Newspaper Page Text
JSlBSSS&SSSSa&SBCSSSSSSMiS&s& tSsseK5SMsshriaSaia& gaa&agt&i w I" If. - BY AUTHORITY. NOTICE. The Government Oillcos will be closed on THURSDAY, March 22ml, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 1 o'clock i M. in respect of the memory of the Into Gcuniui Einpeior Wilhelm I. LORRIN A. THURSTON. Miniijlci of tho Inleiior. Interior Offlce, Miucli 21, 1S88. !)0 2l Finance Etrpnrtmcitt. Honolulu, H. 1., Feb. 10, 1888. Notico is hereby given to nil em ployees of the Hawaiian Govern ment, and to other poisons to whom moneys inny be due at the Hawaiian Trcnsuiy on or before IMuich 31, 1888, to present toucheis for settle ment on or bcfoie that date; and all persons having moneys on account of tho Government are requested to make their icturns piomplly, in order that theie may bo no delnj in closing tho accounts foi the (i&cal period ending March 111, 18SS. W. L. GREEN. G8 tf Minister of Finance. " " L ami flgiulirfut Pledged to ncitliif Sect nor Patty, But established for the benefit of nil. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1888. DUE TO MIS MEMORY. To-morrow being the birthday anniversary of th(uLU Emperor William of Germany, the news of whose death reached us by the last foreign mail, services will be held in the Anglican Church Cathedral, in memory of the deceased Monarch. All the German business houses will show their respect by closing for the day, and probably other na tionalities will follow suit. Indeed, it is due to the memory of tliu gieat and good Emperor that cveiy busi ness establishment should close its doors on the occasion, at least for a portion of the day. PROPOSED TO ASK. As the "Paradise of the Pacific," a monthly publication, is a credit able effort to diffuse abroad, gratuit ously, reliable information relating to these islands, which information is designed and calculated to induce tourist travel in this diicction, and to encourage the investment of foreign capital for the development of local industries, it is proposed to ask the Legislature, at its next ses sion, to give some assistance in the shape of a small appropriation. It is also proposed, in the event of as sistance being secured from that quarter, to illustrate the paper with views of public buildings, island scenery, etc. This seems a legiti mate object for national encourage ment and help. Public money might be expended to less advantage, and for less profitable objects. UNL?SST"' Editor Bullutin: Wc do not see any official notice to the effect that our Superintendent has re signed, but fiom what we do sec, we are led to believe that such has not taken place. It is due to the public to say that unless more at tention is paid to the necessary wants of the Settlement they may expect to hear complaints from the lepers on Molokai at every legisla tive sessions as in times past. His Excellency L. A. Thurston, Minister of Interior and member of theBoaid of Health, is making a visit to tho .Settlement, and we hope that his personal inspection will do some good. A Residhnt. Kalawao, March 15, 1888. WHAT a"rTY0Tcu1q TO DO ABOUT IT? Editok Bulletin : "Enquirers" were asking some days ngo in your Bulletin, who was the authority for saying that it was a premeditated thing of our Portuguese immigrants here, to serve one term of contract, with the intention of then going away to the Const. I cannot tell who the "personage" is alluded to by "Enquirer," but I can say that this information, if it wcro ever ut tered, which I doubt, is absolutely false. Tho Portuguese came here delud ed by false promises. Thoy all ex pected nt tho expiration of their contracts, to bo able to procure lands and to settle down in humble homesteads to rear their largo fam ilies they consequently came with tho intention of settling, not of go ing away. But, of course, nobody can blame them, if, when they find out what dupes thoy have been wade, aiid how impossible it is for them to leallze their dicanis of set tlement, they mnkc up their minils to lenvc the' countiy, ns shown by the numerous laic depat lures. And certainly, without wishing to blnmo Minister Thurston, the most willing and earnest of nil the ministers yot found here, it will not be the 40 nor 80, nor oven the couple of hundred homestead lots which have been thrown open to the public, on the most unpractical basis, both of terms and aren, it is not theso lots that will prove a hairier against tho exodus of our Portuguese. Nay, as I have long ago pre dicted In tliis same newspaper, and do still announce, if the plnntcrs themselves do not engage in the work of doing the piopcr things for our Portuguese immigrants, if they do not stop their fanciful play with Japanese and their monopoly in their own stoics, every one of the Portuguese laborers will gradually but surely leave this kingdom, tak ing away with them their force mid industry, their numcious families Which would have been such an in valuable clement for the icpopuln tion of these islands, and also nil their accumulated savings, which they arc still willing to invest heic. And thus, whilst wc shall lose nil those valuable elements, the planter will also find that all the moneys spent in bunging these immigrants here will have been spent in vain; thrown aw.iy, and all this for tho unpractical obstinacy of not helping them to settle on land which they might call their own, cither sold or leased. The last census, however deficient it wns, counted nearly ten thousand Portuguese here. Adding the pos terior arrivals and the childicu born hcrc.which are estimated at over one thousand per year, tho Portuguese population to-day is estimated by competent men at between 11,000 mid 15,000 pcisons, who live and eat like Christians, and spend a consi derable portion of their earnings to live well. Now, let us suppose those l.",000 souls gone, as they will be in a short time, if things continue as they'do now, and let us imagine lo, 000 Chinese or Japanese bi ought in to replace them? Well, I-bhall sim ply ask our tradesmen, from diy goods down to butcher or baker, if they think they will make as much trade with even double tho number of Asiatics.-' The question thus, is very simple. Our Poituguesu have not picinedi tated to leave this country for Cali fornia ; but they will leave if some ellicacious and prompt measures are notacted on to retain them. What are the "fathers of the country" going to do? i A. Maiiquks. Our contemporary, the Montreal Herald, occasionally frees its editor ial mind through the medium of poetry, as in tho following: I am a great King of Siain, I am! For justice I don't care a j-am, a yam ; If a trader should fail hj' he's buried in jail, In Quebec it's tho same as .Siam, Siam. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. "7"EE "WO, corner v nunakca nml King JL btrect. linuri Has day maun an nnsignuient to me of all Ills pioperty and assess, for the benefit of bis creditors, all persons having claims against Him me requested to pre ent tl.o same to me at onto, and all persons Indebted or owing any money to said Yee Wo, and nny persons having pofc-slon or control of any pioperly belonging to him u ill please make immediate payment or delivery of same lo mo at the ollice of M. Phillips & Co. M. GBEEN, Assignee of Yce Wo Honolulu, ilarcb 20, 18S8. JFOIt SALE. TUB stock in tunic, -Mom fixtures and s.ifo no contained in ihe smiv forme: )y occupied by Yeo Wo, corner 3lauuukcn and Kirj; siree s, together with horse and wagon, building mid in. terest in lease nt Palninu, and all deb i. due and owing upon book account t) the Enid Yeo W o, uro ofl'ued for sale s a whole, and must be sold bcfoie TUI2S DAY, Msuch S7tli. I'jrties dishing to purchaser can obtain lull inlorma ion nt ollica of Phillips & Co. M ani:uN, Apt-igneo of Yie Wo. Honolulu, Mnieb 21, 1tic8. U0 lw tcTtiie public. THE UNDEHSIONEI), Ab Young, JLj have livid in Honolulu lor ten jears, noiking foi foiuienern, and hne committed no ofl'tiibe in tbia country. I know of a gambling house, which is constantly filled with Chinese pninbluis, some of whom have livrd I hero forlhreo yours, wllh no other woik ibsiu gnmb. ling nt nil times. 1 Unun this gnmbluig home, into 'which ihey mo constantly going, and I lmvo lost much money in it m.Tself Tills is why I wicb'tlih gambling Iioumi i-ipid. I w,ts kiiiii moned to nnpe'ir bn'oic tliu fi.uit, mid then; gambiurK were uiretlul foi tho olleuso of cainblhifc. 1 was the witness before the Court. Theriforc they mo angry wllh mo for my testimony in tho trial, and whh to Itlll inc. For this reason, I publish those fuels befoiotho people. (Signed) AH YOUNG. Honolulu, 31-irch 10, 1888. 80 4t NOTICE. THE undersigned having been np pointed Assignco of tho Estnto of n. W. Lnine, bankrupt, requests all pei eons who lmvo olalmti against tho estate of said It. W. Laine, n-cureil or otherwise, to present tho snino duly sworn to, and ull perrons indebted to snld Estate are icqucstid lo make imme diate payment to A. J. (JAimVItlHUT. AEBiimce of the Estnto of H. W, Laine, bankrupt, Honolulu, March HUh, 18S8. 01 8w TF YOU WANT A SITUATION JL advertito in tho Daily Bulletin. . Auction Salos by James F, Morgan, Assignee's Sale! Dy otder of Mr. A. J. Cfirtvrlglit, Astignco or tho unnKrmu iai no ot W. Jiilnc, l win ten tit Public Auction at the ttote of D. Mc Honolulu, Kettle, Fori struct, On FRIDAY, March 23rd, 1888 AT 1 O'CLOCK A. COMl'ltlStliO Sack Hrnn, tucks Barley, Hacks Whent, Sncka Middling. Sacks Corn, Sacks O. C. Menl, SJ3 3Bixlcw ol' 3E-lay, Wnrchouso Scale, Truck, 1 lloi'o, ' Set ilirnes', J W'dvary Wagons, House. Stables and Lease, 1 Ofllco Dck, 1 fcnfe, Ac, &c. J AS. P. MOltGAX, Auctioneer. !lj ill FOB SALE 4,000 Aspragus Hoots! Two years old and stiong. Beady for planting. B3? $5.00 a Hundred -a APPLY TO ALLEN 1)3 llEliBEHT. lw For San Francisco. The Al tern "W. S. B0WNE," Bluiim, 3Iasti.ii. Will s.iii foi the above Port on Thursday, March 22nd, at 12 noon. For freight and passage apply to F. A. SCHAEFEIt & CO., 0-1 ill Agents. BUTTER SCOTCH Is only made and sold at tho vioximn Steam Candy Factory, Bakery k Ice Cream Parlors, 13?- AND NOWHERE ELSE 0-tlw -3 FERTILIZERS! For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. For Snle by HAXMOX A. BMYTII. WE are now pi epared to receive all oideis for the above Fertilizer of .i sunirior nualiiv. tboroucblv cured and warranted one of the best articles of the kind in tho mniUct. Orders may 1)3 left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen .lrcet, G. II. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable. '.'I! lm WANTED aO excliangn n No. 1 Piano for a Horse and Pbaiton, or for n Horpc and Drake. Inquiie at this ollice. !)3 tf WANTED A MAN ami WOMAN. The man to look- nftii bort-. nml the yard, and the woman to do jjcncral house work. Apply at the Uui.lwin oflice. On 3t NOTICE. It. Thomas Muldoon regrets to notify bis lrlonds and nations that he lias suspended bm-lnnss for a Mioit time owing to the illnes of his brother. 95 ilt NOTICE. WAUSTrN Whiting and Charles Cieightnn, nitotnejH and coun. eelloimu law, lime by mutual ui range ment this day dihsolvcd their business lelalioiifl. Honolulu, Miiich 17, 188?. 01 lw NOTICE. VrOTIOEUlicioliy gieu that Choiig I Bak, tf tho Aim of Tuck Lung Ohong Co., doing business as ciirpeuteru in Honolulu, ol which riam Key, Tuck Sum und ('hong Hak are paitnurs, has sold all his interest to Chung Lum. Chung Lum assuming nil liubifitles of said Chang Snk, as a partner in said linn. 87 lw NOTICE. riiHE undersigned having neon np. JL pointed Executors of tho hiet Will and 'lestnment of Lorcno Mnrchnnt, late of Honolulu,, luquesls nil persons who htve clnlmB against tliu estnto of buid deceased, Becurcd or other wise, to present Iho same duly sworn to, to the uudeisigned within six rncntlis from dato or they will Lo forever I arred, ml nil persons indebted to said estate to mnko immediate payment. F. A. SCIIAEFEK, Executoi of tho Inst Will and Testa ment of L. Mnrchnnt, deceusid. 01 lw DAILY BULLETIN SUMMARY 40 columns. (3 per innum. CHARLES OREfGHTON, Attorney nml Counsellor nt I.nw. No. 15 Knnhumanu street, ntljolnlnr; ofttco formerly occupied by Hon. S. B. Dole. 04 lw - - - FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET. ""N Kinnu street No. h.w. V- Hi): uailnr. a brt . Zt slnhle and cnrii(i"o house. Lot 100170 fett i gnrden. Apply to fit) II' .1. B. IIHOWN & (JO. COTTAGE TO LET ON BEKETANIA ST. BTWlii:NT Plikol and Kcc 1 iitiinoku strciU, lot inns tlitough to Klni.u struct, 100 feet fiontnge. QtoJ iwluinpo. Colti(;o contnini C rooms onrrhiRo house and ttnblca for 3 or 4 huso. Hcnt $20 per uiont'i. Apply to J. B. HHOWN & CO., '4 tf i!s) Merchant street. TO LET. HpHKEE COTTAGES I X Palnmn. Apply lo Wit. McOANDLF.SS, nt the Fisli Market. tii tf l?OIt SALE FOR $350. A CERTAIN Icaso with n four loom c itlnge on premises (lea'e for U years); 10 minutes' wnlk from tho Pot Olllco. Inquire or J. M. VIVAS, 00 lw Merchant Etieci No. 12. COTTAGE TO LET. T7IVE minutes' wnlk JC the Po-t onicc. from Suit- able for a bachelor. Apply to 80 tf J. M. MONSAKltAT. TO KENT. COTTAGE on Lllihn stiect, between Kins; and School stieets. Kent $12 per month. Apply to M. S. GHIXBAUM & CO., 80 tf Queen sti eel. EASTER CARDS! FOB BALE AT ' T3Z1.N&- BROS'. 88 lw "rnJi rSESjg All kinds of Brackets, at G. WEST & CO.'S. ' o A large assortment of Bird Cages, at G. WEST&' CO.'S. Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at G. WEST & CO.'S. Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and jcav Chromos, at G. WESTJ CO.'S. Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases. Albums and Scrap Books, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and Chairs, at G. WEST & CO.'S. o Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small Wheel Barrows, at . west & CO.'S. Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes, Violins, Banjos, &c., &c, at G. WEST& CO.'S. Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at G. WEST & CO.'S. Picture Frames, Cornices and G. WEST Pianos and all kinds of Mimical Instruments Repaired, at G. WEST Canary Birds, warranted Singers, at WEST & CO.'S, 105 Fort Street mil 87 noioaLiTJXxj. FOR ! FOR TWO WEEKS ! -SPECIAL CHEAP SALE:: Bargains in All Depart menls! Prices Git i Two ! Prices Got li Two ! All TWO WEEKS at CHAS. J. FI3HEL, Leading Millinery House, 87 lm Mattrasses made to ordor, at & CO.'S. Tuned and & CO.'S. -o- '5 j iy Vool Combination Suits Yery Low Rates and tho Newest. The New and Elegant Fitted Store of M, McIHERHY, corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Whoro will bo found an Elegant Dicplay ot Goods of such grades, aa this corner has been always noted for. Entire Now Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Mc- Inemy now East. Among; my very General Stock will be found Ladies', Misses' & Chiidrens' Frencli m Bntton Ladies' Misses & Ohildrens' u u M ct t( u Ladies' Silk Hose. Ladies' Silk and Merino Ladies' Misses' & Ohildrens' ivou Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers, " Perforated Silk Undershirts. Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts, Saxony Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers, White and Ked Shaker Flannel Undershirts a Drawers, Anglo-India Gauze & Boy's Undershirts. My en's h Men's Elegant Neck Wear, Very Choice Line of Sus penders, Jouvins White and Colored Kid Gloves, Gent's Pine Biding and Driving Gloves, Buck Gauntlets. Era? Style k U ii leu's Hals & Boy's Straw Hats Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid Heads Gold and Silver. fTX-r&krfniie BlPiffpMi.i "&gj5l!ro I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion able Styles from the best houses in the United States. Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits, Cheviott Suits Black Dress Suits, Black Frock Suits. All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cut, Carefully Made and Will Give Very General Satisfaction. Razors and Pocket Knives, Razor Straps and Brushes, , Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers, Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate), Cliice Perfumes ail Ota Toilet Articles. . Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks, Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises, Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels, Shawl and Trunk Straps, Traveling Rugs, (very fine), which every traveler ought to possess. Tie Usual Me Stick of Mies' Geat's & Boy's GOLD & SILVER Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous G0RHAM STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine. tSTN. B.No Plated QoodB Sold in tbii EstablishmenlvTSa Thanking tho public generally for the very liberal patronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years, and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre mises. The Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting this establishment. M. McINERNY. Honolulu, March 9, 1888. r- 80 lm li Bonts-andT Slipgars, Peb. & St. Goat But. Boots, Dongola Kid Button Boots, Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles, Undervesls, Lisle and Balbrigan Hose, fe&i fei and Merino Undershirts. usual Fine Assortment of l&H Km i vvi Ul ffl s Fine Shoes & Slippers i.-U 0 2. A 4 h9 m 'ii Mfi .4t I