OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, March 21, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1888-03-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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IIIIPHMI. , w. ' I t
A tfctv astorc
Ladies 6-Button Kid Gloves-
For Bl.OO. At
Tho Arcade-EGAN & CO.
XC you tvnnt n
Fine Hat or Necktie,
o to
Tho Arcade-EGAN & CO.
Vor your
full Dress White Vests,
iibok ftt tiio Find I.lno Of
Dress Goods,
ThoAi'oado-EGAN& CO.
A Fine I.tno of
Ladies' k Misses' Shoes
Tho Arcade-EGAN
& CO.
I,nlt;t HtI'H.
-A A
p- t
fjnilti ttntftn
Am Sh p Alex. AIcNell fiom Shu Fran
Mnr 21
Stmr Kliinu for Hllo onil way ports nt
4 p in
Schr W S Bonne for San Francisco
From Maul and Hmuill, per stmr W
G Hall, Alar 20 Their Majesties the
King ntul Queen, Princes Kawanauakoa
ami uniamanaoiu, uou v r unno.i, i;
K l.llikalanl, ,r W l'intt, It O Barnllold,
.1 II McLean, G W Hnith, MisWL,
Wilcox, JUis G W Mnkuuoc, S Decker,
SHss Knlialcmauua, Airs 11 Bell, 31 .Un
due und many others.
For Mnul per stmr Llkellkc. Mar 20
Hon J U Kawalnui and wife, lion W
G Irwin, Itcv A L) Blsscl, Mis E 1
Wind, J A Wood and wife. 1 N Mnkuc,
II Laws and wlfc.T Lltlle, W Berlo
vltz, A Mooio und wife, Sir Lvait and
about 40 deck.
For Kauai, per stmr Mlkahala. Mar
20 Hou Jns Campbell, II Kldiedgc, Mr
Forsyth, Mis Garland and about 30
For Knuai, per stmr W lalealc, Mar
20-Gco Mniklinm and wife, Miss F
Markham, Major Bertlemann and
bi other, Misses Bertlcinan (2), Miss
Duchalsky and Mrs D Uiowninbcrg.
Stmr W G-Hall Ml)3 un siiRar, S7
bags awa, 40 bags coffee, (Jt pkgs
sundries, 25 head cattle and two
The schr Waioll sailed to-day for
-Kuau,the repalrlcgof her by E. It.'ltyan,
being finished.
About 40 natives sat down to a
luau at the Fiuh-maiket this noon.
Messrs. Sorrcnson it Lylo are
milking a now top mn&t for the whaler
Tun Government olilccrs will bo
closed to-morrow, from 10 a. ji. to 1
v. M.
The final fixtures for the electric
lights were being distributed about
the city to-day.
A brokkn roller came froin Naa
lehu mill, Hawaii, yestciday, to be
repaired at tho foundry.
1 .. ..
Express diiver Fiank Johnson,
made a splendid catch of a runaway
horse and carriage, on Alakea street,
this morning.
. .
Another laigo quantity of ciude
sperm oil taken in these waters by
the whalers has been sold to three
parties at private tenns.
A i.ARon cake is being made for a
wedding on April 10th. The cere
mony will bo held in tho morning, as
the bridal couple leave in the aftei
noon for Kauai.
Their Majesties the King and
Queen, with tho two princes and at
tendants, returned from Kailua, Ha
waii, by tho steamer W. G. Hull yes
terday afternoon.
The following gentlemen woic,
elected officers of the Ookulu Sugar
Plantation Co., at a meeting of tho
company on tho 12th inst. :
W. L. Green President
Alex. McKibbin Treasurer
II. W. Mist Seeietary
A photograph of N. Pyburii, an
absent clerk for Wells Fai go fe Co.,
in the unifoim .of tho Honolulu
Itifles, cut from u group pictuie by
Mr. Jas. 'Williams, is stuck up in the
Police Court, below an offer of $50
rewaid for his arieat.
Attention I Co. B Honolulu Iti
fles I Every member of this com
mand is to roport nt 10 a. in. to-morrow,
at their armoiy, in full dress
uniform, with side arms. Full diess
equipments will bo issued this even
ing at 7 :30, at tho m mory.
OFncERH and mcmbois of tho Ho
nolulu Itifles desiioiiH of attending
tho memorial borvico to the Into Em
peror William of Gounany, in St.
Andrew's Cathedral nt 11 o'clock a,
in., to-morrow, aro requested to at,
scmble nt tho armory one half hour
previous to that time, in full dress
uniform and with sido arms.
Notwithstanding the provalonco
of cold weathor, which is not favora
blo to tho consumption of cold
drinks, tliu turatcd waters manufac
tured by J. E. Brown & Co., at tho
Tahiti Lemonade Steam Works,
Sunny South, aio advancing in pub
lic favor. This result is undoubtedly
effected by tho excellent quality of
tho manufactures.
Mr. W. Roland lias just mado 14
spoon oars of spruco for tho U, S. S.
Marion. Tho oara are each 13 feet
C inches loop;, with an eight-inch
blade. The weight of each beforo
loading was 8 pounds ; loading was
3 pounds of lead. These ours were
made ejcpre89ly for a 12 oared baigo
race between the Marion and Ynn
dalia on the lalter's return from
Hawaii.' The Marion's barge crow
aro greatly pleased with t'ao new
oars and aro practising at rowing
uith tliem nearly every oveuiog.
Tho Arcado-EGAN & CO.
Kcligioii9 services nt&t. Andrew's
Cnthcdial nml tho Central Union
Co. B Honolulu Uifles, will meet
at their minor', at 7:o0, to receive
equipments for to-morrow.
All members of the Choir of St.
Andrew's Caluedrnl ate request to
meet this evening, at tho usual
place, for practice for the Memorial
Service to-morrow.
Memorial service to the into Em
'peror William, in St. Andrew's
Cathedral, at 11 o'clock a. m.
Assembling of Honolulu Itillcs at
tho armory, at 10:!!0 A. m.
For n cool, delicious beverage,
O. .1
McUnithy's Milk Sliake.
90 lw
The Pioneer Steam Candy fuetoiy
docs not sell (imported) Stale Choco
late Cieanis for honie-mnde, but its
own fresh and superior article nimlo
by V. Hoiin, the only Practical Con
fectioner in Honolulu, whose Chal
lenge his would-be competitor dare
not accept. 82
A runaway Chinese express car
nage with a passenger, ran against
tho Pacific Navigation Co.'s build
ing, corner of Quctm and Nuunnii
streets, this morning, with disas
trous effects to the carriage. Neither
the horse nor tho passenger was
seriously hurt, though for n moment
the spectators could not tell which
was which, they were so tangled up
with the debris of the caniage.
a '- "iim. uj-iji-.-i.-i
A native sculling a skift, chased
a sea bird, a gull or a goouie, about
the baj' this afternoon. Tho bird
was very tamo and would allow the
native to come within ten feet of it
before attempting to get away. Just
as the native thought he bad the
bird, it opened its wings and sailed
away. The shouts of native spec
tators were deafening.
The ship
Alex. McNeil, Capt.
Howard, arrived this morning, 18
days from Han Francisco. She ib
docked at the O. S. S. wharf, where
she w'ill discharge her 300 tons of
miscellaneous merchandise and lake
in sugar. Her stay here will be
about ten days. The Alex McNeil
is a wooden vessel of 1,088 tons
register. She has a nice cabin with
accommodations for 8 pasjsengeis.
The appointments of the cabin are
something like the C. D. Bryant,
the dining room separate -from the
saloon. Tho Captain's quarters arc
very cosy looking. During the run
downlieie fair weather was experi
enced all the way,exccpt in starting
irom San Francisco when it blew
hard and carried away several sails.
The ship has a spacious deck, a
large galley, a good forecastle, a
donkey-engine, a first class cook
and a "dandy" captain.
Captain Winding of the bark
Forest Queen, reports the capture
of a stiange bird at sea, during the
passage down here from San Fran
cisco. Tho bird, which was caught
by a baited hook, was about the size
of a swan. Its neck was of rich
gold color, its body snow white and
its wings white, tipped with black.
It was very tame and hungry.
Fisherman Norris, a passenger by the
Forest Queen, wanted to bring' the
bird to Honolulu, but the Captain
said it would not live if kept aboard
ship. The cook of the vessel wanted
to stuff it, but the fisherman would
not have the bird killed. So the
bird was let go. The name of the
creature is not kiion.ii. It is believed
to .have been lost fiom some vessel.
From tip to tip of tho wings mea
sured eight feet. The fisherman,
who has been all around thu world,
never saw a bird of that kind bo
Yesterday afternoon, shortly af
ter four o'clock, a huge handsome
Hawaiian Hag was hoisted on tho
02-feet flag pole, at the residence of
Hon. J. A. Cummins, I'awna, and
unfuiled to tho beat of the drum
und call of tho bugle, by II. il. II.
Princess lCaiulani. Tho flag was a
present from tho Princess to Mr.
Cummins, who on receiving tho.gift
made a neat spcccli of thanks.
The following poisons then ad
journed to tho dining-room to par
take of u luxurious spread: II. It.
II. Princess Kaiulani, Hon. A. S.
Cleghom, lion. J. A. Cummins,
Mrs. Cummins, Commodore Geo.
C. Ueckloy, Mrs. Buckley, Mr. Al
len Herbert, Mr. C, Boltc, Mr. John
S. Paty, Mr. 13. M. Marshall, Mr.
P. II. Ik'dward, Mn,, M. Kaai, Mr.
W. Holt, Mrs. Holt and Miss Iv.
Harvey, Mr. Paty made an open
ing speech in honor of tho occasion,
then nil fell to and did justice to tho
feaijt, while iiuisio fiom a stiing
bund softened the sound of clinking
dibhcB. The dinner lasted about
two hours, This noon, Mr. Cum
mins and family, Mr. J. II, Paty
and Mr. Allen Herbert left for AYai
alua pn tho steamer J. A. Cummins,
Starting of tho Machinery.
Everything Works Well.
We tno glad to be able at last to
inform our readers that the lighting
of Honolulu by electricity is almost
ui fait accompli. Everything lias
been in icadincss for some months
past except certain machinery which
had to be piocurcd from America.
This consisted of a turbimc wheel
manufactured by Leffel & Co., of
Springfield, Ohio, and certain neces
sary piping and valves which were
made by the lusuoii ironworics oi
San Francisco.
After great delay these ariived
by the last Australia, and no time
has been lost by the Superintendent
of Electric Woiks, Mr. Faulkner,
and his assistant, Mr. Eassio, in
pushing on the work of setting up
the wheel and fixing the valvc3 and
connections. This hns been a work
of great labor and anxiety, and was
really only brought to a completion
on Monday night. Some days pre
vious to that tho Waterworks staff,
under Mr. Acting Superintendent
White,had laid the necessary piping,
bringing the water into the Electric
building, and hcaiing that yestciday
morning the water was to be lurneu
into the new wheel for the first time
in these islands, we despatched our
leportcrto the Electric Light Sta
tion in the Valley and are now able
to lay before the public the result of
nia visit.
On anival there at about 9
o'clock, ho found asbcmbled a group
of gentlemen small in number, but
in knowledge and experience great,
including His Excellency Minister
Thuiston, Mr. Wilson, Supciiutend
cnt of Water Works, Mr. White, his
deputy, and Messrs. Faulkner and
Eassie. The water was at this time
running" tin ough the pipes (having
been turned on at the main further
up the Valley), but past the wheel,
tho valve, which should admit it to
the wheel, being closed. Every
thing being declined ready, the
valve last mentioned was slowly
opened and the valve in the waste
pipe tin ough which tho water had
been 1 tinning was very slowly
closed, and amidst an almost breath
less silence each settled himself to
see what would happen. Eagerly
Mr. Superintendent Wilson scanned
his guage and his pipes; slowly
and calmly his deputy carved a huge
plug of tobacco and did ditto ;
anxiously did Mr. Superintendent
Faulkner view tho belts connecting
the wheels with his pet playthings,
the dynamos, wondering whether
sullicient power would be generated
and all his busy planning -turn out
light. The Minister even looked
thoughtful. Would everything go
off all tight a ud the success of the
electiic lighting prove to be a plum
in the ministerial pudding for next
session of Parliament. The most
philosophic of the group was Mr.
Eassie, who has put together the
machinery, and who wore an 'air of
quiet content as much as to say to
the machinery, "You've had lots of
labor and calculation bestowed upon
you, and if you don't go now it is
not our fault."
After a lapse of some little time
Mr. Faulkner suddenly awoke from
his musings and in an electrical man
ner rushed for the nearest belt, one
sharp null and the whole of the
machinery in the building was for
the first time in motion, and not
only in motion, hut almost without
Round and certainly without jar.
Suddenly as the sun emerging from
behind a cloud brightens and glad
dens the face of nature, did the
turning of that wheel brighten and
gladden the anxious intellectual
mirrors of the assembled cogno
scenti. The work and anxiety of
the last few weeks wa9 at an end.
Tho wheel was a success. All the
piliing and valves stood the pressure
of the water without a groan. The
water itself seemed quite at home
in the pipes ami machinery, and ac
customed to their tortuous courses,
and did not attempt to leave its
artificial channels otherwise than by
its appointed exits. Congratulations
were freely exchanged and the only
question left to he decided was,
whether tho wheel and ctcctras
would stand the extreme piessurc
of 13fi pounds to the square inch,
which it was required to do. Slowly
pound by pound tho prebsuro was
increased until the maximum was
attained and etill everything woiked
as smoothly and quietly ns ever.
The next woik was tho testing of
tho dynamos and lamps, and as this
is in Sir. Faulkner's department it
may be well to bay here before pro
ceeding that tho erection of the
machinery has been utmost cnliiely
Mr. Kassic's woik. (Of com so ho
bus had tho advantage of Mr. Faulk
ner's oilvico when lequircd.) And
it ccitainly does him very grent
credit. The work to bo put together
was heavy and cumbersome' and it
requited much thought und eugnu
itv to tiitiko both ends meet as they
should in many eases. He has had
a very anxious time lately und wo
must congiatulatu him on the emi
nent buccc&s of his labors.
Mr. Faulkner then invited our
rcpotcr to accompany him upstairs
and there ho found tho dynamos
rovolving merrily the armatures
turning about 000 times a minute.
Mr. F. has two dynamos here tho
larger known as Harry and the
smaller as Billy. Harry supplies
power to 00 arc lights Billy only
runs 12 but Billy is getting old,
having been wot king in America 8
years ago. The lamps to the num
ber of 02 were hung round the room
and the youthful Superintendent
who once amongst hta faithful
dynamos felt at home, skipped
around like one of those industrious
insects which the manager of the
Crystal Palnco advertises for exhibi
tion. A "wiro in" here a "wire
in" there and suddenly eery lamp
glowed with a steady brilliancy. The
effect was rather startling and the
heat from the G2 lamps veiy dis
tinctly perceptible. It was now Mr.
Faulkner's turn for congratulation.
His dynamos worked well and one
was working for the first time and
every lamp had been carefully
examined by him and the work in
connection with some of them had
been of a very delicate and skilful
nature; 12 of the lamps were old
ones and a good deal batlorcd, and
some of tho parts were coroded and
it required nice handling to get them
into wot king order. However this
they had had and everything was
working as well ns it was possible,
and once more the values were slowly
turned and the new wheel in a few
minutes was at i est and looking as
innocent as possible. Late in the
afternoon His Excellency Mr. Thuis
ton returned again. The water was
turned into the wheel and the lamps
glowed with a joyous brilliance. His
Excellcnc' warmly complimented
Mr. Faulkner and Mr. Eassie (com
monly known as Billy) on the result
of their labots and shortly after
wards left, evidently very satisfied
that the electric lighting of the city
as fur as the present scheme extends
will bo a succebs.
Mr. Faulkner told our reporter
that, he had been picsent at the start
ing of sex oral other electric lighting
pfants, but in no case has the ma
chinety and its connections worked
so smoothly and satisfactory as on
this occasion. lie intended to
liavg the lamps to-day and after
ccitain necessary tests have been
made on tho connecting wires, the
lights will be turned on probably
towaids the latter part of the week,
so that when the coy moon hides her
pale light our Cimmerian darkness
will be dissipated by the glorious
effulgence of that triumph of modern
invention electricit'. The dynamos
and lamps are from the well known
Thomson-Houston Co. of Massa
chusetts. LJJ-J'lLl II I 1 11 1 If II 111
Mr. and Mrs. W.. II. Graen
halgh of San Francisco, were pas
sengers by tho ship Alex. McNeil
to-day. Mr. Giaenhalgh has been
connected with the San Francisco
Argonaut for some y eats pabt, and
is said to possess no mean literary
knowledge. Mr. and Mrs. Giaen
halgh have come for an indefinite
stay, chiefly for the benefit of Mrs.
In case mariners should lose their
compasses, sextants and other in
struments of navigation the follow
ing may be found of service;
The course for vessels
port is
San Francisco and this
marked by "goonies."
If a goonio is marked on tho right
wing, tack to starboard. When
those marked on the left wing ap
pear, "bout ship" and tack to port.
If both wings aic marked keep
btiaight ahead. In case Ihcic should
be no goonies wait until some other
vessel comes along and borrow
navigating instruments.
IIKVOltl! JUW C, .1.
Wi:ixi'.suAr, March 21st.
Judd C. J. sitting us a commit
ting magistrate, in the case of the
King vs. F. II. Ilnysclden and G.
W. Maefarlanc, conspiracy. Hear
ing continued from the 10th iiibt,
for argument. Argued at 12 :45 p.
in. The Court icservcs decision
until to-morrow at 1 p. m.
Attomoy-Genernl and Deputy for
tho Crown, P. Neumann and P. M.
Hatch for G. W. Maefarlanc.
W. W. Corcoran died in Wash
ington, 13. C, on February 2-lth,
aged t)0 years. IIo was ouo of
Washington's oldest inhabitants and
was noted for his deeds of charity,
having expended nearly $1,000,000
in that cause. Among his many
charities was the puichasc of Oak
hill cemetery, upon tho adornment
of which he spent over 120,000.
He otected the Corcdran Art Gnl
lery tit an expenso of 8250,000, and
subsequently endowed it with 8880,
000, lie also founded the Louibo
Iloiiho for aged gentlewomen who
had been i educed to penury; the
erection of the building cost $200,
000, and it was endowed with S250,
000. lie also spent a large amount
for educational purposes, among
others 8 10,000 to tho medical de
partment of the Columbia University.
J- WORKS. Cnpaclij i,000 down
fur day. JNcw .Machinery, New Bottles
n addition to our patent Crjslul Valve
HottlcB, we are now prcpaitd to Mipply
War Ships and Vessels leaving for other
countiles. with Soda Water, its., put up
In Cork Untiles without uutu charge for
liolttei'. J. K. Brown & Co., Depot 28
Merchant Mi-ict. 04 lw
flHAS. J FISH EL lin icectved
J ex Australia the latest Myle of
Indies utitrliiuned halt, also a fine line
of children's leghorn hats In diffcteut
shapes. Call and see them. 87 lw
ET SOME Qenuino Oldfnshloncd
llultcrseotcli Candy, at the now
Cundy Factory I
JL nut Creams leduccd to I'.O ccutB
per wholo pound, nt the Pioneer b'team
Candy Factory and Bakery, Hotel, be
tween Nuttanu and Fortsticctb. 71
JL eolate and Coconuut Caramels ic
dttecd to ;!0 cents per wliolo pound, at
Pioneer Steam Candy t'aetoiy and
Bakciy, Hotel,
between Xuitanu
JL loruia Port, Madcita and Malaga,
lor b4iu iiiKU' una caei by
01 Queen street.
and Vanilla ChoeolutoCicain(dc
lielous) reduced to :$() eotits per whole
pound, at the Fioxkkk Stp.am Can'dy
KAcrouv And Bakiuiv. Hotel, m:
twekn NiiUANir ANii Four stiihuts.
CLEAN RAGS auu second hand
clothing will bo gratefully receiv
ed for thu use of tho inmates of the
Brunch Hospital for Lepeis at K'lksalio,
oi nl the Leper t-tttlinent on Sfoloktii,
if left with J. r. Wnicrhousc, ji., at the
Queen Street Siore. t&f tf
On Bercttinia street near Piihoi.
(Formpily JtcGulro's House,)
Kindergarten & Elementary,
Daily & Boarding School.
Also, French and Germiu taught, and
Music Le-sons given.
A safe coiivi'vnncc will call for und re
turn eliihiri'ii living at a di-tance.
72 ituiunlTelt'phoiie No. 5C4. fSm
The Great Clearance S-alu nt the Store
of the late Geo Engclhardt
will continue for
During this time the Entire Stock must
bu sold. To accomplish this
all Articles will be
sold at u
Miclii of 10 Per cut
fiST" lTotiselucrers should embrace
this oppoiiuiiily of bci urine: barair.H
in all (lesciiptioiii of IIou.efuini-hing
Goods. 8!) lw
Rubbish ! Rubbish ! Rubbish !
'piIK undersigned who lus been an.
1. (Iiorizcd by the Hoard of Health a
a Gubiig Collector, gives uotico to tho
public ot Honolulu, thai he Is ready to
rvmovu the Kubbiah fiom EtorcA nud
private icsldcnces ut tho unpreoe.
denicilly nnr.ll cluirgo of 50 cents per
month and to remove tho s.inie from
icstaurantH for 01.00 per month. Ilorto
litter is classed ns BubblMi'. Tree tiitn.
niiiigs will be chnrged for extra. Head
.Dogs, Cuts and any small unimnls will
1 o removed free ot chnige. A re.iioii.
utile churgo will he ni'iitu for the re.
moial of (lend Horses and Cuttle.
Tlio undersigned can bo coinmuni.
entcd with by UITico Telephone !170, and
I'rhnto Telephone t2(i, ihitual Tel. Co.
-My enrts wotk on Saturdays.
L. li. LilPIEItllE.
02 lw
RuUbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!
rpilE umluittiifiitd having; been in thu
1 buslw-n for the pni IB mouth,
und ilow being iipioiutuil by the lioini
of Health as Hnliblsh Collector. I
hereby wish to tliunU thu public lor
there llbir.il ptiiionugo, hoping aeon,
liuuniicc of the Mime with a moio ex
tended list of riiEtonii rs. I hhall as
.lierotoforo l.jvo my rubbish enrts go on
iRchRtiuit wlicru lequircd threu times
uirh wceli.i-xcept in ery rainy weather,
then two times ench week. Afier this
mouth etch cmt will cany a bell to
unnouticu lis ni'peirnucu on thu Mrert,
Hint no ono will lmvo an cmuibo frr not
Hitting out their di I
WJr"Triccs nt heretofore; Ordinary
Ilotiso Ruliliisli and Yard Sweeping.-,
GO renin, 75 cents und $1.00 per month,
if put in coiitainirt). ,
The above prices nrruugid aecordlng
to the amount of rubbis'i lakin awn.
Trio Trimmings and Horio I.iiler
will bo charged r.trn.
Horte. ISullouk-, Hog und Doijswlll
bo burled at icubcnablu rates.
P. S. Anyone knowing of ono who
is icfi'iiri'il to liuo their lubbiNh re.
iiiovmI, who h not abu ti pay tlio tux,
If the j)til orpmtiisi will let me knuw
I will do tiieir c.utlng free of filiurgo.
'JO liu N. T. B.
ran'l populu" imriC'- p'lhllKliud.
JL "The Dally uuilellu," 00 centu
per month.
63 & 65 FORT STREET.
India LiM aid Eiriml Swisses,
Bias Bi'nciiifl SI at Low Prices.
ones at
83 & 65 Fort street.
Opposite Irwin & Co.
Dupe'e Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, Kegs
Beef, Kegs Folk, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,
Cranberry Sauce, Boston Biown Bread, Table Fruits, Germea,
IIncktMN & Franco American Feed Co.'s AHsort'd Soup,
Kidgcs Food, Imperial Grannm, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,
Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & Cream
Crackers, Ginger Wafois, Chocolnte Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,
Dates, Nuts, Apples, Ficnch Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,
Wheat, Flour, Butler, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.
And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit tlie Times.
C Leave your oulers, or ring up 1111. -a
F. HORN, Proprietor.
Having not only a six years' but over a half century's prac
tical experience in all and every branch of
the business.
all sizes, always on
mented in tho highest
uuiur prouuciion
BHoiioluiu: Hotel St. bet. Fort &
ip OImY FHHF Ulii
Made of the celebrated CREAM of Ihe Wood town Dairy,
sold at the great reduced price of
&2.00! S2.00! SS.OO! S2.00! S2.00!
3SrX,L.33lLx(Si: X2 JO 18G3.
f o-
BCSAs some evil disposed persons who aro openly boast
ing of the intention of ruining my business and villanouslv
falsefying my GOODS and lOE ORHAM I will forfeit
'7,1? 'Vtf l,?r8on who wU1 lM'ove hy lllyeis that my
ILVj UKllJAM is not strictlv mm nliliniurl. Dl,l ,.i ..
anywhere else. .
Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamentcv
Both Telephone LTo. 71, Hotel.'St. bet, Nuuunu & Fort St
70 1m
or made to order and orna-
artistic style, defying all
in Honolulu
Huuanu; both Telephones Ho. 7431
. 3

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