Newspaper Page Text
iM I MyfrwyJwyrittfc Ladies' 6-Button Kid Gloves For 81.00. At The Arcade EGAN & CO. TilliJ jgaitg UttTlKftti MONDAY, MAliCH 1J, 1888. ARRIVALS. Mar 18 Sjmr Mikahala from Knunl Stinr Walnlealc from Unmnkua Btmr Llkcltko from Maul Sclir Mllo Morris from Koolnu Mar 10 SclirJCiuiuto from Kuan Sch i' Wulmnlu from Ilonoinu Bktiif Planter 1C days fioiu San Fian clsco DEMHTUBES. Mar 10 Btmr Kaalafor Wnianao ami Walalua a', 0 a m Stmr J as Mnkca for Knpan at fi p m Bk Frcidilch for San FianeUeo VESSELS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Sclir Canuto for Kunu Scr Wahiiiiln for lionomu Stmr Iwalanl for Lahalna anil llama- kna at 8 a m Stmr Mikahala for Kauai at 5 p m Stmr Llkullkc for Kahulul at 5 p in Bk Velocity for Hongkong Stmr Waialealc for Kaunl at 1 p in Sclir Kaalokat for Ilanamatilu Sclir Manuokawal for Koolnu PASSENGERS. From Kauai, per stmr Mikahala, Mar 18 Lord Dalryniplc, J W Alapal and wife, Auc Drcler and wife, W It Law rence, 11 W T I'm vis, 0 M Cooke. Miss F Markliam, Miss DuehaUUy, l)r Her bert and vlfc, Mrs .1 Kukltia and daughter, R Cation, V Ewavt, U Bosso, 3 Chinese and 48 deck. From Maui, per Likelike, Mar 18 HH Honor Justice S B Dole, Ills Ex I, A Thurston, lion P N Mnkce, E 11 Kyau, W Bcrlowltz, SL Thomas, Mr Bissel, H Macaulcy, H E Eldiid-e, Mrs M S Knlco, J Uakuolc, Mrs Makanu, C B Wilson and G deck. From Waimanalo, per stmr J A Cummins, M.r, 18 U B II l'llnccss Ll lluokalani, Piincess l'oomnikclani, J A Cummins aud wife, MrsM Knhai, Allen Herbert, W Holt aud wife. CARGOES FROM ISLAND PORTS. Sclir Canute 3.000 bs sugar. Sclir Wahnalu 1,200 bgs sugar. Stmr Llkellke G,U00 bgs sugar, 81 hides, -1 cows, 1 horse and 2,0 l'J ft of koa lumber. Stmr Waialeale 3,87-i bgs sugar. Stmr Mikahala 3,820 bgs sugar. SHIPPING NOTES. The J A Cummins came from Wai manalo buoy to Honolulu in 2 lire and C8 minutes yesterday evening, and the 6teamer Waimanalo in 3 hours and 7 minutes. i ..J L ' " 1 . U ..L .1," LOCAL & GENERAL HEWS. Hoiin's Butter Scotch is all the " rage. Mb. G. West is confined to his house by illness. The U. S. S. Marion practico this moining. had gun The onlarging of Koloa wharf is finished, and is a fine job. The water-wheel and electric light dynamo will bo tested to-monow. A cottaqe is offered to let on Uorc tania street Apply at J. E. Brown & Co.'s. .., A party; of about 75 camo over the Pali on horseback from Waimanalo, yesterday. Kauai had fair weather during all of last week, excepting Satin day, when it blew like mibchief. - Tun remains of the late L. Aholo were interrod at Kawaiabao ceme tery, yesterday afternoon. - A Chinese plantation hand com mitted suicide at Nawiliwili last Thursday by hanging himself. Mr. A. J, Carlwright lequests tho presenting to' him of nil claims against tlie cstato of Mr. K. W. Laino, Bashfui, Honolulu boys aio organ izing a social and dancing club, and intend giving weekly or semi-monthly dancing parties. . . The W. S. Bowno will leavo for San Francisco on Thursday next at 12 noon. A mail fiom tho Post Of fico will be dispatched by bor. . i m A bamplb of Horn's Buttor Scotch enables tho inmates of this oillco to tostif v to tho m ticlo's niconebs of H flavor and general good qualities. i i MnssRB. Wulkor and Bedward made a present of a kahili stand and handle, composed of 17 kinds of iw-, tivo woods, to Mr. J. A. Cummins, on Satuiday. i .i - On Thursday, tho 22d inst., tho birthday of His lato Majesty, tho Emperor William of Germany, thoro ..." . , .!..- !.. O Will UO a niemunui uuivicu in Andrew's Cathedral at 11 A. m St. W. A. Wiutinci aud Obailes Croigh ton havo dissolved partnciship, by mutual agreement. O. Oroigbton has Ilia olfice at No. 15 Kaahuinanu streot, formerly occupied by S. B. Polo, - . .-- SajvI Kainaka, "Wildor's shipping man, has raised $00, among his ac quaintances, for tho benefit of Ka waiabao Church. Sam bad $70 a fow-wceks ago, but since then ho raised $20 moro, Thk colobratioi) of Mr. J. A- Cum mins 53 birtbdny aii'niyeraiy,at Wni pianalo, last' Satuda'y, wils a grand a'j'air.' Tho day 'began with lioit-o races, thon a big luau, followed by a minstrel entertainment and tableaux, w'iiding up with dancing. If j on want a Fine Hat or Necktie, o to The Arcado-EGAN & CO, A Hon1!!: attached to a homemade brake bolted on S.ituidny afternoon, from near tho jail, and uaiuc lo a rest on King stioet, near Liliha stveet, by both upsetting, No serious damage oeeuned to either, or to anybody else. - i 3 il Two naphtha launches came by tho Martha Davies, one of moderate size for tho I. 1. S. N. Co., and a smaller ono for Mr. 11. P. Baldwin of Haiku, Maui. The ono Hist inon tioued can be hoisted on a steamer', davits and will bo iibed chioily in towing sugar boats from I ho landing to tho steamer. GOLD SiiAKE. For a cool, delicious bovqugc, try C.J McOarthy'6 Milk Shake. 00 lv EVENTS THIS EVENING. Hand Concert at Emma Square, at 7:30 o'clock. Meeting of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., at their Lodge room, at 7:30 o'clock, for election of ollicers. CHOCOLATE CREAMS. The Pioneer Steam Candy factory does not sell (impoitcd) Stale Choco late Creams for home-made, but its own fiesh and superior articlo mndo by F. HoitN, the only Con fectioner in Honolulu, whose Chal lenge his would-be competitor dare not accept. S2 CAUGHT IN THE ACT. Two natives, employed at a plan tation at Waimea, Kauai, forged the employer's name, one day last week, to an order for goods fiom J. T. Walerhouse, of this city, to be sent to a certain place. The rat was smelled, the goods sent and tho two natives were captured as they came forward to take the goods. BAND CONCERT. Royal Hawaiian Band The will crivo a moonlight concert at Emma Square this evening, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Following is tho pro gramme : l'AKT I. Maieh Entrance Strati" Introduction -Carmen llizet Walt M j' Queen Coote Hcniliilsecnces of all nations. ..Godfrey Mauoa, Pua Alani me Kaplolani 1'AltT II. Itominicences of Scotland. Echo ICa hea a Iliku Waltz Bluc.Danube Hawaii Ponoi. Maancn ..Bcrger ..Strauss SUGAR AHD RICE MARKET. On the 8th inst, the California Refinery reduced prices -Jc ; all round. The American, had not is sued a new ptico list up to that date. New York. March 8th. Sugar Relincd ; crushed and cut loaf, 7-Jc ; cube, Gif : dry granulated, G!Jc ex tra yellow C, 5c. Raws Cuban centrifugal, 9G test, S5.43J; beet sugar (London quotation) 14s Gd. On March Gth, the rice market at San Francisco was strong with an upward tendency ; G850 bags which arrived by the Consuelo wore piomplly sold at 5 cents.. THE TWENTY. The twenty sailors belonging to the whaler John P. West, who were locked up in thc-Station House for lefusing duty, were taken back to the ship this afternoon. They marched down to the tug boat, handcuffed two and two, under charge of Capt. Larson and Ollicers. They boarded the Eleu in good order and were taken out lo the ship standing off the harbor. The J. P. West expects to sail for the Arctic on Thuisday next. A squad of marines from the U. S. S. Adams arc on board, to preserve order, and will remain there until the whaler is about to sail, POLICE COURT. In the Police Coin t this morning C. Gilbert, J. MoDuff and several natives were fined SO each for drunk enness. Villiam McCrcgor and A. More wore lined C each for heedless riding yestei day. J. D. Andrews and Kcoliolani, nffray SO each. Nineteen dollars were received fiom Chinamen who violated tho Sunday law, yesterday. Several gases were remand to future dates while some wcio discharged. BUTTER SCOTCH. Honolulu, II. I., 1 Mar. 17,1888. J Mk. IIokn Dear Sir: I sent to you last evening for some Butter Scotch forttro children who have a bad cold on the chest, and I must say it is the only true Butter Scotch I havo tasted since I left my native country (Lancashire, Kngland), wlijeji is famous for t. Yours lespectfully, Mits. JL C-AYKOun. P. S. The Butter Scotch loosen ed the tightness on tho chest at once and tho cough was much t'asior, J? i Pi The above letter is n purely voU untaiy contribution, unasked. ' K. II. Tho oillco of the Chattanooga Chronicle has been burned. Loss. S1UU.UUU. o to Tho Arcadb-EGAN & CO. Vov your Full Dress White Vests, SUPREME COURT. nctoun uor.r. The Kinn vs. W. S. .T. Luce, con tinued until to-morrow, on account of disability of Minister of Interior, an important witness, to attend. In probate, in the matter of the estate sf Kailikolo (k.), lato of Wai klki, Honolulu, Onliti, deceased. Petition of Nahoia Ilipa for probate of will. On motion of contestant continued until 2Gth inst., subject to settlement of costs in the future. W. O. Smith for petitioner, J. L. Kmilukou for Knuiakani (wO. con- tostsint. In equity. Cha3. 15. Bishop, S. M. Damon, Clias. M. Hyde, (Jims. M. Cooke and Jos. O. Carter, Trus tees under the will or llcrnico Pau ahi Bishop, vs. Alexander J. Cart wiigbt, Trustee under tho will of Einnni Kalcleonalanl, Bill for par tition of land known as tho ahupuaa of Ilalawa, in the district of Ewa, (Jahu, same as is mentioned in L. C. Award Nos. 7,712 and 8510. Kcturn day. Stipulation will be filed for a continuance of this day. F. M. Hatch for plaintiffs; Cecil Brown for defendant. In equity. D. "W. Kanoelcluia vs. A. J. Cartwiight, Trustee 6f the estate of Emma Knlclconalaui. Bill lo declare and execute a trust. Be turn day continued, upon stipula tion of counsel, until 2Glh inst. STORY OF THE SO-CALLED MUTINEERS. Editou Bulletin: We having read your article published the other day in reference to the so called mutiny, and feeling not only giateful to you for its tone, but also thinking that you might for human ity's sake, be willing to give pub licity to our story, if prepared Tor you, aud feeling that that story if published might tend to a proper examination of our case, wc-havc prepared the following biief state ment. By publishing tho same you will earn our united gratitude. This is the only course left open to us, oth erwise, wo would never have attempt ed to trouble you. Premising, we would say that we have been before the U. S. Consul, and after making a hasty and imperfect statement, owing to his appaient indifference to our story, we weic lodged in the Station House and are there still. The Portuguese Commissioner lias heic visited such of us as are Portu guesc (about four of our number.) There are others here of four diffe rent nationalities, namely: Ameri cans, Britis.h, Germans and Dutch, who have had no means of commu nicating with their respective con suls or commissioners. Our treat ment by the authorities has been most kind and courteous, and in singular contrast with our treatment on our own voyage hither. We aie called mutineers. But if tho facts of the case, fairly stated, make us so, then we suppose the same reasoning will make our cap tain a saint and our ship a paradise. Here it is: We left New Bedford July 20, 1887, for a 13 months' whaling ciuUc to the Aictic, and arrived here March 13lh. We had not been out 20 days, when the offensive and impure character of the food sup plied to us made it necessary to complain to the captain. We made no demand or threats ; and one of us was knocked down in a brutal manner, while asking lo sec tho ship's articles; and wc were also threatened with future illlreatmcnt for the offense we had committed. This tlncat has proved to be no idle one, for off Cape Horn, the vessel, as we believe, was purposely delay ed, the vessel with quite ordinary weather taking two months to round tho Cape, and going far enough South (as tho Captain himself said) to see ice, The course was not al tered until the mate emphatically declared it must bo changed, for neither ho nor the men could stand the cold. Moreover, the men wero deprived of n stove, put on board especially for use by them. Ceilnin of us were refused tho privilege of buying extra clothing from the slop ohost. The captain was almost incca eb&aiitly waiuiing his own interior with grog, supposed to have been put aboaid for the use of the men, while they had neither grog, fire, nor sufllcient clothing to keep thorn warm. Tho effect of his drinking what wub supposed lo liAve been aboard for the use of 30 men can be imagined. He was almost always in a state unlit to command a ves sel, and as a consequence, one poor fellow lost his life overboard. This was by a Henseless command, to furl nnd unfurl a sail two or thrjco times over in a gale of wind. Our only meat wussalt-junk during tho whole voyage wiHi the exception of three or four meals of fresh inca off the fc-outU American Coast. After ono month, our potatoes gave out. Besides this, we had bread mado of horrible flour, filled with debris of various kinds. It was simply like tho salt Junk, uneatable. Tliu meat was old and hUnklng, probably ba been on several previous voyages. We had dried beans once every teveii (lava until about six weeks be- foio armal. Hud no otber vegP: tallies 01 any kiiu, "Wo had scttivoy In November and 5 bad cases until arrival. Wlieu, v 4itti)k&i'itiX&df'xZt fcdolt lit the Fine IilnC of Dress Goods, Tho Arcado-EGAW & CO. I,atcNt Style. scurvcy had broken out the captain would allow tho sick a little lime juice and vinegar, but at no other tune. One man is still sick on board with the disease. Olio man among us is sick. This man injured bis back by a fall down the hold, aud has ailed ever since more or less, is now suffering pain and sore throat, is not allowed pro per treatment, and is compelled to sleep on bard boards Without a pillow in his cell. Among the whole twenty of us wo have three thin blankets, but wo do not blame the authorities here for that as wc know the Station House is not a place for permanent detention. Wc, who arc well, do not care for boaid beds and the bites of millions of mosqui toes; for it is altogether heavenly in comparison to life aboard that ship. Still further, the captain has threatened to punish us for our mutinous conduct when he gets us "up noith." We suppose he in tends to freeze us in si more severe fashion than he did off Cnpo Horn. Our lives even are not safe ; and wc feci it, with a man who makes him self incompetent by reason of his intemperate habits. This slntcmcnt, we doubt not, will be corroborated in almost every par ticular by every man on board, even down to the fiist mate. Individual instances of brutality wc have not i elated, but thoy arc numerous. When wc shipped it was distinctly understood, wo were to have liberty on at living at Honolulu. AVe sim ply icquested, us we had been nearly 8 months at sea. We know by cx pciience that the captain intends not to give us any until wo have finished our voyage. Until now, none of us have ever disobeyed a command. When we started on our voyage there was not an able seaman aboard; there are none now. Whether, under the circumstances wc can ever get any icdress, is the question wc ask. Some wise people say "every wrong has its remedy." There is cither no wrong here or the remedy is mis sing. The lawyers say they can fix us light, but the need of tin, which we have not, is ominously suggested. O. P. Leonard, T. J. Roza, T. I. E. J. Schneider, Honey, Erb, M. Gomes, Robert Ions, F. S. King, George Meycrhofe, John H. Jarding, II. Wiegncr, C. Farmer, G. Wcidniann, A. Young, J. Waitli, J. M. Curloj', R. Batiraau, Alfred Peters. locking Silvey, . Thomas Williams. Honolulu, March 15), 1888. A FRIENDLY ARGUMENT. Editor Bum.utin: Allow me to premise by saying that I am writing iu the spirit of fiiendly argument. The subject on which I take issue with you is, "Should a public ser vant have a private business?" I argue, no, and present the following as my reasons: -Phis Government being the Re form Government is intended to be by and for the people all the peo ple, not some and tho well being of all is supposed to be in view iu every step thoj' take. Now, one important point is to so conduct affairs that the people may he con tented and happy; but if, according to your theory, one man is allowed to (ill an olllcial position and to carry on business at the same time, somebody is going to be crowded out, aud dissatisfaction that might bo prevented is going to oiistic, and possibly a loss of population, which means taxes and votes, In tho second place it is only fair to judge that there are men enpable of filling the various Government ofllccs outside tho ranks of men iu business, and if the business man considers the Government position precarious, why take it? why not confine his attention to his business and leave tho Government position to i-omc one who docs not want the whole eartli but is content with part of it. I have no objection lo any one getting an anchor out to windward asitwoie, but I do object to tho Government assisting him to do it, probably at tho expense of some one else iu the community with equal rights as far as tho Government is concerned. No, my dear Editor, I don't believe iu it; in business every man has got tho light to crowd another out, if lie can and desires to do so, but when he has the assist ance of the Government to (ill two holes with one peg somebody 'is treated unjustly, You must not imagine that I argtiQ that a man has no right to perforin nny labor outside of Gov ernment hours, I do not fpr a min ute argue any such thuig ; labor 'a sacred, u;id uiy innn ha? u right tp woili as long us ho Is at liberty to do so, and to receive pay for it I ' w '' .Yono to employ liiui. ''t i UP coniuiiii inai uio hold,- liijQf a Gpturnimiit position ciiriies uipro or lois influence with it, mid places the holder in n position, cp.ui uiercially to furthpr Ufa Qvfn lnt,'er vtr A Fine Mnc of Ladies' & Misses' Shoes At Tho Arcado-EGAN & CO. ests at the expense of some biuiuens competitor who at the same time partially bears the but den of the salary paid to said Government official. Now allowing as you argue that a Government position is pre carious, the lctuedy, in my mind, lies not in filling said positions with men who can afford lo lose them again without injury to themselves, but rather to pass such laws ns will secure n good civil seivico system lo this countty, a system demandini; an applicant prove competency be fore appointment, and after appoint uient protection from removal ex cept from cause, said cause to be sulllcicnt for removal, and to bo proven by tiial should the olllcial demand it. As the Legislature will soon meet, I think this important matter should be ventilated, and I feci that in calling your attention to it I have done all that is necessary to further that object, leaving the matter thus in your hands, and hoping 1 have succeeded in converting you to my view. I am, Yours respectfully, F. M. Philadelphia, March 5. Claim Spreckcls and his son held pio longed conference to-day with E. C. Knight in the latlcr's olllce. Thorc weie also present Knight's son and Francis R. Pemberton, President of the Pennsylvania Warehousing Com pany. At the conclusion of the con ference the elder Spreckcls said that he should not talk conclusively about his intentions until he had gone fully over the giound and in quired fully into the desirability of both. Pemberton wishes to interest him in a project for the establish ment of an extensive lefinery iu this city, which lias been under consider ation for several months past. BUSINESS ITEMS. TAHITI LEMONADE STEAM J- WORKS. Capacity 1,000 ilozeii per (lay Kcw .Machinery, New Bottle In addition to our patent Crjstnl Valve Biltlcs we arc now prepared to Btipply War Ship and Ves-tls having for otlici countries with Soda Water, ft-., put up ia I ork Bnttles without cin charge for liottlc. J. E. Blown fc Co, Depot 28 Meiehtim .livct. 01 s pHAS. J. FISH EL has received KJ cs Australia the latest stjlu of ladies untriimucd bath, also a Hue line of children's leghoi n hats In ibffcicnt shapes. Call aud tec them. 87 Us GET SOME Genuine Olufashioncd Hnttei scotch Candy, at the new L andy Factory ! "Yum! Yum!" U T7RESH, HOME-MADE WAL JL. nut licams lednceil to 30 cents per whole pound, at the Pioneer .Steam Candy Factory and Uahcry, Hotel, be tween Xuiiiiim and Fortstiects. 71 T7RESH, HOME-MADE CHO JT colateand Cocoanut Caiamels ic duccd to !i0 cents per whole pound, at the Pioneer Steam ( andy Factory and liaUeiy, lintel, between Niuuinu and Foi t btrects. T I LTMNEST BRANDS OF CALI JL forum l'oit. Mailuita and Malaga, for sale in Kcj- m d cujc- by U ON SALVE,-. & (O, 01 Queen mko URE, FRESH, HOME-MADE and Vanilla Chocolate CreauisCdc- liclous) l educed to 'M cents pel whole, pound, at the Pioni:ek Sti:.m Ca.ndv Factory and Bkkkv, Hotel, m:- TWKEN NlIUANU AND FOItT BTItl'.ETS. 71 CLEAN RAGS aim second hand clothing will bu gratefully lcceiv cil for ilio use of the inmates ot tho brunch ilopital for Liners at Koknako or at the Leper Bdtlnicnt on Molokai. if left with J. T. iitcrliotisc, ji., at the Queen Streot Store. t.fcl tf IHISS. P. THIELE, On Bpretiiniu MreU near I'likol. (Formerly McGuIro's House,) Kindergarten & Elementary, Daily & Boarding School, Also, French and. Gcnnan taught, and r Jlii'io Lo lions given. A tafe convryHiicc will call for nnd re turn chllilr.'ii living at a dbtnncc. 72 Miiliiiil Tekphniio No. fiUl. film NOTICE. WK beg to intimate that Mr, W. L. Green who lint hitherto, with Mr. O, W. Mtu'fiirlunc, cnnilueted rur ngouey here, retire; fiom the tunic uh i n 1st January, lS-t. Mr. O. W." Mi cm i Line, aisUtcd by Vr, Hoheit ' inii-n. v HI ornithine to repin-M'nt 01 r llim l.oic. MIUHI.KE', WAT -ON it CO. Honolulu, SUnl February, 188S. 7U tf FOlt SALTS. O WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked lone i) feel O Whnlo -Uo-it, 30 feet deep, 8 bet vlde;a22 h el butt Hunts; l 1H tcctHtur Moat; B jackui I'lunjser, 10 feet long, (i feet (I Inches wide, 2 leet 0 inchea deep, ullli mast nnil solid all complete; 1 2i fed Siillinu Senw, with mast ami tails all complote. Anjilv to. K. 11. KYAN. Ho.ti llulldoi nnd General .Tolibei. 51 tf A HANDSOME COOL BARBER SHOP, 8H K1.N3 te'XKJ!jl3'.I H ,S been oneneil ovrr tho itbuuiiuil by one of the best nitvutlcHl burliers In the c-hv. (5 iitleiiien uifli. ir g a nice wm Hi.ive, or h finbliinablu jjuir Out will Ibid It to their advautofju to j;lvo mc a trial, ',751m F 63 & 65 FORT STREET. JUST RECEIVED A OF LINEN LAWNS IN ALSO Ilia Lin ai Eirolft Swisses, Black Mii Si at Low Prices. A'lJW IMPORTATION- -i OK EitoiufiriuS and B. EKRLICH. 83 & 65 Fort street. 58 Opposite Irwin & Co. CHARLES EUSTACE, Kmo -0- IIAS JUST Dupce Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, Kegs . Beef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon, Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Germea, HttckiiiM &. Frnnco American Feed Co.'a Ansort'd Noujia, Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food, Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & Cream Crackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes, Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc. And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times. BSf Leave your oiders, HONOLULU PIONEER STEAM F. HORN, Proprietor. PRACTICAL CONFECTIONER, PASTRY COOK AND ORNAMEMTER, ESTABLISHED 1863. o ' HiiYing- not only a six years' but over a half century's prac tical experience in all and every branch of the business. Ol? THE 1U01IEST Of all sizes, always on hand or niented in the highest other production in Honolulu. SHonolulu: Hotel St. bet. Fort & Made of the celebrated CREAM of the Woodlawn Dairy, sold at the great reduced price of S2.00! S2.00I S2.O0! S2.00? SS.OO! PER GALLON-HONEST MEASURE AT THE "HONOLULU STEAM CANDY FACTORY CAKE, AND BUEAD BAKERY," As some- evil disposed persons who are openly boast he intention of ruinin": my business and villanonslv falscfying my GOODS and ICE CREAM I will forfeit 100 t any person who will prove by analysis that my ICE CKMAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaper than anywhere else. - BEWARE I. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamonter Both Telephone:, !Xo. 7-1, Hotel St. bet. Nuuami & Fort St. 70 lm JL.ARGE INVOICE NEW DESIGNS' ! Torcliom Laces ! STREET RECEIVED or ring up 119. -a jC A K E IS j QUALITY, made to order and orna- artistic style, defying all Nuuanu; both Telephones No. 74g3l OF FALSE ItEPRESENTATIONS-TBa: 1 $ . v .?! '11 -& &. fijK rtMimMmii m hmmMsa fei. 1"- .-"' ML k,U.U,.ij.-xi-- j- JtSfia j1j;, JuLhLJiiib