CO.'S. Picture Frames, Cornices and Mattrasses made to order, at G. WEBT & CO.'S. Pianos and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired, at G. WEST & CO.'S. Canary Birds, warranted Singers, at mh 87 3F3CO!VOXuXJJL,U. rrirftrfri : SPECIAL CHEAP SALE:: Bargains in All Depart . uts! Prices Gut in Two ! Prices Cat i Two ! All Wool Very Combination Low Rates the Newest. Suits and at CHAS. J. FISHEL, Leading Millinery House. 87 lm & CO.'S. Frames, at FOR TIB WEEKS & OO.'S, 105 Fort Street J iy The Hew and Elegant Fitted Store of I. McIHERHY, corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, 18 irew iii Whoro will bo fouud an Elegant Display oi GoodB of such grados, a8 this cornor litis boon always noted for. Entire Now Linos of Goods selected by Mr. B. A. Mc- Ineniy now Bast. Among my very General Stock will be found Ladies', Misses' & Childrens' 6 Preacli KW Button Boots anfl Slipers, Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' cc u it (( li Ladies' Silk Hose, Ladies' Silk and Merino Ladies' Misses' M9& & Childrens' Men's Silk JJndershirts & Drawers, " Perforated Silk Undershirts, " Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts, " Saxony Lambs "Wool Undershirts and Drawers, " "White and Red Shaker Flannel Undershirts and Drawers, " Anglo-Tndia Gauze & Merino Undershirts. Boy's Undershirts. My usual Fine Assortment of Vlssrs and Boy's Fine Shoes & Slippers Men's Elegant Neck "Wear, "Very Choice Line of Sus penders, Jouvins White and Colored Kid Gloves, Gent's Fine Riding and Driving Gloves, Buck Gauntlets. Every Style & Saale in Men's Hats k Boy's Straw Hats Umbrellas, Walking Gold I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion able Styles from the best houses in the United States. Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits, Cheviott Suits Black Dress Suits, Black Frock Suits. All My Clothing is 7arranted Shrunk, Well-Cut, Carefully Made and Will Give Very General Satisfaction. Razors and Pocket Knives, Razor Straps and Brushes, Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers, Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) , CMce Puritan! and otkir Toilet Articles. Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,' Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises, Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels, Shawl and Trunk Straps, Traveling Rugs, (very lino) , which every traveler ought to . possess. TIg Hal M Stock: of Mies' Gent's & Boy's GOLD s8aMcKsS'tfc!l5,iBSli tLjlmfflSnf1i!rnT Jadies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Splid Gold and Silver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous G0RHAM STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 92$ Fjnc. E2TN. B. No Plated Goods Bold in thii Establiflimcn'.-GSa Thanking the public generally for the very liberal patronage bestowed on this house during tho last 25 years, and soliciting ft continuance of the same at the New Pi'Pr mises. The Clerks will bo found ready and willing to coiuv teously attend to all Indies mid gentlempn visiting tfiJB, establishment, Wi. RUcBEUERSUY. Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 8ti lm Peb. & St. Goat But. Boots, Dongola Kid Button Boots, Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles, Undervests, Lisle and Balbricran Hose, IP? cd?Saj Canes in Solid Ileads- and Silver. & SILVER t I f hi'. i r i i . k fMHbfaMi& 1kmh&JA? "& drf-lA" v-'-- 'Gk'A- ,.-L h 1 .. rmusi&x; - - . &MmMjLK&iml aAhx.., '.,.