Newspaper Page Text
W P yA-V. J JJ,s&eA,.sl VPfti' me-' V:W 'is & i Rr,r. ?,- - " '. A, k'&st Mure Ladies' 6-Button Kid Gloves For 81.00. At The Arcado-EGAN & CO. TUB attg jjjj til Tiffin SATURDAY, MAHCII 21, 1888. AnniVAl3. Mar 24 Stmr Iwnlanl fioin tlamakun Stmr tfufpiise from Hawaii Stuir MokoIII fioui Molokai Stmr Lehua fioui lliiiiuiUua Stinr Kaala fioin Walanae and Watalua Sclir Wallcle from Kuan Sehr Mol AVahlnefrom Ilnniakua DEPARTURES. Mnr 21 Schr Waleliu for Kmiu VESSELS LEAVING MONDAY. Stmr Surpilae for Laupahoehoo and way polls Schr Wallele for Kuan Bk Sonoma for ban I'laucibco Bk Catbaricn for San Fiauclsco Stmr Lcltua for llamakua btmr J as Makee for Kapan at 5 p in Schr Kaulilua lor Kleelc and llanapepc at 3 p in Btmr Kaal.i for Walannc and Watalua PASStHCERS. From llamakna,pcr stmr Lchua, Mar 21 MrandMtsPalko. CARGOES FBOM ISLAND PORTS. Stmr Surprise 5,4154 bass sugar ( 08 tons.) Schr Wailelo l,urll bugs sugar. Stmr Mokulil (10 li.igs Migar, 15 hd cat tle, !t2 sheep ami 23 bbis niolases. Stmr Lelnia 2,500 bags sugar. 3;ll?Sflfi NOTES. The brig Luiliuo sailed fioin Hilo last Satin day with a loud of sugar for San Francisco. LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Fini: weather about Molokai. Tin: U. S. S. Ad.uns tons of coal to-day, took in 81 Tin: two whalers Hunter and West got away for the Aiotic last evening. ami Waianao liavo had disagreeable rainy weather this week A lii.Ann of the steamer Mokolii'e piopoller was bioken tho last trip of the steamer. The weather which had been pretty boisterous at Haniakua the first part of this week, is now fair. Theiie will be a Special Children's Service in tho Y. M. C. A hall, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Itcv. E. G. Beckwith will address . tho chil dren. All members of tho Sciipturo Union aro invited to attend. Hackmen aro notified by tho Min ister of Intoiior that stand No. A, mauka of Hotel street, from east corner of Nuuanu stieot, has been 7 transience! to tho makai side of Ho tel street, from tho east corner of Nuuanu sheet. The band concert diew a laigo audiciico to Thomas Square last night. Tho atmosphere and the music were exlicnicly enjoyable; but tho hoodlum element figuied in the grounds to tho annoyance of decent people. The Irish Linen Paper advestised by A. M. Hcwett is manufactured by the well-known firm Marcus Ward & Co. Limited, of Belfast, Iieland, tho firm which fust inado and inau gurated Christmas cards. . A piece of pipe that was broken on" by a falling stono from a bluff at Molokai recently has been bi ought to Honolulu, and will be exhibited as a curiosity and to illustrate tho force of a .10 pound stono falling soveral hundred feet. . . Comi'AKV I) of tho Honolulu Rifles marched out to tho H. B. A. target range, King street, this afternoon and held target practice. Tho ten best shots of this company will bo picked out by their Captain, C. W. Ashfoid, to compote agaiiibt ten from Compiny B next Saturday. A COUCH REMEDY. ONLY TWKNY-riVE CENTS l'KIl I'OUNI). Irritated throatB and annoying coughs aro quickly relieved by tho genuino Butter Scotch," only to bo found at the Pioneer Steam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plenly of testi monials. 98 HY.IENEAI.. It happened on this wise. Tho bride, Miss day, Was led in by Sol, who gavo her way. Sir Night was tho gloom, tho best man, Mars, Tho usheifl all of tho family Stars. Old Twilight, tho parton, joined them in one (Crickets and katydids laughed at tho fun). Tho bride hid her faoe on the brcaBt of her lover, And I turned awuy for the wedding was over. The Altruist. A pious oitizen of a Western city, who contributed a stained-glass win dow to the church, Is said to liavo fallen from grace when he read in the local pnpeis that "our fellow townsman, Setli Scliemcrliorn, has placed a utaiiied-glass widow in St. Joseph's Chin eh." f Boston Com mercial Bulletin. ... -' ' fr m- i ii It is the men who write poetry when they don't have to that the publlo can never forgive. Detroit Free Press. i . .. "- ' " 1" If J ou vnfit n Fine Hat or Necktie, Go (o Tho Arcade-EGAN & CO. BAND CONCERT. The Royal Hawaiian Band will piny at Emma Sqtmro this afternoon commencing at 4:30 o'clock. Fol lowing is tho programme : Hat cli The Pi luce .amara 0 ci tine Slavonian Tito Selection -Marco VI"eontl Petrella Gavotte Sweetheart Humid Finale Kosamunde. Schubert Waltz The Flowers Gang'l EVENTS THIS EVENING. Tho Hawaiian Mhsion Children's Society wilt meet at the residenccof Judge McCully. Uluo Ribbon entertainment at tho Y. M. C. A. Hall, at 7:30 o'clock. BLUE RIBBON LEAGUE. The usual Saturday evening enter tainment will be given in the Y. M. C. A. Hall ut 7:30 o'clock this evening. Tho public aro cordi ally invited. Following is tho pro gramme: l'lauo Solo..-. Mr. J. F. Blown Heading MUs May Dillingham Song Miss Anna Austin Reading M r. .1 . F. Hi o wn Song Mrs. .1. F. Brown Adihess l C. Jones The public are cordially invited, especially young men and strangers. ROMAN CATHOLIC GATHEDRAL OF HONOLULU. iioia' wcr.ic kastuu s si:nvici:s. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the 1st clay of the Holy week, the day on which the church makes comme moration of the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusa lem a few days before his death, the people accompanying Him with palm branches, hence the name of tho day, palm Sunday, and acclaim ing Him with these words: " IIo sanna to the Son of David ; blessed bo lie who comes in the name of the Lord!" 10 si. in. Blessing and distribu tion of brandies. High mass with the reading of Jesus Christ's passion. March 2!)th. Maundy Thursday, also called Holy Thursday, is the day of the institution of the blessed sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. 7 n. ui. High Pontifical Mass, in which his loidslup, assisted by clergy, will solemnly consecrate the liolv oils for the administration of 1 sacraments for the whole year. 3 p. in. "Washing of the feet of 12 poor men in icmembrancc of the washing by our Lord of the feet of His apostles. March 30th. Good Friday, also called Holy Friday, the day our Saviour was crucified. 10 a. m. ---Religious service, with the singing of the passion. 3p. m. Stations of tho cross. 8 p. m. Passion Sermon in English. March 31st. Holy Saturday, the day our Saviour's body was in the sepulchre. 7 a. m. Blessing of the baptismal font and other ceremonies, followed by high mass, at which ll'e bells of the church, which had ceased to ring at Holy Thursday's mass, shall be heaid again. Easter Sunday, April 1st, is the day when the church coiumcinoiatcs the resurrection of our Lord. 10 a. m. High Pontifical Mass, tho singing performed bj' St. Louis choir, followed by baptism of. infants and adults. 3 p. m. Confirmation, rosary, benediction. "3 SUNDAY SERVICES. Y. M. C. A. Gospel Praise Service at G:30 i. at. Come and bilug a ftiend. Kawaiaiiao Ciiuiich. Bev. II. II. Pnikcr, pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. m. Pleaching at 11 a. m. Kaumakai'im Ciiuiioii. Rev. .1. Walaniau, pastor. Sunday school at 0 A. si. Pleaching at 10 "M A. m. and 7 :30 r. si. Queen Emma Ham.. Gospel and song set vice for llawnilans who s-pcak English at at II x. Si. Good tinging. Shoi t talks. Evciy body w elcoine. Javanese Seiivioe : Gospel and Song Sei vices at 11 a.m.; Iliblo Class 7:30 r. si., in the Japanese Y. M O. A. Room, Queen Eiiuna Hull, corner f BeietauU and Nuuanu streets. Centkai. Union Ciiuncii. G. Beckwith, D. )., pastor, school and Bible elans at 0: Seivices at 11 A. M. and 7:ao Rev. E. Sunday 15 a. M. 1'. SI. Chinese Ciiuiich. FoitMieet, near corner Herctanla. Mr. Kong Shul Ka evangelist. Chlneso Sunday school, OtfOA. si. Chinese and English Sun day School, 2:ao 1-. si. Preaching 11 A. si. and 7i!i0 1-. si. Bible class In Chlnebo Y. M. O. A. Hall, 0:M i m. Roman Catholic Oatheiihal. 0 and 7 A. st low mass; 10 a. si., high mass, with bennon either in Hawaiian, PottugtiehO or English, alternating ac eoidlug to the Unco dlfteicnt uatlomilities of the chinch; 2 l'. St., io sary and catechism; 4 :'i0 v. si., Instruc tion and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. St. Anduew's Catheduai.. Tho services at St. Amhew's Cathedral to morrow will bo; Holy Communion, 0:30 a. si. Morning prayer with km inon at 'JjHO. Hawaiian eenbong at 3:lKi'. m, Evensong with senium atO v. si. Seats mo unappropriated. Second Congiugatlon. Rev. Goo. Wallace, pabtor. Morning prayer, wth sermon at 11;10 a. m evening prayer with bPimou' at 7sM i1. st, Sunday school incuts at 10 A. si. Seats fi co at all services. TF YOU WANT A SITUATION X adycrtiio in tho Daily Bulletin, """ I 0 50 Tho Arcado-EGAN & CO. I'or your Full Dress White Vests, Electric Lighting of Honolulu, A SUCCESS. A Brilliant Display. Punctually at 7 v. si. yesterday the Princess Liliuokalani and Prin cess Kaiulani, attended by His Ex cellency the Hon. L. A. Thurston, Minister of Interior, arrived at the Electric Light Station in Hie Valley and was there received by the Superintendent Mr. Faulkner and Mr. Eassic. Neither of these gentle men were in fcourt dress (royalty not being expected), but wore un pretentious undress uniform of a practical rather than an ornamental character. Mr. Eassic wore, how ever a rather remarkable peaked cap, emblematic of authority and convoying a pleasing impression of a crow at rest on a bam. In addi tion to tho above, amongst others, Mr. Superintendent Wilson and Mr. White, of the Water Works Depart ment, were present, also Col. Boyd, tho heio of Ocean Island, Mr. Smi thies, of the Interior Depaitmcnt, Mr. Pratt, Superintendent of the Mutual Telephone Co., who came voluntarily, being evidently afraid of induction and last but not least, Mr. Smith, an expert electrician and representative of the Thomson Houston Company of America. It may be stated here tuat it was a subject of comment among a certain few that Mr. White does not now use tobacco in the plug at the Valley Station, but appeals to find more smoking power in cigars. A fow minutes after 7, II. R. II. was accommodate with a chair for her feet and under the guidance of Mr. Superintendent Faulkner in full working costume connected the cir cuits mid had the honor of illumin ing the streets of Honolulu for tlio Hist time with the new light. Mr. Faulkner immediately hurried away to the town to see the lamps some of which were not burning, but after the lapse of half an hour or so, he had the satis faction of seeing that all with the exception of 3 or 4 wore glowing brightly and steadily ; and it is con fidently expected that to-night all kthc lights will burn from the jump. a short run by the large and small dynamos respectively. The length of the Ioiik circuit is 15 miles and that of the short G miles and over both of these Mr. Faulkner went yesterday. He started woik at 0 yestciday morning and ended ..his labors at 11 :15 last night. During that time he climbed -lo' poles and he now rejoices in a pair of beauti ful black ancles, they having been well bruised by the climbing spurs. He also enjoyed a ahock while up one of the poles, and barely saved himself f loin falling. It is the heaviest lie has ever experienced and lie saj's he doesn't hanker after another. Theic are still some little matters to be attended to which will make the light more perfect and these are being looked to to-day, but it will piobably be a day or two before the piessure of water can be fixed so as to render the lights quite what the Superintendent intends them to be. The light in the upper part of the dynamo building burned beautifully and some beautifully framed silk onettes might have been seen on the ground outside of young couples standing at the open windows. His Exccllcncj' and the distinguished company, including II. R. II. and the gallant Colonel and Mr. Smithies left about 9 i si. but before leaving His Ex. again expressed to Mr.Eassie his great gratification at the success of the work for by this time scepti cal gentlemen who had had their eyes on certain lamps near their re sidences which they didn't believe would bum had telephoned to say that the lamps were burning well. Mr. Smith had left some time pre viously with Mr. Faulkner, being anxious to sec the lights a success and to cheer and console the worthy Superintendent in his anxious pil grimage round the lights rub his bi ulsed ankles and aid him with his advice and experience. Before closing this brief account of the event nt the station wo feel bound to offer one or two remarks on what can bo only regarded as a strango anomaly, that at this late period in the history of science and amongst persons of high intelli gence and practical experience and scientific attainments there should have been one who could dive into the dim recesses of superstitious ulooin and having found what he wanted lcmarkcd that the wheel would have no luck unless it weie christened. Theic was such a ono nud he no Scotchman, and he had brought his tools with him in tho sliapu of a bottle of "potheen," but the strangeness of the anouiuly was nothing to the strangeness of tho alacrity with which tho assembled few agreed with that person and tho strange appreciation they showed for the "potheen." Sulllce it to say that the wheel was christened mid its health driink with heartily ex pressed wishes for its succoea. Thl took place on the ground floor the distinguished company was above. The intercut shown by Ills Ex. Mr. Thurston in the success of this un dertaking is very greatly to bis . r-.t. -i .1.. .!.. .t- .... I Jbook flt tlio Floe Ilno of Dress Goods, j At Tho Arcade-EGAN & CO. IilltCHt HtJ'tCH. credit and should bo appreciated by the public. Ho has mado repeated visits to the station to note thepro gross of the work at all hours ftom (3 in the morning till 6 in tde even ing, and tho kindly words of encour agement and praise spoken by him have nided the gentlemen who have worked so hard to no iuconsiderable extent. STEEL AIR SHIPS. Dr. Arthur Debatisset of Chicago, President of the Transcontinental Aerial Navigation Company, is in the city placing a contract for steel to be used in the mammoth aii -ships which liu proposes to build. Each of these ships will bo G51 feet long and I'M feet in diameter. They will be cone-shaped and made of steel. The vessels will cost $150, 000, and it is his intention to build several ol them. Dr. Debaiissct is the inventor of the aeroplane, as ho calls it. He says it is no longer an experiment, but a success, and that during the present year he will start on a voyage of discovery to the North Pole and Arctic regions. "All balloons constructed hereto fore," said he, "have been of silk or some fabric used as a substitute therefor, and inflated with hydrogen gas or common illuminating gas. Instead of gas I shall simply use nothing but a vacuum, which is lighter even than pure hydrogen. If hydrogen is only one-fourth the weight of air, and coal gas only one half, why use either when by pump ing out the air a vacuum will be produced? Then there will be no weight lo carry except the ves sel and its attachments. It is the atmospheric pressure which I have to contend with principally in using this vacuum. I shall build my air ship of steel plates so thin ns to wcigli less in tho aggregate than the air displaced, and yet strong enough to withstand the pressuie from with out." The inventor says further that he expects to develop a speed of 120 miles per hour. The Americans, witli airships of this kind, he thinks, could keep the united Heets of the world away from the coast. The aerial ships need only bo loaded witli dynamito shells, whicli could be dropped on the enemies' vessels. Pittsburg Coir. N. Y. Sun. THE INTELLIGENT CONGRESSMAN. It is well known that the semi' tors and congressmen write their own biographies that appear in tho Congressional Directory. This fact makes them all the more interest ing. The statesmen are allowed in a general way to say what they please, but there are instances where the compiler of tho directory has to do some pretty thorough pruning. One Arkansas congressman wrote in answer to the usual request what would have filled a dozen pages of the director'. He gave the full his tory of his and wife's families, the characteristics of his children, the names of the husbands and wives and children of those married, and intioduccd several illustrated sketch es or incidents in bear and bee and coon hunting. He introduced a poem on spring written by his hec ond eldest son, gave the names of two young fellows, rivals for the hand of one of his daughters named "Pink," and described the distress she was suffering over the question of whicli she should choose. The compiler cut the "biography" down to eight lines. A Kentucky congressman in his biography described a stock farm owned by him, named the horses, and gave their pedigree, records and prices. Another Kentuckian men tioned, among events of his eventful life, the number of fights he had been in, and gavo descriptions of two, in each of whicli he had killed a man, and gave the names of the men he had slaughtered. One Ohio manj gave the number of sheep he owned, the fluctuations in the prices of wool in an elaborate table, and introduced a strong pro test agaiust a reduction of tho duty on wool, all of which was sacrificed. A congressman from Iowa sent in 1i!b biography in verse, ami very bad verse, too. Another fioin the same stale stated that he was living separ ate from his wife, and in a detailed statement laid all the blame upon her, and appealed to his brother congressmen to overlook the matter, and to the speaker not to allow him self to be influenced by it in assign ing him to committees. fLcwiston Journal. t GRAY HAIRS AND MANHOOD'S PRIME. Mayor Hewitt complains that he is getting old, yet ho manages to do a great deal of work. Indeed it is to be doubted if he ever did more or belter woik in the samo period than he has doife tilnco ho has been Mayor of New York. As a mem ber of the Hoiibo of Representatives, though decidedly n working mem ber, his energies were not so mar vellously conspicuous as they liavo been during tlio last two years. It is folly for a man to regret, that ho is not "twenty years younger," as Mr. Hewitt says he does. In the first place the r'egrot amounts to nothing, cllhor toward tho attainment of his desire , or as a warning to others. Everybody lives his life as ho seems destined to Hvo it. Sonio have couipletcii tho 4 vl.... .!... -r I A t'lno Iilnb of Ladies' & Misses' Shoes, At Tho Arcado-EGAN & CO. greatest work of their life before they reach their fortieth birthday, while others seem not to ripen in intellect and in energy until thoy bogin to decay physically. But the former case is the rule. "Thu his tory of genius i3 the history of youth," says Disraeli, and it Is usually true. The grand things that a man is able to do are usually achieved before he is CO, and after that time except in the line of pro fessions he is usually a potterer. But there are instances enough of the contrary fact to make men still strive to do their best even until death calls them, for who ever knowB himself, his actual powers and capabilities? A change of cir" cumstanccs may change everything connected with him. If Mr. Jay Gould weie to lose his foitune sud denly il is to be doubted whether ho couhl ever reach a million again, though he is still quite far ftom old. Mr. Tilden made his largo fortune after he was o0 years old. His first fortune was wrecked about 18G0. Ex-Senator Henry A. Foster bays that in the fifteen years after lie left the Supreme Court bench at 70 he made more money at his pro fession than in any other like period of liia life. That is a good record from 70 to 8.r. But how many out of a million can show such a record? Nevertheless, it seems to be a uile of nature that if n man gets up to 70 years in pretty good shape ho is likely to have ten or fifteen years of life in whicli he can do much for himself and his fellow-men. Troy Press. ---.--. . ... BUSINESS ITEMS. CHARLIE! Theic'a no uso talking, thu New C.mily Factory makes delicious Chocolate Creams I 08 lw TOB PRINTING ol all kimlB exc- M ciiipil Hh tlie Daily But.i.Knx Olllot" SAY, JENNY I When sogoiiovrii town we'll call at tho Elite anil get an exquisite Ice Cream Drink I !18 tw TAHITI LEMONADE STEAM i- WORKS. Capacity 1,000 liozen per day. Now .Machinery, New Bottles In addition to our patent Crystal Valve Bottles, we are now prepared lo supply War Ships and Voxels having forotliu'r countries, with Soda Water, tt2., put up in fork Bottler without extin charge for bottle". J. E. Blown & Co , Depot CS Merchant stn et. 01 1 w THE DAILY BULLETIN-The 1 mnsi popular pnrcr nuhliihed. nHAS. J. FISHEL has iccehed J ex Australia the latest style of Kullcs uuliimmcd hats, also a line Hue of children's leghorn hats In diffeient shapes. Call and tec them. b7 lw T ET SOME Genuine Ohlfaihioned VJT liutterscotch Candy, at the new Candy Factory! "Yum! Yum!" SI THE ONLY PAPER mid by all X ctahbes "Tho Dully Bulletin." 60 cents per mouth OYAN'S BOAT BTJILDINa JLL SHOP. Bear of Lucas' Mill. rpHEDAILY BULLETIN is a lhe X evening papei Cueenl-per moiitli. FRESH, HOME-MADE WAL nut ( lc.iuis leilucrd to !10 cents per whole pound, ut the Pioneer Steam Candy Factory and L'aeiy, Hotel, be tween Nttuamt and Fori Mi eels. 71 THE BEST PAPER to Mib.rrlh JL lor I the "Daily Bulletin." 03 cents per month. T7RESH, HOME-MADE CHO JO colato anil Cocoanut Caramels re duced to 30 cents per whole pound, at the Pioneer Steam Candy Factory and Bakeiy, Hotel, between Nuuanu and Fort streets. 71 rPHE OLDEST DAILY hi the X Kingdom "Iho Daily Bulletin." CO cents per month. I?INEST BRANDS OF CALI JL forma Pent, Matleiia and Malaga, for sale in keg and cases by QONSALVKs & CO., flt Queen street. THE ONLY 1 PER In Dally Itullelin." READABLE PA the Kingdom "Teh 0 cents per mouth PURE, FRESH, HOME-MADE ami Vanilla Chocolate Ci eams(de llclous) i educed to 110 cents per whole pound, at tho Piom:i:u Stkam Candy FiOTOiiv And Hakiiiiv, llorr.i,, ni: nvKKN Nuuanu and Foist stuhuts. 71 CLEAN RAGS ann second hand clothing will bo gratefully receiv ed for the uso of the inmutci of the Brunch Hospital for Lepers at Kuknako, or at Iho Leper Hittlraent on Molokai, if left with J. T. Waterhousc, jr., at the Quern Sirepl S'oro, tifcf tf MISS. 1 T1IIELE, On Berctania sticet near 1'likoi, (Formerly MoGulro'a Houec,) Kindergarten & Elementary, Dally & Boarding School. Albo, French and German taught, ur.d MusJc Lemons given. A tiife convpynncu will call for and re turn children living at a distance. 72 Mulual Telephone No. nOl. am NOTICE. THE undersigned having been ap. poiuUd Atriguce of the Kstate of It, W. LuIiip, liaukrupt, requests all persons who have claims against thu estate of said It, V. I.alnc, secured or othurwlso, to present tho same duly sworn to, and nil persons Indebted to said Eitato uru I equated to make imme. diato piyuieut to A. J. OAUrWHlUtlT. Aesimice of the ljsiatu of It. V. Lalue, bankrupt. Honolulu March 19th, 1668t 04 tf.w; KE3 rata ra pari Ki 63 & 65 FORT STREET. -o- JUST RECEIVED A OF LINEN LAWNS EN -: A,S4 111 Liuon ml Eirolfl Swisses, -Black MM 81 at Law Prices. NEW !AIL'01tTAT10X -iiox Eilirfli(leiiBS anH q & 58 OHAELES KBWG -0- IIAS JUST Dupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, Kegs Beef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon, Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Gerraca, MuckiiiN & Franca American Feed Co.'h Atwort'd $oupr, Uidgcs Food, Imperial Granuni, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food, Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & Cream Ci ackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes, Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas. Pop Com, Garden Seeds, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc. And a General Assor't of Staplo & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Timos. fiS5 Leave your orders, or ring up 111), -a Notice to the Public of the; H 19 M f RB Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the above arti cle are respecttuiiy requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can dy Factory and Bakery, established 18(5:3, before going to any other house, as my establishment is POSITIVELY tho oniv establishnipiit in Honolulu notwithstanding all the lidiculous, empty and pompons newspaper blow ing and puffing, where a cake can be piocured to give the greatest satis faction to the most refined tastes, and to be an ornament of exquisite woikmanship on your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut, but be a credit to the line nrt of the Confectioner, which lias not only for twenty-live years but still bids competition defiance to this day. All at tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine and not worth the price you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a good workman's productions are always cheaper than a halfmade one's are. Having had over half a century's practical experience the undersigned is enabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest styles of ait. 3B JEiOIfclV, The only Practical Confectioner in all branches ; Proprietor Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel bc- tweun Fort and Nuuanu mf ONLY PORE 8 Mado of the celebrated CREAM of the Woodlawn Dairy, sold at the great reduced prico of S2.00! S2.00! S2.00! S2.00! S2.00! PER GALLON-HONEST MEASURE AT THE "HONOLULU STEAM CANDY FACTOKY CAKE, AND BltEAD BAKERY," DErJ?J35 iJiSu: JEJO 1863. SsfAs some evil disposed persona who are openly iii uj me intention oi ruining- my business and vi luJKiuyuur my UUU-Ufc aim lUJU (JUKI AM T J?1U0 to any person who will ICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaper than nnywhci'o else. l anywl j !?T. .?4?S? '. .? . ?$. '. REPRESENTATIONS -5 j 1, HORN, Practical Courcctioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter Both Telephuuos ro, 7i. UoteljSt. bet. Nuuanu & Fort St 702m IiAltGE tXVOfCE NEW DESIGNS ! :- Torciioi Laces i EBULICH, 83 & 65 Fort street. Opposite Irwin & Co. EUSTACE, STREET. 11EOEIYED Streets, Honolulti, II. I. 97 boast- llnnously will forfeit Drove hv nnnlvcio fi,,.i. ,! "W Jtifei :vt.